COMMENTARY: Diaspora in Motion

J.J. Joseph
J.J. Joseph

Saturday June 27, 2015 saw the coalescence of a syndicate of concerned Dominicans in the Diaspora, resolute to sympathize and empathize with the plight of local Dominicans and begin a movement to bring an end to copious cases of undemocratic and abysmal governance by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and his ruling Labor Party. To contextualize the mood of the event, despite a murky, somber Saturday morning, disillusioned and mortified Dominicans – upwards of 300 in number – created a radiant atmosphere as they conflated on the grounds of the United Nations in New York City, exuberant and pumped up to the point of virtually imploding. The stage was set for four hours of venting as aggrieved Diasporas would express their emotions on recent incendiary developments perpetrated on the people by this administration. At regular intervals, the agitated audience emphatically chanted “Skerrit must go!!” “Skerrit must go!!” Impeded by the powers of the Supreme Being, the hanging sheet of dark grey clouds overhead seemingly suspended their intended precipitation, eventually ferociously blasting down in the form of heavy showers literally moments after the protest concluded. The presumption is that the good lord saw the dire need to restrain the rain while providing a symposium where a languished and frustrated people could vent their condemnations and resentments of this PM’s egregious policies against indigenous Dominicans.

Remarkably, most of the organizers had never met prior to the event. In fact, most members reside in states literally thousands of miles apart in many cases. However, the nucleus or hub responsible for holding the chemistry of the group together is technology – coupled with our profound vicariousness for and solidarity with the people of Salisbury in their continued struggles against relentless persecutions by the PM and his hogwash police. Central to the group is the consciousness that we are all native-born citizens of Dominica, adamantly intent on a common purpose of bringing the victimization, oppression, corruption and human rights violations to international cognition. These atrocities have become synonymous with this quasi-Autocracy of Roosevelt Skerrit, and should not be made to remain in a vacuum. We are optimistic of attaining this goal before too long.

In his attempt at distorting the true impact of the protest, Dominica’s Ambassador to the UN, Vince Henderson, painted an innocuous picture by characterizing it as ‘not having caught his attention’. However, this strategy of equivocation by disseminating false information in an effort to keep the masses ignorant and uninformed is not new but instead empirical of this administration. In direct contradiction to the UN Ambassador’s fallacious assessment, is the fact that the audience was by all accounts overwhelmingly hungry for more by the conclusion of the event. By and large, they felt that more time should have been allotted to an occasion of such proportions. Additionally, most were anxiously inquiring about the time and venue for next protest. As such, although not finalized, due to the overwhelming response, the group is planning to advance the date of our next gathering to sometime in the month of September of this year – in Washington D.C. It is abundantly clear that largely people are becoming more receptive to opposition against the quasi-dictatorial rulership of an inept opaque leader, who is hell bent on sustaining a nation on mendacities and stealthy sales of our citizenship and passports. Consequently, while some are still embedded in their affinity and adulation for the king, many are ready and willing to support this movement for change.

Last Saturday’s protest marked an unprecedented, hence, historical event  unequivocally destined for the history books. Despite the PM’s denial and trivialization of the protest, it is emblematic of a grassroots movement which has far exceeded expectations and is expected to augment significantly with subsequent events. And, much like an earthquake, it is rapidly developing intensity as the potential for severe disruption and upheaval increases with each vibration. It is imperative, therefore, that Roosevelt Skerrit humbles himself and comes to terms with the realism that, contrary to what his hubris and arrogance are telling him, he is a subservient of the people and not vice versa. The fundamental fabric of Democracy is that government should be of the people (servants of the people), by the people (put there by the vote of the people) and for the people  (government should always be working for the people). Until he acknowledges that the power of the people is greater than the people in power, Mr. Skerrit is in for a turbulent and tumultuous ride, but in the end, the people will ultimately prevail. Meanwhile, the movement continues.

