” For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” – Psalm 84:11
Today in my spirit I am hearing people saying that they feel like they’re going to have breakdowns. It seems like so much is coming against them and they feel like there is no way out.
They’re finding it so difficult to pray, and when they do pray it seems like the prayers are just hitting the ceiling and bouncing back. They know the Word of God, but somehow it seems the heavenly realm over them is locked up.
They’re tired mentally from all the battles, and physically the stress has taken a toll on their bodies. They feel overwhelmed by all the demands of others. They’re dealing with their own challenges but family and friends are also pulling on them from every angle. They’re the one in the family who hears everything, who everyone comes to for advice, and who everyone wants to pray for them. They wish at times they could get up and take the next plane out to anywhere.
They feel so overwhelmed and burdened.
Child of God, you will not have a breakdown but a breakthrough. God wants to remind you today to cast all your cares upon Him. The burdens you’re carrying are all too heavy for you to bear. God wants to give you rest. Oh yes, you have been sleeping, but you have not been resting in the Lord.
God wants to give you spiritual rest. All that you’re facing, all that’s overwhelming you, release it to the Lord. God wants to bear the burdens for you so that you can experience His freedom.
What have you been saying? What have you been confessing? Death and life are in the power of the tongue. It’s time to confess the Word of God. The Word of God is spirit and it is life. The Word of God is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. The Word of God when it is sent forth accomplishes all that it is sent forth to do. Believe the Word of the Lord.
You’ve already been telling God about your problems and crying out to Him for help. But it’s time to give them totally and completely to Him. It’s time to stop praying the problem and pray the solution from the Word of God.
The Lord is telling you to come unto Him, you who labour and are heavy laden, and He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). He is saying to release everything to Him and rest in Him. “Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass” (Psalm 37:7).
Some of you today might be crying, “Lord how long? How much longer do I have to go through this, Lord?” But remember that God is your divine deliverer. Just as He delivered the three Hebrew boys from the midst of the burning furnace, He is sure to deliver you.
For some of you, family, friends and even other Christians have turned against you. The same people who you’ve stuck out your neck for many times are now trying to destroy you. Hope in the Lord. “And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household” (Matthew 10:36). Bless them, love them, and pray for them.
It may seem like your enemies are triumphing over you. You have prayed, you have forgiven, you have tried to heap coals of fire on their heads and they’re still plotting against you.
Be reminded of the Word of the Lord: “Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be envious against those who work unrighteousness (that which is not upright or in right standing with God). For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed” (Psalm 37:1-3).
Don’t allow yourself to get bitter or to refuse to grant forgiveness; release your enemies and hope in the Lord. “When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Proverbs 16:7).
Your marriage may seem to be bursting at the seams. Your family may be under attack. The constant pressures and confusion are becoming so overwhelming. Release them all to the Lord.
You may be up to your neck in debt and financial pressures, and the creditors are calling day and night. You don’t even answer your telephone anymore. You allow the machine to take messages.
Your mortgage is behind; your car is about to be repossessed; your rent is past due; your bank account is empty. You know that no one can help you but God. Look to the Lord for your financial breakthrough.
If you’re not in any of these situations just thank God, for these things are reality in the body of Christ.
You cannot afford at this time to let your mind dwell on anything but the Word of God. You need to be in perfect peace. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3).
Instead of fearing a breakdown, you need to begin to see a supernatural breakthrough. You need to begin to see how God is about to bring deliverance in your situation.
No, you won’t break down, you’re about to have a breakthrough. God loves you dearly. He cares about you. He has not forsaken you. He sees and He knows all that you’re going through. He is with you and He knows just what to do to turn your weeping into rejoicing. He knows just how much you can take, and He has promised not to give you more than you’re able to bear.
Thank God today for giving you the strength to make it through.
Believe with all your heart that you’re about to have a breakthrough!
Praise God,please pray for me,I am going throughgh my wife left home and left me with three children,my businesses has collapsed, I have no job yet I have debts.whatever I try to start it fails .am just tired of this.I need God to speak to me because its too much on me.good people have left me and am just there.thank u
I pray Horace that God is with you each and every moment of your life. That you will be blessed like never before. That you and your children will know the live and peace of God. That the perfect job is around the corner.
