Bulk water and Mr. Know It All

In his brief remarks on Wednesday November 30th whilst speaking at a DOWASCO organized press conference to apprise the general public of developments in the water sector, the Hon. Minister for Water Resources Management joggled my memory. The Minister spoke about the many challenges faced by successive governments to capitalize on the latent foreign exchange potential which abounds here given the abundance of our water resources.

Indeed many voices genuine and otherwise have been raised to that effect. Many an attempt has been made to secure for Dominica a source of much needed revenue. More often than not such efforts usually fail to go beyond the conception stage. The records will show that many brief-case bearing “investors” and more recently “ipad” users have canvassed the then offices of the National Development Co-operation and now the Invest Dominica Authority with “hold your breath” plans and proposals to export water from Dominica.

In a very recent case, a foreign company sought to woo Dominica into granting a license for exploring the vast, yet still untapped supplies of underground water. Each time the various entities have succeeded in securing for themselves very attractive incentive packages such as exclusive rights to exploring the freshwater water resources of the state. Such exclusivity almost always includes the right to approve or disapprove other future investments in the freshwater industry here. Sadly so the investments have never materialized. This failed investment landscape for Dominica in this regard is a sorry sight to behold. By and large our rivers continue to flow uninterrupted. Did I speak too soon.

Here comes “Mr. know it all”.  The only one with the answer and panacea for every economic and development related challenge. He speaks with authority on every conceivable subject matter particularly if that issue has to do with government’s ability or inability to deliver on its macro-economic and socio-economic agenda. Talk of agriculture, he has the answer to increasing production, the locations of markets waiting for Dominica’s agriculture products, even within the setting of World Trade Organization (WTO) realities.

But as Minster with responsibility for the sector on two separate and distinct occasions, he can show precious little for his knowledge and skills.  Talk of conservation, that too is his strength – he lives, eats and breathes conservation. A hundred thousand Dollars (US) for his stance on the great mammals which lives in the oceans however quickly fades into oblivion.

Talk of the Tourism Industry, he does not like the cruise tourist, but when they do not come mostly as a result of the world’s financial situation he knows it is Roosevelt Skerrit’s ill advised tourism policy. He has information about how to increase the arrivals into Dominica by the thousands per day. But an international airport ought not to be part of the equation. Remember the endless talk of how the lobster suffered during the construction phase of the facility which presently allows for aircraft landing into Dominica after sunset?

Talk of politics – local politics, and he speaks good governance, transparency, people’s parliament and “truth to power” as his daily mantra. He has all the strategies for governance in a small underdeveloped poor country. Talk of music and culture. The truth is he has really distinguished himself head shoulders above many others in creating sweet musical rhythms from tin. He is a sensation to behold for sure, a pan maestro on jouvert mornings. There is no doubting that. Yes there are few disciplines in life he cannot speak intelligently and emotionally about. Even when he cries in the media as he often does, you cannot fail to see how pretty his tears are.  “Playway Gwo Nhom Led”. Talk of the media, well that is a good place to talk. His indomitable spirit in creating for himself those niches of authority on every subject matter carries him (his persona) well.

He has also demonstrated great interest in bulk water export. He had a plan. A firm plan. All the market studies were completed. A study that he commissioned declared that the project was environmentally, economically and socially feasible. His only problem was an inept government that knows precious little about developing a country. As a matter of fact he could be father to the head of government.

So in 2009, government in its unwavering attempt to maximize on the revenue generating potential that is in our rivers granted him (a national) an absolute, nearly unfettered license to undertake a project that would export water from one of Dominica’s largest rivers. At the signing ceremony he lamented that because the license was late in coming there were certain financial challenges given the world’s financial crisis. According to him his investors for the project were cutting back. He was nevertheless confident that with the contacts he had lined out in the investment world, the project would be back on stream in short time to deliver on its promise of jobs for the unemployed (both on land and on sea) and significant foreign exchange earnings to the state’s treasury.

