COMMENTARY: A Muzzled Nation 

Jeffers Joseph
Jeffers Joseph

There is a deafening silence pervading my country today that’s truly frightening. Rather than taking to the streets to protest the litany of blatant corrupt practices hence opaqueness of our government (one man), Dominicans continue to be inherently complacent with remaining unmoved. They are seemingly quite satisfied to allow their fingers to do the walking, while they remain anonymous as they habitually complain on the telephone and other social media. From fraudulent activities like shady affiliations with NG LapSeng, to erection of luxury villas, money laundering, acquisitions of New York apartment buildings, display of insensitivity toward sexual abuse, MDTH passport deals with unsavory agencies all over the globe, to the recent Panama Papers bombshell – nothing appears to be able to phase them. Whether through fear of victimization, suppression, or mere apathy, passive-aggressiveness appears to be the prevailing method of rebellion in our country today.

But let’s connect the dots by examining how the blueprint for this blue wall of silence was carefully crafted by Roosevelt Skerrit. It is based on two fundamental principles of Dictatorship: 1. Centralize power – one party, one leader; keep power in the hands of one man.  And 2. Total dependency – keep the people as impoverished and dependent upon government as possible, so they are left with no other choice than to be totally reliant on them (one man) for their very survival. Recall the “infamous and now defunct” Red Clinic – the epicenter of handouts, as well as the National Employment Program (NEP) – a pseudo employment agency – both of which were designed to keep the populous in complete poverty. With hardly any other means of livelihood (approximately seven out of ten people are currently unemployed), Dominicans have largely been morphed into the culture of looking forward to monthly handouts of chump change, to enable them to provide for their loved ones; this allows for a perfect breeding ground for preying on the vulnerable.

It is therefore no accident that the economic vibrancy which Dominicans had become used to – through agriculture, farming, tourism and the like – have been virtually eradicated under this current administration. Instead, they have been replaced by sales of the nation’s passports, with most of the proceeds ending up NOT in the vaults of the people’s treasury, but rather, hidden away in off-shore business accounts under fictitious names, stolen identities of unsuspecting citizens, as well as the deceased. Such misappropriations allow the government and his operatives the latitude to convert most of the country’s revenue to personal usage, while amassing enormous wealth, at the expense of the people’s afflictions. We experienced this firsthand during the last couple of elections, where monies and supplies were lavishly distributed and used to bribe constituents into relinquishing their votes. Meanwhile, the people remain muted and continue to quietly suffer as the economy, the infrastructure, and employment remain at an impasse or more appropriately, in a state of abyss.

However, all eyes and ears will be focused on the upcoming by-election – on June 7th – to fill the Parliamentary seat in the Soufriere Constituency. As we are aware, the position became vacant ensuing the sudden resignation of Ian Pinard, who stepped down due to charges of indecent assault of a minor. Contesting the seat will be Denise Charles, as standard bearer for the Labor Party, vs Hidges (Higgs) Adams, representing the United Workers Party. Not surprising, much like previous elections, the government has already infiltrated the constituency, meeting and greeting locals, while vamping up their handouts of money, materials and empty promises to constituents. Meanwhile, the people’s general needs such as employment and healthcare facilities have been neglected over the years to the point of deplorability. Therein lies a perfect example of why the country’s revenues are being misappropriated and tucked away in offshore banks to be used against the will of the people, when the time arises to choose their representatives. How much more can a government diminish the self-esteem and self-worth of a people?

Nonetheless, it will be up to the constituents to assert themselves by choosing the candidate who has been there for them throughout the years, and has their interests at heart. More importantly, they should not rely on handouts offered only prior to an election, but instead, go with the one in whom they place their trust to provide sustainable jobs to afford them the ability to maintain their families. Once again, the people of the Soufriere, Scotts Head, Pointe Michel, and Galion Constituency, are being given another chance at making the right choice. Seldom does one enjoy the luxury of a second opportunity to redeem oneself; these constituents should therefore consider themselves lucky to be given a second chance at redemption. This time, however, let’s hope that they will let their voices be heard, by voting with their consciences. After all, allowing themselves to be fooled a second time would simply mean the joke is on them.

