“… Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” – Jeremiah 31:3b
As I awoke this morning I felt strongly in my spirit that today’s devotional should be especially for people who are divorced.
If you’re divorced, I just want to let you know that Jesus still loves and cares for you.
Many divorced people today are being looked down upon and condemned. Such actions are not Christlike.
Divorce is not the unpardonable sin. Yes, it is true that God ordained that marriage should be for life, but if your marriage ended in divorce, God still loves and cares for you.
If your divorce happened because of things that you did, repent and ask God to forgive you—as David did in Psalm 51—and then go on with your life. Romans 8:1 states that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
You cannot undo the things that are already done. The past is already gone. God says in His Word that we should forget the things that are behind and reach for the things that are ahead. We should press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God that is in Christ Jesus.
Don’t allow anyone to condemn you. In some churches divorced people are treated as outcasts, and this ought not to be. If you’re divorced, once you’re living in right standing with God, He still wants to use you to do great things for His Kingdom. God still has a calling and an anointing on your life, and there’s still a purpose for your life.
A lot of married people are “divorced” because they just live together. They have no communication with each other, and there’s no intimacy in their marriage. The only difference from being divorced is the legal dissolution of the marriage.
Once you’ve sought God’s forgiveness, don’t stay in a maze of condemnation and guilt and waste the rest of your life. God has already forgiven you. If you truly repent, God blots out your sins. He remembers them no more. Sometimes people remind you of your past and how you sinned, but it doesn’t matter what they think.
What God thinks is what matters. The truth is, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord. God is merciful, and He forgives and forgets. If God were to put all our lives on a TV screen, they would make a sad movie. For we were all born in sin and shaped in iniquity. But thank God for the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin! David sinned, but David repented and was a man after God’s own heart.
Divorced people often experience loneliness and rejection. We need to extend the love of Jesus Christ to them and not condemn nor put them down. We need to pray for them.
If you’re divorced, you’re still valuable in the sight of the Lord. You’re no less of a man or less of a woman. Focus on gaining an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Seek the Lord and ask Him to help you develop a hunger and thirst after righteousness. When you seek first God and His righteousness, all other things will be added unto you. When you’re in Christ, you’re never a failure. When you fall, He lifts you up again. Rely on the wisdom and strength of the Lord
If your self-esteem has faltered since your divorce, ask God to heal your emotions. If you’re still experiencing hurt, bitterness, and other works of the flesh as a result of what you experienced in your marriage, God wants you to release them all to Him today. You’ll never be able to be an effective Christian with these works of darkness in your life.
Yes, you may have been abused, misused and cheated on, lied to and taken for granted, but release it all to the Lord. It’s not worth losing your soul in hell. Release resentment and bitterness to God today. Lay it at the foot of the cross and leave it there. God is able to heal all the hurt and all the pain.
Forgive your spouse, family, in-laws, the other man or other lady, or anyone else who may have contributed to the pressures that led to your divorce. Most importantly, forgive yourself. God wants to set you free, and He wants you to be whole. Repent today and ask God to forgive you. Spend more time in prayer and in the Word of God than you have ever spent before.
Fellowship with the saints at a church where the uncompromised Word of the Lord is preached and taught.
Jesus Christ is coming soon, and there’s much work to be done. Don’t allow the devil to cripple you with condemnation and make you afraid to share the love of Jesus Christ. If you don’t forgive yourself, you’ll always be deceived into thinking that people are saying things about you and thinking things about you when they’re not.
Jesus Christ truly loves and cares for you. He wants to restore unto you all that the locust and the cankerworm have taken from you. Reach out to Jesus today. Lay your burdens down and rest peacefully in his arms.
