COMMENTARY: And then there were nine! It is getting serious…..

The loss of newcomer Black Diamond seemed to hit the hardest

Graduation day is a day like no other. It’s the day which signifies that the hard work, preparation and expenses incurred were well worth it. But this graduation ceremony would be different. Having celebrated the pride of a successful Quarters Undergrad, and the accomplishment of participating in a Masters level semi, all the candidates were anxious to be selected as prospects for the calypso PhD. But alas, the University only had space to accommodate nine.

At this ceremony, friends, family and well wishers were all invited to the conference room to support the candidates who would plead their case. Plead? Picky, the first to take the floor, begged. Having had his application turned down many times before, his strategy was an erudite supplication. But, despite the cries for One More Year and I Love You, the selection panel rejected his entreatments. He wasn’t the only senior dismissed. Familiar figures in the university halls, Hunter and Scrunter were also deemed unworthy–and not just by the judges.  Hunter’s well crafted The Asphalt failed to have the muster and impact of previous rounds. Likewise, Scrunter who seemed perhaps, to fare slightly better, found that his Advice fell on deaf, resistant ears. Even a new, updated verse on the speaker and opposition could not catapult him over the gate. Observer’s Hulk Hogan tactic of shirt tearing and Rambo combating left the crowd cold. The ceaseless, drawn out notes overpowered and distracted from the lyrical tightness of State Enemy.

Human beings have been called creatures of habit, rarely straying from their personalities.  Checker, Jamma B and Triumph are psychology textbook examples of this. What we can expect from them is a gentlemanly delivery to accompany an impressive composition. What you can not expect is a surprise, an exertion, or a thrill. Checker’s interview was straightforward. He expressed the dangers of unconditional love sans check, and balances, then, hat in hand, excused himself.  Jamma B ignored the Silent Tears he had been complaining about for the past few weeks and veering between an Old Testament Prophet and a Shepherd, opted instead to slowly remind us, that Man was Born to be Free. Triumph was sagacious enough to call in rum drinking, President mimicking extras to add amusement to his smartly sarcastic observation about the value of rum in local elections. Sadly, all the messages got lost in the messengers.

Hurt eclipsed disappointment, outran rage, and provoked abandonment. Lugars presented a multi lingual theological thesis on Pastor-ship. Hopes of hearing his dissertation at the Doctoral level were cut short when he choked during his discourse on Strange Language. Although attempting a quick recovery, in this competitive field, there is little mercy for error. Comforter, also dogmatizing pastoral virtue, was denied a chance at Glory. Perhaps his muffled articulation, and over excitement proved too much, and in the process an entertaining song was discarded. Peter Pros may be relieved that he has no reason to tax his memory any further. His empty Hairy Bank proved unready and unsuited for the grand stage.

But it was the loss of newcomer Black Diamond which seemed to hit the hardest.  After stumbling through his final verse of Pit Toilet, a candle was snuffed out. He was dejected, the crowd was dejected! Some left the show, some held their heads, some teared up, others scolded those who cleaved to advanced high expectations. Regardless of the reaction, for certain, the audience’s mood never really recovered after that.  That in itself is a sort of compliment to the young lad. That both his successes and his stumblings can so affect a people, indicate that his calypso career has only just begun–if he wants it!

And then, there were nine. Interviews over, the panelists concluded that the passion, appropriateness and talent in Bob’s call to protect any Child of Mine deserves another hearing. They also felt Web’s smooth, soulful, cohesive questioning of the mystery of our passports in Wey Dey Gone, should be explored again. While Explosion’s performance and voice was not his best of the season, he has been given the opportunity to perfect the witty, delightful Pasta Wine he’s been brewing. Soul Puss thrives in simplicity. In delivering Never Be a Slave Again, he stuck to his strengths of the Prophet Isaiah Proclamations in both dress and style, and it paid off. Dice transforms his stage and transfixes his loyal audience into a spell. The song Stand For Teacher is an emotive one, the performer, commanding.

Vigilante is a silent impending threat. If he continues with this oxymoron of charismatic seriousness, he may just turn regular predictions Back to Front. He sways the crowd with a gentle lull without them even realizing they are being swayed and rocked. Caressah, is undoubtedly theatrical and entertaining. Eyes were glued, ears were cocked to his cleverly masked rendition of Rose‘s Blows with her Shoes.  The finals high energy hype is secured with Checko’s Am-Pm. His use of lighting to accentuate his presentation adds further creativity to an already interesting calypso. Sye’s slowed version of the up-tempo Fire/Burning forced many to question the lyrical potency of his epistle. With floods of fire and burn rushing constantly through the song it shows that many things combine to make good calypso, including melody and delivery. A little bit of everything may just be enough, suggested the judges.

