COMMENTARY: CARICOM leaders’ Commonwealth divide

Melanius Alphonse
Melanius Alphonse

Months ahead of the upcoming 2015 summit of the Commonwealth heads of government in Malta, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders are at a familiar impasse that is once again virtually beyond a crying shame; unable to present a consensus candidate as the next secretary general of the Commonwealth.

At that summit, the work of the Commonwealth Secretariat continues, in dialogue and collaboration between member governments at the intergovernmental level, building supporting and strengthening legal systems in member countries; provide guidance on policy making, technical assistance and advisory services; support governments to help achieve sustainable, inclusive and equitable development; promote democracy, rule of law, human rights, good governance and social and economic development.

Despite the fact that the work of the Commonwealth Secretariat is in support of development goals of the region, by now, it should be less cumbersome than it is made to believe for the selection of a CARICOM candidate from within the region that is already in active participation, serving as a voice of reason, a champion for empowerment in its totality, emblematic of the essence of the Commonwealth to promote democracy, rule of law, human rights, good governance, social and economic development.

Instead, CARICOM leaders are unable to break the cycle of individualism, and abandon pettiness that stifles regional integration, in pitting three candidates for secretary general of the Commonwealth, namely:

• Trinidad and Tobago nominated Dr Bhoendranath Tewarie, Minister of Planning;

• Dominica nominated Baroness Patricia Scotland, and;

• Antigua and Barbuda has nominated Sir Ronald Sanders, a former high commissioner to the United Kingdom and member of the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group.

As this plays out, it opens Pandora’s Box, for peddlers that advocate secular status and embedded linkages. In addition, this invites political public relations outfits to engage in paid political cynicism that reads “Support Dominica’s Candidate”.

In the interim, the bureaucratic process and inaction by CARICOM seems wedged in identity politics that believes in the Communist model, in serving close ties with Russia, China and Venezuela. And, hereditary politics that are usually descendents of political dynasties of educated elites that serve special interest groups.
The problem is that these drawbacks are instant and, on the world stage, are not reflective of the opinions and values of Caribbean people and in no way promote regional integration.

The region must demand a higher standard from government, in adherence to a wide range of global standards, and therefore the caliber of representation needed to produce a realistic plan, to solving current fundamental socio-economic and geopolitical situations on the horizon as an enshrined value.

The Commonwealth has long stood by its core principles of consensus and common action, mutual respect, inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, legitimacy, and responsiveness, yet CARICOM has not employed that approach to cement its strength in the global environment, and create new drivers of growth to facilitate the region’s expansion and global rise in the future.

For too long the Caribbean region has coexisted in smoke and mirror exercises, while citizens become comfortable in the clutches of regional and local governments and their representatives, with zero executive experience, no diplomatic experience and zero negotiating skills, unaccustomed to dealing with international creditors, negotiators, traders and lobbyists, instead simply feeling comfortable to open palm and bear hug diplomacy in the shadow of global powers.

The Chinese proverb makes clear that “If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed”, which amounts to no long lasting solutions for the region, except for CARICOM leaders to kick the can down the road for the next generation, and borrow the patrimony of the unborn, to the next crisis.

Indeed, CARICOM leaders must be held accountable, past and future, notwithstanding the interest of powerful western, Asia and European blocs and emerging blocs that shape agendas.

But so can CARICOM and the OECS with a coordinated system of governance and the combined use of political and socio-economic engagement.

It is very evident that democracy thrives when supporting institutions, non government organizations (NGOs), environmental, social, and governance, nonprofit organizations, and other civic groups are allowed to prosper in a robust regulatory framework.

Their influence can magnify and gain sufficient trust to make positive changes, not just in the best interest of their domestic arena; but promoting regional interests and the wider Caribbean internationally, given the complex and multilayered issues facing island states’ government exposure to foreign countries, in the pursuit of trade, cultural exchanges and broader interest in investments, security and building strategic alliances.

This generation needs precise action, leadership and diplomacy to brighten the future.

The onus is on CARICOM leaders to stand out with a consensus candidate, capable of utilizing tools and resources to champion the strategic interest of the Caribbean region as a single bloc, on the world stage.

Therefore CARICOM leaders should come to an agreement and further use this moment as a pivot for real expectations to build better governance, which is most desirable in this era of geopolitical and global economic configurations.

Ultimately, the next secretary general of the Commonwealth, preferably embedded from within the region’s calculus, whose relationship with contending powers is established, poised, but firm, in world capitals, is fundamental to maximize member countries of the Caribbean and the Americas regain lost ground, and influence in 21st century-led development.

