Did you give one of the greatest gifts of all? The poor Little Drummer Boy confessed to the Magi,‘I have no gift to bring,’ Check out the lyrics again. He petitioned the Holy Mother at the Nativity,couldhe at least play for Baby Jesus. She nodded in approval. It was his time to shine!
The Magi, they that are wise, have been telling us things for some time now. But have we been listening?Indeed, we are all gifted – perhaps not in a celebrity kind of way. Idols like George Michael, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson were unbelievably talented. Their magical songs recall sweet moments of our lives. Yet,sadly, they were deeply flawed. As another year draws to an end, remember that, no matter how humble, there is always something that you and I can bring to the table,something that can leave a more lasting legacy.
I remember my first encounter with international students during my sojourn in the United States. I was awestruck when I met my first Jew. It was like, wow! You guys gave humanity all those famous Bible stories. You guys overcame the Holocaust. Youdeveloped this thriving democratic nation in that arid,savage neighbourhood of the Middle East. But why should you be above international law?
I remember meeting my first Japanese. It was like, wow! I studied in history how you were nuked back to kingdom come to end World War II. Instead of everlasting whining and complaining, even with little natural resources, you guys learnt from the West how to make cars and electronics. Now you do it better.Ditto for Chinese today.
I remember meeting my first South African. Wow! Your country was still gripped in vicious civil war. We African Liberation Day marchers worldwide conceded that the racist Apartheid regime was so strong; victory was unlikely in our lifetime. But we marched anyway – because you guys told us you had some Mandela fellah. Who did we have?
Actually we had people like Jamaican Marcus Garvey, Dominican Rev. Dr. Phillip Potter, Martiniquan Frantz Fanon and many others. Our Magi spoke to me. Deep in my heart they told me, “Sam, it’s your time to shine.”Only then did the scales fall of my eyes. I buckled down to make my family and country proud. To my surprise, I discovered other nations generally hold West Indians in quite high esteem. We are not a people who go abroad intent on causing mayhem in those people’s place. Generally, they regard us as hard workers emigrating for better opportunities for their children and to help family back on island.
On that note, we want to say a special thank you to Dominican benevolent organizations overseas, which do so much to give back. You are our true ambassadors! To our students and trainees far from home at this time, you represent us well. We miss you dearly. We cannot wait foryou to be home for Christmas next year.
In the aftermath of holidays, some gifts are much appreciated. Others, well, not so much. In certain societies, the tradition is for returning unwanted gifts to the stores – for a limited time only. Others plan on re-gifting: passing on those gifts to others for whom they feel it may be better suited. But there is just one gift I want to focus on today, one that has no expiratory date and certainly designed to be passed on.
Drum roll please! That is the gift of organization, of institution building. We all agree that deterioration is relentless. A garden, if not tended, it quickly becomes bush. That is a scientific fact. In physics, the Third Law of Thermodynamics deals with the concept of entropy. It basically describes that things in nature tend to a state of disorder, unless acted upon by an external force. Furthermore, willful neglect or ulterior motives are systematically degrading our cherished institutions. We will stop this.
It is our level of organization that distinguishes us from the animals. Organization determines how successful we become as a nation. Sustainable development with technology transfer demands a new vision and a commitment to doing real development work. Only that will we provide decent jobs where people earn their own money. If Dominica’s top cash generator collapses today, we are already worse off than before. That is simply because we have neglected traditional industries and genuine means for progress.
So may each of us today re-commit, at home, school, work and place of worship. Begin with the children. They need to learn initiative and responsibility in doing chores; that money doesn’t grow on trees. Men must help with housework. Every person, even the retired or infirmed, must play a part. Let us all pitch in through community development projects. Heal the handout-itis. Root out the rampant graft and greed. Civil society organizations and village councils need to elect those who are respectful, trustworthy, with a proven track record of serving others. Like the prophet Nehemiah in ancient Jerusalem, our mission is to rebuild these walls. As we resolve to do this, it will filter up to our national leadership and the ship of state will be steered in the right direction.
The story of the Little Drummer Boy ends well:
I played my best for Him
Pa ruppapumpum…
Then He smiled at me;
Me and my drum.’
That little boy did his thing. Now let us do ours. The most valuable gift to each other is rebuilding our cherished institutions and putting Dominica first again. You and I constitute that force that must act to change things. Stop whining and complaining. Resist the rot tooth and nail. Organize! Organize! Organize!Like the good people of LaPlaine,whatever our labels, whether by two or three, let us do our best work together. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. A people united, can never be divided. 2017 is our time to shine!
Dr. Sam Christian serves as public relations officer of the Dominica Freedom Party. He can be reached at 440-9133, Whatsapp at 265-0886 or on urgentcareda.weebly.com
Brother Hill, as you have rightly stated “Thanks be to God” indeed to Him be the glory.
