COMMENTARY: Dominica’s politics in turmoil

Kim Douglas

Dominican politics is presently facing enormous challenges and we are in need of engaging the populace in serious, constructive dialogue to find solutions and plot a way forward. The present political climate is potentially detrimental to the realization of meaningful progress in our country. Dominica is constantly hurled into the media spotlight for all the wrong reasons and careful observation of the trends and stories reveal that many of our problems revolve around the actions and decisions of our politicians. In addition, the prestige of many of our political institutions is diminishing right before our very eyes. Institutions meant to symbolize our history as a nation and who we are as a people; institutions and offices that need to command respect from all sides if we are to be successful in the cause of nation building.

The Labour administration is scrambling to discover why with such a command of the state’s resources and despite an overwhelming advantage in party resources they are caught responding rather than leading the national dialogue by setting the agenda, inspiring our youth with purpose, and establishing a vision and long term development strategy for the country. With the rising dissent due to the administration’s failure to uphold basic governing principles, public trust is eroding, and our leaders now lack the moral capital required to motivate and unleash the creativity of Dominicans at home and abroad. The reality that many talented Dominicans in opposition remain convinced that there can be no substantial progress until the DLP administration is successfully removed from power is alarming. As a result, the government, despite an 18-3 majority in parliament are experiencing severe security concerns and have resorted to extreme measures to supervise potential threats.

The Dominican Parliament, the national center of debate and political discourse has been virtually occupied by one political party over the past two years with the opposition launching numerous boycotts of this institution, choosing instead to file litigation against the ruling party. The campaign for truth and good governance has to be applauded, and it appears surprising that the opposition can have such a voice even despite their lack of parliamentary power. However, to capture the hearts and minds of Dominican Public they will need to establish a viable alternative by presenting the strategies, ideas and policies with which they intend to advance the country.

To liken politics to a sport would seem to belittle the importance of the numerous lives affected by the decisions and policies of politicians. However, “Game Theory” comes close to depicting the political process by illustrating role play, and the process through which different actors on the political stage interact or work (for or against each other) in the hope of arriving at desired outcomes.

The recent citizenship case involving Prime Minister Skerrit has brought to light a problem which is silently undermining our nation building efforts. The possibility that the Head of Government and arguably the most powerful Prime Minister in the history our nation, in whom is entrusted the hopes of the nation, the prestige and responsibility to initiate policy, influencing the future prospects of our sons and daughters would be (despite all these privileges) an active citizen of a regional colonial power leaves many Patriotic Dominicans uneasy.

As the legitimacy and patriotism of our Head of Government is being brought into question, we are forced to assess our political actors since the opposition party who has filed charges against members of the current administration over the citizenship issue, is known to have had prominent members who have held citizenship to a foreign power while serving as members of the Dominican Parliament. Two wrongs cannot make a right, and in this information age, where ordinary citizens have access to more information, it is a natural result that they will play a greater role in supervising public officials. If Dominica is to move forward as a country and lay down the foundation for future national growth and development, political and electoral reform is necessary to prevent future abuses, to promote fairness and build political institutions worthy of public trust and respect.

The Labour Administration is now facing a daunting task of reassuring Dominicans that the economic citizenship program presents a viable source of income to our developing nation and is conducted in our national interest (And not simply a vibrant source of income for a privileged few). If the economic citizenship program is to continue, and if substantial public concerns are to be eased, the Government of Dominica at the very least would have to step forward and provide the necessary facts to confirm the contribution of passport sales to the national economy and welfare of the Commonwealth of Dominica and educate the populace on the sustainability of this program going forward.

What has become of our country? That the Labour Administration have not done a good job of facilitating transparency in the governing process is now accepted as an undeniable truth across the board. Public officials are servants of the people, entrusted with the task of facilitating national development and are deemed honorable for their contributions to the state. The present situation is such that the unsavory governing practices and previously hidden deals are now coming under public scrutiny.

We live in the information age, the age of ideas in which transparency cannot be understated. This involves constructive dialogue and information sharing concerning the problems we face. This includes strategies available to grow our economy, create sustainable jobs and maximize our national potential. As long as the Government of Dominica continues to govern by secrecy and continues to ignore the calls for more transparency in the formulation and implementation of public policy, we will continue to plunge into kayos. The Labour party in opposition led by my father the late Rosie Douglas was vigilant in educating Dominicans on our position in the International Community to help us formulate a common sense of brotherhood and fellowship to plot a course forward as Dominicans. He maintained an open door policy sharing vision and ideas with anyone interested. This open and honest approach to governing needs to be revisited because now it appears that information is now viewed as an asset, held by a privileged few and used to maintain personal prominence and amass personal wealth.

