Dominica Freedom Party (DFP) press statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Bernard Hurtault, Political Leader, Dominica Freedom Party


The Dominica Freedom Party joins the rest of the International Community dedicated to the preservation of international law, right of self governance and integrity of sovereign states, in condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In this moment of global impact we must let the world know that we stand on the side of freedom and justice.

We call on the Government of Dominica;

To stand firm with the international community in its condemnation of the Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine

To immediately suspend diplomatic and other relations with Russia

To immediately cease the granting of CBI documents to Russian Nationals.

Whilst our status as a Small island Developing State ensures that these measures will have miniscule impact on the Russian state, we must speak in the loudest voice possible against injustice and tyranny.

As a Nation we must stand for something, lest we fall for anything.

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  1. Just Asking
    March 9, 2022

    They Europe and European-Americans invaded a whole continent Africa plus an island on your fire step Haiti, and use their main-stream media to influence you to sympathize with them the invaders who have fine-tuned invasions for you to blame the locals. We don’t hear a thing from allu after you lost a WHOLE continent. Sad but it’s a European country so they have you crying tears for them at the risk of nuclear war and a scorched earth. In 2022 we should be ashamed. How is that isht possible?

    • Just Asking
      March 9, 2022

      Correction: on your doorstep Haiti.
      Answer: they take the Continent… but they give us ‘aid’. :twisted:

  2. Lin clown
    March 8, 2022

    We know about the Cuban missile Crisis ,and we know about the October crisis of 1962.We also know why installing Russian missiles 90 miles from the American mainland almost led to world war 3.

    • Jayson
      March 9, 2022

      Exactly! I am not a supporter of Putin but America did not stand for it so how in hell would you expect Russia to stand for it. Russia was provoked and finally called America’s bluff.

  3. J.John-Charles
    March 8, 2022

    The condemnation of Russia is timely and relevant. If condemnation comes from Labour, Workers, DFP leader or half dead sleepy Joe Biden, wrong is wrong.
    So my friend Hurtault, let your voice be heard Welcome.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
    • Six Half-Dozen
      March 9, 2022

      I don’t care much for Joe though he is the lesser of the 2 evils but you seem comfortable that kkk white supremacist Majorie T Green will be taking the nomination from Trump.

  4. BMB
    March 8, 2022

    But….who’s mista nuh?

  5. March 8, 2022

    My dear Freedom party, I do not know how to begin but can I suggest that you join hands and minds with the leading UWP and implement a strategy (something) to expel this Dominica Labor Party out of parliament? I listen to a number of educated Dominican minds e.g., lawyers, doctors, scientists, pastors, teachers, politicians, administrators, bankers, engineers, soldiers, journalists and the list goes on and on, but none has been able to strategize a technique to get this DLP dunce cats off their backs.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  6. Jonathan Y St Jean
    March 7, 2022

    Is the Freedom Party relevant? It’s trying it’s darndest to sound like it matters. Considering that it’s the same Freedom Party which helped put Labor party and by extension Skerritt on the backs of Dominca, subverting the norms of good governance, I think the dust of the once great Freedom Party should instead focus it’s breath and energy in removing the albatross around the neck of patriotic Dominicans or just go away. Coming here getting involved in international matters with no significance to the morass in Dominca.

  7. Ti Garcon
    March 7, 2022

    The sanctions the West is piling on Russia is gonna severely affect our economies for no good reason. Gas, fertilizer and wheat (flour) prices are gonna go though the roof within the month and this guy is virtue signaling.
    Skerrit should have abstained, and so should the rest of the Caribbean. Because if Russia or China wants to have a military alliance, or desire to build a base in any of our islands, the USA woukd invade. The West’s hypocrisy is hilarious.
    And for all those who woukd condemn me, well I hope you’ll be glad to pay to support Ukrainian Nazis with your wallets because inflation is here!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
  8. Kevin
    March 7, 2022

    That’s rich coming from the Dominica freedom party.Commenting on global affairs when they only got 25 votes in the 2019 election.

