Many have entered the year 2011 with heavy hearts, burdened and troubled about many things.
On the outside they seem happy but it is just a sham. On the inside they are torn apart and troubled feeling lost, alone and forsaken.
For some its marital issues, others are concerned about their children who seem to be heading to a cliff. For some it’s financial crisis; while for others its health issues. Yet for others even in the midst of a crowd they feel so very alone. Some are being oppressed day and night by the forces of the enemy.
You will be surprised to know the number of people who do not know the last time they had a good night sleep. For some it’s a New Year with old pains. For some the mental and emotional pain is so deep they are plagued with thoughts of suicide. God wants us to keep it real. This is not the year to ‘fake it until you make it’. No matter what is burdening you or troubling you, release it to the Lord.
You may be wondering why bad things seem to happen to good people, why the wicked seem to be prospering, while you are struggling. Be comforted with the words of Psalm 37:1-2 “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.” One thing is sure, the Word of God does not lie and Psalm 7:9 states “Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.”
It is not the will of God that we be burned out, burdened and troubled feeling alone and forsaken. God has promised in Hebrews 13:5b “…for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
If you put all your confidence and trust in man you will be disappointed and let down because men are fallible and bound to fail but God never fails. People will praise you one minute and put a knife in your back with a smile the next. Although it is important for us to have healthy relationships in our lives, we cannot depend solely on people to make us happy and keep us full of joy. Our source of joy must come from someone higher than man or when that person fails us or that person is not there or that person leaves us we would fall apart. We must look to God and trust Him for all things for He is always with us. “…lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” St. Matthew 28:20b
Even as I write, I am hearing someone saying “Lord, I need strength; I feel like I cannot go on.” Know that as you cry out to God in this hour, He will strengthen you. “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9b
Abundant life in Jesus Christ is more than just saying religious clichés, going through the motion and doing and saying what is expected. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ – one in which we know that no matter what we may face, God not only has our backs but out top, bottom and sides also. He provides for us, loves us, protects us, makes ways for us, guides us, and perfects everything that concerns us.
Beloved, God is not sleeping. He has not forgotten you. He knows your address but more important, He knows you. Call on Him today and know that as you do, He hears and answers you. Remember, you are not alone or forsaken, for God is with you.
PRAYER: Father in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray today for those who feel alone and forsaken. We pray that they will realize that you have promised never to leave nor forsake your own. We bind the yokes of oppression, frustration and discouragement and we command them to be broken in Jesus name. We thank you for flooding their hearts and minds with your peace, that they may experience your joy and your love. Lord we believe today that you will give them an extraordinary blessing that will help them to realize that you are with them. Lord may your Name be praised, honored and glorified in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
just want you to pray for me and my family. we r going through some real trying times and its difficult for me to remain focus. i wanna break the force of de enemy over us and reclaim the righteouness of jesus christ
Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord!! He alone is worthy to be praised!! We honour you an dwe magnify you!!! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
After the Richardsons, Thanks to Liz, MOTS and Real Deal. Yes you have strengthened me.
May God continue to bless you with Love–your food of Life. I am glad to be part of the encouragement, by which you allow God, in Jesus Christ to live in you, by faith. I love you also!
Wow, suddenly you become a Master Teacher about prayer and Psalms. Why is it superstition always has to mix with prayer to make it effective. Do you think repeating words from a specific Psalm with a bowl of so called holy water every day every hour is some how going get you favor with God.? Are Psalms the only prayers know to man, and what is so magical about Psalms.?
It is not so much about immigration officers taking away peoples books of Psalms, it is more about seeking the real truth about Prayer and what it is, dispelling ignorance and superstition, that is the challenge before us. When you talk about fighting evil, let us not forget that every evil is a the product of ignorance and everyone who possesses the power to think has the power to over come ignorance.. Finally let me remind you prayer requires more of the heart than of the tongue and words.