The present political climate of negativity is depressing. This dark cloud spreading over Dominica is seriously hampering our future development prospects. We are desperately in need of a unifying force to shine a progressive light on our country and people.

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  1. Mr. G
    December 2, 2011

    While I read the comments from some of my fellow Dominicans, I am amazed at the very same token, embarrassingly disgusted by the level of ignorance that some of you possess. Make matters worse, none of you respect each others opinions. It’s appalling!
    Regardless of your Status – resident of the country or ex-pat, every DOMINICAN, DOUGLAS or NOT, has a right to speak as he or she feels. Most of you fail to see the credibility of Kim’s article and his stance of the current Political and Economic decline Dominica faces. Your lack of education and brainwash mentality is the very same ingredient that feeds the current state of the country. Some of your comments only display illiteracy and being a ‘product of the environment’ – my grandma was, my mom and dad was, so I am. Open your hearts, mind and soul to your own identity allowing you to understand simply, right from wrong.
    Each of you have a right to vote any political party that wishes to drive Dominica into economic prosperity. You are brothers and sisters of an island that deserves change – NOT threatening comments and finger pointing, name calling and ignorant gestures of political warfare.
    When a party is elected, that being a group of educated individuals, you TRUST that the officials who act as a governing body installs the basic infrastructure required for future development. Currently, a few members of the DLP, including the PM, have not returned that TRUST Dominicans deserve – it appears that way. However, let’s not blame Skerrit for his lack thereof (leadership) in doing right by his fellow Dominicans.
    What Dominica needs, as one suggested, is more brothers like Kim and myself, who are out the box, vocally powerful to eradicate the level of ignorance that consumes the mind of our people. MOST of my fellow Dominicans needs to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ – allow yourself to be open for change. Dominica is not big enough to allow politics to create DIVISION. Come out of the darkness and enter the light…have your own train of thought…STOP being followers and be leaders…make decisions that will affect you and yours for the greater good of your community.
    ASK your Politicians to educate you rather than fighting his battles for the gain of Power… be educated by FACTS…have one on one with your neighbors generating ideas that he/she thinks that will create change… challenge your representatives to put you in the know for a better future…. wise up, Rise up Dominicans!!!

  2. Sout Man
    November 30, 2011

    That’s a fairly credible piece of writing and it reflects some balance and maturity. Despite the harshness of some of the previous comments, there will always be a place for another Douglas in our political arena, to use another sports metaphor. The only issue I’m not aware of centers around the “…severe security concerns and have resorted to extreme measures to supervise potential threat”.

    Having said this, I will agree that the DLP has become complacent, thinking that 18-3 has made them invincible. It’s a fact that dissent is increasing and the DLP is reacting to criticism instead of leading and setting the agenda, to paraphrase you. The issues are real and genuine; i.e: officials forgetting to pay their taxes, over-priced fertilizer and garbage bins, dual citizenship fiasco, economic citizenship fiasco, meddling in police investigations and failure to secure sufficient jobs on projects for which Dominicans have to repay the loan with interest. Any right thinking Dominican wants the government to be transparent and accountable. Why should we expect our wives and kids to be honest and faithful, and do not expect the same from our government?

    I still believe that the DLP can make ammends to steer the ship through the rough waters. We should change the captain if we have to ,or else, the ship will sink with many jumping overboard. I do not over-estimate the “great voice” of the opposition nor do I fear their “talent”. They can talk of their phantom cabinet and Prime Minister in exile but when push comes to shove Dominicans love a hard-working roots man who feels and lives their pain.

    Have you ever wondered why great talents like Para Reviere, Bernard Wiltshire, Athie Martin, Gregory Rabess, Francisco Esprit and Brewster have never won an election anywhere in Dominica? These guys fought Roosie when he tried to work with Mike and PJ. Even when Dem.Lab was formed with OJ, they refused to come together, choosing to form DLM-Alliance instead. They had talent and a loud voice but no traction. Roosie and Ron Green lost a couple elections before they won any. If PM Skerrit wants to salvage his legacy as a patriot and true leader, he needs to prepare his team for a smooth transition or else the downfall will not be pretty and no one will ‘enjoy’ the wealth they amass. In fact the possibility of jail or exile awaits the tainted.

  3. forreal
    November 29, 2011

    is this the kind of image this guys are projecting of dominica to the world,what detrimental ambassadors dominica has breed yea,i have never seen more,this people are out of dominca and slamming the country with their spoon feed agendas,they are not even in the country,instead of being involve in some kind of organization doing things to assist in the development of the country,they chose to disrupt the countries politics.

