COMMENTARY: China’s presence in Dominica

Sir Ronald Sanders

The Caribbean island of Dominica is fast becoming a living example of the way that China has strengthened its influence by moving into countries that the United States and other Western nations have neglected.

According to a white paper on China’s foreign aid issued by China’s State Council on April 21, by the end of 2009 China had aided 161 countries and more than 30 international and regional organizations, including 123 developing countries.  Of them, 30 are in Asia, 51 in Africa, 18 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 12 in Oceania and 12 in Eastern Europe. Asia and Africa, home to the largest poor population, have got about 80% of China’s foreign aid.


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  1. Anthony P. Ismael
    April 29, 2011

    This is a fair and balanced article that explains in detail; the relationship between Dominica and The People’s Republic of China. It lays bare, China’s overarching policy and the level of aid that Dominica has received.

    Although there are concerns from local citizens about such assistance, Dominica’s infrastructure has and continues to benefit from China’s new found global power. My one hope is that the Government of Dominica will be able to secure assistance for improved air access in Dominica, from the Chinense Government.

    Improved air access is the one element that will help lift Dominica’s tourism, spur the construction of major hotels while improving the overall tourism product.

    If we are unable to maintain such a facility, leasing an improved airport to the Chinese Government for say twenty years, could be mutually beneficial to both nations. Hopefully, China’s goodwill toward Dominica will continue in earnest.

    • Arnold
      April 30, 2011

      true… Dominica needs an international airport which facilitates free flights from the major hubs in America… why because it costs more to fly to Dominica one way than it costs to buy a round trip ticket to Curacao… what nonsense is dat nuh…

    • March 25, 2017

      It is hard to imagine a country that has a record of human rights violations like China :twisted: towards its own people and those who visit them from abroad doing legitimate favors for Dominica.

      It would be prudent to expect China to have its own reason for any good they do for another country. Even as they are talking about bestowing goodies on Dominica they are working to steal island nations in the South China Sea.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. 8)

  2. Noble
    April 29, 2011

    Chinese or bust. It’s a no-brainer….Tiwan only gave us a misely 6 million without MOU, the US only helps us with 1 million every now and then.
    With the Tiwanese, U.S etc. we would still be carrying fig on our heads. I am not a big labor party supporter but this is a brilliant move. The UWP is poverty driven with no ideas to the future.

  3. lol
    April 29, 2011

    I started reading the article and I saw Bridgetown, Barbados and instantly stopped reading. lol

    • ?
      April 29, 2011

      Oh my gosh, me too lol. Are there any Chinese businesses in Barbados btw. I’ve been to B/dos a number of times and can’t remember seeing any.

  4. Peace and Love
    April 28, 2011

    A spot on comparative analysis on the history of aid to the islands! In my opinion, the most significant issue is that all the traditional aid programs were above board and carried no hidden agendas or documents. We surely cannot say the same about the Chinese funded programmes and that is what is causing unease among independent thinking Dominicans.

    Many, many of us would prefer not to have a Chinese funded state house/package/ and state college if we knew for sure that it was in exchange for accepting China as a Motherland. Remember on Mr. Chavez’s last visit here he had some Dominicans chanting that Venezuela was our new Motherland?!?

    The MOU with China should be made public so that all Dominicans know what the deal is. The longer this MOU remains hidden, the more wary Dominicans will become unless they are prepared to sell their souls. The longer this MOU remains a secret, the greater the perception that the Government lacks basic respect for the people.

  5. American Dominican
    April 28, 2011

    Integrity, credibility? Good WORDS that are used loosely.. I hope you will give our leaders a lesson in ethics, integrity, and credibility to, if anyone, or any body of people needs that lesson it is our leaders.. Boy do they need it!

  6. 'tis true
    April 28, 2011

    After slavery, it took Dominicans 144 years to banish colonialism. Now, after achieving independence, Dominica is on the verge of falling for colonialism all over again. Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      April 28, 2011

      I hope not communism. The Chinese government is a dictatorship government. I do think that they have an ulterior motive for assisting those countries. Such governments do not do something for nothing.
      China suppresses the Christian religion and dictates when and where to hold their worship. They are prosecuted. If they do not comply they are thrown into prison and who knows, never to be seen again. This has happened to Catholics. Recently many were arrested and probably murdered.
      This is one thing I fear for those countries as Dominica, China’s domination, oppression and persecution as mentioned. While these countries need assistance, let us pray that this never happens. Otherwise, God help those countries as Dominica.