I’m sorry the first prayer did not text right I need for joy to accept my new job position. The waiting is having a toll on my health and mental status. Thank you and God bless
I need prayer 4 a lady named joy to accept when your possession allow me to take it I pray I know soon the waiting is having a huge impact on my health! And my mental status thank you and God bless
Thank you for this word is truly my word for today. May the Lord continue to use you to strengthen the feeble
My family is now homeless. I have had to leave my kids to find us a home. I am trying to pray through this but am feeling discouraged. The Lord has delivered us from trials before so I am trying to remain strong. Yet I am weak. Pray for us.
Praise be to God. I am writing this to request you all to prayer for my family. We are going through a situation right now that I wish no one should ever get into. My dad is an innocent man and he has been arrested and was put behind bars for the things he hasn’t done it is his boss who cheated on the customers and my dad is just an employee working for him. My Dad is a 49yr old man and he hasn’t been home since January 23rd and my mother has been approaching for legal help from one lawyer to another but no one seems to help us right or genuinely she doesn’tn’t know much and she’s a 46yr old woman whose desperately trying to get her husband out. We are believers and I want to depend completely on God for the situation we are going through.. since we are lost and we need deliverence from all this and want my him back home as a free man. I can’t describe the pain his going through and how alone he is there..and I see my mother crying at nights in prayers. Please we need…
I will pray daily for your dad sad situation i.will pray truth will come out some way
Lord I know this post has been long on here but thank you lord for it. My spirit is uplifted. I’m a helpless Nigerian girl who is looking to the lord for my rents next month. I believe God has a solution for me
my prayer is our dear Jesus release his blessings upon you in your life and finances that he provide u with all you need Philippians 4:6 . I have this on my bedroom wall to remind me whenever I am worried where I will get rent or whatever other needs I need met that seem impossible. with god all things are possible you are not helpless you are a daughter of the most high god who is mighty save
Thank you Jesus for the testimony of others, which strengthens my faith In you I will continue to hope in you. Please men and women of God pray for me I also feel on the Brink of falling off Thanks
Claire Nurse
I really needed this word. Thank You. I’ve been on the verge of tears every minute of the day. You see, My marriage is in turmoil. My husband has filed for divorce and I don’t want it. He’s fed up, but I know that it can be fixed by God. I’m not one to throw in the towel. It seems the more I pray, the worse it gets. I know that that’s Satan working overtime to derail my prayers. Please pray that my marriage is restored. I know that God has the final say. I also pray that God be the head and nucleus of our marriage, the glue that holds us together. Praying for changed hearts and minds. Amen.
I needed that you were on point I can’t thank you enough
Thanks for this uplifting message. I really needed it just now. Please pray for my healing, financial breakthrough, deliverance from effects of generational curses and witchcraft upon me and my family. I am the only believer in my family struggling all alone. Please pray for the salvation of my mother and brother. May there be peace, restoration and reconciliation in my family in Jesus Mighty name in 2018. I am jobless for two years, five months, I need immediate divine intervention, Jesus is my only Refuge, almost empty
Am blessed and encouraged…I won’t breakdown but breakthrough because he who called me holds my life.
SO right on time for me today..
March 2018 – This encouragement is so timely. Thank you for the words you allowed God to speak through you.
Was hitting like comment but the opposite happened
Standing in agreement with you amen
Our God is good. He sees everything , His word is powerful,
I thank God for such profound words, indeed his word is true and correct, sharper than two edged swords. As I was reading through, my eyes were filled with tears bcos its what im going through, I thank the Lord for these words, they have comforted and healed me, as I give my troubles and everything to the author of my life. Amen
THANK YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I really needed that message from my GOD. Keep me and my family lifted in PRAYER!!! AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN!!!!
I am hoping to receive a word from God. I am at a crossroads in my marriage and need to have guidance from my Lord and Savior. I want to build my husband up, but for so long he has not been the “man of the family”, deferring all the financial burden to me
Please pray for me….I’m oppressed with anxiety and can’t seem to pray or read the Word….God bless
Sit down, open the book and ask God to help you through this. The enemy is stealing your peace. Claim it out loud, over and over. Stand under the Blood of Christ and do not move.
