COMMENTARY: It all looks familiar

Chavez (left), Ghadaffi

As I ponder three separate and unrelated news stories in the media I cannot avoid a temptation to ask how they are related to events unfolding in Dominica and what lessons we can learn from them.

First, the real life crime drama playing out in Boston and the fixation of most of the United States on the case that tells a lot about gang warfare, sibling loyalty as well as the fierce bond that holds together members of an immigrant community, the Irish descendants of a working class South Boston neighborhood.

James Whitey Bulger is a celebrated gangster who evaded the law for more than fifteen years after spreading terror throughout Boston, having allegedly committed nineteen murders while at the same time being an FBI informant against rival gangs. The case has echoes of official corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and its prosecution is bound to unveil the dark and ugly reality of the double dealing of law enforcement officers whose commitment to fighting crime is compromised by their ethnic and community loyalty.

Consider also the evolving stories of the Libya and Venezuela, two countries to which the leadership of Dominica is tied at the hip.

First, Libya. It has been an open secret in the international community that Colonel Ghadaffi is not only eccentric but has a history of supporting terrorism. It should have come as no surprise that NATO, supported directly by the United States, would be supporting his ouster by helping the rebels who are seeking his ouster.

The news surrounding Venezuela and its enigmatic leader Hugo Chavez is also worthy of attention, perhaps even more so than Libya. This is a man who has been on a mission to create a sphere of influence for himself in the Western Hemisphere and along the way he has patched together a network camp followers that includes the prime minister of our country and others who are all too eager to form an alliance with an evil despot in return for financial assistance that enable them to be their own little despot.

Hugo Chavez finally admitted last night that he has cancer. Ghadaffi is under siege in Tripoli. Some say it’s only a matter of time before he succumbs to NATO bombs or the wrath of his people.

Got a feeling that Dominica’s day of reckoning is coming? If so, you may not be alone. It has long been my opinion and also that of astute observers that Venezuelan and Libyan largesse to Dominica serves as a band aid over a festering wound. In the long run we will be all the poorer for relying on our corrupt benefactors. They will rob us of our will for self determination and economic empowerment. The abrupt termination of financial aid may be painful and disruptive but in the long run, the country may be better off for it.

The twin news of Ghadaffi and Chavez cannot be comforting to baby despot Roosevelt Skerritt. The prime minister seems to have developed a niche of financial backers that have a lot in common. They are both international pariahs, shunned by major international powers on account of their dubious dealings: Chavez for his suspected role in aiding the Columbia rebels who are known drug traffickers, and Ghadaffi for his role in international terrorism.

Dominica’s association with these men will leave a stench with which we will be associated for some time.

It is not a sufficient defense to say that other countries are involved with Venezuela and Libya and have benefited from their largesse.

We must never overlook the fact that Dominica’s relevance in the international community cannot be divorced from its moral and principled positions. When we accept funding from despots with ugly reputations we cast doubt on the true character of our nation as well as exposing the moral bankruptcy of a leader whose sole metric of success seems to be how much dirty money he can attract and how many of his supporters he can compromise and force to remain silent.

This situation does NOT bode well for the country.

What’s the relevance, you might ask, of the reference to the Boston crime gang and the dubious role of the FBI?

Hint: Can anyone in Dominica say with a straight face that the local police is acting professionally, meaning without undue influence from authorities close to the levers of power, in the investigation of a crime involving a former magistrate?

If you believe the answer is yes, then the Boston FBI need not worry about revelations that may emerge from the prosecution of James Whitey Bulger, a fugitive whose arrest they feared would drag their dirty linen in public.

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  1. CID
    July 1, 2011

    Probing the UNSEEN INFLUENCES. As confessed to police, by the guy who claimed he received some money and was influenced to carry out one of the most abominable crimes in the history of Dominica, a certain Earl Grant(SECO)facilitated the attempted assassination of two elders Lawyer Emanuel and his wife on CHRISTMAS Day. Emanuel had filed 42 charges re. fraud and wrongful acquisition of assets against lawyer Isidore.

    Is that the same Earl Grant(SECO)close friend of lawyer Isidore?

    Is that the same Earl grant (SECO) who incorporated the Blaircourt Property Development Ltd. Co. and became its sole director?

    Did Blaircourt enter into a transaction for the purchase of 1.25 acres of land in Savanne Paille, the location of the VILLAS?

