COMMENTARY: A nurse’s cry

Can you hear us? We are shouting out to you from our actions and hitting you like asteroids from the sky. You say we are rude, but forgive us, for if you understand the rigid system that controls us, you would better understand our actions.

Leaders, will you take some time to hear our pleas and groans and read the fury seeping from our frustrated and tired minds?

Let me point you to a century ago Florence Nitingale, the daughter of an affluent English man was willing to disown her inheritance and title to become a mere lady taking care of the sick and dying. She toiled hard as a nursing leader to offer not only optimum care for her patients, but to ensure that all the nurses within her realm of training were well cared for.

Nursing leaders, can you like Florence say that your staff and patients are satisfied with their working schedules, their working conditions and their working incentives? Ofcourse not!

As a staff nurse, I marvel at the number of nurses who continue to work diligently performing great jobs under poor working conditions, stressful working schedules and surviving on minute motivational incentives.

Nethertheless I am disheartened to see and hear so many of us complaining, making requests and see that nothing is being done to change this rigid system and I weep for the pains and frustrations that we nurses endure.

It is no secret that we nurses function under poor working conditions. First of all let me highlight the physical structure where some of us work and the faulty electrical system that we work with.

A simple visit to the national hospital and a look at its physical structure will tell it all. Some of the very areas that nurses perform their jobs the shelters itself are not safe.

At the general hospital, patient’s toilets are broken down, beds have broken bedrails, and some beds with wheels can’t lock, putting patient’s safety at risks. How can we deliver optimum patient care with faulty equipments?

Or what about a visit to some of the buildings used as a health centres in the out districts example like Petite Soufriere?

Another example of the terrible working conditions is the faulty electrical equipments at work. I was shocked to meet a nurse colleague as a patient at the accident and emergency unit recently. She suffers from brachial plexus injury, a condition that resulted from her electrocution whilst on the job. She was trying to get a dialysis machine to work in order to treat a patient in 2010. After touching the wire which was a common thing done to get the machine to work, she was tossed in the air and sent to early retirement at the age of 38. She was granted 6 months sick leave with pay and then left to suffer the rest of life without compensation. Broke and unable to seek medical attention abroad the government still refused to assist her with medical care up to this point! Does it really require legal action to stir the conscience of some of our leaders?

In such a situation should a nurse even ask for compensation or should it be granted voluntarily?

Secondly nurses function under stressful working schedules, working a 1-8 shift is a killer when you have to report to work at 8 am the next day. Goodness! What rest can one possibly get! Especially nurses with a family! Please take note that a 1-8 shift is really a 1-9 shift since report usually takes 1 hour on a full ward. God bless that day when overtime will be instituted!

The night shifts are worse. Some nurses prefer nights, others don’t. Yet the nurses who prefer working the nights are sometimes not given to work night shifts and those that hate nights are placed to work nights. I really don’t understand why people sometimes make life so hard for each other. The solution is simple, give the nurses who want to work the nights the night shift! And the outcome? A more pleasant and contented staff I am sure.

Thirdly nurses continue to work heartily with little or no incentives. The nurses pay in itself is meagre. As an appointed staff nurse I am ashamed to admit that the monthly income is nothing but $2100! Imagine then the income of a nursing assistant, ward aid or cleaner. A cleaner working in the district for over 10 years admitted to getting only 400 dollars a month!

Consequently, I have been a staff nurse for four years and I have not seen any change in the additional $20.00 that is given to nurses for working the 12 hour night shift. $20.00!!! For working a 12 hour shift! Are you serious?! It would be shocking to know that this fixed 20 dollar pay has been instituted for over 15 years! When will this injustice be stopped?! Where are our nursing leaders?!

I have concluded that to be a nurse is to love others more than yourself. Given the hard economic times and the rise in cost of commodities and services, it really takes a big heart to come to work everyday knowing that at the end of the month you can hardly get by.

I have witnessed countless losses that nurses experience. Some of these losses include miscarriages, back trauma, and gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases. These are consequences that money can never repay.

When will we be heard? When will consideration be given to our needs?

I am looking forward to the day when grand rounds at the Princess Margaret Hospital will include assessing the well being of the nurse and health care workers and it will include ensuring that cupboards will be filled with snacks and foods for the nurses who didn’t get the time to eat at home, or ensuring that nurses are transported safely to their bus-stops after duties at 9pm, or that the Government vihicles given to the out-districts will also be made available to registered and staff Nurses to conduct their monthly home visits, among other needs.

More over I look forward to the day when leaders will put the health of a nation and the well being of its people as priority over a state palace for surely then a handshake from a hospital bed with proper functioning bed rails will definitely be more meaningful to a dying patient.

God Bless that day.

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  1. Proverbs
    February 11, 2015

    God is rich in mercy and full of compassion. He never sleeps so he hears our cries. He will never leave us no forsake us we just have to be patient. Change is coming it is not an option it is a must. A positive change is coming. We as nurses just need to be patient. Despite the circumstances, continue to love, care and be humble just like Jesus. He was innocent and was crucified yet he still loved and forgave us our sins. I love you nurses. I am a nurse also and i feel it too. I pray every day for strength and to be the best nurse i can be. ONE LOVE. :) :-D

  2. faceup
    May 9, 2013

    Labourites, y’all so iliterate, way way way, is that the kind of hospital you get treated at? while the people you put in power get treated overseas, for the nurses, my heart goes out to you. But one thing i will not get trapped there, To DA is in and out quick.

  3. Georgia Peach
    May 8, 2013

    D.N.A. and nursing administration, please take note!

