COMMENTARY: What’s in a name? Everything

Dr. Emanuel Finn
Dr. Emanuel Finn

An internet search of the name Lennox revealed that it is derived from a surname from the name of Leamhnachd district in Scotland which means “place of elms” in Gaelic.

The website stated that the name Lennox is ranked number 678 in the United States and number 445 in the Netherlands as a popular boys’ name. Well last Thursday, September 11, in Roseau at the Labour Party meeting, the name Lennox was ranked number 1 (numero Uno) in Dominica. One estimate says that name Lennox was mentioned over a 1,000 times.

It far surpassed any topics on public, economic, or health policy, other growth and development plans and Labour party’s governing record of achievement for the past 15 years.

But one did have to be a College graduate to sense that underneath the ‘mepius’ and other propaganda demeaning things that were said against Mr. Linton by PM Skerrit and his disciples, was an underlying fear of the man. If you believe Labour‘s scorched earth propaganda, Lennox Linton is the worse person who ever walked the streets in Dominica.

But in only 12 months as leader of the UWP, Linton has had many accomplishments including the assembling of an electrifying and dynamic team of candidates to contest the upcoming elections. Mr. Linton was elected as Leader of the UWP-Team Dominican in September 2013.

By mentioning Lennox’s name ad nauseum , Mr. Skerrit and his crew were saying to their supporters in a most forceful way, ‘Friends, we now have a new game on our hands and put on your seat belts because it is going to be a wild and rocky ride’.

On Thursday night we witnessed a worried, confused and insecure Skerrit. His performance and behaviour can probably be categorized as what Psychologists refers to as the fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response. It is a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically.

Mr. Skerrit for the longest while believed the office of the PM was bequeathed to him by some act and no one could mount any serious challenge while he decides to be PM. Well that was before Lennox entered the ring and started shaking things up in the UWP. All of Skerrit’s fears and insecurities were unmasked on Thursday night at the big party meeting in the middle of the capital with an election imminent. Skerrit’s visible anger and poisonous words at the meeting made him look like the accidental occupier of the PM’s office instead of the elected PM.

This disposition contrasts sharply with the Skerrit we saw and heard at the March 2013 meeting at the same venue to celebrate his citizenship court case victory. He boasted about wiping his opponents out with a clean sweep at the polls just like his friend PM Keith Mitchell did in Grenada. Dr. Mitchell’s New National Party won all 15 seats in the election in February 2013. At that night in 2013, Skerrit’s belligerent tone made him sound like wrestler Hulk Hogan preparing for a WWF tag team match.

Last Thursday night was a complete reversal as Skerrit acted and sounded like a beleagued and frightened Commander in retreat, sensing defeat and barking incoherent instructions and commands at his remaining troops to hold on to the fort with all they have before it is overrun.

Experts say the best way to deal with your enemies is to ignore them. One way is to avoid mentioning their names publicly and when you do it should be limited. The goal is to make them a ‘no-body’ instead of authenticating them. Well if this is conventionally true then why Skerrit and his crew did the opposite? Is it because they are devoid and bankrupt of ideas and have nothing substantial to say and so have decided to exercise the ‘nuclear negative’ option? If so then by all accounts it has backfired.

I would strongly suggest that Mr. Skerrit and Mr. Linton engage in a civil and well-coordinated debate for the sake of our island home. That is the practice in all democratic countries. This should be about Dominica and not about Skerrit retaining power or Linton attaining power.

Thursday night’s dismal performance by Labour has resulted in the raising of Mr. Lennox Linton’s profile and popularity. Maybe a high percentage of the next crop of baby boys born in Dominica in the next 12 months will be named Lennox. I predict that after the meeting on Thursday, the election has gotten much closer and of Labour loses, it will have to blame its poor and ill-advised performance on Thursday night.

But whoever is running the Labour party campaign is not a very brilliant campaign strategist to devote an entire meeting mentioning the name of its most formidable nemesis. Instead a plan should be outlined articulating actions and a road map for much needed sustainable development and prosperity for our cash strapped economy. Isn’t what this is all about stupid? It is about Jobs, jobs and more jobs stupid instead of trying to demean Lennox by all means necessary and bellowing unfounded claims of plagiarism and name calling? Can that provide jobs for my boyhood friends in the LaPlaine Valley?