Melanius Alphonse is a management and development consultant in St. Lucia. He is an advocate for community development, social justice, economic freedom and equality; the Lucian People’s Movement (LPM) critic on youth initiative, infrastructure, economic and business development. He can be reached at [email protected]

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  1. Harry Mack
    June 17, 2015

    I expected the writer to give an objective analysis of the various candidates and guide readers to making a choice based on their own judgement, but like our modern day Caribbean intellectuals, he does not bring any direction to the debate.
    As a Dominican I would support Baroness Scotland but as an objective Caribbean national it appears that Ronald Sanders is the most appropriate candidate. Baroness Scotland can create an embarrassment for the British government and she appears to be conniving with the Dominica Prime Minister in exchange for the job. She was responsible for Skerrit’s Knighthood. The T & T Ministered is tarnished with the nonsense of his government. Also Caribbean governments have supported Dominica for the PAHO position so its only fair to allow another country that opportunity. But again, who cares?

  2. DFR
    June 17, 2015

    I Agree with Nkrumah with the choice . I also find it quite disturbing that some of us constantly undermine and ridicule our administrative leaders. Some of it of course is warranted but do not constantly sell these people short , otherwise your comments will serve purpose . Whatever party you back is irrelevant .. .

  3. June 17, 2015

    By the way Dominica PM at the end of either June or July have to relinquish the position of Chairmanship to the Antigua PM Mr. Ashton Brown who will be the new Chairman of CARICOM..

  4. Views Expressed
    June 17, 2015

    Ronald Sanders is an eminent, scholastic and brilliant diplomatic, well read and has written many thought provoking articles that should be reprinted for us to read leading up to the Commonwealth Conference.
    I certainly do not trust our Prime Minister and who ever accompanies him at this meeting in Malta to represent us and Dominica`s justice. They are not well read, myopic, and there are too many questionable corrupt deeds that needs addressing. And this is not diplomatically speaking, this is Frank speaking.
    Good luck Sanders

  5. truth
    June 17, 2015

    baroness scotland would be a huge mistake ,just like skeritt is,
    Show me your friends and i’ll tell you who you are

  6. Oh Yes
    June 17, 2015

    Interesting perspective on the matter of addressing regional issues on a unified front. I concur that the lack of political and administrative maturity contributes to this void which exists in Caribbean leadership.
    Myopic behaviours and an unwillingness to collaborate will continue to hinder economic and social growth in our local geographic spaces and the wider region. The various states, for example, in the US compete against each other but collaborate on matters that promote the welfare of their citizens. While it is going to remain challenging leaders from all spheres must be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. That sacrifice involves creating consensus on who we want to have as the challenger for the post of Commonwealth Secretary.

  7. Governance
    June 17, 2015

    Well reasoned and written.

    This a major broblem for the Caribbean. Two years ago, Dr Etienne from Dominica was not supported by at least four Caribbean countries when she went up for the Director of Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The entire membership of PAHO knew she was the best candidate. Dr Etienne was not in the business of making promises to any country in exchange for votes. She got the support of non Caribbean countries to win the vote.

    I cannot say who should be the best candidiate as others have written, for I do not know which candidate best subscribes to the Commonwealth Secretariat’s core values. Having an extensive tract record in Dilpomacy as well as a long CV does not necessary qualify one to be the best canididate.

  8. Concern Citizen
    June 17, 2015

    I always look forward in reading your commentary. Excellent piece.

    I must endorsed Shaka zulu when he comment that there Minsters of this present administration in Dominica who will read this excellent commentary and will be in capable of digesting and analyzing the facts of your commentary.
    They are lacking the skills of management development programs and I would be happy if you are willing to organised a retreat with these present crop of government ministers in Dominica specifically to train them in Management Development and Economic and Social Developments. A special workshop exercise on Conflict Management will also help since they are lacking in this area.

  9. Moine Meme
    June 17, 2015

    I have a headache, but i get it.
    I will go faint now

  10. Shaka zulu
    June 17, 2015

    I like your piece. However there are many ministers of government in Dominica who will read and not have the capacity to understand. That should say a lot. Secondly when the PM of a country who was once chairman of caricom tells his people they cannot do anything, and his only plan for development is taxes or selling passports, and begging to fraudulently set up welfare department out of his office how is caricom gonna get any better. The reality is we are a product of Africa just take a look.
    The Caribbean has over 38 million people. That is more than the population of California, Texas, new York, and Florida the four largest states in US. Do you know what that means for trade, tourism, markets, etc. A whole lot. Like Africa we are yet to capitalize on it. UWI is only good for lawyers and agriculturist and could do a lot more in the technological, environmental, socio-economical advancement of the region. More needs to be invested in progressive ideas instead of re-election schemes

    June 17, 2015

    Excellent piece!! Of the candidates for the position though, my choice would be Sir Ronald Saunders given his extensive track record in diplomacy as well as his CV.

    • Titiwi
      June 17, 2015

      I second that Nkrumah. Baroness Scotland hardly qualifies as a regional candidate. She was born in Dominica, yes but left here for England at the age of 4. She mad her life and career in England, and good luck to her. I find it difficult to relate to her as Caribbean.

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