COMMENTARY: Paralysis of Integrity in Public Office (Part 1)

joshua francis
Joshua Francis

Recently the Integrity Commission re-surged into public discourse after the Parliament of Dominica amended the Integrity in public Office Act which ended the life of the Integrity in Public office Commission until the set up a newly trimmed IPO Commission.

Of course the members of the opposition Team Dominica, United Workers Party vehemently opposed the bill to amend the IPO act but at the end the” eyes have it”. This new IPO legal framework stands in the face of the revival of national discussions of the need for transparency and accountability in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The expanding sea of concern for integrity in public office has been aided by new allegations of Dominica’s government misconduct in public office as regards to the management of our citizenship by Investment Program.

As to refresh our minds, the IPO Act serves for the establishment of the Integrity Commission; to make provisions for the prevention of corruption of persons in public life by providing for public disclosure; to regulate the conduct of persons exercising public functions; to preserve and promote the integrity of public officials and institutions, and for pertinent related matters. In essence the Act is meant to promote integrity, transparency and accountability.

The concepts of integrity, transparency and accountability have been identified by the United Nations as part of the founding principles of public administration. In public administration, integrity refers to “honesty” or “trustworthiness” in the discharge of official duties, serving as an antithesis to “corruption” or “the abuse of office.” Transparency refers to unfettered access by the public to timely and reliable information on decisions and performance in the public sector. Accountability refers to the obligation on the part of public officials to report on the usage of public resources and answerability for failing to meet stated performance objectives. But what do these terms mean to the bare-foot man for administration and governance of Dominica?

Could it be that to uphold integrity, “public servants must neither ask for nor accept anything from another to perform their duties? Is “transparency achieved by providing the public with timely, accessible and accurate information? What about accountability-is it a standard of public life, where “holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their offices. What is your take?

The issue of integrity in public office has had memorable performances in Dominica and may have had legendary glorification in the 2000 general elections. We were at saturation point with allegations that the then government was infested with the corruption bug and the current administration was swept into office on an anti – corruption platform.

Following the general elections of 2000, integrity in public office occupied our national mind for a significant period of time such that a Commission of Enquiry was set up to determine the alleged corruption of the then government. It is also instructive to remind us that such inquiry resulted in futility.

Clearly this vision of sanitizing corruption in public office as stated by Dominica’s current Dominica Labour Party (DLP) government has not been realized given the number of dubious government transactions such as the famous “bin Bobol” and more recently allegations of corruption in the sale of Dominica’s passports. And we know that several pertinent questions have been thrown to the public about financial acquisition and property accumulation by some public officials. We have been learning that there are public officers who have received illicit enrichment, that is, a significant increase in assets that he or she cannot reasonably explain in relation to his or her lawful income. We hear about conflict of interest with respect to their functions such that some public officials grant government businesses to family-we hear about all kinds of rumors and allegations.

We also know as a fact that a few questionable characters were granted our passports under the regime of our current DLP government.

We are also aware that a serious case against the Prime Minster of Dominica which has reached the stage of requiring formal treatment by the Integrity Commission may be stalled at the High Court of Dominica because of the amends to the IPO ACT. And we may never receive a balanced, fair and reasonably forthright determination of the serious allegations made against those implicated.

It is always best for a country’s government to ensure that its conduct is above reproach in the view of a reasonable observer and to upkeep the integrity and dignity of the public’s Office; but can we say that the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica has operated above board?.

Can we conclude that the Government of Dominica has championed integrity in Public office even if it can be credited for passing the IPO act in parliament? How have the recent amendments to the IPO act helped integrity in public office in Dominica?

Dominica’s government’s decision to amend the IPO act would suggest a contrary position to international movements to strengthen the legislative framework in order to improve integrity in public office. In Dominica, the government appears to have weakened our IPO legal framework by its failure to depoliticize the appointment of the IPO commissioners and to protect whistleblowers – to name a few.

As the saying goes, “time will tell and who have ears let them hear, and who have eyes, let them see…..”

Joshua Francis is Member of Parliament for the Roseau South Constituency. 

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  1. pydana
    February 21, 2016

    so because joshua write a nice article he should be leader? leaders are special people, people with back bone people who fear no one.nothing wrong with linton as leader. a leader does not have to be the smartest person but as long as he hires people who is smart and to put them in positions that can make him look good.those people who thinks Joshua should be in linton’s space are the same set of people who see nothing wrong with the things skerrit is doing. these are labour followers who talks that way.let Joshua waits his turn If linton don’t make it the next time He will give someone else a chance. none of the other labour ministers can stand where skerrit is if skerrit have to out of that office some some reasons unknown, but U W P have many who can sit up front.

  2. The Baptiste
    February 19, 2016

    Hon. Jousha Francis, I know that you specifically refer to the IPO, but there is overall paralysis of governance, of leadership, there is economic paralysis, you should not have stopped at Integrity, there is overall paralysis in Dominica.

  3. Rupert Sorhaindo
    February 19, 2016

    Mr. Francis, your commentary presents an interesting perspective on the recent amendment to the IPOAct! However I have reason to question your commitment to the promotion of integrity in public office, given your failure to condemn your colleague Thomson Fontaine, when you must know that he ended up with a title to a plot of land in Rosalie that was bequeathed to the Dominica Academy of Arts and Sciences (DAAS), when he served as Treasurer of that organization; and that further, he had made a down payment of $3,000 on a second plot of land in Rosalie – also bequeathed to the DAAS, as part of an arrangement with the then president, Clayton Shillingford for outright purchase! I have documented in great detail some of the questionable actions of Thomson Fontaine during his tenure as Treasurer of the DAAS in matters dubbed “Transfergate” (referring to the unauthorized transfer of funds from the DAAS bank account to Fontaine’s personal bank account) and “Landgate”.

