DEAR BELLA: Young woman wants to know why men cheat

Dear Bella,

I’m writing on behalf of my curiosity, not so much to seek advice but to peek the interest and get feedback/ views from your many readers.

I am approaching my 20’s and have never had a boyfriend or been in any sort of amicable or intimate relationship with any guy. However at present I am considering the idea of entertaining one of the many suitors who have been trying to get my attention, but my hesitance to pursue any sort of relationship with the opposite sex is because of the experiences  I have had witness to, where a man would do anything in his power to get a woman and once he gets her and has her under his wings he somewhat loses appreciation for her and in most times hurt that very same woman that he promised never to hurt by cheating on her..

Bella I would love if you and your readers could shed some light for me on “why men cheat”. I write to you because  this is a free and open forum where people can openly express their opinion and share their views using an unknown identity.

Those of you who have been cheated on, have cheated or have intentions to, married or single please, help me make some sense of why men cheat.

Most of the men who do cheat have good women at home or in their life, working hard and  putting real effort into the relationship, women who treat them right and make them happy, the type who has things in order and keep them in check and knows how to “get it on” in the bedroom, the one they claim to love and can’t leave without and yet they still cheat.

Some of these men are good men but they end up doing such a bad thing like cheating, why?. Please help me Bella and friends (readers), to somewhat have a reason to look forward to being in a relationship be it now five or ten years from now.

Really appreciate it.

Curious One

Dear Curious One,

Why men cheat is a very difficult question to answer but let me make it clear that men are not the only ones who cheat. Please keep that in mind.

I ran into an article some months back on the same issue. Points from the article is posted below. Hope this helps. I am sure readers will have their own opinions also.

According to the article, here are the top 10 reasons why men cheat:

1. Because they had the option. The old saying ‘men are only as faithful as their options’ can sometimes ring true. Men don’t get offered sex as often as women so when the opportunity does arise, it can be very difficult for them to turn it down.

2. It boosts their ego. Sometimes men don’t feel like they are attractive to the opposite sex any more and when a woman shows some interest, not only does a man react, he may allow her to stroke his ego and more. There’s nothing like the thrill of the chase to men on the hunt. When they are finally rewarded for their efforts, their egos swell even larger.

3. You grow apart. Maybe the two of you didn’t have as much in common as you thought. He’s met a woman who has more in common with him who loves football or plays golf. He may check out if he is compatible with her under the sheets also.

4. You argue a lot. Men will sometimes cheat to get away from an overly critical or argumentative partner. Who wants to be around someone who is constantly on them about something.

5. He’s fallen out of love. Sometimes men become so comfortable in a relationship, they don’t know how to get out. They may be staying in the relationship because of children or financial reasons. However, they feel like they are missing out on love and may seek it out elsewhere. In their mind, this is as close to win-win as they can get.

6. Your sex life sucks. If a man has a disinterested partner or isn’t getting enough sex to fulfill him, there is a good chance he will have an affair. Just because you have a husband or boyfriend, does not mean you can stop trying. It takes a little bit of effort to keep your sex life from getting boring and non-existent. Some men cheat because they want to try new sexual things that their current partner will not try.

7. To get revenge. A man will sometimes cheat if he finds out his partner was cheating on him. How else is he supposed to heal those hurt feelings of his but through good old fashioned sex’

8. It’s new, different and exciting. Some men get tired of having steak for dinner every night and want to try a hamburger. The same goes for sex with a woman. That’s why men don’t necessarily always cheat with women who are more attractive than their partners.

9. To see if they can get away with it. If a man has the attitude of ‘what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her,’ he may cheat to see if he is sneaky and smart enough to get away with it. However, with all the advancement in surveillance spy ware, getting caught has now become easier than ever.

10. Because you have allowed it in the past. If you have forgiven a cheating man a couple of times, they are more than likely going to cheat again because they already know if they plead enough, you will forgive them.