Two years on (not three Hon. Minister) we are yet to experience the earth shattering experience that the investment promises. Rather, we have been on the receiving end of excuses after excuses, reasons after reasons and total verbal diarrhea one might add for the non-delivery of the project. Where is the investment Sir? You have all the answers to every development problem/issue/challenge in Dominica. But like many other initiatives of yours, cannot deliver on what is really a simple project, given all the contacts, knowledge and expertise at your fingertips. Hon. Minister for Water Resources, I think it is time to call the bluff of this “every subject matter specialist”. This bulk water project is not going anywhere, anytime soon. So much for being right on cue.

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  1. Malatete
    December 11, 2011

    Hey Waterman, in March of 2010 GIS issued a press release, quoting mr. Etinoffe of Dowasco, saying they have a scheme for exporting water. How far down the road are they?? Ask Hon. Reggie. This really is a case of the pot callinbg the kettle black

  2. ?
    December 11, 2011

    dr p aron, be a man and own up

  3. %
    December 11, 2011

    What do you haave against the man? I LOVE HIM.. Unlike the writer and his ilks, this man is a lover of country..POLITICAL VENDETTA?…Not many people will buy into it…I won’t, and i have not.
    To Mr or Miss no name try another stunt.. I grade you 0%.

  4. ?????
    December 11, 2011

    who is the writer of this piece? Since the writer is not brave enough to have a name,i reject it as a piece of political nonsense/rubbish! GIVE THE PATRIOT A BREAK. Get your head out of the sand and be a man/woman.

  5. ineedfree
    December 11, 2011

    For Waitikubuli to produce minds like this author says a sad tale of two worlds…the good and the not so good.

    Either we are waking up from a nightmare or we are entering into one.

    To all the messengers of justice, peace and goodwill for ALL, we say use these critics as a step up to be better people. …..always look within yourself and improve your temple( to deserve the presence of the divine) and forgive them because tomorrow they must be better in their thoughts since we are confident of the victory of good over evil.

    The commentary is well written but sleazy.

    We advise the author to keep up the skill at writing but reconcile with the good in him/her to acquire some harmony with the universe

  6. Leroy A.M. Baste
    December 11, 2011

    Why is it so easy to lambaste someone while hiding behind an alias? This commentary by “Waterman” seems to do just that.

    I refuse to agree with everything a person says or does, but there must be some merit in some of the words or deeds from the person the author calls “Mr Know it all.”

    This juvenile manner of expression does nothing to help resolve any of the issues discussed.

    The accused is showered with adverse publicity whilst the accuser is guaranteed anonymity, as we hide behind our “alias” shields.

    • Waterman
      December 12, 2011

      Like “Josh Shaw” of the Chronicle fame with information about a “fire bombing” episode the writer wishes to remain anonymous – at least for the tiem being. If “josh Shaw” is protected to the high heavens by the very same patriots from revealing his true identity amd what infor amtinonhe has about the fire, why should the writer of this reveal his name just yet?.

  7. Asterix
    December 11, 2011

    I just wish that the writer would have the courage to mention the name of the minister somewhere in this lengthy article, the purpose of which I haven’t seen yet. The article was simply to take pot shots at a man un-named, though we who have some level of intelligence would figure from reading between the lines. If the powers that be had any economic plan then maybe some of the ideas of that one man could have materialized but like everything else in Dominica, once you are not on a certain end of the table, your ideas and suggestions are nothing but a dream no matter how noble and plausible they may be. Is that project the only one that has been spoken of that has not yet materialized? Let’s not forget how many years it took government to complete the night landing project. How long have we been hearing of geothermal again? Did we not hear to of a reduction in electricity cost with the establishment of the Petro Caribe project? Haven’t we heard of a college graduate in every household by when again? Didn’t we hear of a five star hotel at Woodford Hill? There are many many many others that I’m sure that the writer is aware of but as usual it’s like ” If you’re not with us then you are a …….!”

