DOMLEC statement on PM Skerrit’s comments regarding possible change in majority ownership  

Reference is made to the address to the nation today by Honourable Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit regarding the proposed sale of Emera Caribbean Inc.’s (ECI’s) majority shareholding in DOMLEC to the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica (GoCD).  We expect the process to be completed by March 31st, 2022. There is a lot to be excited about with the reality of geothermal energy here on the island of Dominica, and the inherent opportunities for future energy price stability and greater energy independence. Consequently, we welcome this strategic move.

Over the past nine years, since its investment in DOMLEC in 2013, ECI has articulated its commitment to DOMLEC and its employees, its customers and to the island of Dominica. In addition, the company has benefitted from Emera’s provision of intercompany services in support of health and safety, insurance and accounts & finance, among other areas, as well as the sharing of its broad and deep industry expertise.

We assure the public that, under the proposed GoCD majority ownership, DOMLEC’s commitment to working safely and to maintaining our drive toward world-class safety is unwavering. So, too, is our commitment to our customers for the delivery of safe, reliable and cost-effective energy every moment of every day.

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  1. Lin clown
    April 1, 2022

    I thought you,James said Skerrit and the government were dictators?How is it that they are dictators and according to you “they won’t be satisfied until they have consolidated absolute power.” Confusing.That is the thing with traitors.James want to see the $11,000,000 and $12,000,000 in profit made every year by Domlec go to a foreign land.Another mongrel on the attack.

  2. Lin clown
    April 1, 2022

    Mountain goats is too good a name for these crooks,traitors,money launderers and adulterers.Everybody loves goat stew and goat water,these sons of Satan are more like gallbladder.

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    • Beta
      April 2, 2022

      Chill boy, you mustn’t call your PM all these names. Nobody is perfect!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  3. Pipo
    April 1, 2022

    Smart move by Emera, however the benefits to populace of Dominica are opaque.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 2
  4. James
    April 1, 2022

    This government won’t be satisfied until they’ve consolidated absolute power. In every single area of life. From basic goods and services to education, Healthcare etc. A true dictatorship. Where more develop countries outsource to improve effective running of certain services, dominica goes to consolidate. Prepare for outages. The one thing governments don’t do well at is governing. Running anything… good luck

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 2
  5. I Am You
    March 31, 2022

    There is not one body of people who call themselves government on the world stage who has the interest of the people at heart..not one..

    Its important to be observant of what is occurring on the world stage because dominica is no longer an island. and those elected here have a title but they have no power..

    In the moments ahead non of this will matter because those who have not paid attention and thus made some form of preparation will be in serve difficulties. the so called ruler of america just recently publicly told those who were not previously aware that there will be shortages across the globe..

    Dont think because people can grow their little food here that dominica will be spared. if that is the case then you just dont know whats coming..

    Peace .

  6. Lin clown
    March 31, 2022

    More questions for Professor IBO France(DNO worse nightmare)why did UWP give government lands at Warner to DSS?Was was the multi million dollas Layou 5 Star Hotel closed in 1997 during the reign of UWP?The People voted UWP out of office because of corruption,victimization and greed.You Professor IBO must make up your mind,UWP is never going to be voted into office.

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    • Ibo France
      March 31, 2022

      Didn’t know you were God. You can accurately foresee far into the future. Stop a!allowing Dog Abuser to influence you. Go on the WALK next Wednesday.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 3, 2022

        lbo that guy and his comrades Man-Dog, ds, and company, Gary and all are delusion; their thoughts and vision are extremely fuggy. Roosevelt will bury them and Dominica six feet under; while they are alive and breathing.

        By the time they realize their oxygen is being cut off and suffocating, can’t breath, rather than calling for the paramedics to execute CPR, they will call out to Roosevelt Skerrit to save them.

        Well, remember Roosevelt Skerrit is doctor eh!
        You know one of my relatives residing in New Jersey called me about two hours ago and informed me that Roosevelt was on Facebook talking rubbish, I do not have a Facebook account, so he told me get it on DBS Radio.