  4. Devil in D Cocoa Tea
    May 8, 2013

    Maybe you should quit…just saying…

  5. delicespassieinus
    October 18, 2012

    I really sympathizes with the nurses in DA. these are not good working conditions. However, in the US we still beg to have our schedule changed to what we prefer. I am facing the same issue with the schedule change where people are asking to do overnights only and are forced to work something else. We aslo work 12hr shifs from 7am to 7pm and have to be back the next day at 7am to do another twelve hour shift. Some of us work 3pm to 11:30pm and are asked if we can come back in the morning at 7am to cover a shift because there is a high census at the hospital and no one to cover that shift. So not everything is perfect here in the US. The pay is great and conditions are better here in the US but it takes you the nurses in DA to make a change running away is not going to change things but facing the people involve will

  6. krimes
    September 17, 2012

    We need insurance for us and our families
    We are the ones giving care< yet we have to pay for healthcare, while the policemen and firemen get healthcare for free? stop frustrating us. We fed up

  7. krimes
    September 17, 2012

    a nurse cant even face the financial institution if she does not have a partner with a decent salary to build her house. imagine that after sacrificing so much

  8. krimes
    September 17, 2012

    working conditions are extremely poor at PMH> sometimes you would sweear say the administrative body is your enemy when concerns are raised. you cant even find a reclining chair to put patients and even though it has been brought up over and over. to no avail. Guess what< when the relatives and close friends of those in adfministrative positions are on the ward Sr Francis just came in and she is a bit caring, I only hope that she can make a difference. Not too mention names. Can u imagine a nurse calling in sick today and tomorrow admin is calling and tell her she has to report to work? Have u considered the sick taking care of the sick? Please ask the matron why she insists on being punitive to the nurses? Whenever a nurse expresses her desire to work in a particular department because of her interest of study she makes it impossible< For e.g a nurse is interested in Operating Theatre nursing and request to work in theatre as she prepares to go and study and the matron makes it deem imposssible. I heard a senior Doctor reasoning with a Junior nurse, stating the matron is just producing a high level of inefficient nurse, because of how often she rotates them and they have to go and re-learn everything all over again. why should you remove a nurse from the surgical unit and send her to the medical department. when she was such an efficient nurse on the surgical unit. she knows the management of the patients and that makes the doctor work easier and everybody else.

  9. t
    September 13, 2012

    what about nursing insurance especially for those in the district.

    Ma qwa sa.

    The heat is on so they better watch it. I hope those so called managers are taking notes. There will be hell to pay and very soon.

    Wicked managers.

  10. a surgeon
    September 12, 2012

    I am fedup and fustrated!!!! I am gong to leave this country to better myself and children. :-x I am leaving so labourites and chinese can do what they want. Soon the PM will send for chinese nurses to take care of his supporters.The chinese doctors are already in control. I will take my children and never turn back.

    • 1979
      September 12, 2012

      I’m right behind you 8)

  11. Truth Hurts.
    September 12, 2012

    ‘Hear Dominica my true confession’. Let he or she speak out. The truth needs to be known. The situation affects all us one way or the other. Addressing the issues is a means to and end. Seeking ways for the light to appear at the end of the tunnel.
    It is a strong individual like this, that we need as speaker of the house; rather than the big woman who fabricates the truth, the ole speaka.

  12. wat boy
    September 12, 2012

    ministry of health doh care you write to them about sensitive hurtful issues in the workplace and they dont respond. i hope one day people doh bring gun and cutlass to work all they care about is to put damaging letters in your file

  13. Round peg
    September 12, 2012

    Think of this……Police station has more than one police officers working, fire station has more than one firemen working on a shift. In the health center, ONE nurse on call, who has to go PMH with patients who are ill and need admission and she still has to work at 8am! All you doe seeing is wicked people that running that system!

  14. diamond girl
    September 12, 2012

    there are still good admin at the top but not much… they need to come together and influence the bad one.. help us please, good admins

  15. Deborah Peters
    September 12, 2012

    In replu to UK nurses in England work those hours but from good informatiOn I know they receive very good salaries and good benefits. If a nurse reports sick a few times something is wrong.When a nurse works how many nights with maybe two or three days break in between what do you expect. Losing sleep at night is already not healthy much less for the frequecy. A doctor’s fee is $100.00 don’t talk about the medication, tests etc. I know some nurses who leave their jobs as late as 9;30p.m after doing their handovers etc and according to how far they leave they may have difficulty finding transportation. Don’t talk about some inefficient supervisor’s. Some of them are lazy and do not want to assist when necessary. Have u ever been to the hospital and see a nurse bending to fix an old bed? Beds which have been there over thirty years ago? I have seen it a few times when visiting friends. I have seen nurses running to help sick people and look at a supervisor who knows she needs assistance sitting gossiping. These are some of the things that go on. We need to set our priorities right if health is our priority, the authorities need to give it the fullest attention it deserves. I am not saying some of the nurses are not laid back, but come on the tops need to do their jobs. They want big position and money then pull up your socks, supervise properly and look in the interest of your staff.

    • 1979
      September 12, 2012

      DNOOOO!!!!! picture picture picturesssssss
      how much more must I say that!!! let the world see and their eyes boil their peas…..the MOLD growing under the paint and the RUSTY bed frames (lord knows how they clean those things?? a dog don’t deserve what we are getting as Dominicans. it’s not about MONEY in life. is about the POSITIVE CHANGE you can bring to a situation that affects alllllllll of us.

  16. counselor
    September 12, 2012

    Before responding to this article, i would like to take a minute and address “PATIENT ADVOCATE”. In order to come on a forum and announce to the world that you are educated, you must truly be honest.You are not an educated person, because you cannot write, spell and your reasoning is convoluted and pointless. Now let me move to the big issue at hand.I truly love these kinds of discussions.
    I am going to make a few points, a few arguments for the nurses, and some suggestions that will bring about effective change.
    Where are our union leaders? Why are they not doing their jobs of representing their clients? Why are they being so dishonest of collecting their dues yet not representing them? Why are we continuing to put people in managerial positions that have no qualifications? Why is it that the matron of the hospital has to be a nurse or a former nurse? Why the position is not assigned to someone with a degree in heath, project or organization management, and has hands on experience in the field. Why don’t the hospital have a board of directors appointed by the union? why don’t we hire the right people for the jobs and not the uneducated and unintelligent jokers who are full of pride and haughtiness. What has happened to all those so called leaders that run around boasting about the many degrees that they possess. The government has a lot of the blame to accept, but we truly do not have vibrant and intelligent leaders who can convinced the government to take initiatives and innovations to change a stagnant society into a revolutionized and innovative 20th century country. I also believe that there is no one in Dominica that can undertake this challenge and make any difference.In order for things to change, we need a Dominican who lives overseas and have the qualification and expertise to make it happen. Both my wife and I are perfect candidates for the job.we will be returning to Dominica in the next seven years and are hoping to bring change to a country and people that are yearning for it. Please be patient.
    As a leader, and working in the health industry (INDIVIDUALS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL AND INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES) I believe that am qualified and also have the credentials to make those arguments. The nurses have every right to be dissatisfied and show a lack of interest for their work. The first thing we need to understand is that people will function at their optimum when they feel validated or recognize for their work. They will perform better when they feel that they are part of the big picture. They will perform better when they have the proper training, education, tools and authority.They will perform better when they have less stress on the job. They will perform better when they are happy with the environmental conditions that they are subdued under. They will perform better when they believe that they have a right to ask questions, suggest recommendations without fair of retribution by management. If all what this nurse said is correct then they have every right to be bitter, unkind, stressed out, abusive and unconcerned for the people that they care for. They will act so because it is a way of frustration for not having the proper working conditions and the lack of caring that their supervisors demonstrate toward them. And also the cold blooded apathy that is shown toward them.
    A good leader can change things around.However, they need to have all those things that am going to spell out. They need to have an innovative mind. They need to be someone who know how to take initiatives. They need to be someone who have managerial experience or be in some leadership role. They need to be someone who is filled with enthusiasm. They need to be someone who can motivate people. They need to be someone who have a vision.They need to be someone who have courage. They need to be someone who understand interpersonal skills. They need to be someone who is an idealist. They need to be someone with impeccable integrity. They need to be an effective communicator. They need to be a problem solver. They have to know their own capabilities. They need to know the capabilities, aptitude, strengths, ambitions and desires of their employees. They need to know the goal of the institution that they are representing. They also need to be able to accept and understand responsibility. If we get this kind of person, in the future we will not be feeling sorry for our nurses and patients, but we will be a model institution for the rest of the Caribbean to admire.

