Why democracy?

CommentaryHe changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. (Daniel 2:21)

Citizens of the Commonwealth of Dominica will soon take to the polls to cast their votes at the upcoming General Election.

At such a time, it is imperative that we recognize and appreciate this wonderful privilege. This is indeed a blessing. Many people in various parts of the world are unable to share this privilege due to their political system enforced by their governments. It is a privilege they yearn for. It is a luxury which has been snatched from them or which was never bequeathed to them. It is a gift, which eludes them. It is something which many of them are willing to risk their lives for.

This brings to mind the countless people who have risked their lives to escape from communist Cuba by travelling the perilous seas, hoping to make it to Freedom in America. If life was so great in Cuba why would they even risk leaving?

This also brings to mind the many Christian missionaries who have travelled to atheist China and even to Islamic theocracies in the Middle East, to dictatorial regimes, where they dared to share the Word of God and convert souls who yearned for that spiritual outlet. They risked prison and even death! At such a time, we should ponder on this great privilege which we enjoy here in Dominica and in the Western hemisphere.

To truly appreciate something, we need to educate ourselves about it.

What Is Democracy?

Democracy, according to the WIKEPEDIA Encyclopedia, “…is a form of government in which all eligible citizens are meant to participate equally – either directly or, through elected representatives, indirectly – in the proposal, development and establishment of the laws by which their society is run.” The term originates from the Greek word dēmokratía, which means the “rule of the people”. This is a system for the people and by the people.

The system of Democracy needs to be appreciated, handled with care and allowed to flourish in other to maintain its unique features.

Besides Democracy, there are various other political systems in the world which we should carefully examine.

Five of the most common political systems in the world include:
1. Democracy
2. Republic
3. Monarchy
4. Communism
5. Dictatorship

After studying the various political systems, I am convinced more than ever that Democracy is the greatest system the world has ever known! Like a rare gem, valuable to all, it should be cherished.

In Biblical times, God ruled His first chosen people, the Jews, through prophets and judges. The prophets relayed the word of God, while the judges counseled the people in times of peace, and led them to battle in times of war. However, stubborn as these people were, they demanded their own human god or ruler when they became dissatisfied with the judges. In 1 Samuel, chapter 8, Samuel warned them of the consequences of having an absolute monarch. They had actually rejected God and now they had erected a man over them. Under Saul, the people soon learnt that it was actually better to be governed by God.

From then on, various political systems have been used throughout the world to direct the affairs of man.

Democracy, in my view, has stood out among the other systems like a beacon in the dark to all. Unlike other systems, this is the only one which truly allows man to exercise his God-given rights. Under the democratic system, people are able to freely worship, freely work, freely travel. They are also able to speak freely—in a responsible manner of course.

This is an entitlement which we should never ever take for granted; it is something which must be guarded at all costs, for democracy is fragile. Many around the world have fought for and defended this system, which we should always appreciate.

When it is gone, man is deprived of his right to exercise his God-given rights which we’re all blessed with from birth. God, in His Mercy and Kindness, has bequeathed us with the freedom of choice to make decisions as we see fit. Whether we rise or fall, it is our choice. No man or government should demean us by stealing or taking away this freedom because it is a gift from God.

However, when this right is taken away or has been infringed upon, then freedom itself has been stolen! It has been devalued, smashed to smithereens! No man should usurp his authority over another by brutally and viciously grabbing his freedoms away. If God will not take away this freedom, why should man feel he has the authority to do so?

Yet many have done just that. In some parts of the world men and women live or die, rise and fall under the tyranny of a few bigoted souls. In Atheist China, Christians are not able to practice their faith as they desire. Many there are who have resorted to worshipping underground or in secret. Many have been imprisoned for daring to stand up for their own beliefs which contradicts the policies of the ruling class. In Cuba too, there have been hundreds who have been imprisoned for their political beliefs. Many artistes, writers, etc., now languish in these jail cells for simply refusing to compromise their core beliefs.

We should never forget these brave men and women and should speak on their behalf and rally their various causes. We should support their fight for freedom rather than condone the tyrants who rule over them with a mighty iron fist.

If Democracy is ever taken away from us, we too will find ourselves to be a demoralized and conquered people. What a tragedy if we were ever to lose this gift of democracy, this ability to exercise our God-given freedom. As we go to the polls, let us collectively ponder on these things.

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  1. Malgraysa
    December 3, 2014

    Good attmept author but rather muddled. It is perfectly possible for example to have a democratic republic, or indeed a democratic monarchy i.e. where the ruling monarch has little or no executive power. Prime examples of these are the U.K, The Netherlands and Sweden. On the other hand, a monarchy can also be a dictatorship where the ruling monarch exercise absolute power. Communism is by definition aligned to dictatorship in that typically one party rules and dissent is not allowed. N. Korea would be a prime example, although ironically one could almost term that country a communist monarchy because of the way power there has devolved into a hereditary dynasty.
    The point is that the the political systems listed by you are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

  2. Anonymous
    December 2, 2014

    Read between the lines of the article, people!

