“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
– Isaiah 43:19
One of the biggest weapons that the enemy is using against the body of Christ is a spirit of discouragement.
We all go through difficult situations from time to time, but we must remember that everything is only for a season.
We must always try to keep focused on what God is doing, even when we’re in the wilderness, and we must not concentrate on what the enemy is trying to do.
What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn out for good.
If you’ve been feeling lately like giving up, or feeling that no matter what you do everything just gets worse, lift up your head today, God has made a way for you!.
Discouragement, depression, and oppression are not of God. These spirits are sent by the enemy to rob us of our joy in the Lord. Nehemiah 8:10 states “…for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry: for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” When we have no joy, we have no strength. That’s why when you’re discouraged and depressed, you feel tired and weak. The Word of God states in Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
None of us are exempt from wilderness experiences. Just as Jesus was led by the Spirit of God into the wilderness, so are we led into the wilderness at times. What are you doing in your wilderness? Are you throwing a pity party? Are you complaining and whining? Are you feeling like no one else in the world has problems as big as yours? Are you entertaining doubt and unbelief? Are you wondering if God has forgotten your address? Are you wondering why the wicked and those that are coming against you seem to prosper while you’re going though the fire? What are you thinking? What are you saying as you journey through the wilderness? What do you see up ahead? Do you see the way being made for you? Look now.
Look again—this time through the eyes of faith—and see the way that God has made for you as outlined in His Word. Read Psalm 119:49-50: “Remember thy word unto thy servant, upon which thou has caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy Word hath quickened me.”
If you’re in a financial wilderness, see yourself out of debt. If you’re believing God for family situations to turn around, see your family saved, healed, delivered, and on their way to heaven. If you’re believing God for a new home, see the home being built. If you’re believing God to move to a new level in Christ and no longer walk in the flesh, see yourself on fire for the Lord and walking in the anointing of the Lord.
How do you see these things? By looking in the Word of God and allowing the Word to become rhema or life in your spirit. It isn’t enough for us to just have a head knowledge of the Word and be able to repeat a scripture. For God’s Word to be effective in our lives, we must have it deep within our spirit.
It’s there that the Holy Spirit brings it to life. Search the scriptures and see what God says about the wilderness you’re in. Write them out if you have to and confess them in faith, believing God that as you declare His Word, the changes will come. The Word of God is what works
It doesn’t matter how bad things look. See beyond earthly things and see the divine provision of God in the supernatural. Walk in faith, which according to Hebrews 11:1, is “…the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
If you’re down to your last dime, still believe God for a miracle. Your cupboard may be bare, but you can still believe God for a miracle. Tomorrow may be the first of the month and you may not know where your rent money will come from, but you can still believe God for a miracle. He promised to make a way, and Jesus Christ is the way that He has made for us. God is Jehovah Jireh, our Great Provider.
The promises of God are all conditional. We must first do what God wants us to do, and then God can bless us. In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, God outlines for us the many blessings that will follow us if we hearken diligently unto His voice, if we observe and follow all His commandments.
In that same chapter, verses 15-68 outline the curses that follow disobedience to the voice of the Lord. Is disobedience blocking God from making the way clear for you? Be sure this isn’t the case. Isaiah 1:19 states, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Verse 20 continues, “But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”
God wants to bring restoration in your life today. Read Joel 2:23-27 and pray it as a prayer. Recommit your life to the Lord today and be totally obedient to His Word. Then will the windows of heaven be opened unto you in a measure that you never even thought possible. You’re on the brink of a miracle. Hold on just a while longer.
The favor of God is about to fall upon you and a new day is about to dawn in your life. You’ll not stay down and you’ll not go under. You’ll not have a breakdown but a breakthrough. According to your faith, be it unto you. God has made a way for you!.
Thank You so much i needed to read this. dead on time, very encouraging n it it lift my spirit
Great,,,inspiring each time you guys post!!!
Thank you once more Ministers Jacqueline and Wilbert Richardson. Your message is like music to my ears today, for I know that this message is indeed, of the Word of God–the Word of Love, which allways comes into me and mesmirise my soul, just as beautiful music does to my mind.
You said: “We must always try to keep focused on what God is doing, even when we are in the wilderness” I know for sure, that if we do not go through the wildnerness we will never enter the Promised Land.
For it is through the wildnerness that we must become trained and disciplined to know God and His ways of Love, that we might become perfect–rooted and grounded in Love–living with the fullness of God, demonstrating the attitude and conducts of His Person of Love, Jesus Christ, Love which is Light in our soul.
Not at all! “None of us are exempted from the wilderness experience”. But we have a choice, while we go through our experiences–our training and discipline–in the wilderness. My brother or sister, trust and obey the guidance and of God’s Holy Spirit, by your faith, and you will survive; you will become trained and disciplined, perfected in the Ways of Love, and you will live! Rebel against God and His Ways of Love and disobey Him and you face defeat, for the wages of sin is death; but death has no victory!
We can trust and obey God and live, to enter His rest of the Promised Land. Or we can rebel against Him and disobey His Ways of Love, as many of the people of Israel did, causing God to say “the will never enter my rest–the Promised Land! And they didn’t. For all of those Israelites who left Egypt, and were older than twenty years, they died in the wilderness, except Joshua and Caleb. Even Moses, himself, suffered the consequence of a rebelious people against their God of Love, and he too died in the wilderness.
“For God’s Word to be effective in our lives, we must have it deep within our spirit. It is there that God’s Holy Spirit brings it to Life”. This is the second time I am encountering this “Truth” these past two days. I know it is the “Truth”, because it has happened in me–since 1998.
Yes, by the time I heard Jesus saying: “You must be born again of water and the Spirit. It is the Spirit that gives Life; the flesh profits nothing. The Words that I speak are Spirit and the are Life”, those words spoken at John 3: 5 and John 6: 63, the Word of God, the seed of Love was already planted in me by my faith, and that seed had already germinated, and it had already bloomed in the glorious nature of Light–the Life of Jesus Christ in my soul. 13 years later I continue to blossom in Love will blossom and blossom and blossom into infinity. This kind of blossom, producing the Fruits of the Spirit, never stops.
Yes, God has promised us abundant Life, because of the perfect blood of the Son, His Person of Love, who is Jesus Christ. We will never know this Life if we do not take that journey by the route of the wilderness, with faith, trust, humility, patience and obedience to God Almighty, by the Power of His Holy Spirit.