  4. LAW
    November 29, 2011

    WE need people who love Dominica,AND PEOPLE WHO ARE HONEST AND VISIONARY..We do not have thes men/women in this present cabal.I DON’T KNOW FOR OTHERS, but i want DR FONTAINE FOR PRIME MINISTER.This man loves Dominica, and he is untainted…No bobol,can be attached to his name….FONTAINE ALL THE WAY. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    • Brenda
      November 30, 2011

      Dr. Fontaine cannot manage himself how the hell is he going to manage a country. Thompson can talk allot behind his computer but up front and personal he is weak. He is not a leader but a follower. He cannot lead, ask the members of DAAS about their internal conflicts. Let thompson stay where he is

      • Anonymous
        November 30, 2011

        Wonder if you can manage your brain..Go wash the white dust that is occupying all its space… He is our popular choice…GO TO THE BANK WITH IT!

  5. eee
    November 29, 2011

    I love the cabinet put forward by Shameless…THOMPSON FONTAINE AS PM…However i had to shut the computer when i saw Blackmores name appear…Honestly i don’t believe that anyone in this present cabalshould have the moral authority to lead anyone in a new government…These are the same people that is seeing Dominica going to hell under a failed leader, and can’t open their mouths and say one word. PLEASE NO BLACKMORE

  6. cod capi
    November 29, 2011

    may b kim is not well informed about every thing in dominica but some things he says make a lot of sense we need a political party that can put people first consumer protection police brutality protection direct investment in people with good buisness ideas we need a new political party with new brains to take this country foward roads cannot b the answer

    November 29, 2011

    The Douglass Dynasty is over, so get a life, boy.

    • grell
      November 29, 2011

      People like you are so blind,but the time is clock is ticking.SING FOR YOUR SUPPER MY FRIEND.

  8. hmmm
    November 29, 2011

    You people to vicious. Leave the young man alone. Let him speak!

    • November 29, 2011

      rosie douglas was the only visionary leader for dominica since his death the labour party has lost its moral and standing rest in peace brother rosie not even a day of rememberance for u you was a good man may your soul continue to rest in peace bro portsmouth surely misses you your humour and your moral will always surely miss by all

  9. just a thought
    November 29, 2011

    It’s very interesting that Kim remains in Taiwan, gets his information from all the technology that’s going around just makes his baseless accusations. Although we are leaving in a world of technology, it is always best to come to see for yourself then you would be in a better position to make your decisions. Before we had all this technology information was transfered through word of mouth and letters, but now with advancement we have the telephone, world wide web and now as in Dominica BB. The information we receive over the internet in many situations never reflect a true picture and in some instances they might not even be true (for example the the hanging which was said to have happened in Tan Tan). This could be refered to as a clear cut misleading information. Although many may say that we have free and fair media in the west but I must say that I partially disagree, I personally believe that we all have some form of biasness whether or not we accept it. What this would eventually do to us is let us take information and use it to fulfill oour bianess….. Well Kim we know each other personally and I think if you want to have such a big voice in the political arena here in Dominica you should come down, come back home and do your ground work, your father would be very proud of you. as I have mentioned before I think you would be in a much better situation to right your articles.

    • T
      November 29, 2011

      You are so stupid, i wonder if you know the malaise that Dominica is in under these corrupt men.. I THINK TAHT KIM IS SPOT ON, AND THE INFORMATION IS 100% ACCURATE.

      • November 29, 2011

        kudos to kim

  10. BJ
    November 29, 2011

    You that Douglas guy stay awqay from poloitics. You don’t know anything DA and politics .portsmouth doesn’t belong to the douglases. To me douglas is just a surname like gereen james brown john etc.

  11. Porssie Radical
    November 29, 2011

    Very good article Kim. I am impressed with your openness on the issues we are facing today. One thing for sure is that the people who are true to what the labor Party stood for have come to recognize that the Dominica labor party leaders are genuine invaders and are now preying on the ignorant portion of the population who only know how to put a cross next to a shoe. Unfortunately the arrogant and slightly smarter politicians know exactly how to massage that Bobo by the petty little gifts and Shut of “Glow Vorvor” that they distribute come campaign season. Just venting out here !!!

    Kim just so you know the sale of passports did not stop during the short stint of Daddy Rosie. I will live it at that. Let me also inform you that Daddy was known to be flaunting passports of other countries which indicates that Daddy was also in violation of the constitution and illegibility requirements for membership of the parliament.

