Natural laws are of creation, spiritual laws are of the spirit, the soul. Creation is relative and material. Spirit or soul is on a very fine level that is not seen by material eyes.
The soul depends on the body to have experiences on earth, to learn and to grow in the spirit. Our experience on earth prepares us to overcome the weaknesses of physical existence and makes us ready to live in the spirit –of the Spirit.
The Spirit is within and matter is our outer existence. The Inner Man is within and beyond creation, and experiences creation through the 5 outer senses. As one goes within and experiences the silence, stillness within oneself, the Inner senses begin to be activated. The activity of the senses is processed through thought, through the mind. The mind analyses, the intellect discerns and decides and the Ego gives a sense of Self. When one functions only with a small percentage of the outer self, without the support of the Inner Self, then the small ego, functioning with about 5 to 10% of the mental thinking potential, thinks it knows everything and there is nothing else to know. This makes the person arrogant, and other negative qualities can be added and expressed.When the Inner senses are functioning, one just knows. It is an inner knowing. This is the case of intuition, inspiration etc.
Natural laws keep the universe and indeed the whole of creation functioning in order. As human beings, we are supposed to live on the earth with 100% outer life supported by 100% Inner Life. Outer life in activity, Inner Life in Silence, Stillness, both co-existing coherently. This would allow both body and mind to function in a perfect way. This is what we as human beings are supposed to look forward to. (God is within us, so it goes without saying that gaining access to our inner life is gaining access to the Light of God within us).
Perfect health of the body requires perfect alignment with the natural laws of which the body is a part. This means, treat the body as it is supposed to be treated so it can last as long as it is supposed to last in very good health, so the individual can align himself with the Kingdom Within. It is the constant violation of natural laws that keeps us from being really spiritual. Spirituality requires purity of mind and body. Purity of mind and body results in better and right decision making and we will automatically protect our environment near and far, in fact the entire earth. This good will return to us a hundred fold.
It is a natural law that the oceans are clean and pure and that they support all living things on the earth. It is a gross violation of natural law that we throw all sorts of garbage and poisons into the rivers and oceans and pollute the waters. Mankind drinks the same water that the earth is bathed in, so it is inevitable that polluted water will make its way into our cups and glasses and into our bodies and make us sick. The air that we breathe is the same air that the earth breathes, so if we pollute the air, this polluted air will find its way into our nostrils sooner or later and pollute our lungs and our blood and our bodies. Whatever we do to the earth we do to ourselves. Love your neighbors as yourself includes the earth too.
In order to take care of the earth and live spontaneously in tune with natural laws, our minds must expand to its full potential day by day. This is why we were told to experience silence, stillness within ourselves. As our mental potential grows, we understand everything better including ourselves and God in whose image and likeness we are made. Thus the necessity to integrate silence, stillness which is of the spirit into our lives day and night, meditate day and night, morning and evening. This is simple, but it is actually the key to living more and more spiritually. This actually helps the process of prayer, because sometimes the mind is so clouded and dull, that it is not quiet enough to even pray…
Some people think that Perfect Health is too idealistic to hope for, but you know, the sky is the limit, and as there is no sky, there is no limit. With God all things are possible, meaning that nothing is impossible. If we reach for the sky, we may at least hit the treetops. If we reach for perfect health, we may at least reach a state of no illness, or less illness, but it will be a happier, healthier existence.
It is said, ‘A nation without vision perishes.’ It is not the nation that perishes. The nation lives on and on. It is the people making up that nation that perish, because it is the people in that nation that are supposed to have that vision of a better life, a more Godly life full of happiness and bliss and love and light. This is the vision that the children are supposed to follow without effort, and take that nation forward to higher spiritual and material heights and success. A nation without vision will look at its streets and see destitution, people living on the streets in the most sub-humanly way possible, drugs will be rampant, foul language will be the music of the day, people will not take responsibility, they will always find someone to blame for anything and everything, respect of self and others will be a thing of the past, but there is still a way out of this. Just trust your religious text whatever your religion. The answer is always there: GO WITHIN. It is that simple.
It is said, ‘Be in the world but not of it.’ Meaning, you live in the world because you have a physical body, but let your life be lived on the level of the spirit. This is an experience, not a mood, not an imagination, nor a feeling. For this you must go within. Experience stillness, silence. The all else that will be added is the ‘Holy Spirit which is within you and will flood your physical life more and more everyday to ever growing capacities you never even dreamed of.
