Energy Minister, Dr. Vince Henderson has said that construction of a battery storage system will soon begin and will complement the geothermal project. The minister was speaking on DBS Radio ‘Focus on Government and Develop’ program recently.
Government has been pursuing a battery storage system for some time now to be built in Fond Cole and because of the delays, that is, changes in the marketplace and COVID-19 it was difficult to get there. According to Dr. Henderson the delay had some cost implications which forced the government to, “go back to the drawing board.”
“We have acquired land, very expensive land and we have done some work there,” Dr. Henderson revealed. “The contractor said it wasn’t enough so, we are overcoming that now and we should see actual construction and installation of that battery storage system there.”
Furthermore, he said that the facility will store power.
“Once the geothermal plant starts, you don’t shut it down, you only shut it down for maintenance,” he explained. “So, the battery storage will provide that backup for about half an hour, just in case there is a fault they will have time to fix.”
Dr. Henderson continued, “That is to say, if there is solar coming instead of it going to people’s homes or the grid that you are bringing back to DOMLEC’s system, that will go to charging that battery.”
He stated that it has dual use, “so we will see works starting there.”
He revealed that it cost about US$5 million.
“We have another one that will be installed in Sugar Loaf sometime and we are hoping that we will get the final approval on that one,” Dr. Henderson revealed.
Henderson, you are a disgusting waste of time puppet! I don’t know how many weekends you spent in some vocational school, to get a Ph. d, in what? But, whatsoever it is does not qualify you to talk the pile of garbage to impress Skerrit and the uneducated who listens to scum like you!
How many of your supporters have degrees in Chemistry, Physics, or Calculus, not one, at best, and so; your babbling are to edify only you.
So, let me dump this in your face!
The Geothermal Battery Energy Storage; is a concept: it is the use of solar radiance used to heat water on the surface which is then injected into the earth.
And this is not as told to me; it’s earned knowledge, result of my higher learning, my academia as an Electronic/Electrical Engineer respectfully.
All this bull-crap is not accomplishing anything: Is an geothermal energy plant been built in the country, or not?
It’s been more than ten years talked about where is the production, can it be found in the garbage you…
US$5 million for battery storage that last 30 minutes? Make that make economic sense for me please
The Dominican people kicked out DLP in 1980.They kicked out DFP in 1995 and the kicked out the corrupt UWP in 2000.You Mr.Jacka Ibo France think the people would not kick out Skerrit and DLP if they were not benefiting?The people have been voting DLP since 2000.You expect to criticize the housing revolution,criticize NEP,criticize yes we care,criticize the $300 for senior citizens,criticize the school bus service,criticize free medical for senior citizens,call young people prostitutes and think your party can win election in Dominica.Go on the ground and campaign,become foot soldiers and ask the Dominican people for forgiveness,instead of listening to a handful of prodigal aholes in the diaspora,who have done nothing in Dominica.Why do you think the media whore cannot win a village council election,and Blessings is the biggest Jacka in St.Joseph .Lennox Linton chances of becoming Prime Minister is dead,betrayed,vilified and backstabbed by his own crooked UWP traitors.UWP is dead.
1980 and 1995 we had fair and above board elections. Since Skerrit took office this hallmark of democracy got tainted beyond recognition, chiefly by these voters who rise from their grave for election day and those that are being paid to return to their birthplace for election day, all this courtesy of the CM.
Go tell that to the PEOPLE Jacka.It is because of all the BS comments on DNO people continue to vote DLP.You,with your brain stewed with stupidity that a person who use to rent a $1,500 house is worse off living rent free.Parents who use to pay a school bus fee is worse off not paying the fee.Sick patients who use to pay a hospital user fee is worse off not paying the fee.And it was better for the 2,700 citizens when Skerrit was not paying them the $300 monthly.You are also saying it would be better if Skerrit had not negotiated with Clear harbor to come to Dominica to employ more than 1,000 persons.It was better when the more than 4,500 NEP workers were unemployed.Some NEP workers have cars and houses,if there are two NEP workers living in one house at $1,000 monthly that is $2,000 and if they have a FREE $400,000 apartment then those people are living in luxury.For you empty head,MOST people living in the Free houses work.Dominica has to most beautiful houses in the CARIBBEAN.A fact
I still cannot understand for the life of me why this government does not invest in solar energy on top of all the government buildings those buildings put such a large load on the system yet they want to run generators during outages, instead of having solar panels which can reduce the load on the fragile Domlec power grid…
Solar Panels only work in the day from sunlight in order to create energy: indeed they can generate some energy from other light source such as street lights and the moon; however, in such case the output is very low.
So, whereas they can produce some energy from street lights, means there must be a generating source to power a street light.
On a cloudy day the panels may work but less effectively. It is also important to note, that solar panel performance also drops on a very hot day.
