A New Brand of Democracy

Jeffers Joseph
J.J. Joseph

Rather than evading or denying the obvious, it is ample time Dominicans come to the realism that our system of government has been morphed into something else. Could it be Dictatorship? Well, the jury is still out on this one; a verdict will soon be reached, however. Meanwhile, our current model certainly has all the characteristics and configurations of fascism or at the very least, we are currently governed by Roosevelt Skerrit’s ‘new brand of Democracy’. Manifestations of this transformation are prevalent in virtually every aspect of Dominican politics as Skerro has significantly eroded our Democratic and civil rights in so many ways.

And, the sooner we cease from pretending it is a fallacy and face the palpable truth, the sooner we can elicit solutions to this metastasizing predicament. The very first step in finding a solution to a problem is to acknowledge or recognize its very existence. We should therefore awaken from our slumber, recognize the ‘elephant in the room’ and deal with the ominous nature of the problems facing our country rather than perpetually overlooking something so blatant.

From Law Enforcement to our Electoral Commission to the Judiciary, this prime minister has seemingly stripped away any decision-making autonomy from heads of institutions thereby rendering them no more than puppets. Mr. Skerrit ‘has all his ducks in a row’ as he has essentially made himself the de facto decision maker in virtually every establishment’s affairs, while the so-called leaders remain gagged and powerless in their willingness to appease him. Notably, in her entrenched capacity as Speaker of the House, Alix Boyd Knights has invariably been so partisan and polarizing that she has openly demonstrated her obvious affinity for the PM. Ms. Knights has blatantly displayed her distinct bias against the opposition as she relentlessly imposes unfair constraints and restraints on the already nominal latitude allotted to them – just like a mother exhibiting favoritism toward a particular child.

Roosevelt Skerrit has also been able to woo the clergy – an institution traditionally relied upon as the conscience of society – by his bestowal of generous endowments upon the Catholic Church and other denominations. In exchange, clergy surrogates expressly take sides by publicly defending the king’s corrupt practices and policies in the media. Gone are the days when religious leaders were revered and admired as pillars of society, possessing  too much integrity to allow themselves to be bought by politicians or others. Today, these so-called exemplars are no different than ordinary citizens and will sacrifice their souls for a handful of dollars – what cognitive dissonance!!! And, how can we possibly neglect to mention those erudites and pundits who compromise pseudo integrity, ideals and credibility by conniving with the PM in return for substantial monetary incentives. These days, it is all about the money, I suppose.

In addition, the PM, though cognizant of the citizen’s rights to peaceful protest or assembly – as well as their freedom of speech – continues to use the scare tactics to intimidate them whenever they dare to. He is always at the ready to deploy his fully-armed military police in an attempt to prevent disconsolate Dominicans from expressing their disapproval of his governance. Attempts are even presumably being made to curb or dictate the types of songs calypsonians should sing during national events. Citizens should be categorically assured of Mr. Skerrit’s inability to turn his military weapons on them for exercising their rights – provided they are not in violation of the law, however. I reckon Skerro would not like the international notoriety caused by turning his guns on peaceful protesters, so he probably would be more inclined to keep it ‘in a vacuum’ by holding his fire. Instead, he continues to intimidate demonstrators in an effort to deter them from revolting.

Depicted below are fundamentals of Democracy versus Dictatorship. Review them and objectively choose the one more consistent with our present political system.

Fundamentals of Democracy 

Government authority flows from the people and is based upon their consent. 

Democracy is a system of government in which a country’s political leaders are chosen by the people in regular, free, and fair elections. In a democracy, people have a choice between different candidates and parties who want the power to govern.  The people can criticize and replace their elected leaders and representatives if they do not perform well.  The people are sovereign—they are the highest authority—and government is based on the will of the people.  Elected representatives at the national and local levels must listen to the people and be responsive to their needs. 


Fundamentals of Dictatorship

In dictatorship only one party is allowed to exist and it is the dictator’s own party. Other political parties, associations and organizations are not allowed to func­tion. These are banned. All opposition to the dictator is ruthlessly suppressed.

Under dictatorship, leadership is given to a single man. Full faith is to be concentrated in the leader. The leader is supposed to represent national unity. He is considered to be a symbol of national prestige. He is the final authority in every matter and his word is supreme.

The individual does not enjoy any liberty or rights under dictatorship. Maximum obedience to the laws is equated to the maximum liberty. People are not allowed any liberty of speech, association and press. All agencies of education and propaganda such as schools, colleges, radio, papers and films are controlled by the state.