So, the candidates have been chosen. The last leg of the race is about to be run. Pressure mounts, anxiety abounds, bets are made, predictions are lodged, and hopes are raised. The Queen is calmly waiting, declaring confidently, that she’s not leaving her throne nor her love for everything that is the art form. In the game of chess, the Queen is said to be the strongest piece. Is she really? We’re about to find out! As the parade of second songs rush out over the next two weeks, could Tasha P be unseated? Will she be dethroned? What do you think?

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  1. britbob
    February 7, 2012

    Great writing as usual !! . didn’t hear the show but have been listening to the songs and just based on that, I am excited about the final. While everyone seems a bit bent out of shape over Black Diamond , I have to say , I like the song as a calypso … its homophobic stance does leave me a little cold .. so I am not that perturbed about its absence from the final list. On another note … I would like to see some form of audience voting (via phones for a fee) counting as part of the marks… its 2012.. we can do this..

    • Tenderloin
      February 7, 2012

      audience voting?! no way!!! if that is de case, Dice would win EVERY YEAR!!

  2. Sexy Balaw
    February 7, 2012

    Wow! It was so enjoyable and easy to read this article. Did a Dominican write this? and in such quick time? Well Dominican Productivity consultant must meet this Dominican

  3. One Love
    February 7, 2012


    • doc
      February 8, 2012

      Yes Dice again. He has to keep to his speed of 100mph as the ruthless policemen are after him.
      Beat them down…babylon.


  4. A contestant
    February 6, 2012

    Nicely done Ms Riviere. This article is a must read. The use of words and humor that comes in make this piece very interesting. I love it. Thumbs up.

  5. st.joe on
    February 6, 2012

    well written thumbs up.

  6. Observer
    February 6, 2012

    Just to commemd the writer. Excellent prose and and use of proper English. I had to read all.

    My beef is with the apparent love that Dominicans seem to show for the art form. History has it that such high energy for calypso come to a predictable and obviously sudden death on Jouvert Morning when the “pan, pang, pang and jump, jump, jump” with absoluelty no lyrics or creativit comes on the road. We immediatley forget the calypso and how we were “fighting” for CALYPSO.

    By the way have we stopped to consider whether “The BOb” is singing calypso or a wailful ballad that is befitting his life style? It is said when we point one finger we have so four or nine others pointing back at us. Have we considered that Webb is not original? I am sure I have heard similar lines and the same tune song before. They say similarity is not he same.

    • Gigg-la
      February 7, 2012

      Ah magwaysa observer! to put Bob in that catigory is malicious and wicked. That the same thing i say about Dominicans they laugh with u some even eat yr food and turn around and destroy yr character stop hiding behind yr key board and try to destroy other people sackway maychasta

  7. possie
    February 6, 2012

    alas take 10 nor put in black diamon . he did not run out the stage like pros. and he was good put him in poor boy

    • doc
      February 8, 2012


  8. DR
    February 6, 2012

    Excellent article.

  9. By Stander
    February 6, 2012

    Calypso lover..are u nuts? i sat home and listened whilst i judged myself and at the end i had 8 out of 9 competitors…..well done judges and to Black diamond, i felt for u son, i almost cried, but doe dig this is calypso, u have to grow and u will learn more from yr mistake. U did very well for your first time. Coach him Explosion

  10. #GiveJaneherlipstick
    February 6, 2012

    Commendable article if I must say so…. :-D

  11. Jacqueline
    February 6, 2012

    Well writen Ms. Riviere!

  12. CIA on the watch
    February 6, 2012

    Compliments on this well thought out satirical commentary.

  13. Calypso Fan
    February 6, 2012

    I must also add that the checo who as a new comer created has generated great interest but I fear that both songs are not really strong enough to be a real threat to the Tashap the dice or even the Vigilante. Checo is obviously a neat writer who employs nice masking techniques but the lyrical embodiment of his songs does not portrait enough depth. I listened to the song “ He does Bug Her” and the song is humorous but lacks depth. The chorus need to be beefed up instead of just “He does Bug Her”. Maybe additional lines could be added after the refrain – there is ample room and opportunity in the chorus to beef up the song. Checo should consult with Pat or Tim or Ian to beef up the chorus. The chorus is dominated by brass /key board answering refrain followed by a lengthy interlude. Essentially Checo need to make this crown song much stronger to be a more formidable contender.
    I am nevertheless happy that Checo as a new comer has received great crowd support and has given a good account of himself. His coming has shown that there is great potential.

