COMMENTARY: Victimization of an Icon

J.J. Joseph
J.J. Joseph

Gordon Henderson’s sudden elimination from the 2015 World Creole Music Festival, hence nullification of his honor, is an assault on every Dominican and we should all feel profoundly disheartened. However, this is just another example of Skerrit’s continuing chronicle of frivolous victimizations, perpetrated on anyone who dares to repudiate his wanna-be dictatorial rulership. This gives credence to the saying “You either red or dead.” In his desperate quest for infinite power, this PM’s policy is seemingly ‘divide and conquer’. It is evident that His Lordship will allow nothing or no one to stand in his way, irrespective of their stature. As such, King Skerro’s ongoing victimization of the people of Salisbury, Marigot, Magistrate Ossie Lewis, Severin McKenzie, Dr. Fontaine – and so many others – is consistent with his resoluteness to repress anyone who refuses to be bought and brave enough to expose his incompetences. Adolph Hitler once said, “To conquer a nation, first disarm its people.” This assault on Mr. Henderson’s stellar worldwide reputation is probably the most painful of the PM’s repeated efforts to disarm the country’s most influential sons and daughters by simply buying their priceless independence at a discounted price.

Arguably, no Dominican has created the level of impact in the areas of music, arts and culture – locally, regionally and globally – than Gordon Henderson. Furthermore, there are few Dominicans in the entertainment industry deserving of more honor, accolade or revere than the founder of Exile One – the nation’s most famous band ever. Architect of the 1970’s popular beat known as ‘Cadencelypso’, the genius of Gordon’s literary skills is demonstrated in his song writing abilities, creativity, as well as his musical arrangements and group leadership. These attributes were unmatched by any other in that era. Mr. Henderson, a pioneer, single handedly opened the door to the international arena for other local bands. This icon has also demonstrated his versatility, having assimilated to and performed effectively as an educator, radio station manager, and other areas of society – a true son of the soil. Repressing a noble man of Mr. Henderson’s calibre speaks volumes to the insensitivity, insensibility and downright stoic nature of Roosevelt Skerrit emotions or lack thereof. Most innovative, forward-thinking leaders would enshrine the legacy of a citizen like Gordon Henderson. It begs the question of whether this man even possesses the slightest degree of empathy or sympathy for our country’s pitiful status anywhere within his soul.

But the underlying question here is, what is Roosevelt Skerrit’s motive for infiltrating the music industry? He has pocketed virtually every (if not every) institution in the country, thus rendering them meaningless. Parliament, the media, the Justice System, the Electoral Commission Law Enforcement – just to name a few – have all fallen victim to The Almighty’s micromanaging habits. The PM’s nose is poked into literally every institution, thereby relegating them to mere rubber stamps. Now, his sights are set on controlling the music industry – inevitably to dictate to the calypsonians what meets his standards for publication. It is therefore incumbent upon the musicians to maintain their dignity, respectability and emancipation by refusing to compromise their liberation. To yield to such temptation would mean diminishing their exaltation to mere slaves on Skerrit’s plantation. Influential musicians should step forward and denounce the PM’s intrusion on the industry and not allow themselves to be bought for a meager EC $500,000. Entertainers in the likes of Fitzroy Williams, Ophelia Olivace, Cornell Phillip, Chubby, Mechele Henderson, and others, should stand in solidarity with their fellow musician Gordon Henderson. After all, today it is his dejection – tomorrow it may be anyone’s.

I commend Gordon Henderson’s refusal to compromise his ideals, values, and beliefs by condemning the unjust and corrupt practices of Roosevelt Skerrit. His Honor’s desire is seemingly to gain ownership of as many influential Dominicans as possible to ensure continued political expediency and dominance. Unfortunately, many insatiable socialites have already fallen victim to the PM’s monetary traps – including musicians – a real travesty. Gordon, on the other hand, epitomizes nobility by conveying the message loud and clear that he will not be bought by Roosevelt Skerrit.

In conclusion, it is imperative that I reflect on Gordon’s fellow native Portsmouth brother, Ian Douglas. As the Parliamentary Representative for the Portsmouth Constituency, where is Mr. Douglas and what are his views on this tragic development? For once, it is my hope that Ian will muster some fortitude to renounce such injustices perpetrated on this much endeared legendary performer. Rather than ‘staying on the fence’, Mr. Douglas should do the right thing and stand in support of Mr. Henderson. Ian is also expected to demonstrate that he is indeed able to take a meaningful stance – as opposed to perpetually submitting to or appeasing Roosevelt Skerrit. He should remove the muzzle from his mouth and communicate his opposition to such victimization to the PM. Though easier said than done, this only-imagined bravery may just be the catalyst to Mr. Douglas garnering some respect from the DLP leader once and for all.

