Antigua’s Airport Authority CEO resigns amid dispute with PM Browne

Euletta Francis

The CEO of Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority (ABAA), Euletta Francis, has resigned. The primary reason for her resignation is disputes with Prime Minister Gaston Browne. Francis cited two verbal clashes with Prime Minister Browne as the underlying cause of her decision.

One of these incidents took place on November 9, when Browne allegedly criticized her in front of Osmond Lake of Sunrise Airways, “for telling Mr Lake that in two weeks he and I can enter further discussion about a business opportunity for the airport.”

In her resignation letter, Francis explained, “The PM wanted to know why two weeks and not two days. I attempted to explain that yes I did tell Mr Lake we could speak in two weeks and shared the reason being that I was in the final stages of a USD$100 million loan deal for the airport and that was my focus for this week and next.”

Francis described the prime minister’s response as “shocking and most egregious” and the day as “one of the most embarrassing, demoralizing, and demotivating experiences” of her career.

The next day, according to Francis, she received a call from the PM during which he allegedly rebutted every statement she made and accused her of raising her voice, shouting “girl go home, I’m fed up of you, you are an obstructionist.”

Furthermore, Francis claimed that on November 11, the PM went on his radio show, launching “a tirade of half-truths and untruths in an unbridled attempt to assassinate my personal character and professional reputation as well as to bully and intimidate me as a public servant.”

Francis had been a public servant with the authority for 11 years and had served as the CEO of the ABAA for four years.

Her resignation follows the departure of Esworth Martin, the General Manager of Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA), who Cabinet requested take pre-retirement leave immediately, as part of the Cabinet’s commitment to maintaining high standards for APUA managers, reflecting those expected of elected officials.

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  1. Ibo France
    November 17, 2023

    What I post comes directly from the heart. If people agree – Good. If they disagree – Good also, that’s their right.

    I accept constructive criticism every time. Nonsense from you and people of your ilk is like water running off a duck’s back.

    I like constructive criticism from smart people. I laugh or ignore when it comes from noisy, empty vessels like you.

  2. JAH KAL
    November 16, 2023

    That’s a real woman, not like those we have in dominica .
    None of then cannot put skerrit in his place ,they will take all his BS, abuse them verbally then run in a room and hide and say what they have to say ,then skerrit will come into the room and promise then somthing and they will forget what happen, that’s the kind of women he have in his gang, they cannot say nothing in public.

  3. Enticing
    November 15, 2023

    90% of labor ministers and other labor employees are not blinded to the corruption their leader in enveloped in. But as their leader they don’t care. They are indeed happy to be beneficiaries of the looting. Hungry hyenas.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  4. November 15, 2023


  5. Sharon Lycorish
    November 15, 2023

    it is unfortunate that Ms. Francis resigned. From all intents and purposes she is capable and competent. Prime Minister Browne is the Head of Government and has the ultimate responsibility for the Government. if there is a disagreement and no agreement is possible she did the ethical thing to resign her position. For the good of us all hopefully another capable competent Antiguan/Barbudan will fill that position and deliver results.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  6. Lin clown
    November 15, 2023

    You are damn right,that is why the blue party(your party) was kicked out of power after only 4 1/2 years.Corruption,victimization,greed,liars and thieves.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 28
    • Ibo France
      November 15, 2023

      Nobody sides with you. You are a lone werewolf in a wilderness of witlessness and absurdity.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
      • Putin
        November 16, 2023

        Why are you so obsessed about likes and who sides with whom and who is a loner, etc etc? Are you so lonely and unhappy in your life that you run to DNO’s blog to win likes (thumb up) and favorable comments? Do you know that as I type this now I can just turn around and give you ten thumbs down … just like dat? You really are in a sad mental state if your source of self-validation is social media and an online blog with ah whole set of unknowns behind multiple monikers!

    • If we knew better
      November 15, 2023

      Why was PJ sent to jail for a large portion of his life? Why was DLP never ever voted for half of mine? same reasons. No better. While PJ wanted to sell the country in whole, it seems Skerrit revise the vision and selling it in pieces right under our noses. Meanwhile all social services are left wanting. See the state of the police station, fire station. Recently i hear school bus drivers from the east strike because government cannot pay. NEP is still active which in itself is a strain on the treasury and a clear indication that the economy is almost dead. When employers CANNOT afford to pay workers even if business still operating. CBI causing us to lose preferential treatment to entering the UK and Europe, DOMLEC STILL load shedding and generator have to be borrowed from hospital. As if hospital doesnt need its generator to perform surgerys in the event of loss of power. But no…. uwp that is your concern. you sir, should stfu and ask God and Dominica for forgiveness.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1
  7. Tt
    November 15, 2023

    the pm has his agenda. you’re getting in his way. you’re better off far from it. this story Is so common especially in the developing countries. politicians, after winning their respective popularity contests. think they’re all powerful, all knowing. you guys are crooks. easily corruptible because you’re easily impressed. what’s in it for me?? nothing! your job is to focus on the island, the people not your own ends

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 1
  8. Jonathan Y St Jean
    November 14, 2023

    This playbook of authoritarianism is also present with the “I’m-the-people” guy in Dominica. According to information sources he ridicules staff in the presence of others, shouts at them and behaves like a drunken kawant. Brown and that guy in Dominica are pals so I’m not surprised.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 3
  9. Ibo France
    November 14, 2023

    There is a need for more civil servants like this forthright, fearless lady. She shows that she has a spine, she is no caterpillar (worm).

    Look at the economic state of most countries in CARICOM. Their economies are mostly afflicted by joblessness, huge national debt, low productivity, unlivable wages and salaries. Corruption in government is primarily responsible. Senior civil servants, who could make a difference, have remained reticent and allowed corrupt elected officials to run rough shod over them. They are more concerned with retaining their job by going along.

    We need many Euletta Francis in the civil service especially ino Dominica. Corruption might not cease but will certainly decrease. These prime ministers are not gods as many citizens think, they are just your servants. Their overly inflated egos need to be deflated.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 3
  10. If we knew better
    November 14, 2023

    Liars and thieves. Corruption in high and low places. SOme ask me how come i dont want to be a politician. I usually say because ive done enough harm to others in my life already and my purpose now is to be of service to others.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 3

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