In Act 2, scene 2 of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the question was asked, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”.

What does the name Lennox mean for Skerrit? The name Lennox spells big trouble for Skerrit, uncertainty, confusion and fear in Labour‘s camp.

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  1. Views Expressed
    September 20, 2014

    Dr. Finn….I appreciate your response very much and to express my gratitude for you maintaining some level of decency, intellectuality and professionalism in your commentary and responses to Fast N Furious.
    The issue before of us, that is a government in office for 15 years, call a public meeting to discuss and attempt to denigrate one man Lennox Linton simple because he has put himself forward, sacrifice himself and family to stand for public office is a crime simple because who dares challenge Skerrit for one of the highest offices in Dominica. I wonder if Fast N Furious ever asked Skerrit and his ministers to declare their educational background and assets???
    I applaud you Dr. Finn and again thanks.
    I hail from Castle Bruce (more Castle Bruce) and La Plaine too and some roots in Grand Fond…….Proud of all of these villages. Thanks much Doctor.

  2. AdultED
    September 19, 2014

    Dr. Finn no doubt trying to make yourself relevant.! You are mistaken its not making Linton popular but rather notorious! The issue for which Lennox was exposed is appealing to no one with a sound mind and understudying of what it means to plagiarize!

  3. Anonymous
    September 19, 2014

    Utter rubbish Dr. Finn. Go back to school sir, and this time carry Lennox with you!!

  4. van
    September 19, 2014

    Well written article.

    • Osanna Mowanga
      September 19, 2014

      great piece. getting better each time.
      can you imagine the leader of the country refusing to engage in a debate? we need to hear both men. Dominicans this should speak to you.
      For the person asking why he changed his name to Finn, go do your research. That is what the name should be. When you get out of your little ignorant labour party corner you will understand.

    September 19, 2014

    Mr.John Finn,La Plaine too low for you now.
    We is La Plaine would like to know why you changed your name from John Finn to Finn?Even Dango is surprised when she heard about that.
    By the way Sir,what kind of doctor are you?
    In what field of study did you obtain your doctorate?

    • Finn
      September 19, 2014

      @Fast N Furious:

      Fast N Furious,
      Good Day, I am assuming that you hail from La Plaine as well. Please allow me to tell you that we have more in common than our political differences. Let us resist being torned apart by politics and politicians. Support your party of choice but be respectful. Instead of getting personal with me let’s remember and honor our heros like Mr. Pierre Colaire. As you know in 1893 Colaire and a group of bear-footed and shirtless peasants stood up to heavily armed British Colonial troops on a hillside in Case-O –Gowrie to demand and defend their dignity and that of generations that would follow- that’s you and me.. That was dubbed the La Plaine Tax riots and it changed the manner in which the British government taxed ‘subjects’ in the British West Indian colonies.
      My dad hails from the red dirt of Jalousie, Castle Bruce and is a member of the John-Finn clan. He made the decision to cut the John out in the 50s. That was his decision, not mine. But I am very proud to be a member of the John Finn clan but my legal name is Finn. I hope you can respect that. You may want to contact my sister since you are in the village.
      Regarding my contributions to the community, some 11 years ago I brought down with a group of American dentists to provide dental treatment to patients at the La Plaine Health Center and the schools in the eastern district. I continue to sponsor two children for annual scholarships from the east.
      But let me end by saying that it’s always a pleasure to return to La Plaine. I always look forward to spending one more day at Laronde bay and at Boute Sabe.

      Emanuel Finn

      • Osanna Mowanga
        September 19, 2014

        Dr. Finn, there are some persons that you do not have to respond to.