The above comment is directed to mouth of the south
prayers require more of the heart than tongue n words,,,totally agreed that’s why if u read my post u’ll see i said,,,pray and pray more,,,pray in the morning,,,,lunch time and b4 bed,,,,what is so magical about the psalms?????? i feel sorry for u,,,,ask urself this,,,what is so magical about the psalms that david,,,solomon and many other prophets prayed them,,,,that’s why it’s the largest book in the bible,,,the psalms are prayers and hymns of past prophets most by king david,,,,alot of this ‘clean’ prayers are subdued,,,,so i just mysteriously came up with a potion hahahaha u must be foolish,,,,these are lost arts of prayer that have been lost generation 2 generation,,,,like i said prayer is not a do now n forget tomorrow,,,,one has to pray every day,,,every time of the day u get time to do it,,,,when this is built in u then ur faith will move mountains n not even the strongest demon can assail u bcuz God has given u the power of prayer,,,,,i was gonna ignore u but i decide nuh ah ah,,,,dat not passing so,,,lemme educate u,,,,,,u ever think how come priests of long ago was so spiritually powerful whereas those of today simply following protocol,,,,well my friend the pentecost christians n the catholic church or christianity in general have been slowly but surely moving away from such powerful practices that’s why i said these ‘clean’ prayers we do are just subdued,,,,,,,get back to the basics n know the art of the psalms my friend,,,,finally lemme ask u this,,,,why when the witch or wiccan plots there schemes on u they work,,,,,,n u r saying that prayer with the art of the psalms won’t work for the spiritual one hhhhmmmm u have lots to learn my friend,,,,again like i said it’s the faith of the individual n faith comes with practice,,,,so praying for one day won’t send ur problems away,,,it has to be habitual of u n more n more u’ll develop the art of prayer to the point where u’ll move mountains,,,u’ll see the visions b4 it happen,,,u’ll dream of the future,,,u may even reach the point to heal the sick,,,,but it starts with one prayer to the other,,,,
MOTS I read that you said you were going to ignore Gary, but instead you decided to educate him. Believe me, my friend, Gary is not of this world. He seem to have something, that can function like the mind of human beings, but it seem totally incompatible in thoughts and words; I do not know about the actions.
What annoys me most, is the way the nonsense he writes still provokes me to respond, no matter how much I would prefer to ignore him–just like your said. Lately I came to a conclusion–I will not say what it is–but I am learning to lean on that conclusion for strength. I went through the whole 6 months that I spent on DNO last year, bantering with this individual’s written harassment. Lucky for me, that I have the protection of God’s Holy Spirit, not to burst out of self-control.
I do not know when you found the Psalms, but I encourage to continue in them, by your faith. Do not dwell so much in the physical functions–it is part of religion; but God wants us to practice to maintain an intimate-personal Love-relationship with Him, through His Person, Jesus Christ.
That is the reason the Leaders of the Jewish nation condemned Jesus to death. They expected Him to apply religious activities or functions, to prove to them that He was sent by God Almighty, whom He calls Father. But God is of Spirit and Truth, we must worship Him likewise, by sincere faith–not good works.
For example, the Pharisees and the Saducees were upset that Jesus was healing people on the Sabath, or that His disciples picked grains from the wheat field on that day–a day which they recognized as a no-work day, as God had ordained it in the days before Jesus was on earth in human form.
Those guys claimed that healing a person of an internal disease, or physical affliction, or picking some grains from a wheat field was work, that should not be done on the Sabath. That recognition was important in their lives–one of their practices of religion–but they failed to accept Jesus as the only begotten Son of God, regardless of how many times He told them: “I came from the Father”.
At one time Jesus told them that “the Sabath was made for man, not man for the Sabath”. Mark 2: 27. In other words Jesus is telling us that it is okay for us to choose a day of rest and to call it our Sabath–as we use that day to spend time with God alone. But many people believe that “Sunday” or “Saturday” are the special days that they have to use as they think of one of those days as the “Sabath Day” but that is just the rule of religion and the rules of religion are man-made–they do not give glory to God, as God does not allow His Holy Spirit to manifest through those functions, for in so doing, faith would have no use in us.
David was a man after God’s heart. That is the reason he continuously acknowledged his sinful nature before God; knowing that God wants nothing to do with the attitude and conducts of “flesh and blood” Jesus tells us: “I can of myself do nothing” Meaning that Jesus relied on the authority of Christ, Eternal Spirit, who lived in Him. Hear Him saying: It is the Spirit that gives Life, the flesh profits nothing” John 6: 63. But His body, He said, is the “food that stays good in us and gives us Eternal Life”.
Hear David saying to his God, our God: “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them”. Later he says: Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me to the way of everlasting. Psalm 139: 16 & 23-24.
Our redemption from the bondage, or slavery of sin–our mortal cage–comes by faith in God, because of what His begotten Son, His Person, Jesus Christ, did for us on the cross for us.
To Lizavier4Jesus
What makes you think that I’m not of this world, is it just because i do not agree with your religious
beliefs, So what you are telling me is I have to believe in your religious absurdities to be part of this world. I have a right to be part of this world just like you and i also have the right not to believe in the absolutes your preach and believe. Why is it I’m accused of writing nonsense, is it because I’m not in agreement with your religious beliefs. Why is it you always feel frighten when someone does not believe in your religious beliefs. What do you mean that i have been harassing you, if someone does not agree with your religious beliefs and tell you so you consider that harassment, wow. Do i provoke you. I have always told you that you have aright to believe what ever you want. I ‘m not here to tell you what to believe nor deny you of your
religious belief.as you would want to deny me existence simply because i do not agree with you. now that is a big difference.