  7. Truth Seeker in Chief!
    April 28, 2011

    On balance, great post, DNO. The part where it cites the influx of Chinese-owned stores now populating Roseau is an important lesson and should be instructive to businesses and aspiring business people islandwide. Instead of complaining about the “Chinese takeover,” we should be working hard to figure out ways to best the competition.

    After all, people are driven by self interest. They will spend their monies where they perceive an advantage – even though short-term. The Chinese boutiques, for all their “inferior” goods, continue to attract Dominican buyers in enough numbers, or they would not be doing so well. In the market economy that we now boast, no government is crazy enough to take steps in order to prevent its peoples’ ability to freely choose how and where they spend their money.

    All the whinning about a Chinese takeover will not cure this perceived “ill.” Dominicans have a blessed country. This was supremely evident during my recent sojourn during the Easter break on island. Then it became clearer to me that we need to clearly articulate and catalogue our country’s national treasures.

    Then we must fashion a national development policy – involving the major sectors of all stakehoders in the country – on how best to harness all of our blessings. Next, we should begin erecting the infrastructure necessary in exploiting our riches so that all will benefit.

  8. roots jungle retreat - Pat K.
    April 28, 2011

    Aid travels with a bomb.

  9. peter
    April 28, 2011

    it’s true. you cant’t get something for free. !!!!! if is free, that mean not last longer

  10. KoKo Naughts
    April 28, 2011

    2016. That’s gonna be the big year for China, #1 in the World. We grew up hearing only bad things about Communism, but it sure looks good in China compared to that Capitalism greed in some of these western countries.

    • In the Ca.
      April 28, 2011

      That because ppl cannot open their mouths over there… because it is dangerous. With ur “communism looking good”

    • just thinking
      April 29, 2011

      Don’t fool yourself. China is not communist. China is a capitalist dictatorship. They keep their people controlled and regulated ala communist dictatorship style but in terms of their economy it’s nothing communist it’s all about industry and money making. China being communist, nay, the whole idea of any country being communist is one of the biggest political lies we have been fed and grew up with. If you don’t believe me read up on communism for yourself as defined by those who developed the concept (Karl Marx etc) and you will see for yourself…

  11. kelvin
    April 28, 2011

    BIG NEWS LIat Airlines made an unschedule landing and take off at Melvile Hall Airport at night on Tuesday April 26, 2011 at about 10:00 p.m.

  12. Mr Sout City
    April 28, 2011

    Believe it or not but that the reason for the conflict in the Ivory coast and Libya. China is becoming very influential in these regions.

    • Anti-hate
      April 28, 2011

      yup…u are one of the very few enlightened ones….Gadhafi was planning on doing more oil trading with China, which would have affected France and Britain who were his primary customers for decades…that’s why they want him out.

      So now it’s a ‘i scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal with the so-called rebels, who up to now are so much a weak minority they can’t overthrow gadhafi after months of bombing by the mighty US, France and UK.

      When they are finishing destroying all the Libyan infrastructure and murdering Gadhafi’s soldiers with their bombs, or when they murder Gadhafi ( they tried 3 times already by bombing his compound), the rebels will be so happy that NATO put them in power, they will gladly allow NATO countries to come in and take the oil.

      Meanwhile China and Russia who never supported the interference will be sidelined by the rebels.

      It’s called a resource war…It has nothing to do with democracy it is all about OIL. Why aren’t the NATO countries in Syria yet??!! Cuz Syria has Iran backing as well as Hezbollah and Hamas. Gadhafi was doing his own thing so they’re teaming up on him..

      • mouth of the south
        April 28, 2011

        didn’t israel decimate hezbollah bout 2 to 3 yrs ago,,,, why would u think france,,u.k n u.s afraid of such weaklinks lol,,,, like iran is so powerful,,,,,lol

        • Anti-hate
          April 29, 2011

          Good to know you’re reading my comments and getting some knowledge…

          FYI, Hezbollah gave Israel everything they could handle, I think the Israeli defense minister was even forced to resign over how poorly the war turned out…

          I don’t blame you guys though…the mainstream western media is reporting with extreme bias about what is going on in Libya, and you all are still naive and don’t realize you are being misled like sheep.

