Botham Jean’s neighbour and key witness in Guyger trial murdered

Joshua Brown while giving his emotional testimony at trial

Ten days after he testified as a key witness in the murder trial of Botham Jeaan , Joshua Brown who was also Botham Jean’s neighbour, was gunned down outside his apartment complex, according to a CNN report.

Brown lived across the hall from Botham Jean at Dallas’ South Side Flats apartments last year when officer Amber Guyger walked into Jean’s apartment and killed him. Brown testified that he heard Guyger crying into a phone explaining what had happened had been a mistake.

Brown also testified that he had heard the voices of two people who had sounded like they were meeting by “surprise”.

This entire trial and the circumstances surrounding it have been no stranger to controversy and bizarre, unexpected twists. This latest tragic incident has happened on the heels of a controversial hug that Botham Jean’s younger brother, Brandt Jean, had given Amber Guyger after she had been sentenced to 10 years in prison for the murder of his brother, Botham.

Brandt Jean, younger brother to Botham Jean, hugs ex-cop Amber Guyger, his brother’s killer, after she was sentenced to 10 years in prison

Brandt Jean gave Guyger a hug after giving his victim impact statement stating that he loved Guyger as a person and wanted the best for her which is to give her life to Christ because it is also what Botham would have wanted. He also said that he did not even want her to go to prison.

In contrast, according to CNN, Lee Merritt, the Jean family attorney, stated that Brown lived in constant fear of gun violence, and that’s why he was emotional on the witness stand during the trial.

Merritt went on to say that Brown’s death “underscores the reality of the black experience in America,”

“Brown lived in constant fear that he could be the next victim of gun violence, either state-sanctioned or otherwise.”

Authorities have not been able to determine if the shooting of Brown was in any way related to Brown’s testimony at trial.

Read Original CNN Story

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  1. October 8, 2019

    “It was either retribution for testifying…”

    That, it was. I guess it does not that Jean is dead. The mere fact that-the neighbor testified was enough to end his life. Random shooting? No! Somebody, some police, perhaps Amber’s family, had something to do with his death.

    In this country, sometimes you have to see and not see. That is how the cookie crumbles; they will not find his killer. It was planned. Rest Easy, young fella.

  2. Hmmm
    October 7, 2019

    “Authorities have not been able to determine if the shooting of Brown was in any way related to Brown’s testimony at trial.”
    Of course the two are related somehow! Duh!
    Black man dies, his neighbour (another black man) testifies, ten days later he’s dead too 8-O
    It was either retribution for testifying or that neighbourhood is one the worst for black men and all black men living there should move out immediately.

    • zandoli
      October 7, 2019

      You forgot the part where it says he was shot before? This guy seemed to have moved in the wrong circles in the past. He might have tried to turn his life around, but sometimes the people you messed with don’t care that you are no longer living the life you did. They just want you dead.

      Unfortunately black men’s lives have little value to some people, especially to other black men. We scream and holler when a cop kills a black man, but statistically a black man is many times more likely to be killed by another black man and we say nothing.

    • zandoli
      October 8, 2019

      Update on Johsua Brown’s murder, per CNN:

      A conversation between Brown and Thaddeus Green, 22, escalated into a physical altercation in which Brown allegedly shot and wounded Jacquerious Mitchell, 20, according to Moore. Green then shot Brown twice, police said. Green took a backpack from Brown as well as the gun used to wound Mitchell.
      After receiving tips, police obtained a search warrant and recovered 12 pounds of marijuana, 143 grams of THC cartridges, and $4,000 in cash from Brown’s apartment.

  3. zandoli
    October 7, 2019

    All that happened in what some people claim is the greatest country in the world?

    • IloveDominica
      October 7, 2019

      It really is the worse country in the world. When a country pretends to be fair and equal to all its citizens and its acts totally contrary; that’s where the danger lies. America is a very corrupt country which continue to treat blacks and minority worse than their dogs. Shame…

  4. October 7, 2019

    I hope his family gets justice

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