    • 1979
      September 12, 2012

      YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS my job here is done.

      no need to block me DNO, i just read these days, and I love what im reading these days. my fingers were falling off. but now there are others to ECHO the message!


      “Where are our union leaders? Why are they not doing their jobs of representing their clients? Why are they being so dishonest of collecting their dues yet not representing them? Why are we continuing to put people in managerial positions that have no qualifications? Why is it that the matron of the hospital has to be a nurse or a former nurse? Why the position is not assigned to someone with a degree in heath, project or organization management, and has hands on experience in the field. Why don’t the hospital have a board of directors appointed by the union?”


  17. patty
    September 12, 2012

    I am sorry to hear and to read your words, as a past nurse at the PMH, it was a very happy time for us then 20 years ago, the night shit was a good place to work with ward aids and yes it was $20 a hour per night, so that means it has not changed it is still $20,.. Many people NON Nurses do not know what it takes to be a positive and successful nurse one that will be happy to leave her home and family to go to the PMH. Back then the Staff and head Nurses use to hear your pleas, I can read they no longer care, and the salary you are getting it NOTHING for working long hours.. I would say leave it and go to another country but then you will have to start all over and what about families… Nurse in DA need to strike and lets see what the Government will do, I would like to ask one thing, Don;’t you have a Union, someone that will stand at you the Nurses side and help you all with your pleas… I know you are one but your voice is being heard… I am so so sorry to hear about my country and the Nurses working condition… I am I am sure many have read your post and I am sure the Government of Dominica will do something and do something real fast to help you all.. Stand up and make your voice know… Good luck and may God bless each and everyone of you working under these conditions at the PMH….

  18. health care
    September 12, 2012

    With those conditions, they want people to come back to live in Dominica. Why should I leave somewhere where I get better health benefits etc… to come back to that. They need to get some educated people in the health care field. Although nurses get mistreated, that is still not a reason they should pass their rage on patients. The government need to step up and stop spending money on unnecessary things when it is NEEDED elsewhere This is a total Shame. Then they saying they eh have money, but all of them living in high style. Put that money to proper use and I’m sure they can also hire more nurses or provide assistants to people who want to do nursing.

  19. 4eyes
    September 12, 2012

    From my understanding many nurses left because of the conditions in which they had to work and the treatment they had to endure from some staff. Even after complaining changes were ever short to come by.

    I wonder if those who left has ever reconsidered coming back to contribute or fear they would have to endure the same treatment they had left in the first place!

    Good article!….

  20. Nurse T
    September 12, 2012

    I am very happy that a nurse finally came out to expose wat nursing here is all about. If I knew wat nursing was like I wud have Neva joined this institution. I love nursing but being a nurse in this PMH is really a disgrace! The admin staff criticize our hard work however thy cant do better than wat we do! And even if this letter is written nothing is gonna be done because it has to start from the top and he top is corrupted! I cant wait for clocking in to be instituted let me see how many ppl in admin will go to pick up their kids at different schools on government time wen I can’t , but one day at a time, patience is virtue

    • truth
      September 12, 2012

      I am a nurse too and I totally agree with you. All most admin staff care about is that the shift get covered, they DO NOT care at all about the well being of their staff. At the end of the appraisal their is a section that we have to indicate our future plans and goals; and the objective is, that they help us with our goals THAT IS A LIEEE! Most of the time they try to prevent you from achieving your goals as far as becoming a better nurse. The only way they will help you is, if you suck up or once it does not mess with their staffing. No motivation at all in the system. I am only a nurse because I really love my job. If it wont for that i would have left a long time ago. And though I understand that every institution has its own negatives whenever i get an opportunity to to leave I WILL. At least i will be able to afford to build a house, to buy a car and to pay my bills at the end of the day.

    • oh ho!!
      September 12, 2012

      The is no other job i want. I love nursing to the max. There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing a sick person get well by God’s grace and a nurse’s care.

      But Admin does not appreciate our hard work. They make a fuss about the times we leave work. When we work 8am-3pm, we have to wait til 3pm, but when we work from 1pm-8pm and 8pm-8am, it is ok to work over time and stay at PMH until 9pm even if you have to BOMB ride to get to salisbury!! Them people have NOOO heart!!!

  21. Magweh sah..mwen de
    September 11, 2012

    Nurse you forgot to add security of the nurses in the Health Districts where nurses are castigated for bringing up issues of safety. Are we waiting for something sinister to happen before these issues are addressed. Then again, if all nurses strike can all of them be fired. Some people will never move unless they are the one at the short end of the stick. I feel your pain sisters.

    • yesss!!
      September 12, 2012

      Thank you very much! D lady that works on the last floor of ministry that used to wear the maroon suit before, when we bring up security, she says ohhh it would be rather unfortunate for something to happen but blah blah blah. But she sleeps in her bed every night and does not have to worry about no madman coming in behind her. But let something happen to me while I on call and I live after…… :-| !!! To me, best I sleep at my home instead every night and leave ministry of Health $250 for them. Cause I can’t be risking my life for that little bit of money!

