“Believe in the Lord your God so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” – 2 Chronicles 20:20b.
It is very important as Christians that we know God for ourselves and we know what His Word says. The devil is a liar and St John 10:10 tells us that He came to kill, steal and destroy. The only way to recognize a lie is if you know the truth. A simple example is, is you know the colour black and someone brings a black tie to you and told you it is red, you know that is not so. Why? Because you know your colours. Do you know the Word of God? If we do not know the Word; if we do not know the truth then it is easy to believe lies. Jesus prayed in St. John 17:17 for His church, His Bride “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
The devil is trying to deceive many by speaking lies into their minds trying to gain an entrance and stronghold into their souls. We are the ones who make the choice. Who do you believe, God or the devil? Make a decision today to only believe what God says about you and about the situations that confront you.
So you are hurting and you are discouraged, feeling like life is just not worth living. The devil is asking you, “What’s the use, don’t you see that no one really cares about you?” But God is saying through His Holy Spirit “Cast all your cares on me because I care for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 The truth is that God cares for you. He did not say to burden others with your cares. Yes, there are times that it is necessary to share with people that God directs us to but we are not to overburden them thinking that they can solve every problem we encounter and then get disappointed when they cannot help. In Psalm 46:1 it tells us “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” God is more than able to help in times of trouble and though He may use people to help sometimes, do not depend on man to do what only God can do.
If you are asking yourself today “Who cares?” The answer is “God cares!” The devil is cunning and if he can get you to believe one lie, he will then pour more lies on your mind. The plot is to bring you into a spiral cycle downhill of defeat. The Word of God says that we are what we think. We become what we believe. Believe the word of the Lord. “In Nahum 1:7 it states “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.” He cares for those who trust in him.”
So you have a need. Your bills are piling high and overdue. The creditors are calling, threatening. Just when you think that you are on a budget, the child gets sick, the car breaks down, you are sick and going to the doctor spending and spending without a diagnosis. The devil is saying that you have cancer for sure and you are going to die. If you dwell on the latter thought long enough, you will even see your funeral. Do not believe the lies of the devil! For he will tell you, you will never get the bills paid; that you cannot make it. That if God really cared you would not be in the situation you are in. That is makes no sense to tithe because the people who do not tithe are better off than you. That you will always be living from pay check to pay check and be begging and borrowing. Is this familiar to you? If so, tell the devil “The Lord is your Jehovah Jireh and He will provide. That because you pay your tithes and offerings God will rebuke the devourer for your sake. That by the stripes of Jesus Christ you are healed and you shall not die but live and declare the work of the Lord.
Sometimes the devil speaks directly but other times he sends messengers in the form of people (family, friends, co-workers, enemies) who speak negative things and make you feel even worse. When you are in trouble and in need of refuge and strength you do not need people who are going to tell you they are sorry for you and they don’t know how you are going to make it or that the dog is worse off than you. Be wise as to who you share things with. Some even well meaning people have tongues that produce death. Ask God to lead you to someone who can speak the Word of God over your life and your situation. The Word of God brings life, light and change.
This is a year when we have to speak to the devil like Jesus did in St. Luke 4 and tell Him what is written in the Word of God. When the negative thoughts and lies begin to flood your mind do not consider them, do not dwell on them, cast down the imaginations and the lies. Tell satan as Jesus did in St. Luke 4 to get behind you and mean it!
Listen; do not come in agreement with the devil. He cannot be trusted. If you put your life in the hands of a thief, a liar and a murderer (which the devil is) you help him to destroy you. Agree with God! Agree with God’s Word! Speak forth the Word of God! Believe God, because He cannot lie. What God has promised you He is able to bring to pass. God’s Word is truth! Know the truth and in Jesus name, be set free.
Amen Sis and Bro Richardson. I look forward to your Alive Word. Really this keeps one alive to read the word from you in a very simple and easy to understand manner.
May God richly bless you and continue spreading the word.
It is not difficult to contend against black being red, for we have the physical portrait before us. We learned to see black and call it black; the same goes for red.
The people of Jesus’ days knew what “flesh and blood” was in physical terms. But Jesus used that same physical term, telling them: “You must eat my flesh and drink my blood, in other that you might have Life in you” They could only think about the nature of a human being, which was Jesus’ form at the time. But was Jesus talking about His human body, when He said “flesh and blood”? Of course not!
Anyway the people concluded that this kind of teaching was too hard for them to understand, and they stopped following Jesus. That is why “black and red” “flesh and blood” would not prove evidence of God’s Truth to that extent. A Lot of people know the Bible from A to Z, but those people do not know God, in Spirit and in Truth. The important thing is faith, which motivates to us ponder, ask literate question, trust, remain humble and obey. That is the Jesus asked the Father to “sancfify them with the Truth.”
The key to knowldege of God and His Truth in Love is “wisdom”, acquired by faith in God. Reference to wisdom is all over the Holy Bible. Young Solomon, when God offered him anything his heart desired through a simple request saying: “ask me anything you would like.” Solomon, being a young boy, and having been appointed as King over Israel, all he asked God for was “wisdom”. And God blessed Solomon with wisdom for sure, including all sorts of “riches”
King Solomon advised his son: Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you. Love her and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. Proverbs 4: 5-7
By faith, wisdom awakes our conscience, the center where God’s Holy Spirit reveals knowledge of Love, the Life through Jusus Christ in us. Jesus prayed also: “And this is Eternal Life, that they may know You, the One True God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent” John 17: 3
Eternal Life in us is the only Truth we will ever need. As Jesus also said: If you are my disciples, you will know the Truth and that Truth will make you “free indeed!”
nice,,,very inspirational