Let me tell you i do not need to be educated by you nor indoctrinated by you with dogma. Religion comes from the Latin word religare means to “bind back” as there is an old saying convictions create convicts. Your religious beliefs are yours why do you want other people to believe in what you believe and what is more absurd is making what you believe as to be truth by constantly quoting the bible as reference as though it is authority of truth. Here is another of your absurdities talking about the sabbath. The Holy Sabbath is actually the worship of the planet Saturn. If you keep the Sabbath, then you are carrying on the ancient worship of this pagan god. That is why he is worshiped on Saturn’s Day — which today we call Saturday. It is also interesting to know that Sunday is also used as a day of worship by Christians and why Sunday, well it has to do with Akhenaten he was a Pharaoh of Egypt eighteenth dynasty and was the first person to establish and bring about monotheism the belief of one God and that one God was “Amen Ra” the sun God that is where the worship of the Sun, Sunday comes from, and that is where we get the saying Amen after a prayer. That is why the Sun is the light of the world, isn’t it, that is what gives life, of course it is our savior without the Sun we have no life on earth, that is why it rises every morning, that is why it is called the Sun of God and where it dwells in heaven in the sky.
As to the Psalms, Christians have always believed them to be sacred prayers and something magical.just because King David and Solomon is said to have wrote them and turn a blind eye to the things they did. (I Chronicles 20:3And he brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes . What about Numbers 31:16-18″And he brought forth the people that were therein, and put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under the axes of iron, and made them pass through the brickkiln: and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon. So David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem,Why is it no one expressing shame at such slaughters and atrocities. Have you read 2 Chronicles 7:5 And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty and two thousand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep: so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God. What is this about animal sacrifice to God does someone have to slaughter all these animals to please God bewilders me.
I’m smart enough to know that there is a power in the universe greater than you and me and that power did not create man to live in bondage, bondage is not God ordained. Freedom is the birthright of all human souls.
Freedom from religious beliefs is just one of these freedoms Man has to combat. Religion is at the core at keeping man in bondage. The Roman Catholic Church, in its confusion and lust for power, has done more to retard human knowledge on this earth than any other institution, that is why it has always been said religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
What makes me think that you are not of this world? Listen to yourself in the response above and answer your own questions.
But I will point out a few reasons:
(1). You have no comprehension of what you read, if at all you are able to read. The fact that most commentators on DNO consider you to be “an idiot” is evidence that convince me of that perception of your self..
For example, you have continuously accused me of following “religion”, which is a false understanding of yours alone. You did not read nor understand, that I said: “Jesus Himself, denied religious practices”, the main reason He was crucified on the cross. Again I am saying: Jesus did not follow the rules of the Jewish “Sabbath Day” which is “Saturday” in today’s Jewish society, as He told the Jewish leaders of His days on earth. “Man was not made for the Sabbath, the Sabbath was made for man” I explained my understanding of that phrase in my post. You did not understand me, as is the usual case.
God is not about religion. God is Love, who loves people, commanding them to fall in Love with Him in return, and to desire to maintain an “intimate Love relationship” with Him, by faith in His Person, Jesus Christ. Yes Gary, He loved us first! “In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” according to the message of the apostle Paul. However, I cannot imagine you being one of those people; if at all, you are one among the sect of “people”.
(2) You define your ideas like one who is out of this world. It is impossible to respond to those ideas, exept to consider them as “gobbledygook”, which is “nonsense”; hence,it provoke me to consider you an “idiot!”
For example what is all of this gibberish, twaddle, babble, jabber, and contradictions in your second, third, and forth paragraph above? You wrote: “The Holy Sabbath is actually the worship of the planet Saturn” Have you met with a Christian, a Jew, or even a Muslim–they use “Friday” for their fellowship meeting day–who agrees with you about this kind of “gobbledygook?”
As you accuse me of following religion, which you claim not to believe in, your sense of reason is all saturated with stupid and fallible myths or foklore, as a point of view in your defence. Your idea about the Sabbath and the planet of Saturn above, is exactly what religion is about.
What have I to do with your lack of understanding of God’s Word in the Holy Bible? Pray for faith, and you will receive wisdom and revelation of God’s Holy Spirit, to give your “freedom” from your bondage of darkness, nakedness, blindness–which is spiritual death, separation from God as you exist, wherever it is, that you are presently existing.