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  1. Anonymous
    September 14, 2011

    men cheat because man are men 8-O

  2. baby
    July 22, 2011

    men cheat cause weomen offer dem pussy,,who refuses pussy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. HotBoy
    April 7, 2011

    Makes sense though…only losers cheat, they may get the prize but they’re still considered to b losers…I can’t take dis

  4. HotBoy
    April 7, 2011


  5. never did
    March 20, 2011

    the only way there is to prevnt cheating….have a good relationship with GOD….a tight christian relationship built on the foundation of GOD…..and NONE OF THIS B.S will happennnn :) :-D :wink: :lol: 8)

  6. his girl
    February 27, 2011

    d sad thing about this is when some of those women know dem man have their woman. when they seeing them passingg together a thing taking them because the man with number 1. although men cheating but there main women always number one . and they doing all the hard work but trust me it not looking nice , but at the end they still number 1

  7. Moi
    February 23, 2011

    I tired of every time the topic of cheating men comes up, people talk about ‘bike riders’ or ”gangsters” or ‘characters’.. Now we know when they talk about ‘characters’ a lot of time they simply mean someone without an office job… Now im by no means trying to promote negativity but someone can be a ‘weed smoker’ or ‘pulling up on the block” and be a better man at heart than the big office worker! I know everybody knows of some bankers, lawyers, doctors, judges and teachers that cheat just as much or more than some carpenters, high school drop-outs or drug dealers!! There really are some good men who just happen to be educated and have good jobs, and are sometimes overlooked by SOME women who say they’re ”too nice”, but hey every pot has its cover, maybe she’s just not yours; and so what if the man who happens 2 be her pot cover has more ‘menial’ job! and a lil ‘ganster swag’? All I’m saying is when talking about cheating some people should stop talking like its only ‘street boys’ who cheat… and one more thing, ‘Frodo Baggins’ above said he cheats to get satisfaction becuz his girlfriend is shy; that’s still not right of him but that’s why a woman should go all out for the man she loves as long as he treats her with love and respect, so that if he cheats, he can’t say its because she didn’t ”do her part” ;-)

    • his girl
      February 27, 2011

      that is so true

    • hmm
      February 28, 2011

      police long as u become a police man..u will always cheat..they spredin babies in every community they work

      • browneyes
        August 1, 2011

        not my own say majority mind me with you

    • sweet pea
      March 3, 2011

      I just want to know why carpenters are put in the same bracket as “high school drop outs” and “drug dealers”….

  8. woman
    February 23, 2011

    all i ave to sa y is ggodwork on cheating on dem man not read yet dem man

  9. woman
    February 23, 2011

    :twisted: man always cheating but they dont want dere woman to ,to all the cheating sisters gooodwork and dont forget the wear the rubber

  10. Rainbow
    February 23, 2011

    Certain men may cheat for many reasons……..excluding the the many good reasons why they may do it lets look at the many stupid reasons they do. Most of them just want to feel superior that they can get any pretty girl they want or just the fact of getting them to do what they want to do. True it may not always be at the the top of their mind to do it at the exact moment, but influences from public, friends and media may sway them in that direction. As other persons who comment might have said, they may have lost interest….you see we young people these days, most of us have lost what the true meaning of love and sincere relationship means. We have abused it so much and chose not to wait our time to grow and understand that we forget that being in a relationship means responsibility and trust and caring and most important, true iunconditional love. We don’t take the time to think and resolve. And in the end we just end up breaking up and losing interest and fighting. We like to rush into things too much and in the end that is our down fall because we don’t take the time to get to know someone and correct our mistakes and drop bad habits which causes us to madke alot of mistakes.

    • his girl
      February 27, 2011

      100% agree with you.

  11. Sad but true
    February 23, 2011

    Cheating is a two way street.

    Women cheat with men. They accept it, they go along with it. A man cannot cheat on his own.

    If a woman never consented to be with someone’s husband or girlfriend, there would be no cheating.

    • Mich
      February 23, 2011

      I always say this.. So true!

  12. mcky
    February 23, 2011

    hello……… but wait………. lol………… to be honest thats crazy…… advice cant do nothing but prepare u for things to come no matter wat it will happen its a way of life now…. i was wit a girl for four years and she was the one who cheated……. really looking at it it goes both ways. ok?

  13. Muslim_Always
    February 23, 2011

    @ Curious one: I hope you read this so we can dialogue God’s willing.

