BUSINESS AND LIFE: Career Resilient Workforce

Dr. Valda Henry
VFC Inc’s Dr. Valda Henry,

This week, we commence VF Inc.’s weekly “Business and Life” Column. We thank Mr. Tim Durand and the DNO team for the invitation to host this column. In this column we explore issues of business, the workplace and occasionally of life, for it is difficult to separate our different aspects of our life. We invite you to write in with your questions and suggestions.

This week, we begin with a four part series on “The Learning Organisation: Building a Career-Resilient Workforce”. A Learning Organisation, according to Michael Marquardt (Author of 16 Steps to Becoming a Learning Organisation), is one, which stays on its toes, and adapts, changes and learns at every opportunity, every day, all the time. It is one where the journey never ends. He argues that it is one sure way to stay on track, on time and ahead of the competition. He cautions, however, that there is no single one-way to become a learning organization. Each organization must look at its own history, competitive environment, skill base, technology, mission and culture and develop an appropriate
learning structure and style. He offers a framework for creating a Learning Organisation based on five elements:

i) The organization itself – It creates and fosters powerful and productive ways to learn and it does so through its culture; its vision; its strategy; and its structure

ii) Its people – Its people are empowered to learn, both inside and outside the organization, whatever they need to know to become improve productivity

iii) Its technology – This is the organisation’s supporting and integrated electronic network and tools. It includes its technical processes, systems and structure of its knowledge framework

iv) Its knowledge – This includes how the organization generates, collects, stores, disseminates and uses information. It is the knowledge base or institutional memory of the organization.

v) Its overall learning – The learning is continuous and conscious. It thoroughly permeates the other four components. Learning should happen at three levels: individual; team or group, and the organization Why then should an organization become a learning organization? The benefits are many, however, in short, it is to become or remain competitive – one of the key, if not the most important key to organizational success.

This then leads us to question, how does an organization become a learning organization? What is the litmus test for organizational success? The answer to both questions includes “a career resilient workforce?” What, you may ask is “a careerresilient workforce?” Waterman et al (HBR Onpoint product #7206 – “Toward a Career-Resilient Workforce” by Robert H Waterman et al) define career resilient employees as those equally committed to themselves and to the company”. In short, they are the ones looking out for themselves and the company. If we extrapolate this, a “Career resilient workforce” is one looking out for itself and the company. This does not make sense. This cannot be part of the answer to the two questions posed earlier: “How does an organization become a learning organization? What is the litmus test for organizational success?” Hold on, before boldly declaring, “Dr. Henry knows not what she speaks of”.

Next week we explore the concept of career resilience a bit deeper.

We thank you for your comments and interest.  The suggestions have been duly noted and we will feature articles based on the suggestions in due course.  Persons wanting to contribute to the column should make contact directly.  We encourage you to read the Column and to keep your comments and suggestions coming to guide us as we strive to  meet the needs of you, the reader.  You can email us directly at [email protected]


Valda Frederica Henry, VF Inc.’s CEO and Principal Trainer is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR), Certified Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Practitioner, holds a PhD in Industrial Relations & Business, a Masters in Business Administration and a BSc Management Studies. 

VF Inc. is a Human Resource & Finance Consultancy firm with a Training and Recruitment arm, and the producer and host of a live TV program “The Cutting Edge of Business”. 

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  1. February 19, 2013

    Hi, Dr Henry you can’t write an article like this on DNO because you are not writing for intellectuals. So please make it easy and a short read. Also address one topic at a time . Anyway my question to you is why is it so difficult to open a business in Dominica.

  2. Anonymous
    February 19, 2013

    I’m sorry but I agree with the other posters. These articles need to be more interesting and written in a lighter style. Noone wants to attend a lectrue series on DNO.

  3. Off target...
    February 18, 2013

    For me, the article has the makings of yet another irrelevant power-point presentation (yawn…) rather than a practical guide to the on-the-ground problems we face in Dominica.

  4. Willing to learn
    February 18, 2013

    Dr Henry it appears that those persons who read articles on DNO at not those persons who can understand that article. I dare say that the article is pretty straight forward ! I see nothing to breakdown. When we come across articles that we do not understand we should seek to use maybe the internet to help us get an understanding of what is being said rather than ask the author to break it down – to what level Kindergarten?? All you need to focus on is the 5 elements of a learning organization and then read up on a “Career Resilient Workforce” just google it and you will get some information to shed some light on what the article is talking about. We need to move out from only reading the mediocre articles posted and posting articles that reflect a less-than-high school-education level. I look forward to next week’s article when Dr Henry will provide further information on a “Career Resilient Workforce”. Thank you Dr Henry for an article that I can relate to, one that stimulates my brain.

    • Willing to learn
      February 18, 2013

      I mean posting comments that reflect a less-than-high school-education level.

