JULIUS SAMPSON: The letter was a hoax intended to make a larger point

Photo credita: www.legis.state.wi.us

I am not surprised that readers completely misunderstood the content and the rationale behind the letter to Charles Maynard. It was thought to be a bold and dramatic way to highlight what many in the country perceive, which is, that integrity and high principle are no longer virtues that govern the conduct of public policy or even the political discourse in Dominica. Instead what we have is a value system that puts enormous emphasis on financial remuneration and very little emphasis on good citizenship and acting selflessly for the greater good of the country.

How many individuals have been enticed to run for public office on the promise by the leadership of certain political parties of large sums of money? Did the prime minister not famously say that “every man has his price”?

It was in this context that the letter was addressed to Mr. Maynard. It was intended to draw attention to the unhealthy attitude that the prime minister has introduced into the country where civic mindedness is replaced by an irrational lust for money without the hard work and sacrifice that should properly precede any financial compensation. It is a form of prostitution of the political culture that may well haunt this country for generations.

Let me clear: The letter was not intended as a bribe. If this had been the intent no consideration would have been given to publicizing it. It was meant to draw attention to the dichotomy between the known and expressed values of some in Dominica and their public posture that is governed by financial considerations.

Should I have known that such subtlety and nuance would not be fully appreciated by the general public?

In retrospect, I should have. This is why minutes after hitting the send button to DNO I recalled it for fear that its contents would be misinterpreted. But DNO chose to proceed with the publication even after I withdrew the letter (SEE EDITOR’S NOTE BELOW)

I have no fear that those who really know me and know of the threats I have survived as I have expressed myself unequivocally about the values that should form the cornerstone on which the country stands, will undoubtedly treat with contempt any thought that I intended to bribe anyone.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Sampson’s letter was one of several opinion pieces or non-perishable news items that were in the backlog to be published seeing that news items are given priority. On the day I decided to publish his article, I inquired of Mr. Sampson if I should publish both articles and he responded “Please publish both, they go together”. Subsequently, a few news items arrived by mail and which were priority therefore I marked Sampson’s email “unread” so I won’t forget to post later. It was during that time that Mr. Sampson apparently emailed us to reconsider and not to publish, but if one is aware of how Gmail works I would not have seen new responses if the mail was already marked unread after previously opening it. Therefore, during the rush hour when revisiting the email to publish his article, the first thing I did was to click on the top of the email message and retrieve the article. I did not see the new messages he sent as they were hidden (Gmail users can attest to that). He said he called but I did not receive any such missed calls and I am not disputing that he did not call. It was after his complaint a few days after the article was published that I double checked the email and realized what had happened, that after initially giving us approval to publish, he wanted it withdrawn out of the fear the public would misinterpret, misunderstand and blow the meaning of his article out of context.

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  1. Shameful
    February 4, 2011

    Mr. Sampson you have added insult to injury and we have all confirmed the low lifefor want of better word he is. Mr Sampson for you to resort to such a public insult against Charles Maynard……. THINK BACK .

    You have now says it is a hoax because the statement did not receive the discussion against Mr Maynard as you hoped.

    You are not the only intelligent man 98% of Dominicans are very very intelligent and are independant thinkers.

  2. Piper
    January 24, 2011

    Sampson, you are kidding right? Are you one of those who have not learned to sleep on things (especially controversial things) before you hit the send button.

    I did not take this as a literal bribes as some people allused to. What I saw was as veiled insult to someone you referred to as a friend and mentor. There may indeed be truth in your statement about the unstatesman-like behaviour of some of the people who we look up to as leaders. However, it is disingeniuos of you to couch it in the manner that you did. You intended to insult the man. You needn’t have been subtle about it.

  3. Grand-Bayrian
    January 24, 2011

    Well, well, well ! That will surely be a message to every-one especially those who think they are above every station and can flash their dollars., “THINK HARD BEFORE YOU WRITE”. Take time to assess before you ask to get things published, in that way, you will not ask to recall or grovel by stating it was a hoax letter. I personnally think, because you did not get the support you wanted you are now crawling back under your stone and eating your written words . You deserve no support and no one should make excuses for you as” YOU ARE WHAT YOU WRITE”, A damaging of other people’s character good for nothing person. Who are you next going to attack? Will it be one of you bossom partners in the US what would stop you from doing it to them? Maybe the reverse ,they will offer you money to encourage you to fight our government. When you accept PLEASE donot forget to publish. You will need the luck.
    Please spread PEACE, UNITY AND LOVE and stop all that hatred
    ONE LOVE .

  4. LUCY
    January 22, 2011


  5. dominica at heart
    January 22, 2011

    All the money you want to give mr charles plz lenox is in need of it.so from now he has enough money to defend himself.

  6. Bushmaninda
    January 22, 2011

    To understand satire and make sense of subtle sarcasm is not something one would not expect from a non literary audience. Had Mr. Sampson been a reader of the comments on DNO he would have known better and not made such an error in the first place. It is unfortunate that his attempt to withdraw his article was unsuccessful. Nonetheless some of us did get his point.

  7. Know Nut
    January 22, 2011

    Nice try Mr Sampson, your attempt at spinning the story in your favor is incomplete.You realised that your attempt at bribery was discovered by ignorant readers of DNO and that you might be facing possible charges of BRIBING A PUBLIC OFFICIAL, you have in fact TAKEN INFRONT BEFORE INFRONT TAKE YOU. Please be informed that the U.S State Department has a law against bribing foriegn public officials, and if the State Department gets wind of your SHENANIGANS you just might be facing the wrong end of an indictment. Best of luck

  8. Eyes
    January 21, 2011

    Are all these bloggers unemployed? Or are they having a coffee break at this time of the morning?

    • reasonable
      January 22, 2011

      are you?