    Definitions: Cheating – the breaching of a verbal, understanding or written agreement that suggests a monogamous relationship.

    Polygyny – the understanding that men are allowed to have plural wives but the wives must have one husband. A marital certificate and agreement is granted to all parties involved in the relationship.

    Firstly, people which includes MEN and WOMEN cheat because they do not fear God pure and simple.
    If it is understood between a couple that they should be only with each other then each should keep their word, otherwise this is deception; thus this is what is happening in this society.

    Secondly O curious one, men cheat because there aren’t practical ethics and law to cushion the large sexual appetite of men. Curious one, men are polygynous by nature, they love the idea of having more than one wives, do not let anyone fool you. The laws of Dominica needs review in relation to polygyny. It should allow for partners who agree to practice polygyny to do so but with ethical conditions; for e.g ensuring that the obligations and rights are fulfilled by all involved.

    I say to you O curious one, do some research on the Islamic principles of polygyny. In there you will understand the nature of man and woman very well. You will be better enlightened. If you understand the nature of a man and his needs, you will be a better wife, he will love you very much because men love to feel understood as well.

  14. Jay
    February 23, 2011

    Its all about ego, because most of those that cheat don’t satisfy the one at home. Ask your gf or wife if she is being satisfied. Wham bam thank you mam all about the place, instead of working hard to satisfy the one at home.

  15. da real hhhmm
    February 22, 2011

    real seen is not really bout no one reason sex life could be great could have d most beautiful woman in d world … but no matter wat man must cheat on woman one girl just cannot satisfy a man… he might love u to death will eventually marry u an will be dr for u wll take ur side if anyting was to happen but he will stil cheat its just natural he doesn love d person or persons he might be cheatin wit but still does it … jus happens its natural one girl cannot satisfy a man da is imposible no man da tell u he not cheatin on u liein …all men cheat no matter wat u cannot stop it i no i am one .. try n i try n i try i jus cant stop …i love dis girl to death i would honestly kill or give my life 4 her acordin 2 d situation but i still cheat drs no stopin it jus natural one woman cannot satisfy me

    • Voice of reason
      February 23, 2011

      Thanks for your honesty; I think you are right. Only God can unite two people eternally and if God is not in the relationship you will never be satisfied …

      • que?
        February 23, 2011

        explain how “God” can be in the relationship? if what you’re saying makes any sense, explain.

        • Lizavier4Jesus
          February 23, 2011

          God is Love; as people we are to function according to the Ways of God, as was demonstrated by God’s Person of Love, Jesus Christ.

          Of course many people are not aware of that fact, that is why so many go into a relationship, just to end up with broken piece somewhere into that relationship. For without the command of Love, God’s ways in our lives, nothing will work.

    • so
      February 23, 2011

      cuz you are a liar and somebody who lies can steal, kill and rape—–dan nasty u obsess with sex so one woman cannot satisfy u—u cud take a animal or a man too NASTY

      • Me
        February 23, 2011

        Padna ya u may be a man, but that doesn’t mean you can speak for ALL men.. What you do is just you, many others do it too but not all… There are men who’ve cheated before and stop at some point. Because you maybe haven’t yet fully matured (regardless if you’re a 100 years old) to settle down doesn’t mean all men are on the same boat with you.. and if you lover your girl as you say then you can stop cheating, you just haven’t tried hard enough yet

    • sweet pum pum
      February 23, 2011

      I would’nt call you low down and dirty names but I would classify you as one of those men who needs to have more than one woman to make you feel that you are a real man

  16. brie
    February 22, 2011

    i love that question… i often ask myself the same question and come up blank. but i think they cheat for the same reasons women do. every reason i could come up with as to y men cheat i see myself doin the exact same thing.

  17. bx babii
    February 22, 2011

    lies, cheating…. and most of all the women accept it so… YAH….

  18. rose
    February 22, 2011

    But what’s eating his grapes ? he is guilty of something man .lololololol.

  19. desie
    February 22, 2011

    i cannot talk for all man
    but i believe is just curiosity
    So we must cheat
    But most times we like to make our eyes boil our peas
    we see it we must try to taste it
    So women work your men so hard they must tired
    So when you tired you most rest


    Admin: some of words and sentences in your comment we cannot publish. Please read the disclaimer on the home page. You must remember this is a public forum and there are certain standards we have to maintain.