Gods plan only prevails and sometimes when there’s nomore growth in a marriage it’s time to move on. God is the one who unites and seperates people
You must admit the pastor has written a thought provoking article! Some of you have read into it more than what is there. The pastor is not condoning divorce. He is simply acknowledging that it happens. This is because it takes two people to make a marriage last and only one to make it fail. He is saying to the divoree GOD LOVES YOU! Whether she is the innocent party – the victim of circumstances beyond her control – or a woman who committed a grievous sin – God loves her. The same applies to a divorced man. God is in the business of rebuilding broken lives. God hates divorce. It should be avoided. Pastors have a responsibility to teach the Biblical principles that make marriages happy and lasting. But they should also let people know that God is in the business of re-building broken lives! Pastor Richardson is doing this. Remember the story of the woman at the well in John 4:1-39. She had been married five times and was now living with a man who was not her husband. But thank God when she met the Master He gave her living water that was not from the well! She went back to her city and witnessed for Christ. We are told in verse 39 that many believed on Him because of her testimony! She was not the last woman with failed marriages who became a soulwinner! Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist. http://www.livinghopeministries.ca
I was where you are today. Harsh, and thought I knew it all, until I found myself wearing the shoes. Married in my teens to someone who used the WORD like you. Infact I loved the guy, because I thought he knew the bible so well, but he used it as a battering ram at me. bullying, controling and he thought he was a model christian. But we as christians make a big mistake, quoting the bible is not all. I am still walking with the Lord, but I had to get out of this madness, I had to move sooo far, that divorce was imninent. Let me tell you, I am happier than I have ever been, leaving with this indevidual felt like I was living with the devil himself. So what was I to do? end up in the madhouse? I divorce the fool. I am happy I did it, ain’t no one can make me feel any different, walk a mile in my shoe, one can say differently until they get themselves in a bad situation, and they dance to a different tune, been there done dat. If one is being abuse in a relationship, I endorse, walk away, you will get to live another day
“I have loved thee with an everlasting love”—Jeremiah 31: 3
It is true that this message does not completely condone to divorce, but it is not a message that would discourage those married, who lack spiritual wisdom of Life, from easily breaking out of their marriage.
So what! Those people are being taught to think: God loves me, regardless, so what does it matter if stay married, or if I break away from the husband or the wife? I take with another husband/wife and no problem, “God loves me!” I break out of the marriage again, and “God loves me!” What happens to “reverend fear of God?” No one is taught to think of that because they are told “God loves you!”
God Almighty, Eternal Spirit, is the Supreme Being of Love; meaning that He loves everyone–that “He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosever believes in Him should not perish, but have Eternal Life”. But the attitude and conducts of human beings can separate them from God’s Love–and that is the problem!
For people who live in separation of God’s Love are simply existing in a death condition, with a carnal mind that do not comprehend God and His Ways of Love–Life, in Spirit and in Truth. When we tell people “God Loves them” even if they are divorce, we are not encourage to seek the Love of God for themselves, and for that reason people continue to exist in the night through darkness, because they have been misguided, by those who claim to know God and His Word.
God loves all people, but because of the nature of human beings, not all people are His children. A child of God, knows Him and His Ways, the ways of Life in Spirit and Truth–as demonstrated by God’s Person of Love, Jesus Christ. A married couple who are children of God, was bonded by Love and nothing of this world can break this bond.
God loves all people, but because of the nature of human beings, many are still separated from His Love. God’s Love is the food that feeds my Spirit. “Eat my flesh and drink my blood that you might have Life in you” Jesus is the Person of God, His visible nature, Love, in flesh and bones. But Jesus did not feed no one with slices of His human flesh, nor glasses of His human blood. Jesus’ flesh and blood is the essence, Love–the substance of Life, in Spirit and Truth.
A married couple who practices Life in Spirit in Truth–the Ways of Love–the ways of Life in us through Jesus Christ, does not go into a divorce. I really think that it is time that those who come forward to speak the Word of God, should start doing that after the wisdom and revelation of God’s Holy Spirit–if they know Him. And this is Eternal Life, that they may know You, the One True God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.
The apostle Paul teaches us that the form of this world, including the habits of marriage, is passing away. Marriage is a pratice of our existence in this world. For Jesus said that in the resurrection they will neither marry or be given in marriage, for they will live like angels in heaven.