You should help to teach the young people to go within themselves and make conscious contact with that Kingdom which is in the stillness of their hearts. It is your responsibility. They were given to you by God to prepare them for the future. If you let them grow without the silence within and sometimes without even teaching them to pray, then what are you doing? They are the future leaders of a time when we will be the hapless, helpless elders. I have visited countries where people are very afraid to grow old. Time goes by very quickly!!!
If we do things according to natural laws, we live life in a natural way, as we were naturally meant to live, but what is meant (in the bible) by natural man, is the man who lives only in and for the body as we live in modern times –materialistic and with no regard for God or things of the spirit, who does not go within himself, who does not grow spiritually day by day, such a man surely accumulates stress, becomes more and more negative. As like attracts like, he soon alienates himself from inner life and fear is the result, anxiety, depression, phobias, envy, jealousy, anger, rage, sickness and eventually death. You see, like attracts like. It is a law of nature. To those who have, more will be given, and that is more of what you already have. It is a law of nature, so it is better to have inner peace, calm, creativity, energy, God’s Light, God’s Grace, the ability to listen to God in the silence of the Soul. Again the saying; Be in the world but not of it, meaning, you live in the world because you have a physical body, but let your life be lived on the level of the spirit. This is an experience, not a mood, no an imagination, nor a feeling. For this you must go within. Experience silence, stillness everyday, day and night. The all else that will be added is the Holy Spirit will flood your physical life more and more every day to ever growing capacities.
Some persons have said to me, I am too blessed to be stressed, but analyze this, whatever you put your attention on grows stronger in your awareness. If your attention keeps going to the stress, it is because it is already there, because if you get angry, annoyed, enraged easily, you are stressed, period. Solution: go within – now is the time. We have 24 hours in a day, how many of these are you being asked to go within and just BE IN THE SILENCE, STILLNESS OF YOUR HEARTS, 15 to 20 minutes each day. This is in addition to anything else you do with your daily life, and as you do, you will realize that there is nothing to fear within yourself. It is the gateway to bliss and light and love and inner peace, and all things good and all else that will be added unto you, and the entire Kingdom promised, but you must walk the walk, GO WITHIN.
If you rebuke a mockers, you will only get a smart retort; yes, they will snarl at you. So don’t bother with them; they will only hate you for trying to help them. But a wise person, when rebuked, will love you all the more. Teach a wise person, and they will be the wiser; teach a good person, and they will learn more.- I’m just sayn.
Let us know when you undertake G+ I’m working with it but no luck – Thanks, again
I would just like to say at this time that, there are two forces that rule the earth. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of darkness (satan). They both operate in the “supernatural”. When God kicked satan out of Heaven, He did not take away his powers from him. So the enemy has power. However, in Luke 10:19 Jesus said” Behold I give you power over ALL the power of the enemy….” So God’s power is greater and will win at ALL cost.
Truely there is a thin line between the powers of the Almighty God and the demonic realm. Satan is a copy cat. So while the essence of what Dr. John is saying, makes sense, we need to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit and not just a power within us. The power within us is the Spirit of the living God. It is the “Holy Spirit”. We need to call a thing a thing. Amen.
Boy I have to laugh when I see those columns by that “Dr.”
I read one of her articles about a subject which I don’t even remember what the topic was, but from that time, I decided I would not clutter my brain with her nonsense. I am a firm believer of people having the right to make complete fools of themselves, but there is just too much else to read than to waste my time on utter rubbish.
Wow,ignorance can show it self at many levels.Why is it if you cannot cannot understand something you describe it as rubbish, bewilders me. I will simply tell you this Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
You see Gary, I do not have to know something about everything. I choose not to know anything about that lady writes about. I read one of her columns and I have concluded she has nothing to offer along those lines that is worth my time.
Another brilliantly arrogant post from Gary, who delights in asserting that people are fools without giving a shred of explanation as to why, to say nothing of trampling over such un-ignorant essentials as punctuation and spelling.