    Was it Isidore who handled the transfer of title of the land to Blaircourt?

    Were the signatories of the account opened for Blaircourt that same Earl Grant ( SECO) and lawyer Isidore?

    Was the registered address of Blaircourt: 16 Hillsborough St., the same location from which Isidore operated his Commission agency Business?

    is that the same Earl grant (Seco) who resigned a few months later as sole director and replaced by ‘Bubbles’?

    Is that the same Earl Grant (SECO)who now has disappeared from Dominica in the heat of the confession and revelations re. the firebombing of Emanuel’s home?

    Did that same Earl Grant (Seco)leave of his own accord, or told to run away by unseen influences before things get too hot and the entire House, with its corrupt occupants,come
    tumbling down?

    Connections? See any Connections? To lovely, peaceful Dominica you all are doing that and people supporting and giving excuses for those actions? Await the WRATH OF GOD.

    July 1, 2011

    In 2000 Americans went to the polls to elect a leader. At the end of the day George W. Bush emerged as the winner over Democrat Al Gore. The majority of people belived that the election was stolen by Bush because of some irregularities in Florida where his brother, at the time was The Governor of the state ( I’m sure many of DNO readers remember that). In 2004 Bush won the election again and again there was a widespread belief that, once again, the election was stolen. On both occassions the American public did not hold any demonstrations or protest, they respected the government of the day and went about their business as usual, though the government was very unpopular and had a very low approval rating. In 2008 the people had enough and decided to get rid of Bush and his cronies. Through a well organized political campaign by the democrats led by The present President Barack Obamo Bush and his Cronies were overwhelmingly defeated.
    The point is my people if we are trying to follow in the footsteps of America and strive for democracy why don’t we take a page out of America’s book and let the democratic process run it’s course. Enough of this boycotting and inciting of political unrest. It seems to me we are following in the footsteps of the very ones we claim to detest. The opposition need to get into parliment, take their message to the people, organize and show the people that they are for real. Stop tring to incite social unrest, it is not democratic. You stand a better chance taking your message to the people. If your points are valid the people will hear you. Stop trying to overturn the democratic process.Is that what we want for Dominica violence and bloodshed? At the end of the day you will say you love Dominica. I just find it a little hard to believe. Don’t forget that the truth always have a way of coming out.

  3. Independant
    July 1, 2011

    Time is telling. Freedom workers Labor and more is for a while. What is to be will be. We only have one life to live and we should have no time for apologies.

  4. EH Las!!!
    July 1, 2011

    It is really something when so-called intellectuals come on media circles such as DNO to write articles which only show how truly ignorant, biased and downright STUPID they really are. Sady there are so many gullible (often politically-biased fools) in our midts who swollow this garbage easily. No wonder every other race, other than the black race is making progress forward. it is because the people who really should know better to educate are themselves only reverting back to the role of ‘Houseslaves’ like on the plantation carrying out the will and instructions of the master. How sad!!!!!

  5. Lavie Dominique!
    July 1, 2011

    Well Anti- Hate I hope you math is not as bad as your analysis of events, because if you check you will notice that you have written about 65% of the comments here, do you believe in the Russian philosophy that if you say something often enough gullible people will believe you? I won’t be surprised if the people who agree with you are not you under other aliases!!!! In the land of the blind the eyed man is king!

    • EH Las!!!
      July 1, 2011

      Lavie Dominique, it’s better to keep your fingers crossed than to expose yourself as an idiot with the constant barage of crap that you are writing. All that loads of BS here on DNO is not going to get your party and the people you support back into power. get it?? So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!!

      • Lavie Dominique!
        July 1, 2011

        You are dismissed I don’t discuss at this BASE level. Go read a book, tell me when you are done, and maybe I will entertain you.

  6. 4 sheezy
    July 1, 2011

    Hey writer, Dominicans understand why NATO bombed Libya & Hugo Chavez role in building alternatives to the world bank & IMF hence the USA’s anti-Chavez propaganda. The Boston link makes no sense and this is just a waste of time. Try harder next time. Dominicans are smarter than you think.Dominica will survive regardless of world events because there will be intelligent leadership that wont blindly follow the USA, world bank & IMF and find alternatives sources of funding for our developing country.

