COMMENTARY: Regarding Pope John Paul II’s beatification

John Paul II

Pope John Paul II, a man of deep faith, will one day be proclaimed a saint by the Catholic Church! The Holy Father was an inspiration and a model witness to the life of Christ; a shepherd of truth immersed in profound humility and immense love for both God and man.

His many writings and tireless, world-wide pilgrimages of faith have been a source of strength, encouragement, confidence, optimism and enlightenment not only to Catholics but to all men of good will.

A champion of the poor and ardent exponent of Christian unity, the Polish Pontiff was in many and such capacities as teaching, governing and sanctifying, both a beacon of light and salt of the earth.

He lived the Christian virtues in an heroic way. He was slow to condemn and quick to forgive, applying the medicine of mercy to all sinners including the man who tired to assassinate him and the Church’s wayward clergy.

Alongside his historic role in the fall of Communism, John Paul II was the world’s most influential and uncompromising defender of the dignity of human life. His tenacious pleas for the development of a “culture of life” and parallel denunciations of the “culture of death” have been instrumental in rallying opposition to war, terrorism, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, contraception, and embryonic-tissue research.

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  1. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity .... poor excuse
    May 4, 2011

    Permit me to correct you my friend who called Gorrilaz an idiot and the ‘a lady ‘ who made statement on the school , doctrines and enrollment . Justice , love , peace and unity you call urself , it’s a shame that you claim to know bible , but till now you weren’t able to prove your accusation with not one bit of scripture . I’m solid catholic and is proud to be , but right now i thinking differently especially what i’ve read , and how you all jumped on the person’s male or female back , since he/she used the bible to convey his ‘ her or their point .
    I’ve always questioned the pope and frankly now-a-days and following all the rape and scandals ,and lame defence by pope , to me something not right about catholic anymore . What if the christians are right ? To me , they sound right . The pope did great for those he reached , not us here , none of them ever been here . And to me , one man cannot speak what he wants and the universal church accepts . Gorrilaz you right , the bible is the only truth contained and the pope is not . The pope is not holy-father as we claim and what you said about blasphemy is true . One comment said we need to think and he right . About schools and enrollment alady is right . And besides catholic schools are in need of disciplinarians , need prayers too cause too much demonic activities .

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 8, 2011

      Many of you are not smart. This is depicted by your comments.If you can say such a thing about the Catholic Church which you were baptized in, you are sadly lacking in love and knowledge of the truth. You also lack mortal and spiritual enlightenment. You do not think for yourself. It appears that you do not have a mind of your own. You allow others who are the enemies of the Catholic Church to think for you.
      As Holy Scriptures teaches us: “Do not lean on your own understanding…” Go to this passage and read for yourself.
      Whatever you think, you cannot change a thing about the Catholic Church and its Dogmas. If your views on Catholicism and practice of same are based on other Catholics, whatever they do, then your faith is poor and your practice of the faith is poor. It is weak. You are also weak of spirit. You are following the ways of Satan. It is exactly what Satan would say and imbed in your heart so as to lead you astray to his eternal cauldron of everlasting fire where he will laugh at you for your faithlessness.
      We will go to Heaven on Jesus terms and not on ours.
      Those who are against the Catholic Church are against God. They do not love God. God established His Church. As God has ordained, this is The One which will remain until/at the end of time.
      The Catholic Church will never fail. My advice to them is to leave the Catholic Church. God knows that you are not practicing this faith as you should. Therefore, you have become weak of faith which is why you are speaking against it. Satan knows which church is The One and Only True Church. Satan rules your heart to speak in such a manner against the Catholic Church and the Pope.
      The last thing that the Catholic Church needs are enemies as you who hypocritically call yourself a member of the Catholic Church. You are not building-it up; not defending it. Therefore you are not a Catholic in good standing – with the Church. You preach heresy and deserve to be excommunicated.
      Do I need to inform you that every business has a boss, a head. Every home has a head. Every government has a head. There are managers and supervisors, etc. Likewise the Catholic Church. It appears that you are beyond understanding and need to be taught the simple things.
      Either obey or else. The Holy Father, the Priests did not lead you to sin. You led yourself to sin and by your mouth and what is imbedded in your heart.
      When you join another church and are happy in it as you think you have found a good one, DO NOT CRITICIZE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. LEAVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ALONE!
      As God is looking on and has taken note of your words as others, a punishment is forthcoming for all of you.
      I can only hope that you were born of married parents and not those who co-habited and who had illegitimate children. I hope they led exemplary lives. I state this because too many of you criticize and lambaste others for standing up for the truth while your entire life has not been one and still is not exemplary that others could emulate. You are a bunch of hypocrites and not a sincere Christian.
      Love for God and for others, faith and works, generosity, peace and unity will get us to Heaven. Not your warped words as imbedded in your heart.
      When you stand before God for your eternal judgment, He will not ask you about anyone but how well you have practiced the faith and by no means about other people of the Catholic Church.
      If you have children, you will be held accountable to God how you have nurtured them. I hope for your sake that they do not go astray and following their own minds as you do. Keep this in mind.
      This is why I say that many of you do not think and think beyond. You also lack intelligence, morally – mortally and spiritually.
      God is not deceived.
      Based on your stupidity and that of others, I will write my book on Catholicism.