  9. Fairplay
    January 21, 2011

    Did he support his son George ‘Tall George’ Sampson of Mahaut??? 8-O

    • friend of george sampson
      January 22, 2011

      never did so.

    January 21, 2011

    That’s what u call adding insult to injury….yesterday u insulted your friend today u trying to insult the Dominican people….regardless to what u want to say now the damage has already been done…..i don’t know how u plan to redeem yourself in the eyes of the people….because right now all u are doing is making bad matters worse……i am sorry but u brought it on yourself.

  11. Watcher
    January 21, 2011

    To even think of someone you claim to be your friend in the way Julius Sampson has described Mr. Maynard is bad enough. to take tiem to pen such evil machinatiosn about your friend is a totally differnt matter To go further to tell the world that you sincerely beileive that your friend can be bought for filthy lucre is tantamount to describing yourself in your friend.Yes! we chose our friends

    Julius must be told in no uncertain terms that his evil; attempt to bribe a puiblic offcial is a crime not only in Doiminica, but inmdeed where he lives as well. No amount of smoothing over what he actually did cannot absolve him of his mischief. Mr. Julius Samson has not even offered an apology to his friend. That only goes to say that he still belives that Dominicans at home including Ambassador Charlesd Maynard can be bought for a price. He even has the audacity to quote a statement the Prime Minister is alleged to have made some time ago. A statement he is on record as denouncing, but he is making reference to that same statement to suppprt his dastard crime against the psyche of the Dominican people – particular those of us who remain at home.

    One commentator said earlier that the only comfort that Julius Sampson can get form his criminal mischief is that the local media practitioners and investigative journalists (veteran or not) has decided that this matter should not be broadcast locally, so the vast majority of the Dominican public, particulalry listeners to thier shows will not hear it. Can you imagine a hot topic like that has not reached Matt. Consider what would have happened if it was the Pm who offered Lennox. Angelo or Matt a bribe.

    • Yes Sah
      January 21, 2011

      Yes Sah Sampson. You used Mr. Maynard for years for your own gain. For years when Mr. Maynard when to Miami Julius Sampson always use to “baway” Mr. Maynard for help with all his projects, all presentations even his personal married troubled life Charles Maynard use to help him and you Sampson doing that to Mr. Maynard today? U saying that Maynard is your mentor and towards the end of your email you offering him money? You must be publicly disgraced for that…..friends do not too each other………

      SHAME ON YOU!!!!!…WE all know your character!!!!………

    • Papa Dom
      January 21, 2011

      He wouldn’t dare to do that but I’m sure he would if he could. Charles Maynard as well as all the other freedomite have indeed been bought.

    • Attorney
      January 21, 2011

      Watcher I could not have stated this better. Julius Sampson does not have the character to apologise therefore he will insult the intellegence of Dominicans.

      It is shameful that this matter is not on Matt in the Morning. I guess if it was the PM offering Spaggs a Job to denounce UWP then that would be the talking story for a whole week. Is that a form os press censorship?

  12. v.g
    January 21, 2011

    with friends like mr sampson who need enemies.he insults mr maynard’s intelligence and now he want his forgiveness which i’m sure he has already given him.now who is the gentleman here and who is the……?

    January 21, 2011

    All of them like Sampson, christian brothers, shillingford and the rest of the three blind mice bandits leave Dominica and go and look for greena pastures and never come back and do nothing for their country. (Why you guys come together and open some factory for your country). When they finish all of them want to stay in the green pastures and working three, four jobs to make ends meet and tell us what to do. The massive are happy and contented with the government and what they are doing to bring our country to the next level. Is we that in the country that working one job and we making it and not you guys that over in the pastures, to tell us want we want and how to do it.
    Fresh mind all you business.

    • reasonable
      January 21, 2011

      true………….all of them trying to develop another man’s land paying taxes when instead they should be trying to develop their own. The funny thing is over in their so-called greener pastures, they are nobodies…………..just a regular person on the street………….their degrees often go unrecognized……………but they want to look down on their people like they are better than somebody, or smarter than somebody…………………..oh please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What amazes me the most is that, the majority of Dominicans on the island are living much more comfortable than those in their so-called greener pastures.

  14. Community Activist
    January 21, 2011

    Julius, I need to make sense of your hoax. Was the letter actually sent to Mr. Maynard? if so, it was not a hoax at all. Maybe you felt that you would be exposed so you “Kouper fei avant grein.” Why on earth would you use the man in your hoax?

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      :roll: “Kouper fei avant grein.” Never heard that one before. What does it mean?

      I know “Hold ye him first by the balls, the heart and mind will follow” :-o

  15. commentator
    January 21, 2011

    Julius you are wasting your effort and talents on this bunch of nincompoops. Half of them do not have the means to keep up the repayments on their over priced computers that they so love to curl up against and heave vehemence towards anyone who would even dare to criticise their redemptor and messiah.
    Those fools deserve everything that they currently have and will in the future get. They figure that they could vote like fools and not end up as foolish. the 13-3 will resound in their conscience for a long time to come.

    Dominica is doomed. That is why no one in a position to help them wants to return to do so. Let them stew in the mess of their own making.
    No doubt it will not be too long before they resort to koolwosh politics just as they did in 1979.
    I remember clearly your warning in 1975 when PJ was in the hotseat and heading down the towpath to destruction. I did not understand your heed then but I do now.
    To all those outside of the current mess going on in Dominica: Take shelter. Consolidate your position.
    De hurricane coming!

    • Hey just giving my two cents
      January 21, 2011

      Haters – No hurricane coming. You should be thanking the Father for his mercies uponour people and our land for preserving us after we see so much happenning around the world. Did I not say it before – Ungrateful as we are. Be thankful before you spew curses on our dear country and its people. This is a great sin not only against the country but against the people to say De hurricane coming! again I say no hurricane coming in Jesus Name. Father I ask you to send your Holy Spirit to convict this “commentator” and all the others who are bent on spewing curses on this land – Dominica. Father we ask you to forgive them as you look upon those who are asking you to preserve us and our country. Send the fear of God over them so they will turn and use their mouths to bless instead of cursing the land. We stand in the gap and we ask all of this through your son that you gave for our sins – yes all of us.