      • Views Expressed
        September 20, 2014

        Dr. Finn….I appreciate your response very much and to express my gratitude for you maintaining some level of decency, intellectuality and professionalism in your commentary and responses to Fast N Furious.
        The issue before of us, that is a government in office for 15 years, call a public meeting to discuss and attempt to denigrate one man Lennox Linton simple because he has put himself forward, sacrifice himself and family to stand for public office is a crime simple because who dares challenge Skerrit for one of the highest offices in Dominica.
        I applaud you Dr. Finn and again thanks.
        I hail from Castle Bruce (more Castle Bruce) and La Plaine too and some roots in Grand Fond…….Proud of all of these villages. Thanks much Doctor.

  6. Concerned Citizen
    September 19, 2014

    “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”
    From Richard III by William Shakespeare

  7. .
    September 19, 2014

    It seems that there are a bunch of doctors who all graduated from the same school. Surprisingly, none of them seem to be of any kind of example to the Dominican populace, especially the young students coming up. The integrity of some of these men are very questionable. What we sow is what we are going to reap. We need to set an example for our youths. You can’t cry corruption on others and yet you remain knee deep in corruption. We may not be doctors but some of us have common sense. Your past actions will come back to bite you in the…….Well, use your imagination and fill in the blanks.

  8. CaraW
    September 19, 2014

    I really enjoyed reading this!

  9. Way Too much
    September 19, 2014

    It is so true that Skeritt and his Labour Party are giving Lennox Linton too much attention. They need to agree that by emerging to the front of the party instead of working behind the scenes, LL has become more effective in resuscitating the UWP. Just give the man his dues and roses (if asked) and move on with their work program.

    There is no need to rebutt everything LL has been alleging for more ten years now. Most Dominicans have been fully awake over the past twenty years and know what the Governments during that period have achieved for the good of all.

    Instead, the DLP should spend that energy on a more effective strategy of proving themselves to the electorate. After all, they can point to many ways they have made the lives of Dominicans better through islandwide infra-structural delevopment (roads, airport, bridges, sea and river defenses, etc); social services for those who have fallen through the cracks; the documented inclusion of both supporters and non-supporters in eating from the “public jobs” pie; and their foreign policy especially with that sound relationship with the PRC. They should now focus on making up for that faux pax of building a state house before significantly improving the health services on the island.

    They should also focus on ways to increase the level of transparency in everything they do. Failing to do so is giving the UWP a proper campaign platform. So the PM needs to always work through the normal channels to get projects done instead of offering individuals opportunities when he meets them informally. While he seems to think he is doing them a great service, they may not perceive it the same way and in fact may see his actions as corrupt.

    • Views Expressed
      September 20, 2014

      Good suggestion,,,,not sure Skerrit and this current corrupt DLP know how and what to do based on what you are suggesting. They just do not have the capacity to achieve this. They are too far gone in their corruption practices…
      Dominicans now see the light…we voting TEAM DOMINICA


  10. Peeping Tom
    September 18, 2014

    To summarize….Skerrit and DLP are afraid of Lennox Linton because they repeated his name ad nauseum, especially during Labour’s last public meeting.

    1. By that logic, UWPwee is scared of Skerrit because the name Skerrit is all that they know. For the last decade (minus the last 3 months), all we have been told by the UWPwee is that Skerrit is bad. In fact, so nauseating was Skerrit bashing that even UWPites, themselves, were disgusted.

    2. Why would the DLP be scared of Lennox when Lennox, even when he was most convincing and most potent in his crusade against Skerrit, he could not cost Skerrit an election. In fact, Skerrit’s popularity has grown even as Lennox’ persecution intensified. As for the DLP! Lennox’ relentless attacks on the DLP has been rewarded by more seats for the DLP. Remember how Dominicans responded to Lennox’ call for a boycott of certain cultural event slast independence celebrations? So, unless the doctor has been watching a fantasy movie or living in Lalaland, it is hard to see any logic in his conclusion.

    The doctor’s declaration is a feel-good strategy. It is a psychological technique to recover from an embarrassing or emotionally significant event. All of us employ such a technique now and then. In this case, it is the shock and humiliation suffered by the doctor when he discovered that his Great-White-Hope is nothing more than an imposter, a fraud.