    • mouth of the south
      February 18, 2013

      don’t u agree that more than half of Dominicans have below 5th form level of education??? i’m just looking out for the majority who wouldn’t understand. If it can’t be understood then communication is flawed, it is up to Dr. Henry to adjust to the readership of D.N.O since she intends to use the medium. For example, someone of her caliber will not ask etc to write articles, but would apply to be accepted at the N.Y Times etc for a spot. See the difference, one has to know the audience that the medium they intend to use, caters to…..

    • Anonymous
      February 18, 2013

      So how are readers going to get to the “high intellect” by reading this column? Is it a column to elevate people or a column for the already elevated? Think before you type, you are not the only one alive. :mrgreen:

    • Mweh mem
      February 18, 2013

      Here in lies the problem, you have to cater to your audience; why should I have to google anything after reading the column? Don’t be so high minded.

  5. Bird's Eye
    February 18, 2013

    Dr. Henry: I applaud you for starting this column. But I must observe that you could do a better job in presenting the material that you obviously sourced elsewhere. The column lacks literary sophistication and the kind intellectual polish I expect from someone with your stated credentials.
    In addition, with a little imagination, you could attempt to relate your subject matter to the worker experience locally in order to make it more meaningful and relevant.
    I hope you will be guided by these comments in your future column.

  6. Mweh mem
    February 18, 2013

    I have no problem with you quoting from different sources to make your point, however I think it would be more beneficial to our readers here if you identify real situations in DA and speak to those issues in layman terms for all to understand… in other words break it down. Good initiative by DNO and yourself…

    • k.anselm
      February 18, 2013

      Dr. Valda Henry,Mr. Tim Durand and the DNO team. I salute you all on the creation of this column. I myself engulfed the platform of words.

      However i feel you must gear down abit to where the majority of the Dominica populus can relate.

      I look foward to next week in your concept of career resilience a bit deeper with an emphasis of relevance to Dominica.

      • k.anselm
        February 18, 2013

        Is this Klinton from Grand Fond

  7. Nice
    February 18, 2013

    et al part too bulky for reading, please break down in own, simpler words for average reader. Looking forward to next publication.

  8. Anthony P. Ismael
    February 18, 2013

    Dr. William Ouchi developed a hypothesis called Theory Z. In this theory, he hypothesized that stable employment, high productivity, high employee morale and satisfaction ultimately creates a more productive organization. In essence, workers are highly involved in the production process at every level during production.
    This theory has been credited for the high quality of Japanese automobiles and the overall success of its auto industry. It is based on Deming’s fourteen point theory. Theory Z. places a high degree of emphasis on the employee’s overall attitude, morale, and willingness to help their organization succeed.
    In Dominica we have what I have coined, “The Captive Market Syndrome.” Although employees may possess these aforementioned qualities, they are not motivated or driven to perform at their optimum level. This is due to lack of competition amongst small industries or businesses on the island.
    For example, why would an employee help their organization become a learning organization if they are the sole proprietor in a particular segment? Such organizations and their employees can conduct business as they see fit because there is no competition or impetus to improve customer service or productivity?
    The poor service that our service providers dole out to customers in the tourism industry is a great ongoing example. If you’re one of two places with a happy hour bar on Fridays, one has no choice but to wait for an exceedingly long time to purchase a beer. Furthermore, do such organizations and their employees understand that they are competing in a global market place?

    • k.anselm
      February 18, 2013

      Well stated…..

    • Anonymous
      February 18, 2013

      Learning Organisations do not only look at competition or its creation. It looks at an environment where new things happen everyday and remove boredom and monotone from work. It is used as a motivational tool for the employees and creates an environment where one would look forward to going to work because he is doing new things, learning new things and not an environment of stagnation or one that is highly predictable.

  9. Nacinimod
    February 18, 2013

    Hymm, don’t know your intended audience is but this reads like a manuscript that was turned down for publication in an academic journal.

    Something of more pratical relevance would be appreciated.

    • mouth of the south
      February 18, 2013

      i thought the same, just didn’t put it out there cause some will say, i’m being negative. But these articles in the written form should be a paid subscription for business leaders.

      What Dr. Henry has to do, is write columns in which both employers and masses (workers) from janitor to manager can understand… work ethic etc and other things to touch upon…. but this should be a subscription, and if i say so, then i’m not belittling the written piece. In fact, i’m endorsing it, if i think one should pay for it.

    • info
      February 18, 2013

      why should we lower our standards? Dominicans are educated people, we read articles on the Washington Post and NY Times. So break it down for whom? If people did cxc then they should be able to understand. If they cannot understand, use the internet as a learning tool. I am a professional and I do it all the time.

      • Brooklyin
        February 18, 2013

        Dear Info
        1. why should we lower our standards? The material in this article is truly not for a joyful DNO audience period.

        2.Dominicans are educated people, we read articles on the Washington Post and NY Times. So break it down for whom? The local populus of Dominicans period.

        3. If people did cxc then they should be able to understand. If they cannot understand, use the internet as a learning tool. I am a professional and I do it all the time? CXC?…To read a local source of news and then have to goggle for a better understand, padner you iz a JOKA….

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