  3. Truth and Justice
    December 2, 2014

    I am praying for 10-11 outcome, because I want us to get back to real democracy. where there are debates in parliament, and consensus decision making. where politicians on both sides vote not in the interest of their party or self-interest but the interest of the country. where the constitution is upheld, where the citizens are consulted with for major changes to things like name changes. So because I believe in Dominicans innate intelligence, and because it is time for our young people to know what real democracy look like. I appreciate the efforts of the DLP but I am praying that the Dominicans electorate vote for Dominica and not for party colours, vote for people with a vision, give Dominica a chance to fully grow in independence not dependence, for begging that strange phenomenon to our culture can be banished off to the dustbin. Where government is not a favour but a responsibility. Members of cabinet are being employed to work for the people of Dominica they are not doing favours to the people. Opportunities not begging for our young women, opportunities to work for our men to support families. Positive change. growth for all not some.

  4. Gary
    December 2, 2014

    Why is it some of us prefer ignorance over knowledge. It is said that we live in an information age but we are still ignorant of how we are governed.The “He” you are referring to, a male personality who takes on the nature representing a male God, is a God fabricated by men.| It is funny why this “He” condone to this day people of Royalty who Govern and claim a divine right to rule, these are people with arcane knowledge who gave us Democracy controlling the affairs on men with a hidden hand. Have you not noticed when Politicians want to start wars and invade Countries the word Democracy is always conveniently used. You analogy about Cuba just shows how brain washed you are. Man can only know true freedom when he is not influenced and manipulated by outside forces without his knowing. The first duty of a man is to think for himself. The system in Cuba operates overtly, The system in the US operates covertly. Look at The UN does it operates on democratic principles. Look at The EU do they operate on democratic principles. How naive it is to believe that there are only five political systems in the world. What about Oligarchy and The Illuminati and let us not forget religion, where certain Countries are governed and ruled by religious authority. Religion has done such harm to this planet in it attempts to govern the affairs of man and should not be ruled out a Political system.

    The true meaning of democracy has not been truly understood by the masses if it did the world we live in today would not be in the mess it is. People know nothing about the people they choose to lead them. Democracy does not work by so leaders telling people what they want to hear, democracy is not only going to the polls every four or five years, man salvation is knowledge. When we talk about Democracy here are somethings we need to ponder.

    Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
    ― Winston S. Churchill

    The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That’s one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population — the intelligent ones or the fools? I think we can agree it’s the fools, no matter where you go in this world, it’s the fools that form the overwhelming majority. Henrik Ibsen.

    I talk democracy to these men and women. I tell them that they have the vote, and that theirs is the kingdom and the power and the glory. I say to them You are supreme: exercise your power. They say, That’s right: tell us what to do; and I tell them. I say Exercise our vote intelligently by voting for me. And they do. That’s democracy; and a splendid thing it is too for putting the right men in the right place
    George Bernard Shaw

    Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage.

    • out of south city
      December 2, 2014

      Gary, I second the motion. God, which is a German word, was created in the minds of men who stole the concept from our forefathers in Africa (Egypt, to be precise). When Africa had spiritual systems, the European was not on the scene yet. If Africa, which started the world’s first civilisation, don’t you think that there was already spirituality before these barbaric invaders went there? Spiritual systems are different from religions. Our ancestors were very close to nature and they studied the sun, moon stars, planets, etc.,. They were great astronomers and astrologers. They were able to build the pyramids which alligned with the heavens. Even when I was growing up my parents would look at the clouds and they would know when to plant certain crops. We have always been an intelligent people. The Europeans had to destroy and hide our history so we would never rise as the people we once were. We have been blinded by the white man’s story which he has put in a book which is filled with myth, allegory, symbols and fables.
      We have lived the slave masters’ lifestyles up to this day. Serving his god, his religion and being governed by his political system (democracy, which started in Greece).
      The story of jesus began 4100 years before Jesus. It began with the story of Isis, who became pregnant by an immaculate conception and gave birth to her son Horus, by a virgin birth. The ancient Africans wrote and drew the immaculate conception and the virgin birth story. (In the pyramids in Egypt).
      The Amen that people say at the end of their prayers originated in Egypt. Amen-Ra.
      someone told us it meant “so be it”. Amen was the god of the North in Egypt. Ra symbolised by the sun, was the god of the South; and when Egypt unified herself, the combined the god of the North with the god of the South and so, Amen-Ra.
      By the way, the Jews were also involved in the slave trade so I don’t know how they could be God’s chosen people. They made up that story too. They are all thieves, continuing to exploit the resources of Africa.
      One Love

      • Gary
        December 3, 2014

        Wow, well said, these are things people should know but unfortunately they prefer to get their information and knowledge from the status quo. We live in system where we are manipulated and controlled without our knowing, we are hoodwinked about our true nature. People go from the cradle to grave knowing nothing about themselves and the system in which they live.