  11. Anonymous
    September 18, 2014

    Please check St. lucia newsonline there is an article dated 9/17 concerning Lenox’s friend Chastanet.

  12. ????????
    September 18, 2014

    To Doctor Emanuel Finn

    Why did you not write an article when the Opposition Members (UWP) was calling the PM’s Name? You said that someone said that the name was mentioned 1,000 times. You even said that there is fear of the Man. I can go on and on… You are a supporter of the UWP. There is no problem with that but you are wrong in many aspects ….. The Name Roosevelt Skerrit remains number one …… His name has been mentioned more than the 1,000 times on the Thursday. Also the same things you mentioned about Lennox also goes for the PM too re your popularity etc.

    What I fail to understand is when your party does the same, it is ok (calling names a million time) but a small meeting to point out something lets Lennox get so popular in your own words.

    I quote from your article ” I predict that after the meeting on Thursday, the election has gotten much closer and of Labour loses, it will have to blame its poor and ill-advised performance on Thursday night.” The Election must come sir and the Electorate will speak.

    Who do so never like so. For an intelligent man (or so I thought) would have also written such an article when the PM’s Name was called over and over ……. probably 1 million times … What is in Name? ….. Roosevelt Skerritt name mentioned has by far surpassed the Name of Lennox Linton and he is still #01

    Support your party but write objectively the next time.

    • Anonymous
      September 18, 2014

      You said it best. I cant believe after the man change his surname to sound WHITE he even writing that high level of BS

    • black beauty
      September 19, 2014

      That is just plain bias talking. 8-O

  13. Is that true?
    September 18, 2014

    Dr Finn is really a John Finn? what made him change his name then?

    What is in the Finn name that was not in the John Finn?

  14. Mamizes
    September 18, 2014

    Wow, great piece.
    Please print in all news papers and the region as well

  15. precious
    September 18, 2014

    Everyone commenting that they were thinking thd same thing, just a bunch of liars you all are. Why didn’t someone write the article before? What is in a name. Ask the doctor why he changed his last name from Jno. Finn to Finn

  16. out of south city
    September 18, 2014

    Do you all realise that the surnames were given to our forefathers by slavemasters? Think about that. The slaves’ names were changed to European names.

    • Ma Moses
      September 18, 2014

      Brother, keep wallowing in your misery. I feel sorry for you. The President of Nigeria name is Goodluck Johnson. Now that name could not be more English. Was he a slave, did he get his name from slave masters. Mugabe’s firs name is Robert, is that African? Did that turn him into the monster he is? Whatever name my beloved parents decided for me is good enough for me. It does not change who I am.

  17. tell
    September 18, 2014

    Finn you predict but I had a message three months ago DO NOT LET UWP IN THEY ARE NOT GOOD FOR DA. It was a warning I’ve said it over and over again. Please post my comment I want Domincans to know.

  18. Anonymous
    September 18, 2014

    Before was Fontaine now is Lenox sets of hypocrite.

  19. .
    September 18, 2014

    Dr Finn, unless you and all the past executive member and leaders of the DAAS can properly address the Thomson Fontaine fiasco as it relates to the transfer of land and monies belonging to the DAAS, you sir, and all the other members seem very weak and crooked and have zero credibility as far as I’m concerned and should stay as far away as possible from Dominican politics. You sir, and all others mentioned should be ashamed to open your mouth on a public stage regarding corruption, accountability and anything to do with public administration.

  20. LISTEN!!!!!!!
    September 18, 2014

    This is a fantastic piece by the doctor.

  21. sweet one
    September 18, 2014

    Dr. Finn, I am sure that you and many like you listen to Q95(soon to be Q2025) every day like me. On one occasion I heard groovy Bat call Skerrit’s name 85 times on a program. Multiply tthat by four years. Tell Lennox whe you live in glass house you dont throw stones.
    He accused ministers of rape while it is alleged that he was fired for sexual harassment at DCP. Now he accuses PM of inability to write his own speech while he is guilty of plagiarism.DR FINN TELL LENNOX TO REMOVE THE BEAM I HIS EYES BEFORE HE SEES THE SPECK IN OTHERS EYES. Then write DR. Finn in remte mode.