        I went there and heard some stupid clown talking all kind of nonsense about their HIFU machine, and all it can do, which are all lies, the only truth I heard was when he said they have to train someone to use it!

        At the rate those stupid people are talking about this thing it’s like a miracle machine:

        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          April 3, 2022


          The problem, is that I see misuses, and in the process they are going to cause medical damage to patients, there is something called medical malpractice there is going to be plenty of that in the country if they continue with their lies and exaggeration about this thing.

          They are impressing the nation that this HIFU machine can do more than the manufacture data said it can do; the crap cannot do any thing more than I stated in my submission on the matter.

          And if any medical doctor in Dominica states otherwise, count him or her a damn liar or a fool!

          And by the there are other machines with the same name HIFU, used in beauty and nails salons all over the place, some even coast less than $200.00 dollars.
          But the one they have in Dominica, is limited to exactly what I said it can do!
          If Roosevelt or any of his propagandist on the subject, doctor and all wish to engage me on the subject, I am open season; fire away at me!
          Man-Dog, ds, Pinocchio kindergarten clown…

    • Tt
      April 1, 2022

      What was all this about?? Why are people so fixated on political parties. Who cares if they get voted in or out. The party is not what’d important. The future of our country is! Partison politics sows division. We need to move past this foolishness and focus on developing our nation before its too late. We owe it to the kids.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
      • Ibo France
        April 1, 2022

        “The party is not what’d be important.” Are you serious? The political party in power decides minimum wage, economic policies, cost of gasoline and diesel, the state of :-the environment, education, health care, employment opportunities, agriculture, justice, infrastructure, almost everything that affects your life.

        Ensure you connect your brain to your mouth before you open it. Saying that the political party that we put in power doesn’t matter is the sane as stating the home a child comes from doesn’t make a difference. Ponder on that.

  7. Man bite dogs
    March 31, 2022

    Pm.Dr Skerrit, Government has done the right thing take back what the mountain goats sold to foreigners for next to nothing Mr Skerrit, is blessed with brains and vision that means very soon all the profits will stay in Dominica for Dominicans and not in foreigners pockets drinking expensive wine 🍷 and big yacht. So those of you who is writing and and talking your ignorants crap should go into a dark room and hide yourselves in shame that also goes to ugly Lenny,as well!!!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 32
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 3, 2022

      “Government has done the right thing take back what the mountain goats sold to foreigners.(Man-Dog).

      Yes but; remember you said sold to foreigners: but what about that damn Dominica Mountain Chicken Crapaud crapo Mentality, that little black wet back river rat, doctor Punjab, who gives billions of dollars to foreigners he claims to build so called hotels in the country.
      In addition to the money he gives them to build these which are no more than cheap guesthouses, he gives these people an amount of twenty ($20,000,000) million dollars free; as pocket money.

      Man Dog, in the event you understand the English language, you might understand the word fleece; this ignorant boy; (the government) has fleeced the country under your nose, and you do not have the courage to speak out about it as I am doing.

      That is corruption in it highest form!


      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 3, 2022


        Dominica, is the only place on the planet I know that a government invites people (foreigners) into their country under the pretense of investors, and gives them money to invest in whatever they so chooses, and turn around and give them free millions, as in the case in Dominica where some stupid so called Prime Minister gives them twenty million dollars and above to claim they invested in the country!

        I may be able to understand if that corrupted clown did something as the Birds of Antigua did in the 1960’s where they invited hoteliers into Antigua to invest in building hotels.

        The method the Birds used was; make the land on which the Hotel was to be built free to the investor which invested their own money; however, the land remained the property of the people of Antigua, if and when a Hotel failed, and the owners left the island the land remained the property of the people of Antigua.

        No government give taxpayers money to foreigners to put them in business.

  8. RastarMarn
    March 31, 2022

    So what does this “We assure the public that, under the proposed GoCD majority ownership” mean???

