Independence message from prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit

PM Roosevelt Skerrit
PM Roosevelt Skerrit

Fellow Dominicans, visitors and friends,

Once again we are at that time of the year when we celebrate our national independence. This year as is our custom, we celebrate with pageantry, originality, splendour and patriotism. We put on display with vigour the various aspects of our culture. Whether it is song, dance, cuisine or clothing, we show the world what it means to be Dominican.

I extend a warm welcome to all visitors and friends who have made the effort to be here to celebrate with us. Many of you who are unable to be here are filled with excitement at this time of the year, and zealously put Dominica on display by mounting your own shows and other events that depict your Dominican culture. May you continue to lift our country up as you proudly display your rich inheritance.

As we rejoice at our thirty-fifth anniversary of political independence, I urge all of you to reflect on the many advances we have made as a nation. The road has not always been easy, but we have persevered and in the process, we have lifted Dominica to be a strong performer in moving towards achievement of the targets of the Millennium Development Goals and we have managed to place some of our nationals on the regional and the world stage.
We have cause to say Merci Bon Dieu.

The improvements we have made in infrastructure, education, healthcare, housing and other social services can be quickly forgotten if we as a people cannot unite. Independence provides the opportune time for us to put aside all differences and to come together as one people, celebrating the things that unite us and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood in our nation.

Over the past year, we have been spared the extreme ravages of natural disasters. Our people continue to excel and showcase their talents locally, regionally and internationally. Our rivers continue to flow and our soil continues to provide the fertility ensuring that we are always blessed with the fruits, vegetables and provisions as well as the natural lush, tranquil and abundant vegetation which attracts visitors to our shores.

It was Edward Oliver Leblanc, the first Premier and the man considered the father of the nation who once wrote, “The path though blocked with stone or barbed rail may be crossed with method and precision”. While the road ahead may not be always straight and narrow, if we walk together hand in hand, as a people with one mission, to develop one Dominica, we will succeed, we will prosper.

At independence we focus on nation building. However, nation building does not only occur during the few weeks of celebration when our culture takes the forefront. Nation building happens every day when all of us work together ensuring a bright future for Dominica.

We must be thankful that we in Dominica continue to be spared the turmoil, trials and tribulation of many other parts of the world. We remain a peaceful yet resolute people who have been known to respect the differences and opinions of others. We have shown in the past that in times of crisis the bonds that unify us as a people transcend all negatives and we are able to overcome all challenges.

“One People One Dominica” is a fitting theme as we turn thirty-five. We can only achieve one Dominica if we are one people. Let us be proud of who we are. Let us be proud of where we have come from. Let us be focused on where we are going.

Our nation is at a pivotal point in its development. Though we have made tremendous strides, there is still more work to be done. There is still more to achieve. There is still more to celebrate. We must do our best because where mortals have done their best angels can hardly do much better.

Let us celebrate without incident, as one people. To all visitors, welcome to our beautiful country, enjoy our hospitality and friendliness that we as a people offer. Take back with you our greetings and return at any time you like.

May God continue to bless Dominica

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  1. Dominican By Birth
    November 6, 2013

    After God i choose love of country before love of one man who thinks my dear island was left to him on a will

  2. Doc. Love.
    November 4, 2013

    It was unfortunate that during Skeritt’s Independence Message he failed to mention the name of the man Dominicans refer to as the father of Dominica’s Independence, Mr. Patrick Roland John, but instead mentioned Mr. E. O. Leblanc. Is it because Mr. Leblanc was born in Vielle Case the birth place of Skeritt or is it because Mr. Patrick John does not support the nonsense and alleged corruption that go on in the New Labour Party controlled by him. Skeritt talks a lot about Venezuela and it’s culture, in fact, he visited Venezuela during their Independence Celebrations, I am positive he must have heard the name Simeon Bolivar, the father of Venezuela’s Independence, mentioned over and over that day. The saying that a hero is never honoured in his own country is very true, isn’t it. SHAME.

  3. kimrah
    November 4, 2013

    congrats Dominica happy independent..

  4. November 3, 2013

    Dominica should have a CHINESE PRIME MINISTER to DICTATE how many CHILDREN should be in a HOUSEHOLD. If the people was not spreading children HERE, THERE, and EVERYWHERE, they would be able to AFFORD what they have. The MORE CHILDREN YOU HAVE the MORE MISERY and POVERTY WILL BEFALL YOU. Thank God I had my FOUR when I had them because, honestly, in today’s world I probably would have re-evaluated my priorities.