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      When hurrican come, it comes for everybody. It sweeps the Caribbean and dismantle the perches in America. So be careful what you wish for.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      January 22, 2011

      @ Commentator

      Be careful what you state. My computer system is an excellent one, bought from a reputable firm and it is a brand name and more…they are all paid for with my hard-earned dollars likewise, I am certain others. I have not had any problems with the systems since I bought them. What about yours?
      Furthermore, I would never make such a statement about anyone who owns a computer system. It is nobody’s business whether they paid for it or not. The advice here is, mind your own business. If you wish to get along with people and also be on good terms with them and get good reviews about your comments, do not interfere in the private affairs of others and do not call them derogatory names. It is also not Christian-like.
      As the saying goes, “Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear” likewise “before putting your finger to the keyboard” and prior to pushing the send button. This is what Julius Sampson should have done. He used Mr. Charles Maynard’s name to get his point across to the point of also sending his private letter to be posted on DON. Silly, I would say about him. It backfired on him. Julius must be careful next time. Is he really a friend of Charles Maynard, a true one at that? Friends do not do such a thing. What he did is shocking.
      Have no fear that Dominica is doomed. IT IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE! God is taking care of His country and specifically His good, law-abiding, concerned nationals who are doing their utmost to make Dominica a better, progressive and safe place to live in. Where God is concerned, all is not lost.
      Dominica is no worst than other countries in this respect pertaining to politics, crimes, hate-mongers, etc.
      Be careful about what you also wish for others and your own country. You will personally get it in return for what goes around comes around.
      Let me further inform you, even from afar, Dominica is in a much better position than it ever was in bygone years. There is a lot of progress in Dominica. What needs to be improved is the political situation of all and getting on with the business of Dominica and its nationals. There are some politicians who spend too much time criticizing and lambasting the PM. They must look to themselves and what have they done for Dominica.
      You keep up the good and patriotic Dominica spirit. May God assist you accordingly.

      • commentator
        January 24, 2011

        This is the very essence of Julius’ failed attempt to bring political satire into a furious mix of frustrated Dominican politics. No good. Dominicans are too dumb to understand these things. “de hurricane” is the grapes of wrath that you guys are going to reap for that act of vandalism you committed at the last election.
        You deserve every penny of it. My one hope is that this government goes to full term so that you can feel the full brunt of your stupid actions. I am one of the those who is totally against RS giving up his leadership of the doomed ship. I want him to lead you idiots. Each time I come back to that forsaken place I count and gloat at how many more Chinese and Haitians have landed. Hopefully one day they will outnumber your lazy butts and take over the country and run it properly.
        Indeed “engage brain”!
        Pity you did not do that at the last election.
        I still say that those who are out of it should stay out of it and watch you all who are responsible for it enjoy the suffering and the hard times.
        There is always the rum shop to drown your sorrows when you cannot take it any more.
        Julius Sampson should just take a step back and enjoy watching you all squirm for the next four years.
        Remember 1979?????

    • mahaut man
      January 22, 2011

      You are a hater and a bigger fool than we the Dominicans you are talking about .Julius Sampson was born in mahaut and when he was in dominica he would drive through the village like does’nt know any one .

      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        January 22, 2011

        @ Mahaut.

        I hope that you are not referring to me. Please clarify this.
        If you knew me and my family you would know that I do not hate and I am by no means a fool. Keep in mind God inspires. He also makes us fair and just and to speak the truth.
        In so doing you will find that you will be a happy and peaceful person for it if you accord every one their overall due rights and dignity as they deserve. This will be achieved only with the help of God as you also ask Him for his guidance, graces and enlightenment.
        There is an old Canadian Indian saying as I know it: “Never judge a man (woman) unless you have walked two moons in their mocassins.”
        Our Lord said it even better: “Judge not that you may not be judged accordingly and two-fold. The manner in which you measure to people, it will be measured to you – twofold.”
        It appears to me that there are some of you who either do not practice the Christian faith and also well enough or are not well-conversed with It and Holy Scriptures. Otherwise, you would never make such an ungodly statement. Eventually people pay for their ungodly comments.
        Would you believe it I know who Julius Sampson is? I have not seen him for some years. If I met Julius Sampson he would know who I am and who my family is.
        I am quite familiar with Mahaut and some people of Mahaut. The Mahaut people I knew then and some of them whom I presently know are gracious, kind, loving people. What has happened to you and also Julius along the way?
        In bygone years, people as Julius Sampson and yourself would never make such derogatory statements. I reiterate what happened? He would never have made such remarks and would never lambaste a good, respectable man, one of dignity and integrity as Mr. Charles Maynard. I call him ‘Mr.” because he deserves due respect for one whom I have known since childhood.
        Julius is now calling his writing a hoax? A hoax? I do not believe that.
        You know what? I do not hate Julius. I am speaking out/stating the truth. Julius was wrong in writing such letters which I need not further elaborate on. He cannot retract what he has done. He must ask Charles Maynard for forgiveness.
        If I know the type of Christian person Charles is, he will forgive him. This may not mean that he may continue the friendship for I do not know what his reaction is.
        We should stay away from those who are not kind in whatever manner and those who hurt us and continue to do so but we are commanded by Our Lord “not to hate” anyone. Do you comprehend this?
        However, the gentleman that Charles Maynard is he will forgive Julius as Our Lord said: “Forgive from the heart so that your Heavenly Father will forgive you, your sins.”
        Every one of us have sinned against God, one way or the other and in whatever manner as God knows too well.
        This is why Our Lord has taught us to forgive one another. You will do well to learn this as well and not to insult people who do not deserve it.
        Our Lord also said: “The insult/reproaches of those who do fall on Me.”
        I urge you to read and study Holy Scriptures as you practice the faith and ask God for His divine inspiration.
        I have noticed that these days, many of you are too aggressive and outspoken and not for your own good and that of Dominica in general. You need to tone down your evil remarks and allow people to live their God-given precious lives as they so wish and to comment according to their educated and inspired mentality.
        Refrain from evil words for you will, one day, sooner or later pay the price for them and also actions. Be godly in words and mannerisms! May God bless and assist you accordingly.
        Let us become just people.