In other words marriage is for until death do us part. And yet we must exist in this world, with the hope of Eternal Life in the presenct of God Almighty, through Jesus Christ. The important thing is our goal to thrive in the attitude and conducts that will give glory to God. And those attitude and conducts are the Ways of Love–the evidence of the ways of Spirit and Truth–Life in us.
There are some people who play God and think they know it all.
God is love. As Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Hear and understand. Those who have ears ought to hear.” This includes eyes to read.
God created us all. He loves everyone with no exception. So has it been from the beginning and so will it always be to the end – eternity. God cannot hate for He is God. Mere thoughts and words can never change that, what God has ordained.
Even though they sin and are living in sin their lifestyle does not cancel them out as God’s children. They continue to remain God’s children because He created them. They may deny themselves His blessing, graces and Heaven because of their lifestyle but they will always be His children.
God is there for everyone. All have recourse to God and His forgiveness.
God detests sin. Sin offends Him. It goes against His Commandments. Know that there are all types of sins. One grievous/mortal sin can send the soul to Hell.
The world is in a state of sin worst than at the deluge. Look around you – worldwide. Observe, hear and read about it.
All have fallen short of God’s glory. There is not one perfect person on this earth. God knows how humble and contrite the heart is. This includes loving and generous/ charitable to others in words and deeds – by our action.
God is the Judge. He wishes that everyone come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved.
He knows our flaws. Everyone makes mistakes. Human beings are not immune from that.
God is compassionate, merciful and forgiving to those who call on Him. Even those who do not call on Him, He is capable of changing their hearts. As it is said, “Some through the waters, the fire, flood, through great sorrow and pain.”
One of the flaws of some people is to criticize the religion of others and assume that their religion which was formed a few years ago is better than one which was formed 2011 years ago. Their attitude depicts lack of consideration, love and respect for others and their faith and this is not an Act of Love. It offends God.
One of God’s Commandments is to love one another. If this cannot be practiced and fulfilled, then the perpetrator(s) have offended God and committed a mortal sin as they live with it and go about lambasting the faith of others. There are some who are not aware of that. A change of heart is required.
It is also for this reason we say, “Love the sinner. Hate the sin.”
We must play God and state that those who live in sin and those who are not the same religion as others are sinners. Some people/souls may be surprised on that inevitable day when they are called for their judgment who will be saved. May all of us be saved. We live this up to individuals as we practice the faith and pray for others with a loving heart. We are not to judge others.
Our Lord said: “Judge not that you may not be judged accordingly and two-fold.”
wow!!!!!!!!!! understand that God Loves us all, sinners and Saints alike, but i don’t appreciate the heading.
soon you may write God loves the Gays! yes he still loves the sinners but not the sins.
This is an excellent article.
First of all if we listen to what others say, we may be able to deduce the reason why people get married in the first place. We do know that some of them got married for the wrong reasons. This is another reason why marriages do not last and end up in divorce.
The parties concerned took a vow and either one of them do not adhere to the vow.
They may not be aware how much God is offended when they make a marriage vow and do not live up to it. There are some people who get married and may have no intentions of keeping the vow; at least one of the parties. God knows what is imbedded in hearts and minds.
Ecclesiastes 5:3:6 – When you make a vow to God delay not its fulfillment. For God has no pleasure in fools; fulfill what you have vowed. You had better not make a vow than make it and not fulfill it. Let not your utterances make you guilty, and say not before his representative, “It was a mistake,” lest God be angered by such words and destroy the works of your hands. Rather, fear God!
Marriage is sacred and is for life. It is to be taken seriously.
Some people rush into marriage. This means that some of them are not yet ready to get married. Some couples, especially the women (no discrimination here), are only concerned about the marriage preparation or spend most of their time doing this and not in the fact that they are getting married and about to make a vow, before God, for life. I need not elaborate further on this. You should have an idea what I mean.
If the marriage is not Christo-centered it is liable to fail.
Prior to getting married they should be counseled by a professional who is knowledgeable in such family matters. This may be no guarantee that the marriage will last, adding to it human weakness and temptation, nevertheless, I can assure you a pre-marital course will help and often does.
