Attorney Levi Peter: Election Day, PM’s call

Attorney Levi Peter

Attorney General Levi Peter is in full support of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announcing the date for general elections at a date and time of his choice. His statement came during a series of consultations on electoral reform held at the State House Conference Center this week.

During the consultation on Monday with the legal fraternity, Attorney-at-law Gildon Richards said he believes that elections in Dominica should be held at a fixed date and month every five years.

“I believe there should be a fixed date for election at a fixed month every five years,” he said. “I believe that this is one of the most fundamental changes we need to make if we are going to have true control as a people for our election process.”

However, Attorney Peter said he isn’t aware of any Commonwealth country in which this has been changed.

“The issue of the date of elections and the Prime Minister being able to determine that, that is a provision as far as I am aware in all commonwealth countries,” he said. “I am not aware of any country that it has been changed in, it may have been, but the starting point would have been, as it is in the UK where our legislation originated from, that whichever Prime Minister who is in office at the time determines the date of the elections.”

Attorney Peter continued, “That is what happens throughout the system, so it’s a bit of cherry-picking to want to accept some things that are in other jurisdictions, but not others, those we do not like.”

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  1. LifeandDeath
    August 22, 2023

    What more proof we need to determine that some black folks were damaged by slavery so much that they can’t wake up to think on their own.
    Has it been determined that all commonwealth countries use the same currency? Or have 140% tax on imports of motor vehicles?
    What a wreck of a mindset for a man who has the ears of a Prime Minister.

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  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 21, 2023

    ” Levi Peter is in full support of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit announcing the date for general elections at a date and time of his choice. ”
    Levi, you have long capitulated, in my opinion, you are not even a man! Roosevelt has for a long time manipulated you like the child you are! You are like a little boy with absolutely no alternative than to agree with that master thi.., that corrupted crook!

    I think there is something in the constitution which dictates the dates of an election after the five years of the dully elected.

    Levi you are a puppet, what you are doing at the moment is setting up Roosevelt ideas as a dictator. If you contend he can call election at the time he chose, you are insinuating that when the five years is served, Roosevelt can remain in office ignore the people wish, and the constitution:

    Wouldn’t you say Roosevelt is a dictator, and you that dumb so called attorney general install a dictator in office?

    “Boy Levi,” you are a sick puppy!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
    • Shame
      August 22, 2023

      He Levi, is not no “sick puppy”. Levi is just a wicked soul. Wherever Roosevelt goes after this life, Levi will also be there. Birds of a feather. What a darn shame! No one has any spine of integrity anymore. Money, and the love and cravings of it has taken hold of the souls of men and women in this dirty labor party.

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  3. RastarMarn
    August 21, 2023

    But Levi you saying about you doh know about a commonwealth country where laws have been changed for the benefit of a proper electoral process,,,

    But Dominica not Independent nuh??? So what happen on Dominica is what happen dere cause Dominica is INDEPENDENT!!!

    So if the Legislature, the Judiciary, and the Executive, Branches Decide they want to change Laws of Dominica to accommodate an electoral process ON DOMINICA, dey cannot do it den!!!

    Doh came talking your foolishniss and make the electoral process you have to for the betterment of your fellow Man and Woman garcan!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 2
  4. Shaka Zulu
    August 21, 2023

    Levi Peter’s is no different than a glorified chamber maid. He sits around enjoying the stench that comes from the insides of a despicable human called Roosevelt Skerrit. Men whose position they attained through competition on who can whipe behind the best and who can sell thier souls and body for status the cheapest. Self serving scoundrels.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 3
    • Putin
      August 21, 2023

      Wow! 8-O
      You seem to need therapy. That anger and bitterness will toofay you.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 28
      • Shaka Zulu
        August 21, 2023

        You seem to enjoy the stench also. You and Levi must be fighting on who’s turn to throw out skerrit pot chamber.
        What can I say. Some people love thier abuse.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 3
  5. If we knew better
    August 21, 2023

    * I correct myself – He said it would NOT be legalized…

  6. Diablotin
    August 21, 2023

    Nation states go to war over land. And so it has always been. In DA you better be prepared to defend what’s yours by any means necessary otherwise some greedy vermin try take it and those lazy Roseau lawyers rinse out your bank account!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 2
    • Johny
      August 21, 2023