What is most notable here is the paradox of an acute contrast between two groups of diasporas. One group capitulated to Skerrit’s craftiness, thereby guaranteeing him another five years; the other is undergoing the arduous initiative of undoing their wrongdoings. Today we see the continuation of a draconian, inept and unproductive leader displaying his dogmatism by victimizing and oppressing citizens. In addition, the PM has been doubling down on his proliferation of corrupt practices. Although I am making this distinction, it is important to note that we are presenting an open invitation to the other diaspora to redeem themselves by joining us in this movement to restore democracy in our Country.


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  1. the fly
    July 6, 2015

    joseph you talking rubbish and all them big words you coming with i can smell a rat, go take a jump you put a suit on and you think you smart go way….

  2. Ma John
    July 6, 2015

    Mr. J.J. Joseph, I guess your article was not meant for average Dominicans like me to understand. Next time around, please keep it simple – write in layman’s terms.

  3. Peace
    July 6, 2015

    Ludicrous!!!!! Disappointed in myself for reading it. Our PM has devoted his life to Dominicans; think about his many long days in the office, early mornings and late nights , think about the number a university graduates, the elderly people who are benefiting from the Yes We Care program. The list can go on and it because of his good work that he has been given the mandate to govern for another 5 years. The writer sounds bitter! Over and over again he vilifies our PM. What do you all acheive from disparaging the character of Roosevelt Skerrit? You wrote an article based on only allegations, you should have mentioned ” it has been alleged” many times. By the way democracy is a farce, it is a fallacy of the American political system. If you live in America I am sure you know this!

    • IluvmyPm
      July 6, 2015

      U forget is thief he thiefing, mansion, villas, offshore
      accounts, why did u leave out the juicy parts?

    • Independent Thinker
      July 6, 2015

      @Peace. . .the writing is already on the wall. What is ludicrous is to say that “Our PM has devoted his life to Dominicans”. Are you serious? Is that why Dominicans are poorer now than they’ve ever been? You must be a benefactor of the PM because it is only those who benefit who cannot see the misery he has caused most Dominicans. Like I said, the writing is already on the wall. YOUR pm is on his way out!

    • exit
      July 6, 2015

      Boss tell me your pay cheques? Most Dominicans not getting paid like you for your to have this idiotic reasoning. Everything that good for DA has decrease tremendously and every bad or hindrance has increased exponentially. e.g less or no health care – Marigiot Hosptal close!! No Night Landing – less vistors! Agriculture the main bread winner – DEAD! Education in the hole — those scholarship he has no where to place graduates. Those are scholarships to export Dominican else where. Supremo dont like anyone who shows more sense than he does. Go back and sleep boss and tell Skerrit to free up the country or else we will free him up!!

    • July 6, 2015

      Joseph is a crazy man with all that rhetoric gab

  4. Affa
    July 5, 2015

    No democracy greater than Dominica, that’s why you-all contested last election, won more seats than before, you-all were disorganized for several years. Don’t tell me you expected to win??
    Now that you lost you call it a dictatorship, and matching at the UN, because some of you worked at the .. …. UN?? Crying wolf, abusing use of the UN, they will always send you packing because they have genuing issues to deal with.

    • exit
      July 6, 2015

      Big joke!! If you that blind then ask God to take your eye sight because its pure missery in DA!! Don’t make Skerrit have God to curse you!

      • DA
        July 7, 2015

        Them people in DA living better than you guys in the Diaspora

  5. Ba Yo Bwa
    July 5, 2015

    Somebody on here called this good writing? Well, help us! In addition to this being a mishmash of unfounded, regurgitated gossip and innuendos, this piece of writing is an excellent example in malapropism. I, too, was a victim of such intellectual confusion on the way to a bachelors degree. I wanted to impress! A bachelors and two Masters degrees later, helped by a lifetime of writing and presentations, I have learned that less is indeed more – less use of the proverbial “big words” is more appropriate for written and oral communication.