In retrospect, the time has come whereby nationals are charged with the responsibility to come forward as courageous activists in an effort to mobilize, galvanize, agitate and educate the people in asserting their rights to true Democracy. Until then, we will continue on this undemocratic trajectory to a place where even our very freedom and liberty will inevitably be compromised.

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  1. Truth and Justice
    March 9, 2015

    Dominicans are not moronic. It is becuse of the democrtic process Dominicans have the government in power. The people chose the party they trusted. It is called Democracy.

  2. Ex Da Law ms
    March 9, 2015

    Remember the flood?Noah kept warning the people over and over.Some even made fun of him.Then came the flood.By then it was too late.You do not become a dictator over night.

  3. ????????????????????
    March 9, 2015

    Mr. JJ Joseph your article does not bring anything to the table. You are not objective. You are biased and seemed to have a bone to pick with the Honorable PM who was duly elected. You show your arrogance as well. How can you say that we are not a democratic country. With everyone saying what they want without actual proof like yourself. You have not proven anything but shown that you do not like the present regime. Well in the name of democracy, you have a right to support who you want. What you need not do is to use your education to mislead those who are not educated. instead you should teach them. You should not use your education articulating big words to create an atmosphere of know it all and pretending to be the champion of those less fortunate who will see you as a hero. You must teach – you have to come down to the level of those uneducated people so they can understand. Stop right now and see how you can help Dominica even if u support who u want! Democracy!

    • T
      March 9, 2015

      Fact: Hitler was duly elected |President of Germany on 19 August, 1934.

      • The truth
        March 9, 2015

        This government was elected by the people in November 2014. This was their 4th consecutive term. If this is not democracy according to the post, them what is it?

      • joe
        March 9, 2015

        T, the UWP appears to be a Fascist party, like Hitler they paint a pic of prosperity and then turn around and tell the people Skerrit is the reason why they cannot get that promised prosperity, Hitler told the Germans it was the Jews that was their blocker…

        Mr. JJJ is doing the same, preaching a story about Democracy under threat by one man and one man only – – Roosevelt Skerrit!!! He mentioned the Electoral Commission and conveniently left out the make up of the Commission, which includes 2 persons representing the UWP and 2 representing the DLP with the Chairman being a joint nominee!!!!!! He also left out the fact that all 5 members are in agreement that the constitution does not allow for them to just remove a person who is duly registered from the list…. But who cares they don’t they just have to get the masses heated up!! But praise jah we are the masses and we are not stupid!!!!

  4. Bomboclat
    March 9, 2015

    Don’t you have work to do! Jeez!! Leave us alone in Dominica, all you playing bigger than us and all you more mal than anything just like Francisco.

    • Papa Dom
      March 9, 2015

      So you agree that those who Came toDominica to vote in December did so illegally? Because according to you they so mal they couldn’t have paid to come to Dominica for three days.

      • MY 2cents
        March 9, 2015

        Do I sense that teachers calling student foul now. UWP that introduce that kind of politics to Dominica. They that started the flying in of people to vote and buying votes to the amount that Antilles Cement went bankrupt to bring them in back in 1995. Papa Dom stop being a hypocrite and making a fool of yourself by making those ridiculous commments

  5. mwen
    March 9, 2015

    An empty academic exercise. You would be chased out of court for lack of evidence. Your case is not base on any evidence, but on speculation, (not a single citizen has been shot during a demonstration) manipulation and emotion. You did not site a single case in point to support your spurious allegations.
    Litigation should immediately commence against you for slander, inciting insurrection and scandalising the citizens of this country.

    • The truth
      March 9, 2015

      Why do people think that the police shouldn’t be present at demonstrations? Yes it is the people’s right, however the police must be present to preserve life and property and to ensure the safety of all. This is what we Dominicans pay our tax for.

  6. Unity
    March 9, 2015

    Bull! In your own twisted mind are you denying that election was held December 8, 2014, if you are denying such a democratic process took place then join the nuance club! Most of us don’t share your sentiments.

  7. kubulol
    March 9, 2015

    There is an “in between” concerning democracy and dictatorship :

    – whenever the ruling candidate uses public money to “help” some citizens (helps the poors or “helps” citizens abroad to come down and vote, for instance )
    Some call it “buying votes” with public money.

    You cannot actually call it dictatorship, but these are definitely not democratic manners !