    • ()
      November 3, 2013

      But he is taking care of you by paying you
      US $20.00 to speak/blogg garbage on his behalf. LAZY DUDE. GO FIND A JOB, or go to Night School.Stop being a buffoon.

    • pappy show
      November 4, 2013

      @Ft Lauderdale FL, that’s how wicked you all are. Here you are enjoy freedom in Florida under a democracy where and because you escaped from the misery other Dominicans are experiencing under Skerrit, while people like only come on a free ticket to vote misery on us, you now wishing we had a Chinese PM to dictate misery on us eh? But by the way, not all Chinese have the same hair style and complexion you know. Maybe we really have a Chinese PM who is dictating his will on us thanks to ignorant people like yourself.

    • Barbara
      November 5, 2013

      You have 4 children and you want someone to dictate how many others should have. On the same note you’re thanking God. Please! Dictating number of children is against biblical principles.

      God’s command is, “Be fruitful and multiply.”

  5. Anonymous
    November 3, 2013

    The Boycott opposition party is not talking about the great and successful boycott they had anticipated. So now they are talking about all kinds of things excpet the boycott. They said that the Pm Skerritt forced school children to go to the rally; but the children are not responsible for themselves, so maybe The PM forced the parents. Today the stadium was packed with Dominicans, one of the biggest turn out in all the 35 years, what is the sorry excuse now?! Did the Pm go or did he send the police to everyone’ s door threatening them to go to the rally?! What does that tell you that the opposition boycott party is not as ppopular or favored like their leaders want us to believe. Labour maybe quiet, but they will take a stand where they have to, for example at the polls. We promise you that labour will be voted in Government once more.

  6. November 3, 2013

    “The eyes have it”. The nation speaks. Well attended at the ‘Windsor Park Stadium’. Well done PM Skerrit. Hold your corner and watch the nay sayers as they continue to oppose.

  7. Mahaut
    November 3, 2013

    As we commemorate yet again this our thirty fifth year of self-determination, let’s set aside our antagonism for each other, let’s endeavor to fabricate a stronger community making it a stronger nation, compassionate of each other with empathy and setting aside our egocentricity. Without each other we are nothing, like calypsonian (Obstinate) once sang “No man is an Island, nothing last forever”. Put God first, cause without him we will shrivel! Politics should not rule the nation but give us the opportunity for a democratic organization in Dominica. A blissful Independence to one and all, may God bless us abundantly as always, one nation one people with impartiality for all.

  8. November 3, 2013

    With an 18/3 mandate, Dominicans were United
    He is saying one thing and doing another :-D

  9. Truth be told
    November 3, 2013

    i must say that this is a good speech that stayed on point and addressed the independence theme. It focused on unity just what we as a nation need right now.

  10. pappy show
    November 3, 2013

    Skerrit’s TAlk (not speech) and what he demonstrates on a daily basis are opposed to each other. This is a man I thought would have brought the country together after the sudden loss of Rosie and Piero, but how wrong I was!
    As a person that participated in our independence in 1978 and I have been blessed to witness and celebrate all 34 celebrations prior to this one, I must say this is the worse one we have had because it was not a celebration but just a display or pappy show. First time schools were forced to attend, first time a child of head of state was involved in an accident that could have been fatal during our celebration as if nature was trying to say something to us and yes, first time we have had a prime minister and president with no regard or respect for the constitution and rule of law.
    As a former labourite who switched to DFP after PJ did what he did, I am not a supporter of PJ. But with Skerrit awarding Savarin with the highest award and making the enemy of the then DLP president, in my opinion it would have been brilliant to see our First PM Patrick John on stage with the first person to cause national unrest in our country and now president Charles Savarin, stand together as a sign of national unity especially on a DLP platform. But instead, these men have used our 35th celebration to further divide the country. So yes, it is just a talk without action.

  11. Malatete
    November 3, 2013

    The youth rally on friday filled me with sadness and trepidation.The mandatory presence of schoolchildren, contrived through the ministry of education are reminiscent of the rallies organized through the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany, where idolization of one man and his ideology were mandated under threats of reprisals. What is the price of genuine love?

  12. law and order
    November 3, 2013

    Congratulations on our independence, fought for by our Ancestors, for freedom of expression, not dictatorship, respect for one another. No more kneeling before man.