  22. JoJo
    September 18, 2014

    Dr. Finn, I’m sure Hartley Henry did not write this piece for you.

  23. Poor taste
    September 18, 2014

    Another parrot singing the same old tune. Put your money where you mouth is. How and when have you made a contribution to the island you so love? take some time out from your million $ career and give back to your native land. You have no right to tell or dictate to us. Shut the front door!

    • c
      September 19, 2014

      Why are allu always in the begging mode? That red clinic syndrome is becoming an epidemic. Isn’t it better to work to earn, instead of sitting down and demanding that overseas based dominicans foot your bills?

  24. Partit square
    September 18, 2014

    Smh…Finn where you see you singing for your supper I don’t expect anything else from you. You profess to be a dentist but never cane back to Dominica to offer your services to your county by extension your own village Laplaine you so CARE about…smh!..not even on the passing of your relatives immediate that is you came back home…Finn jean Laplaine parkah mem check ou…we know better, continue to sing for your supper smh!

  25. Me
    September 18, 2014

    What’s in a name indeed. Roosevelt comes from the Dutch ,meaning “a field of roses”. The rose, one of the most beguiling, perfume scented flowers of all time. But, as the old French proverb says:”Il n’y a pas des roses sans epines”, beware “There are no roses without thorns” !

  26. Lapaline
    September 18, 2014

    Dr Finn I could not agree with you more , I go to a meeting to hear what is in the future for my country not to hear name calling and Maypwee back and forth as a DLP supporter I was disappointed , Left me thinking hard where to place my X. I think it is time for CHANGE

  27. La Plaine
    September 18, 2014

    thank you DR FINN thank you very much wells said 8)

    • doctor
      September 18, 2014

      It seems that any garbage writen or spoken about lennox gets the blind support of his supporters. This commentary by Dr. Emanuel Finn belongs in the junkyard. I do hope that he will beable to publish it after the elections.

  28. Whats in a Name
    September 18, 2014

    What’s in a name? Everything

    Indeed Mr Finn…is that why you changed your name to Finn from Jno Finn?

    Who changed your name because in your opinion it was to “country-bookey”…your name doesn’t define you its wat you do, to your brothers and sisters while n this earth, for your country men…thats what defines you and thats what you are remembered for….how many times have Linton called Skerrits name…can you tell us or isnt that important in your view!

    DNO y cant I like and/or dislike on your site, are you blocking us?

    • anonymous
      September 18, 2014

      Lol. that s a good one john finn. you not proud of your ancestry?

  29. zandoli Girl
    September 18, 2014

    A excellent piece. some of the sentiments i have been thinking about for a long while. i got goose bumbs while reading.

  30. dingdong
    September 18, 2014

    oh yes! well written. look out for the attacks from DLP because it is coming. Stand tall Dr. Finn and do not be afraid!

    • .
      September 18, 2014

      Not attacks, just facts. He must be another doctor in the veins of Thomson fontaine. Did he and his fellow DAAS members address the Thomson Fontaine issue?Until then he has no business in politics far less to cry corruption. Clean up your own backyard Mr. Finn. Si y pas ni sitoower y pas ni voler.

      • JoJo
        September 19, 2014

        Well today is the 19th Sept.. You are farting against the wind. This thing has long been buried and gone. Did DAAS ever sue Dr. Fontaine?
        The Dr. admitted, humbly that he made an error of judgement. Does that mean he misappropriated DAAS money? Let someone take him to court instead of spreading spurious accusations and whisperings round the block.

      • .
        September 19, 2014

        JoJo, this is just too much dirt to sweep under the rug.