      So true that! Respect!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1
  7. If we knew better
    August 21, 2023

    Peter is the guy who will go along with anything and everything Skerrit says. Why? Because if not for Skerrit, Peter’s lifestyle here would not be as possible. Yes Mr. Peter ive heard about you and those parties. Anyway, I remember when cannabis was a subject and you had said it would be legalized or decriminalized in any forseeable future, but that was when Skerrit was trying to hide the fact that consultations had taken place regionally. If not for Lennox Linton informing the nation we would still be listening to you Mr. Peter. Few years later it was, deciminalized. So in short, You DO NOT OPERATE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE STATE, but only in the best interest of Skerrit and your pocket. Always saw you as slimey guy, one who can be bought and manipulated. Maybe im completely wrong but so far your nose has been completely brown.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 3
  8. Vargos
    August 21, 2023

    Of course it’s his call! But it shouldn’t be his call. Remember the snap election. That was his call too. Was it legitimate? Never ever forget the utterings of this Horrible Prime Minister: no law and now constitution. If you was a proper AG you would have done something about it. After all that’s your job. But you haven’t got the testicular fortitude! Corruption reigns large in Dominica.

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  9. Zandoli
    August 21, 2023

    What about leveling the playing field so that all parties have a fair shot at preparing for future elections?
    Slavery was once in norm, does that mean it should not have been abolished?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 2
    • Putin
      August 21, 2023

      Well, in what way is the current field not level? You cannot dismiss the electoral system as unfair simply because the UWPWee has failed to make the use of the opportunities afforded to it. If it is broke, do not fault the system; look instead to its leaders. If it cannot develop a sensible development plan and persuade the majority of Dominicans to vote for it, do not fault the system. Oh, by the way, is the playing field level or not in the constituencies where the UWPWee won?

      You guys keep repeating the foolishness that the UWPwee feeds you all. Think!

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  10. Ibo France
    August 21, 2023

    That photo of Levi Peter is most appropriate for his statement of confidence in the most notorious LIAR, Star Boy of Stupidity. Look at him with his head bowed to the ground. He knows that his statement is patently false so he cannot say it with a straight face.

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  11. Jonathan Y St Jean
    August 21, 2023

    AG Peter’s should be ashamed of himself for seeking to focus on one person’s suggestion for having a fixed date for elections but won’t do his job of enforcing the existing laws enshrined in the constitution. The 5 year residency law is being Violated every election for the past 20 years by his party, Labor party, when it pays airfares for Dominicans who have been out of the country for over five years to vote for who paid their airfare and gave them spending money. There also is a law against Treating and bribery but the AG argues for turning a blind eye to this crime instead of doing his damn job. Is Levy the AG of Dominica or is he the AG of the Labor party? Go figure.

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  12. Batibou
    August 21, 2023

    Peter, even if you are not aware of any Commonwealth country in which this has been changed what are you telling us? Dominica should be the first just for once! Having said that, I didn’t expect any different from you because you are singing for your super on a daily basis. Furthermore, it’s not the governments business to get involved in electoral reform. Keep your nose out!

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  13. Bwa-Banday
    August 20, 2023

    Just the sight of this guy infuriates me :twisted: . I feel like vomiting….

    A man who took the oath to be the Attorney General, the people’s lawyer, turned and became the personal lawyer of the Starboy Of Stupidity and Molley De Boowick. But, god is good because when the Starboy Of Sortness is kicked out of office and taken to Stock Farm, he Levi and many others will be right in tow. :twisted: :twisted: You see the Little Willy man already ducking Dominica like a plague? But we will still get him extradited to face justice.

    How long? Not long!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 2
  14. Sikiye
    August 20, 2023

    Unless I am wrong, but our constitution stipulates election is every 5 years. As the Attorney General of the Country, you took an oath to defend the laws of Dominica.
    Not be a rubber stamp for the Prime Minister, and his cabinet of stupidities. We as a people need to hold our leaders to account. they steal from thr c

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  15. Ibo France
    August 20, 2023

    Only a nincompoop can trust a man who sold three national birds and lied that they were taken to Germany for emergency medical attention. He reassured the country that they would be returned to Dominica after fully recuperating. Six years and counting and they are yet to be returned to their indigenous habitat.