      December 11, 2011

      Asterix!!! It seems to me you missing the point that the writer was pointing to. Which is things are not as easy as they may seem, so one should withhold their negative and bais criticism. When on other hand we may end up having the same difficulty ourselves. In a calypso the names of persons the song is about are mostly not mention but we do know who they are refering to. You are in fact doing just as the writer is saying by claiming the writer/gov have all the ideas and they should come through right away. Yet again i see briliance in words by trying to teach us how we must act with one another but again goes to waste. All beacuse we are so blinded by hate based on our bias, so we continue to miss the points to our own personal developement and independance.

      • Asterix
        December 12, 2011

        ONE STONE I think you are confused. While the man in question may have shortcomings that doesn’t mean that what he advocates for is incorrect. Besides the factors that may restrict him from fulfilling his ventures may not necessarily be the same ones which restrict government re theirs however we must remember that the resources available to government are not the same available to private individuals. The human resource, available funding, physical resource,policies, tax exemptions and all. Private individuals are much more limited in what they can do and that should not be forgotten.

    • real possie
      December 11, 2011

      @ A– trix it was written for people like u that like things easy use your imagination once in while but thats another one that flew over your head, night landing took 4to5yrs but it was done.Dominica has no major export so sure its going to take time for alot of things to happen,heck we have to agree to gay laws so we can get foreign aid.Theres so much saying they can do better only when they go in they know much red tape they have to cut and a– kissing they have to do thats why alot of them fail,the waterman been at it for what 8yrs not one gallon was exported.So for all the one’s that kissing a– to keep da afloat i would say they are DOMINICA ARE U?

      • real possie
        December 11, 2011

        how much

      • Asterix
        December 12, 2011

        Your point being what? I can see that you to agree that government projects languish just as that of the waterman yet still you help to criticize the waterman. They languish because of poor imagination and bad management and thats a fact.Hey and as for the lack of immagination, you are the one affected by such since I see you appear to be in support of getting easy gay money instead of advocating for being productive and you feel you are DOMINICA. You are certainly not Dominica. Further I wont be sucked into your arrogance and blind loyalties. I am beyond that

      • real possie
        December 12, 2011

        @ A– TRIX for some reason u keep missing the point am always on here saying if theres no work they can plant food i have some one in st. joe that will buy it.Just today they tell they can’t find eggs in wesley that goes to show theres money to be made, who ever u are i think if your sweetheart cheating on u rite infront of your eyes u will miss it u miss every thing else PS please don’t burst a vein when u read this

    December 10, 2011

    At Q95 there are two of them they call Google…But I think they are always searching…lol

  9. britbob
    December 10, 2011

    Yeah?!? … that same man that you take such pleasure in decrying has probably achieved more with his little finger than you with your whole , clearly negative , miserable existence. At least he is willing to put his head above the parapet when the bullets are flying. His principles are unwavering and unquestioned (whether you or I like them or not). He is willing to stand up for what he believes is right and in a country like our that is only to be applauded. When you have the marks to show for the struggle, when you have taken up your cross … when you have decided to make your contribution in deed as opposed to envious and nasty carping … then come and talk to me about who knows it all … until then enjoy the view from the cheap seats. Beware that Dominicans are growing weary of snide negativity posing as intelligent comment … ’cause, baby, it just don’t pay the rent!

  10. paulo
    December 10, 2011

    His eco resort is up for sale by public auction.Is this a sign of bankrupsy.However i am prepared to buy one share in the water business so that i can monitor the progress of the project.Tell one of his sucessful projectsin the past forty years

    • Lone Cowboy
      December 11, 2011

      If the eco-resort is up for sale, do you think the water project will go anywhere, far less make a profit? I Doubt that!! :mrgreen:

  11. real vibes
    December 10, 2011

    one ting de man dat write dat really grudging athie wi pal. too much bab mind my bro. with all your high level discourse on mr martin why not do one to show that u better and give us some innovative ideas on the way forward for dominica.smh typical crab in a barrel syndrome suffering dominican