  31. SANDY
    September 18, 2014

    In God we trust.Let us love one another.It is all for DA best interest if we all just behave like the educated people we clam that we are.
    The PM and the Opposition should behave in a Respectable manner.
    show the example to the young children of DA.
    The PM most stop all that dirty name calling it makes him and his cabinet look WEAK. he must be a big man and stop acting like a little boy that can’t have his way in the play sand at the park. DA is not a Private play park of the PM. it is open to anyone one that can play fairly
    And if DA people see that they need change then just work harder to prove that you can run DA right.
    I am sick of all this nasty name calling,about who words one copy or who is not educated, please PM stop playing dirty and take all that energy you have talking down Lennox and apply it to running for a fair election. If you are saying how much you have help DA. continue to do so by keeping Lennox name out of your mouth,and concentrate on what you have to do to win the election.your advisers you need to get reed of them cause they are killing you slowly.get new ones. and Have your self a Positive Attitude from now on. Good luck to you and Linton .God bless.

    • Anonymous
      September 18, 2014

      I can’t believe the PM would call another person uneducated, when from what I understand He barely managed to obtain a bachelor’s degree in English from a third-rate American University. Hardly a great academic achievement.

      • Anonymous
        September 19, 2014

        …correction! he claimed to have a degree. Angelo put out a challenge on that and nobody, nobody at all has taken on Angelo. Meddard is a liar.

    September 18, 2014

    Mr.Finn()You sit on your perch and spew nonsense to us Dominicans.Please Mr.Finn the LaPlaine people needs your help.We need meaningful contributions to assist in the development of our village.Send or do something for us to show you care.As far as we Laplaine people know,you have not contributed anything for the betterment of our village or country;yet you sit in the USA writing your negative scrap. Sir,when last you visited Dominica?
    Sir,before leaving,do you know or can calculate how many times Lennox Linton has and is continuing to mention Skerrit’s name?
    Check for yourself,from 2010 to 2014. So why are you and the rest like you so concerned or upset when Lennox Linton name is mentioned at a DLP meeting.Don’t you find it fit to tell the Dominican people that Lennox is not ready and fit to run our Isle of beauty,Isle of splendor?Lennox has admitted he is a Novice. Would you allow someone like this to manage your business?

    • dingdong
      September 18, 2014

      stupes!!!! does Dr Finn owe u anything.? You ppl doe like d truth!

    • truth
      September 18, 2014

      foolishness, the la plane people did;nt vote dr finn ,they voted skeritt,
      so why is dr finn they looking to do somthing for them?
      Tell them to go demand from skeritt,and tell him what he hav;nt done,
      Is skeritt and peter you need to direct this to ,and not dr finn, Hypocrete

    • Anonymous
      September 18, 2014

      When Skerrit became PM he had no previous experience either. Children learn to walk, talk etc and GROW as they mature. The first person who did any job had no experience, I can go on and on. If Linton becomes PM he will not be the first person to learn and grow. Whoever wins the next election wins, stop that hating and concentrate on LEARNING for the better. Why don’t we think of bettering our attitude and Country, caring for one another?

  33. Referee
    September 18, 2014

    This is a remarkable and highly credible analysis of the state of Roosvelt Skeritt’s mind and the state of the Dominica labor Party.
    I too felt that that the level of desperation we heard from the Labour camp last week was a symptom of a deep feeling of anxiety and confusion not usually associated with a party that feels comfortable under its skin going into a general election. .If the intent was to carpet bomb Lennox into oblivion, as I suspect their intention was, it certainly backfired and in their miscalculation, they managed to elevate the UWP leader, if not to immortality, then to the status of an intrepid warrior who could bring about their ruin.
    I can understand why the destruction of lennox Linton would be high up in priority of Mr. Skerrit and his gang. The former has been a veritable gadfly, perhaps a more fitting description would be, a “burr” on the saddle of the prime minister. For it has been Linton who has been carrying on the much need crusade to hold the current government accountable and so far he has succeeded in holding Mr. Skerrit’s feet to the fire. While Mr. Linton has not succeeded in his quest to bring total transparency and accountability to the affairs of the commonwealth, it is fair to say that thanks to his pioneering work on behalf of the people of Dominica, corruption is still a matter conducted in the shadows rather than being accepted as an institution practiced in broad daylight, as I am sure Mr. Skerrit and his cronies would like.
    I believe the strategists in the Labour camp, if there are any, are having second thoughts about the wisdom on embarking on a mission to demonize a man who the public has come to trust in his efforts to hold the current government accountable. Indeed it does not require an extraordinary level of common sense for an average voter to conclude that something must be very fishy if so much time is devoted to the destruction of someone who is an advocate of clean and responsible governance . The question I suspect that must be on the minds of an independent voter is: What are they trying to hide, and do they have the interest of country in mind, or are they really on a mission to create an ecosystem that will guarantee the continuation of what Mr. Linton has been fighting?
    Voters must be mindful of the fact that elections have consequences and if there was an election whose results will reverberate for decades to come, this will be it. If Mr. Skerrit gets his wish for another term despite the mountain of credible evidence we have of his propensity to corruption and for his role in the creation of a culture corruption in the country, heretofore unknown both in scope and its reach, not to mention the deterioration in the economy, then we can expect nothing less than what we will have voted for.
    Linton represents an opportunity for the alternative .
    It is this stark reality that must have energized Mr. Skerrit and led him to loose his cool and made him appear to be possessed by a level of desperation that spoke volumes about his state of mind and his level of confidence going into the elections.
    it is the duty of the voter to read the cues and to make a wise decision.