    • elizabeth_luv_christ4/lyfe
      May 8, 2011

      That’s it gorllaz . People cannot go to heaven by doing good works . how dumb this fella is cannot give not one scripture , coming wid a nonsense about good works gorillaz i hope he read what you write and verses you give . difference between a believer and RC is RC do know bible , Christian before they speakis bible . Christ4lyfe yow .

      • elizabeth_luv_christ4/lyfe
        May 8, 2011

        My catholic friend you keep making a fool out of urself and the last statement Re- good works to get you to heaven is why i got out in the first place . when you’re dealing with biblical issues use your bible like i do and of-course it appears RC members cannot do so , but speak of myths which came out of their holy-infallible-father the father of lies who leads the people astray in ignorance and doctrines of devils . Ask your priest for his testimony of how he got saved . guess he won’t answer that simply becuz he has never been . salvation is not of works and it takes a fool to tell you so becuz you’re so wise and cannot see the truth . the bible declares he uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise . read on salvation and how one can be saved and enter heaven my friend and let me help you to do so and if at anytime you care to know more i’d be happy to give you my eamil add to email me privily like how nicodemus came to Christ by night becuz of his (1) shame being a priest not wanting others think he was coming to christ becuz he didn’t know much and secondly to know Christ and his promise for the people . Take the shame from ur eyes . Salvation is act of being saved from the wrath of God Roman 6:23 , 10:9-13&17 , John 3:3,5&7,15-18 , Ephesians 2:8-10 , titus 3:4-5 , Acts 2:29-47 , Hebrews 10 esp verse 31 .

  2. gorrilaz you right on target
    May 4, 2011

    People the man trying to tell allu that the RC and for real nah have no standardized truth infact the church is confused and embarrassed bcuZ accord to bible the vartican tink they can change the course of nature , priest raping young boys who knows hw much young ladies have been lied too and touched by them priest and allu holy-father . pple rc is fake and all them customs and traditions and pope infallibel liar is kushoni no wonder skerro have support from trashy bishop

  3. a lady
    May 3, 2011

    just side tracking a bit…

    The very people who are bashing the Catholic Church, are the same ones soo Eager to get their children into the Catholic schools

    If you won’t respect the doctrines and teachings of the Church……and don’t want and prevent your children from studying/receiving religious instructions…..please enroll them elsewhere!