  7. linky
    July 1, 2011


  8. Justice For All
    July 1, 2011

    Dominicans have been following the news reports regarding the Emanuel vs. Isidore case. Chronology of events, LEST WE FORGET

    —– Emanuel filed 42 charges against Isidore for alleged embezzlement/fraud of about $8,000,000.00.
    —– Court orders Isidore’s assets pounded
    —– Chief Magistrate signs warrant, send it to police to arrest Isidore
    —– Carrette now Police Chief refuses to obey court’s order
    —– Isidore, friend and lawyer who worked for Skerritt is not arrested
    —- Carrette, Chief of police excuse for non-arrest is that, he Carret was out of State
    —– First day for court hearing, judicial review sought
    —– not one of the 42 charges read to Isidore
    —- Police dressed in military uniform in area of court which is cordoned off
    —- no date for commencement of case

    —- CHRISTMAS DAY, Dominicans awake to and surprised with news of attempted assassination of Lawyer Emanuel who had filed the 42 charges against Isidore
    —– Defense Lawyers Tony Astaphan et al as well as Isidore voluntarily present themselves at Police Headquarters re. attempted assasination
    —– Tony Astaphan mentions names on radio programme of possible culprits involved
    —– Chronicle report by Josh Shaw informs that Police received confession from an assailant
    —– Tony Astaphan claims that the persons he mentioned have criminal records and any confession given to police were incredible.
    —– Many people who know of those things dismissed Astaphan’s claims.
    —–Carrette using wrong English term, said that an ARSONIST would be sought to help solve that case of ARSON. Later that was corrected to’ getting an ARSON investigator’ by the Carrette
    —– Police interviews editor of chronicle to find out who is that Josh Shaw and where did he get his info.
    —– Police reveals that Denny Shillingford had given confession
    —– Chief of Police, Carrette, repeats that confession given had irregularities.
    —– Person who gave confession mentioned Earl Grant as facilitator in that heinous crime
    —– Chief of Police reveals EG was out of State and would be sought to return for questioning. ( Looking for a NEEDLE in a HAYSTACK?)
    —– Chief of Police claims Emanuel, the victim, is not cooperating with police and so is impeding the investigation. (Victim holding up investigation?)
    —– Dominicans express dismay and suspicion
    —– Dominicans like playing a game of jigsaw puzzle have been putting the pieces together for themselves and making the CONNECTIONS
    —— Dominicans are closely monitoring events and the pace of investigations

    —— Dominicans of all walks of life, here and abroad, cannot believe such criminal, INTERCONNECTED acts are happening in our beautiful Dominica, the NATURE ISLE?
    —– Dominicans are baffled and concerned Rightly or wrongly, that a FEW in ‘HIGH PLACES’ are being PROTECTED by all means possible from criminal activities. The cry is that ‘ALL ARE NOT EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW.’ Dominicans reiterate that JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED. Dominicans are NO FOOLS. ONLY TIME WILL TELL.

    • Lavie Dominique!
      July 1, 2011

      Thank you Justice for all. Interesting chronology of events! Well put together

    • Referee
      July 1, 2011

      OK, Tony Astaphan. Only you could post a response so detailed and clearly intended to continue his usual propaganda. The least he could do is to accept authorship.

      • EH Las!!!
        July 1, 2011

        If you read carefully I am sure you would notice that based on the crap that is written, it couldn’t be Tony that wrote it. But I agree with you in one thing: This never-ending BS by ‘justice for all’was not worth reading anyway!!!

  9. Scare Rit
    July 1, 2011

    To all those bashing the article what it is that was said that is false. Is it that Both Chavez and gadaffie are ruthless dictators; is it that birds of a feather flock together?