    • Gary
      September 21, 2014

      How foolish and nonsensical it is to say Dr. Finn commentary is a remarkable and highly credible analysis of the state of Roosevelt Skeritt’s mind and the state of the Dominica labor Party. Dr. Finn is entitled to express his partisan political opinion, that’s all it is. Why would such an opinion be described as a highly credible analysis. The value of a political partisan opinion is only measured by it’s user. As to your comment, it seems you have discarded objective evidence for political rhetoric.

  34. anonymous
    September 18, 2014

    Well said Dr. Emanuel Finn. We really need some intellectual discourse instead of all this negative back and forth. The people of Dominica deserve better.

    • Gary
      September 21, 2014

      I do not think you understand what intellectual discourse really means. Do you really think someone like Dr Finn who constantly expresses a partisan political opinion disregarding objective evidence can participate in an intellectual discourse.

  35. Concern
    September 18, 2014

    Finn, your rationalizing is poor and to political. I would be very afraid to enter your office for treatment as a freedom party supporter. Because Dr’s who become to political usually end up with treating patients who support other parties bad medicine. Stay away from politics Finn. It will be better for your profession.

    • truth
      September 18, 2014

      you already entering skeritt office for treatment ,so you must be afraid to enter dr finn;s own,dr finn treatment would make you independent ,but look ,skeritt treatment have made you a slave, concern”’ are you really concerned?

  36. Anonymous
    September 18, 2014

    That is powerful!!!! I could not agree more. Well said.

  37. Peacock
    September 18, 2014

    Brilliant piece .. speechless! What’s in a name!

  38. Corona Gold
    September 18, 2014

    That was a delightful piece of penmanship.
    Point well made, Sir

  39. i must speak
    September 18, 2014

    woooooowwwww!!!! i truly enjoyed that piece! thanks doc :lol:

  40. Jaime Lewis
    September 18, 2014

    Very well written Dr. Finn. We are yet to hear what the DLP plans to do in the coming 5 years. We are being told what they have done – but we need to look to the future. It is about the ECONOMY!!!! We need JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!!

    • doctor
      September 18, 2014

      “We are yet to hear what the DLP plans to do in the coming 5 years”……thats what happens when you only listen to one side and believe everything you hear and read.

    • Manifesto
      September 18, 2014

      Soon come. If elections are around the corner, look out for their Manifesto. Everything for the next 5 years should be there.

  41. ...
    September 18, 2014


  42. concerned
    September 18, 2014

    well said

  43. Hmm,
    September 18, 2014

    This such a great article , i was thinking the same thing, now you have put it in words for others to get and understand.

    • Anonymous
      September 18, 2014

      You were thinking the same thing when lennox called skerrits name day in and out for five years? stop embarrassing yourself along with dr finn the man who wanna turn white but looking at him its highly impossible we how he doh see that?

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