COMMENTARY: Gordon Henderson – Le père de la Cadence-Lypso.

Alex Bruno
Alex Bruno

I would rather be happily wrong with my support for Gordon Henderson based on the issues surrounding his omission from Dominica’s 2015 World Creole Music Festival (W.C.M.F), than to be politically correct or sympathetic to  those responsible for this heinous act of cultural sacrilege by shabbily sidestepping one of Dominica’s cultural icons.   

It is my personal view that those who are averse to the autocratic style of Dominica’s political leadership are condemned to the backbench of insignificance, disrespect and non-inclusion. Based on recent trends, there seems to be no role in development of our blessed nation for those who harbor opposing views to the present governing authority, and this cannot be right for our fledgling democracy. The evidence is there for all to see, so I am not going to raise the countless issues in this article.

Gordon Henderson, ‘Le père de la Cadence-Lypso’ (The Father of Cadence-Lypso), is one of those in an increasingly long list of Dominicans to be shoved to that back bench of insignificance and deemed irrelevant,  anti-productive and anti government/Skeritt. Let me defend this assertion especially as relates to Gordon Henderson. It is a well known fact that Gordon Henderson is an independent thinker who is not shy about his political convictions. Gordon also freely exercises his constitutional franchise to identify, associate and assemble with whomever he wishes. This is his right. This is every individual’s right, but it seems that it is this right that has led to Gordon’s undoing. Again, I won’t discuss Gordon’s “political” activities because they are very well published. Just permit me to say that Gordon dances more in sync with the rhythm of the opposition Dominica United Workers Party (U.W.P) than that of the Dominica Labour Party (D.L.P); he even sings to U.W.P’s rhythmic patterns at times. No one can or should fault Gordon for this…it is his right.

Gordon Henderson, from the town of Portsmouth in Dominica, is one of the creators of Cadence-lypso. The music was presented as a part of the ever evolving Afro-fusion musical tapestry, and was formulated in Dominica, France and its regional dependencies of Guadeloupe and Martinique during the 1970s; the actual formation of Cadence-Lypso, however, took place in France, one night in 1974. In his book, Zoukland’, Gordon relates the creation of Cadence-Lypso, a music genre that would later influence ‘Zouk,’ and ‘Soca’ as follows: One night, in 1974 at 44 rue de Rennes, Paris 75014 we played the best we could and for over an hour the audience stood politely and applauded, but never danced. It was, however, a dance and by definition they were expected to dance. We quickly understood why they did not dance and decided right there on stage to modify the arrangements of our repertoire to make the songs danceable. And they all danced till daylight. In fact, what we really did by synthesis was to include our true innate musical personality to the songs that we performed. The ‘creolization’ of the music permitted the French West Indians to identify with that cultural commonality, and so Cadence-lypso was born (Zoukland, 1998, p. 31). As lead singer and visionary manager, Gordon seized the moment and directed Cadence-Lypso’s creation, hence the title, ‘Father of Cadence Lypso,’ being rightfully bestowed on Gordon Henderson.

The original pioneers of Exile One are Gordon Henderson – Lead Vocal and Organ, Fitzroy Williams – Organ and Synthesizer, Oliver Cruickshank – Drums, Julie Mourillon – Guitar and Chorus, Vivian Wallace – Bass and Chorus, Kremlin Fingal – Trumpet and Chorus and Pierre Labor on Sax. Together, these young men had created – in an instant – a new and dynamic trend in Afro Dance Music that has impacted the world, and its marginalization is the subject of this discussion. Dominica’s contribution to the evolution of world musical beats has been overlooked, as affirmed by Dave Thompson in ‘Reggae and Caribbean Music: Third Ear: The Essential Listening Companion.’ Thompson affirms that “Dominica is often overlooked by the compilers of the various ‘world music’ guides on the market today, but it is safe to say that the nation has as great a contribution to the modern flavor of the region as any of its neighbors” (Thompson, 2002, p. 155). With the present attitude of the Dominican authorities, it appears that this issue of non-recognition and disrespect meted out to Gordon Henderson, irrespective of his publicly acclaimed political views, is in line with Thompson’s observations.