    December 10, 2011

    Educated fools if you ask me. In my understanding of how things works in life is the uneducated and poor works hard so the so called educated ones can survive. Most wealthy familys i have ever heard of came from mostly poor family who worked diligently being very thankful and without complain. But in modern times i have noticed it’s all talk/complain about everything even if they hold doctorates but can’t make shit happen. I guess that’s the world we live in some work and others talk shit. while they try to confuse the ignorant and foolish in claiming that the sky is falling. When i was a child growing up i was told do not listen to love songs when you have (gro pwell) because you feel as the singer did. Others did but i didn’t i always felt that better days are always ahead, maybe i was just optimistic. I am Dominica. Are you?

  13. Gypsy
    December 10, 2011

    I saw the gadget on the Rosalie river. Oh please don’t take our water! You never miss it till the river run dry! Ask Jamaicans they are lucky if they can find clean water to bath. Oh Jah!

    • Anonymous
      December 11, 2011

      cannot get water in my home restored and they talk of exporting. smh

  14. Brooklyn
    December 10, 2011

    Who too his or her time to write this nonsense?

  15. Asterix
    December 10, 2011

    I just wish that the writer would have the courage to mention the name of the minister somewhere in this lengthy article, the purpose of which I haven’t seen yet. The article was simply to take pot shots at a man un-named, though we who have some level of intelligence would figure from reading between the lines. If the powers that be had any economic plan then maybe some of the ideas of that one man could have materialized but like everything else in Dominica, once you are not on a certain end of the table, your ideas abd suggestions are nothing but a dream no matter how noble and plausible they may be. Is that project the only one that has been spoken of that has not yet materialized? Lets not forget how many years it took government to complete the night landing project. How long have we been hearing of geothermal again? Did we not hear to of a reduction in electricity cost with the establishment of the Petro Caribe project? Haven’t we heard of a college graduate in every household by when again? Didn’t we hear of a five star hotel at Woodford Hill? There are many many many others that I’m sure that the writer is aware of but as usual its like ” If your not with us then you are a …….!”

    • Papa
      December 11, 2011

      Whats your name?

  16. December 10, 2011

    yeah! i say if you want to talk you should be productive as well…not that the issues he talks about are irrelevant.


  17. concerned
    December 10, 2011

    talking of water,please go to the village of Bense where you can’t get enough water to even shower.Thank God for the big water containers filled on rainy days.do your research before exporting any water supplies

  18. So Sick & Tired
    December 10, 2011

    What’s the problem with someone who is well informed?? Oh yeah., we are talking about Dominica! If you have it, flaunt it Mr. whoever they are talking about!

  19. December 10, 2011

    we are going, heaven knows where we are going

  20. laviebienwed
    December 10, 2011

    Afos Afi ca contwyea moun ou tan!!

  21. Papa
    December 10, 2011

    That is so true, I wish i could play PAN.

    • Hmm
      December 10, 2011

      Who could that Be?

      Mmmm …

      Can Arthie play pan?

  22. Peeping Tom
    December 10, 2011

    :lol: :lol:

  23. Chakademus
    December 10, 2011

    Very good article. That sounds very much like A Man who is always in the public eye, always have something to say, and even when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about he will do it anyway. Some people think that big words is a substitute for intelligence. All Man need to be slow to speak. Dominicans are not easily fooled anymore.

  24. Reality
    December 10, 2011

    I think commentary should focus on the message not on the messenger. We all need each other’s opinion and expertise Its all this foolish politics of shooting the messenger not the message

    • Cassandra,
      December 10, 2011

      If we must lambast the initiator of this scheme for non-performance so too must we chastise the authority that went along with with it and issued the relevant approval and signed a contract willingly, eyes wide open. It is not as if they have not been there before! Unfortunately sagacity is no substitute for business acumen as we should know by now. Equally we should be clear that, whereas we have an abundance of water bringing it to market, in particuclar the overseas one is no easy task. I am sure that the proposer’s intiative was and is well intentioned and honourable but the art of commercialising an idea is not given to everyone. Notions and good intentions alone do not pay the bills. On a humorous note, I muse what Pan got to do with this, although he himself, God of nature and all things wild, played the flute, enchantingly well but could never be considered to be a man of business. Maybe there is a message here!

