STAY WELL & SPARKLE: Don’t lose your head

Dr. Sam Christian, MD.
Dr. Sam Christian, MD.

A graphic video is taking the Internet by storm. Friends may dare you to look at it.


I did. I wish I hadn’t. Sleep was not easy that night I saw the video. I’d prefer picturing peace on earth, good will to men. Instead, I found myself instinctively reaching for my neck, guarding it, ever so gently. What makes a mother’s bouncing baby boy grow up to commit such a horrendous crime? Just take my word for it; while quite disturbing, in the end it makes for a profoundly teachable moment.

Somewhere in Mexico, a woman is kneeling.  She is full-figured, wearing red top and blue jeans. Hands are tied behind her back. Behind her, a knife-wielding, masked man, suddenly, brutally, slashes her neck completely off…right before your very eyes. For cheating? Totally loco! Strangely, like a lamb to the slaughter, she does not resist. She utters not a word. At your deepest core, you instantly feel for this fellow human being. You feel for her family, who, with a just couple keyboard clicks, is forever doomed be exposed to that grisly evidence over and over again.

As the French would say, “Quelle horreur!” What horror, indeed!

There are lots of things on the Internet that decent people simply have no business even glancing at. So what is it about this one? What does it have to do with my well-being? Producers of lurid video games bank on customers’ morbid appetite for violent stuff.  As innocent kids looking at horror movies at the Carib, Arawak or RBD cinemas, many ducked behind the seats when Dracula bared his fangs. It was too much watching him sink his sharp teeth into that soft, defenseless jugular neck vein.

Today? People just can’t seem to get enough. If you must waste your time, why not ‘Candy Crush?’ Rather, there are those who feel their calling in life is to pass along the most gruesome trash online. The research is clear. Our insatiable hunger for desensitizing violence only breeds more rampant violence.

But I digress. Imprinted deep in the collective human psyche is the high degree of sanctity we ascribe to the head. That’s where the face resides; where personality is expressed. Much more than the heart, the head is the seat of the soul. The United Nations has crafted international agreements against such desecration. Responsible military organizations take pains to publicly prosecute their own soldiers for such violations.

It is clear that the Mexican butcher is mimicking the dramatic annunciation style of the first beheading video to hit the mainstream.  That was the sickening demise of Jewish-American journalist Daniel Pearl after being lured into Middle Eastern trap just five months after 9/11. Then again, in these parts of the world, such snuff films probably earn ,meritorious service awards. Honour killings, severing of limbs, stoning and throwing acid in faces of the unfaithful, appear to abound – seemingly woven into the very fabric of these societies.

To be fair, modern terrorists are by no means the first to use this set-up to make a powerful statement. King Vlad the Impaler of Transylvania, Romania, was the real-life Dracula of the Middle Ages. He was infamous for piecing corpses of his beheaded enemies on elevated poles. He did this by the thousands – succeeding as it were, in discouraging Ottoman conquest of Christian Europe.

‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ is based in part on the legendary Blackbeard. His entertaining avatar, Jack Sparrow, comes nowhere close to portraying the most feared buccaneer of all time. A bounty placed on Blackbeard served only to infuriate him more. When he was finally decapitated in a fierce naval raid, his body reportedly continued to swim away. Blackbeard’s head was displayed on a spike in Hampton River, Virginia, as a warning to would-be brigands. Of course, it is the French who claim credit for mechanizing the process with the ‘humane’ invention by Dr. Guillotine – a physician no less. Not much sparkle among his patients, I suppose.

Would King David be the most celebrated beheader in literature? It is his six-pointed blue star that makes up the flag of modern Israel. Back then, the Isrealite army was taunted daily by the Phillistine giant, Goliath.

David’s seminal act of courage – in course of battle – instantly transformed their army’s humiliation into a spontaneous, glorious victory. Yet, this was the same sublime David later to pen perhaps the most comforting Psalm of all: The Lord is my Shepherd.

So what’s up with all this revived fascination with beheading? Even Dominica is represented in this pantheon of perps. However, Al Capone and that young man from Wotten Waven would probably take offense to be mentioned in the same breath. Gory as they were, they still pale in comparison. Our august jurisprudence ensured that justice was duly served, even not to everyone’s satisfaction. This nevertheless, permits the populace to be level-headed once again. We can get back to focusing on family, faith and national development. We can think more pleasant thoughts – whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good repute, etcetera and so forth.

Historically, it tends to boil down to a spitting competition among boys: Men dissing & dehumanizing other men over politics, gang, booty, or a twisted love of God. The victor hoists the ‘trophy’ and roars, ”Who’s your daddy now?!” In stark contrast, this macabre Mexican incident is the epitome of domestic violence. The cowardly male uses his superior physical power to permanently control the subdued female. A true CariMan would want no part in being a detached witness or virtual accomplice. Only a person never nurtured by a mother figure would not cringe with righteous indignation.