I say so because on the eve of constructing this article, I wrote to a very well known and highly placed government of Dominica operative to request information on the ongoing Gordon Henderson saga. I wrote: Greetings: I am writing a piece on the Gordon Henderson fiasco and I need information (facts) from the government of Dominica/Prime Minister’s side of the equation. Please furnish me with whatever facts you may have on the matter as I intend, as I have always done, to handle this most crucial matter in a responsible manner. Respectfully, Alex. The individual whose name I shall not publish responded accordingly; I have nothing on this non issue.” The issue, or non issue according to my learned friend,  was presented by Gordon in a facebook post as follows: “Thanks for the massive wave of support and solidarity over the past days…I am unable to respond right now because I am very busy doing multi-media promotion for my August 14 concert in Martinique. In addition, my roaming Internet service is not the best…We should not lose focus on this issue! Please be reminded that it is not about taking my name out of the list for an award. It is about: 1) Asking me in writing to give up an engagement in the Seychelles to perform at the WCMF and all arrangements were settled. 2) Not to this day telling me that my engagement was cancelled even if we met and spoke a few weeks ago. 3) The most important is that all Dominicans of all political colors must stand up against the PM and his cabinet to put a stop to the disrespect of their cruel micro-management and abuse of authority. They clearly stepped over the line just to hurt me…They should not be allowed to get away with this. 4) PM Sherrit needs to man up and respect the office and not bow to the level of gutter politics by blatantly disrespecting everyone whenever he feels. This must stop!” (The preceding text was copied and pasted as is).

Let the people judge whether this is in fact a non issue.

To bring the pieces together in a way that probably the independent thinking layman (like me) will understand, Gordon was informed that he was recommended be the 2015 World Creole Music Festival (W.C.M.F) Awardee. He and his band, ‘Exile One,’ were also confirmed as an act on the line up for the festivities slated for October 30 – November 1, 2015. Following this notice of recommendation for recognition and confirmation of his band at the event, no communication had been had with Gordon up until the official presentation of this year’s honoree, ‘Ophelia Marie,’ (who was slated as option or choice B, next to Gordon) and the official line up of the bands. Neither Gordon’s name (as honoree) nor that of his group, ‘Exile One,’ (as performing group) were mentioned, and obviously, there was an issue or perhaps not – according to my young friend. So Gordon reacted. Leroy ‘Wadix’ Charles, a lead promoter of the W.C.M.F, sought to clear the air by explaining the selection process for artists on the W.C.M.F line up. Wadix suggested that the buck stops with the Cabinet of Ministers of the government of Dominica, so obviously the government must answer the questions about Gordon’s un-ceremonial omission, since no other authority in the chain of command seemed to know. Up until the time of publication of this article, no official reaction was provided and so, I had to proceed with my contribution.

Here is my take on the matter. This is the best sign yet that “we do not understand the worth of artists and musicians in the development of a brand, a people, a culture; a nation.” I am saddened by this colossal disrespect of a virtual icon of Dominica’s culture and a forerunner in the creative industry of world music. Gordon Henderson should not have been treated that way, and even if there were to be a credible reason or reasons for his omission, he still should not have been treated that way; there must have been another/better way of handling this. If Gordon could have been placed on the guillotine because of his failure to worship at the shrine of El Supremo Skero, who am I not to be annihilated following the publication of this article? The next generation(s) will absolve me from the wrongs that I have committed in this, and other articles and other such works of art, where I try to remain objective in this era of vicious partisan political tribalism, where commonsense, independence of thought and nationalistic valor are kicked out the door.

Honestly, I am running out of recommendations. All I wish to say at this juncture is that the people should be wise and they should rise to the occasion. The peoples’ voice should be heard on this matter as loudly and clearly as it was heard in the days when ‘our’ voice was heard in a collective refrain against oppression, nepotism and victimization. Such expressions should and/or could take several forms, but the expressions of protests must be launched. If, as a people, we remain mute on such issues, we will suddenly awake on the troubled waters of dictatorship, sadly and dangerously adrift with a severely battered sovereignty, adrift amidst the sharks of neocolonial imperialism and autocratic fundamentalism. If we fail to talk and accept the differing views of others, Dominica will become a lost cause and a failed state on the highway of world democracy, and the new political system will not be for the good of the masses but a glorious sunrise for the perpetrator of this new and rapidly emerging form. I had to be so brutally blunt because this is just what I see and feel.