  4. Business Minded
    February 18, 2016

    Very fine piece of writing which is very informative about a policy. I am behooved to suggest that what is needed is not being addressed in the country. The Parliamentary form of Government lends itself to dictatorship, as we have see throughout the Caribbean and Africa – and most countries colonized in particular by European countries. In my humble opinion, the following should be the priority:

    1. Election reform which we heard so much about during the last election
    2. Voter Id Cards for each registered voter currently living in the country for a certain period of time.
    3. The people’s voices should be heard in Parliament, and as such, there should be a referendum on how
    a bill becomes law in the country.
    4. The referendum put to the people during elections, should require that 3/4 of the House must ratify a
    bill before it becomes law.
    If the opposition cannot win that percentage seats, then they should not be in a position to
    affect a bill before it becomes…

  5. Dan is de man in de van
    February 18, 2016

    Mr Francis is neither too cho nor too flam.. He observes thinks strategically analyse and then he makes his move these are the qualities of an intelligent leader…

    • PoKeSa
      February 19, 2016

      Although I’d agree with you that these are some of the qualities needed to be a Prime Minister, it would sit well in other foreign countries but I’m afraid not D/ca. In D/ca the people don’t value honesty and transparency and there’s a tendency to bank on the notion of “helping me to rely on you”. There’s just no room for Mr Nice Guy and in Joshua his wonderful qualities, I’m afraid, will just disappear into thin air.

  6. February 18, 2016

    Joshua, I knew you since you was a little boy running around with your cousins… and I am taking the time to commend you on your achievements…. but what baffles me to this day is… why would you align yourself with such a divisive individual as a leader… I am not asking you to defect from your party… but if your party cannot recognize great leadership,,, maybe it is time to go solo….I do believe you can serve your constituency by being an independent candidate…. Dominica and Dominicans are longing for a fresh breath in politics and maybe, just maybe your style and approach might be the answer…but my honest opinion is your current association my be your biggest downfall….wishing you all the best in public life my brother.

    • Viewsexpressed
      February 19, 2016

      Big Pete, who are referring to, Skerrit..? If so then you are right. No one let alone Joshua should align self with such a character.
      The problem with people like Big Pete and others is that Lennox has become a thorn in the eyes of this corrupt leadership of the DLP having exposed their endless corruption and poor governance. The credibility of Lenox has surpass that of Skerrit, intellectually, politically and open leadership and transparency, the sound leadership that Dominica desperately needs.

  7. Dominica too hypocrite!!!
    February 18, 2016

    Mr. Francis Sir, shouldn’t you be at court advising your leader on beating his latest defamation (Rapist Ministers) case??? You need to start preaching integrity and responsibility with your own political party before you start preaching about it within the IPO!!!

    • Dan is de man in de van
      February 19, 2016

      Mr Francis is a well respected responsible individual,in gainful employment and a client base to serve .. He has no time for petty poli tricks and idle ness…

    February 18, 2016

    I MUST LAUGH Dominica’s government misconduct in public office as regards to the management of our citizenship by Investment Program.

  9. Michael Davis
    February 18, 2016

    Interesting commentary by Mr. Francis …. but when you read this presentation also read – Paper delivered by Julian N. Johnson Chairman of the Integrity Commission, Dominica – …. well it gives the reader some broader context – I hope Joshua will consider in part 2:

    • looking
      February 18, 2016

      Mr Davis while you observation may be true. I have heard arguments that political accusations or accusations made with political mischief are leveled against the leader and to a lesser extent others in public office. But i think that if one is clean there is nothing to fear. If one knows he does not own a french passport, he need not go to the courts to clear his name. If one is accused of holding property and documents are sent to the IPO and he knows that he has nothing to fear. He could call a press conference invite the media houses and simply clear his name. The mere fact that this is used as an excuse raises eyebrows.

      • Michael Davis
        February 19, 2016

        So “looking” – it is your contention that the burden of proof lies not with the person making the claim, but with someone else (like the accused) to disprove? In your world Burden of Proof is a fallacy ? … in which the burden of proof is placed on the wrong side. So when there is a lack of evidence for side A – – – it is taken to be evidence for side B ? … in case in which the burden of proof actually rests on side B. Your hypothesis … a common name for this hypothesis … is an Appeal to Ignorance. A Trial in a Court of Law vs a Trial in the Court of Public Opinion is the conundrum …. one has strict rules of evidence … the other’s rules is based on hype & hyperbole.

  10. dissident
    February 18, 2016

    Absolutely brilliant piece of work Sir!!!!!
    If only officials in government could be as brutally honest with the people that they swore to serve without fear and favor!!
    I mean which government minister could compare to you in this defense of the citizens integrity of our Waitikubuli!??

  11. engineer
    February 18, 2016

    This is how mature political leaders handle issues.. This gentleman should have been elected leader of the UWP. And soon he will be.

    • %
      February 18, 2016

      @engineer Joshua does have an issue with honourable Linton. Joshua is not the only person who can lead UWP either.There are a myriad of leaders there unlike the DLP..At the moment the best man is leading…GO LIVE WITH THAT…Joshua has realised that.He cant be leader by you hypocritically crying crocodile tears on DNO.The people of the party/delegates are pleased and satisfied with their leader.Stop your animosity for Linton.. Very few people listens to you..

      • Dominican
        February 19, 2016

        Myraid and they end up with Lennox? Hahahaha :mrgreen:

        February 21, 2016

        @%, You are nothing more than Lennox’s TOILET TISSUE!

    • Me
      February 18, 2016

      If not UWP DEAD

      • Dominican
        February 19, 2016

        Keep telling yourself that

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