I was trying to get a mother website when I was rerouted to this one all I can say is thank you Jesus. Keep up the good work. And I’m ready for my break through. Be blessed and keep being a blessing.
Praise all the glory to God. I want to openly give God the glory for super natural breakthrough in my life. I would not have whatever I asked for if my God didn’t kept his promise to us. God is bigger then any problem. I am witness that God answer our prayers. God is the ” I am who I am” and I am the I’m nothing.God is the doer. Bless God in the name of Jesus. He will never leave u and we can count on that promise. Thank you Lord
YEEEEEEES!!!!! Before I saw this article I prayed, decreeing and declaring that I was going to get a financial breakthrough before the day is over. I think this article, especially the final sentence just encouraged my spirit! I am about to receive my breakthrough HALLELUJAH!!!!
yesss we have breakthrough
Needed to see this…I need a breakthrough and quick! Some past trouble has come back, and took my job from me. I am responsible for child support as well as daily living expenses. I’ve been fading and proclaiming that God is bigger than this. Eachday that passes that I’m still unemployed can bring disappointment add well as discouragement. But I’ve been holding on to the garment of Christ…prayers a
te appreciated
this where i am at right now ever been down to your very last it has been going on since february and the situation has just gotten a little worse. and god is silent and trying to break through so that i am counting it pure joy and givinig him praise before he opens the prison doors again thank you
:i BELIVE that jesus sent to the wrold b/c of me nd4me not to sufer but the problem is that we are in the wrold which means that we need Gods power Aloways around us so that we will not firl him inthe since that in fast answering us we will ruse hope of his promise.
How can I get in touch with these ministers, does anyone know their website?
I just want to email a thank you to them and God bless their ministry
Thank you SOOO MUCH for the message you posted! I was feeling soo OVERWHELMED and a like I have lost it! Your message helped me put things in perspective! God is my salvation! He is there for me! Thank you Lord for helping me stumble upon this message! It should have had my name written at the top of it…seriously! God Bless you both for putting God’s message on the internet! Thank you Lord! I hear you loud and clear! Please pray for me that I will hear the Lord loudly! Thank you again! Kristy
yah wi all the time i wasnt a christian things was going ok now i turn christian i geting a whole set of enemies for no reason am not aware of and now all boys wanna notice to me is like everyone want me to fall back to my same ways but not me again na amma stay saved
God bless you girl, the devils around you want to see you slip, they cannot bear to see you bearing witness for the Lord.
Praise God they notice you now and ask God to strengthen you, so they see your witness for Jesus in your life.
The enemy hates it when you escape his clutches and wants to drag you down so your witness is spoiled.
I pray God to be your strength and shield.
“Believe in all your heart that you are about to have a breakthrough”
Except, it is difficult to believe something that makes no sense to us. And why does the above statement makes no sense to most people? Is it because they do not know the Word of God?
But God’s Word is the sword that give us victory by the power of faith, that we do not breakdown through fleshly control with a carnal mind, but we will breakthrough right into victory, for Life with a mind consecrated by Love, trained and disciplined to do the Ways of God–the attitude and conducts of His Person, Jesus Christ.
Too many of us are living without knowledge of God’s Word, hence without knowledge of God. And yet knowledge of God is Life in us. Otherwise we are simply existing through flesh and blood, with a carnal mind; but the flesh profits nothing–the reason we always experience the breakdown. Vanity of vanities! All is vanity, says Solomon, the wise man of ancient times. The Book of Ecclesiastes.
Some of those great promises of victory from the Word of God is the promise that says: By His stripes we are healed Isaiah 53: 5; Jesus says to us: “Come to me all of you who are carrying heavy loads, and I will give your rest” Matthew 11: 28; He said again: “I have come that they might have Life and that they may have it more abundantly” John 10: 10. The whole Bible contains great promises from God like those three mentioned.
But how can we they help us if we do not know they exist?
Hi Liz how do you do??
So true but it is so sad that so many of us out there do not know those words exist. Most of us are existing in our carnal state.