  4. Gorillaz
    May 3, 2011

    I need those who cannot speak truth to listen to truth and not condem more so yourselves . what is a saint but one who comes to recieve Christ . How does one recieve Christ but by believing and accepting him into their lives . this will mean according to 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 coming out from the systems which teach sacraments as means of saving grace . Saving grace is what we recieve thru the blood of him whom the romans crucified and mocked , called the Christ as a mark of mockery . They later doubted his resurrection and immenent returning . Christians they classified as the way , folllowers , saints and later under the influence of satan they called them christians meaning like Christ . I was taught at the RCC church trash like purgotory after death and per/adventure after nine nights of prayer I’d make it to heaven . I’ve been sitting under total lies and deception all in faces of people who attend mass everyday and Sundays , sadly not being taught to abstain evil , Acknowlege their lost and sinful condition being at emnity with God , Believe that nothing else can save not sacrament or ordinances or works could even attone , safe for the blood of him who knew no sin yet became sin for us Romans 3:23 , 2 Corinthians 7:25 , Luke 15:4-6 ,John 3:15,16 ,17,18,19 ; John 1:12 ,Isaiah 53:1-12 , and further more importantly to believe in Christ is just one thing but rather Confessing him as your Lord and master , king the only true and infallible one who never lies and has the final authority and say in all life which is precept upon precepts Romans 10:9,10,13 ,17 , Romans 6:23 , Romans 1:16-18 , Ephesians 2:8-9 and verse 10 of the text in Ephesians tells you that now when one becomes a Christian not a Roman catholic or Bapist or Pentecostal Christian ( why ? because to say so means that you faith is based on a religion and not the blood and saving faith in Christ who is the only recognised savior ) your responsibility to be obedient to his word only and not that of a man and you can only find his revelations and will and purpose for you when you spen time with him . By then you’d realize the error in teachings from the religions which calls men holy father which is an attribute given to God which no man will nor can ever be called The whole passage reads, “But you are not to be called ‘rabbi,’ for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called ‘masters,’ for you have one master, the Christ” (Matt. 23:8–10).
    1 Peter 1:21 heaven and earth will pass away but God’s word , not that of your popes my firends , sorry , only his word which is powerful , this is why I’m destined for the place he went to prepare for me and the many who found Christ and recieved hima s their Lord who have promised them eternal life and they shall never perish , nor can the vartican or the prince of the power of the air which blinded the eyes of those who hold on to sacraments and religion which he kept in deception controlling the pope to be the only voice which is a ashame and for you brave heart to satnd up to the bible and judge it wrong you call me idiot , and my place hot , and me going to hell under the these promises from my King unless you likewise repent then you’ll perish .

  5. gorillaz
    May 3, 2011

    This your reactions to the truth is exactly how you all are . The devil has blinded your eyes and you cannot accept the truth . To the word of God no man is without fault , the word is only truth and all men liars , so which means it’s more thasn truth that you all are brain-washed . Similarly what John Hurst and Wycliff left the RCC , because of the foolish and biblically rejected teachings of un-orhtodoxy . I used scriptures to place my argument none of you were able to do so because you don’t know what the bible said since someone reads it for you and not you yourselves , had you been , then you’d already do like those who left and spoke the truth and were martyrred . The Roman Catholic error . Disguised by the angel of light the devil who tell you all to go on living lives of homosexuality , abortion , theft , witch-craft , hate and recieve so-called -holy-communion without having to read instructions that persons who do such are abominable . RCC under the devilish system of the varticans branded with much scandals today is no surprise , because evil willl be revealed and more to come shame on you ignorant called proud to be catholics lost condemned and hell bound slaves to religion and your so-called holy father the idiot sinful and scandalous popes .

  6. Gorillaz
    May 2, 2011

    It’s sad when people don’t know better due to their lack of reading and personal edification . Paul to Timothy in 2nd Epistle 2:15 , ” Study to show thyself approved of God a workman not ashamed but is prepared fully in distribution of the word of Truth .”
    The varican holds the pope as the Holy Father , many followers of the same support that view . What is wrong with that view (1) The Holy-Father is God Almighty ( El-Elyon , El-Shaddai , Jehovah -Nissi ) . To say the pope holds that position is called blasphemy . The pope John Paul knew this and never repented of it but delight in this appraisal , hence he’s in hell now . (2) The RCC also support the view that the pope is infallible . Infallible means , not only incapable of error , but overall according to 1 John 1:1-3 God is light and in him is no darkness at all . So the pope is said to perfect , sinless and without sin . This is comparing him with the Almighty , Holy , Pure and only Righteous God . This is not only blasphemy , but a lie according to 1 John 1:7-8 . He John Paul knew these things were said and he was considered to be such , and he made no attempts to correct this un-orthodox teaching , rather he preyed on the ignorance of the lost as ever and easily decieved catholics who know no bible , and to add insults to their injuries what ever their so-call father say is gospel truth . I careless with religion , and will target all and any religious group which mislead souls making them destined to hell .