    As for the illegal feeder road fiasco in Salisbury, I agree it was a hopeless response by government in dealing with the issue of feeder roads nationwide. Like Ismael, I agree that consecutive governments since our independence – and not just this one – continue to miss the import of quality feeder roads in facilitating progress in the farm industry. The shame today is that the UWP is failing to provide real leadership on the matter, save more…

  6. Willie
    July 5, 2015

    Fast and furious, just let them clean up the electoral commission, give us real electoral reform, and we will
    See if they can win in 2020

  7. Ayn Rand
    July 5, 2015

    Spags watch your back when u return they had a meeting on you last week!

  8. Grt. Malborough street Man
    July 5, 2015

    Dear DNO Admin,

    You keep publishing article from this gentleman.

    It would be nice if the readers knew who is this writer ?

    Where he is from?

    What is his profession?

    Does he live in Dominica?

    This gentleman is a constant critic of the government.

    Does he have a skerrit obsession?

    Is running for political office?

    Mr. Joseph if you are to be a regular critic I suggest you , spend sometime here. Get ON THE GROUND.


    • %
      July 5, 2015

      This is cespool of garbage. Your filth is posted, but the patriot, statesman and highly intellectual citizen of Waitikubuli commentary should not? WHY SUCH IDIOCY?

    July 5, 2015

    Jeffers, did you take a look in the mirror before you came spewing your garbage? Think of yourself, your life and your family before accusing someone else. Your sins shall find you out.

    • %
      July 5, 2015

      It is far from garbage. It is not the type of english you will hear from Skerrit. IT IS MORE INTELLECTUAL. Quite frankly, I doubt you understood anything contained in the commentary. You are more the
      Skerrit Go to hell,Go to hell kind of person.He Skerrit likes scatterbrains like you!

  10. YungMonie
    July 5, 2015

    I am sorry Bro, but your article sounds like a piece from the North Korean propaganda ministry. Your exaggeration and use of colorful adjectives is simply appalling. If you are going to attach your name to the piece, at least write something that’s sensible.

    And you should encourage your “syndicate of concerned Dominicans in the Diaspora” to abandon their “plantation mentality”. We don’t need a “white” audience, to be “heard”,…. it’s 2015.

    • Peter Potter
      July 5, 2015

      DLP supporters of course know plenty about propaganda, they even know about propaganda a la North Korea. Who would have guessed?

  11. %
    July 5, 2015

    @BEB Which is the greater evil?Denying the Salisbury people access to their livelihood for 15 years or the road block?? CXC make provision for these things. The sick would not be left to die..But I reiterate that the Salisbury people made me proud in the way they stood up for their rights.

  12. Zandoli
    July 5, 2015

    Mr. Charles, you may not like Skerrit, and I don’t like some of the things he is doing, but for the uninitiated one would think you were describing the government of Central African Republic or some such country.

    If you want to be taken seriously you need to tone down the rhetoric.

    Skerrit may not be good but he is not that bad. Remember he just won a majority less than a year ago? Despite what you may think he won the election with the support the majority of Dominicans.

    • Maddie
      July 5, 2015

      Zandoli what majority are you talking about that Skerrit won? If so I missed it-please inform and educate me Zandoli. Thanks in advance.

      • Peeping Tom
        July 5, 2015

        Yes, maddie, it is evident that you have been sleeping while a lot has been going on; or maybe you have been hypnotised for too long by a blue smoke.

        Typically, when one is ignorant of the facts, one refrains from commenting. You and the likes of you should heed such advice.

    • %
      July 5, 2015

      @Peeping Tom You are right. A lot has been going on, but not for underlings of the regime like you. Its for a selected few who are millionaires. You remain their crumb pickers!

  13. real possie
    July 4, 2015

    Funny how people have to write a whole book to justify their lies. There was never more than 50 people protesting, if you look at the pics you will even see little kids who knows nothing of what’s going on. Now you Jeffers sit there and talk like you have no idea about who started that lame movement when it was born rite in your house by Adi, one day it will come home to roost, you can’t be trying to bring down a man but in the process take your country down on lies. You were one of them who called for disruption in the country, but like we all know the man above sees all, he will hand it out as he see fit.

