Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has stated that all officers employed in the public sector for a certain number of years of service can expect to be permanently appointed.
At a recent press briefing, Skerrit asserted that there are too many public officers in the public service not being appointed and it is one of the fundamental issues that need to be addressed.“I do not think that it is fair to any person [irrespective] of who the person is, to be in the service for ten years and every six months you are receiving a letter from the public service commission.”
He expressed the view that after two years, it is clear that an officer is needed and, if necessary, a position should be created for that individual.”So we have started the process of looking at all of these departments and units to identify persons who are languishing in the service for a very long time and have not been appointed permanently, for us to do what is required…”
The Prime Minister highlighted two issues that prevent officers from being appointed.
“Public officers may get their Green Cards or other situations and they want to test how the US is, so they ask for no-pay leave, and [sometimes] those no-pay leave is one year, two years, three years. So if you are established in a position, and you are out on leave with no pay, everybody now will be acting in their position. Another issue is people who are seconded for a very long time.”
Meantime the Prime Minister said, “ The government will be bringing in place through the legislation clear regulations to manage and address these issues. We are not going to eliminate leave with no pay, neither are we going to eliminate people being seconded. There has to be a limit because while you are benefitting, others are also suffering and everyone should benefit in the process.”
“There are challenges that have been created by the system and how the system operates which in turn affect public officers who are acting for very long periods and substantive periods. I do not think the drafters of the Public Service Act and of the Constitution wanted to have people acting so long,” the Prime Minister added.
Roosevelt is a total embarrassment, to himself, his children, his dumb wife!
Here is how stupid that man rely is: “The Prime Minister highlighted two issues that prevent officers from being appointed!”
“Public officers may get their Green Cards or other situations and they want to test how the US is, so they ask for no-pay leave, and [sometimes] those no-pay leave is one year, two years, three years.”
That fool forget; to obtain a Green Card to enter and reside in the United States, is a process that can take years, and sometimes the applicant is denied entry.
It’s not as if one can simply say am going to get a green a card and run to America, to see there. A relative must file for someone, and that filing must be done by an immediate relative such as a brother, sister, mother or father.
Any one from any place on the planet who applies for a Green Card to live in America, means they are moving here to live permanently; until after five years they can apply for citizenship!
To finally understand my previous comment I need to add, when a green card is issued, it is not to facilitate travel as a tourist between countries. It enables one to become a permanent resident of the United States!
There are plenty people even Dominicans, who green card was withdrawn, because they believed they could use it to travel in and out of the United States at random!
So, Roosevelt stupid idea is simple rubbish!
Even Non-establishment workers are entitled to become permanent.
Anytime, someone enters the civil service via the public service commission, after the probation or the rules in the constitution dictates, the person must be appointed.
So, Roosevelt needs to take take the crap he’s throwing in peoples and shove it some place where the sun doesn’t shine!
Talking crap about green card:
Someone should ask that idiot how he relates the green card bill to Canada England, and the rest of Europe?
There’s no reason for the dangling carrots in the face of civil…
This is what should happen to a certain politician thief in Dominica, with more property than his salary can afford!
Updated April 11, 2024 at 7:27 AM
Ho Chi Minh City — A top Vietnamese property tycoon was sentenced to death on Thursday in one of the biggest corruption cases in history, with an estimated $27 billion in damages. A panel of three hand-picked jurors and two judges rejected all defense arguments by Truong My Lan, the chair of major developer Van Thinh Phat, who was found guilty of swindling cash from Saigon Commercial Bank (SCB) for a decade.
“The defendant’s actions… eroded people’s trust in the leadership of the (Communist) Party and state,” read the verdict at the trial in southern business hub Ho Chi Minh City.
Note: if we hang the thief, and confiscate the stolen apartments and houses; corruption will end in the country, and the poverty in which he caused or people to live will disrepair!
Mista gonna call election soon watch out!!!
ALlyou Doh take Mista Bait yeh!!!
Soh long Mista suppose to do dat now he doing it what about those people dat deserve a pension now???
Doh lie pardner you had all dem people dere on NEP program too and it was for naught dat dey were working so once dey get US visa you cannot blame dem for going and check their scene!!!
Garcan you cannot just give dem people permanent position you have to make dem people whole for Soh long dem people working!!!
What about retroactive pay for all that them years of service you have to come up wiff a pension scheme for dem people garcan!!!
Once again allyou doh take mista offer like it’s the best ting since forming Labor unions in Dominica Mista need to do better dan dat and even den doh give mista noffing for doing what he suppose to do under General Principle,,,
Garcan you have to END dat NEP program and bring back those municipal entities like Public Works !!!
Stop Contracting…
This is either being willfully stupid or willfully contemptuous of the Dominican people. If everything this JA said was from an honest man you would have to sk why then are you leading this country? Were you not the one who changed the IPO in gov? Did you not change land transfer fee? did you not change fee on luxury boats? Why then could you not amend the Act so it solves a serious problem. The thing is this evil morally bankrupt thief in gov for himself and to abuse people. Dominicans like misery. All you elect people to manage yall affairs, they treat you like trash, elevate others over you, keep u in despair yet all you sit afraid to stone the SOB like he is king and boss. Even kings get thier head cut off sometimes and Jesus got crucified. Yet you guys let this con mess your future and that of your children and sit quiet. Today the devil pronounced he can correct sin.
“Govt’ will maintain its commitment to permanently appoint public officers but department heads must recommend, says Public Service Minister
Dominica News Online – Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 at 4:23 PM”
The above was the headline of a News story on this Medium in 2022. What happened to the Public Service Minister? It seems like keeping people in acting positions is one strategy for controlling them. And horror stories abound, to be sure!
Why do you do this to yourself ? This posture about appointements is lame, limp and stinks. Why not be the boldest, fully armoured warrior for Dominicans ? Your posture, straight out Dante Alighieri, must surely take us for dunderheads, with dunce caps to confirm your retarded state. You have now reingineered yourself into the saddest, most pitied of caricatures. Your role and mission are that of a suicide bomber. On an unsuccessful day, a victim, still in the loss column, as in dead, deaf and done.
There you go again insulting my intelligence !! Green card and secondment. So Sir, all the public officers not permanently appointed are Green card holders and/or on secondment ??!! Bro, stop this lieing, it makes you look BAD. REALLY BAD.
Truth is this has occured under your 22 years watch
election coming again eh doh me him foold allu he start early
Isn’t there a law that states after working in the public service for either six (6) consecutive months or one year that person should be appointed?
This opportunistic LIAR (Roosevelt) is a nemesis of civil and public servants. In fact, throughout his tenure, he has engaged in the predatory manipulation to of the working class. Starvation wages and salaries, denial of promotions and appointments, unfair and unlawful dismissals, blatant victimization have been the lot of workers in the public sector.
This con artist promises the people honey and gives them vinegar. To believe him or take comfort in his promises, is subjecting your heart to serious trauma. Only believe this notorious manipulator when the deal is delivered.
Remember this my people: A LIAR begins by making falsehoods appear like truth and truth itself appearing like falsehood.
Even Roosevelt himself is shocked when people believe him.
You should blame the people under your watch for causing this problem. but about our increments and in increase in salaries like you got your BIG JUNK YOU AND THE REST.