I do believe that we have an issue now my friend.

I would rather be happily wrong with my support for Gordon Henderson based on the issues surrounding his omission from Dominica’s 2015 World Creole Music Festival (W.C.M.F), than to be politically correct or sympathetic to  those responsible for this heinous act of cultural sacrilege by shabbily sidestepping one of Dominica’s cultural icons. 


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  1. I am Dominican
    August 18, 2015

    This is a comment Gordon Henderson made on face book: “All intelligent and informed Dominicans know that Gordon Henderson has already received a National award at Independence, the Golden Drum, the Lime lifetime award and the WCMF award twice before and made it clear in the Sun News paper months ago that the award was welcome but could go to someone else…Fact! BESIDES AWARDS IN 33 OTHER COUNTRIES INCLUDING THE U.S…” So why are we crying for the man?

    • Jimmy Honore
      May 8, 2016

      The problem is not about any award…it’s about the gig or the job of performing.

  2. August 18, 2015

    Your point is Mr Alex. You and your crew are dangerous people should watch their backs on both sides. No doubt DNO will not publise. Get a life

  3. Thaddeus Bruno
    August 18, 2015

    Alex Bruno’s article was very well written in my opinion. He was not impulsive, but objectively sort the facts in the matter, even requesting information from the government that he may not have been privy to. He plainly showed the impropriety of Government having the final word on a decision of this sort. He tied the government decision to not honor Gordon Henderson to the troubling under-girding theme of political victimization and narrow-mindedness that are features of this administration. These are manifestations of the government’s insecurity, paranoia, and irrational fear of criticism. Alex here shows that literary prowess is to be added to his other amazing skills.

  4. Cyril
    August 18, 2015

    Mr Bruno

    The P M has yet again taken advantage of the useful idiots who voted him back, when he should have been exiled.

    He is determined to crush, marginalise and alienate his critics. In his mind, he believes that he is God, although The Almighty does not treat people as Skerrit does.

    He is especially hostile towards those who are more eloquent, and better communicators than he is. So, I am not at all surprised by his treatment of Mr Henderson or the people of Salisbury. And to top it up, the man is requesting unity in Dominica!

    • the fly
      August 18, 2015

      STOP all that RUBBISH so call UWP Just keep crying all day long ,you got 4plus years to go after that 5more by then linton, and fontaine +will be in NAPPIES.

    • the fly
      August 18, 2015

      Cyril, you and your lots are so stupid PM was voted in by the Dominica people to work for them why should he QUIT THE JOB just to let some monkeys and baboons run the country,man go stick it up the wall.

  5. sayodityodit
    August 18, 2015

    Mr Bruno is only stating the facts here! Even if Mr Henderson was not being given the award why was he removed from the line-up. After he was asked in writing to give up his prior engagements to perform at the WCMF. This is such an embarassment

  6. One day One day
    August 17, 2015

    Thank you sir…! As a young intellect u have my greatest respect sir..!

  7. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 17, 2015

    Had Gordon Henderson been the only individual who suffered the indignity of being reduced to less than human because of immaturity and partisan stupidity, we could hold our heads and gasp for a few breaths. However, this comes on the heels of a long list of foolishness from this administration. I struggle to understand why this issue must continue to drag on. The Prime Minister continues to practice a scorched earth policy where those who dare to fall out of favor with him find themselves paying an insurmountable price. I hope at some point, a sense of maturity and common decency prevails.