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  1. Intellegence
    May 20, 2016

    ALL of you who who critique negatively this article better STOP before you all give
    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque Cerebral Aneurysm or a heart attack

    he has mentioned to me that he has three degrees yet wants a high school dropout to be our prime minister
    He has also told me that he is a multi millionaire, the high school dropout is going to need one of those millions for all the lawsuits he is under

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque and the entire UWP is all the same will not spend one dollar to help out a Tropical Storm Erika victim but will spend thousands to pay his master court bill,

    and this man thinks and say laborites are stupid

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 20, 2016

      “he has mentioned to me that he has three degrees yet wants a high school dropout to be our prime minister”(An Idiot).

      Do not rob me of my academics; don’t try to take away any of my accomplishments from me: Let it be noted that I earned and possess four academic degrees!

      1. Associate in Science: Electronics Engineering

      2. Associate of Arts in the Liberal Arts

      3. Bachelor of Science; Electronic Engineering

      4. Bachelor of Science: Electrical Engineering

      Now while you run off your mouth, expediting your stupidity, I challenge you to disclose your name, and state your profession, and qualification: I do not hide using any fictitious, because I am not fake, I am not a nobody like you!

      And I tell what added to my academics I also have a sound medical background, any day of the week I wish to return to medical school, I can return to complete complete, becoming a medical doctor; can you say that?

      Boy get lost you are nothing to me, I regard you as a bit dog feces!

  2. Anthony P. Ismael
    May 19, 2016

    Not even reports from the international community about the Panama Papers have the ability to faze our citizens. Reggie and company have placed them in a permanent trance where up is down and down is up. The love for political party instead of the love for country and integrity above all else is the type of nightmare that they try to avoid at all cost.
    The innocence of our children is treated as a mere commodity that is bought by the powerful and sold by the powerless to their own detriment. There appears to be no shred of evidence, logic or common sense reasoning capable of casting away the spell of Reggie and the boys

  3. Anthony P. Ismael
    May 19, 2016

    The chances of the people of Soufriere choosing integrity versus 15 years of corruption are slim-to-none. The allure of free plywood, cement and galvanize is so much more powerful than integrity, character and justice. We need to look no further than the speech given by one Ms. Denise Charles. This “Charlatan and Glory-Hound” pretended as if Ian stepped aside for health or family reasons. His defiance in the face of the facts, given their serious nature tells me that our citizens are in a permanent daze. This is far greater than mere party-politics and the ability of a few to mesmerize the minds of the simple. This is a full blown magic trick complete with tricks, the likes of which we have not seen before.

    • AAGabriel
      May 20, 2016

      You are spot on. But I would advice the electorate of Soufriere to beat Skerrit at his own game: take all his small gifts and presents and then vote against the DLP. It makes sense… you get the best of both worlds. Let’s go for it and teach Skerrit, Pinard and that two-faced woman a lesson.

  4. Of a Truth
    May 19, 2016

    Mr. Joseph you are right on target. He who have ears to hear let them hear. God Almighty will put things in perspective all in His time. I cannot understand what type of coolaid we have been given to drink in Dominica that we so blindly defend evil even when it is starring us right between the eye. Time will tell according to Masterly Laban (deceased)

    • indira Ghandi
      May 19, 2016

      Beatiful piece of writing.
      Whoever you are,this writing comes from an intelligent man.
      one who is capable of thinking for himself.
      my people,take heed.

    • Gary
      May 20, 2016

      What, Mr Joseph is right about. I will tell this about hearing, never believe all that you hear, always verify the original source of information, reading between the lines is a life long quest of the wise, so long for you foolishness about he who have ears to hear let them hear. Your reference to God regarding his perspective very ludicrous.Why don’t you question your political partisan beliefs first before you try and understand what cool aid Dominicans are given that they so blindly defend evil, it is easy to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly.