    • Derick Gonsalves
      July 5, 2015

      I could not have said it any better no need for me to comment again…..

  14. Peeps with ears 2 the ground
    July 4, 2015

    hey Liz 4 satan was my coining bro!

  15. diablo
    July 4, 2015

    Was the Dominica Association of Arts and Sciences alias DAAS leadership involved? Where were Clayton Shillingford, Gabo Christian ,Raggss Rivere chief justice ervin andre and twistle Bertrand? ,

  16. silence
    July 4, 2015

    Mr. Joseph if Mr. Skerrit sin greater than yours. Charity begins at home. You can’t feel for a nation but not feel for your family. Married to one woman and living or having a relationship with another is also despicable. Remove the wax from your eyes.

    • Fess Krukowski
      July 5, 2015

      Eh eh that not wax!! That is as big as one of the large Chatannye trees on the nature trail up in Syndicate where you can see the parrots; even one of the large sperm whales you see when you go whale watching on the west coast! See why he cannot see, let alone understand?

  17. BEB
    July 4, 2015

    Let me remind u that the sale of our passports did not start by this government, they only continued it. The previous administration {UWP} had it going, I cant remember whether they started it, all I can remember, the UWP Govt. was selling our passports. I guess some one will correct me on this..
    I’m not saying that was the best thing to do by selling our birth rights to foreigners but as we all know that our bananas are no longer going to the UK and the Govt. need to raise funds to pay its employees, so where do u think the funds would be coming from,do u think that the Govt, should impose more taxes on our backs, or streamline some offices? They had no choice than to continue selling our passports
    Another thing, I noticed that u did not penned ur commentary for our locals, too often I had to be using a dictionary to see if most of the words were used in the correct context.We are not living in any dictatorial country, every body’s free to do what ever they wants to do on island.

    • %
      July 5, 2015

      @BEB Its only lazy, incompetent, myopic and wicked government that will deny its farmers access to their farms for 15years. Other than bananas, there is money to be made in the agricultural sector.

      • Peeping Tom
        July 5, 2015

        And while you continue to repeat this “15 years” lie, these same farmers in whose name you lie have continued to expand their farms in that same area of Dominica; using the same roads that you and the UWPwee have been telling the world are impassable for 15 years now.

        How do you explain that in the last 15 years, that same geographical area of Dominica has seen an explosion of commercial activity with hucksters and farmers? What do you think the hucksters go there to buy, stones and bush? And who planted the crops that they go there to buy? Did they fly in or parachute jump to get to those farms?

        Try as you may, the UWPwee’s strategy to gain political office is a mirror image of the party: a failure. Keep repeating those lies and you will keep receiving the same election results. Well done!

    • %
      July 5, 2015

      @Peepingtom You red eyed ,imbecile, dotishh, where is the evidence of the increase in the level of wealth that you are spouting? GIVE ME FIGURES, instead of filth.Are you inebriated?Are you a clown? How many pallets of bananas have the farmers exported for the year. Instead of spouting idiocy, why dont you SHUT THE HELL UP?

      • EX DA Law man
        July 6, 2015

        Facts.They are living in a fools paradise.Are we that blind?Unbelievable.U speak the truth and they attack you personally.They seem so content wirh promises.As the saying goes,a promise is a comfort to a fool.

    • July 6, 2015

      That article definitely was not written for ordinary people to understand. some people have degrees but are not educated as to how to relate to an audiene such as this. degrees like a thermometer but no tempeature

  18. Pure Trouble
    July 4, 2015

    where they does get those koshoni there na

    • %
      July 5, 2015

      At your home we.

      • Pure Trouble
        July 5, 2015

        oh ok so your mamie voleh it? lol

  19. July 4, 2015

    Where you in support of the demonstration. You come now with your big grammatical words and a literature that makes no sense. I was at the demonstration

  20. River Street
    July 4, 2015

    Poor pity. The population has spoken. A lost is a lost. Why must I listen to crybabies who would love to rob me of my birthright while they can castigate and attempt to discredit the government. I Promise I won’t go down to vote if you stop your propaganda from your perch in foreign. Do so never like so.