  8. Anthony Ismael
    March 9, 2015

    Whomever is elected as Prime Minister in Dominica is merely a “Puppet.” The real puppet masters are the influential millionaires and influential business owners who dictate policy and governance through private and discrete lobbying on the island.

    For example, the agreement with DOMLEC prohibits the importation of “Generators” on the island without special permission from government. This policy is absurd as we are constantly threatened by hurricanes annually and potential power outages.

    A thorough and more thoughtful article on how business is conducted on the island would lend far more credence towards bad governance, versus a philosophical argument about the erosion of Democracy on the island. It is these practices and many others like it that creates the present environment of chaos and corruption in Dominica and not the other way around.

    Lack of private sector jobs forces the masses to rely solely on government, which in turn restricts any form of moral outrage…

    • Titiwi
      March 9, 2015

      You are so right about generators. People import them exactly because of the interruptions we get in our electricity supply. So you could could say it is an expensive necessity an not a luxury. Domlec even cut you off for hours for routine maintenance. That would not be acceptable in a properly functioning country.

    • joe
      March 9, 2015

      Anthony in 1996 the UWP Government under the leadership of Eddison Chenfil James pass that law when they decided to sell Domlec to CDC, lest we forget my friend lest we forget!!!!!

      This Government created the IRC (I know u are out of touch like most of you in the diaspora so IRC is the Independent Regulatory Commission) in order to regulate Domlec hence the reason why CDC sold their shares because they were not regulated and didn’t want to be!!! If you want to bring in a Generator you just need to apply for a License…

  9. River Street
    March 8, 2015

    Did not the people chose their government? Empty vessels do make the most noise. Indeed not even donkeys bray so unnecessarily. Sorry “padna” the ship has left port.

  10. March 8, 2015

    Seriously… really, Dude: you live in a country that has the record for incarcerating the most human beings on planet earth. As a matter of fact, the USA has over one million black men in prison, just black males alone, more than the rest of the world combined. Last time I checked, you do not have any written document, column, blog, guest article, or any of that sort condemning such acts, yet you have the unmitigated gull to vilify your own government: guess that’s the new face of patriotism. If Dominica is now under dictatorship, then explain how DNO is able to print your article without any censorship or retaliation from Skerro. Explain to us how Q95 – day in day out – broadcast the same diatribe like yours without persecution; because in a dictatorship country acts like these are considered subversive, and it looks to me they are located in the heart of town, not in the mountains hiding.

    • joe
      March 9, 2015

      Thqank you itmatters well said!!!!

  11. LANGLu
    March 8, 2015

    and that is the truth. no alegations. just the pure and simple truth.

  12. Business Minded
    March 8, 2015

    The ultimate conclusion is the masterful capacity with which Skerrit has employed his strategies to take advantage of these coexisting conditions, while the opposition, political and social, are desperately only trying to highlight the problems with no apparent clue on what measure or position to garnet to be able to counter Skerrit’s ability to take advantage of the existing social forces afflicting the country.

  13. Business Minded
    March 8, 2015

    It is very clear how factionalized the social, political forces and institutional allegiances have become in Dominica. The so-called bourgeoisies and aristocrats have aligned themselves in a position to increasing their wealth. The intellectuals speak to each other in a vernacular which is either difficult or that with which the masses simply cannot identify. Usually that group (the quasi intellectuals) form a large portion of the previous classes mentioned above. Consequently, the masses are confused and are largely desperate, and as a result will venture outside their normal domain (Red Clinic and difficult as it is, but understandably so) to support their families.

  14. TimTim
    March 8, 2015

    We like it so we free! Those of us who are descendants of Africans enslaved in the West tend to like these kinds of leaders. We love them more if they do not look too African too. If they are not black and ugly to put frankly. We demonstrate our shallowness and immaturity every chance we get in these parts. So the PM has found a way to exploit our simplistic moronic minds and mentality and he pushes it to the limit because all he cares about is himself and his chosen few who help him stay in power.

    • ????????????????????
      March 9, 2015

      Tim Tim He cares about himself so u say. What you who care about others have done in this land?? Stop being rude to the populace. Calling them moron … I do not share your name calling and ridiculing the people of DA. You have no facts to prove your shallow thinking. Look around you. Get your glasses or perhaps if you cannot see let a young child ( probably below 8 years (pure and innocent)) go on a trip with you island wise and let that child tell you what is happening around in your country. Go to the various schools; stop the buses especially the school buses… Let the children tell you their opinion. Visit the Elderly folks and I can add more and more … Remember you may need a week or more to cover the whole island of Dominica.