  16. lovely dominica
    January 21, 2011

    Did the prime minister not famously say that “every man has his price”?
    Mr. Sampson, yes every man has a price and if you dont then sorry. Its a pity that some of us who profess to be smart, bright, intelligent can make suc a fool of ourselves.
    Mr Sampson just a little quote for you: “Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated”

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      Hey lovely Dominica, You forgot to mention that a UWP Minister famously boasted in the House of Assembly that they know how to cover their tracks.

  17. Watcher
    January 21, 2011

    The information I have suggest that Mr. Sampson did write directly to Mr.Maynard and waited for a response which came after a short while. The response from Mr. Maynard perhaps was not what he wanted or expected. He Mr. Sampson really believe that Dominicans can be bought for a price, the raison detre for his offering of a bribe to Mr.Maynard.

    Juliuus Sampson’s lame duck response is typical of how some in the diaspora, especially the Washington, Maryland and now Miami band of “Skerrit haters view Dominicans at home. If you exercise your democratic right to freely associate and has chosen to so associate with Mr. Skerrit then you become immoral, unethical, illiterate, singing for your supper, a fool etc. Mr. Julius Sampson cannot now come and in a feeble manner, almost on his knees beg Dominicans to see his article as a mere trap he set for Charles Maynard and I suppose other Dominicans.

    Julius Sampson knows what he did and he expected a certain response from Charles Maynard to prove his point. That did not work so he has gone to another level to denigrate the Dominican intelligence, because only the Skerrit Haters can think properly. They alone knows what is best for Dominica. They alone have moral and ethical values. They alone are the intelligence. The only solace Julius Sampson can get from that is that the UWP media moguls who have taken the high road of morality and good ethics and talk about good governance, propriety in government, let truth be told etc are in total support of his trickery, act of deception and bribery and so have maintaiend a total silence on the issue in the local media. Talk about media censorship?.

    Julius Sampson and the UWP cabal both in the diaspora and in Dominica know that attempting to bribe a government official is a bribe, whether you live in Dominica or the United States. I wonder if the government of Dominica can complain to the US about attempts by one of its citizens to bribe an official of the government of Dominica.

    Try as you might Julius, the fact is you stooped low. A simple apology by ityself will not do and no amount of grand standing and scandalizing the Dominican intelligence will absolve you of that super sin. I suppose your friends in the UWP have landed you a secret tongue lashing, as there strategy to remove Skerrit at all cost has become even more blurred.

    • xibit
      January 21, 2011

      Why should this have been brought to the media? Who da flock is Julius B Sampson? The man wrote a set of articles and all of a sudden he is somebody of note that I should bother with?

    January 21, 2011


    January 21, 2011

    Sampson was in a hot air balloon and realized he was lost. He lowered his altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. He shouted to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”
    The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above the ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude, and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.”

    Sampson rolled his eyes and said, “You must be a Skeritt Labourite.”
    “I am,” replied the man. “How did you know?”

    “Well,” answered the Sampson, “everything you told me is technically correct. But, I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help to me.”

    The boater smiled and responded, “You must be an Skerrit-Hater?.”

    “I am,” replied Sampson. “How did you know?”

    “Well,” said the boater, “you don’t know where you are — or where you are going. You’ve risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now, it’s my fault.”

    “Well Sampson, the hot air must have gone to your brains, have you forgotten the man you claimed was your mentor. I am Charles Maynard, i am still here to give directions to anyone who is lost and seeking some advice. Again, how may I help you Sampson?”

    • LOVE IT
      January 21, 2011

      LOL…I LOVE IT…HAHAHAHA…DNO and its comments r the best…

    • Ron
      January 21, 2011

      Wow!! Brilliant! :)

    • Hey just giving my two cents
      January 21, 2011

      Love that one WIKILEAKS :-D :lol:

    • I read in6 languages.
      January 22, 2011

      Every thing you wrote here was copied from an article i read online refering to OBama and the republicans even you/the Wikileaks name is a copied one. Go get your own vibes bozo. And (Hey just giving my two cents ) you just drank the cool aid as if you were in Jones Town in Guyana years ago. Saqway sort.

    • Lawye
      January 22, 2011

      WIKILEAKS ….You good.

  20. Sout Man
    January 21, 2011

    What is the hoax, Mr Sampson? You have more explaining to do. Did you or did you not write to Mr Maynard? The original letter clearly stated that “I wrote to Charles Maynard”. If you did not write to Mr Maynard, why insult DNO readers by accusing us of misunderstanding the content of your letter. That does not make it a hoax, it makes you a liar.

    Is it your attempt to withdraw publication that makes it a hoax? DNO used good journalistic instinct and practice by asking for your confirmation before publication. You ask them to publish and then made a late and feeble attempt to withdraw. That does not make it a hoax. This is called guilty conscience.

    Did you or did you not offer money to you friend in exchange for throwing the PM and his govt. under the bus? There was no subtlety and nuance. It was plain and sinple bribery. The only hoax in this episode was your lame attempt thave DNO withdraw publication of your letter; but DNO called your bluff.

    You do not have to add insult to injury, Mr Sampsom, by accusing us of misunderstanding you and not being able to interprete political satire. No one is laughing, Mr Sampson. You owe your “friend” an apology for the public humiliation and pray that he will accept if he has not instructed his lawyer to have you pay some real legitimate money.