  5. island girl
    May 19, 2016

    The story of corruption has been going on and on for YEARS
    I am wondering y have they not present the evidence and arrest
    the people involved. Unity is Strength and if we unite we can
    agree to disagree and work together to unite the people for the betterment
    of DOMINICA. When I look at the Country it is not painted neither RED or Blue
    so inciting violence is not helping the country…I am neutral in this matter politically
    we all love our country and we have to unite to make life better

    • Reasoning
      May 20, 2016

      Island girl,i totally agree with you that we should unite to make life better for our country.This is why now is the appropriate time to come together and remove this evil thugs posing as government,before it’s too late.You can’t pretend to remain neutral,cause this not exist as only dead people who are neutralized.

  6. ??
    May 19, 2016

    Man all you just want to seat all you as#$% overseas and tell people what to do. This remote control thing eh going to work. Come home and fight the struggle on the ground. Be part of the change you want to see. Talk talk and more empty. Before all get a little education you all want to play intellectual on us. We will listen to you when you are part of the real change. No more remote control take over. Although Thompson is in DA due to circumstance he is part of the fight so learn from that. Until yo can do that go back in your hole….

  7. ByStander
    May 19, 2016

    It is obvious that much time an effort was poured into this article. It is also clear as to what side of the color the author is on. It is only when individuals with no personal agenda who are looking at the issues with open minds and taking a view from all angles that true progress can be achieved, Until then, article such as this one and others will just be as such, articles.

  8. possie
    May 19, 2016

    Leave them people in their misery nor. U don’t see they love how the country running and life is for them.

  9. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 19, 2016

    “What do you mean: I was informed that my sister was the first person at he poling booth on

    election day, and voted for me cousin Athena! Isn’t voting supposed to be a private matter?”(Independent Observer).

    Mr./Miss./Madam/Sir Fictitious, I must asks; are you kidding me?

    Don’t you know the meaning of someone being informed? I will not waste my time to give you the definition of the word, since you should have learnt that in kindergarten if you been there!

    The only privacy of voting is that one is not allowed to go into the voting boot accompanied by anyone; and the reason for that is to prevent one person from influencing someone to for someone the actual voter did not intend to for.

    After the person cast their vote, they are free to tell anybody who the voted for, they influence, or tell anybody who to vote outside of the poling station.

    Bribing people to vote is a crime, telling someone who you vote for is not a crime period!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 19, 2016


      Charting aircrafts, and giving people free tickets to travel from the United States, Canada, and other parts of the Caribbean to go to Dominica to vote to keep a corrupted, and confounded bunch of people in government is a crime, that is bribery.

      To promise to do something directly, and exclusively for an individual in return for the persons vote is a crime!

      To give money; buying cars, and giving a sheet of plywood, and a sheet of galvanized to people in order to get them to vote for a certain individual is bribery; hence it is a felony, one can be sent to for that. If Dominica was a place where morality, and high ethics took precedence over corruption, every government minister, in Dominica, and their subordinates would be serving time in jail this very day, and that includes (me cousins’ Gloria, and Athena too).

      Note: a felony is a criminal offense, it is not a misdemeanor!

  10. ????????
    May 19, 2016

    Underage as well but we did not have all those organisation for abused women and children then. So they got away with their escapades.

  11. ????????
    May 19, 2016

    Big word article trying to make yourself be glorified now I see trying to say I am better than this that. Self glorification…. Give a little love. More love, more power. Hatred, Anger, Jealous, Envy, not bringing up only down and negative mentality, problems with everything, seeing only evil in others not looking at the positive can only destroy the minds of those who harbour those negativity. Bless you. Mr Joseph handouts, galvanize, brogodow was first given in the 1990 – 1994 Era . Do your research and tell me what you come up with. I am not using my name for your information not because I am afraid but this is unethical for my business. I cater for all persons. But I am afraid to show who I support and I do not want self agrandisement. I do not want fake friends because of who I support. I know all of you too well. Many talk, talk especially about child abuse when back I the 1970’s, they were guilty of the same thing. They had chick’s like tower under 16…

    • %
      May 19, 2016

      I disagree totally with you..It’s a fantastic well written article about a badly governed country..Many greedies who are helping to bleed the country don’t want to hear, listen or read such…We are on course to what is happening to Venexiela.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2016

      NO wonder you name is in question. YOu sound defeated and vex that Supremo is called to account to Dominicans for he and his government mismanagement of Dominica and its resources.