  25. hennessey sipper
    December 10, 2011

    So excellently written. like the saying goes in colloquial language “Kanawi ka di chaudiere bodye noir”. this man has the solution to every problem except his, Case in Point: “Exotica”. he is such a blatant failure…smh

    • Anti-bouefist
      December 10, 2011

      CHAKADEMU et Hennessey Sipper.
      I will address the article subsequently, however let me state the following:you Stated
      “Dominicans are not easily fooled anymore.”
      Is that so? If so why have we graduated from a relatively sound morals ethics and the whole nine yards( or was it never so) to 5.2 on the CPI? By the way was it a typo was it really 2.5? I often wonder! personally i think we are off the scale to the right of 1 lol! Could have been .52 inplace of 5.2
      What does that have to do with the Messenger? I will take time off to respond to the waterman article.Very well written but for prose only.It began well like in a movie showing the mapwiththe surrounding seas
      zooms unto the land hit the air port the coiled marigot roads to Pondcasee canefield en-route to Roseau the to Lagoonthen exposes the ills of Roseau,Dominica the sewage, crack roads, the vendors etc. The author, camera man/woman has his sins too.
      As for Hennesseysipper it part of the culture of listlessness ,bouef and putting down peeps who have a brain and actually use it.Keep on sipping i say to you. This is just one of the many impediment why we are retrogressing people like you who ignorantly state online what one of our pricipal problems really is too much of your kind nightly filling the rum shops (or at home)drinking ur life away unlike the messenger who is intellectual and who at least has enough COJONES to bring ideas to the surface.What do we do criticize him instead of modifying and impliment them.
      There are those who speak not even turm moomoo but filling their bank accounts.
      merci beaucoup Chakademu and Hennessey. Just put some thought to your impluses.Hold your horses.

    • interesting
      December 10, 2011

      It is a habit of Laybarites in particular to show glee at the demise of the businesses of people who oppose them. The only difference between most of you and these people is that they oppose and you all get in line. Without the crutch of patronage many of you would be exposed for the mediocrity you really are, personally and even as entrepeneurs.

      Change the government and many of the Labourite concerns from the caterers who get every event, to the pastors and union people who end up on every Board, to the children of party ‘friends’ who end up getting CEO and Director positions…all of that so called success would be exposed for what it really is.

      One big bobol.

      When government is almost 80% of the GDP of this country, you will realise that it may be stupid as well as brave, but it not for personal or financial gain that anyone criticises a government and its vindictive supporters like this.

      National Trail, Geothermal, Pirates of Caribbean filming, World Creole, Dominica Tourism, any major project that needs government involvement and financing, the pigs and their lil piggies will be at the trough, snout in, grunting at anyone who dare disturb.

      But allu know what is and what isnt successful.

      Dominica sweet.

    • anti-bouefist again
      December 10, 2011

      head J/can CEO of DNO have instructed Dumba** staff to remove my article my comment on waterman’s article.This is the kind of sh** integration causes ,they meadle in the internal affairs of our state.

      ADMIN: What an idiot…SMH

      • real possie
        December 11, 2011

        Is people like that try to hold thier country back.the point is if u dont want jagan’s in your business u should have own your own news feed the guy tried selling it why you never bought it.

    • anon
      December 10, 2011

      You guys are not very subtle.ROFL

      • non-posse
        December 11, 2011

        Real posse is a …………………………..

      • real possie
        December 11, 2011

        @ non-posse its real possie and yes i am an a…………. am also DOMINICA ARE U? LOL

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