Dominica has suspended the processing of all new applications for Dominican passports for nationals of Yemen. The suspension took effect on January 19, 2024, as a memo from Marie Therese-Johnson, Director of Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Unit, dated January 15 shows.
“This measure is geared at safeguarding the global community and the integrity of Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Program,” the memo, which was addressed to all authorized agents of Dominica’s passports, reads.
It continued, “All Authorized Agents are requested to disseminate the information outlined above to all relevant parties including clients, licensed promoters, and sub-agents to ensure all promotional materials [are] updated accordingly.”
Agents were urged to contact the Citizenship by Investment Unit for any inquires about the matter.
Yemen, which is located in the Middle East, has been in the grip of a civil war that began in 2014 when Houthi rebels, who are largely Shiite Muslims and who have a history of rising against the Sunni Muslim government, took control of the country’s capital Sanaa. Backed by Iran they began demanding lower fuel prices and a new government.
A series of negotiations followed but they all failed and the Houthi rebels seized the presidential palace in January 2015, leading President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his government to resign. Following these events, a coalition of Gulf states led by Saudi Arabia launched a campaign of air strikes and economic isolation against them to restore full power to the Yemeni government. Thousand of civilians have been killed.
Since 2023, fighting between the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition has largely subsided but the rebels control a large swathe of the country, including the capital.
Yemen was thrust into the news again when the Houthis began attacking ships passing through the Red Sea saying that it was their response to Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
In response, the Joe Biden administration in the United States last Wednesday re-designated the Houthis a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist group” (SDGT). The Houthis were first named a terrorist organization by the Donal Trump administration but it was lifted by Biden shortly after taking office arguing it would hinder humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people.
In the re-designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan stated that their attacks against maritime vessels, and also US ships, “fit the textbook definition of terrorism.”
“They have endangered US personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardised global trade, and threatened freedom of navigation,” he said.
It is a serious crime to provide support or do business with a group that has been blacklisted as a SDGT.
Copy of signed memo below:
The little knowledge I have on war, conflicts between people, country and nations from WWII; the “developed countries” have never gone to war with a country which has equal powers. Always, they put out their big guns and explosives against the much weaker opponents. US in Grenada; in South America; in Iraq; in poor Yemen; in Gaza; in Argentina; in Cuba etc… When is America going to Bomb China and vise versa? When is France going to bomb Russia? When is Germany going to bomb Poland? When is India going to bomb Afghanistan? It’s coming soon. The end when the little will breathe easier is fast approaching. When I was a boy wrestling in the school yard was customary. Those who wanted to see who was the toughest would put a cane peel on the shoulders of these two soon to be fighters; and the one who thought he was major would toss the cane peel off the other ones shoulder… then the wrestling/fighting would begin. However, most times the major would lose the fight. Houthis should get passport
There are many ways to skin a goat. There is no doubt Dominica is looking for known criminals to sell passports to, no matter where they from. Aliriza Monfared is a good example. So I pay no attention to what they say because they say one thing and their agents carry do what they know is on Skerrit heart
Interestingly, the Yemenies are the good guys in the eyes of the Brits and the Americans. By the way, how will the government police this ban?
Im sure soon we may begin seeing members of the Taliban with DA passports.
I support trigger happy 100% to me the Yemenis and Hamas are not terrorists,it is so because the USA say they are. The USA is the biggest terrorist state in the world.They have murdered more innocent men,women and children,than any other country.Dominica is a small island the USA is master of all so,we have to kiss their A,that’s the way it is.You must read instead of gossiping,spreading fake news and propaganda.Since Russia invaded Ukraine,Dominica has stopped issuing citizenship to Rissians.When the USA say jump Dominica ask how high.What the F you know about consolidated fund go read your constitution,any money coming into Dominica for a SPECIFIC purpose does NOT have to go to the consolidated fund.. Jacka.The Dominican passport is the PROPERTY of the GOVERNMENT of Dominica.The reason UWP is always losing election is because the majority of Dominicans can and does read.That is if you have a F++++++ copy of the constitution,just saying things all you hear people say.Mouton Batalie.
@Lin clown
He must be the brother or sister of MEME.
Can you remember the blogger MEME?
@Lin clown
Not very often that i support you, but you are dead right. Who branded Yemeni, Russians, etc as terrorists? Is it the terrorist country, America? I also agree with you that America has butchered and slaughtered maybe 1000 times more innocent people (women and children) than those countries. Is America referred to as a rogue country? Those commenting here has not branded America as terrorist.
So i dont support this crap about Yemenis or Russians are bad, etc…Who are the good ones? Is it America??
You all are sick on here!
Why was Skerrit selling passports to them in the first place? How about Hamas? How about all the other Iran sponsored terrorist organisations? Unfortunately, we only know half of it. Never mind, the US and Europe will be knocking on Skerrit door soon and make it clear to him that their patients has finally run out.
@Lawyer, you are stupid get out of here! you like many black people learn your history bloody brainwashed idiots, Israel is being lead by far right idiots and trying to take all the Palestinian land and push them out, don’t tell me God gave them that land it’s rubbish not true at all.
Not once in my comment did I mention ‘Israel’ and not once did I mention ‘God’. NOW you tell me who is stupid and/or brainwashed. Get out of here you brainless individual!
The Zionists with the financial and military support of the United States are committing genocide in the Gaza and the West Bank. They, too, should certainly be branded as the world’s most dangerous terrorists.
Lawyer, you remind very much as the followers of Jim Jones in the forest of Guyana. You have imbibed and become senselessly intoxicated with the American propaganda. Get enlightened!
Ibo, I most certainly don’t need YOU to enlighten me. Get out of my stuff! Who do you think you are?