God detests sin. God knows the reason(s) why people get married if for true love or not. I would think that he does detest divorce. God is a God of love, peace and unity. Separation and divorce create lack of love, disunity and peace. There are times even worst, injuries and loss of life. Consider also the children, if any, young ones who will be affected when their parents divorce.
Couples who divorce should not feel guilty. This is where family and genuine friends play a part to give support to those who are divorced. Divorcees should not be looked down upon as if they have a disease and a communicable one.
If there is a church which looks down on them and encourages it, this is not a genuine church.
We do know that God loves everyone regardless of their status, the rich, poor, the divorcees. He even loves his enemies. He could not be God otherwise. He created us all. This is another reason why we are to love others as we love ourselves.
We should not look down on others because of their status. We should lift them up for they are our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. This is one of God’s Commandments. God’s blessing and graces abound to those who consistently practice it.
This is so true we should you hold the person that divorxe you on your heart ii is pump blood. in order to move to the next level with God let go and let God. Thank God for plp with good insight
“If your divorce happened because of things that you did, repent and ask God to forgive you—as David did in Psalm 51—and then go on with your life. Romans 8:1 states that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.”
Yes, however, whereas you seem to condone divorce, and quote scriptures to substantiate you argument, you forgot to state the consequences of divorce based on God word, on the matter.
You fail to state, that when someone devoices, they should remain divorce, less if they remarry while any of the two are alive, they would causing the person they now take as a wife or husband to be committing adultery!
The only grounds on which God agree for divorce, one of the two should be found committing adultery, and even at that they should remain divorce, forever except if one of the two dies, however, the Bible states, if any of the two cannot refrain from what goes on sexually in a marriage, the divorcees should be reunited, but to go and get involved in another marriage, the Word of God does not support that.
Unless you want to be a false prophet, or one who distort the Word of God, you need to state all of it as thus sayeth the Lord.
Now I am not a preacher, or some big reverend, or Dr. this or that which some of you like to call yourselves, but if it is in the Bible, I know where to find it, and the Word of God will always prevail over the philosophy of mortal man whoever we are!
He who condones, and encourage divorce, is also condoning adultery!
Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
i do not think wheb the pastor said to go on with your life that he meant to be involved. he simply means let off the bitterness, hatred, hurt and the others that he meantioned and feel free to move on. moving on does not always mean intimacy like we belive.
God Hates divorce….what part of the bible are you reading?
God Hates divorce,,,,,,,,,,,,,no exceptions! Read your bible properly man
god hates the sin of geting divorce but he dosent hate the person ok nutsss .. you should read ur bible properly God loves everyone … and also the article never said god dosent hate divorce it simply said God still loves you if your divorce and repent … THAT WAS A GREAT ARTICLE
he hates DiVoRcE BUT NOT THE DIVORCEE. THERE isa diffence. God hates sin but not the individual
God does not hate divorce, it says it in the bible that the only way a man and a woman can seperate is aldutery. So read again!
Yes God hates divorce, he also hates adultry, thus Im divorced, I did not need to wait on a court to sign the papers, God sees adultry as sin and the day my husband commited adultry in Gods eyes I was a free woman.
Okay pastor, what practical solutions do you suggest for young people who have been divorced? Do you believe that they can marry again? Could a knowledgeable Christian clarify this please. Thanks.
nope your not suppose to married again after divorce
after a divorce one should never marry again unless the spouse dies. regardless of who is at fault for the divorce the bible clearly states that anybody marries someone who has been put away is committing adultery. Who shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven? thieves, liars, adulterers etc. its time for christians to stop operating in the flesh and stop behaving so swef/horny and seek God. All of a sudden people want to walk out of their marriage and married another.God can and would never be please with divorce. He told us in Malachi He hates divorce. its time preachers start preaching the truth on God’s views on divorce and stop sugar coating it for their own personal gain that is to look members. God gonna deal with all u pastors who are men pleasers and not God pleasers.How is it God never divorce us inspite of the terrible things we do to him? but God is forgiving. husbands/wives you all need to be forgiving is because of lack of forgiveness and love in your marriage why we all suffer and end our marriages in divorce.