    Skerrit come saying one thing now mistadem saying this about “Proposed GoCD”,,,

    DNO how allyou does report news dere nuh how people suppose to know what’s “GoCD”,,,

    Thought Skerrit come saying that it was a done deal now Mistadem reporting that it’s a proposed vibes,,,

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 4
  9. Ibo France
    March 31, 2022

    I have a complete absence of confidence in this present ruling oligarchy to manage or maintain anything well. The evidence is conspicuous.

    Look at how they have managed the banana industry, the CBI funds, the monthly $500m savings for the airport, the dysfunctional public service. The list goes on ad nauseam.

    I always advocate the view that government should control vital services like electricity and water. Private companies are motivated strictly by profit, governments should be about looking out for the best interest of the citizens.

    However, the Skerrit’ autocracy is the most incompetent ever. When this gov’t becomes in charge of DOMLEC look out for constant blockouts due to poor maintenance and neglect. Look out for many square pegs in round holes as political affiliation will be preferred to competence in making appointments.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 8
    • Man bite dogs
      March 31, 2022

      @Ibo, you are an embarrassment to yourself that also tells me any person that can spend 24hrs.a day writing crap and lies on DNO, FB and more is a septic dangerous, say and lonely Person guy Ibo, get out of it

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      • Ibo France
        March 31, 2022

        Sorry, Dog Abuser! You are writing outside the periphery of comprehension such like an infant colours outside the lines of a colouring book.

        Please, can someone interpret for me this new, peculiar and indecipherable language that stray Dog Man brings on this forum?

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  10. Tt
    March 31, 2022

    DominicA government can’t run a single ministry but give them room. They’ll sell it to the Chinese or worse. Lord help us

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 8
  11. Wendy767
    March 30, 2022

    It is within the right of the Government to secure either Natural or National resources as to better protect both netizens’ interests and National security but not particularily the DLP solely but instead the Government, which should be a neutral governning body or entity which should lay claim to the resource in question. In terms of legislation, this should be made clear to the peolple. If said DLP isn’t in Power, will the Government lay claim to the company or not and is said company solely a company procurderd by the DLP which is merely the current Party in power functioning as a Governing body in Office. So which is it exactly? Who is laying claim to the shares in question? As if an external party, either the Governing party or a nonnative (foreigner and or foreign investor) has that amount of power to control the country’s water or, in this case the electricity where exactly does that leave the security of the people whom the Governing body is supposdely trying to protect.

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  12. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    March 30, 2022

    Dictators always want to put everything in the country under their control for personal financial enrichment that is what yours truly wants to do especially since his C B I money honey bucket is running out of money that he uses for himself. Now he is seeking another source of money to keep his money bucket full.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 8
  13. dissident
    March 30, 2022

    That’s all you have to say to your clients?
    You feel more obligated to your share holders I guess.
    In comes a DLP government ownership……. it’s not like fuel surcharge gonna be dropped.
    I remember all that talk about Petro caribe…… what can de DLP government boast about dat relationship
    Consolidating interests……CBI and energy!
    Wow Skerrit…… you just won’t satisfy!!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 39 Thumb down 14
    • Hello Hi and How are you?
      March 30, 2022

      Really Dissident?
      Government is the one who governs.
      Whatever the government does it is the populace that benefits.
      It is time to suppress your anger or what against a dlp government. They may not be in government forever.
      High time to forget all those foolishness and dlp government ownership.
      I think you guys should understand how government works. I see that so many like you do not understand a lot of things. Domlec will still be run by the Board of Directors and other staff.
      It is as though you guys think that the PM of dlp is in all offices.
      A sorry state to be in. So many of you think that once you work in a government department, you should know everything. But actually, there are various departments and not one big soup talaylay as you guys think.
      Get someone to explain how government works instead of staying where you are – bitter, not understanding anything, and just talking without understanding.
      That is for all the rest who only criticizes not offering…

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 20
      • Lin clown
        March 31, 2022

        I am asking Professor IBO France one question.Why did his party UWP sell Domlec in 1997?

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 22

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