    Can you have confidence in such a monumental LIAR as to trust him with the responsibility of doing the right thing in terms of electoral reform? Hell No!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 2
  16. August 20, 2023

    You have my undivided support on this one. All Prime Ministers and Presidents around the world call for General Elections on the day and time of their choice. What makes Dominica any different from the others. These inept guys just keep playing politics everyday on this medium. Now you have Irving Andre who lives and works in Canada for over 5 years and tells the Prime Minister that folks who have been residing out of Dominica for over 5 years should not be eligible to vote in General Elections in Dominica, yet he resides in Canada for over 5 years and he is interfering in the internal affairs of Dominica and wants the Prime Minister to do as he says. Isn’t that man audacious and bold?

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    • Jonathan Y St Jean
      August 21, 2023

      @ds, please re-read what you submitted. In the USA the President doesn’t choose the date nor the day for elections, yet you are saying “all” Prime Ministers and Presidents around the world choose the day and date of the choices for holding elections. Please discontinue the drug you are using because that’s a damn lie.
      Considering how Skerritt likes to boast that Dominica is the first resilient country in the world, why can’t he consider making it one of the few to have a set date and day for elections? There isn’t anything to slide under the table when talking about being the first resilient country. I get it.

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  17. Ibo France
    August 20, 2023

    “Attorney General Levi Peters is in full support of Roosevelt Skerrit…….” Is this news? The man sings like a domesticated canary bird for Roosevelt. When Roosevelt says “Jump!” Levi Peters asks, “How high sir?”

    Roosevelt struts around with the election date in his back pocket as if it’s a wallet. He pulls it out at any time to get an unfair advantage. A set election date will not give leverage to any political party.

    Levi Peters has become just as crooked, deceitful and disingenuous like Roosevelt by osmosis. They lie in the same bed.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
  18. Smh
    August 20, 2023

    More foolish talk. At a time when nations are either dropping the British monarch as head of state or talking about that move, the AG is still trying to maintain ties to an antiquated system and focuses on Commonwealth? Dominica was one of the first former British colonies in the Caribbean to become a republic when it gained independence. Was there talk abojt Commonwealth then? We have even renamed PMH and no longer have Queen Mary Street but Independence Street, further indicating our progressive movement away from the British crown. So who’s cherrypicking? It’s clear the AG needs a history lesson. Also, why is there a need to always be a follower? When will we as a nation set the standard for the others? Do we always have to wait for others to make changes first and then follow? Why can’t we be the experiment others can learn from? Why not make a change and if it doesn’t work adjust thereafter? We cannot afford to always be led.

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  19. Truth be told
    August 20, 2023

    Ref Attorney Peters,A fixed act was introduced in the uk by David Cameron in 2011
    It was repealed in 2022 by an incoming government.
    So mr Peters check your facts and correct your statement.

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  20. Truth be known
    August 20, 2023

    A fixed term parliament was introduced by PM David Cameron in the UK in 2013?
    Not sure of the exact date.
    However it was again reverted by an incoming PM for his own comfort in another parliament.
    So Attorney Peters should check his facts and correct his statement.

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    • Lawyer
      August 22, 2023

      Peter used to practise law in the UK but not for long. He just didn’t have what it took. So he returned to Dominica where even rejects like him can make it big as long as they sell their soul to the CM. Look at him now!

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      • August 22, 2023

        Did you sell your soul to Rishi Sunak? I hope not. How about King Charles and ugly Camilla? Welcome back after a long hiatus.

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        • Lawyer
          August 23, 2023

          Didn’t have to D ip S tick! Didn’t even have to clean latrines on the way. You mustn’t measure other people by your standards. Not all of us have to ask for gifts.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 1
  21. Toy Box
    August 20, 2023

    What do we expect to hear from these bought and paid for receipts? These are men with no backbones, know conscience and really men that have lost all their male faculties. So who is surprised at these people? Some foreign group once described these types of people as men playing with toys for the first time

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