Country’s preparedness increased for hurricane season, assures Blackmoore

National Security Minister Rayburn Blackmoore said that Dominica’s capacity in terms of shelter has improved significantly as compared to last year.

“Our capacity in terms of our shelter and capacity has significantly improved, because of the regional shelters that we have built and the housing program that we have embarked on over the years,” he said. “We have a capacity of 7,960 as opposed to 3,570 people requiring shelters.”

According to him, the government has been able to decentralize its storage capacity by building storage centres and emergency centres in Castle Bruce, and Cotton Hill, amongst others.

“We have been able to improve on our telecommunication infrastructure, because [of] the issue of redundancy for the conventional communications network [if] shut off because of a storm,” Blackmoore stated.

Furthermore, he indicated that concerning the issue of telecommunication sets, “we have over 400”.

“People have been trained at the community level and those sets have been deployed to the people who have been trained,” Blackmoore noted. “And it speaks to our preparedness and our readiness. For the first time since our independence as a nation, we have been able to do our own forecasting and we are able to actually issue our own advisories.”

He added, “So our warning [and] our watches are actually done by ourselves because of the significant improvement we have made over the years in our Met Services.”

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  1. Love I
    June 26, 2023

    Sir! These shelters suppose to serve at least a meal. It’s not just giving them shelter from the rain. Stoves, dry goods etc. To serve hot tea and coffee. It’s just talk do better than that, because history will tell a tale on you guys.

  2. JAH KAL
    June 26, 2023

    Blackmore a you serious, you happy the hurricane bypass Dominica, man look at your face and tell me what you thinking . Blackmore god is in control he know’s better nuff said.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
  3. Lin clown
    June 26, 2023

    Great job Mr.Blackmore.Thanks to the DLP government.When hurricane Maria destroyed Dominica,UWP and their supporters kept parties and rejoiced at the destruction.LennoxLinton,with the support of Ibo,q95,Pastor Rattlesnake,Bwa-Banday,Francisco,Blessings and a handful of blue bugs, told the world out of a population of 70,000 only 30,000 remained.In 2019 when Dominica got it first case of covid-19,Linton again with the blessings and support of a handful of blue bugs told the world the population was 60,000 of which 1/4(15,000) would be infected,7,000 would be in critical condition and 3,000 would die.He also said the hospital needed another 5,000 beds.Today these people want to talk about our country.A country they want to destroy because they are not in power.Dominica belong to those who built it after Maria,and that is LABOURITES.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 17
  4. Juanita
    June 26, 2023

    “Our capacity in terms of our shelter and capacity has significantly improved…” Government ministers in Dominica say the darnest things.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1
  5. Ibo France
    June 25, 2023

    Mike Tyson once said, Everybody has a plan before entering the boxing ring until you get punched in the mouth.”

    The plans were not tested as tropical storm Bret bypassed Dominica. Roosevelt and the black sheep are erroneously giving credit and praise to their dysfunctional regime for coming out unscarred.

    Hardly anything positive is happening in the country so they clutching at straws.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3
    • June 27, 2023

      We will meet you and Juanita at the next General Election. That is when and where our messages will resonate. That is when and where your messages will detonate and implode.

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