    If you did not mail the letter to Mr Maynard, the DNO copy is the equivalent of an open letter to Mr Maynard and it surely had the same impact so the Attorney General should still proceed with the conspiracy to bribe a public official charge against you. You have lost all credibility, sir. You need to apologize not criticize.

    • Lawye
      January 22, 2011

      Sout Man … I know you not a big fan of Skeritt, neither am I, but your trend of thought is genuine, I like your take on this. 8)

  21. Devoted Dominican.
    January 21, 2011


  22. Surprise
    January 21, 2011

    We blow too much hot air over nonessential persons and issues. Too many idles persons are out there.

  23. Ron
    January 21, 2011

    I wonder what his response would have been if the responses were in his favor? I think that is a lame attempt to cover up for a poor decision. I’m still a little confused by DNO’s explanation….anyway life goes on. Bottom line, this man was not prepared for the responses that he got. This was like telling a lie and when you get caught you say is joke you joking. Give me a break!

    • Anti-hate
      January 21, 2011

      Looks like the UWP insiders ripped him a new one for his stupid decision and he decided to pass his stress on us.

      The man straight out called us simple-minded idiots who didn’t have the brains to understand his true intentions.

      Yeah right Sampson. You made your bed now lie in it!!!

  24. Insight
    January 21, 2011

    Mr Sampson, you obviously made a fool of yourself and you now trying to clean up your mess? We
    know exactly what you up too…
    Mr Maynard is too much of a professional to even take you on.. All you really desparate to get Skerrit…Who Jah bless no man like you can curse!!!

    Repent, Repent, Repent!!!

  25. mouth of the south
    January 21, 2011

    mr sampson shouldn’t have to explain nothing,,,, i stated clearly that mr sampson was just showing us how corrupt the system is,,,,, but as always,,,, bloggers like “anti-hate” will jump at any opportunity to make political mileage,,,,i wonder how much of us did comprehension or vocabulary in the primary n secondary school and if u had such opportunity i wonder how much of us did language n communication,,,business english and business law,,,,,at the college,,,, if u did these with high marks then u’d be able to decipher the message mr sampson was sending,,,, it’s time u labourites open allu eyes if possible wear 4 eyes and learn to comprehend the wit n intention of writers,,,,,,,

    • Anti-hate
      January 21, 2011

      It’s funny you would mention me and mention primary school and I’m university educated….

      I know I’m a major thorn in the side of your party on DNO cuz my posts usually make sense, that’s why u can’t stop mentioning me in your posts lol

      • Burrr
        January 21, 2011

        Don’t mind MOTS, Anti-Hate..shame he shame and attempting to use reverse psychology on people.

    • So so funnie
      January 21, 2011

      :mrgreen: You, and the other intellectual elites never cease to amuse me!

      January 21, 2011

      I read that letter and I didnot have to read between the lines to come to the conclusion that the write offered the recipient a bribe. Mr Sampson hit the submit button thinking that he was going to score points and cast doubt on Mr Maynard, it did not work, so now his only form of defence is to attack and insult anyone who dares to question his integrity.

      Yes I did comprehension, vocabulary, language and communication at primary/secondary school/college in the UK. I would never be so presumptuous as to believe that I am smarter than anyone else.

      Remember that some of the worlds greats did not have the pleasure of a full education.

    • profiler
      January 21, 2011

      Mr. Samson letter was writen in very plain English, there was no hint of sarcasm or even humour. You are right “.mr sampson shouldn’t have to explain nothing”.. English is still the official language of Dominica…If the letter was a hoax, who was the hoaxer trying to deceive with this malicious deception? Mr. Maynard?.. Did mr. Maynard refuse the offer? if he did, calling the offer a hoax is another lie by Mr. Samson having been caught with fingers in the cookie jar…

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      :lol: Mouth of the South wa happn to you? You trying so hard to make sense out of nonesense. The man boobooed. Let him take his heat.

  26. Aaaa
    January 21, 2011

    Maybe sampson just can’t write! Anyone thought of that? Whilst he there saying people misunderstood. That the first excuse of a terrible writer or well a liar.

    January 21, 2011

    Sampson and Delilah….looks like somebody cut Sampson dreads because this man is suddenly a weak man….And I know Maynard is no Delilah

  28. RAS B
    January 21, 2011

    I am baffled by the simplistic attempt of Mr Sampson to escape the results of his folly by claiming that his letter to Mr Maynard was a hoax and that we do not understand political sattire. His claim is baffling, since a hoax is not considered to be real. The tone of Mr sampson letter does not support his claim. But let us assume that it was a hoax, why did he choose to address it to an individual whom he claims to be his friend and former workmate? Even if he did not send the letter to Mr Maynard, by virtue of making it public, Mr Maynard will become aware of it.

    Mr Sampson further insults Dominicans by claiming that we lack analytical ability and we are unable to understand political sattire, unfortunately, his behaviour suggests that he lacks ability to comprehend the implications of his own writing. This letter from Mr Sampson to Mr Maynard was essentially saying that as my friend I know you are for sale, I am prepared to disclose that to the readership of DNO, irrespective of the impact it has on our friendship. He further supports this premise by claiming that Mr Skerritt has said that every man has his price.

    These puerile utterances may be tolerated as children but as adults, this can lead to irreparable damage to a friendship. Mr Maynard has unfortunately been insulted by one who is supposed to have the literary ability and nuance that allows him to offer analysis and even write and edit one of the leading papers in Dominica. This with no apparent provocation.

    Let us agree with Mr Sampson and claim that this was a hoax, the obvious question then becomes, What was its purpose? Why select your friend ( whom I believe would now have lost respect for you)? Why try to make mileage at the expense of your friend, Mr Sampson?