A disgrace that this person being allowed to write about anything, ps she not a real doctor a ph does not mean you a doctor
Interesting article, but just one question though, what happens when we arrive at our limitations i.e illness, old-age and ultimately death? We are vulnerable and weak and even if its true that God lives within us, he is beyond us, greater than us and mightier than us.
Hi Concerned Citizen,
I like it when you say ‘We are vulnerable and weak and even if it is true that God lives within us, he is greater than us, mightier than us.
My question here is do you want a religious answer or a non-religious answer. I don’t know, so I will give you a religious answer and let us take the discussion from here.
We are both mortal and immortal. In Genesis, when it is said that God breathed into the clay body and made it a living Soul, that breath never went away. It is the Breath of every human being. It is the Soul, the Spirit, the Essence of every human being.
God is one, He is everything. Before God, there was nothing, after God there will be nothing. He created creation from Himself. We are part of creation. We are part of Him. The Breath of God is God. The Breath of God is the Spirit within us.
We are not the body. The spirit or soul within the body is the Self of humankind, and That is Divine. The body is active, whereas the Spirit is in Silence, Stillness. That is why it is important to experience that part of ourselves daily. It is said, day and night, meaning morning and evening.
The body is mortal. It is physical. it is born, it gets tired, sick, old and dies. The Spirit is immortal, it is non physical. It cannot be born, it cannot get old and die. The truth is: “Mankind is created in the Image and Likeness of God.”
To Freethinker: You think everyday. Can you see a thought? no, I don’t think so. A thought is metaphysical because it is beyond the physical. If you build a house, you first had a thought about it and then you created a blueprint, built a model, considered the site etc, then built the physical house. Your house was first a thought. A thought is an impulse of energy and intelligence.
When you have forgotten something, that piece of info that you are searching for is metaphysical, you cannot see it, but you experience it. There is no doubt about that. You go within yourself to find it even without thinking of what you are doing. you just know that you remember it. Sometimes you remember it but not completely, you then get more silent and that is it, you got it. you are going deeper within your own mind where there is more silence and depth and there, you recover the information you thought you forgot.
When you experience an emotion. That is metaphysical. Any mood is metaphysical. It only becomes physical because of the work of the nervous system and the endocrine system working together to create the chemicals that correspond to the quality of the energy expressed, long before it becomes physical. For example when you experience anger, as soon as you experience the annoying thought, annoyance is the quality that you give to that impulse of pure energy which you are emitting. The endocrine system will create the hormones so you can experience the emotion corresponding to the thought. These are basically stress hormones for the fight or flight response or self preservation. Too much of these stress hormones will accumulate in the body, creating a physical reality we can classify as toxins. This physical reality blocks the natural and normal functioning of the nervous system (brain)and body, resulting in less ability to understand and more anger to increase itself. (like attracts like) Anger begets anger. like attracts like. Of course opposites attract too. In God’s world, all things are possible. When you ask for proof of things that you are not aware of, if I would give proof, you will then ask me for proof of the proof, so I would like to invite you to read a bit. Read the Gospels, but read them with an open mind, no preconceived ideas – just between you and Christ.
See how many times he spoke of things beyond the physical. He even said, ‘If you have thought it, it is already done.’ Thought is more profound than speech, more profound than actions or things, but thought is a thing. It is a meta-physical thing!
Thank you for that response. That was the kind of clarity I was hoping for, since what you just wrote is both sensible and clear (though I take issue with its claims). The article, by contrast, does not seem firmly anchored to any particular train of thought, which might be okay in a creative work but not here.
My issues with your response: you claim that because we cannot “see” other people’s thoughts, thoughts are therefore metaphysical. I disagree. There is ample evidence that physicalism is true–i.e., that the brain produces consciousness (as well as what Bruce Hood calls “the illusion” of the self). The idea that consciousness produces the brain or that the mind is separate from the body (as in philosophical dualism) is not supported by any evidence I am aware of; moreover, it is an exceedingly messy idea even, one that does not withstand the blows of Occam’s razor.
For instance, damaging certain parts of the brain causes certain aspects of the mind to be correspondingly damaged. If I damage the fusiform gyrus of the temporal lobe, what happens? Well, face blindness is what will happen. Stimulating that area, by contrast, causes increased face recognition. And is that an accident? No. This is what will always happen. It’s the same basic relationship between brain and “mind” that Broca noticed in the mid-nineteenth century and for which we have now abundant evidence. The “mind,” as best as I know, is but a sort of illusion produced by the brain. Other such illusions are the self, more or less, and possibly even free will, going by the results of Libet’s famous experiment in the 1980s in which brain activity occurs long before we become conscious of the decision to do something (i.e., our brain makes the decision before we “think” we do.)