  20. Claps
    February 22, 2011

    Marigot tings so they be

    • bx babii
      February 22, 2011


    • concerned child
      February 23, 2011

      that’s true i hear the young men in the town talk about those girls especially the north east secondary and its so sad the way they talk about them! i don’t want my brother anywhere close to these ‘things’.

  21. like2jam
    February 22, 2011

    The main reason why we cheat is not because we dont love our mate/spouse, rarely for revenge or the satisfaction of ego; but simply because it is in our nature! Observe the male gender of just about any specie of animal. The case is usually one male, sexually active with several females. Sex is hardwired into the brain chemistry of man and we are subject to powerful urges which are extremely difficult to ignore. Of course, conscience and self control is what separates us from the animals but pleaseeeee doe press man too hard when we do cheat, its only instinctual; its only in our nature to do so.

    • sweet pum pum
      February 23, 2011

      Once again like I say some people are nature lovers :lol:

  22. mouth of the south
    February 22, 2011

    when u have ur woman dats when other women trying to tempt u more,,,,, the kinda sexy legs i passing on cork street its hard not to put teeth on a chicken

    • bx babii
      February 22, 2011


    • sweet pum pum
      February 23, 2011

      “Its too hard not to put teeth on a chicken” meaning I am too weak to say no :lol:

    • HotBoy
      April 7, 2011

      u jus soft…

  23. wi boudier
    February 22, 2011

    men feel that wen dey cheat their bosses…..wen he have 2 woman or mre their friends would be like boy u deadly….WHEN MEN CHEAT DEY R KOOL WHEN WOMEN CHEAT ITS LIKE OH NO SHES A WHORE….THATS HOW SOCIETY HAS IT…..but wat d heck shit happens

    • dats life
      February 22, 2011

      my twin we really think alike

  24. wi boudier
    February 22, 2011

    women nowadays are so seductive its had 4 a man to deny their assets…its like their hipnotizers

    • sweet pum pum
      February 23, 2011

      and thats what I mean when I say that some people are just plain out weak and can’t say no :lol:

  25. dats life
    February 22, 2011

    men cheat just to impress their other male friends…they think wen they have 2 woman n mre their bosses……WHEN MEN CHEAT THEIR CONSIDERED KOOL WHEN WOMEN CHEAT PEOPLE ARE LIKE OH NO SHES A WHORE……Typical dominicans….. but wat d heck .

  26. for real
    February 22, 2011

    monogamous is not a natural phenonemon…..just look around and you will find out that less than 5% of the animal kingdom stays faitful all their lives to one partner…our sisserou parrot is one of them….human beings are only practising monogamy because of the various constraints placed on them by institutions

  27. natural dominican
    February 22, 2011

    both men and women cheat…the simple explaination…because we can…but baby girl don’t let that alter who you are or who you chose to be in your life…you can only do right by you…we are responsible for our own actions…good luck in finding that special somebody

  28. Fuke-CHillot!
    February 22, 2011

    Although you are a woman curious one, but this could be a sexist statement. While you consider being with a man be it now, five or ten years from now. Asking the question just why MEN cheat is rather sexist to me. Consider the immoral values of some women who cheat on their husbands. Some of these reasons are somehow the SAME reason why the husband cheat. On the other hand, I wouldn’t expect you to know that until you are in an actual relationship.

    There are many reasons that can be conclude, which can lead to “cheating.” Men are regarded as the one’s who cheat the most in society. Right now I am only typing from what I know and would have loved to look up recent research information and results upon cheating and cheaters. For now, which ever reason you receive from either Bella or your readers, Please refrain from making those same mistakes. And to the person who said that just by looking at someone else is considered ”cheating” you should take a trip to the dictionary, its free of charge. Now i have to go do some toilet visit.. hehe take care *wink* and stay away from CHEATING my dear! :wink:

  29. TOMIAN
    February 22, 2011

    It is simply as ABC, men and women cheat because they get the urge to. Sometimes the body just wants what it wants and this has alot to do with feelings. For some of us we can control them but for others they just cant and so thus the result CHEATING!