    I agree with you Kim that this present administration is a total failure. Amidst the scandal one cannot deny that there is no evidence of a economic structure in Dominica. The flamboyant popularity of Roosevelt Skerrit is not because he has brought home prosperity to the people of Dominica. After all Doddus a well known heartless killer and drug Kin Pin was popular simply because he was able to pay for and maintain a popularity status. Draw your own inferences.

    As a true Laborite I can only be honest with my self and my Kids. I refuse to be what Skerrit and tony want me to be; When we struggled to rebuild the Dominica labor Party where was Tony Astaphan- Busy trying to get into the circles of the Freedom Party administration; Following the Freedom Party administration Tony and Alick were also busy drilling suction holes through the UWP administration. Somebody prove me wrong. Where was Charles Saverin, Parry Bellot, Charles Maynard ; the list goes on.

    I am still a laborite at heart but I refuse to be associated with the current “Dabor party “ an institution ravaged by corrupt ,sinister and mafia group of operatives.

    • Sout Man
      November 30, 2011

      @ Porssie Radical:

      You are a man of truth, bro. I couldn’t agree with you more. But I am not going to abandon ship. I am going to work within to bring radical change to restore the party of Premier E.O.Leblanc, Hon. Rayland St.Luce, Hon. Michael Douglas, Hon. O.J.Seraphin, PM roosevelt Douglas and PM Pierre Charles. It will be a daunting task but I cannot surrender the DLP to those who want to destroy it and obliterate its achievement.

      • Sout Man
        November 30, 2011


        PM O.J.Seraphin.

  12. North
    November 29, 2011

    It is becoming a free for all in area of political commentary. Democracy is alive in Dominica. It matters not how factual ones point of view is, once there is an audience, medium and the opportunities to their interpretation known, you find everyone with a surname, former title or degree writes an article or go on the airwaves.

    This has nothing to do with facts. It’s feeble research via the internet. A Government cannot run a country by internet chat. Rumours take on a life of its own on the web.

    So I take these chats and article not even a grain of salt. When a story is generated by someone when it get back to them after 10 individuals have been told, the story is completely different and one is left to wonder, is this the same story? It them becomes a tale.

    So I cannot separate the story told from the individual telling the story.

  13. Wait A Minute
    November 29, 2011

    Kim boy, give it a break!!! Not because you are Rosie’s son automatically means that you have any political entitlement in Dominica. Neither you nor Tiyani, nor Debbie WILL EVER be like Rosie. Just stay in Taiwan eh boy, playing rasta and doing your crazy stuff.We could do without your long diatribe.

  14. VV
    November 29, 2011

    we need a new party of educated men and woman so long then stupes

    • BJ
      November 29, 2011

      i hate when people makes statements like the one you did abiout want educated men and women. VV we need people who can run the coutry thats what we need. Not educated men and women. The educated ones that steal the most.

  15. SANTUS
    November 29, 2011

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P sighhhhhhhhhhhh.. ohhhh boyyy. sit in hell and say what u want sighhhhhhhhhh.

  16. Shameless
    November 29, 2011

    Yes sir! Very well said! Sounding like the true LION OF Dominica (Rosie Douglas). Time for change, justice and honor restrored. The new leadership Should be
    1. Thompson Fontaine- PM and Minister finance & Economic Development

    2. Tiyani Benhazin- Attorney General, Minister of Immigartion and Legal Affairs

    3. Crispin Gregoire- Minister of Foreign and Diaspora affairs

    4. Rayburn Blackmore (Senator)- Minister of Communication and works, and labor

    5. Hector John- Minister of Community Development, Housing and Information Technology

    6. Ronnie Isidore- Minister of Education, Tourism and Environment and Sports

    7. Dr. Christian- Minister of Health

    8. Eddison James- Minister of Agriculture

    9. Judith Pestina- Deputy PM and Minister trade and Ports

    Those are the top picks for an all inclusive government

    With some good advisors like Brian Allyne, Gabo and Raglan Reviere we sure to prosper. I therefore advise those mentioned here to put politics aside and start serious discussions on forming a new party or contesting under the DFP banner. I await the critics..

    • Anonymous
      November 29, 2011

      Shame on you…You think fontaine going to give up his US passport for all you…laugh again

      • That you hear WE
        November 29, 2011

        again, u people don’t listen. Thomson is not a US citizen and stated clearly that he chose not to apply for it even if he is qualified by now.

        Yall just say what yall want on this site.

        Free speech I guess

    • that's a thought
      November 29, 2011

      I like the idea…What I can say is we need a new vibrant party…the current 2 leading parties JUST WON’T DO anymore. Time for change!!!