  22. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    Ethics…Morals…Pathos…Compassion…Care…Love…O how we have lost our values here in Dominica…And is malaway that paying for it…d country can’t go anywhere when our leaders display no conscience what so ever. Power/Authority making too many of us forget what it is to gwahyay…Dominica in one state eh…and with no values we can only go downhill

  23. September 11, 2012

    God help us. nurses asked to work double shifts yet no luch offered. shifts made to accomodate supervisors and staff suffering, 3 weekends in a row. staff considered rude when being asserted. treated like kids. whatever the public recieves is the faustration placed on staff by supervisors. roofs leaking, hmm, one nurse/midwife to 16 patients , eh beh look it :oops: :oops: :oops:

  24. Aunty
    September 11, 2012

    Colleagues the situation is sad however we need to be united to tackles these situations.We need to sit down and plan how these situations are going to be handled. There is no need to fight nursing Administration.
    Let su use the nursing process to tackle these that since the situations have been assessed and the problems diagnosed,time to plan,implement and evaluate. Let us work together becausde we care.

    • GR
      September 12, 2012

      Nursing Admin is the key to addressing the ills at PMH they eat and devour each other. all they do is sit and talk on each other. Treat juniors like dirt, bully them and expect respect. some of them are unable to manage themselves , their children far less staff. wake up nursing managers do your work. Blaze the trail.

      • Smh
        September 15, 2012

        Boyyyyyyyy!I cant ever think of once in my 4 yr nursing life that a dept sister ever tell me you are a good worker or i commend you for always being punctual or for being cooperative and always willing to report to work on a moments notice or for reporting to another ward with no hesitation or for never sending in a sick leave or ever calling in sick for that matter.I come to work all the time through headache,colic,eye ache,flu etc.But the one time you slip the slightest,they know how to find you and pressure you.

  25. popo
    September 11, 2012

    where the Hon Miniser, PS, and CMO ??? … spending money .. :lol:

  26. Patient Advocate
    September 11, 2012

    Sorry nurse for your plight. Government needds to do better. Bring your own snacks, it is your job, not community service. Some people are afraid of the nurses and others berate and belittle them because they acted so rudely. Some of the nurses act like the uneducated Dominicans. No smile, no I’m sorry. Same rough Dominican talk. Alas!!! Sad, I want to cry. The nurses stare you down and you have to act like you are begging when you visit your loved-ones. Behavior breeds behavior. I am highly educated, a Dominican who lives in the US. I had to maintain my composure, maintain my pride and christian valuues not to act ugly, Wow, whatfrustration visitors have!!!The conditions are really deplorale. Stroke patients being put on a bed in the cente of the ward. Imagine leaving your beautiful home to go to that hospital, Shameful. They would be better off at home, if they could afford a doctor. Most of the blame comes from the Government, past and present. The nurses deserve more pay, but where is the revenue coming from? My hear bleeds for the senior citizens of Dominica who do not have friends in high places. It is sad. Seriously, I would get sicker at that hospital. However, I want to thank the good and caring nurses who try to comfort the patients and their families. Let’s pray together for a better Health care. Do not ask me to send money or medicine. I have my own issues, but I love the US hospitals. We can’t compare. Hands down==that is why I am not comparing.

  27. G NIBBS
    September 11, 2012

    I deeply sympathise with you my colleagues.It makes me so sad to hear of the sub nursing conditions that you presently work in,especially in todays technological age.By comparisons the scenes u discribe are so much worst than when I served 1973-2001.IT was with pleasure i dorned my uniform and proudly performed my nursing duties at PMH with dignity and grace embracing the core measure and allowing our lamp to shine bright.The environment was friendly,quiet,clean,, respectful and compasssion filled the air.
    Working in this humbling conditons demanded committent and willingness to care for the sick,under privileged andloving tender care to the dying with limited resources.We laboured in the comfort of receiving night nourishment on night duty with specially made sandwiches.We appreciated the thought that some one cared.
    Today it is almost inconceivable to fathom the plight of our nurses today.In oder to achieve optimum health care services,health care providers mustbe cared for Most importantly they must have the tools necessary to do their job basic things like functioning beds,linen,needles,syringes, personnel protective gear,gowns,goggles,gloves appropriate meds,poles monitoring equipment,poperly trained persons and human resource.In addition nurses must be given incentives,adequate pay,post grad educational training in specific areas ,like dialysis,critical care,respiratory care and many more nursing specialites.
    As a past RN who dedicated my youth to the nursing services of MY beloved country iurge the MINSTER OF health and in general the government of Dominica to do all in their power to attend to the plight of Nurses in dominica and overall to improve the health conditions in Dominica or else there are many overseas DOMINICANS who want to return and make further contributions,but alas,languish at the state of our health facilities.JUST WHAT if?

  28. Show me the money
    September 11, 2012

    Dominica is the only place I know sick people have to walk with toilet paper, bed sheets, pillow when they get admitted on a ward how sad and shameful

  29. Show me the money
    September 11, 2012

    O boy I know a man living in goodwill that fall of the hospital bed many times the first time he was there earlier this year.

    He was back at the hospital again not to long fall of the bed again this time he got stitches mind you one side is dead I hear he was there because he got a stroke. I was at the hospital and I see the condition n of that place it nasty ants walking all over the sick people stuff and the nurses look like they could care less

  30. diamond girl
    September 11, 2012

    stupes.. i dont even feel to work anymore. our supervisors treat us as dirt!

  31. Just turned adult
    September 11, 2012

    and yet we still celebrate on independence day. what are we truly celebrating? Over 30 years of “independence” and where have we gotten? Are our people truly happy or have we gotten so used to our lifestyle that we’ve just accepted it? Are the poor of 20 years ago gotten rich or are they still begging for bread? Are they able to send their kids off to obtain a higher education debt free or even get a loan approved? Can thy retire comfortably and take that cruise they never had? What is our government really concerned about?

    • patty
      September 12, 2012

      Just Turned Adult, You celebrate because you are PROUD to be a DOMINICAN not because you are a nurse… Celebrate to your best and Do not let that stop you for being True Dominica… here or abroad…

  32. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    That is sad !!!!!!