    • Buwo
      May 2, 2011

      Idiot………go do some research before you flap your gums. The RCC never said the poppe is incapable of error or is without sin. The RCC teaches that the pope is infallible only in the matters of doctrine and faith, nothing else. This means when the RCC comes up with a doctrine and the pope says its true, then its true. Otherwise the pope is like any other person, with sin and all.

      Wikipedia: “Papal infallibility is the dogma in Roman Catholic theology that, by action of the Holy Spirit, the Pope is preserved from even the possibility of error when he solemnly declares or promulgates to the universal Church a dogmatic teaching on faith as being contained in divine revelation, or at least being intimately connected to divine revelation.” Plus popes has used this power only twice in the history of the RCC.

      A simple Google search would have clarify this but as always all you come on DNO and try to make people think all you smart.

      Now do I beleive in the pope? Hell no……I just like correcting people when they are gravely wrong.

      • just thinking
        May 3, 2011

        That, my friend, is still utter bull.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 3, 2011

      @ Gorillaz. What is this name? It sounds like Gorilla which is exactly as it is, right from the jaws of Satan and Hell. Your comments are Satan’s teaching and obstruction to lack of godly comprehension and godliness. Who are you to be an expert on what the late Holy Father, Pope John Paul II did and aspired to? This includes the Catholic Christian Dogmas and religious teaching.
      It does appear that you know nothing or comprehend what is contained in Holy Scriptures.
      While on earth Pope John Paul II was a genuine man of God. Paul described him expertly which I need not elaborate on.
      Surely you have seen him and known about him during his lifetime. Read about his life. If you are a godly spiritual person you will comprehend it.
      Pope John Paul II was beaitifed not because he was a Pope but because of His sanctification, godly spirituality and sacrifice. We could all learn a lesson from him so as to live a relatively happy and peaceful life and to obtain eternal salvation. Need I say more to you?
      If you are a Christian and are well-conversant with what is contained in Holy Scripture, Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Get behind Satan.” I am stating this to you – Get behind me/us Satan who infiltrates the hearts and minds of people with ungodliness and religious negativity, indifference, division, lack of love, peace and unity. The aim of this evil one is to bring them down to his eternal cauldron of everlasting fire.
      When you die, rather as you are dying, the truth will unfold to you. May it not be to your eternal detriment.
      Our Lord said: “By your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.” Whichever you choose.

        May 3, 2011

        This is nonsense. How do you know what life he lived? Only God knows whether someone has lived according to his scriptures. Why is it that only the popes from Rome become Saints and if a priest in the Caribbean dies, he is not even given any thought that he may be a Saint? Also, what is the significance of being a saint, so that more catholics to pray to them? This is just bull

        • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
          May 3, 2011

          You are the one who are talking nonsense. What do you know? You know nothing. :twisted:
          We Catholics of all knew what type of life he lived. We heard him, we saw him, we followed him and his lifestyle. He was indeed a true man of God.
          Have you not been viewing TV when he was alive and when he traveled throughout the world?
          It is not only Catholics who loved and admired him for his godly spirituality and works. They ranked among non-Catholics, Hindus, Muslims. Some of them participated in the Holy Mass whenever He visited. Those who could not have participated viewed the proceedings on TV.
          I have had the opportunity of speaking to some of those people. I was impressed that they who are not Catholics loved and admired the late Holy Father Pope John Paul II. He was a godly example to everyone with no exception.
          Read the lives of the Popes as documented. They are not exalted specifically after their deaths without just cause and without the approval of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This should inform you. Are you not spiritually enlightened to know according to the life the person lived? Your comments need no further explanation.
          Many of you are just plain jealous of the Catholic Church and its members. So is Satan which spurs you on and you are too blind to realize it. :mrgreen:
          I am not deceived. If people as you practiced the Catholic faith and as you should and did not sway from it and allow yourselves to be false indoctrinated , you would derive godly benefits and spiritual enlightenment.
          Pray to God for this enlightenment.
          Our Lord was upset with the Pharisees and shrug his shoulders and said, ” Hear and understand. Who has ears ought to hear.”
          There are those who preach about Holy Scriptures and who distort it according to their mentality. They also ignore and leave out what they should not and what does not suit them, thereby teaching false doctrines and heresies o their followers. God will hold them accountable for their false teaching and criticism as yourself.
          Take note of this: Matthew 19:11:12: …Not all can accept this word but only those to whom that is granted. Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some because they were made so by others; some, “because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven”. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it. This is the Word of the Lord. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.
          There is much to Catholicism than meets the mortal eye and limited mind. It will be revealed to you someday and probably sooner than you expect.
          If only some people really knew and comprehend what is contained in Holy Scriptures as some teach it, proclaiming to know it all, their words and attitude would reflect one of loving godliness. To begin with, they would not criticize the Catholic Church. Know that God is taking/has taken note of their words as imbedded in their hearts.