  10. Truth,Love, Peace
    July 1, 2011

    Gadaffi’s were based around democracy, equality. However, Colonel Gadaffi is infamous for his support of terrorist organisations including the IRA in Ireland, and the Basque separatist movement ETA.
    For many years, he protected the two terrorists responsible for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland, and refused to accept responsibility or pay compensation. In August 2003, two years after Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi’s conviction in the the Netherlands – Libya formally accepted responsibility for the actions of its officials’ in respect of the Lockerbie bombing and agreed to pay compensation of up to $2.7 billion to the families of the 270 victims.
    Anti –Hate is ranting and raving in support of Gadaffi – for what . For the few favors that a corrupt family has given to a few self serving Dominicans. I need not go into the details. While Gaddafi has made progress as far as international issues were concerned, his track record in Libya remain tainted. For 40 years Gaddafi has been running Libya by suppressing political opponents, holding people without reason or trial, and using torture. It is also well documented that Gadaffi is responsible for the trafficking of slaves.
    Gaddafi famous all female bodyguard known as the Amazonian Guard is by no means a gesture towards the equality of women but another of his ploy to hold on to absolute power. The Libyan population which is dominantly between 15-60 years of age have never had the chance to experience a different ruler. The only system of governance that they have know is this brutal regime of colonel Gadaffi. A country so rich and a Gadaffi family in control of the country’s wealth with of billions of dollars in their personal accounts yet there is a 30 % unemployment rate in Lybia. That oil wealth has, instead, been used to spread influence and gain sympathy; provide bounties on critics, including journalist. He has also shown support – both moral and financial – for Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe a tyrant.
    He opposed Sudanese leader Tombalbaye, in large part because he was black and Christian. Despite what Anti –Hate may want you to believe the man expressed great hatred for black people. Gadaffi ‘s recent support for Pan-Africanism and African Unity was only because his rally for Arab Unity and Arab nationalism had never been realized even after 40 years. The man is forever dealing with his demons – Lebanese Shia leader Musa al-Sadr and his two companions went to Libya to meet with government officials and they were never heard from again. He has also shown support – both moral and financial – for Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, who has been exposed as a tyrant.
    The interest of the US, France, Britain in Libya remains questionable however the essence of the article is not about international interest and policies towards a Gaffi ruled Libya. The issue here is about Gadaffi the dictator , the ruthless murdered and that those world leaders who support such a woeful human being is also despicable.

    • Anti-hate
      July 1, 2011

      lol are you Gary Esprit trying to salvage some credibility?

      I am ranting and raving? Is that what people call presenting a counter-argument to an article put up on dno (I would assume)for rational debate based on the facts?

      You even assign motives to me, that I am supporting Gadhafi due to a few Dominicans benefiting?? I know not what you speak of!!!

      Gadhafi is no angel!! It is hard to find anyone who will make such a claim including the people of his country who support him. That doesn’t mean that this NATO war is because of his past misdeeds. Gadhafi had already been accepted back into the international political mainstream after abandoning support for terrorism, and taking steps towards reform.

      You say that leaders who support Gadhafi are despicable? So what would you say about leaders who support the other dictatorships such as in Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia?

      I could go on taking your argument apart but this post is getting too long.

    • Dee
      July 1, 2011

      remember one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. know your history mandela was jailed and seen as a terrorist to. just because the west says someone is a supporter of terrorist doesnt mean its a bad thing for people who look like us

  11. Wenner
    July 1, 2011

    Gary Espirit….lol…tar baby…

    The UWP changes its name again

  12. wargod
    July 1, 2011

    I’d love to see the face of that fool who wrote this total garbage….smdh

  13. wargod
    July 1, 2011

    you use such elegant words….but the mind behind those words is very naive….so, accepting aid from europe or the united states makes it better…..these genocidal nations have been murdering innocent people since way b4 the arrival of columbus and u want to compare…little hugo chavez/khadafi to these demons….man study ur history a little deeper….and history books don’t tell true history….its mixed up with all kinds of BS

  14. Peeping Tom
    July 1, 2011

    This is an opinion piece and therefore, Mr. Gary Esprit is entitled to say pretty much whatever he feels like, within reason. In an attempt to express HIS opinion on world events, he can be excused for an ill-informed position on those events.

    However, even a “commentary” must be based on factual events if that opinion is to be taken seriously. Otherwise, it becomes just another of what we have in excess in Dominica: Endless irresponsible loose talk.

    This commentary is coloured, prejudiced, and ill-informed. It therefore, cannot be taken seriously even as a point from which serious minds can begin a debate/discussion.

  15. July 1, 2011

    The tongue is a very powerful weapon, it is used to bless and to curse and when you put it to paper, it creates a seal that is difficult to break.

    My reason is that we speak and seal too much negativity on our country that it has affected the very core of Government and caused a division in the country. The wrier must understand that the world is not perfect not even the USA, all our Governments and oppositions are corrupt.

    We must speak life and be positive about Dominica and if we believe that our leaders are not up to PAR , please PRAY FOR THEM. They can’t change through our Rantings and Ravings, when we pray, God will order their stes in his word. PLEASE DONT PUT ANYMORE CURSES ON DOMINICA, WE ALL LIVE ON THIS ROCK OF BLESSED AND PROSPEROUS PEOPLE.