  33. UK
    September 11, 2012

    helloooo! sorry 2 here what nurses have 2 go thruogh, am very very sorry 2 know. But nurses @ home have something that is called attitude attitude am sorry,

    i looked @ them d way they speak 2 patients. N there family it is appalling.
    AS far as i see d/a play politics in every thing they do,even with patients,care its ashame 2 see how they work.

    talking about breaks am a staff nurse somethings we have no time 4 break because nurseing is all about a duty to care we only have 15 mins for tea 1 hour for lunch so don’t complain sbout breaks.

    talking about working hrs i start work at 7:30-8 pm i sometimes work 4 long days and sometimes we work one night next day long day no time for family, so when your talking about working hrs u lot don’t do working hrs at homw welcome to my world of nursing. if u all are complaining about working hrs i wonder how many of you lot would able to work in london where the stress is much more greater and much more paper work to do.

    it is wrong to work in hazardous condition nursing should go on strike but the thing is you lot don’t go on strike in dominica. patients safty comes first, how can a hospital have beds without rails, what is a patient is sconfussed and falls who will take responsibility. everyone wil cover their backs, so come on get real and stop playing politics with the people’s health.

    your govenment have money to travel all around the world and dont give a shit about the people health, i’m very sorry to have read about our health care at home. but what you VOTE FOR THATS WHAT YOU GET, you protect dirtness, defend and sustain it you get exactly what you wanted, while our poor people is dying/suffering while your minsters travel abroad to get health care, think of it in your next election.i’m happy i’m not in dominica right now good luck.

    • lala
      September 11, 2012

      what is your salary uk? answer this :-?

    • lala
      September 11, 2012

      what is your salary uk? answer this :-? and i waiting

      • patty
        September 12, 2012

        Lala, I am not in or from the UK, and I know I get more than the DA nurses, My Salary on SXM is NOT $2100 ES but $2100 US…

    • September 11, 2012

      you are alway in dominica pretending to be in the uk

    • Really
      September 11, 2012

      Wow, how stupid can one get you work in crappy conditions and you believe that everyone should be treated the same. Please why don’t you agitate for better. You live in the UK where your leaders try to force all sorts of right down our throats yet treat nurse like crap. Time for you to fight your good fight and not try to bring everyone down into your mess

    • good news
      September 12, 2012

      From reading your post there is so much errors in your writing you sure do not sound like someone in the UK. You sure do not sound like a very educated person. I may be wrong but next time please edit your post before posting it.

    • Smh
      September 15, 2012

      But wait!UK you still have it much better than us,you all at least have lunch break and tea time,that’s an hr an 15 mins.Down here its only when we get a chance or if the ward or unit is quiet that you can sit and eat or go to pass urine.Many times i stand to eat just to make it faster.There are times i work and only when i go back home I get to urinate,so i dont see your point.As for working hours,I work 12 hour shifts,many times it comes to 13 hours when you add handover to it so its not only you who knows what a long day looks like,you too fresh.In reference to paperwork,I highly doubt that you have to sit and do all that hand writing like us.I am quite sure you all have help with computers.And even if in truth your work load and working hours were more than hours,I am quite sure our puny salary can go into your many times.Sooooo plzzzz hush!

    • Smh
      September 15, 2012

      @Patty;Mark you the salary is $2100 but we never get that amount because after social security and income tax make their deductions,we dont even get $2000.We working so hard and have to be budgeting our whole lives.

  34. jade
    September 11, 2012

    Very well written commentary. LEADERS, take heed. The people are the most important resource of a country and neglecting their health and well-being is abominable. I now understand why the nurses are angry.

    • john
      September 11, 2012

      :?: why do nurse wear their uniforms on their way to work on dirty busses and polluted cities and towns

      • doc
        September 11, 2012

        because the hospital does not have the proper facilities

      • GR
        September 12, 2012

        thats the nursing Administrators duty to realise that such practice is detremental to the nurse herself , the patients on the ward and the clientele outside. we did microbiology and the effects of bacteria on the human body.why cant the nurses not change that practise. there is a laundry room at the hospital . Nurses should wear scrubs and change before leaving the hospital Its ashame that some of them have degrees in Nursing and none see the harm in this

    • GR
      September 12, 2012

      are you aware that the nurse who was electrocuted, on several occasions spoke to her superiors about the dangers and her plea went on deaf ears. In the emergency phase of the incident it took her 3 hours for her own (nurses) and medical team to attend to her. She was not taken seriously by any one. She had to resort to private Medical Attention . It was only after this intervention that it dawn on every one that this was a very serious matter. Prevention is better than cure.

      • Precious D
        September 12, 2012

        The injured nurse deserves compensation.i understood She graduated top of her class…and was a very loving nurse with good patient reviews. She struggled to walk up the steps of the financial center to ask for assistance for medical care and she was denied.DNA tried to interceed on her behalf but yet the government refused to assist.She is now a regular casualty patient because of the constant excruciating pain that she experiences that not even the strongest narcotic: pethidine works anymore to ease her discomfort…

      • Smh
        September 15, 2012

        And you all would believe that even the nurses act like they fed up of her frequent visits and call her an addict?shame

  35. jade
    September 11, 2012

    The injured nurse is definitely entitled to compensation however she has to ask for it. It’s a process.

    • oops!
      September 11, 2012

      She did. It is not forthcoming.
      But the state malice is forthcoming.

  36. ya kill me si!!!
    September 11, 2012

    this is a very emotional plea. very strong.

    i always wondered why many nurses had so little hospitality skills. most times i wanted to return home with my problem instead of letting them take care of me because their attitudes were so bad. now i know you have ur own stress to go thru.

    the government will not look into helping teachers and nurses any time soon. or the judicial system which has murderers on the streets

    they are into infrastructure now. smh. while the people suffer.

    but you know what they say? wonders never cease. lets hope and pray that they remember us and make changes for the better.

    • GR
      September 12, 2012

      NO EXCUSE for bad attitudes. Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how YOU REACT to it.ATTITUDE IS THE KEY. NURSING is for those who want to serve. Its a calling, a devotion. If you view it as a job be honest with yourself and others seek another career, cause you will be forever unhappy.

      • Smh
        September 15, 2012

        I am a nurse and I agree with that statement.Although we nurses go through alot on the job,be it from our supervisors and patients as well but I dont agree for nurses to pass on any bad attitude to the public.Nurses should be warm, friendly and caring.The smile and touch we offer should already make the patient feel better before any other interventions.some nurses self just make people like me get bad name.

  37. T mama
    September 11, 2012

    $20.00 for night shift…magwaysa….in this 21st centuary, we are so backward….GO ON STRIKE NURSES!!!!! Stand Up for your Rights and the Rights of your Patients…..this is totally UNFAIR..