      • Anonymous
        December 4, 2014

        Keep smoking the weed brother

    • December 3, 2014

      Very intelligent post Gary

    • out of south city
      December 3, 2014

      My brother Gary, the truth is out there but we have to be persuaded in our minds to search for it and we must be willing to change, casting aside the enslaved minds and spirits. It is not taught in places like the schools and churches because these are institutions that have been set in place to further perpetuate the lies that have us as eternal slaves. These institutions have been put in place to divide us. We tend to believe that we are better than the other if we get what we call a formal education (we tend to look down on each other) and if we are christians we will go to heaven and the rest of the world will go to hell. Tell me, why would a loving god who supposedly created me send me to hell? Is god so wicked? Instead I will be burning in hell if I do not become a christian? What about the other religious belief systems; don’t they also believe in god? Is the christian god better than Allah (the muslim god) or Yahweh (the Jews’ god?) Every religion has a god and its literature to further keep us in spiritual bondage.
      How more messed up can we get?
      Getting to know truth does not happen overnight but it is a process. Truth in itself is spirituality and is the opposite of a lie. We have been lied to for centuries and it seems like we can’t get past the lies. We should be sensible enough to ask ourselves why do I believe what I believe and where did it originate? We have been burying our heads in the sand for ages and just think that this is all life has to offer.
      According to Dr. Yosef Ben Yochannan, “when the Africans along the Nile started to deal with the concept of diety (god), there was no Greece yet and there was no Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve is an allegory (the use of characters or events to represent ideas or principles in a story), a concept that came from the Hebrews, otherwise called Jews.”
      Our history, as an African people is second to none. All other nations invaded Africa for knowledge. Our Spirituality was copied by the Europeans, who twisted it, and gave it back to us in bible form. Our ancient Egyptian ancestors did not have bibles. They left the writings on the walls in the pyramids. Africa, the great, has become a den of thieves, robbers, liars and overall men who have no spirit because they are against nature destroying everything that they come in contact with. The land, air, water, animals and most of all people. Spirituality is knowing who you are and being at peace with yourself and the universe.
      One Love

  5. December 2, 2014

    It’s interesting that the author lists democracies and republics as different, then lists the virtues of liberal democracy when the system we actually have is a republic. A bit of direct democracy might be interesting for Dominica, though, once every year or so to have the whole electorate vote yes or no through referendums on major issues.

  6. Weeping
    December 2, 2014
  7. Referee
    December 2, 2014

    This article, while a worthwhile contribution to the discussion about democracy, is somewhat inadequate in an important respect.
    It fails to identify some of the factors that impede the realization of genuine democracy. Democracy can be defined in many ways but it is certainly not simply the ritual of voting. Democracy involves a continuous process of engagement and two way communication between the elected and the electorate. It involves dissemination of information on which decision making rests.
    The world is replete with dictators that allow the ritual of voting which, in many instances, they influence improperly and as a consequence, they win multiple terms and proceed to do horrible things.
    Is this democracy? Isn’t this what we have in Dominica?

  8. Lapo Layza
    December 2, 2014

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a monarchy don’t these people have any democratic rights ? After all we in Dominica as well as the majority of the Caribbean islands got our constitution from them. The people of Sweden , Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway have no democratic rights? The head of state of these countries are queens and kings but they also have elected representatives who run the country.
    A republic is a country with a president as head of the country. He/ She might be an executive president or a figure head. The great USA is a republic. Isn’t the USA a democratic country?
    Dictatorships come in different forms. Capitalist dictatorships, communist dictatorships ,oligarchies you name it. Communism same like capitalism is an economic and political system which defines the ownership of the land and its resources and how the said resources are distributed. Please don’t confuse the facts for political gain.

  9. True colors
    December 2, 2014

    Is this “part 1” on a larger series on democracy?? An absolutely necessary “part 2” should be in order…detailing HOW a democracy actually works, and pointing out examples of how the illusion of a democracy is often upheld while a dictatorship emerges.

    If people are to exercise their right to create their own governing laws, they must be educated on the process. If the masses are unaware of their basic rights (outside of simply casting a vote) how can they truly uphold a democracy? Thats like electing a judge who doesn’t know the laws, or a minister who never took a civics course.

    Perhaps before one is registered to vote they must sit through a 30 minute demonstration on how their laws are created, changed, etc.

  10. Anonymous
    December 2, 2014

    The writing is on the wall that is if you can read between the lines. Come the 8th of Nov.2014 we will see a 10-11 seat outcome of the election results.

  11. Anonymous
    December 2, 2014

    The writing is on the wall that is if you can read between the lines. Come the 8th of Nov.2014 we will see a 10-11 seat outcome of the election results. Sorry I can but will not reveal who got 11 but I can tell you that politics will never be the same again in Dominica as with this 10-11 outcome the true colours of our politicians will be revealed. In other words who you thought was red is really blue and vice versa.

    • Lang Mama
      December 2, 2014

      We ave already seen who the actors and actresses ar in Dominica. We have seen people who were never recall off a sudden running the red wagon; we’ve seen a major labor party destroyer become spokes person for the Red party and now president of Dominica. Wh was Darroux before, who was Skerrit before, who was Christmas in Marigot, who was Blackmore. The list goes on so nothing will surprise me. On the UWP side who was Baron, Joshua, Thomson, JJ, Baptist, Zicko etc. nothing that is man made remains the same.

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