          The media would have you believe the majority of Libya want Gadhafi out. In reality the rebellion is based in Benghazi, where the people are led by radical Islamists who have been plotting to overthrow Gadhafi since the 1990s, so that they can turn Libya into an Islamic state..

          They even tried to assasinate him in the mid-90s, sending a grenade at him but it didn’t explode….Did you know that? Research the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group…

  13. belbagay
    April 28, 2011

    A must read by all. on another note the observation by the canadian international development agency(CIDA)that there are no long term bilateral projects planned in dominica is note worthy, project officers in the ministry of planning needs to get on the ball with this one

  14. displaced
    April 28, 2011

    For your Information. Google China/Africa relations to understand the neo-colonial policies of the relationships. It is all about control of the massive resources in Africa. The British, Europeans, Americans exploited those countries to the bone. In the Caribbean, just as in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Oceania, it is about opening up their markets for goods and products from Mainland China. EN PASSANT, some BUTTER is being SMEARED around our MOUTHS. The cost of producing those goods in China is extremely, extremely lower therefore the prices are much cheaper, although very inferior.

    Why in Dominica, local businesses are being replaced by Chinese business men and women? While Chinese are swamping Roseau with small boutiques, restaurants and other small businesses, Local ones are closing down, shutting up…. They just cannot compete. From the Bay Front to Astaphans, on King George V Street, one could count at least 35-40 Chinese stores and restaurants. That’s only one STREET. Is such a take-Over and DISPLACMENT to the MUTUAL BENEFIT of a small underdeveloped country where citizens are at the mercy of the foreign donor?

    IT’S all about A NEW COLONIAL SET UP where countries like ours will be almost totally DEPENDENT on CHINA for its development. Why in the arrangement or Agreement, Dominica could not be assisted in the bottling of its huge, abundant resources of WATER so that we could sell at least 50000 cartoons of water to China on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to begin with. Wouldn’t that bring in much needed revenue to the country instead of simply waiting on China for years to come to help us with all our major National projects? Already, the Chinese are involved in bottling and selling water back to us and to the region.

    Chinese construction Cos. are now being awarded construction projects by Govt. that Dominican construction Cos. could undertake. With the LOANS taken from China that Dominicans have to pay back, No open TENDERS for those projects. When will we as a people learn? No problems with the Chinese AID but there is and will be serious problems with DISPLACEMENT of our local entrepreneurs.

    Dominicans will become THIRD CLASS CITIZENS in their own HOMELAND. BELIEVE ME OR NOT ON THIS ONE. The only remaining flat piece of REAL ESTATE land, strategically positioned opposite WOODRIDGE BAY, the area of PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE, will be SOLD to the CHINESE. ARE we too DUMB, SHORT-SIGHTED or what? What about that MOU? WHY can’t Dominicans be informed, see the contents, made aware of that AGREEMENT between Dominica and China? What is the SECRET about? A PEOPLE WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE or understanding of its HISTORY is like a TREE WITHOUT its ROOTS.

    • Jamison
      April 28, 2011

      Why can’t local restaurants compete with the Chinese when the menus are different? I would think that the native dish would be preferable to the Chinese offering if the prices were right, the service friendly, and the serve time shorter. When one considers the cost of getting insulted by a waiter in a locally owned restaurant, you look for an alternative. Simple.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 8, 2011

      To be fair and just, I do think that the Dominican government should not have allowed so many Chinese people in Dominica to the point that they are opening businesses and putting the local Dominicans out of business. Dominica is too small an island for that. It cannot afford such an infiltration of foreigners to the detriment of loss of business of its nationals.
      When the government accepted help from the Chinese government, there should have been an understanding to receive only their help and not all this Chinese infiltration to Dominica. It appears that in the future there will be more Chinese people in Dominica than Dominica locals. Something went wrong.
      The Chinese government came to help and not to infiltrate Dominica with its nationals, to set up their businesses and take over Dominica as it appears.

  15. Following there masters like poodles
    April 28, 2011

    “the Chinese government always bases itself on the principle of equality and Mutual benefit in providing aid to other countries. It NEVER regards such aid as a kind of unilateral alms but as something MUTUAL”.

    This is the most telling part of this article and an eye opener and the reason very important reason why the MOU mith China should be made public.