      Mr. Joseph, exceptionally good article, good reading. The minds of Skerrit have difficulty comprehending.
      Thanks, God Bless

    • Lance
      May 19, 2016

      I think that you feel intimidated by the high level of English, as you are so used to the terrible English of your idol.

    • Reasoning
      May 20, 2016

      I know who you are and many of us know!This is why i don’t support your business the same way i don’t support the restaurant business at the airport!

  12. ????????
    May 19, 2016

    Big word article trying to make yourself be glorified now I see trying to say I am better than this that. Self glorification…. Give a little love. More love, more power. Hatred, Anger, Jealous, Envy, not bringing up only down and negative mentality, problems with everything, seeing only evil in others not looking at the positive can only destroy the minds of those who harbour those negativity. Bless you.

  13. ????????
    May 19, 2016

    Continued…. please be assured that you are ones champion. We can speak for ourselves. We have our own eyes. We can see for ourselves, we can assess for ourselves. We all have our opinion but our opinion cannot and should not be pushed down the throat as the onlynone. Get off your high horses and respect God first and then others. We have brilliant persons here too who can make informed decisions. This is a democracy and whilst Irespect your choice of whom you support, you cannot thrust tour opinion on others. Most of you tend to disrespect those who do not support your party or your preference. What has a son of the son Roosevelt Skerrit done to you? Or further more the DLP. Time to embrace and love for live conquereth all. Emancipated yourselves from hatred slavery, sleeplessness slavery, stress slavery, strife slavery. Love our Creator who will inject you with the love mentality. Then you will love yourselves and then others. This is so sickening .

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2016

      What has a son of the son Roosevelt Skerrit done to you?

      Answer: He has destroyed the country, our beloved home. He has questions to answer as to stole or was involved in the Bin and Fertilizer Bobol.
      Big Time he owes an explanation. e talk about it just like the people in Venezuela are fed up with dictatorial leaders , a fanfare of themselves but empty barrels.
      Dominica is in poverty and this government is corrupt, it is time you wake, question your loyalty and join the truth , the truth will save you.

  14. ????????
    May 19, 2016

    Mr Joseph come again but look you talking. Where you ever hear that people hear cannot talk. MATT in the morning is on everyday on every issue and people calling in and bashing, hatred, unlove, all the negatives you can think of. The problem with you guys is you act like a dictator of opinions. As long as the persons speaking and it does not align with your political preference or if the person not talking hate of PM and DLP, then you consider that muzzled. We who are at home are in a position to express our opinion. It does not have to align to yours, and all the negative come taters on DNO. Jehovah gave all man a free will. You and all your UWP cohorts who want to rule come what msy. Many of you sound intelligent but this is not a
    Ways wosdom. Many of you overseas and I an speaking about the negative persons are so self Centred and this attitude , although overseas where you say all is good, have wasted your time hating and causing strife, have nothing to show for it…

    • faceup
      May 19, 2016

      Wow bro it looks like that article hit you in your belly… But is people like you that keep DA poor

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2016

      He is referring to the political victims…we know them, they are silent because they have families.

    • FORKIT
      May 19, 2016

      mills if you doh have nothing to do try cleaning some of the dirty gutters in roseau.

  15. JBaptiste
    May 19, 2016

    One man runs Dominica for sure but that man is not PM Skerrit , the sooner we understand that the better for us. We are losing this battle because we have not identified the real enemy. The PM is just the medium through which this man speaks. Oh no its not TONY either. Tony is the guard dog and first line of defense to the palace of that king. He stays in the shadows and he is neither heard or seen but he pontificates with authority . This my friend is not a conspiracy theory..One hint, he is also a SC.

  16. AAGabriel
    May 19, 2016

    As long as the majority of citizens allow the DLP to buy them, nothing is going to change. Most Dominicans are satisfied with the status quo. Most are satisfied with small gifts and empty promises. Today, I believe, Dominica has arrived at a crossroads and if the wrong turn is made there is no way back.

  17. May 19, 2016

    Dominicans like mediocrity a lot ,give me a galvanize sheet ,a bag of cement ,a whisky in the shop,send a vehicle to transport me to the polling station on the voting day and i will vote for you ,hence the reason for them to be living with a muzzle in their mouth ,tolerating such high level of corruption.Even the court have no power to prevent a man who is accused on sexual molestation to stand up ,mouth wide open telling the people he is not going any where and “kakarat” must stay there.Dominica is silently and blatantly running into a serious crisis.