  21. Long fong
    July 4, 2015

    Hi Jeff,

    While your piece was well written the abundant use of colorful adjectives makes it very difficult for the average reader on here to recognize and understand it. I challenge you to limit your sentences to six – 8 words each containing similar number of characters. A genuine objective comment. All the best as you continue to bring light to important issues

    • Peeping Tom
      July 5, 2015

      Jeef needs the adjectives because the only way that the UWPwee and its supporters know to debate is through emotions. Try hitting jeff and his ilk with facts and see how he reacts. Ever noticed how the blue vex supporters always lash out with insults when someone calls them out on their mischief? Emotions work for them. Jeff, is no different: A man who needs the loaded statements and outrageous claims in order to continuously play into the emotions of the blue vex supporters. So, the poor chap cannot help himself!

      • Dean
        July 6, 2015

        Peeping Tom are you on somebody’s payroll and is part of your job description is to be a pirate on this board? Man have a discussion and debate instead of trying to shoot down anything that is said against your boy-Skerrit.
        I am not sure what to call that behavior- misguided, singing for your super or ignorant. You should know. Whatever it is it not healthy and it represents what’s wrong with Dominica today. But if it makes you feel good – please continue with your nonsense. I am sure you will stop when you are tired or what Skerrit leaves office. Have a nice day!!!

  22. Maddie
    July 4, 2015

    Great piece Jeff. indeed this one is for the hostory books. One comment i have tis that you should put King in quotation marks- ‘King’ Skerrit= that what he thinks he is. A fool’s paradise.

  23. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 4, 2015

    We still have Gregor Nassief extolling the virtues of connecting flights in St. Maarten and Marc Marie seconding backward thinking on the island. The light-skinned straight-hair people still set and dictate policy for Dominica. They continue to maintain an iron grip on every aspect of local society.

    While changing political parties may offer some new benefits, it will not be that substantial as one might think. We lack visionaries who are willing to chart a bold new course. I am more in solidarity with the villagers of the West Coast than the “Foolishness” at the UN. They who are on the ground are the ones who can bring about real change, as they live there.

    The foolishness at the UN will accomplish absolutely nothing significant. The uprising by my brothers and sisters of the 70s led to land reform where the “Negroes” were able to obtain title to lands that they had been slaving on for decades. That’s real change.

    • engineer
      July 5, 2015

      Francisco, I have taken a lot of my time reading your comments.So I know how you write This is one of your best by the way. I like the way you mix it up but you left out Edison James. What happen? Was he that good? Was he better than E Charles? Come on. My man Francisco, we should never forget the past. Just don’t dwell on it to much. A more balance view point from you would be much delightful.

  24. Example
    July 4, 2015

    Dr. know! I didn’t understand you, because, I don’t have the capability or the IQ of a rocket scientist. Your exaggeration and unfounded innuendos has earn you a place in the hall of SHAME. Keep hallucinating Skerro is there for another 5 years.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      July 5, 2015

      Every politician from the 1970s to today has been the same. There is no discernable difference between any of them. Had there been some substantial difference, we would be much further ahead as a nation. Those who want to bury their heads in the sand and ignore the harsh reality that is life in Dominica, can continue to do.

      I have never, nor will I ever worship any politician or any political party. I sympathize with those who have no choice, but to continuously sing for their supper. Keep on singing.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      July 5, 2015

      Those who chose to forget the past are doomed to repeat its mistakes. The big dealerships on the island forced the government to impose an “Environmental Tax” on the importation of used or reconditioned vehicles on the island because citizens got smart and stopped paying exorbitant prices for them. They then turned around and began importing and selling the very same vehicles that they were complaining about.

      The murder of Eric Shillingford more than 40 years ago remains unsolved till this day. He was murdered because he was competing with a rival businessman in Dominica for an automotive dealership. It’s something that no one wants to talk about, till this day. You can be a critic all you want, but the facts are indisputable.