And emotions and moods are produced by hormones, themselves affected by both genetics and epigenetics. You cannot simply assert that everything you do not understand is “metaphysical.” Perhaps a crackpot like Deepak Chopra will agree with you; I prefer to agree with mainstream neuroscience that has the evidence behind it.
And I do not believe in any gods, so quoting scripture is meaningless in this scenario.
Dear Freethinker,
Here, meta means beyond. Beyond the physical or non physical. If you tell me what you believe ‘meta-physical’ to be, we can discuss it.
If you do not believe in any God, that is your thinking which is ok for you, the thing is that there are lots of people who do believe in God and I write for them too.
I want you to try something. Allow your mind to become still but do not fall asleep. If you are aware, awake in that stillness, that silence, you will become aware of who you really are. ‘Know Thyself.’
I like your reply to free thinker regarding the power of thought. Yes thought is a very powerful thing,it is something the majority of people take for granted not knowing the power of thought. All that we are is the result of what we have thought quote from Buddha.
You noticed i used a quote from the Buddha, in closing your comment you mentioned and recommend reading the Gospels as though i was the only authority on thought and it’s importance. I do respect your religious views but i just find that the topic regarding the power of thought should not only get validation from reading the Gospels as there are more sources available outside the Gospels giving validation to the power of thought.
Dr. John you continue to write the stature of my existence in this world, my attitude and conducts, which are of Love, the Light that keeps me ablaze, the Life of my awakened soul.
It is unfortunate that so many of us will not understand you, because it is difficult to come to terms with Life in the Spirit, having entered this world with a natural mind that functions only to satisfy the natural body.
That state of mind does not teach us to know that we still continue in the state of perish, that we my try to allow faith in God to save us.
That difficulty of coming to terms with Life in the Spirit and to functions, by the laws of the Spirit, is the reason Jesus said to the man Nicodemus: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit, Do not marvel that I say to you, you must be born again of Water and the Spirit.
I know that those words of Jesus Christ must come to pass in His chosen people, as we exist in this world, because I was born of Water and the Spirit 14 years ago. This encounter is the day Holy Spirit manifests in full strength within us, through conscience.
This power or energy that moves me is the Light of the Life in Jesus Christ, which quickens the soul to become awakened from it sleep of death–as it had entered the world through its possessor.
It is only when a person is born of the Spirit, that they begin to understand the Words and Ways of the Spirit, and those ways are the ways of Life and everything that has to do with Life–such as a healthy way of living.
Why? Because the person who is born again, goes into “mind renewal” process,the great spiritual surgery which God performs on His people, as He prepares them to practice the laws of the Spirit by their faith.
We live in this world, but we do not belong to it, means that we are dismissing all of the destructive laws of the natural, and to embrace the laws of the Spirit, which are the laws of Life in Jesus Christ.
And what are those laws? Jesus tells us that they are the laws of Love, when He summed up the Laws of the Ten Commandments, into two alone, and He said to the people Love God and Love people as we love ourselves.
And the traits of Love according to the Apostle Paul are: Joy, Peace, Goodness, Kindness, faithfulness, endurance, humility, and self-control. If we are demonstrating those characters and virtues to those around us, we are loving people.
As we love people, we give God the glory for having demonstrated His Ways of Life through our attitude of obedience and humility. God increases our anointing in return, that we always hove enough love to show to those we will meet on a day to day basis.
Would our minds have the space to process the things of futility and death–such as sickness and disease? Of course not.
So why don’t we allow our physical body to move about, as we show the world what it is like to just live in the Spirit, by our wisdom and understanding of faith.
For the day is coming when we must become lost to the natural laws, and to be found, complete, in faith–doing the laws of the Spirit–the ways of Life, which is Love. And Love is the Light of Jesus Christ in our awakened soul
Thanks to you Dr. Lucia John!
“You see, like attracts like. It is a law of nature.”