Renowned Nigerian writer, Chinua Achebe, (Things Fall Apart) declared, “When people find water rising up to your ankle, that’s the time to do something about it, not when it’s around your neck.” This vicious video exports Mexico’s shame. Now is the time for that country to restore its national dignity. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before can claw our way back up. And I have no doubt that we will. This poor woman’s blood cries out from the dusty Baja. The western hemisphere can expect authorities to use every resource at their disposal to deal decisively with these brutes. Doing so will make it abundantly clear to all, that we do not tolerate such demonic behavior in this part of the world.

Dr. Sam Christian is surgeon who runs the Urgent Care on 137 Bath Road. It offers general medical care, office surgery, acupuncture and microdermabrasion. He is Medical Adviser to the Dominica Cancer Society and author of the faith and fitness nutrition book, ‘Mannafast Miracle.’ Dr. Christian can be reached at 440-9133 or by writing to [email protected].

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  1. Anonymous
    December 2, 2013

    Proud to say I doe watch movies…well.. unless they are nonviolent like the up coming movie ‘…Holiday’ with Tae Diggs and the beautiful horny black ladies, chicks, love stories. Sorry :cry:

  2. Tina
    December 1, 2013

    Demonic is right, this week we see on the BBC that Mexico Drug gangs are worshiping St Death and that priests and pastors need to be specially trained in exorcism and deliverance. The reporter shared that he was disturbed by what he witnessed. We need to keep on encouraging internet users to be discerning about what they expose themselves to. I still regret watching certain vivid movie scenes as a teenager….many years on I am aware of the mental scarring.

  3. What!
    December 1, 2013

    This world is really messed up. Went to look for the video . i guess I am one of those who doesn`t take heed. I shouldn`t have gone to see dat nuh. Boy dat is heavy stuff.

  4. Sigh
    December 1, 2013

    I saw this video. Wish I didn’t look at it also doc. HOW SAD. Very good and serious article.

  5. Just saying
    December 1, 2013

    Great and timely article doc.

  6. Erasmus B. Black
    December 1, 2013

    Dr Sam, your article headline evokes the soundscapes of Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If.” For, the first verse reads, “If you can keep your head when all about you, are losing theirs and blaming it on you; if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you and make allowance for their doubting too.”

    After all, keeping your head or remaining calm is not an easy feat when others around you are running about in panic mode like chickens without heads. I spent some time reading some of the comments on DNO re the Dominican/American Dmitry and politics aside, could not understand what the hullabaloo was all about. My greatest fear about Dominica now is PMH!

    It is said that Kipling poem was written as advice to his son and was inspired by a swashbuckling renegade who led a failed British raid against the Boers in 1801 in what is now South Africa. The ethos for me is: “If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same.” But the last last verse sums it up:

    “If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that’s in it –
    And- what is more, you’ll be a man my son.”

    • Man of Letters
      December 1, 2013

      It is such a joy reading a comment like yours! It elevates the discourse above mundane reactions. It is evident from your language that you are very well-read and appreciate work that provokes profound thought.

      Whenever I come across your comments, E.B.B., I zero in on these gems because I know I will be edified, sometimes more so than the article itself. Your remarks command attention by the way you extend and complement Dr. Christian’s blog. I can always count on contributions from people like you to keep our communal conversation at a very high level.

      • Anonymous
        December 1, 2013

        I meant to give thumbs-up…

      • Erasmus B. Black
        December 2, 2013

        @ Man of Letters: Please accept my thanks for the compliment. I bow to you and Dr. Sam Christian. I enjoy reading his articles.

  7. A
    December 1, 2013

    Great article.

  8. Two Tongues
    November 30, 2013

    Wait a while, Doc!

    First you say people have no right looking at this trash then you give us all the juicy details. Next you criticize the fascination with beheading, then u giving us the whole history of the terrible act.

    Excellent writer. You draw me in and I cannot stop reading. But to me u speaking with 2 tongues. I’m confused.

      December 1, 2013

      I don’t think Dr. Sam could be more on target.

      We have focus on domestic violence – abuse of women and children. Look at that tragic story from Trinidad right now. Yes, the one about the murder and violation of that little girl. That’s exactly what the doctor is talking about. If you didn’t know better, you’d think DNO and Doctor timed it exactly this way. I think the doctor communicated a powerful gut feeling. I could feel what he was talking about. Made me want to do something about it.

      It takes people of influence to help move us to the level. Someone who will speak up for the most innocent and vulnerable among us. Keep up the good work doc. I look forward to you every weekend.

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