  8. indira Ghandi
    August 17, 2015

    Dominicans,lay your political affiliation aside for a while. Everyone who is not mentally retarded, judge this for yourself. Gordon Henderson has contributed immensely to Dominica.
    Don’ you thimk he deserves to be honored for all he has done for the country?
    Do you think he has been treated fairly?
    Is the prime minister and whoever else supported him right?
    Does the country belong to a few or to all Dominicans?
    Is cabinet more powerful than the populace?
    Should we ignore such behaviour?
    we need to come together and stand against injustice.
    if this is not reversed let there be a MASSIVE BOYCOTT of the World Creole Festival.
    Leave it to the cabinet.

    If we stand idly by and allow this to happen what do you think will happen next
    we need to stand against injustice.
    we cannot stand idly by and allow this to happen.
    if this is not reversed, let there be a MASSIVE BOYCOTTOF THE Wca

    • the fly
      August 18, 2015

      Don’t talk crap did not some one told you most people in Dominica are labour voters so how would a massive boycott worked it just go’s to show workers + supporters are a JOKE.

  9. eyeswideshut
    August 17, 2015

    Papa Bat tan Alex. Ride d horse while you still can. Everybody seeing through all you scheme. We doh care we still going to sewo for d fest. Boycott what? sttttttttttttuuuuuupz just now that is stale news…nice try though.

  10. August 17, 2015

    another brilliantly written piece. kudos to you Mr. Bruno for calling it like you see it. far too many people are being mute on the matter for fear of victimization from this regime but someone has to step forward and it seem that you are the one. there was another article written by Mr. JJ Joseph which was also critical of the behaviour of this government in this matter. I personally have always been of the opinion that Mr. Henderson should have been the very first recipient of that honour since its inception. there is no one more deserving of this honour than Mr. Henderson and so for Mr. Skerrit and his cronies to deny him of his just due is like spitting in his face. it is a crying shame how this government is treating some of its most prestigious citizens. an individual like Mr. Henderson should be held in very high esteem for the work he has done for his country so tirelessly. it is appalling to me that there is not a bigger show of support for Mr. Henderson from the populous.

  11. oh well
    August 17, 2015

    Why are some of you who post comments here refuse to open all you eyes , ears and brain and really see the clear big picture in front of all you ? I mean this is so plain as a white sheet . You all are so down to worshipping the Labour party and Skerrit that nothing seem to be affecting you guys , oh so sorry for all you and all you kids , really. For me I do not care about Creole festival as many people , it’s been a long time since i have been to one i went the very first season , i have never gone back . But when I listened and heard about what’s going on and maybe there is more to it than we know now but I cannot understand why would a prime minister/ entire government diss a great icon like Mr. Henderson ? So you mean to tell me you all think that Skerrit has contribute more to our country than mr Henderson has honestly ?and Please stop blaming Alex and UWP and all the others who have listened ,seen , heard and understand the situation and is speaking out .

  12. August 17, 2015

    We not ready!

  13. khaki
    August 17, 2015

    I will not be attending the world music creole festival this year because of what they did to Gordon. I also urge all Dominicans to boycott the festival.

  14. X marks my spot
    August 17, 2015

    WHOSSSSSSSSS bravo Alex well said. This country smdh.

  15. \” I am saddened by this colossal disrespect of a virtual icon of Dominica’s culture and a forerunner in the creative industry of world music.\” Alex B

    Who do you think disrespected Mr. Gordon, Mr. Bruno? Who are you blaming?

    \”The peoples’ voice should be heard on this matter as loudly and clearly as it was heard in the days when ‘our’ voice was heard in a collective refrain against oppression, nepotism and victimization. Such expressions should and/or could take several forms, but the expressions of protests must be launched.\”
    Alex B.

    \”Do you really believe that?\”

    \”The expressions of protests must be launched?\” AB.
    But why? What reason? I guess you will be leading the protests? Is there a criteria for selection? Was it followed?

    \”I would rather be happily wrong with my support for Gordon Henderson\” AB. etc. \”than to be politically correct or sympathetic to those responsible for this heinous act of cultural sacrilege.\” A.B…

    • And Mr. Bruno signed his piece \”Peace\” after calling for protests.

      After all what Mr. Bruno wrote, he signed his piece \”Peace.\” Quite amazing, wouldn\’t you agree?

      I do like the picture that comes with the article, seems Mr. Bruno is either praying or in deep thought. On re-reading the article, I hope he is pleased with it.