That is another reason I conclude that the state of your mind is incompatible to the actual human mind. It is not religion that you are against Gary. You do not know God’s Love, and it irritates you, preventing you from accepting that other people knows God and His Love in their lives.
You are harrassing, pestering me, because you continuously accuse me of advocating religion–a false accusation; and your accusations are insultive. I destest the fact that you arrogantly use words like “absurdity” to defame my wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of God Almighty, in His Person, Jesus Christ, knowing that your nature of perish is already buried, as you continue to exist in your state of mortality.
(3) I consider you to be out of this world, because your existence means nothing to me. I only desire to unite with people who will join with me to give glory to God, in Jesus Christ, whom I love. You are definetly not, one of those people. Who are you to think that I need consent from you, as you write: “I have always told you that you have the right to believe”? Listen to the stupid arrogance and foolish pride in your thoughs Gary. Actually, you make me want to throw-up!!!!
Okay! I have held it back for the longest while, for many reasons. But now you have provoked me to put all those reasons aside and to spill out my true perception of you. And that perception is Gary: that you are a “demon possessed person”, with a hatred towards God and his chosen people.
I perceive that no one I know or have met, no matter how, needs to combat (fight off) religious beliefs from their minds more than you do. You are chained by your personal understanding, that the things of God is about religion; Satan has you right where he wants you, and you are doing nothing to release his hold off you.
I have never noticed your name attacking MOTS comments of other articles; and he comments on almost every article I read in this blog. The first time I see his comments on Alive Word, there you are, commenting against him–comments that always provoke the “angel” in a person’s heart–that is the work of Satan in you. “Watcher for Jesus” is another one of your preys. Just think think about that for a while! Yes Gary, Satan has a hold on you that only you, and faith in God can disband. But that too is your choice, not mine! For I know where I am heading to.
From now on, you can respond with your false accusation to everything I post on this news blog. Know that I will ignore you, because I am convinced that your thoughts are fallible and fruitless, causing your expressions to be nothing but mumble, jumble; because your conscience is dead, and Satan is controlling your mind. So start preying on someone else and enjoy the fruits you bring forth as you exist, again I say, wherever it is that you exist. Once more and for all times I say: AWAY WITH YOU! I have nothing for you to prey on!
Do not bother responding to this post, as I plan to send you right back to its message from me to you, in the future; that is if you refuse to leave me alone.
mouth of the south
Let me first state that prayer is an essential thing for living. The problem is prayer has been made a mockery by religion aided with superstition the whole essence and truth about prayer has been lost or not understood and your comment shows some of that. What does religion or religious practices has to do with prayer, in other words why is it that prayer has to be associated with religion and thinking that certain people who wrote prayers called Psalms taken from the Bible that some how there is something magical about these prayers. Prayers are more than just written words in a book, there are certain elements to prayer, the things needed to make them a success or magical as yo would say, isn’t silence one of these elements and this is something that has always been overlooked. We always concentrate on the speaking of words, don’t you realize we were given a pair of Ears and one mouth, well we must learn to talk less and listen more. What about your thoughts, is it not were our prayers start from or the things that mold our prayers.Prayers have been written and practiced long before the so called Christian religion or the Bible. There are books far more ancient than the Bible and they incorporate prayers. Do you know the real knowledge of prayer and it’s practices are hidden from the public and what we are given is a watered down version in the name of religion just to appease us. The Egyptians certainty knew about prayers.
You made mention about praying every time every day and about faith. it is involves much than that, this is the kind of lip service given.especially the word faith sometimes people just say it because it is fashionable and hip to say. I do not know what your definition of prayer is or what it means to you.,what you believe as to what prayer means to you is your belief, you have a right to believe that, but it should not be the truth for everyone, just to let you know prayer can be and is a personal thing. You also made mention about Priest long ago and how they were spiritual and powerful and now they are following protocol. First of what makes you think Priest are spiritual and powerful that is the kid of myth and ignorance always associated with Priesthood and it is still so today.What about your own spirituality and power, were you not given the same ability to achieve those things. Why is it people always have to think there always has to be middleman between them and God. The structure we have to day is the same as it was thousand of years ago, the people that rule always have to have their Priest to teach the people about God, now who taught the Priest? This system goes way back even in the Bible the kings had their Priest, doesn’t that tell you some thing is wrong to arouse your suspicion of what is going on and still going on, but anyways that could be a whole topic by it self.. Finally i will tell you this the mind which we discover within us is the mind that governs everything this is the thing and we should recognize it simplicity. That is why we were instructed that the kingdom of heaven is within.
thank you for that!!that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling lately, but your ‘Alive word’ gave me hope and reminded me how I should continue to pray and hope in God. Thanks again.