  18. uuu
    May 19, 2016

    Your by hypothesis article can’t be understood. You flirty flirty words is resonating good for Ms. PR of St.Mark constituent.

    • Happy Camper
      May 19, 2016

      Maybe he should apologize for your ineptness. Speak for yourself. I understood fully. Let me try to translate, He said that people like to beg and like to receive things. That all you letting one man run all you. He said that a parl rep resign for charges of a sexual nature on a little girl. he say to stop waiting on handouts in exchange for votes. He basically saying, some people just too lazy to think for themselves and prefer for their master to feed them… kinda like little slaves. he never say that but you should get the point now.

  19. looking
    May 19, 2016

    Honestly i am convinced that Dominica is under a spell. Those in authority must be as we say “dealing”, in order to hold such a stranglehold on this society. This society is a like a test society to implement policies from the “Prince” by Niccolò Machiavelli. A society where “the power of 48” can be implemented. There are 3 reasons why control is being kept on such a society. 1. The poor and vulnerable are brainwashed they don’t know what is going on. Don’t blame them. 2. Those more influential people, they are in churches preying on the ignorance of the people. They are burdened by mortgages so they enjoy their power and source of income. 3. The greedy, those who already have and keep filling their pockets, with one foot in and one foot out. In all honesty the majority of the people don’t have access to DNO. They are fed from DBS, Kairi, Marpin 2k4 among others. Many people are intimidated especially among the communities. This resembles biblical description of the…

  20. Concern Citizen
    May 19, 2016

    Jeff that day Skerrit didn’t buy your books, you never seems to come to terms get over it Jeff and move on.

  21. Massacre
    May 19, 2016

    Jeffers, I know that you mean well for Dominica and its people at large, but Dominicans do not know better and as such will settle for the little tricks that the politicians are playing with them.
    You are not he only person overseas who are trying to open their eyes, but the cobwebs are thick that they can\’t see pass an election.
    sad state of affairs but I hope and pray that one day Dominicans will see the light.

  22. cameron
    May 19, 2016

    Mr.Joseph great article,but our people has lost it.Roosevelt Skerrit is their idol an savior,but our almighty will shed light on them soon.

  23. jim jones
    May 19, 2016

    tell jeffers joseph go get a job and leave the pm alone

  24. PIM
    May 19, 2016


    • %
      May 19, 2016

      But you are begging!!

    • mi
      May 19, 2016

      All they will do is stay in America and run their mouths. Ask them to come home and make a contribution they will never return but want to stay out and try to run things here… never happen. Skerrit and his government will handle things here.

  25. info
    May 19, 2016

    Mr.Joseph you need numbers dear boy not your personal opinion.Our country is better off than many of the other so called developed nations. We have to be patient and admit that if there was anyone else running the country they would have abandoned ship especially after tropical storm Erica or Erika whatever her name was.We always stay on the outside and critic but when we get there it is another kettle of fish!

    • looking
      May 19, 2016

      That’s what you are made to believe or you are one perpetuating this info to the vulnerable, the naive and gullible

    • Jean Simpson
      May 19, 2016

      Mr. Joseph needs to be specific. his generalities of corruption etc based on mere speculation and innuendos cannot stand the bare scrutiny of an ever wise population. he cites proceeds of the economic citizenship program going NOT in the people’s treasury but in offshore accounts. Is he serious? He is yet to show one iota of evidence in support of his nefarious claims. Come on Mr. Joseph, prove your case or clear the air about whose programs you are championing. bring on the details.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 19, 2016

      You are the most stupid person yet alive on the planet!

      If you had any commonsense you would have discovered that Skerrit has long abandoned Dominica!

      In case you doubt that, ask your stupid self why is that all of Skerrit children with his wife are born in America, when he Skerrit is the Prime Minister of Dominica?

      Ask yourself why Skerrit chose to become a citizen of France, and his is also a citizen of the United States of America?