    Mr Maynard should now seek advice from his lawyers about a law suit against Mr Sampson for character assasination. Mr Sampson clearly alleges that Mr Maynard has no principles and is ripe for a bribe. Oh how foolish can we be? Mr Sampson should be forced to pay for his folly!!!!

    • Robotron
      January 21, 2011

      Here! Here! Here! I agree 100% Mr Sampson should be made to pay for his folly. Too many people think that they can use the internet to denigrate others and get away with it. Well said Ras B. :idea:

    • John Brown
      January 21, 2011

      well said

    • xibit
      January 21, 2011

      Very Well said. This Julius B Sampson guy needs to fold and disappear. Poor Chap! What utter humiliation!

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      You never heard about da fella who drove a girl way in da bush and started putting serious pressure on her. She screamin. He pressurizing. Den he heard, ‘knock! knock! knock!’ an it was dem special army police – forgot what they call dem, but dem guys always in de bush. When da girl rush out and explain what was happening to da police; the man start to button his pants and laughing ‘Ha ha ha. Officer is a joke I was makin, wi. and he turn to da girl and said, ‘but Doreen, you carn tak a joke, man?” :twisted: :mrgreen: :oops:

  29. Sacway Sot
    January 21, 2011

    Julius was a longtime newspaper editor. He understands the Dominican mentality and psyche better than anyone. I don’t know the full context but I am shocked and do not want to comment on the merits of the arguments for and against the so-called bribery in the letter.

    What I am shocked at is the contempt for his and DNO’s readers.

    “I am not surprised that readers completely misunderstood the content and the rationale behind the letter …” WOW! You are not surprised that DNO readers are a bunch of idiots! Thanks for telling us what you think of us.

    “Should I have known that such subtlety and nuance would not be fully appreciated by the general public?” WOW Julius.

    Maybe its because you think the “general public” and DNO readers in particular are so SOT that you thought you could get always with offering a bribe to your former comrade Maynard and actually publicize it for all to see. Hey how would the “memoire poule” masses know what the great Julius is talking about?

    Now who is the Sacway Sot?

    • Anti-hate
      January 21, 2011

      You’re so right! I hate it when these people think they can insult our intelligence.

      Hoax my *ss.

    • Just giving my two cents
      January 21, 2011

      Very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      We are all fools except them!!!!!!!

      But who lloking more the fool now!

      That man has balls which in his imagination are way Larger than the reality!!!!!!!!!!

  30. John Brown
    January 21, 2011

    oh so it was a hoax huh, oh I see!!

    Whiles your at it, are there any other hoaxes that you and your party have pulled on the Dominican public that you would like to tell us about? For example, the bugging allegations 1 and 2, the assasination attempt, and the fire in Goodwill.

    Please enlighten us sir; we are not as Intelligent as you guys, some of us have not gotten the message in some of these sophisticated hoaxes that you guys have engineered lately and in the past. Thank you very much for explaining this one and we look forward to your explanation of the countless others.

  31. Espwa Mal Papaiyy.
    January 21, 2011

    Mr Sampson I am prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt however in your effort to highlight the questionable motives and character of those in public office I believe that you have also exposed your insidious intensions.. I must also state that prior to this horrible lapse in judgment me Sampson had done a good job expressing the same concern. Whether the letter was meant to be satire or wit Mr Sampson has not only shut himself in the foot but has demonstrated the type of recklessness that is identical to those of Tony Astaphan, Charles Saverin and Skerrit. In my opinion your little plot whether it was a prank, hoax or well intended was an act of extremism.

    It is unfortunate that due to such an irresponsible act Mr Sampson like Charles Maynard has fallen off the credibility train. What is a bit annoying is the fact that Mr Sampson expected people to realize that his letter was a joke- come on now the former editor of Dominica’s news paper. What a false sense of entitlement.

    What we expect from Mr Sampson is intelligent discourse and valuable ideas and suggestions as we struggle to deal with a government that is crooked and totally lost.. We need to maintain maturity as our political leader is immature and is surrounded and controlled by a mob of hawks to include supplicants like Charles Maynard , the speaker of the house, police authorities and piggish lawyers. We need serious engagement not pranksters and people who seem to have the same hawk type intensions however on the opposite side of the fence.

  32. Cerberus
    January 21, 2011

    Is not Sampson I blame but Delilah! (those who profess to know their bible will understand)

  33. jabo
    January 21, 2011

    Doing your best to wiggle out of that one. It must be rather frustrating to realize you are not making any progress. This happens every time one betrays his friend.

  34. Esquire
    January 21, 2011

    Mr. Julius B Sampson question is: “Should I have known that such subtlety and nuance would not be fully appreciated by the general public?”

    After reading the above update from Mr. Julius B Sampson – I re-read the previous piece for the “subtlety” and “nuance” he expected we the general public to fully appreciate. I DID NOT FIND ANY “subtlety” or “nuance” – further, Mr. Julius B Sampson claimed he withdrew the letter – BUT he did not tell us if this “hoax” was sent to Mr. Charles or not.

    So I re-read his update.

    In the first line Mr. Julius B Sampson states: “I am not surprised that readers completely misunderstood the content and the rationale behind the letter to Charles Maynard …”

    So, Mr. Julius B Sampson did send the letter to Mr. Maynard. Thus his intent on insulting his friend was exactly what he did; a public relations nightmare to his character and integrity is why he is now “withdrawing” his letter to Mr. Maynard from the public domain

    As a former editor, Mr. Sampson knows that the duty of communicating what you intend to say is on the author. Mr. Julius B Sampson, in your egotistical attempt to defend yourself you managed to insult not just Mr. Maynard – BUT intelligence of we the “readers” who you claim “completely misunderstood the content and the rationale behind the letter” AND general public who did not notice the “subtlety and nuance” which was “not be fully appreciated by the general public” …

    Thus – I am republishing my response to your first publication because your lame attempt above failed to change my mind as to your bad behavior and lack of judgement.