      In my opinion many things to help the reader was left out. For Instance, a person like Mr. Bruno who watches performances and performers and who also co MC the Annual Carnival Monarch Competition. He didn\’t address whether the person selected this year is deserving of the Award nor did he explain to the reader the difference between a nomination and being actually selected.

      My observation.

      • Alex Bruno
        August 18, 2015

        The Real A Doubting Thomas Not The Imposter,


        I am indeed contributing to the protest by my article and you have continued by responding, and so the protest goes on. I am not calling for stones to be thrown or sticks to be broken, nor am I calling for blood to be shed. Protest can take any and many forms: Song, dance, painting, poster and other visual arts, debates – and social media in the present era, e.t.c. I do not sway towards the direction of physical violence though I understand its necessity at times.


      • \”the people should be wise and they should rise to the occasion. The peoples’ voice should be heard on this matter as loudly and clearly as it was heard in the days when ‘our’ voice was heard in a collective refrain against oppression, nepotism and victimization. Such expressions should and/or could take several forms, but the expressions of protests must be launched. If, as a people, we remain mute on such issues, we will suddenly awake on the troubled waters of dictatorship, sadly and dangerously adrift with a severely battered sovereignty, adrift amidst the sharks of neocolonial imperialism and autocratic fundamentalism. If we fail to talk and accept the differing views of others, Dominica will become a lost cause and a failed state on the highway of world democracy\” Alex B. Really!!

        Peace to you also Mr. Bruno. As a Co-MC of the Calypso Monarch Finals; what is it you always say? \”The Judges\’ decision is Final.\” rather interesting, considering your now…

      • Peace to you also Mr. Bruno, sincere peace. I am sorry for reposting this but allotted space on DNO was reached and some of my comments were not posted. I just wanted to repost the paragraph below, I am sure you will agree has some relevance to your commentary and much food for thought.

        As a Co-MC of the Calypso Monarch Finals; what is it you always say? oh yes, this very important sentence ”The Judges’ decision is Final.” repeatedly.

        Rather interesting, considering your now commentary. I suppose this sentence will now be removed from your vocabulary or performance now that it appears to me does not really mean much to you but just a politically correct statement depending on what side of the fence you are standing; rather Interesting would you not agree?

  16. wisewoman
    August 17, 2015

    TELL IT!!

  17. Time will tell
    August 17, 2015

    The opposition should call for a boycott of the festival in support of Mr Henderson.

  18. jonathan st jean
    August 17, 2015

    This is a brilliant article Alex Bruno,and for those who opine ihat the treatment of Mr Henderson is a none issue, I think they should read it more than once.With regards to the Labour Party operative who you spoke with, you need to ask him,if this is a none issue, then why did the PM and Cabinet have to spend time,paid for by tax payers, dealing with it? This gives us an insight into the incompetence and slackness which this government is engaging in.There are so many pressing national issues, egs.high unemployment, poor health services, the demise of the agricultureal sector, the pathetic performance of the tourism sector etc. that these guys should concern themselves with,yet they waste money(their salaries) and time on so called none issues.It will take time but the good Lord won’t neglect his people,He will rid us of these money and time wasters before too long.The rest of the world is hearing.

  19. August 17, 2015

    You come to ,too many subjective political conclusions to be seen as being objective.if gordon could be guillotined et the table of el supremo who am have the evidence to to back that claim.i respect your writings and your analisis but unless you can present evidence to prove your conclusion.people will conclude you are just being political.

  20. Massacre
    August 17, 2015

    This is a very interesting arcticle, Good job Alex.
    I hope the other calypsonians will come out to express their outrage in what ever fashion they choose. All you guys are in the music industry and governments don’t last for ever. So one day it might be one of you who are remaining silent, just to eat a penny bread!

  21. Jaime Lewis
    August 17, 2015

    An excellent article. In a true democracy someone representing the Cabinet would share the selection process with the public. Let us know truly who has the last say. Is it the government ministers, or is it the PM who decides who will be recognized for their contribution to the Dominican art form? With such controversy milling around, why not explain the selection process?