      As for this crap about Dominica is much better off than most other islands, that is the lie Skerrit told you and you wallow in and believe it. So, ask yourself how come there are more than fifteen thousand Dominicans residing in Antigua allowing themselves to be treated like dogs rather than return to Skerrit better off Dominica!

      Compare the salaries paid in Dominica to that paid in other Caribbean countries. Be reminded Skerrit monthly pay is less than what a former Prime Minister in Antigua gets for sitting at home doing nothing! You…

      • Mahaut
        May 20, 2016

        Please do a a search of Caribbean countries by GDP and see where Dominica lies.

        When we comment out of pure malice and not try to educate the public with truths, that is irresponsible. You want change, be the change you want to see. Come back to Dominica and make that change, instead of being a Political nuisance on there.

    • icho
      May 19, 2016

      Real Jack Ass talking ………way papa bon dier help my people in their way of thinking. We appear to be brain wash and rinse.

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      When are you guys gonna that this low comment rating is really what it is coming from you. Rise above this and think of Dominica and how she has slowly been reduced to poverty by this Skerrit led Corrupt DLP government….

      Read the article again and be educated………and protect Dominica from this evil doers

  26. Whistler
    May 19, 2016

    The Trail over many a year has shown that Dominicans are pretty much a thumps down Society, they lack the ability to do the right thing when needed…

    They are extremely selfish, and pretend allot, hidden under that dark cloak .

    Don’t see anything changing in a hurry, allot of pretty chatter and nicely written articles are Good to a certain point………..but where are the results?

    Due to the fact that 70% of the citizens are highly ignorant, thus the element of spiritual Darkness will thrive and flourish, it’s depressing and unimaginable but it’s the fact!!

    Souls may have to be counted to shift the balance, will that be done? who knows!

    • Under the radar
      May 19, 2016

      You lost me at spiritual darkness. But the previous is very accurate which are just too coward to admit.

    • Fcrees
      May 19, 2016

      ‘Souls have to be counted?’ You must be part of the 30% ‘bright’ Dominicans
      Go shed your blood somewhere else.

  27. Dalit
    May 19, 2016

    What a confused man.

    He starts off talking about demonstrating and he ends by telling ppl from Soufriere that they should vote out Labour if they know what good for them.

    politics by Internet doesn’t work.

    • %
      May 19, 2016

      I find he is on point…Far from confused.

    • Nac Vibes
      May 19, 2016

      Talking about demonstration, there you are demonstrating your self, demonstrating the art of playing smart and not being clever.
      For information, voting is a form of demonstration, demonstrating one’s dissatifaction with the status quo.

  28. TJ
    May 19, 2016

    Well said Mr. Joseph

  29. Tj
    May 19, 2016

    Mr. Jeffers Joseph your article is comprehensive, well written and to the point. The people of that constituency will listen and do the right thing. The soufriere constituency deserves a change and the UWP with Higgs Adams offer the alternative.j

  30. Bushmaninda
    May 19, 2016

    Talk and more talk. Words and more words. I am tired of the liturgy of ills that affect this island. It is so bad that even those who have chosen to extricate themselves by living overseas know how bad things are here in D/A. Not to infrequently we have commentaries from guys wearing suits, telling us how bad things are. Of all those talkers and wordsmiths none have provided a blue print for public action to change things. As I see it this one man government, as you put it, is sustained by the dearth of leadership in Dominica. Granted, not all of us have what it takes to inspire the people to action, however I find this kind of commentary out played and has served its time. It is time for action from committed leadership that can garner the support of the people for the needed change. The present political leadership in Dominica seems incapable of uniting the people to action. We need Leadership, not outplayed commentaries.