Dominica electricity problem could be solved by utilizing out full potential of hydroelectricity generation!
Of the three hundred sixty-five rivers recorded in Dominica, all that is needed is to utilize a few of them and the problem we have would be solved.
Dr. Henderson continued, “That is to say, if there is solar coming instead of it going to people’s homes or the grid that you are bringing back to DOMLEC’s system, that will go to charging that battery.” Solar coming from the geothermal? Man what are you talking about, geothermal or solar or both, which is it? Your government said no to solar or people having their own solar energy system and selling excess to the grid. Now you saying solar coming, from where, what?
These Ministers and con Vince talk with such forked-tongues as the Bible would put it, that they tie up themselves in the own lies, malparlay and dayparlay!
It’s deliberate double-talk, gobbledygook you’re not supposed to understand. He doesn’t either, that’s why he can’t explain it. The new… solargeotherwind.
Papa God when will Vince Henderson realize that the man from Laudat spoke the truth that there will be ” No geothermal ” in dominica” What will stop Vince Henderson from blabbering about a project that will never ever become a reality. Vince Henderson knows that, yet this shameless SO a Gun continues to lie and lie and lie. (May I ask what is a lying disease called)? And when you listen to his untruths and deceiving speech not even the naive and lazy brains believe anymore. Not even King Lin Clown. Vince with all this wasted dos please invest a few in the Healthcare system so that yourself and the higher kings will see it fit to have at least a temperature check at this China building in Goodwill. We know that you and the other Elites run to Miami, Cuba, Washington DC, NY etc for your temperature check. Vince all of you guys just deserve being in Somalia and DONT RETURN to Dominica. Please go. Kite’ nous domnije ah malawa’ saw nous. Alee avec pas Vijay. Thank you
No political blue baboon is going to stop our progress.We are going forward like soldiers in a military parade.We will never forget UWP wanted to destroy the Layou valley looking for copper,untill we the PEOPLE hold them by their balls.And in 1997 they closed the Layou 5 Star Hotel,in the same Layou valley just to sell passports under their Reengineered Citizenship Programme.Dominicans got nothing.Under the DLP CBI programme thousands of Dominicans has benefited from FREE $250,000,$300,000 and $400,000 houses and apartments.The senior citizens(2,700)of them have benefited,$300 monthly from CBI money.CBI money has been invested in the geothermal project.No negative scumbag is stopping us.Forward we go.
A country could never progress based on lies. It takes visionary leadership, collective efforts and responsibility, hard work and stability. It also takes the inclusion of the people regardless of political affiliation. Pooling the ideas, talents and brain power of all citizens and residents is critically important for the prosperity of a nation.
The present toxic environment of discrimination, exclusion, corruption, secrecy, selfishness and greed has the country in dire economic straits. No wonder everybody except the few who are well connected to the despicable misleader is ‘brokes’ .
Once again blowing hot air. Bragging about all that money you spent and 20 year on a project with nothing to show. Yet you still going to the bank and borrow/take millions of dollars. I say take because it will never be repaid. Only in Dominica someone can show their face publicly to make these comments. You and your entire administration should be ashamed of yourselves. A bunch of incompetent people with no accountability and mismanagement of the country funds. 😢
Every development promised by this inept administration is in the pipeline to be flushed out. Unfortunately, after twenty years of a Roosevelt-led kleptocracy, all these fantastic projects are still concretely stuck in the pipe: airport, g-energy, seaport facilities, ROSS replacement (33% GDP), et cetera.
Vince, your smiling face does not mean you have a smiling heart. Lie and wicked!
Vince is a hypocrite, that guys is such a liar ,Dominicans ask vince if Zampoli is still an ambassador, he said a poor boy from back street St Joe hanging with guy like donald trump in New York .
Ask him if he heard trump was charge in a court of law for rape , ask vince if he know Jeffrey Epstein he hang himself in jail he had his own island, ask him , he said those guys were his friend trump on his way to jail Epstien take his own life, you mean you leave all that good time and come back and lie to the people of Dominica.
Dominicans ask vince if he still have his VIP pass for the Kitt Cat Club in New york thats were the big boy hang ,Zampoli our ambassador is a pimp in that club ,maybe maybe those big boy when they in new york thats were they hang too, Zampoli being a pimp he introduce donald trump to one of his girls and that was history.
Donald trump wife is one of the women that work at that club maggaw sa ,ask vince about the martinis at the Kitt Cat Club.
Tell it to those blue bed bugs they criticize everything in the interest of the people.I remember when the media whore on q95 said the geothermal plant was on fire.I remember the Jacka supported Martin when he said the government had run a pipe under the boiling lake and the lake would dry up in days.The media whore also said people should leave the valley because it was about to explode.A handful of lunatics