    • Pope
      May 3, 2011

      He who condemns is himself condemned. It makes you wonder how hot it is at Gorillaz house of pain.

      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        May 4, 2011

        Good one!
        Gorillaz’s house, himself, his heart, mind and soul are as HOT AS HELL IS! His words have depicted that. As Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “…For from the heart the mouth speaks…”

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 3, 2011

      I like to say, who are you anyway? How old is your church and your beliefs? You are the one who is blinded by the devil.
      2000 years ago Our Almighty Father sent His Only Son that whoever believes in Him might be saved. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH…”
      Catholic means universal which is the plan that He had for the entire world until the end of time. He prayed in the Garden that all might be one. What happened?
      Our Lord was not referring to all those types of thousands of religions which have been formed throughout the years and more to come which have placed divisions and indifference, disunity and lack of love, all for the personal gain of those who formed them.
      God did not give them the Holy Bible. Their leaders who renounced their Catholic faith and beliefs took the Holy Bible from the Catholic Church and changed the wording to suit their ungodly mentality. God knows this.
      Many of you are deceived by the noon-day devil. You are blinded by the light and for good reasons because you did not pray to God and asked Him for His enlightenment. As soon as someone approach you and falsely indoctrinate you, you do not think. You simply follow them and commence criticizing the Catholic faith. Woe to you.
      You should question why are there thousands of religions in the world. Also how can those who have created so much ungodly religious practices as mentioned above ever be saved and enter God’s Glorious Kingdom.
      You lambaste the Catholic Church. When you die, if not before, as you are dying, God will reveal to you the truth of the Catholic Church and which Church is The One and Only True Church that He has established on this earth when He sent Our Lord Jesus Christ to earth. Much more could be stated about that. However I plan to write a book about this. The truth will prevail and the truth must be told.
      Cease your criticism lest you condemn yourself to Satan’s cauldron of everlasting fire. Have respect for the religion of others. Be godly and practice godliness. If you are a genuine Christian you will pay heed and practice it.

  7. Anonymous
    May 2, 2011

    catholics still wanting to keep people in ignorance. The pope is a human like u and I ,humans are all sinners , so how can he make another sinner into a saint.
    magraway sa, time for the nonsense to stop.

    • Pope
      May 3, 2011

      The Catholic Church keeps people in the truth not ignorance. We all sin but God forgives through confession as mandated by Christ. Once sin is forgiven – presto – your in heaven

  8. Will
    May 2, 2011

    I respect all religions and I know many people will take me to task for saying that no man can make another man a Saint. As I understand a Saint is any person who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour…Therefore we all have an opportunity to be Saints and Servants of the Lord :wink:

  9. strange
    May 2, 2011

    What was the pope and the Vatican’s reaction when Aristide, democratically elected President of Haiti, was forced out of Office? Wasn’t he doing everything possible to better the lives of the poor people of Haiti? The Pope, the Vatican, the Catholic Church, remained mute. In fact, they pressured Aristide for coming forward to represent and speak on behalf of his Haitian brothers and sisters. He denounced dictatorship, he condemned the exploitation of his country and people, he consistently spoke against the continued impoverishment of the country and Haitians by the developed capitalist countries. For doing so, he was demonised, forced out by a coup supported from outside. Didn’t he live the Christian virtues? Wasn’t he a champion of the poor and ardent exponent of Christian Unity? Those religious denominations which fully supported slavery and the Slave trade are still etched in our minds. Imagine the Catholic Church mired with so many case of wrongdoings proclaiming sainthood? Who gave them that moral authority?