  16. John Brown
    April 28, 2011

    Very fair an informative article. Yes it’s true, aid from China come with strings attached but so does aid from the US and many other countries. Some months ago the Prime Ministers of Trinidad suggesting that they must benefit from giving any humanitarian aid to Caribbean islands devastated by Hurricane Tomas.

    So, from the big to the small must countries that give aid are not giving it out of pure love and compassion, their countries best interest are always at play. If DA had money to give and was giving to a countrie every Dominican would ask, why we giving them money? WHAT’S IN IT FOR US?. Is that not so?

  17. Observer
    April 28, 2011

    A rather objective analysis. The article is somehow a balanced one. It however does not make any mention of the 100 or so full scholarships that our students have received from institutions of higher learning in China compared to zero or near zero form our traditional friends in this hemisphere. There is also the issue of the hundreds of Dominicans who have benefitted from short term attachments at training workshops/seminars in the PRC.

    The article is strong on the reasons why China has been able to gain a foothold in the Caribbean. It does not however say whether Dominica (because it is led by Skerrit) is the only country that China is insisting on engaging Chinese workers to do the major projects. When listening to the many nay sayers about Dominica’s relations with China, you get the impression that because Skerrit is the Prime Minister, the Chinese are coming here to do the jobs themselves and that such never happens anywhere else. The article should also say too that under the guise of “due diligence” it takes on average five years for the EU to deliver on development Aid even after they have committed themselves to the financing agreements. Imagine if the EU was to listen to Jerry Brisbane, how much more time it would take to deliver.

    • John Brown
      April 28, 2011

      Amen my brother

      • osh
        April 29, 2011

        if u think it is so on due diligence, why cant the MOU made public?

  18. happy
    April 28, 2011

    a balanced, well written and non-bias article. ‘journalist’ and media personnel in dominica please read and learn from this well respected journalist.

    • John Brown
      April 28, 2011

      @ happy

      What you said is true, some “journalist” need to learn how to be non-bias. What we have in DA is people with clear political leanings and agendas, who never went to journalism school, who just got up one day and decided to call themselves journalist so they can make polical attacks but have Journalistic protection.

  19. Reader
    April 28, 2011

    Great article … Admin: thanks for sharing. I look forward to see the next column! Hopefully people can use these to have real dialouge without the name calling, mud slinging and tunnel views!

  20. An Observor
    April 28, 2011

    “Albeit a small number of people, asked about the Chinese not employing local labour, responded by saying that they were more interested in the projects, particularly the road, sea wall and hospital than they were in the jobs. They added that they were getting the projects for free”.



  21. Homeboy
    April 28, 2011

    The article does point put that with aid from China there are subtle strings tied in to the aid. There is nothing wrong with China providing aid but there should be a way that the local work force benefit too.

    • Anti-hate
      April 28, 2011

      Agreed…i’m not always comfortable with the China relationship especially when local businesses are being crowded out.

      However, people need to be given information impartially let them form informed conclusions instead of lies and spin given by the fake journalists, wannabe pundits and UWP operatives on Puke95.

      I guess spin happens on the other station too but at least its not done to promote hatred based on misinformation, and taking advantage of the gullible.

    • Mr Sout City
      April 28, 2011

      Same goes with aid from any other country. :oops:

      • Homeboy
        April 28, 2011

        Well read the article and see the difference between the EU AND CHINA vis a vis the aid rendered.

  22. Disappointed
    April 28, 2011

    contrary to the article, there is a contingent of local labour working on the “Chinese financed” projects…

    • Truth Seeker in Chief!
      April 28, 2011

      I noticed while on vacationing on island last week. Quite a few too.

  23. Anti-hate
    April 28, 2011

    Interesting and informative article. Refreshing to read an article with no hate-driven propaganda, lies and misinformation..

    Puke95 crew take note.

    • American Dominican
      April 28, 2011

      Did you even understand what this artcle was saying?/ It is saying excatly what the people you are referring to, but in a more politically correct way.. Ok tell us what you understand this articel is saying please in your own words. This is what we would call a comprehension test in school..

      • John Brown
        April 28, 2011

        @ American Dominican

        NO my friend, it’s not politicall correctness it’s called being a Professional Journalists. A journalist duty is to enlightenment the public by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues.

        Not deliberate distort sound bites and quotations, misrepresent or highlight incidents out of context, why?because integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility.

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