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  1. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 17, 2015

    It’s time to form a “Think Tank” to help combat and broaden the myopic disease that has befallen our island-nation. This Think Tank must be privately funded, staffed and managed. This departure from the norm will once and for all, eliminate most of the foolishness that passes for governance, while bringing clarity and focus to real issues that affects us all.
    Like minded individuals at home coupled with members of the Diaspora are well poised to lead this effort with their combined experience, knowledge and financing.

  2. Anthony P. Ismael
    August 17, 2015

    We need to redefine the definition of good governance as it relates to our island-nation. In essence, good governance concerns itself with how governments set policy and carry out routine functions for their entire society, versus a chosen few individuals. This fiasco with Gordon Henderson flies in the face of that definition.
    We continue to practice a strict partisan and myopic form of governance that seeks only to frustrate, humiliate and deter skillful individuals from utilizing their talents in various aspects of nation-building. Furthermore, our best and brightest minds become so frustrated with political party victimization, that they find themselves forced into campaigning for political office.

    Those who are fortunate enough to successfully enter the political arena as elected officials, learn quickly that the cult of personality and willingness to change the system that they complain about yields very little fruit, if any at all.

  3. %
    August 17, 2015

    Mr Joseph you seem to be a tough guy, who pay no attention to your political critics. Keep on writing. I do enjoy reading your commentaries!!!!As I said in an earlier blogg, Gordon is tough, and he will not bow to Skerrit!!!

  4. Not a herd follower
    August 17, 2015

    Mr. Joseph, ”this only-imagined bravery” on Ian Douglas’ part is only that: imaginary.

  5. playboy
    August 17, 2015

    Boy, go back under the rock where you came from.

  6. Sorry
    August 16, 2015

    Boy your manifesto is falling on death ears, as you stated ” But the underlying question here is, what is Roosevelt Skerrit’s motive for infiltrating the music industry? He has pocketed virtually every (if not every) institution in the country, thus rendering them meaningless. Parliament, the media, the Justice System, the Electoral Commission Law Enforcement – just to name a few – have all fallen victim to The Almighty’s micromanaging habits.” Mr. Joseph, there is something new you need to know, WE LOVE OUR PM. therefore, your innuendoes are DOA, dead on arrival, your horse is dead stop beating it. DA nice Boy!

  7. mujahardin
    August 16, 2015

    Well said, just to add I believe all Dominicans should boycott the World Creole Music Festival until the mistake made with Gordon Henderson is corrected.

  8. 植芝 盛平
    August 16, 2015

    The revolution has started 8)

    August 16, 2015

    Why Ian Douglas? what of the private sector non politician SENATOR Robert Tonge..MINISTER OF TOURISM?
    As socalled private sector based appointment with zero political influence should he not speak from the position of the organaiztion from which he came ?

  10. Original Peaceful #1
    August 16, 2015

    excellent piece

  11. %
    August 16, 2015

    Good piece of commentary! Gordon is a tough guy. The unfortunate thing is once you are suspected to be anti Skerrit, he will try to squeeze you in some way!!!!

  12. Dr. Sam Christian
    August 16, 2015

    Politics aside, there is absolutely no doubt that Gordon Henderson will be officially honoured at the WCMF in due time. Guaranteed. Nobody can stop that.

    What will be interesting to watch is how THE PEOPLE honour this great Dominican at this year’s WCMF. Hmmmm…

    Stay tuned!

  13. Ex DA Law Man
    August 16, 2015

    Very well written.Like I said before, dictators are not born over night.Day by day u Gil it’s too late.This pm has no idea of what it is to be a leader.Lets see how tolerant Dominicans are.

    August 16, 2015


  15. Dan Tanner
    August 15, 2015

    Dominica: Where entertainment and sports are considered more important than anything else.

  16. jonathan st jean
    August 15, 2015

    The most sickening fall out of Mr Skerritt’s Machiavellian leadership style is the way he discards of those he no longer requires once he achieves his goal,eg Dr Honeychurch et al.Yet in a small society like ours some folks never learn and more keep falling into the trap and sell their souls for immediate selfish gain.The most heart sickening of those is the Catholic Bishop of Dominica. For the assistance of money to assist with church repairs he has diminished the leadership role and influence of this great religion on the island. He served as moderator and peace maker in the ongoing Salisbury affair and at the end he betrays the Salisbury folk,like wolf in sheep’s clothing. This must embolden the little dictator,Skerritt to think that once he can muzzle and put the Catholic Church in his back pocket, then who are musicians, business people etc who operate as individuals not a world renouned organization.But all is not lost because Gorden Henderson showed courageous defiance.