  30. Frodo Baggins
    February 22, 2011

    i cheat to get what i want in sex, my girls a shy one…

  31. mouth of the south
    February 22, 2011

    why do men cheat???? don’t women cheat also,,,, the question should be ‘how can i get and keep a faithful man’ cuz in dominica we are there waiting but guess wat,,,, is the player u all want,,, the guy with the ride to roll,,, the biker n gangster,,,, the one ur best friend have a crush on,,, is them u all want,,,, so many good men in dominica that don’t get the chance of day cuz we are ‘good’ guys n are seen as being too soft or nice,,,,, women love a lil pain for if a woman has a man and no other woman making break on the pardna,,, then that woman not satisfied yet,,,, she want to see some challenge to her authority,,,, well take it blow dow blow dow,,, is so allu love it,,,, once i heard a woman say,,,, if she with her man and his cell not ringing off the hook she will lose interest,,,, that’s what we are dealing with in dominica,,,, when u all get a man to take care of u all,,,, is then u all want to take advantage,,, go out with allu friends all night even having man on the side,,, so ur question to bella should have been,,,’how can i get n keep a faithful man’

    • eeni meeni miney mo
      February 23, 2011

      omg…. that is sooo true!! you know what i’m going to start treating my man with more respect i know for a fact he is one of the nice ones. thanks alot mouth of the south

    • sweet pum pum
      February 23, 2011

      Part of my answer “the game”

  32. Anti-hate
    February 22, 2011

    The funny thing is that a lot of times when guys cheat it’s with another man’s g/f.

    So maybe if u women would be more faithful to your men us guys would have less opportunities to cheat!!

    • Voice of reason
      February 23, 2011

      So true, after all who do the men cheat with … Women.
      If women don’t want men to cheat then it’s up to women to stop entertaining these men and create a better life for ALL women!

      The same, of course, can be said for men who entertain women who are cheaters.

      If we all want a better society where men and women are honest and faithful to each other, then the power is in our hands to create it.
      If you want the best, accept nothing less :-)
      Peace x

      • TOm
        March 17, 2011

        well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Patsy
    February 22, 2011

    Man we all Cheat..once you watch another opposite sex person… That is called CHEATING
    We cheat by watching..> Touching and even Thinking…. Be carefull the Deavil is a LIAR

  34. sweet pum pum
    February 22, 2011

    Miss Curious :) even the best people cheat for various reasons as Bella stated sometimes its just a game sometimes just for the hell of it some are driven into the more loving arms of another woman by the woman they love and some just like to run wild and curious since you have stated that you are inexperience in the ways of love women cheat too but they are slicker about it and not so open and while we are at it not everyone will have a reason to cheat they could have the best of partners and they cheat and they could have the worst of partner and would not cheat it depends on the individual’s belief, some are just plain out weak and cannot say no :) some are “nature lovers” they love anything that moves if you catch my drift :lol: :lol:

    • Voice of reason
      February 23, 2011

      As Patsy said above, the devil is a liar!
      Nobody lies unless they know what they are doing is wrong!
      If you know that it is wrong, then why do it? Lying about it doesn’t make it right.

      Lying is a sign of immaturity and people need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. If you want to act like an animal, then by all means do so. But have the courage to acknowledge and declare yourself as such so that the rest of us can steer clear of you :-)

    February 22, 2011

    Men cheat because of the desires of sinful nature, sexual immorality impure though, eagerness for lustful pleasure. That why we need the holy spirit to controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us; love , joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control.

    • Sunshine
      February 22, 2011

      Very good comment. Both men and women cheat because we desire the FLESH. We have turned our backs on God and have forgotten the very existence of our being is to use our bodies to Glory God and to use our bodies as His temples.