You are a fake, lazy uninformed lawyer. Who put it your head that Hamas, Iran , Russia, North Korea, Yemen are terrorist states or have terrorists organisations? Who branded them as terrorists? America?
You need to go back to school, and shame on you for your level of uninformed stupidity and brainwashed rhetoric.
America is the only terrorist country on earth…No other country is..
See my reply to Ibo, who appears to be your ghostwriter. You guys fancy yourself a bit as semi-intellectuals and think an Anti US or Anti European stance make you look even more clever. Why don’t you try a pair of spectacles instead. That usually does the trick. What would the pair of you do if it wasn’t for Skerrit. Presumably pick your nose and scratch your behind all day. You two fit well in ‘Skerrits monkey circus’ come ‘Rocky Crazy Horror Show’.
We should not sell to anyone from Israel also. Imagine they would refuse Aid to the majority of people because the minority are considered a terrorist group. Yemen is a recognized nation. Thats like Laborites and the DLP saying they refuse to fix the roads and the hospital situation in Dominica because workers will drive on it and access the medical services.
@If we knew better
We should not have links with America as well, since Biden is the one feeding Israel with the weapons used to commit genocide in Gaza.
I am an opposition supporter, but i laugh at some of the comments. Who told them the Russians, Iranians, Yemenis, North Koreans, Chinese are terrorists and Americans, British, and other westerners are good? OMG!!
We should not sell to anyone from Israel also.
Finally, something good?
For over a decade the USA and Saudi Arabia have been bombing the sh*t out of Yemen in yet another genocidal regime change attempt – punishment for refusing to open up the country to USA’s corporate predators. In 2022 a ceasefire was achieved. Recently Yemen attacked a ship bound for Israel in support of the Palestinians they have been slaughtering for the past 3 months. In response to this the trigger-happy USA sent over a 100 missiles to bomb 16 Yemeni cities. The ordinary citizens of Yemen are simply bystanders suffering and observing all this. Why should they be further punished by being denied access to our CBI program? Answer: because he USA says so!
we say that we are not b having like a sovereign state itself. we are behaving like a nation under USA influence. We are not minding our Business.
We do not understand USA politics it is all over our government offices.
@trigger happy
In times like these i miss a blogger called MEME.
Trigger happy, you are one level headed person amongst a ton load of others, who post pure crap, baloney and foolishness.
You failed to mention that the same USA and Saudi Arabia killed 400 000 Yemeni, yet they (the USA and the west) think they should label Yemen, Russia, Iran, etc as rogue states.
The most dangerous, and criminal country on earth is America. See what Biden and Netanyahu are doing in Palestine. Aren’t Israel and America rogue states?
A whole set of stupidity by clearly brainwashed people on here on DNO. Its shameful what the brains of Dominicans have become. And i am no Skerrit supporter folks..I dislike Skerrit’s leadership, and i thing he is evil, wicked and dangerous.
MEME please return here to read stupidity!
How about Hamas, can they buy our passport?
the problem we are not doing politics otherwise we would not have been doing passports with the we would be learning from them and understanding world politics. Our first interaction with them is for money with those who can afford to own a passport to give us money. The rich folks from these countries for business purposes. Our government became a business entity not for political understanding and purposes.
for transparency sake are we stopping because of attacks against Israel>
Are we still selling passports to Russians as de war with Ukraine continues?
Our bold proud pm could have made mention………but i don’t expect any mention that this document was not supposed to go public.
Last week Skerrit was talking a whole lotta BS concerning CBI in Dominica………a little cushion for de CBI unit announcement like this.
By de way we de public have no idea how many passports have been sold to individuals from Yemen…….and who we actually sold dem to……de names!
This action is taken to safeguard our failing cash cow!
Can we get an update on how much money from CBI has been transferred to de Consolidated fund?
What is wrong with selling passports to Russians? Because they are in war with Ukraine? Do you even know it’s America that started ghe war? Do you know it’s a proxy war? Do you know that Russia is protecting itself ago America and NATO? Maybe you looking at too much of western media stories.
why is Skerrit stopping the sale of passports to Yemen?
when was de last time Skerrit visit Russia?
Do you know how often Skerrit goes to de US?
there are certain things that Skerrit must do
especially when some people think it’s just a small insignificant dot.
he who laughs last laughs de best
All stupid questions. Skerrit will stop because of America’s bullying of small vulnerable countries. America can’t do the same to Russia, China, North Korea or Iran. They will tell America “”Go to Hell””. So those countries are branded terrorists states? Give me a break! But have you called out America as a rogue country? It is surely the ONLY rogue country on planet earth. Do you see what America is doing in Gaza! Working hand in glove with Israel. Have you branded the two terrorist states? You little brain us so limited!
you are not a scapegoat of Skerrit
he who laughs last laughs de best
you don’t know de real reason why we stopped selling passports to Yemen
First of all os.onlu then Dominicans know what is going on. You want the Saudi money. These people have relationships with countries to sell passports not grow relationships and do anything.
Thank goodness you all forgot you all are dealing with the USA and all of you all are running there and they are looking at you all.
No.concerns.for.citizens. These people are beginning to speak the truth paraphrase the prime minister no one has done more to sacrifice.the.cointynthan him
lost confident and. trust on these people. Dominica has human rights issues, these people are doing nothing for the country citizens.
This is not dictatorship this is blatant Fraud and Stupidity. Too bad they don’t believe that we don’t do politics. Remember so many other world leaders who were themselves arrested and those the USA supported.
Suspending their passport application is water under the bridge. I would not be surprised if the People’s Republic.of China dropped us like a hot potato.