    • hmmm
      February 7, 2012

      There are some calypsonians in the finals who we know are not going to win but they add great value to the night of the competition.

      They bring the popular, crowd pleasing songs that make the finals an entertaining show. Checko is one of those. And that is commendable in itself. Similar to Peter Pros last year. Did you ever think he would win the crown? No. But you were glad you would get to hear ole speaker at the finals.

      While I agree that ‘Bug Her’ could be strengthened I think the entertainment value of the song and its smart mask more than qualifies it for a good run at the finals.

      • Calypso Fan
        February 7, 2012

        Hmmmm (lol) I respect your opinion and do understand your logic . I still believe that at the end of it all the 9 competitors are competing for the monarch. I hope you are not thinking that I have preference for someone other than Checo. Like I said I am very impressed with the first timer. I am not sure why you are indicating that I may have paid a blind eye to Peter Propere. The truth is I don’t even know Peter prospere or Checo. I just love calypso – that’s it. Any way I would love to see an improvement in Checo’s crown song and that would definitely increase his chances as a real threat in addition to being a crown pleaser. Crowd appeal does not cut – as you know Dice has a huge ;likely the largest fan base.

        I wish Checo the best nevertheless. My comment is meant to be constructive and if I knew Checo I would be telling exactly what I am sharing right now.

  14. Not a herd follower
    February 6, 2012

    I concur with the writer that Vigilante is a silent impending threat. He has one of the top four calypsoes this year.

  15. aaahhh
    February 6, 2012

    Good work Nadine….did not attend but I feel like I did with your wonderfully crafted article. You should do some more writing… I love good vocabulary sound articles.

  16. Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    I think this was the best semi finals in a long time, well for me the best i have seen. I want to big up the stage management which i think was very professional. I hope we can get a finals managed like this ,big up to Nath Isaac and his guys. DCA please have someone understudy what Nath is doing so when he decide to call it a day we can keep the standard.

  17. Worked with u.
    February 6, 2012

    Nadine keep up the good work, i look forward to reading ur articles after each show.

  18. February 6, 2012

    oh gosh Diamond really av us feelin all down :cry:sniff. everytime the song plays on the radio i feel sad he didnt made it

  19. dupigny
    February 6, 2012

    it hurt wen i heard wat happen to Black Diamond, i’m such a fan but i;m waitn 4 next year

    • i know
      February 7, 2012

      All of alu that there telling de boy how sad alu was when he didnt make it, sure bet if he was singing about alu goverment all of alu would have a different tune alu would be rejoicing he 4get his song bad dominicans

  20. big
    February 6, 2012

    Nice piece of writing my dear friend well said. And dont worry black diamond, you’ll b back next year, first time i’ve ever felt so bad listening to calypso and i’m still hurt. such is life!

  21. Calypso Fan
    February 6, 2012

    I am a huge fan of calypso and I thought that the semi finals was well judged. Like many other Dominicans listening on live stream I was in shock after the the Black Diamond messed up; I was also very disappointed when the Lugars fumbled. My biggest disappointment is the elimination of the Hunter who is my favorite calypsonian. As a unwavering fan of the Hunter I feel obliged to advise Hunter to seek external support going forward. The calypso – “ the Assfault “ is in my opinion the most brillienat and crafty calypso for 2012 however the lyrical composition is repetitious of all Hunters crown songs in particular. From the mid 90’s I’ve noticed that year after year Hunter tend to repeat the same lines . i.e the phrase “In my land” appears in all his songs. Hunter always come up with brilliant ideas however I think it is way past the time for Hunter to start collaborating with order writers to produce variations in his calypso compositions. There is no pride in the business as even the super great get their material from outside sources. It would be prudent that when the veterans like Hunter and Scrunter comes up with those great ideas that they consult with other song writers else they will continue to produce the same song year after year.