      The mulatto class still controls everything in Dominica and will continue to do so, until the ordinary citizens demand a different Dominica and one that is more inclusive and benefits them and their interest.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      July 5, 2015

      Hire Purchase only came about with the opening of Courts Dominica Ltd. Prior to Courts, one required the full price of an item, to take it home. Courts afforded thousands of locals to purchase items such as refrigerators, that were previously out of reach. Although interest is charged on such purchases, the convenience of credit, changed the lives of many, as did “Reconditioned Vehicles.”

      Unfortunately, many critics have been taught to ignore facts that can be proven and instead, rely on the cult of emotions and cheap political propaganda. Whether its Skerrit or anyone else, every politician plays from the same playbook. Whether or not you choose to keep drinking the Labor Party Kool Aid it’s up to you.

    • engineer
      July 6, 2015

      Keep on writing my man. Which ever way you want to go. Just want you to know I’m not trying to hurt your reputation. Hey , I said I liked it. I just said you left out Ed James. Is he any different? Come on. Remember. Fair and well balanced

  25. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 4, 2015

    The political party in waiting is always more appealing compared to the one in office. However, how much difference will there be with a new elected government? That’s the million dollar question. If we were unable to construct stellar farm access roads in almost 40 years of independence, what does the future hold for us? Not much.

    Many of our legacy problems such as poor planning and in some cases no planning, transformed themselves to a political nature over time. Although we can criticize the current prime minister, it took some 50 years to resurface roads that were constructed since the 50s. For many decades after independence, the outlying villages were never given the attention that they deserved. They were relegated to a secondary nature. It is only now, that we’re seeing infrastructural improvements, which is always a major source of angst amongst the masses.

    So let’s be fair and honest with our criticism of this administration.

  26. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 4, 2015

    On a practical level, we saw an increased number of road fatalities this year on the island, without any mechanism for Non Governmental Organizations and other interest groups to make any meaningful contribution to this issue.

    This is quite evident with the current fiasco at Lindo Park where a project has been halted because the Prime Minister is unable to sing his stupid slogan to the people that “The Labor Party is working.” Skerrit is no more dictatorial than Dame Eugenia Charles was. I recall her echoing these words after winning her last election: “Don’t fault me if my eyes only fall on constituencies that voted for my party.”

    Mr. Joseph is quite brilliant and eloquent with his assessments. However, I have seen this movie before. Mr. Joseph’s complaints is no different compared to the Patrick John’s Administration or the Dame Eugenia Charles’ Administration. Until the brand of politics on the island is overhauled, we will be repeating the same pattern five years…

  27. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 4, 2015

    If we ignore the political and law enforcement aspects associated with the latest protest actions that eventually led to demonstrations at the UN, we will realize that after almost 40 years of independence, not one elected government saw it fit to design, construct and maintain “Stellar Farm Access Roads.”

    It is mind boggling that an island nation who has agriculture as her back bone, “Never” invested in proper infrastructure to support her main income earner for decades. Furthermore, we continue to practice a brand of politics that exile ordinary citizens, denying them an opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the development of Dominica.

    A maze of mindless-red tape, ignorance, stupidity and “Me Politics” still passes for coherent policy on the island. This current administration is simply following the blue print laid out by previous architects such as E.O. Leblanc, Patrick Roland John, Dame Eugenia Charles and others.

    • BEB
      July 6, 2015

      Could u please explain to me what and where is the “Stellar Farm Access Roads”?

  28. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 4, 2015

    This is a great piece of writing, that will not move the pendulum forward one inch. Every elected government since Dominica’s Independence on November 3, 1978 has followed the same pattern of governance.

    There is absolutely no long term planning, no vision and worst of all, a small crop of millionaires dictate policy to their benefit, while ignoring sound policies that could move the country forward. I recall reading recommendations made by economist from the East Caribbean Central Bank some 20 years as it relates to the following: Population density required for growth, percentage of population that requires training and expertise in various fields and foreign direct investment. To date, none of these goals have been met.