  13. November 3, 2013

    Hello and good afternoon my people. I want to wish my country a happy independence and may we see many more. I am very happy to see that we removed ourselves from this King, Queen ,Prince and Princess nonsense. Happy independence to sweet Dominica.

  14. law and order
    November 3, 2013

    Patrick John was the First Prime Minister, and he should be given his due. Ignoring the fact is not honourable, also, remember he was removed in a coup. A coup which Charles Saverind initiated. That is our history. The victor is enjoying the spoils of another mans labour. What is honourable in that. Patrick should be president, as he was the one who despite the freedom party objection brought Dominica to the place where it could obtain independence. That is the true history. People like Lennox Honeychurch and Charles Saverine were opposing independence. Now they are enjoying the spoils of the coup they inspired.

  15. Desmond
    November 3, 2013

    The continuous theme of unity and togetherness from the President and the PM must be killing those on the other side, because all they preach is division, I cant believe how much negative energy the uwp old and new can breathe down the throats of some Dominicans, guys it has never and will never get no one no where, there is a Country to build, the world is very difficult and things are tough all over so why waste energy on tearing down when we can use positive energy to uplift each other in what ever little way. Mr PM keep doing things the best you know how and remain focused, God is your guide. Happy Independence and yes we have much to be proud of

  16. Corrupt_Bastards
    November 3, 2013

    When i contemplate the natural dignity of man, when i feel for the honor and happiness of its character, I become irritated at the attempt to govern mankind by force and fraud, as if they were all knaves and fools, and can scarcely avoid disgust at those who are thus imposed upon… Man is not the enemy of man, but through the medium of a false system of Government. :mrgreen:

  17. Climb we climbing
    November 3, 2013

    We need to read Skerrit ‘s speech backwards so it can make some sense.

  18. Anonymous
    November 3, 2013

    Skerrit why don’t you practice what you preach.

  19. Tim
    November 3, 2013

    Lets work togeher Dominicians to get more responsible and ethical people in government – not matter what party colours they wear.

  20. IluvmyPm
    November 3, 2013

    1st this was written for this man,secondly its just full of gibberish empty air,which qualifies him as fool of the year.Shame

  21. Erasmus B. Black
    November 3, 2013

    Same old wine in the same old bottle. A totally dull and mundane independence message.

  22. upwards
    November 3, 2013

    God bless our Prime Minister!

  23. Doc. Love
    November 3, 2013

    Bye, Bye, Rosevelt Skeritt, this is certainly your last Independence Message to Dominicans. Around that same time next year, you will be giving an Independence Message in your capacity as leader of the Opposition. It will be interesting to read Mr. Lennox Linton’s first Independence Message. I am sure it wont be as meg as this one. Happy Independence Dominica.

  24. %
    November 3, 2013

    More hypocrisy, by a man who does one thing, and tell the nation the absolute and total opposite. Good thing most Dominicans are tired of this double standard, and are prepared to DISCARD YOU SOON.
    According to Barak Obama ” Governments that respect people and abide by the rule of law do better,their countries grow better/faster and attract more Foreign Direct Investment”.
    You are the total opposite of what we expect of a leader.
    POOR LEADER! You have ravaged the country!!!!!However change is on the horizon!!!!!

    • Privy Council Knows
      November 3, 2013

      Thanks for sharing. Couldn’t agree more. We will keep the candles burning.

    • Truth be told
      November 3, 2013

      You people are full of hate and will stop at nothing. Get off your political biasness and reflect on unity for Dominica. It is through unity that we can make it as a nation. This is our independence celebration, lets put the politics aside and unite to enjoy our rich culture

    • November 3, 2013

      @% what is hypocritical about asking the Citizens to celebrate Independence with PRIDE?

  25. November 3, 2013

    “On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of the Commonwealth of Dominica as you celebrate 35 years of independence on November 3.

    The United States and Dominica are united through our shared commitment to democracy, peace, and development. Through the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative, we work together to enhance the security and prosperity of our nations and the region.

    As the citizens of the Nature Isle gather to enjoy the festivities that mark this occasion, I offer best wishes for peace and prosperity in the years to come.”

    • November 3, 2013

      @Ras Albert and Tempi ““On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States”?”