  38. ....................
    September 11, 2012

    Umm, at times we fail to realise that according to how and where we present serious matters of concern we only trivialize the problem. In the public, every one has right to his own opinion no matter how perverted. In the right forum the aim is to do true justice to the cause.

  39. Amen
    September 11, 2012

    Thanks be to god. It could not have been said any better. Someone else shears my view. Thank you Jesus. One day things must get better we wont go down we will keep our heads above the water and we will sure rise to the occasion. Our God is one who never sleeps……..Amen

  40. A NURSE!!
    September 11, 2012

    Trust me most of the nurses in administration do not care about nurses. All they care about is getting their FAT CHECKS and driving with their BIG vehicles on the street.

    They take advantage of junior nurses, belittle and embarrass them when they please.
    They transfer nurses to district whenever they want and take no consideration for the nurse’s family or her goals in nursing.
    They are the ones who preach about confidentiality and professionalism, yet they are the ones discussing nurses with patients.
    Trust me, this profession in Dominica is a dog eat dog world. People bring you down just to get a little promotion.

    Let me take this time out to say, I am proud of Sister J. Lambert. She is one of the nurses in admin I look up to. God bless you and your family Sister. Continue doing what you do best.

    • Aunty
      September 11, 2012

      Sr.Jasmine is a caring nurse

      • Up
        September 12, 2012

        Tell me about it! This lady is blessssssseeeddd!!!

    • Smh
      September 15, 2012

      There are nurses who prefer district nursing and are requesting to go to work in the ditrict and they have them in PMH but those who have absolutely no interest in working in health centres and prefer bedside nursing,the just transferring them to district,irrespective of their goals and whatever life they have in town.There is a nurse who wants to go to work in district,she beg PNO to send her and she rejected her plea and now the nurse have to be working 1pm to 8pm and be hitching ride all hours of the night to get to carib reserve to come back to work at 8am,just because she has a child and family to go home to.That PNO and some sisters have no no no heart.

  41. Hear me!!
    September 11, 2012

    Some nurses have it worse than others. I live in Grand Bay and trust me, the ones there have it rough! Can you imagine a nurse having to work from 8am-4pm, then remain in the health center from 4pm-8am to take calls ALL ALONE, (and that is not the worse part) She still has to work the following day from 8am-4pm! And you should know the meager allowance for ON CALL…..$250!! That is pure injustice!!! There are instances where the work 5days, take calls for the WHOLE WEEKEND, which means she has to stay in the health center for 48hours. And you know she has to work ANOTHER 5 DAYS. NO DAY OFF IN BETWEEN!!!!

    • jade
      September 11, 2012

      This is absurd!! NO this is abuse. A strike will not be good but something has to be done.

      • For real!!!
        September 12, 2012

        Trust me…….All you have idea how rough it is in certain districts! I work at a particular health center and is only because of GOD’S strength and the love for nursing that makes me show up for work every day. The supervisor belittles nurses infront of patients, saying things like ‘WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT NURSE NUH’. Absolutely NO professionalism. She disappears from the health center and no one knows where she went to. Trust me it is just a mess! All I am looking forward to is the day I will leave that place!!!

  42. TLC
    September 11, 2012

    In other words when I come to PMH and get poor treatment and poor service I am being punished, nice, very nice

  43. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    Plea well understood but is this the justification for death by negligence and no one held accountable, no follow up or lack of proper record keeping of patients so they are at risk of getting an overdose of insulin?

    • Smh
      September 15, 2012

      If you are so sure of what you are saying,why not sue instead of coming on DNO making blatant statements?Investigations will be made to prove your point.Otherwise shut up!

  44. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    1. Strike action is needed promptly, so start dialogue with Union representatives.

    2. Why are nursed using faulty electrical machines? Health and safety begins with you.

    3. Working a 12 hour shift, day or night is the norm in most developed countries, so count your blessings in DA for a 8 hours day shift

    • a surgeon
      September 11, 2012

      A nurse work for 50.00us an hour in the us countries and wat we nurses working for is farrrrrrr below

      • Mie
        September 11, 2012

        America is still one of the richest countries in the world and Dominica is still one of the poorest. The cost of living in Dominica is much lower than that of America.

    • Saysay
      September 12, 2012

      thank you for making that point. They should make them work 16hr shifts then they would treat people better.

      • Smh
        September 15, 2012

        you foolish man?If we work 16hrs is allu self the patients who will suffer wi when you have cranky, hungry,tired nurses who at great risk to make medication errors.Wicked soul

  45. visitor
    September 11, 2012

    For the people who run D/A ,you got money to put people on plane to vote for you but cnnt take care of the sick and those who take care of the sick,shame,shame. Life on the other side is nt the best but boy, Never heard of such mess. Am so pround of that nurse.God bless and be with you. much love.

    • a surgeon
      September 11, 2012

      so true

  46. RR
    September 11, 2012

    Dear nurse, educate yourself on nursing history in DA. You mentioned having cupboards with snacks for nurses. some 20yrs ago nurses had snacks made available to them on a monthly basis but nurses preferred to be given the same $20 you a belittle now than the snacks. You mentioned faulty equipments but if a bed is faulty you should discard it just like you discard expired drugs (there are managers on the ward). Re the electrocution of the nurse i see it as pure negligence and a don’t care attitude by her own working team before and after the incident. You mentioned the many maladies that nurses suffer but we nurses must practice what we preach. We tell patients to eat a balance diet yet we eat junk food the end result a fat sick nurse. You spoke about night shift only but are aware that continuous night shift increases the risk for low productivity, low moral amongst staff, stress and diseases. Any right thinking manager would not favour having one set of nurses working any one shift consistently. You are young in the nursing profession so i wish you all the best and keep loyal to your nursing pledge because that’s what nightingale stood for.

    • a surgeon
      September 11, 2012

      What about the strain nurses have to go through with two nurse on the ward with 25 patients and still has to provide total patient care. Patients calling every second while u trying to concentrate in giving ur medication. wat about that eh.

      • country
        September 11, 2012

        That’s why people get sent home without proper check up and die 2 hours later at home? :lol:

    • a surgeon
      September 11, 2012

      What if i have to say that nurses most time never get a chance to take a break much less to eat on time. I have experince it. I have had breakfast 12:00pm due to the heaviness of the ward.
      Nurses have to be looking for ride at 10pm,11pm and 12am to get home and has to return to work for 8am.