  17. ZUMA
    August 15, 2015

    Mr Joseph,

    Are you requesting that Ian Douglas interfere in a situation which he did not start, which he has no business thereof and which does not concern him as a political matter, within his domain as a Minister….. being a fellow country man or woman does not give any one the right to poke his or her nose where it does not belong. / angels flee where devils dare to go…

    My suggestion is to the person/ s who have caused this public disrespect and embarrassment to Mr. Henderson should by now shown the courtesy to apologise too him and also compensate him of the loss of the cancellation of his Seychelles performance and end this situation. what was a cultural / entertainment /musical issue is now turning into a political circus.. get real people and move on already this is stale news. whats next….. to bleep about… this is a side track to the real pressing issues of the state

  18. Jack
    August 15, 2015

    When are we going to be productive as a people, we need job creators and not beggers.

  19. Don
    August 15, 2015

    If only this guy knew how ridiculous he sounds with his constant pile of literary garbage. Under what dictatorship would you be free to publish such avalanche of naked bias and hypocritical nonsense. You are bereft of the moral cache to criticize anyone. Stop embarrassing yourself with these weak attempts to parade yourself as some wordsmith. You are another pathetic, disgruntled nitwit still smarting from disappointment of not being able to make a windfall profit from book sales to the government. I applaud the government for not buying this crap because it is indeed sub standard. Keep sucking on sour grapes….your teeth will remain unedged!

    • Ex DA Law Man
      August 17, 2015

      You are very ignorant and foolish.Why are you getting personal.Because he speaks the truth.As long as there are people like you around it’s going to take a miracle to save DA.You are so blind to what is going on.You drank the forbidden kool aid

  20. FORKIT
    August 15, 2015

    well written and fair comment. our god skerrit strikes again

    August 15, 2015

    Thanks my brother for this article,in full support of your writting…

  22. August 15, 2015

    Where there`so vision the people will perish. Who doh want to listen will feel. No one is safe. when the come for some in the day, the greater some they will come for them in the dead of night. We need the intervention of God right now!

  23. Christian Volney
    August 15, 2015

    Well said.
    I hope you were reading Tauri Houston….
    El Supremo and his band of boomboomfly cronies have been quiet of late, primarily because they cannot counteract without contradiction!
    Dominicans have been reduced to ‘Sheep’ status in their own Country, afraid to speak out against their ‘self imposed’ omnipotent supreme commander for fear of their job’s, businesses being boycotted, and victimization of their families!

    A reminder to those who are old to remember, Patrick John was of the same character and misdemeanor as Roosevelt Skerrit.
    No institution is safe or sacred anymore in Dominica. Even the moral fibre of our boisterous citizens have been shredded by this self imposed imposter of a leader!
    The time of atonement is upon us and the people will soon…….once again prevail.

  24. August 15, 2015

    A well written piece of work. Follow Skerrit well…..his main aims and objectives is to bring everybody with whom he comes in contact with down. He means he is not going down alone. Olehia watch out…watch your back. This guy acts on the impuse of peoplle…………

  25. Face Time
    August 15, 2015

    I see nothing wrong with the article in the Chronicle.

    The fact is as a true UWPite Gordon wants to make political mileage of everything.
    Three questions.?

    1. Why was his guitar playing icon removed from the WCMF logo.

    2. The last time he performed on at the WCMF, did he refuse to perform until he received his asking price although he had a
    contracted price.?
    3. What guarantee did the WCMF had that he would not repeat his same trick?

    Theses are the facts indisputable.

  26. August 15, 2015

    Excellent piece. well thought of and well written I could not have said it better myself. in discussion with a few of my friends I stated that since the inception of this honour system at the WCMF that Mr. Henderson should have been the very first recipient of that honour since he was the founding father of this great beat called Cadencelypso. Some may shamelessly disagree but to think otherwise is an insult on Mr. Henderson and exile one on a whole. the man’s record speaks for itself and it speaks volume. there should be no disagreement as to the part played by Mr. Henderson when it comes to the creation, development and exportation of our music. so now the organizers has come to their senses and decided to bestow upon Mr. Henderson his just due why is Mr. Skerrit standing in the way. it shows a clear disrespect for the man and his contribution as well as accomplishments. all in the music industry should rise up and demonstrate their support for Mr. Henderson. for love of country .

  27. forreal
    August 15, 2015

    how do you victimize someone that has surpassed anything dominica has accomplished,you guys need to stop playing political commentaters with the Dominican public,we are all not dumb because we are dom nicans,skerrit can not victimize Gordon,gordon has transcend borders worldwide,what you guys are saying in fact,that Ophelia is not worthy,gordon might just have been reserved for last,because he is the best

  28. kubuli
    August 15, 2015

    Victimization my butt, take us blows or stay out of politics, go to ur home in France and stay there.

    • LawieBawie
      August 18, 2015

      So the author is correct then. This is a case of political victimization. Things are becoming clearer and clearer..

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