  31. Dominica massive
    May 19, 2016

    Is this democracy when Dominicans are been held hostage paying legal bills for someone who refuse to make a contribution towards Dominica?One hand garbing ,the next hand pushing. It seems that malice and slamming is the order of the day.Your political base is weaken with an opposition which cannot provide an economic alternative,but push down every effort the government is making.Their aim is to destabilize the country.They are trying their utmost best to divide and conquer.Defamation of character is the order of the day.They have become Judge.Jury and executioner.They are trying their utmost best to create a protest base on ill will.Therefore they are instigating words of separation. I suspect sooner or later Dominica is going to have a lot of Sue and counter sue.People use other people name without having proper facts.They believe anything they hear without making proper research.They are hungry for power and its the order of the day.What Dominica need is togetherness……

    • viewsexpressed
      May 20, 2016

      I have never read such utter rubbish and ignorance for a long time. Are you for real? Do you live in Dominica or are you an ignorant passers by…? Wake up smell the coffee and the bobol and corruption and ineptness…and the Panama papers and the bin bobol and the endless corruption and travelling.
      Apres Bondie ce Later

  32. Mr m
    May 19, 2016

    It would mean that We don’t want Lennox Linton! Why do you want to choke us with this ignorant man?

    • %
      May 19, 2016

      I am not part of the we..Go check the meaning of we…Leaving out the overseS votes,UWP and DLP would get an equal number of votes at the 2014 elections.

    • Nonsense
      May 19, 2016

      Nobody is choking anyone, if this is what you get from this article. I do not agree to Lennox Linton running the country, however the leniency of Dominicans to stand their grounds is quite true, why does it have to always be Red or Blue. and why do we sit back and be ridiculed by a One Man government? Why do we bow to a Man who has a job and turns it into his lifestyle, while giving us bare minimum. There is soooo much that could be done within the last 15 years which would have brought us further.

  33. Benediction
    May 19, 2016

    My boy, I couldn’t agree with your thought process more!

    We’ve allowed “One Man” who lacks any moral campus to bring D/ca on the brink of no return – my heart bleeds for my country. As for Soufriere – a once vibrant and self-dependent villiage, under this administration it has become one of the least productive communities in D/ca. There’s this self-dependency syndrome among villagers, rendering them useless… let’s evaluate things a bit. Soufriere produces no scholars worthy of holding the highest office to better take care of its affairs, no role models, academics, sportsmen/women, music & cultural group of any notoriety – just nothing that offers a ‘pool bank’ of talents to make it’s mark on D/ca, the region and by extension the big wide world.

    My treasured village demise is the victim of “One Man’s” action over the years and a people that sees begging as an only means of survival. The days of providing for family and friends have stopped – no more charity from…

  34. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    May 18, 2016

    “They are seemingly quite satisfied to allow their fingers to do the walking, while they remain anonymous as they habitually complain on the telephone and other social media.”(Jeffers).

    You see Jeffers, that is the Dominica mentality at work; they fear even Skerrit shadow, they tremble at his sight, they run off their mouth on DNO as if they are angry and discontent with the dictates, victimization, and vindictiveness of Skerrit: they vent for five years. They argue without a name, they hide behind some stupid fictitious name.

    However, when the day comes for them to use the power of the pen to fire Skerrit, most of them gets down on their knees and pray “thank God for Skerrit.” Skerrit mesmerizes their mind with simply crap like sugar, and flower, or a bit of plywood, and a sheet of galvanize, and nobody can tell me it is not that simple, because that is what the daughter of my uncle Gloria Dodds (Dods) Shillingford gave to my sister, and got her hooked on Skerrit! Our…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 18, 2016


      Our mother is Gloria’s aunt!

      Every year my cousin Athena keep witting my sister name on paper promising her house. How on earth both Gloria and Athena going to give my sister, house when Gloria did not have a proper house to live in, she is now building one. How come Athena is going to promise my sister house, when she does not have a house in Dominica, nor Canada?

      But that’s what they do to people; and ignorant people like my sister believe their lies!

      I am speaking from experience, Just before the last election they promised my sister a house, they eventually gave her a voucher for a little over twelve thousand dollars to go to Portsmouth to get material to do repairs to her house, when she showed up with the voucher it produced nothing! Prior to that my sister called me and ask me for money to take care of the repairs, I sent her money; whatever she and my nieces used the money for only they knows, they however, prefer to wait on Skerrit to give them free…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 18, 2016

      The Final Episode:

      I sent her money; whatever she and my nieces used the money for only they knows, they however, prefer to wait on Skerrit to give them free money, meanwhile every election they run out and vote for Skerrit.