  10. far and Near
    May 2, 2011

    A saint should stand up for what is right even when an institution is likely to be publically embarrassed. Having known all of this information about pedophiles and sexual abuse among the priesthood the pope had not just a legal obligation but also a moral and religious obligation to report and stop this terrible abuse. If the pope is to be beatified then he should be dubbed saint for those avioler.

    • Pope
      May 3, 2011

      a saint also knows how to forgive and have mercy my friend

  11. WongPing
    May 2, 2011

    Yes I.The Holy Father.what about Jah.a champion of the poor.In 1979,Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero went to Rome to gather support for the peasants authorised to take possession
    of agricultural land.these people were denied their rights by armed men.the pope refused to hear the man.Romero was assassinated the 24th March 1980.he became the voice for those who had no voice.who have ears to hear let them hear.people bowing and praying to a coffin of a man,dead since 2005.SAKWE wonder nature vex with man.MAY JAH BE BLESSED FOREVER.thank you DNO.

    • WongPing
      May 2, 2011


  12. a lady
    May 2, 2011

    Blessed!! John Paul

    Such a wonderful day it was… to be Beatified on Divine Mercy Sunday!!

    each of us must try to respect each other’s religious belief…

    stay blessed!

    • Pope
      May 2, 2011

      Will – The Catholic church does not make saints – She merely acknowledges people who are saints. A saint is a person who follows the will of God. Those who accept God but who do not follow him end up in hell
      Strange – Relax – the Catholic church never accepted slavery, She merely tolerated what others enforced. The Catholic Church demonizes no one – lighten up!
      Wong Ping – you are Wong about Romero – Romero sided with communist ideologists and was in to liberation theology which is commie pinko territory. That is why he is not a saint.
      Come on! – The Catholic Church has the fullness of truth. Those in purgatory, heaven and on earth certainly can a do pray for each other . This is good. Those in hell cannot be saved. They are doomed of their own free will for all eternity. In heaven there are many mansions – we do not go to high and low places but live like angels – each according to their own capacity. Wake up and smell the roses in heaven.
      Hmmm – you are nice only if you follow the path of truth as written by the Catholic Church. I f you laugh at the Church this is a sign you are not nice. Behave or you will end up like all other Catholic bashers – someplace hot I think
      Anonymous – you say “A saint is just a sinner who has fallen and got up. We can all be saints”.
      Yes, my son. We can all be saints but how many people get up after they sin? Few repent today becasue most have lost the sense of sin – Thus they will fall and stay on the ground where they belong. Accept this who can.

      • hmmmnnnn
        May 3, 2011

        ****”Hmmm – you are nice only if you follow the path of truth as written by the Catholic Church. I f you laugh at the Church this is a sign you are not nice. Behave or you will end up like all other Catholic bashers – someplace hot I think”****

        SERIOUSLY????????????? ALAS!

  13. Come on!
    May 2, 2011

    The catholic church need to start teaching it’s people the truth.
    You cannot pray a person into heaven. If he is in hell that is where he will remain.
    It’s ignorance to think that you can live how you please, having no regard for Jesus who died for you and think someone will pray you out of hell. Or if you are in heaven you can go to a higher level. It takes too much faith to believe such rubbish.

    Time for an awakening to the truth.

  14. hmmm
    May 2, 2011

    I am a nice person. I do good to and for others. I hope when I die and someone mentions my name in prayerI am beautified too…
    Sadly their followers are too busy reading the ‘sunday missal’ to pick up the Bible and learn the truth for themselves.

    • John Paul 007
      May 2, 2011

      What is the truth? Do you think that everything in the bible is the truth- Dream on

  15. Anonymous
    May 2, 2011

    A saint is just a sinner who has fallen and got up. We can all be saints,

    • Will
      May 2, 2011

      Agreed but no man can make another man a saint…only in the catholic church…and they know it’s wrong teaching…or do they???

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