Amen and Amen.
I hope this 2017 you will service those who come to you office and can’t afford to pay the fee.
Don’t get Dr. Christmas & Dr. Christian confused.
I’m not sure which one you go to.
But Dr. Sam is the only private doctor who asks for payment after service.
Dr. Sam takes time to listens to me and never rushes.
Dr. Sam routinely prays with me.
Dr. Sam always calls me back with my labs, gives me a signed copy or lets me take a picture.
Dr. Sam is the one they always go to to donate quality service free when media has a difficult, needy patient.
So doh come wif dat! You might need our doctor one day God will surely bless him in 2017.
Almost 99.9% of the nations of this world are against the Jews because of this land.They say Israel is occupying land that does not belong to them,but they occupy no man’s land,Israel is the rightful owner.In fact this is God’s land and he gave it to the children of Israel 1Kings 8;36.Presently where the Muslim have their mosque in Jerusalem on what they calls Dome of the Rock,that was where king Solomon build the temple, which was called Mount Moriah 2 Chronicles 3:1.This exact area was bought by Solomon’s father King David from a man named Ornan for 600 shekels of gold 1 Chronicles 21:22-25.And all these took place over 2000 yrs ago long before the Palestinians came on the scene claiming this land
Now if the U.N is taking it upon themselves and demanding that Israel must give their land to anyone.NEVER! in this case Israel is above all international laws. God Almighty have said put all the nation together against Israel, victory is sure for Israel…. Jeremiah 31:35-36
J. John Charles:
THANK YOU for this true and accurate comment regarding Israel and the land. Tell it to the world! Let the rulers of the earth tremble.
God has said He will bless them who bless Israel and curse them who curse Israel!
With no hesitation … with no reservation … I declare to all mankind that every square inch of THE LAND belongs to the Jewish people. It belongs to Israel. It must NOT be divided. It must NOT be given away.
These rumblings against Israel are an indication that the Messiah Redeemer is about to come first to rapture the church and soon after to touch down on the Mount of Olives. Yes, oh yes, He is coming soon.
Christians are waiting for a seven year treaty to be signed between Israel and the nations to mark the beginning of the tribulation. The last half of that time will be the great tribulation.
When it seems all is lost for Israel and the nation is finished the God of Israel will pity His people. He will literally rend the heavens and come down in the Person of Christ with the army of heaven and overthrow the enemies of Israel. Then He will begin His sovereign 1,000 year kingdom on earth.
Dear DNO reader are you ready for the rapture – the evacuation – the great catching away of the church or will you be left behind to face the great tribulation
You must believe the gospel of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and confess that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior according to Romans 10:9-10. You must receive Him by trusting His sacrificial death on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins in full and purchase your salvation according to John 1:12, and Romans 5:6-9.
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.
I love this article?!!
Doc,happy new year,and I like this one,PRO for my party DFP.Now here are some answers for the end of the 3rd paragraph.First of all Israel is special,because God said they are and made them special in His eyes.He calls them”The apple of my eye Deut.32:10.God told them If they would only obey his words they Israel would be a special treasure unto Him,above all nations on earth.Exodus 19 :5.
He even gave them a piece of land,He also gave the boundaries hundreds of years long before they possessed it,from the river of Egypt ( maybe the Nile or maybe what is called today the Wadi el Arish) to the great river,the river Euphrates Genesis 15:18-21.
I will continue.
J. John Charles:
Thank you, thank you
You have it right
Thanks be to God who has given you such a wonderful grasp of the scriptures.
Please keep pouring out the truth.
Israel has never yet possessed all the land God has given them. But they will! We are waiting for that nail pierced foot to touch down on the Mount of Olives. I am so excited I can scarcely contain myself!
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.
Doctor Sam Christian is right. As a people we must seek to organize ourselves for progress. Absent organization we shall become the footstool of better organized people and nations. In 2017 let us give ourselves the gift of commitment to organization. Happy New Year Doc. Keep teaching and guidance.
That’s what I needed to hear this season. I agree. Let’s put aside our labels and work together to rebuild Dominica. So nice to hear a fresh new voice speaking out national matters
You are looking prime minister material
Thank you Dr. Christian.
What a message this is for Dominica.
But it goes beyond that. This is the embodiment of wisdom rolled into a life lesson for each of us as individuals. It is about an individual so it addresses individuals one at a time.
If you think you are the least worthy and last in line with nothing to offer and envy those who seem to have a bigger share of life this is for you. If some disaster has left you broken, hurt, and empty, stripped of what you once had and with no hope for the future this is for you. A new year has arrived. It is time to arise and build again the walls of your life. Every single piece of the old holds the potential and promise of a new beginning.
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.