    • Lavie Dominique!
      July 1, 2011

      Enough of this hypocrisy I know you people prefer to stand by dressed in red with you bible under all you arm and just allow Dominica to go to hell in a hand basket. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!!That is where the DANGER lies, not with people who see clearly the rottenness of the country and are trying to clean it up. Just like Pastor BJ as a preacher preaching fire and brimstone at people committing while he commits it, and his the people in his church allowed it go on, because they do not to blemish the church.. Give me a break!! Stop this rubbish, it is dirty and filthy, say it is dirty and filthy and for heavens sake CLEAN IT UP!!! Now we are supposed to be in the CLEANING PHASE! Dominica is Filthy and we need to CLEAN IT UP AND DISINFECT it, so Ma Dominiqe can raise up again proudly, and clean.. Down with all you hypocrisy aiders and abetters of wrong doing! Put the bible down, you are not reading it properly.

      • PAIN
        July 1, 2011

        La vie Dominique, I am for one that need to see a cleansing Dominica but I will not help you if I have to put my Bible down.

    • Wow
      July 1, 2011

      Lance, christians are not supposed to be silent during times of moral decay. The early christians were imprisoned and beaten for preaching what was right. I have no idea why some Dominicans who call themselves christians can sit and accept the corruption that this government has to offer. This is the prayer of a Christian – Lord I do not care which party it is but root out eveil from the core. If our leaders are corrupt bring them to their knees. Shake our spirits, give us a conscience that our country may be better and serve you. Bless all those who are doing what is right and fighting for truth and righteousness. Bring down every fortress of the enemy. Amen

  16. tea
    July 1, 2011

    Its your opinion and I respect that… But I will like to tell you this ..please do some more research well written content but the message is void. People don’t be so gullible please do your own research….

    I thank you!!!

  17. a nice guy
    July 1, 2011

    DNO… this writer speaks utter rubbish to the masses who read your site, and to those who do not have the foresight to do their own research they will believe this propaganda.

    ANTI-Hate seems to be well informed and knowledgeable about worldly events and the history to support his claims as opposed to the writer of this article who seems to be very much CLUELESS and educationally corrupt by the propaganda that he actually believes is true..

    Seek TRUTH… it is often situated between what is being told to you by the media and what is actually happening

    • possie blast
      July 1, 2011

      Propaganga eh……… the man talking truth, hypocrits dressed in red, all eyes all red alu cannot see, wen they catch gadafi and chavez die i want to see where money will comout, zor toe sot

      • EH Las!!!
        July 1, 2011

        I want to see where you going to eat bread you so-called ‘Possie blastedFOOl”!!!!

      • loco
        July 1, 2011

        jack ASS!!!

    • PAIN
      July 1, 2011

      Those dictators just wants to reign for life.
      No opportunities for their country men.
      After them is their family to run things and no one else, and you all expect others to seat back to take that.
      Down with all of them.

  18. Dee
    July 1, 2011

    Dont agree with the PM but the writer is mistaken about Chavez an Ghadaffi. Understand that NATO and the west are against these men because they work towards the betterment of Black and Brown people around the world. We must understand that the west will never have our best interest in mind and that the developing world must come together to uplift its people. Malcom X said it best “Capitalism is not a friend of the Black man.”

  19. Anti-hate
    July 1, 2011

    To the writer of this article who is trying to fool people into thinking Gadhafi is being bombed because of links to terrorism and not because he refuses to sell out his country to oil companies read this article named:
    Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

    • Lavie Dominique!
      July 1, 2011

      Gaddafi is being bombed because he would rather kill HIS people than to allow them their freedom from his despotic reign of FORTY TWO years!!! All the conspiracy theories are what they are conspiracy theories!!! Taking about fooling people! There is no Bombing in Egypt, I wonder why, Oh I know there is no oil in Egypt. You people never fail to amaze me!!

      • Anti-hate
        July 1, 2011

        Lol @ you thinking these are conspiracy theories. SMH. Don’t even know what to say to you because your brain-washing is at a real advanced stage it will take more than a post on DNO to rehabilitate you.

        I am encouraged though that many of the other people posting here also have their eyes wide open to what is really happening.

      • EH Las!!!
        July 1, 2011

        This Lavie Dominique charachter really have his a** up his behind!! Damn idiot!!!

    • PAIN
      July 1, 2011

      So anti-hate, you think the oil field is an estate Gaddafi grandpa left for him, in that he does not want to give it up.