This is false. Nature constantly shows a higher level of attraction between unequal or opposite entities, whose interaction creates balance. For magnets, negative poles attract positive poles, in osmosis substances move from higher concentration to lower concentration, male attracts female and there are many other examples.
I absolutely agree with the writer. I believe that it is clearly written in a manner that everyone reading can understand. I pray that those reading will apply the knowledge, and watch God manifest in their lives. They will indeed have testimonies.I absolutely agree with the writer. I believe that it is clearly written in a manner that everyone reading can understand. I pray that those reading will apply the knowledge, and watch God manifest in their lives. They will indeed have testimonies.“Natural laws are of creation, spiritual laws are of the spirit, the soul. Creation is relative and material. Spirit or soul is on a very fine level that is not seen by material eyes.”
From the first three sentences, we have veered, once again, into metaphysical nonsense. This is the kind of thing ignorant people eat up because it sounds all “deep” and the author is a doctor, so, ooh, it must be totally true. Sigh….While I am all for freedom of sense and nonsense alike being published, I at least wish more people would take these articles up for being pseudo-deep and full of stuff that sounds good but that is not supported by much–and, in some cases, any–factual evidence. Dominicans generally love mystical feel-good rhetoric over fact-filled articles, so they will love this column, but I am not one of them.
Sure, in the middle of the article, there are some good general points about having a vision and about trying to be healthy in a variety of ways. Fine. But why is this mixed up with creationist, mystical, pseudo-intellectual nonsense? What on Earth does all this about “natural laws” and “material eyes” mean? My eyes are material. What on Earth else would they be? And don’t tell me nonsense about seeing with a “non-material” eye until you can prove such a thing exists.
Unless you have proof, you will not stand up in a just court of law when stating your case. The same goes here. BRING FACTS, not metaphysical speculation.
“Natural laws are of creation, spiritual laws are of the spirit, the soul. Creation is relative and material. Spirit or soul is on a very fine level that is not seen by material eyes.”
From the first three sentences, we have veered, once again, into metaphysical nonsense. This is the kind of thing ignorant people eat up because it sounds all “deep” and the author is a doctor, so, ooh, it must be totally true. Sigh….While I am all for freedom of sense and nonsense alike being published, I at least wish more people would take these articles up for being pseudo-deep and full of stuff that sounds good but that is not supported by much–and, in some cases, any–factual evidence. Dominicans generally love mystical feel-good rhetoric over fact-filled articles, so they will love this column, but I am not one of them.
Sure, in the middle of the article, there are some good general points about having a vision and about trying to be healthy in a variety of ways. Fine. But why is this mixed up with creationist, mystical, pseudo-intellectual nonsense? What on Earth does all this about “natural laws” and “material eyes” mean? My eyes are material. What on Earth else would they be? And don’t tell me nonsense about seeing with a “non-material” eye until you can prove such a thing exists.
Unless you have proof, you will not stand up in a just court of law when stating your case. The same goes here. BRING FACTS, not metaphysical speculation.
I am struggling with that quote of yours myself,pertaning to Dr. John’s writing, it is not clear in my mind what Dr. John is saying in those sentences here. I mean I do understand that there is a difference between natural laws and Spiritual laws, but I do not get the meaning of natural laws belonging to creation etc. etc.
Life is the primary “creation” of God, through Jesus Christ when He said: “Let there be Light”! This Life belong in the Spirit–not in the flesh. Jesus confirms by telling us: It is the Spirit who gives Life, the flesh profits nothing, the words which I speak are Spirit and they are Life.
Nonetheless I do agree that Dr.John has a few very good points; they are the ones that speak about my Life–like she continues to type my Life through her computer keyboard. They are too many to rewrite here.
When it comes to statements such as “living in the world and not belonging to it” people like you have trouble accepting those words as the Truth of Life, but they are what they are–the Truth of Life.
Jesus walked this earth, but He continued to tell His enemies that He was a King, but His Kingdom was not of this world. We need to understand that the world is us, the people, who live solely by its system as we rely on our own strenth, leaving God out of our goings and our comings.
But the world and everything in it is passing away, Jesus tells us that His Kingdom is without end. So we are to join with Jesus in the Life of Sprit and Truth–those of us who will humble ourselves and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour
And so those who do not understand what Dr. John has said above, will continue not to believe, unless they can apply faith, which will open their wisdom and understanding of Holy Spirit, He who teaches us all things pertaining to Life and living.