  26. "O" STRESS"
    November 3, 2013

    OH! Boy here we go again! A speech from our “PM” on this our 35th Year of Independence and make no mistake people I am no fan of Patrick John. Let me be clear. But at least at a time like this he should be recognized as it is imbedded in our history that he was our first “PM”when we attained our Independence. As my grand mother used to say.” Hate The DOG” I am not calling PATRICK JOHN a dog” but say its teeth is white,. I do hope some one will have the nuts especially in the media for all to hear asked our “PM” why on such an occasion a little love was not shown to PJ” for brining us Independence as a nation. Dennis Joseph here is your opportunity give your Mentor a plug, we will thank you for that. The more things change the more it stays the same. I Am a proud Dominican: ARE YOU?

  27. Somewhere in Da USA
    November 3, 2013

    do anyone know will the independence day parade be streamed?

    November 3, 2013

    Like the politically-as opposed to the constitutionally elected President of the Commonwealth of Dominica, the PM could not resist the opportunity to delivery be a non partisan political message. He spoke of “advances we have made as a nation”, while ignoring the damage that his government has done to the image and reputation of the country in terms of the repeated disrespect for our Constitution.

    The subliminal message in the PM’s speech is let’s continue to enjoy the Sewo, celebrate with pageantry, sing, dance, eat and drink and dress up in your national wear for this is what our independence is supposedly all about.

    In that regard, perhaps it is worthwhile to quote the deep patriotic call of the Leader of Opposition in his Independence message.
    “Fellow Dominicans, in the midst of this year’s independence celebrations we should not lose sight of the dominant importance of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica. It will be to the detriment of the future of our sovereign state to give an iota of latitude to anyone bent towards its violation. We should all stand patriotically in accord to prevent any such tendency. This will send a stern message of national pride, respect and patriotism. The future of the Nature Isle depends on our collective national advancement and failure is not an option.”
    Wow!! Wow!! powerfull.

    Happy 35th Independence Celebrations Mr. Prime Minister!
    Roseau Valley

    • Tell it like it is
      November 3, 2013

      When someone is biased, no matter what is said, he will find fault. I just can´t understand why you want the Prime Minister to say what you want him to say. One day, you will learn to respect other people´s opinion! Isn´t the Prime Minister entitled to his own point of view? Can´t he say what he wants to say to the people he governs? Why can´t you, whoever you are, respect the man´s opinion? Are you being paid by the opposition to make these biased comments every time? Grow up! If you have nothing good to say, why don´t you just shut up and leave the man alone!

      • %
        November 3, 2013

        @ tell it like it is You are such a buffoon it sucks!!!! Are you asking “Can’t the PM say what he wants to say to the people”? I TELL YOU NO. HE CAN’T.!!!! So you are one of the beggars,clowns,fools soo tee wers of Skerrit that support his insults at the people of your country?
        PM you were rude and out of place to say to the Dominican people ‘Go to Hell’, ‘Go To Hell’, ‘Go To Hell’. It’s none of your Dam business where Labour Party party gets money.
        PM you were rude to say to the people “Yes Madam Speaker Dominica is too free”. You were equally out of place as PM to make statement like ‘Man to man we will marsh them up’ etc, etc, etc, etc,.
        Shame on those you have made so poor and dependent upon you, that they cannot, but accept every insult that you hurl at the people.
        GO DRINK SOME.

      • November 3, 2013

        opposition dont pay people to talk like how skerrit pay all them men to talk for him even mammy and all. so know your place with the opposition ok.

      • Copy Cat
        November 3, 2013

        That was the remark I wrote for you day before yesterday. You must have like it, why you are recycling it.
        Who is the goose and who is the gander.

        November 3, 2013

        I Die NU? Why should I shut up? This land is my land like yours, Skerrit’s and Charlo’s. Just in case you have forgotten, this is a democracy and we shall fight to defend it.

        You ask why don’t Roseau Valley respect the man’s opinion? We do- but we do not have to agree with it and we have a right to express our opposition to it.

        Yes, the PM can say what he wants to the people that he is supposedly governing but we have the right to be critical of what he says also.

        Please note, that some go to war and sacrifice their lives in defense of their Constitution and their country and they are proclaimed as heroes. No one should pay another to be patriotic or to sacrifice their time and effort to defend the Constitution or to exercise their right to vote. To answer your question Roseau valley is proud of what we do. Roseau valley is independent of the Opposition. Roseau valley is not associated with or paid by the Opposition.
        This is our civil and patriotic duty to fight with all the tools available to us in defense of our country.
        We concur with you that the PM and those who think that they have the power should SHUT UP and GROW UP, while the people of Dominica must STAND UP and RISE UP to defend our country.
        Roseau valley

      • Malgraysa
        November 3, 2013

        Of course he can say what he wants to say to the people he governs, and he does:”Go to hell, it’s none of your damned business, no law or constitution will stop Roosevelt Skerrit” .I guess “those bastards” really are too free.Thanks for uniting the country P.M. Happy independence.