    • Amen
      September 11, 2012

      you talking is who in the kitchen that feeling the heat. you in your air condition. so come better than that.

    • Sammy
      September 11, 2012

      At RR: Im glad you said 20 years ago. This is a new generation. 2o years ago $20.00 could buy todays $500.00 worth of groceries.At present $20.00 cant even buy us two pounds of full cream milk! secondly are you suggesting that we should go discarding all the beds at the hospital, where are the patients going to sleep?
      Negligence for trying to assist a patient?! Dont you know about the good samaritan law? And lastly….maybe the good managers should also put themselves to work night shifts as well doing patient care, some of them are so good they never do night shifts. Just to remind you Nitingale also stood for just and fair treatment for her patients and nurses.

    • Disgruntled
      September 11, 2012

      Ok I am sorry I had to respond to this comment….this statement is pure ignorance and unempathetic and u should be ashamed of ur self. I left the profession in Dominica for the same reasons….. So when u speaking I recon u learn to be a human first! I don’t think even God will encourage any human being to remain subject to such….nurses are human beings like every person.. And when we r not given the right conditions to work we will get disgruntled…so stop dat crappy stupid talk! And learn to treat employees wid more respect!

    • diamond girl
      September 11, 2012

      that must be on of those admin nurses that post that nonsense there. kissing up the politicians as usual

    • Anonymous
      September 12, 2012

      I guess u r one of the old time nurses but we r all under he same pledge!

    • Smh
      September 15, 2012

      I do not want to believe is a nurse who wrote such nonsense.RR you cant be a no no,allu too sootiweh.A nurse took the time to write her plight and you are just responding as if what she said meant nothing,and even throwing talk too?Whether or not nurses eat junk has nothing to do with that because parro eating from rubbish tin and they dont fall ill like nurses.So many times we having to go an entire shift without getting a break to eat or to urinate!Stupes.

  47. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    By the time govt ministers drawing big money and travelling large at our expense. They just killing us with more taxes. Note my vote eh in 2015, never ever.

    • me
      September 11, 2012

      more taxes ?

  48. langsal
    September 11, 2012

    allu doh see skerrit make dominica a place for people that retire…
    imagine you live and work in the u.s and england and you have your little two pence, then you good.
    but to work here for 25 years and cannot get 1000us dollars and they still trying to make you feel you have a prestigious job.
    thats ashame… NEXT LEVEL

    • jade
      September 11, 2012

      Those retirees still have to go back to their adopted countries to seek medical help. The country does not even have proper medical facilities to accommodate anyone. Darned shame. Leaders where are your priorities? They can afford to travel and go seek medical help but what about the malaway.

  49. D
    September 11, 2012

    Sad to hear, but some of u nurses need a better attitude, talking about the shifts, u all were never in favor of a shift change. Furthermore if you fighting for a cause be neutral don’t let it look political.

    • oops!
      September 11, 2012

      Why do you think it is political? I think it is love for country. People are suffering.
      The person who is heading the ministry of health is the one who is messing up the system that she was once part of. She is the one playing the politics and just cannot do the work. Square dirty peg contaminating a round hole.

        September 12, 2012

        @oops, this is so untrue. She is being just and fair…I wonder what you would you say about your P. N. O ( Prinicipal Nursing Officer).. I am awaiting your reply…lololllll

      • I agree
        September 12, 2012

        @ iz dat u hear wi………That lady not nice nuh! A female castro! she calls you to her office and is she alone that talking, before you answer, she cutting you off! Let her hold her little position like is she dat have d remote control, controlling all nurses but IT MUST COME TO AN END!!!!!

      • Smh
        September 15, 2012

        Who fool allu?That PNO soooooo not nice,she has no relationship with her staff.When she passing PMH,you would swear and say is Castro or Chavez that passing, looking down on little people.Stupes.

  50. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    I hate to say it, but Dominicans are getting EXACTLY what the deserve! It was they who elected it. It is they who protect, defend and sustain it. Why should anyone who is not affected give a rat’s behind?

    • Hear me!!
      September 11, 2012

      What about those who did not elect him? they see more misery when they are ill than those who did! Those who elected him know which step ministry they have to climb to gt financial support to go overseas!

    • Disgruntled
      September 11, 2012

      When d people send tickets to come to vote did dey give a rats behind of the people who lived dere den? No! So those who are aboard left for betterment but some of them need to allow the people who live there to express themselves….

  51. Nudibranch
    September 11, 2012

    finally…. but will anything be done about it? NO.

  52. 1979
    September 11, 2012

    WELL SAID NURSE!! your honor I rest my case 8) ??? 8)

  53. sandy
    September 11, 2012

    I hope this letter has reached the Ministry of Health. shame, shame shame.

    • jade
      September 11, 2012

      Those who are responsible should be ashamed of themselves and we the people should keep this commentary alive, post it on many sites as we can and try to get some attention from those who are ignoring the nurses’ plea. Darned shame. No wonder the nurses are leaving whenever the opportunities arise.

      • non
        September 12, 2012

        I’ve been telling DNO about this story for the longest while.. but I don’t know who they protecting. they fraid to go and get pictures of the RUSTTTTTTTTYYYYYY bed frames and MOULDDDDDDYYYY walls at the pmh, put that on channel 7 as the acts of a “government that cares”

  54. soitiswritten
    September 11, 2012

    She/he was doing well until the mention of “state palace” which turned the whole rendering political. Why cant we just be professionsal?

    • 1979
      September 11, 2012

      In my opinion it was a relevant detail. to provide contrast of the things which value is placed on.

    • Tiger
      September 11, 2012

      I disagree. She mentioned the state palace because she thinks the government’s priorities are in the wrong place. There is nothing political about that.

      September 11, 2012

      this cannot be politics when we see things that we are not ready for take precedence over the important things. a cleaner 400 in this time and you have labar supporters getting thousands from government monthly like the security at the hospital, and paying peanuts to the security…
      people need to stand up, fairness for all

    • mouth of the south
      September 11, 2012

      mentioning the ‘state palace’ is not political… take a look at our economic climate and the cries of the public service… and tell me if the state palace is a wise undertaking… even three ‘dead n blind’ mice could see this regime don’t care about us…

      • soitiswritten
        September 11, 2012

        Building a state palace and not caring about “us” dont add up. They are not building it for themselves. Chances are by the time it is built they will not be the party in power. Stop insulting people’s intelligence. Play your politics but admit that that is what you are doing. I dont care one way or another, so long as it is Dominicans that are in the State House or palace, if you prefer that word.