    That being the case, the current status of Dominica will remain and continue in earnest for another 20 years with minute changes that will not yield any significant growth or benefits for the island.

  29. mwen enkor
    July 4, 2015

    Let thiose who think they have absolute power know thaty don’t have power absolutely.
    Continue the fight, it must bring results.
    If the ambassador did not recognize the protest, he would not have anything to say; but because he said something, it means he recognised something.
    More Power

  30. Titiw
    July 4, 2015

    Wow, that is impressive, 300 demonstrators! If you compare the population of Dominica with that of New York that would be same as 354,000 New Yorkers coming out on the street to protest.
    It also highlights how cowered our people are to demonstrate in Dominica itself, watched by the CID and the SSU, menaced, hassled, intimidated and threatened. People are scared to express themselves and show their true feelings for fear of of victimisation. This contrast with the New York demo reinforces the fact that the threat our democratic rights in our own country is real and stark.

    • Peeping Tom
      July 5, 2015

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  31. Rasta for a while
    July 4, 2015

    thats a long piece of rubbish omg…… idle hands eh

    • %
      July 5, 2015

      You simply could not understand the literature, but trust me it was far from rubbish.
      POOR PITY!

      • Rasta for a while
        July 5, 2015

        Wow i did realize it was a Shakespeare story.

  32. z
    July 4, 2015

    Aluta Continua. Its just a matter of time

  33. MAN KIND
    July 4, 2015

    In jesus name amen.
    Hope they pull a bigger audience this time around .
    Pics of expired tear gas canisters should exhibited.
    I am dominica are u .

  34. Ray Charles
    July 4, 2015

    I can protest but I can’t vote… You guys are the best

    • smarty
      July 4, 2015

      You guys? Or your constitution? Lol

  35. %
    July 4, 2015

    Good piece!However too esoterically written, because sycophants and minions of Skerrit like FAST AND IDIOT,THE REAL TRUTH,KID ON THE BLOCK and Liz for Satan will not understand what is contained there.Personally I was extremely elated and I look forward to the one In Washington,so that I remind my friends to attend.The abject poverty and mendicancy continue to squeeze the poor, victimization and redundancy have reached their zennith.The cries of the oppressed Dominican must be taken far and wide. I LOVE THE SALISBURY PEOPLE WHO VEHEMENTLY STOOD UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS!

    • BEB
      July 4, 2015

      So u think that it was Ok for the Salisbury protesters to prevent other people from going to do their daily business, the sick could not reach the hospital, students doing their exams could not reach the DSC. These protesters did commit a crime against the state and I think that they should suffer the consequence for their actions

      • EX DA Law man
        July 6, 2015

        Was it ok when the president shut down the govt for fourty plus days.Schools were also shut down.

      July 4, 2015

      @%, You are of no significance to me Mr/miss/Mrs MALAPROP. Sad to know sycophants and minions of Lennox and the UWP like you and the rest are so blind and yet to comprehend who the majority of Dominicans elected to govern the affairs of the country Dominica. Think of how many times you ALL have been rejected by them at the polls. Your defeats were not by accident. Come 2020 is more licks. I LOVE MY PM.

      • %
        July 5, 2015

        @FAST N IDIOT..Malapropism is a comical confusion of words, and this is the epithet of all your bloggs on this medium. Its time you realise that morons like you cannot defend wicked leaders who cheat,steal, lie and corrupt our democracy.

    • ME
      July 4, 2015

      So you want Mr Joseph to write for those who cannot understand meanwhile you trying to throw up a dictionary in his face? Lead my example

    • July 6, 2015

      shut up you idiot

  36. Peter Potter
    July 4, 2015

    Great commentary, Mr. Joseph. We as a country need to step up now. We have not got the luxury to wait another 4 years. Something needs to be done right now.

    • BEB
      July 4, 2015

      Well I can tell u , u will have to wait for more than 4 yrs.

      • Peter Potter
        July 5, 2015

        I do not think so. Mark my words!

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