  22. Stroller
    August 17, 2015

    Alex stop belly aching and whining, you talk as if it is the end of times. Everytime your pocket is running low, you write a kochounie and run to Dom at the same Arawak that you criticize. Maybe you should write one about that issue and you all will share the returns, just do not fight is all you habit.

    • Alex Bruno
      August 17, 2015


      Let us have a real debate instead of getting down low and personal. It is okay to have differing views and to freely express them, but trying to belittle me will not work for you nor will if affect me in anyway. I have seen, heard and been told/called worse.

      I contribute; I do not take away. I give all of me, all of the time and I will continue serving my culture/people until the day I die. Whatever I do for our culture has not been and will never be able to sustain me. There is little financial gains in the practice of cultural forms at that level; ask my members and others who know.

      With love,


    • Dee
      August 17, 2015

      You sound so brainwashed it’s not even funny. Mr Bruno’s pocket is not the issue at hand. Maybe you should actually sit and have a read and attempt to understand what’s going on here. If after you’re still having trouble identifying the issue perhaps you should just keep quiet.

    • Patriotic B
      August 17, 2015

      Really Stroller? Did you actually read Alex article word for word? By the way learn how to write on a public forum before your criticize. I don’t know Alex but the article is well written. I don’t think that people like you who support the way Gordon Henderson was treated understand the issue at hand because it is solely based on principle and nothing else.

  23. I am Dominican
    August 17, 2015

    I am surprised that Gordon Henderson is lamenting the fact that the so-called “crooked, corrupt and inept government by-passed him for a national recognition. Real men don’t cry over spilt milk. especially when the milk is sour. If you call me dirty why then do you want to wear my clothes.

    • Dee
      August 17, 2015

      Dominica and it’s cultural heritage belongs to all of us. The man is entitled to his opinions and his contributions to our heritage should not be surpassed because he said some things that weren’t in support of the government. But I guess that’s what Dominica is about now… petty politics.

  24. August 17, 2015

    Well written. Congratulations. ..and your point of view appreciate and share. This should not be happening in this time when we all need to work together to better or country’s development.

  25. Seminole Ave
    August 17, 2015

    it’s not a matter of trying to overkill things…take a deep look at Dominica and angle the music industry by the locals see how low and dull their sentiments are, accepting ecd5000,000 orally from the Prime Minister…

    it’s again shows the mindset of Dominicans they lack pride in country as that figure is a joke, to any musician worth his art…

    this regime keeps boasting of some much contacts all over the globe folks selling passports like hot bread all over and see the results

    Dominicans are generally foolish and will continue to be, they are OK with crumbs…

    Fools Paradise looms over Dominica!!

  26. Shaka zulu
    August 17, 2015

    Alex we are already a lost society. We accept lies and deception. Recently concluded election we were told no taxes. What did we see. In addition to VAT we see tax on sugar and salt. We are told what to eat. Micro management from who poo in pit latrines and who poo in flushing toilet. Anyone wants to study they have to ask PM. A bunch of puppet ministers who are controlled by a puppet master, parliamentarians won their seats but replaced because they ” did not perform ” . We have allowed Skeritt to do what he wants and I am afraid has gotten too far. Now the president of national youth council is a senator going unopposed. The college president who has a relationship with PM from study time in US is brainwashing our kids. Using operatives like the director of agriculture to spread crap in college under the name of agriculture presentation. Dude as much as I like your piece we have become a weak people that talk talk talk and turn a blind eye. We are lost.

  27. Original Peaceful #1
    August 17, 2015

    Excellent article , Mr. Bruno. As a literature fanatic, i must say that the use of language and command of the language is brilliant. I support your article 100%.

  28. Ex DA Law Man
    August 17, 2015

    Excellent piece.Some of them are still living in a fools paradise.They refuse to believe the ship is sinking as long as the pm says full speed ahead.This ship is going nowhere, but down unless things change.Oh sweet nature isle,What have they done to you.

    August 17, 2015

    Mr Bruno.
    Thats a good article that was given to you. Smh

    • Alex Bruno
      August 17, 2015

      Dear BACK A YARD,


      I hope all is well with you and the family. It was very nice speaking with you the other.