      Dominica will not be an estate for your daddy Skerrit anyway.

  20. Anti-hate
    July 1, 2011

    This article is nothing short of well-written propaganda riddled with blatant lies, half-truths and fallacies.

    The sad thing is that most people don’t know better and will be impressed by this article but the writer will know based on my comments that I am one of those informed enough to see right through him and his agenda.

    July 1, 2011


  22. Anti-hate
    July 1, 2011

    They will rob us of our will for self determination and economic empowerment. The abrupt termination of financial aid may be painful and disruptive but in the long run, the country may be better off for it.
    More nonsense!! Gadhafi, Chavez etc have their agenda!! To stymie the expansion of Western hegemony and imperialism.

    Do you know how Europe and the US maintain their hegemony?? Well other than using NATO to bomb a country into submission while using excuses like WMD and ‘humanitarian interventions’ it’s through use of financial organizations they control such as the World Bank and IMF!!

    Who does more robbing of “will for self determination and economic empowerment” than these organizations? The countries which own them exploit 3rd world countries of their resources, then when these debt-ridden countries are forced to go to the IMF for loans to stay afloat, the IMF dictates the conditions for the loans!!

    Tells them who they can and can’t do business with, force them to reduce or eliminate social welfare programs and forces them to privatize national-owned businesses! Is that your idea of economic empowerment????!!!

  23. Well said.
    July 1, 2011

    Where’s the “thumbs up” when I need it? Not only was this piece very well written, but it’s very sensible. Nobody is invincible; life has different remedies for different evils. Whether it’s cancer, bombs or bullets all corrupt leaders will meet their fate!

    • Just Me
      July 1, 2011

      I dont see your point. Everybody dies one way or aother be they good bad or ugly. Several “good’ world leaders like INDIRA GANDHI have passed on. What’s your point? Even the blessed Jesus met his death on a cross. What’s your point?

      You must remember that what is one man’s meat is the other man’s poison. Robin Hood was a hoodlum, thief and outlaw to the ruling class of his people, but to the peasant class he was the best thing since the messiah. It all depends on your angle on things.

      I wish Mr. Chavez a speedy return to good health and I also wish the western leaders wisdom and good health. I wish the best to all men and rejoince in the ill fortunes of none. Our day for the market will come to all of us.

    • EH Las!!!
      July 1, 2011

      Yes, including, Eddo, prevo, Ron et al.

  24. Anti-hate
    July 1, 2011

    Hugo Chavez finally admitted last night that he has cancer. Ghadaffi is under siege in Tripoli. Some say it’s only a matter of time before he succumbs to NATO bombs or the wrath of his people.


    Gadhafi is under siege in Tripoli? By who? His people??? Because even the biased media openly refers to Tripoli as Gadhafi’s stronghold where he has massive support from the majority of the population. Have you not heard about him distributing a million rifles to the citizens to defend their country from the NATO oil thieves?

    I guess you mean he is under siege by NATO in Tripoli? Don’t you find it even slightly unfair that the population of a place supports their leader yet outsiders bomb it to pieces to try to remove the leader that the people want?

  25. Anti-hate
    July 1, 2011

    First, Libya. It has been an open secret in the international community that Colonel “Ghadaffi is not only eccentric but has a history of supporting terrorism. It should have come as no surprise that NATO, supported directly by the United States, would be supporting his ouster by helping the rebels who are seeking his ouster.”
    Total nonsense!!!!! You are feeding BS to the un-informed!! The ‘rebels’ are much more closely affiliated with terrorism at present than Gadhafi. Al qaeda is on record supporting the rebels. Many Libyans from Eastern Libya and Benghazi (the rebel base) are documented as having fought as insurgents vs US and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

    For you to claim that the NATO countries want Gadhafi out because of links to terrorism either means you are totally clueless or an incredibly blatant liar!!

    Informed people know that France and the UK NEED him out because he was speaking of further nationalization of oil companies, and selling more oil to China instead of Europe.

    Obama never really wanted to get involved but had to side with his allies, which is why he pulled out as quickly as he could and took a support role!! Obama knows fully well its a war for oil!!

  26. July 1, 2011


    • Just Me
      July 1, 2011

      Skerrit’s picture is missing there because it is hidden in the hearts of his people – where many are fighting to be.

    • Pepper
      July 1, 2011


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