You ask for proof; the people of Jesus’s Days asked for signs–He took the cross and death, instead of showing any signs that was against the wish of the Father, who lived in Him. But He rebuked those who asked for signs, saying that they were evil and wicked.
But as I already said in my first post, the human being must undergo a spiritual rebirth, because Life is in the Spirit. Adam and Eve died spiritually–that is separation from a Holy God of Life, and so the brought us, their offspring in the same spiritual death condition–separated from our God of Love and Life.
By faith in Jesus Christ, through an intimate, Love, relationship with God, we can conceive Love and give birth to Light–Life in us–the offspring of Love. And God is Love. Life in the Spirit is perfect; there is no suffering and no pain, there is no sadness and no sorrows, there is no sickness and of course, there is no death. Amen!
hi “freethinker” (not so sure about that nickname, i would more say materialisticfocal). you can only see or feel what you re aware of; i think, with all the respect due to you that your level of consciousness is today to low to capture things you can’t see (material)…. i (who come from a scientific background: physiotherapist)and i experience it more and more in my office everyday; life is not exatcly what the powerfull mercantile, communication systemes washes your brain with everyday. we can’t ignore or matériel aspect of life, since it s our vehicle in life, but ignoring your most subtle aspect (the driver), call it energetic , spiritual or what you want would make you miss out on something, and can drive you in the wall ( or society puts the vehicle infront(check my big car, look , see,…. and neglects the driver). everything will come in place when time comes but leave a door open for things you don’t know: humility dear friend; excuse my spelling i thing you will be very attentive to that.
If you’re unsure about my username, feel free to look up the word “freethinker” and its use throughout history. That should clear things up.
the word “science” is what the systeme uses to manipulate people like you and establish a scale (hierarchy of things)…. you can take any study and make it say what you want as long as you have money (material,or if you prefer minerals). i guess you ear now and againe about products put on the marquet that “science” judged safe, and now the same science is saying that it’s producing cancer (ex: chloredecone in the french islands next bye) … you take an MRI you pass it to 10 different surgeons; you would be suprised to “see” people with herniated disc showned on MRI but with no pain an the dieference of opinion during blind test with the surgeons… because i see these things all long the skeptisisme is more about the so called science that seem to give the tempo to the life of many people.
i thought this was a democratic media i guess i made a mistake; thats ok.if pple like me are realizing the oriented work you re doing don’t worry they re probably lots more and your time is probably not far from over
You sound like someone who is confused riding on the bandwagon believing you are free thinker which you are not. The opening lines of you comment shows ignorance.I would describe you more as a materialist.You have a right to your belief. One of the things you must know is that the unseen things are cause and the seen things are the effect this is a profound truth. You must also know that the outer world of matter is subservient to the inner world of mind and not the other way around.
You also sound like someone who uses the five senses to know know things, pity you, the five senses only helps us to receive information from the out side world. Do you know that your five senses are limited.Example you can only hear sounds up to a certain rate of vibration, you can only see up to a certain distance. To live your life depending on the five senses your limiting your self that is why I said pity you.
I will tell you this stop wallowing in ignorance and limiting your true potential of who you are, stop masquerading as a three thinker which you are not.One of the best things you can do right now is to study Metaphysics and do not dismiss it embrace it do not condemn something you do not understand only fools do so.
I only use my five senses, huh, Gary? Great observation. Now please inform me what other senses I should be using, what evidence you have that they exist, and what I should be seeing but am too pitably idiotic to see.
You know what’s truly pitiable, man? Asserting that these things “obviously” exist and then giving no evidence to support your assertion whatsoever–and since I am not an uneducated person and love learning, I can assure you what you claim is far, far from “obvious.” So the burden of proof is on you. Now prove what you’ve said to be true, unless you’re happy remaining a mystically minded hippie.
Also, Gary, I find it hilarious that you think I am not a “freethinker.” Someone, it appears, hasn’t looked up the word in the dictionary.
I absolutely agree with the writer. I believe that it is clearly written in a manner that everyone reading can understand. I pray that those reading will apply the knowledge, and watch God manifest in their lives. They will indeed have testimonies.
beware they come in sheeps clothing