    • Roseau
      November 29, 2011

      :-D :lol: :mrgreen: 8-O :-x :roll: hahahahahahahahahahhhaa look trouble

    • Sot
      November 29, 2011

      So no place for Lennox Linton den.

      • namich2008
        November 29, 2011

        He will be a minister with no portfolio for now… :-D :-D :-D

        November 29, 2011

        Sot, put Lennox in the lion’s den and fontaine and all these guys on you alls list in the lion’s den.

      November 29, 2011














      • nightanddayvision
        November 29, 2011

        DR BENJAMIN????????????????????????????


      • November 29, 2011

        boy u makin me laugh lol lol

    • Wait A Minute
      November 29, 2011

      Hey dude. Plese get off whatever you have been smoking!!!!!!

    • Allie
      November 29, 2011

      Its quite obvious where you be? Poor you life goes on anyway. Bye Bye

      November 29, 2011

      I can see why you call yourself “SHAMELESS”.

      November 29, 2011

      I guess that PHD in Economics keeps fooling all of you. This is Fontainomics and not Economics. All Fontaine does is stir up trouble in Dominica. He has said or done nothing constructive in our beautiful Dominica. His sudden and unexpected departure from the IMF has left him stranded economically and politically. He talks passport instead of economics.

    • Anonymous
      November 29, 2011


      • ?????
        November 29, 2011


  17. star
    November 29, 2011

    stupes,everytime i come on dno is a politics thing.common man,allu making Dominica sound like something it’s not and making the PM looks like he doesn’t do nothing in the country. common give him his credit. take are good look of the country before and now.DLP has done alot in this country than the UWP party was there. Don’t forget UWP make the country BROKES.they only have mouth now because they are not in power. cause if they were, there mouth would be shut and nobody would know what’s going on in the country. don’t forget they were in power once.

    • Patience
      November 29, 2011

      If you were a hard working person you would be saying something very much different.
      Beggars are not choosers, you DA people are taking begging to a whole new level.
      I feel sorry for you people.

    • Dominican 2
      November 29, 2011

      Amen to this my friend.

    • ?????
      November 29, 2011

      Go and work..Your lazy parasite.You are more soaked into the politics than anyone on DNO..No more Red Clinic..Go find Work. LAZY..

    • heather
      November 29, 2011

      Very good point,remember uwp had put dominica on the BLACK LIST

  18. Peeping Tom
    November 29, 2011

    The difficulty with much of what is proffered as “commentary” here is that it is built not on FACTS but on suspicion, rumours, rhetoric, and wild assuptions. The above commentray falls within this profile and continues in the same vein as others before. It therefore does not warrant more than a smile and a chuckle.

    Bring some facts, brother. Remove the emotion and rumours; just facts. Not manufactured. Not spun. Raw facts! Stop preying on the ignorance of (too many) Dominicans. Then, you can be taken seriously. Anything short of this will be reserved for tabloid broadcasting and treated likewise.

    • wey, wey, wey
      November 29, 2011

      You must be deaf and dumb. You are like the jews who are still waiting for the messiah to come. How much more FACTS do you need. With all these rogues who have our passport and are diplomats you still need facts?

      • Karma Chameleon
        November 29, 2011

        Facts are these provable things that one can successfully take to the courts or offer a bank. Your ilk will never understand the difference between a fact, a wish, a hope and a rumour. What a pity!!

      November 29, 2011


    • Patience
      November 29, 2011

      You wear it like a crown now…Not just as a badge of honor anymore.
      you know what i am talking about…
      … Your ignorance!

  19. LATITUDED810
    November 29, 2011

    take a page out of st.lucia labour will win again you all think dispite what the news out of italy says you want to see it in your own light so keep talking its healthy, you all just like the parrot boots on the ground. we all know better recheck the italy news paper and only you and the carbalist that talking

  20. Anonymous
    November 29, 2011

    On to the next one…this is politics Douglas boy.

  21. NotoriousD
    November 29, 2011

    I agree…

  22. Really?
    November 29, 2011

    Well Said.

  23. EVA
    November 29, 2011

    Who dat one where he come out. He late man. we know all that already.

      November 29, 2011






      PAPA GOD


    • possie
      November 29, 2011

      his name is KIM, he from Portsmouth, he born there, he grow up there, his mother from Bioche, what the hell you need to knwo again, he go PSS and studying in Taiwan, a dam bright boy, ok?

      • adam
        November 29, 2011

        yes!! thats who he is! a damn bright boy!

    • %
      November 29, 2011

      He come out from Dominica… And he is not in bobol…That’s all you want to know?

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