  15. committed Dominican
    March 8, 2015

    Thanks Mr. Joseph for eloquently stating the facts and we all know it’s not your oplnion, but in reality thats what’s happening in Dominica.

    • The truth
      March 9, 2015

      You have no idea what a fact is. We are so consumed by political bias that anything we read that is against the people we don’t support we agree with it. Dominican’s voted this Government back into power after 15 years in November 2014, yet the writer says we are in a dictatorship. Come on people allow this country to grow.

    • Observer
      March 9, 2015

      Name one fact that Mr. Joseph identified? Mr. Joseph was just regurgitating what is said everyday on Q-95. The more theysay it the mor they beleive it to be true. They claim democracy is at stake, but cannot prove one incident when the government moved to prevent people from expressing themsleves. Mr. Joseph made a veil reference to the UWP taking tot he streets to protest after the recent elections and the government sent the police in numbers to prevent the protest. Mr. Joseph know that in any civil society there are rules and regulations governing how people might wish to express their dissatisfaction with the government. Is that a threat to democracy where you live Sir? Should the government simply close its eyes on street protests in the country? Is Mr. Joseph aware that many voices for the opposition have been making calls to burn down Roseau and block the streets? Is Mr. Joseph aware that the election was “tainted” only in those seats that the DLP won? The other results its…

  16. Passiance
    March 8, 2015

    This commentary is for the dust bin.

  17. Observer
    March 8, 2015

    Compliments DNO for placing the article.

  18. CaraW
    March 8, 2015

    Since this space does not allow for short comments like “I concur!”, be it known this day that I wholeheartedly endorse the sentiments and views expressed by the erudite thinker and political commentator who penned the above commentary. In my opinion, he has spoken the truth about Mr. Skerrit’s brand of cult leadership and the immature antics of the Speaker of the House, who clearly gets ‘serious kicks’ from down-pressing the Opposition and shows that she has never listened to a debate in any other commonwealth country.

    • ????????????????????
      March 9, 2015

      CaraW I appoint you Speaker of the House. Populace endorse me. Put your money where your mouth is. You have listened to all the debates in the Commonwealth country and by extension the Whole World> Congrats Caraw! Erudite thinker you are!!!!!

    • Ex Da Law ms
      March 9, 2015

      Could not say it better.The above written article is gospel truth.Those are exactly my setiments also.I will continue to say ,wake up my people before it is too late. Democracy on the island is on seriouse decline at home.

  19. west end
    March 8, 2015

    This article says it all. What have we come to in the nature isle, Dominica. Many have lost their vision and is tuned to the piper’s tune. When are we going to open our eyes and minds and say we are off tangent, we need to be realign. I never thought this administration would have brought us to our knees in that fashion. Great article author, there’s plenty food for thought in there. God bless you and continue the good work.

  20. March 7, 2015

    Sir the world and even most of skerit’s strong supporters and ministers knows that we are governed by a man who is mad for power. This guy is obsessed/infatuated with power. But i know we living in a world where nothing last forever. So enjoy yourself roosevelt but know that one day you will have to relinquish your obsession frenchy.

  21. Phoenix
    March 7, 2015

    What is the difference between misinformation and disinformation?

  22. Open Mind
    March 7, 2015

    Very truthful article, therefore this is why i am advocating and calling on we the people to mobilise coming together so we can get rid of this illegal thugs holding on to power.All we need is about a thousand men to outnumber the few police who supports these thugs.With this amount of us, there’s nothing the police can do but join in the struggle and then these thugs will be gone.Then afterwards we will past to pick them up and do away with them.

    • ????????????????????
      March 9, 2015

      Open mind ISIS needs you! Instigator of Violence. The pit we dig most times we fall in it! Have a blessed day open mind. Reread your comment Open mind again. “All we need is about a thousand men to outnumber the few police who supports these thugs.” Really Open mind … you said this! You asking for an overthrow ? You serious “Open Mind” High Treason man!

  23. Affa
    March 7, 2015

    When a person loose an election they can cry wolf eh? They spent over a million $, lost the e election, still crying Wolf. ?.. I personally don’t care if Linton had won, because it’s all about managing or spending money from donor countries. ……. Still crying wolf man??
    Democracy is alive and will in Dominica! Sorry pal, Wolf crier!