    • a surgeon
      September 11, 2012

      what if i say that the PM salary is 20000.oo plus and the ministers are getting 15000.00 plus and a nurse get 2000.00 in this time and age

      • pingpong
        September 11, 2012

        you forgot the 500us a day every time he travels, sometimes he is out for two weeks. 500 or 1300x14days=18200.00 even is lime he liming….

    • hmm
      September 11, 2012

      Soitiswritten, I just have to reply to your comment. I am not a nurse but I am very passionate about the nursing profession especially at home. I see nothing wrong with the comment about state palace. In fact when I heard about it I said to myself “half of that money could do wonders for our healthcare.”
      Recently I read about the trauma center which is to be placed in Marigot. Why not improve what we have first? Make it fully functional and all things well before going into this venture?

      One day I will be able to make a meaningful contribution to my country’s healthcare system. Give me a couple years. I,m working on that PHD.

    • Be rational
      September 12, 2012

      You sound like Brian Meade; the State Opportunist. You need a stronger pair of glasses.

  55. Aye Dominique
    September 11, 2012

    Your government is not interested in that, your government is about making political appointments to keep supporters happy, like the undeserving one they recently made in the Ministry of Health. Our legal system is very inefficient and hence the trickle down effect. I know America has its fair share of evil but there are certain things that just can’t be compromised like for example a patient safety, like having beds with no side rails and putting employees to work in hazardous conditions like the electrocution your colleague experienced. If we had a mature enough legal system to hold people responsible for their actions or their inactions, we won’t be here discussing this today.

    Instead, government is for government, not for the people. They need to ensure that the state palace is up to keep them happy, to ensure that VAT remains in place to keep their budgets happy no matter how much it adversely affects the majority of the people.

    I have to say that this is the worst I have seen our health system in my life time. A bunch of jokers in administrative positions, who care more about having a job than doing their job, who care more about keeping the politicians as friends than implementing effective policies. The government love them though because they do not object or advise them against what they want to do.

    If this makes you feel better my dear, here is a prayer for you “We the wiling, led by the unknowing are doing the impossible for the ungrateful, we have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing”. Mother Teresa.

    This prayer made me feel better too when I worked with the government back home for the meager salary.

  56. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    I am actually in tears and what is most sad about all this, is we have loads of monies in Dominica throwing down the drains.

  57. Tiger
    September 11, 2012

    The prime minister does not have to worry about the conditions at the hospital for a couple of reasons: (1) He is relatively young and unless they are ill, young people don’t spend a lot of time worrying about health issues and (2) If per chance he get sick, he would be on a plane and out of the country before you could blink.

    We all talk about how lovely Dominica is, but I gotta tell you, I am happy that I do not live in Dominica.

    I will visit Dominica, but the chance of me living there full time is nil. I will not take that chance with my health.

    • jade
      September 11, 2012

      “I will not take that chance with my HEALTH.” AMEN TO THAT!!

  58. truth
    September 11, 2012

    After God, a Nurse has the life of the nation in its hands! Have you ever thought of that? Doctors cannot effectively save lives without the help of the Nurse. Don’t you ever think so. It may not look so but it is so. Can the teacher, the police, the fireman, the fisherman, the farmer, the politician be a nurse? No. But a Nurse can function in each of these duties.Think it over my friend and give the great respect that is due to a Nurse to her. Life without nurses is futile. Florence Nightingale prove this when she brought down the death rate of the soldiers of the Crimean war from over 60% to 4%. Thats a fact not a myrh. This is proof of my statement. NURSES MEAN LIFE :-P

  59. Anonymous
    September 11, 2012

    WOW!!! The direct result of cronyism!! You have no clue of what you should be doing, but you are my buddy, you supported me in the election so here is your payment. A position that you can’t handle to the detriment of the entire country!! CRONYISM kills a country people!

  60. Sweet Carib
    September 11, 2012

    Everything this nurse spoke abt is true. I’m a nurse myself so I know the feeling. But then again, its the same RN who has to become the nurse admins and when u think they have our backs becuz they were once in the same place be4; they don’t. They only look for themselves. Sad but true. Nurses are not being treated well @ this hospital @ all

    • langsal
      September 11, 2012

      everybody strike

      • Amen
        September 11, 2012

        At the end of the day we love our patients to much to leave them stranded. the reason why the strike never works

    • GR
      September 11, 2012

      well said nurse because am one too.. Who are the nurse managers and administrators? they were the NURSES complaining before but now they are on the other side of the fence. one would expect them to bring change but NO. CHANGE is far fetched.

    • I agree
      September 12, 2012

      you sure that’s why nurses afraid to strike or they afraid of their shadow!!!

    • September 12, 2012

      i feel your pain nurse you are not alone,the teachers too if you listen their cry they will tell you its because they love their job,it not easy,have you ever visited the second town Police Station or if you are near by go to the Roseau Police Station Charge office and try to sit on the iron stool that the constable has to sit on from 08:00 – 16:00,a three shit system, 24:00hrs 365 days then ask to see the A.S.P i/c go to his office next door and you will see his executive chair,when you are going to the A.S.P turn around and look at the cells right in the charge office,think of you having to sit there for eight hours with nineteen prisoners in the cell,a helicopter at you back making moise trying to cool you down,you even forget to have lunch far lees for snack. Its no easy in the government service.A constable has pick up an S.O at his home for work at midnight but who is dropping the constable after midmight he might have sleep on an old pool board in the recreation room until day break and to full in and at midnight,while the officer is at melvina drinking his black label whiskey. So nurse you are not alone…

  61. fbd
    September 11, 2012

    Very very touching and heartbreaking commentary….I am at a loss for words….Can only say OH MY GOD !

    • Anonymous
      September 11, 2012

      hey thats three words right there

  62. woman time
    September 11, 2012

    oh lord help our nurses no wonder they leave us as soon as they get the opportunity.After the nurses take loans to do there studies that is what they end up with?

    • Amen
      September 11, 2012

      yes we never saw before

    • hmm
      September 11, 2012

      Not only are they stuck with the loans but there are no incentives to go finish the education that they need. Why can’t the government provide scholarhsips to those nurses who want to pursue the rest of the education right there at UWI. It seeems common sense to me.

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