      Now, as you know, I would never pin my name to material that I did not author, nor would I write under a pseudo name. Thank you for the commendation that indeed my piece was/is good; it is always refreshing to get such feedback. As for the suggestion that the work is not mine, you are probably correct. I believe that this material was given to me because I actually consider myself as the vessel which was used in the materialization of article, but I wrote it…all of it…from start to finish, and I shall be writing more as long as ignorance such as that which you so proudly manifest persist.

      See you soon,


    • Original Peaceful #1
      August 17, 2015

      Back A Yard, You clearly dont know any thing about language and alex’s capability. Alex,Your citations proved you have written this article like the true scholar that u are. Only another scholar like myself can recognize and appreciate such good writing. keep it up. people like u give me hope.

  30. August 17, 2015

    I guess you cleared your self with your opening statement. You know about the festival, its selection process and its also know wadix,i not being critical about his hard work,but he is weak on procedure.ou connet sa double a.i would be very upset if the pm is the one who personally removed Gordon from the wcmf this year.but i suspect your cautious approach since you know more about the operations of the wcmf better than most of us.

  31. Not a herd follower
    August 17, 2015

    A strong repudiation of wrong, Alex. Thanks.

  32. Weeping
    August 17, 2015

    Brilliant article. I hope el Supremo Skero can remember that Marie Antoinette lost her head over a single necklace and brought down the French monarchy with her.

    After much abuse, It takes a very small thing, for a people to depose a leader.

  33. ??
    August 17, 2015

    Stop the crying Alex. His time will come. It’s time to move on. Ophelia is a class act who deserves it just as much.

    • Not a herd follower
      August 17, 2015

      Are you for real? His time will come?Do you not understand the significance of the decision of the Skerrit Cabinet? It seems not.

  34. stupes
    August 17, 2015

    Not ONLY double A, but add a Double S to that A.

    It popular so let me join the train.

  35. Dave Bertrand
    August 17, 2015

    What an awesome article. Food for thought ! This PM skerritt is very arrogant. He believes he is invincible and everything he says goes. The other members of parliament-the DLP are not bold enough or are not capable to express their independent opinion. If they are not able to do so then the people should have the last say. We should boycott this year’s festival. By doing so we will be sending a clear message to them.

    • faceup
      August 17, 2015

      Well the process has already started in the French Islands ask RADIO CARRAIBE in solidarity of GORDON HENDERSON…EXPRESS LANDING EMPTY 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O 8-O

      • faceup
        August 17, 2015


      • Dave Bertrand
        August 18, 2015

        That sounds wonderful.It should also include an international boycott right across the Kweyol speaking nations. It’s not a matter of if you are Red or Blue. Dominicans should stand up and support what they believe is right and show their dissatisfaction about the way this corrupt government treats true patriots.

      • Dave Bertrand
        August 18, 2015

        If it calls for encouraging protest in support of Gordon Henderson right across the Kweyol speaking nations we should not refrain from encouraging it.

  36. memoi
    August 17, 2015

    Couldn’t have said it better. But the thing is what will Dominicans do about it. We have seen worst happen, things which affects our own personal pockets and way of life and yet we have done nothing about it. My guess is nothing will be done although I would be very happy if Dominicans would stand up to someone who help put Dominica on the MAP. I personally won’t be going to the festival and I wish some or most Dominicans would do the same. This man help kick start the festival when mister PM was still making his $1200.00EC salary. Now that he is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE he is spitting on the man who help created a means for Dominican to earn some much needed money. It is a shame when we have to think of the way we allow our leader to treat us and the way Dominicans has grown to begin worshiping their leaders. The same leaders who made them poor by showing no interest in what was our main money earner (agriculture). Sad Times in Dominica. Sad times.

  37. AD
    August 17, 2015

    Bravo, Alex, bravo.

  38. Fedup
    August 17, 2015

    Oh Pawol please!!!!

  39. hashtag
    August 17, 2015

    Why is Skerro so Mad tho?

    Excellent article Pawol.

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