Annually, the Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC) makes representation for its membership and the Private Sector for inclusion in the National Budget. This is done through proposals and consultations with the Government.
This year, there were two major areas of representation. Firstly, the Chamber advocated for increased economic activity for its members and local business in general, and secondly, for measures to facilitate development on the island.
DAIC believes that capital projects are expected to be the primary engine for growth. Moreover, the ability to access local government supply chains directly and indirectly were identified as crucial to the Membership.
The DAIC is pleased that Government has revealed the expected overhaul and updating of the Procurement Act, with consultation and input from its two biggest institutional partners and project funding bodies, the World Bank and European Union. DAIC looks forward to engaging its membership in reviewing the new Act once it becomes available.
In addition to the Act, the commitment to increase procurement of supplies from local members is one key factor in growing the public and private sector partnership.
The DAIC notes the provision of more financing at AID Bank for businesses as per representation. Government has assured the DAIC that the Aid Bank will be re-tasked with providing more flexibility for financing businesses in particular over-leveraged firms with viable cash flow forecasts and management plans.
DAIC is also pleased that its representation made on preparing the country for a Marina, and a growing yachting and boating industry, was successful with concessions being made to help grow that industry.
With regards to taxation, the conditional waiver on the interest and penalties due on outstanding personal income taxes, withholding tax, corporate tax, excise tax and value added tax liabilities, in respect of tax periods prior to 2019 are important administrative functions given the setbacks that COVID-19 has created for many local businesses.
The DAIC Executive also supported the delayed enactment of a property tax on derelict properties in particular in Roseau and environs. The continued enhancement of Roseau remains a key concern and businesses continue to feedback on the need for a cleaner, greener and more developed Roseau.
DAIC is also pleased to see the inclusion of other advocacy points over the years included in this year’s budget. These include the Small Business Act, enhancement of our Human Resource through a trained and well educated workforce, decriminalization of marijuana, among others.
The DAIC encourages timely and a well coordinated approach to ensuring successful implementation to trigger our long-term economic recovery through engagement of as much skilled and unskilled local human resource as possible. The DAIC remains committed to supporting the implementation of the goals of the Budget and the continued development of Dominica and its Private Sector.
I don’t call this the National budget, I call it the National bull…. Year in year out he presents this bag of lies to us. Our questions regarding the missing CBI and PetroCaribe money he conveniently ignores. Let me tell you Skerrit, we don’t want to hear about your National bull…. any more, we want our money back!!!
@Circus Clown
The TRUTH may be an offence but certainly not a sin. Like your IDOL (King Liar), the TRUTH is too bitter a pill for you to swallow. Clear your head of the stupor and indoctrination caused by the daily consumption of the Red Kool-Aid. Seek therapy. It is blind diehards like you who have this corrupt, power-drunk DISASTER at the apex of government.
after 20 years of rule, 16 by skerrit, it is long term planning. yet an organisation as important to the economic structure of Dominica, as the DAIC, is still hoping on promises which are highly unlike, since the reality is that most of government projects are being realised by foreign firms, plus the Roseau enhancement project only saw the rehabilitation of a small segment (about 250ft) of sidewalk. why is DAIC negotiating with a government which shows no interest in negotiating with locals, virtually every government project is done by foreign firms, DAIC has failed its members.
Very good from DAIC. Straight to the point about what they ask for and what they got.
Too many agendas from these boots on the ground operators elsewhere.
One asks all his members to argue for Public Procurement then goes take a no tender direct award contract at Bellvue Chopin for over 10 million dollars whilst his members toufay.
Supermarkets who get bail out busy attacking Govt behind the scenes. Other owners sitting inanother org blocking packages for income support and then coming in public talking about how they want minimum wage.
Well done DAIC and Green. You know these monsters well.
Lin Clown i hear you like to kiss A** and play in mud too… So i not surprised you know about “JACKA” but not my “KACKA” you will be playing with

I am afraid this statement is so bland it is as tasteful as cold soup. I understand you do not want to criticise Government for fear of being shut off from profitable business or projects. You can not show any political colour if you are in business and I understand that. I suggest that under the circumstances it would have been more effective if you had not made any statement at all. But you are not openly praising or groveling to Skerrit and I suppose that is positive in a way.
Ibo France,the organization you mentioned KNOW you,kissingA and veretere are the biggest JACKA that has ever been born.IBOOOO,what is Linton date of birth?
This response by the DAIC to the budget sounds like happy talk by its executive which supports the government. Is the DAIC looking out for all it’s members and is it trying to get the private sector broader and more successful? On many recent occasions, the government bypassed applying the rules which pertain to tender for capital projects financed by the government of Dominica, and foreign firms were given these projects without any concerns for local companies. This action leads to thousands of dollars leaving the country and the local capacity not being elevated. If the DAIC was interested in all local businesses they would make representation for that practice to end so that more of their members and the economy would benefit more. It’s ok to complement the government, but just like the concept of separation of church and state doesn’t mean that they are at war with each other. The DAIC must be less selfish and look towards a more broad-based successful local private sector.
When you’ll don’t get anything like the pass 7 years, dont come back here and lambas them.
Really first fix morne Bruce to send skerrit there to leave Dominica is not in no state to rent a house for him 32k a month not counting maintenance this man is wicked and selfish only do things in his profit where money can go in his pocket so don’t be fool Dominicans selfish selfish
One of the biggest problems, disappointments and drawbacks in Dominica is the ear shattering silence and blatant complicity of the business/private sector, the clergy, the media and the law body with the most corrupt and deplorable government in the entire Caribbean region.
These organizations have significant social, economic and other influence in the country but stubbornly refuse to use this capital because of cowardice, political bias and to obtain ‘special’ favors from the powers that they are not entitled to.
This BUGET, as with all before it under the incumbent regime, promises much but delivers so little. In fact, after each budget, the socio-economic conditions of the poor have gotten progressively worse while the bandits in public office and their cronies get vulgar wealthy.
Dominicans need to unite, grow a spine, and take a firm stand to rid (legitimately) the country of this scandal plagued regime.
You see, that’s what’s wrong in Dominica obviously apart from untold corruption. Once again, as on numerous previous occasions the Government has revealed the overhaul and updating of the procurement act. Even though this was promised on numerous occasions before and never materialised, the DAIC these fit to believe Skerrit yet again. All the other promises from this man are also pie in the sky, things that you and I heard on hundred occasions before and we will hear it again in 4 years time! Yet the DAIC keeps on welcoming the lies!!! Are these people (DAIC) for real? All you deserve all you get! I wonder how many projects all you will be allocated in the future. My estimate: the same amount as before or in other words a big fat zero. And that’s exactly what you deserve…!
The DAIC response to the National Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 to 2021 is empty and shows that some members in the leadership of the DAIC knows how to “Kiss A..”.
The DAIC agreed with so many points raised by the Prime Minister in the Budget that some people would believe that it is the perfect budget. Yet I am surprised that the very DAIC failed to mention very critical economic activities like Agriculture, Stay-over Tourism, Manufacturing, the Digital Economy and the long awaited INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Is it that the DAIC is fearful that these were just included to make the Budget look pretty but cannot or will not be implemented or at least started at all…
Clearly the failure of the DAIC leadership to critically and constructively analyze the Budget shows weak leadership with an ability to “Brown Nose” or play in mud.
You just have to laugh out

Mr. Ken is after a political job in cabinet. But I’ve been told he would settle for an ambassadorship. If Sheeppee can do it, I’m sure Kenny can do it. Poor Dominica!!