      • Voice of reason
        February 23, 2011

        Amen :-D

    • cyock
      February 22, 2011

      thank you i like it only trought chirst we can conque all thing

    February 22, 2011

    Men cheat because of Eve….blame the apple

      February 22, 2011


    • Voice of reason
      February 23, 2011

      God instructed Adam, but what did Adam tell Eve? Did he tell her what God told him? We’ll never know …Maybe he ate with her, because he knew that he failed to tell her the truth, and that he was to blame for her mistake … :cry:

      • Lizavier4Jesus
        February 23, 2011

        Now the serpent–the form of Satan at the time–was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

        And the woman said to the serpent we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree whch is in the midst of the garden , God has sad, you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.

        Then the serpent said to the woman, you will not surely die.

        For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

        So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also give to her husband with here, and he ate. Genesis 3: 1-6

        Eve knew that she was not allowed to eat of the forbidden tree, just as Adam did.

    • Dude
      March 14, 2011

      weakileaks boy how u tink of dat?

  37. Sweetness
    February 22, 2011

    Some men are just greedy. They never seem to be satisfied. You could work your but out to make things work in the realationship but once he has a ‘pigish’ attitude he will cheat.
    Once a cheater always a cheater!

    • Lady G
      February 22, 2011

      Agree with u

  38. jewel
    February 22, 2011

    men cheat cause they don’t control their feelings.. they allow their feelings to control them. God created man and he is attracted just by looking. now if a man is attracted to other women besides his wife and he is not taking control of his feelings then obviously feelings will take over and so he will cheat if he takes control of his feelings it is quite different. Men and as well as women has feelings and if they do not control it and let feelings control them, here goes cheating. Philippians 4:8 >> whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, just, pure, lovely, whatever things are of good report Think on these things. Gal 5:16 Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. cheating is lust of the flesh. Here it goes. So men as well as women, we need to live by the word and our marriage will be happier. I am also of the opinon that even pastors who know the word cheat on their wives but the most important thing is that we must not look on others and try to live as Christ wants us to. We can both be faithful partners as long as we remain faithful to God. God bless:)
    Let me add…I call myself a sex miniac I loooove sex and i love my husband. I am 37 for 15 years i have been having sex with only him and we always have fun during sex. we enjoy each other. however my husband still cheat. i know he does cause there is always evidence and he denies it and tells me how much he enjoys our sex. However he still cheat…nasty nasty men

    • Voice of reason
      February 23, 2011

      God bless you Jewel, do not let the man that you call your husband destroy your relationship with God

  39. I IN DAT
    February 22, 2011


    • Anonymous
      February 22, 2011


    • like2jam
      February 22, 2011

      well atleast you’re honest lol

  40. Homeboy
    February 22, 2011

    Well Abraham a biblical Icon had how many wives???? This western concept of marriage has been propagated by the Caucasian race as they do not have the libido to sustain more than one encounter. Take a look for example in Africa where tribesmen have more than one wife, AS LONG AS THEY CAN PROVIDE FOR ALL OF THEIR NEEDS ( Physical and mental). So this thing about one woman is bogus.

    • Homeboy
      February 22, 2011

      In short, a man should be allowed to be with as many women as he can sustain. Jump high, say what all of you guys want.

      • oh my my my
        February 22, 2011

        yeah and that exactly how aids spread.

      • precious memories
        February 22, 2011

        Should be?? hmmm, player, you’re sure you wanna have to deal with more than one black woman of this western culture? even if you can maintain them? lol
        ‘forgive him Lord for he knows not what he’s saying’ lol

        in African tribes the women and men follow strict rules for those kinds of unions. key word being ‘tribes’. their law and customs are different.

        Abraham had one wife at a time. he messed with the ‘bondwoman’ Hagar to make a child and consequently we’re still feeling the effects of that decision today.

      • Anonymous
        February 22, 2011

        one woman to a man is a white concept the same white man who during slavery slet with our women but was afraid we would get revenge on him crafted the concept to protect himself

    • AmazingFace
      February 22, 2011

      Yeah right…that’s why King Solomon had to run and go and sit down on top of his roof??? Too many women in his head making demands he couldn’t keep up with. @ Curious: Men and women cheat because they can…It’s that plain and it’s that simple. The desire and opportunity are there, they will take it.

      Is just that society has painted women as harlots( read about Mary Magdalene, Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter) and men hardly have to give an account for those same sins. Men are just more open about it that’s all.

