Calypso New Blood: ‘AbiYah’ – in it to educate not for jump up

Newcomer to the 2020 Calypso Competition, Nicole ‘AbiYah’ Christian-Alfred has revealed that educating the masses is her motivation for participating in this year’s competition.

Despite being a Hebrew Israelite, who does not usually partake in carnival celebrations, Christian-Alfred feels that calypso may serve as a means for meaningful communication with the masses.

“I really do see that calypso is more than we have probably made it to be, more than just a carnival thing. It come from such deep roots, and it deserves to be used as a platform to really express to the population and the people what is really happening among us, what are the social issues happening among us…” she explained, in an exclusive interview with Dominica News Online. “I have a message, and just like our ancestors used calypso to send messages to each other, I am now using it to also send a message to my people.”

She continued, “Now I am solid… I have decided to use this means to really bring the message, and now people are attentive. This is the time that people really want to listen to that genre. I am very solid now in what is truth, what I have absorbed and believe to be truth, and I feel like it is my responsibility to share… Now I am at that point where I am ready to use the platforms that are available to me, being a Dominican, to send out that truth… to the population.”

In her song ‘A Message’, which was written and produced by her husband, Christian-Alfred discusses oppression among minorities.

“Clearly there is oppression around us… I feel our limitations, because after the abolition of slavery we still have colonial laws…” she said. “We, who are considered the minority, we the blacks and the kalinagos, are really the ones who are suffering in society… we don’t have all the money; we don’t have all the assets.”

While Christian-Alfred is a newcomer to the competitive calypso stage, she is a seasoned artiste. She began her musical journey as a child, winning the Artists of Tomorrow contest, in 1998, at eight years old. She was also a finalist in Cable and Wireless’ Star Quest, and was named second runner-up in the 2019 Domfesta Song Contest.

The songstress also released gospel album, ‘Speak to Me’, in 2012.

Detailing her musical background, she stated, “I have been singing in primary school choirs, high school choirs… When I was in the Christian church, I would sing on the worship team, and then I had Gospel Explosion… I would back up a lot of the gospel artistes, and I myself would do solos on the shows.”

Christian-Alfred encouraged other artistes to “enjoy the process” and develop their skills.

In ‘Calypso New Blood’  DNO will be highlighting the 3 new comers to this year’s calypso competition.

Calypso New Blood Bingo

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  1. look joke
    January 28, 2020

    Dominica is a country under years of slavery and then Catholic indoctrination, they worship idols in churches and pray to saints and dead people…..they do not care for the truth and are completely ok with living in ignorance. Your motives are good but i think you are about 1000 years too early with it.

  2. Fair NBalance
    January 25, 2020

    I have been all over the world and in just about every country there are Dominicans. It is hypocritical for Dominicans to be anti immigrant. Haitians will go where the work is, you cannot get a plumber from Wesley to work in the Kalinago territory, even though there is a need for plumbers. It is too far for them to travel. But they will travel hours to work when they go overseas. Every country has a sovereign right to protect and control its’ borders, and determine who comes in and out of the country, but the regulations should not be discriminatory, based on colour, religion, race or national identity. We cannot implement what is akin to Trump’s Muslim ban in Dominica.

    • wise-dom
      January 25, 2020

      Cleary someone didn’t listen to the young woman’s song. lol Dominicans never cease to amaze me..your comment is out of context my friend

  3. January 25, 2020

    I think that the title should read “share” rather than “educate” in that what is education for some is foolishness for others.

    “Now I am at that point where I am ready to use the platforms that are available to me, being a Dominican, to send out that truth…”

    To send the truth? Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate for judgment; through one of His responses to Pilate He said: “For this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth— Pilate asked Him: What is truth?” Unfortunately, he didn’t wait for an answer

    So does any man has the truth in this World if it is not the “truth” of God–none at all

    Young lady, “truth” to you may not sit well with others. You said: “When I was in the Christian Church”. Why did you leave? What “truth” are you going to share with Christians through a song of carnival?

    Carnival is for jump-up & dance, people want a “road-match” not “truth”. You are using the wrong platform.

    • wise-dom
      January 25, 2020

      exactly why she come to educate cause people like you still uninformed after years of reading scripture… all you comfortable in paganism calling it truth and Christianity. I see this woman on a mission sending a message to the remnant of the House of Israel in Dominica

      • January 26, 2020

        “I see this woman on a mission sending a message to the remnant of the House of Israel in Dominica”!!!!!!!!!!

        @Wise-dom: From which Tribe of Israel is that House in Dominica rooted? Does that Tribe know the names of the 12 tribes–the descendants of 12 sons from one father?

        What is the better source of information about the House of Israel if it is not the same source about Christianity. The people you refer to as pagans are known in that information source as Ge

        The Old Testament of the Bible speaks about the House of Israel and the New Testament speaks about Christianity.

        At John 10:16 Jesus speaks about bringing two flocks (of sheep) together to make them one fold and the will have “One Shepherd”

        At Acts 11: 26, apostle Luke wrote: “The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch”

        The “House of Israel” and the “Christians of Antioch” are the two folds Jesus joined as “One” He is the Shepherd. That is the “Truth”

        • wise-dom
          January 27, 2020

          the 2 flocks are the two houses of Israel ..the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel …Israel was split after the death of king Solomon…and if you know bible well you will also know that the gentiles are not actual strangers but the scattered tribes…remember the book of james how it begins…James, a servant of Elohim and of the Messiah Yahawahshi, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. …..that one shepherd in the verse you quoted from Yohan is not jesus who is a pagan deity but Yahawahshi HaMashiach the king and high priest …Melchizedek ..They were called “christians” did they call their self that? Just like your are calling/inferring that i am ignorant ….I was called ignorant but really am I. while we are at it please shed some light on Deut 28 vs 68…i heard Abiyah mentioned it, to me that definitely seems like proof of who we are…the new testament/covenant speaks of nothing that Christianity reflects..cause you all believe law is done…

          • January 28, 2020

            Ignorant or not, when I spoke about “other sheep”, according to Jesus, I referred to the Gentiles, whom Jesus appointed apostle Paul to preach the Word of Salvation to them–the are listed in the New Testament.

            The Book of Acts tells us how Jesus started His church in the New Testament; two-thirds of that teaching is from Paul, who told us that he was prepared to do that job by the Power the Holy Spirit–not by man.

            You should know that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to His disciples 10 days after He was ascended back to the Father. The growth of the Church started on that day, from 3000 to what it is today. “Christianity” is the Church of Jesus Christ.

            The “Melchizedek” High priest of the Old Testament is the same Jesus in the New Testament–the High Priest who took His own blood to Almighty God in the Holiest of Holy room– Jesus’ Word about the other sheep is at John 10:16.

            By the way, I can only speak and understand English!

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  4. Annon
    January 25, 2020

    I wish her good luck.

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