    See below:

    Wow! Mr. Julius B Sampson – why would you insult your “mentor” and “friend” like that?

    I have just lost all respect for you Mr. Julius B Sampson. I grew up admiring you. You were one of my influences when I spoke on Freedom Party platforms. Whatever, you may think of the current government based on the “speculation” and gossip you chose to believe …. why would you insult another – a friend – because he thinks he can help his country notwithstanding the gossip of corruption.

    Mr. Julius B Sampson use your talents and money to find evidence of this speculation & gossip … do some credible investigative journalism … not the Linton & his Trash Talk radio buddies variety.

    PS: Tell Sir Brian – he abandon the DFP Leadership at a critical time (Freedom 5 seats) (Labor 5 seats) (UWP 11 seats) in 1995 for security of being a Judge (money) … where is his credibility? Did he put country first?

  35. Anti-hate
    January 21, 2011

    If Mr. Maynard had been stupid enough to respond to this so-called ‘hoax’ of a letter, and asked Sampson how much money exactly he was willing to deposit, I wonder if Sampson would have replied saying ‘Maynard it was just a hoax to poke your conscience’ or would he have called Matt and Lennox breathlessly to expose Maynard and get the response on Q95 as quickly as possible?

    What do you think Dominicans? Let’s be honest with ourselves!

    Don’t allow yourselves to feel stupid or confused by this man. The letter was pretty blatant. He offered money to the ambassador, and awaited a response to see if he would take the bait.

    Mr. Maynard ignored his BS letter. He could have just left it there but he so badly wanted to place Mr. Maynard in the negative media spotlight he decided to publish what should have been a private letter between two old friends in the media.

    What kind of ‘friend’ exposes private letters to the media to make the other person look bad anyway? It’s like when a couple breaks up and one partner decides to post naked pictures of the other person on the Internet.

    The way I see it, Sampson underestimated our BS meter, that’s why he took the risk of publishing a letter with a bribe. He thought that the benefit of ‘exposing’ Maynard was worth the risk of a few people pointing out the obvious bribe.

    Dominicans are not as simple-minded as you seem to think sir, we see right through you.

    • John Brown
      January 21, 2011

      The backlash surprise him.

      • Anti-hate
        January 21, 2011

        Exactly. These guys think we are a bunch of fools over here, but we’re smarter than that.

        Edison James and Lennox must have given him a talk on how he made the party look stupid so he’s trying to spin now but we’re not buying that crap.

        • Just like it is
          January 21, 2011

          What is more he made the party look stupid at a time when there is speculation that one of them accidentally set fire to himself, while setting the fire to the (You Follow) Emauel’s home. How many of them were involved in that scheme? The stink is making its rounds.

  36. Miss E
    January 21, 2011

    Well, I myself was ready and willing, no face to come ask you for some cash. I mean if that is the way the sytem working, I born and bred in DA I might as well get it on the action, I want some money too! I asked the question many times: Why would you publish such a piece? It made no sense. I was upset! BUT it is clearer now.However I am still of the opinion that is was kind of juvenile and bordering on reckless to have gone to such lengths. I understand your loyalty to friendship and concern for the nature of things in the country, but we must be vigilant to maintain our dignity at all cost. Nothing must be so urgent that we give any hint to misrepresentation of our characters. Darkness will never be identified as light. Be careful.

    • John Brown
      January 21, 2011

      true say

  37. Hey just giving my two cents
    January 21, 2011

    Mr Sampson in the previous letter I addressed you and asked – What has one man, yes one man done to you and the likes of you to want to bring him down so? I still would like you to answer this and you can reference my comments on the other letter. Isn’t the man a Dominican and shouldn’t you and all the others do something for the development of the country? Just looking for ways and means to degrade and debase and all the negative that you all do to bring down one man.

    This is highly ridiculous and this should stop. You and all the others form something that will bring relief and development to this country. Do something tangible that will let us see that you have contributed to the development of this country. Too much talking and too little action and my previous letter still stands even if you have said that this was a hoax. In my opinion, you and the likes of you are mischievous and our Father who is in Heaven is looking down on us and he does not like us to be mischievous and some of us will pay for the things that we are doing and in the process we are creating violent youths, unstable and confused persons. Peace with one another and our leaders and fellow men is what he wants us to be. He is omnipotent. omnipresent and he sees and knows and hears everything. You do not have to do his work for him. He is more than capable to do so himself. You have to do what he has commanded us to do and the most important is to obey his words.

    So stop all this nonesense and do contribute to the development of our country.

    • fed up
      January 21, 2011

      my point exactly. Athie get the water project so long and he just sitting on his ,…… The money UWP have to go to court give it to Athie to do bulk water shipment. His employees will be
      Athie CEO
      Edison General manager
      Lennox PRO
      Brian Labeller
      Christian and Fountain Legal advisers.
      All will be happy and LEAVE MY BLESSED PM ALONE Oh i forget Ron PROJECT WRITER. Thats all he can do WRITE but not IMPLEMENT. GO PETTER PEPPER.

  38. Zaboc
    January 21, 2011

    Sampson can’t be blamed if the average reader lacks the literary sophistication to differentiate between a genuine political satire and a garden variety bribe of which there are many in this country. To be sure, political satire is a legitimate form of expression in a vibrant democracy. There are those who claim that democracy is alive and well in Da, yet they appear all to willing to precsribe which form of expression is legitimate and which ones are taboo.
    I know Mr. Sampson and the values he has expoused over the years and there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that he intended to offer Mr. Maynard a bribe.
    A bribe is usually done in secret, away from the glare of the public spotlight, and the failure to recognize this is a clear indication that some among us lack the necessary sophistication to function effectively in a vibrant democracy.
    Bravo, Sampson. Don’t let them intimidate you!