Amen!! If we do not have a genuine, personal relationship with God, we wont have a good understanding of life. I have been in situations where I needed desperate help and I know no one would be able to but I called unto God and almost immediately the situations were resolved. Evil doers and the devil will continue to taunt us and make us feel like there is no operable support system but God is always there and trust me..HE LISTENS! Saying a prayer and asking God to guide you throughout is the first step. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy..just speaking to God about your situation is good enough just do not forget to say THANK YOU JESUS fro seeing me through when it’s all taken care of. Have a Blessed day!
I know exactly what you are saying. I have written a book of 240 pages. It is a testimony of my deliverance from God Almighty, as He had first anointed me with faith, before He began to take me out of this world, back into reconciliation to Him.
I am aware that I will continue to undergo discipline and training from God, until I am completely transformed to practice Life in Spirit and Truth alone. As human beings this practice can take a lifetime, but that must be our priority goal as we exist in flesh and blood. Otherwise, our nature of humanity will simply pass away and continue to exist through the mind, in its perished or death condition forever and ever.
Salvation is reconciliation to God, to dwell with Him in harmony, peace and joy. Salvation is the Eternal Life of Love, in Spirit and Truth, that we will live in the Land of Paradise–the Kingdom of God Almighty, in Jesus Christ.
You say that God responded to your call almost immediately, that is possible as well; some of us have very urgent needs. But we cannot take God’s emergency service for granted. God has said: “As many as I love I rebuke and chasten” Revelation 3: 19. It is said that Job, in the Holy Bible, went through 40 years of rebuke and chastening from God. This has to be true, as we are told how Job lost everything he had, including ten children. But he received much more than he had before including his ten children, after he proved the strength of his faith to God. That had to take a very long time. Most of us do not want to suffer the pain, or else we say there is no God; or if God loves us why does He not heal our pain.
Job was a man of great faith, but he did not know that his faith should be used to glorify God’s Love in him. The idea of Job’s good works, by faith, was to protect his Life–by his own strength he thought–, and to receive honors and merits for himself. That idea is wildly known as self-righteousness. You can read all about it for yourself at Job, Chapter 29, if you have not already did so. But self-righteousness is a sin against God. And yes, more than many of us suffer from that sin today.
Unfortunately, because of His Love, God must allow Satan to buffet us, as He causes us to shape up, for the sake of our own Salvation. He cannot convict us of our wrong doings by manifesting His essence of Love in us, because Love supplies pure enlightenment to our minds.
But by faith, and through the guidance and teachings of His Holy Spirit, God will help us to understand why we are going through our difficulties; that is the time we discover that no matter how tough the cirumstance in our Life, somehow we can experience peace and joy; for peace and joy is our strength of Life–the essence of Love in us. With that kind of strenght we learn to exercise, patience; patience influences courage; courage produces hope; hope manifests victory of faith–the kind of faith that works through Love. I know what I am talking about.
amen to that and the psalms do not lie,,,,they were powerful to men b4 n still are tried n true today,,,,let me elaborate that psalm 7 vrs 1-10 being read four times over holy water in a bowl,,,after which u wash ur hand in and throw out of ur dwelling place rids the body of any jinx but remember prayer is not a do now and forget later,,,we must pray constantly building faith day by day,,,,for trials n tribulations will come ur way,,,God gives us nothing we can’t bear,,,so look at it as a test of ur faith,,,pray n pray more,,,,pray in the morning,,,,lunch time and b4 u go to bed,,,, little by little i will post more prayer tips which help us fight the evil around us since the immigration officers taking away people books of psalms
“God gives us nothing we can’t bear” And the things (struggles or banters) which He puts us through, are the ways by which He disciplines and trains us–the process is called mind renewal–to teach us how to remove our selves from the wants or the ways of the flesh, and to become hungry for, or desire to practice the things and ways of the Spirit, by faith. For we must live by faith and not feelings, as “without faith it is impossible to please God”. Hebrews 11: 6 And God is of Spirit and Truth; not flesh and blood.
Faith is like a muscle. Just as a muscle be must execised, that it might become strong, so must our faith be put through exercise that it might grow stronger and stronger, for the sake of Life and the glory of God. Faith brings Life to us, and through hope we press on to the fulness of Life, but Life in us is the stature of Love. And Love is the nature (core) of God Almighty in His Person, Jesus Christ