    I thought that Scrunter did a great job and improvement to his song and I am also very happy that he did not perform the song named the “ASSAULT”. As I said earlier I thought the song was a sign of weakness and double standard. In addition the song was obviously a rushed composition with very little significance. An anonymous blogger took me to task on my comment and thought that I was politically inclined. If this person listened to the Scrunter’s rendition on Saturday night he or she hopefully would have acknowledged that I was only being pragmatic.

  22. Adult ED
    February 6, 2012

    Overall a decent article. However the writer failed to give a true account of Dice’s superior performance on this night. Merely stating he transfixed his” loyal’’ audience into a spell and it was emotive is a travesty to a performance that could not be matched by any other competing. I am confident is saying that more than just “loyal” subjects can attest to the fact that they were transfixed by the superior performance of the four times King Dice. While I do believe Vigilante’s performance is deserving of a final appearance, I am not convinced that he is an impending threat more so than any other contender. If the integrity of the judging of calypso is maintained in the finals then the best performance on the night of the show is surely to win. I say so because all the songs in the finals are lyrically strong and meet the other judging criterion.

    • Anonymous
      February 6, 2012

      You are surely contradicting yourself here Adult ED, just come out and say it (like the biased radio commentators on DBS)that no one else BUT Dice is worthy of the crown. We know how you the Dice fanatics are already. That is why, even if this guy wins the crown, the songs he sing will NEVER make it passed Dominica’s shores, since instead of you fanatics being constructively critical, you do everything that the likes of you castigate the PM supporters for and treat the ‘Gangster King’ as a mini-god.

  23. Frank
    February 6, 2012

    Excellent article –well written I hope Pat Aaron gives Soul Puss a good second song

    • Anonymous
      February 6, 2012

      Me too

  24. Aye Dominique
    February 6, 2012

    Black Diamond Dominicans love you….come again next year, we are waiting…..

  25. Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    Graet writing. keep it up girl!!

    Maybe you should venture into writing calypso. Although the standards are at a high level, the topics are becoming too monotonous. Might very soon lead to downright boring if a few new talented (less politically-tainted) writers do not surface soon.

  26. congrats
    February 6, 2012

    Maybe explosion can give black diamond his place at the finals. Black diamond can sing pastor wine as his second song. Just a suggestion. Give the young guy a chance. A father suppose to help his son.

    • wadada
      February 6, 2012

      nonsense! you know nothing about calypso. How can he give black daimond his song?

  27. Canefield East
    February 6, 2012

    Very well put together article. Congratulations to the writer. I am truly sorry about Black Diamond. He was doing very well until he messed up in the end. However, he will be back next year. This is his first year and will learn from his experience and come back stronger next year. I honestly believe the semi-finals were well judged. Some people will never be satisfied no matter what.

  28. DAdontrelinquish
    February 6, 2012

    Ms. Riviere, beautifully done!!

  29. Anonymous
    February 6, 2012

    I love reading the piece as much as i love hearing the calypsos… Keep it up Ms. Riviere.

  30. trustee
    February 6, 2012

    Good job Explosion. Work on your rendition. Take honey and lime or what ever. Work on the voice. Good luck for the finals.
    The final nine was a good selection, but it will be like a tree missing a branch, the Black Diamond.

  31. Calypso Lover
    February 6, 2012

    This is the worst judging I have experienced in Calypso. Wonder what show the judges were judging.

    • Nice
      February 6, 2012

      come out there with your nonsense! WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT KAISO!!!!

    • ..........
      February 6, 2012

      wat stuipdness u talkin bout. u not from d/a. sot!

    • rebel
      February 6, 2012

      you sure is calypso you love or “the Pit toilet” joker

  32. Dominican
    February 6, 2012

    Congratulations to the writer. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece of writing. Thanks very much.

  33. Really?
    February 6, 2012

    Good Read Nadine….

  34. sweet
    February 6, 2012

    I am so sorry for Black Diamond, i cried like a baby. But dont worry we will be back and next time stronger. The experience will make him a better and more confident individial.

    • flexible
      February 6, 2012

      It will take years before I can get over this dilemma. None the less, the Black Diamond deserves a prize, because he did take Dominica by sorm in calypso. He will be back wih he same velociy next year. He shows good promise and will excel in all that he does. Stay focused my boy; excel is the key; keep toiling through the night whilst your companions are sleeping. You are definiely going to make us proud in all what you do.
      Proud of your son Joey!

    • Great
      February 6, 2012

      @ Sweet, i cried also, but he”ll be fine next year man, he just needs to cheer up now.

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