      Believe you me I talked with my sister on the telephone, for almost two hours, trying to influence her not to vote for Athena, she me okay I will not vote for her; I was informed that my sister was the first person at he poling booth on election day, and voted for me cousin Athena!


      What can anybody do with people like that: It will take the power of God to move Skerrit out of office, because Dominicans are too scared to vote against him, I suspect he might be the devil himself with all powers over the majority of our people. A promise is a fools pleasure, the majority of Dominicans takes pleasure in Skerrit’s lie and promises as they sink lower in misery, and poverty as the day progresses

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 18, 2016

      The Final Episode:

      I sent her money; whatever she and my nieces used the money for only they knows, they however, prefer to wait on Skerrit to give them free money, meanwhile every election they run out and vote for Skerrit.

      Believe you me I talked with my sister on the telephone, for almost two hours, trying to influence her not to vote for Athena, she me okay I will not vote for her; I was informed that my sister was the first person at he poling booth on election day, and voted for me cousin Athena!


      What can anybody do with people like that: It will take the power of God to move Skerrit out of office, because Dominicans are too scared to vote against him, I suspect he might be the devil himself with all powers over the majority of our people. A promise is a fools pleasure, the majority of Dominicans takes pleasure in Skerrit’s lie and promises as they sink lower in misery, and poverty as the day progresses

      • Independent Observer
        May 19, 2016

        What do you mean: I was informed that my sister was the first person at he poling booth on election day, and voted for me cousin Athena! Isn’t voting supposed to be a private matter?

    • abc
      May 19, 2016

      woy doe kill me francisco airig your family business like that id never speak to you again

  35. Former Labour Supporter
    May 18, 2016

    This is a a brilliant piece. Dominica earns much more money than is spent on national development; where does the money go? I guarantee you, if another political party, with an honest leader, were to be in governance, then Dominica would certainly be different.

    • ????????
      May 19, 2016

      You serious. You see any other honest one? Do you see the urgency of Power displayed. If persons would think of country before self, do you think k the opposition would so bent on behaving that way of only bashing. They have not taken any meaningful contribution of development in the country. All I see a bunch of disgruntled, hatred filled people who hate a son of the soil so much, that they spend all the five years castigating, spewing hatred, inciting others to become like them. My Father what can they show for their achievements except hell bent o getting power. Sometimes I even see them as coupers. They want to be in power at all cost. The think they are the god of the nation. What they say goes and who does not agree with them as enemies. They call the people who vote hungry and all kind of deregatory names. They have not convinced me as alternatives. Angry and arrogant people need to calm down and humble to be able to serve. Blessed day to you all. Love

    • viewsexpressed
      May 19, 2016


  36. Lol
    May 18, 2016

    Mr looking guy, and very stupid for a guy man.

  37. Hard working Dominican
    May 18, 2016

    Who is Jeffers Joseph and what has he contributed to Dominica. Why is he accusing our best Prime Minister ever without evidence. I am quite sure that if evidence exist he would be charged by now.

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      May 19, 2016

      You should be put away in a mental asylum; is it not the same stupidity of people like you the man is talking about? Each time the brave, the truthful, the more educated people try to educate people politically.

      Some of you comes with your nonsense asking stupid questions such one idiot has done asking what has Jeffers done for Dominica lately.

      In my opinion what he has lately is wasting his time writing this opinion trying to exposed the way in which Skerrit operates and succeed in muzzling the majority of, so dumb, you believe Skerrit is the beat Prime Minister Dominica ever had, Skerrit has done more damage to Dominica than the riot instigated by Dominica’s now Skerrit puppet president Savarin when he overthrow Patrick John.

      And if anyone ask me, I would tell them Patrick John was the best Prime Minister Dominica ever had seconded by Edison James!

      • Hard working Dominican
        May 19, 2016

        Really, calling somebody you do not know an idiot and referring to a convict as the best prime minister. Well after 10 years of university education if my dear friend is more educated kudos to him. Yet you think a high school drop out should be prime minister. Deal with it. The majority has spoken. Suffer. I am 40 years old and have stayed right here in Dominica to contribute meaningfully to my country and so has Dr. Skerrit

  38. Unknown
    May 18, 2016

    Well said

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