I think those of us who knows it must go out and not seat warming the pews of the building .. Go out and bring the good news to the people out there. We got a lot of work to do and also we still need to submit totally to him. Not many of us can do this since it is only when the Holy Spirit comes into us that we can function in the spirit.
Hello Watcher, I am doing well enough!
I agree with you that those of us, who know the many promises of God, by which He blesses us with Life, should strive to allow Him to pass on the news of His promises to those who do not know they exist, as we allow Him to do this work through us.
That is why I do my utmost best to encourage my church family, and anyone who is willing to listen and to take my advice, to study the Word of God on their own, as God will bless them with wisdom and understanding to get to know Him. For knowledge of God and His Person of Love, Jesus Christ, is evidence of Eternal Life in us.
The greatest problem is that too many of us are saying that we do not have time. And so we lean on going to church on Sundays to sing songs, dramatize, send prayer request, and then to listen to our pastor, preacher, or priest, with a sermon that last for whatever time they chooses. Then we go home believing we have Eternal Life that way.
That is why Jesus told Nicodemus, you must be born again. Just as a human baby need food to develop with strength and maturity, it is the same way a baby spirit will experience spiritual hunger and to want to eat spiritual food, to develop with strength and maturity. But that baby spirit must come by faith, of water and the Spirit.
Anyway remember that your work on DNO is a form of missionary work, as God Holy Spirit is working through you, for the salvation of His people. Continue in obedience and do not let anyone discourage you.
God’s blessings of strength and courage to you.
I bear living witness that GOD is alive and real. From my own personal experience, if we look hard enough and aske GOD in faith he there will be a breakthrough. Children of GOD I lost everything when my house was robbed. Not even a teaspoon was left by the robbers. They removed all the built in cupboards; stripped all the carpets and even removed all the window frames, in other words I was left homeless. Lots of thank you to GOD my daughter and son in law gave me a place to stay with then. My daughter has been treating me very badly, I try and have a conversation with her, she just lashes out at me. I wash the dishes she lashes at me saying that I am taking over her house. Anyway enough of the negativity. A few days ago I wept like never before. I cried and cried to GOD asking HIM for a breakthru, as I couldnt bear the hardship and torture any more. And finally a few days ago I told GOD and nobody else what I was going to do to myself. I planned my suicide very well, I left home and was walking miles away from home with the intention of it being my last day on earth. I was crying all the way. Suddenly someone from the back tapping me on my shoulder telling me mamdam do not be afraid GOD sent me to talk to you. He did not see me crying. I turned around and got really scared as the gentleman looked like a robber, I judged him, that was so wrong of me. I asked him why would GOD send you to me. This gentleman didnt know my plans and I continued asking him more questions. He told me what what GOD had told him. I was shaking, I just couldnt believe that this was happening. Yes GOD is real and alive. He sent this gentleman to stop me from taking my life. God told him to tell me that GOD has very big plans for me and satan is trying to steal it from me. Just writing this message give me goose bumps. Even though I experienced GODS hands first hand I am still shocked with what faith can do. Children of GOD just keep pursuing your self and sure the breakthrough will come. Keep believing with your heart, Cry and weep to GOD, thats what I did. He came through for me. He is never late not early, just as always on time. Just remember this HIS time is not your time. GOD bless and keep praying and believe in your prayers. You wont regret it, trust me,
Thank you for the words of encouragement, although waiting is not easy more especially when attacked by witchcraft people you know to be children of God but being busy with occult practice.
Your testimony brought tear to my eyes.I thank God he send a messenger to you. That is very painful of an experience you went through.The devil is real and I know God is more real.God does sometimes take long and that makes a lot of people want to give up.I learned the hard way not to rely on family for nothing.God led me to a scripture that says don’t overdue your welcome.When anyone gives you a place to live do everything is your hands to leave quick.People are to be loved from a distance.I went through what you are talking about.I have not spoke to anyone in my family for 6 years.They hurt me so bad.All of them.I love hearing testimonies like yours.It gives me hope God is in control of what I’m going through.Thank you and God bless you.
How did you know: I have been praying and waiting for God to send me “that no good thing” but it has been hard going. Thank you for the words of encouragement. God Bless