  24. Observer
    March 7, 2015

    Our democracy has definitely severely eroded since the days of Mamo, Eddo, Roosie, and Perro – only blind people can’t see that.

    • ????????????????????
      March 9, 2015

      And yet Observer you still talking without facts??? Don’t you think if Democracy was eroded, you would not be even able to say that? Really ungrateful people who do not appreciate anything! Yes that is what I say – Unthankful, Complainers, Ungrateful. Always negative … Cannot see any good in anything. Sees everything bad including themselves. No self confidence people who do not want to see others prosper. You have to share in others success. Think you can’t be successful yourself so complain about everything. Lack of self confidence folks!

      • joe
        March 9, 2015

        ??????? Thank you well said!!!!!!!!

  25. leg
    March 7, 2015

    Please give take a sit your nothing but a hater… The pm has accomplished more than you would ever be able to in your lifetime… Take a sit…. Stand still…. The people have spoken.

  26. an island son
    March 7, 2015

    Mr Joseph, I have no issues with your sentiments. However I believe everything you are saying are the SYMPTOMS of the malaise. The real issue is one of RESPONSIBILITY and I lay that fairly and squarely on the Dominican electorate. As recently asDec 2014, there was a FREE democratic election. Free in the sense that every voter voted of their preferred choice. The DLP have been consistent In their actions and behaviour over the past ten years. For the years in between elections their
    M.O. To dealing with issues of national interest is …SILENCE and let it pass.
    In a democracy there is only ONE WAY to change a government is by the ballot box and throughout 2012,13,&14 the same sentiments was expressed and the UWP did a magnificent job bringing to the Dominican electorate the issues and the short comings of the governing party. They cannot says they did not know what was coming.
    So the electorate in general and the voting majority plus the abstainers in particular, are…

    • an island son
      March 7, 2015

      …Responsible and Everyone will have to recognise nothing will change until the NEXT election. When the Dominican electorate will have another chance to take a long hard look at itself.

  27. Hope
    March 7, 2015

    wow democracy really flourishes in the nature isles

  28. Anthony Ismael
    March 7, 2015

    I am curious where you would place Patrick John’s Labor Party, on your fascism scale. After losing an election to the Dominica Freedom Party, P.J. led two coups in 80 and 81 where he tried to seize power by force of arms versus the ballot box.

    This plot also included linkages with K.K.K members in the United States. I wonder why you omitted this important piece of factual history from your article.

    Dominica’s stagnant economy, lack of jobs, lack of opportunity and “Cartel-like business practices” leaves the masses at the mercy of “All political parties.” This cartel like environment has and continues to create terrible governance. When a local fuel retailer is guaranteed 70 cents profit on every gallon of fuel sold on the island, you begin to understand a lot more about Dominica, versus Skerrit’s bad behavior. When you are last in Foreign Direct Investment with high unemployment, the picture is even more scary.

  29. Anthony Ismael
    March 7, 2015

    The art of insightful criticism is to compare a system and its tenants, in this case “Fundamental or Utopian Democracy to a corrupt or non-conforming form of the same.” However, comparing Skerrit to fascism is a stretch, even for this hated Labor Party.
    The Dominican citizenry is still “Sovereign” and they decided in a recently held election to elect Skerrit and his cohorts for another five year term.
    Using Dr. Peter’s criticism of the types of calypsos that are produced as proof of Skerrit’s fascism is faulty, baseless and as cheap as logic gets.
    I am not a supporter of the Dominica Labor Party. However, as someone who has followed politics in Dominica for more than 30 years, your article fits pretty much every elected political party in Dominica dating back as far as the 1970s.
    The Dominica Labor Party led by Patrick Roland John and his two failed coups in 1980 and 1981 is a great example of fascism in action. This article is factually incoherent. Please do more…

  30. Joan
    March 7, 2015

    So very true. Dominicans have become so very loyal to one man whether willing or forcefully we will wait and see. There is no one to look up to in D.A. This is not the place of my birth. I pray to God for these mass of ignora ncess that now reside in D.A. The church leaders should take a page from Pope Francis

  31. alas
    March 7, 2015

    Teach me teacher!!!!!!
    Your frank openness cuts like a razor.

  32. mine
    March 7, 2015

    People like you would not do better just making matters worst, worthy to all of you.

  33. March 7, 2015

    Partner give it a rest. You are becoming repetitive and obsolete.

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