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    • Eagle-Eyed
      March 8, 2022

      Well it’s the same Freedom Party under the late MAMO who invited the Mighty US to invade our sister island territory (Grenada) which resulted in the deaths of a number of Grenadians. In any case, this Ukrainian situation is the bi-product of the geopolitics played out among the super powers. Even though the US, Uk and French don’t declare officially to have boots on the ground in Ukraine, we know that there are number of nationals of these countries currently in Ukraine. These countries have been stoking this situation for some time now with the sole purpose of denying the Russians access to the European market to sell their gas and oil
      so that the Americans can have control energy worldwide. The only people benefitting from this conflict are the stock holders of gas and oil in the US and arms manufacturers who are getting richer while the impact on poorer third world countries become more unbearable. So we in the Caribbean should think carefully before we take sides.

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  9. Lin clown
    March 7, 2022

    OK then,that was my thoughts,but didn’t know how to put it into words,This guy is another Ahole like Francisco-Dog and IBO France.Just wait they are going to post the same BS comment.

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  10. OK then
    March 7, 2022

    “Whilst our status as a Small island Developing State ensures that these measures will have miniscule impact on the Russian state, we must speak in the loudest voice possible against injustice and tyranny.”

    An irrelevant party is urging goverment to make meaningless gestures that will have a negative impact on us while contributing nothing to the global situation.

    OK then…

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 14 Thumb down 15
    • Gary
      March 7, 2022

      He is not only the leader of an irrelevant Party, but totally ignorant of the geopolitics that led to this crisis we are witnessing, writing such pathetic nonsense. The preservation of international law, self-governance and integrity of sovereign states are not something decided by a consensus of outside forces, weaponizing the news media and commerce. The news media 24/7 narrative now has changed, it no longer focuses on covid, but on Russia as the evil Empire. “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way” quote from former US president Franklin D Roosevelt. I may add this, it is also true to include geopolitics.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 10
      • Ibo France
        March 8, 2022

        Gary you don’t even know your birth date and excoriating people about their ignorance of geopolitics.

        All you do is to attack intelligent people on this forum with your indigestible word salad. You are not much more than a menace to society. Your scribblings resonate with no one of rational mind.

        If you want to be relevant, do like the leader of the DFP and call on your inarticulate demigod (Skerrit) to go before the media and roundly condemn his idol for his savagery in Ukraine. The man is indiscriminately murdering babies, old women and other innocent civilians who have no beef with him. At the same time throwing the entire world into complete turmoil.

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3
        • Gary
          March 9, 2022

          Your reply to my comment is expected, it’s your characteristic behavior. What if I told you my birthdate, would you exonerate me for my ignorance of geopolitics, lol. You are so disingenuous, accusing me of attacking intelligent people on this forum. I just want to ask you when will Linton issue his press release regarding the war.

          You know when you say, quote, “The man is indiscriminately murdering babies,” this sounds like the script from the teenage Kuwaiti girl who lied to Congress about Iraqi atrocities to manipulate public support for the Gulf War, before making such claims here is something you may overlook
 so long.

          ADMIN: Please note clicking on the link results in “page not found”.

      • Jey Jey
        March 8, 2022

        @ Gary..You seem to be the most ignorant one. The gentleman’s point is well understood. But you are part of a “click” in the labor party which have invaded Dominica in several ways. The most obvious was the tear gassing people in the village of Salisbury. What was your take on that? Your silence of course. Because as Jesus said, “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” Skerrit is Communist. Therefore, he cannot and will not condemn any invasion by Russia or China. People like you are really not worth taking seriously. You a simply a …. Sheep 🐑 in Skerrit’s blind fold. Dead fish goes downstream. Soon they will all end up in the same place; In the estuary.

        • Gary
          March 9, 2022

          Why I’m I most ignorant, is it because I do not accept a certain narrative or political agenda, wow. This is not about the gentlemen point being well understood, yes it is well written to be read and understood, but that does not make it an informed opinion about a matter. Here is a person, a leader of a Political Party seeking to be the leader of the Country and this is the is kind of press release he issues regarding the Russian Ukraine war, wow.

          Why do you make silly assumptions, which always has to referenced to your partisan political beliefs, is Dominica really a divided kingdom against itself with a Communist Leader, your silliness is so erroneous. Why don’t you reason out things first before making assumptions, so long, keep on assuming when and facts are readily
          available for you to discover.

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