“Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuades me to be a Christian.”
– Acts 26:28
As I sought the Lord for a Word for today, I received the words of Acts 26:28: “…almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”
This devotional today is mainly for non-Christians, but many Christians are also falling in this category. They’re at a point of turning their backs on God, and they’re almost persuaded that the Christian life is not worth living.
God has created within each all us a desire that can only be filled by Him.
Because of sin and human desires, there is always this need for people to be satisfied. People try all sorts of things to try and fill this void. Some try illicit sex, some try drugs, some try money, some try worldly lusts. The truth is, only Jesus can satisfy the longing that’s in our souls. We were made and we were created to serve the Lord.
No matter who you are today and no matter where you are today, Jesus Christ loves you and He died that you might have everlasting life. God is a merciful God, and although you may not have given your heart to the Lord as yet, I know that you can look at many situations in your life and know that it’s just the mercy and grace of God that you’re still alive.
God is merciful. God has been good to you. Reflect today on the goodness of the Lord. If it had not been for the Lord, who is on your side, where would you have been today? You could have died and gone to hell, but God is merciful. He intervened and when the devil was about to destroy you, God stopped him and allowed you to live. You might be alive today because of the prayers of many friends and loved ones. Right now, it may not seem like your life is worth much to you. You may have lost your hopes, dreams, and desire to live. It may not seem like it’s even possible for you to really go on. But there is hope in Jesus Christ. There is new life in Jesus Christ. You can begin to live again.
The Spirit of the Lord has really been ministering to you and you have been thinking about serving the Lord. You have been seriously thinking about turning your life over to the Lord, but then there’s that element of doubt. You say to yourself at times, “What if I cannot remain a Christian? People have already given up on me and said I will never change. What if God feels the same way about me? With a past like mine, how can Jesus possibly change me? I used to be a Christian and I backslid. What are people going to think about me now if I try to come back to God? ”
God wants to really minister to you today and to let you know that there is no better time than now to accept Him into your heart and life. Today is the day of salvation. The mere fact that God has allowed you to be reading this devotional is a sign that the Spirit of the Lord is saying to you that “Today is the day of salvation.”
The thing or person that you might be holding onto that’s preventing you from accepting the Lord is not worth losing your soul. God is able today to deliver you and to set you free from the bondage of sin.
Great Ministry here. Remain in the calling of God
One of the biggest set-back, hindering us from knowing the manifestation of God’s Love in us is because so many of us have failed to understand that Love in us is our state of Life–Spiritual Light in our soul, when we are awakened from our death condition. “In Him there was Life and the Life was the Light of men”.
We have yet to understand that God created us in His Image and Likeness. God’s Image is our physical form and His Likeness is His breathe–Life–the offspring of Love, in us.
“God has said, you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die” Adam and Eve died spiritually, in that God removed His Likeness–Life with the stature, Love–from them, and He sent them out of the Garden of Eden to continue living with His image–our tent, under the control of a carnal mind; and with a dead soul, like a balloon without air.
Then Jesus Christ, the Man who is the offspring of Love, the Son, and the physical Person of God, Eternal Spirit, came telling human beings, accept my claims! I came from the Father, Eternal Spirit. I look like you people, but I am not like you all. My mind is made of Love, which causes me to function with the Ways of God–Love, the attitude and conducts of Life–keeps your soul awakened and your mind enlightened.
Jesus continued to tell us human beings: Believe my words, because my word is Truth, and this Truth will make you free–freeing your minds from all the lies that you are eating from Satan, who wants you all to continue in your death condition as he cause your first parents, Adam and Eve, to bring you into this world.
Jesus continues to say don’t work for food that spoils, work for food that stays good always and gives Life–my Flesh and Blood is that food. Eat my Body and drink my Blood and you will have Life in you. This can only happen by faith.
But we, people, will not try to put our faith to work. We have chosen to live according to the feelings in our body; according to the things we can see, hear, smell, and taste. We cannot feel and smell Jesus’ body, we cannot see and taste His blood and we cannot hear His voice.
But all of this can happen when we beging to maintain an intimate relationship with Him, starting with our reading and study of His Word–the Holy Bible. Those of us who have one, probably only open it on a Sunday–if we go church. For the majority of us, God’s Words–the Bread of Life by faith in His Person of Love, Jesus Christ–sit on a shelf, picking up dust, as we continue to wait for another human being to persuade us. Ellah! Eppie por nous!
I felt like this was written just for me. I am trying my best in getting to know God. I want to be saved and to live everyday of my life serving him
Our God is a God with a perfect love for us, his love is unconditional and no one can and will ever love us like our God does. He is mighty to save and there is no condemnation when we come to the Lord. He rights out our sins and we are counted righteous in his eyes.
This is the reason he sent his only begotten son to take our place on that cross, because of his perfect love for us, his son was separated from him so that we while yet sinners would be reconciled onto him….”Oh what a great love.”
I encorauge my fellow brothers and sisters who have not yet come unto Christ, please now is the time. Jesus is waiting to welcome you into the Kingdom. God bless you all.
Is thatr truth or traditoin? I can’t say amen to that, becuse it contradicts the words of the most high
Just saying
I agree with you to a certain sense. As Christians we need to know the Truth from God’s Holy Spirit, that we might speak after Him.
But too many of us are repeating things we hear, without understanding it, because we claim to believe in Jesus Christ.
Choosing to believe Jesus Christ is the first step; the next step is allowing our faith to convince us of His Truths, accepting and conceiving this Truth, that we might give birth to Life in our soul. Jesus told Nicodemus, you must be born again!
And a person has not yet experienced the new birth–the birth of Love–which quickens the dead soul, Life cannot begin to take it form in him/her. And if Life is not taking its form, the mind continues to function in its carnal mode. He/she continues with no knowlege of God’s Ways, Life in Spirit and Truth. “And this is Eternal Life, that they know You, the One True God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent: says Jesus Christ, Himself”.
The Life of Love is nothing about knowing the Golden Rule of Religion–those are the writings of men. We must allow God, Himself, to write His Words on our Hearts, and to put them in our minds–that we might know Him. That is His promise to us, as human beings,