      • Lizavier4Jesus
        February 23, 2011

        No, that was David, Solomon’s Father, who walked on the roof in idleness. He saw a beautiful woman bathing; and because he had the right as a King, he called for her to bed with him–another sinful and cheating act–for she was the wife of his army officer, and he knew about it.

        Things turned out that, that woman–Bathsheba was her name–ended becoming David’s son, Solomon’s mother.

  41. man
    February 22, 2011

    men sometimes cheat because they are in love with two women —-yes its possible

    • kk
      February 22, 2011

      there is no specific script that men follow. So there is no clear cut answer to why exactly a man cheats

      February 22, 2011


    February 22, 2011

    its not up 2 us women wen a man cheat we plaY OUR PART N WE LIVE DEM DO DE REST :lol:

  43. the one
    February 22, 2011

    i think women and men cheat 4 the same reasons so if u wanna find out y men cheat then i think u should ask ur self dat question.. y would i cheat on my bf and dat would b ur answer

  44. 123
    February 22, 2011

    Simply answer is because of women

    • HotBoy
      April 7, 2011

      I agree…

  45. Lady G
    February 22, 2011

    Bella answered so right. Curious was not saying women dont cheat, but since she is a woman she wants to no y men cheat. Some of us take things to heart too quickly.

      February 22, 2011


      • Voice of reason
        February 23, 2011

        Here we go again blaming Eve, it was Adam’s responsibility to tell Eve what God told him. Did he do that or did he lie …? For all we know it was Adam who committed the first sin (lying) and Eve that took the rap …

        • Lizavier4Jesus
          February 23, 2011

          No, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, who told them not to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree; for if they did they would surely die. But Satan, through the form of a serpent, lied to Eve, by telling her she would not die.

          Also the relationship between Satan and Eve is like an “intimate” man/woman relationship–Satan disrobing Eve of her clothing of Spiritual Light–or else why did Satan not approach the man, Adam? That is the reason that act is so sinful–it is like an act of adultry against God–that is cheating too! But Adam disobeyed God when he joined with Eve to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree with her.

          In other words, Satan disrobed Eve through an “intimate conversation” with her, that convinced her to eat the forbidden fruit; Adams also became disrobed through his disobedience to God, following his wife’s sinful act. That is whey they found themselves physically naked and were ashamed of it.

          Adam and Eve suffered spiritual death–they became separated from God, who is Spirit and Holiness–a death condition by which they brought us into this world–a physical body with a carnal mind and a dead soul.

          Most human beings now exist with a dead soul; but by our faith in the Son, God’s Person, Jesus Christ, Life can be restored to our soul. by the quickening of God’s Holy Spirit, who will gradually transform as He renews our minds.

  46. objective
    February 22, 2011

    some men just cant keep their tail in their pants and once they do it once they most likely gone do it again

      February 22, 2011


      • Voice of reason
        February 23, 2011


      • precious memories
        February 23, 2011

        @sinister, i take it you have some ‘daddy’ issues. are you the object of this young lady’s question? it seems your comments have taken on a ‘primary school’ sort of ‘if im takin blame its your fault too’ vibe….grow up dude!! your responses aren’t even, in the least bit, intelligent. its just dribble and “hater-ade”.
        women cheat. men cheat. they both have choices.

    February 22, 2011


      February 22, 2011


    • Natasha boogie down bx
      February 22, 2011

      You really missed the “boat” so to speak. Women cheat but the young lady’s question was not being sexist or bias, she was simply asking why guys do. Everyone is entitled to ask questions about the opposite sex and to try and find an answer. Don’t make this article about a man / woman thing. You guys are always quick to judge, fall back and if you ain’t got anything good to say STFU..

      • SINISTER
        February 22, 2011


        • Voice of reason
          February 23, 2011

          I agree, although I put it down to the young lady’s innocence :)

          Typically when a man is cheating, the woman that he is cheating with knows that he is cheating.
          Typically, when a woman is cheating, the man that she is cheating with knows that she is cheating.
          No one cheats alone, so both are cheaters man and woman both.

      • Curious
        February 22, 2011

        Thanks Natasha boogie couldn’t have given a better response myself…

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