    • Truth be told
      November 3, 2013

      Are you serious? You call this a partisan speech while you congratulate and salute the leader of the opposition speech. Dominicans are no fools and as such will see right through these comments. How can you expect to convince people to support your politics when you are so blatantly bias and spreading propaganda? This is a time for us Dominicans to unite and enjoy our culture.

    November 3, 2013

    Amen Bro! Couldn’t have been said better. Who JAH bless no man curse.

  30. %
    November 3, 2013

    I am looking forward to a country where its leader will strive not to keep people in poverty, one where the constitution will be respected, and not trampled upon, one where all the institutions are strong and powerful. I LOOK FORWARD TO A DOMINICA WHERE THE LEADERS OF GOVERNMENT WILL THEMSELVES BE LAW ABIDING CITIZENS… According to the US President Barak Obama “Governments that respect the people and abide by the rule of law, they do better, grow faster and attract more Foreign Direct Investment”.
    I look forward to a Dominica with a respectful leader, a thinking leader, a leader who cares and embraces every citizen, a leader who wants everyone to enjoy a high standard of living.

    • T
      November 3, 2013

      POWERFUL!You have blogged for me also.

    • Truth be told
      November 3, 2013

      That’s great. On reflection Dominica is getting right there, just keep looking with an open mind.

  31. vieille case
    November 3, 2013

    your speech is not what you really practice thats your problem i am or infact was a labourite you are confused with some things pm you are not humble enough drop your pride of been so in rule then i can follow you but this is not possible youve chosen someone alike to be president dominica is more than ever devided and will worsen till you remain in office but the groupe is rising 25 mix minds we will make histry like your chosen president did………..

    • November 3, 2013

      @Vieille Case, what do you know about Savarin other than what you HEARD people talk about? I was there in the Savarin era and I do not remember anything. I do not even know who Savarin is. Even if I did remember, I DO NOT CARE. I CARE about Dominica’s FUTURE. If you all continue in this path you all will NEVER have a BETTER FUTURE. Why do I NOT CARE? Because I AM NOT THERE. Why DO I CARE? Because Dominica is MY HOME. LET US ALL GET ALONG. Instead of working AGAINST each other, we should be working TOGETHER to get the PROSPEROUS DOMINICA that we are ALL seeking.


  32. faceup
    November 3, 2013

    Thanks !

  33. James
    November 3, 2013

    skerrit we as a nation have become very dependent on china and venezuela, no longer do we depend on our farmers and hucksters so this trem independence no longer applys to Dca. Over the past 15 years u and your cabal have turned the majority of Dominicans into beggars so hold ya message for yourself!

    • Kokay There
      November 3, 2013

      But didn’t LENNOX say he sticking to China? Let me hear you now.

    • Peeping Tom
      November 3, 2013

      James: “no longer do we depend on our farmers and hucksters”.

      LOL, James! When did we ever depend solely on our “farmers and hucksters” for development? Lay off that zebgwa you have been smoking. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Labourite no more
      November 3, 2013

      I am Dominica and I approve this message.

    • November 3, 2013

      @James, Skerrit DID NOT cause Dominica to be an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY. Skerrit was about six or seven years old when Dominica became Independent; therefore, whoever thought that Dominica could STAND ON ITS OWN was WRONG, NOT SKERRIT.

      The UNITED STATES of AMERICA, (50 of them) are BORROWING, how did YOU PEOPLE EXPECT Dominica to survive on COCOA, COFFEE, BANANA, and CITRUS? You ALL are INSANE.

      • ()
        November 3, 2013

        @Ft Lauderdale FL You idiot from Florida stop your asinine comments, which makes you look and sound like a buffoon. Why can’t you avail yourself of the opportunity you have got in the USA to go to night school and glean a little sense?.
        I am very much concerned about Dominica. It’s my country, badly managed by a wicked ruler. You seem to be a lazy puppet of Skerrit,one of those he paid money to come to Dominica to vote for him and return, and then return the following day. Go get a job. Your laziness sucks. DARN IDIOT!

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