    • Newtown News Desk
      January 22, 2011

      Here you go again, isnulting the Dominican public. You and you alone can think for yourslef and for me. because people like me support Mr. SAkerrit we are lesser mortals than others. That is the gist of MR. Julius Sampson’s letter.

      But then this is the season for calypso and satire. Gop ahead lulius and your dispora inteligentias. Keep pouring scorn on Dominica. This is total disrespect and Jlius must be rueing the day he hit that “send button”.

      I am still waiting for the advocates of good governance, turth to power, transpareny, common sense argumentalists, Athis, Lennox, Clayton, Gabriel, Ron, Fontaine, Sam, Frank Baron and all the willing band of Skerrit haters to comment. I am sure they will one day – even if it is to offer an explanantion about why Julius B. Sampson, offered a public official in Dominica a bribe and then said it was a hoax because the people of Dominican are simpletons

  39. Just giving my two cents
    January 21, 2011

    That’s what happens when everyone is eager to have a say!

    So, he sent a letter to his frined – no matter what, he should not have even thought of publishing the letter. If his intentions were good, and he wanted to help his friend, and advise his friend, he should have let it be personal in the name of friendship!

    So after hitting the send button, his conscience started to eat at him – not because of his “friendship” with Maynard, but because he didn’t want the public to view him negatively!

    I do not believe the crap about misinterpretting the letter – BRIBERY is BRIBERY, no matter how much you sugar coat it!

    So, to the people who are so eager to write letters to the editor – giving their opinions on everyone else’s character, U should definitely look in the mirror first before doing so.

    And he is talking about intergrity and high principle!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO at the hypocrisy of such a man!!!!!!!!

    Many a man has been betrayed in the name of friendship – so in the end, all i can say is… ” you to, Sampson”

    You have fallen into your own pit – One’s own treachery will always get the better of one!!!!!!!!

  40. Oh Dominica, My Heart Bleeds for Thee!!!
    January 21, 2011

    Mr. Sampson dear, I know you can hold your own because you have been in the mouth of the Dominica dragons for a long time, and before you even put your name out there you know what to expect from those “Lang Sepant” Dragon tounge, but Sir you have take into consideration that there are some levels with all due respect to Dominicans they have not reached, and some concepts they just can’t get! They don’t understand satire, and they don;t understand the idea you are trying to convey to them here.. They will you down to a pulp simply becasue they don’t uNDERSTAND!! and some they understand, but don’t agree, and some hust to prove how vicious and ignorant they can be.

    • Reason
      January 21, 2011

      Oh my!
      Poor us simple ignorant Dominicans who stayed home to gwayay to build our country. We are now declared to be stupid and ignorant!

      Only those “sophisticated” folks up in the US taking their fwaydee have any sense and as I said they trying to run the country from afar without getting their hands dirty. Some of them cannot even come back for their own mother’s funeral because of the bobol they committed while living here.

      Ehlas…. Just understand we know the reality on the ground.. so we do not react like you drama queens……we do not get it via Q95 while living abroad. :lol:

      • Oh Dominica, My Heart Bleeds for Thee!!!
        January 22, 2011

        Makes no sense arguing with the ignorant, you can never win!! I think what Mr. Sampson was tryng to do here is way to complicated for “the sinple” folks as you named yourself.. The coments on this board is poof positive.. Boy if Jonathan Swift was a Dominican at the time he wrote “A Modest Proposal” talking about the situation in Irealand through Satire, Dominicans would skin him alive and still burn him at the stake.

        • Yesman
          January 23, 2011

          Well said. It’s no different than the Jews who demanded ther death of Jesus Christ and ended up cricifying Him because of the boldness of His message. Did He not chase the money changers from the temple? Sampson’s message is a call to do some serious national reflection on the corrupting influence of money in politics. Those who place money and the pursuit of money front and centre above other considerations, are shortchanging this country and this is the perfect formula for long term economic decline. Some may wish to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that all is well on the economic front. But this is a dangerous illusion and one day we will wake up and smell the coffee.
          The country cannot continue to live on hand outs from overseas: from Venezuela , China etc, when there is no serious effort to look ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves this question: Are we on the path to sustainable economic development? Are we importing too much relative to exports? I understand the trade deficit is widening beyond control. But all that matters to some is how much milk they can get now from the national cow while they remaim mum in the face of policies that are guaranteed to stifle growth and promote a culture of consumption at the expense of production.
          In the present environment it is fair to say that the economy is built on sand and sooner rather than later we will reap the rewards of our economic mismanagement, a condition that has its roots in greed and the mindless scramble to have a bigger and bigger piece of the economic pie rather than focussing on growing the pie.
          So yes, Sampson’s message is a call for introspection, to come up with a healthy ethos that focusses less on rewarding some for party loyalty and more on settting the stage for all to contribute not on the basis of rhetorical support for the regime but on enlightened policies that promote honest dialogue and competition that is open to all. That’s how you build a nation.

    • Anonymous
      January 21, 2011

      And what level are you? Why dont you come home and develop Dominica? If you cant, then shut up! You idiot. Later will reveal who the real “Lang Sepant” are.

      • Oh Dominica, My Heart Bleeds for Thee!!!
        January 22, 2011

        The proof is right here on this forum!! No need to prove anything! Just read DNO!!!

    • fed up
      January 21, 2011

      Jack…..satire is for calypso and poetry, not an open letter. he should ask Pat Aaron for help to put it in calypso. Then like sparrow he could say and he holier than the pope

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      Hey Bleeding Heart,
      A BIG TIME editor like Mr Sampson must first know his readers, and then communicate to them accordingly. That is 101 of communication. So you used a lot of words to say diddly squat.

      • Oh Dominica, My Heart Bleeds for Thee!!!
        January 22, 2011

        Mr. Sampson felt Dominica many years ago and he probabbly forgot, expected to grow, or underestimated his readers, I will excuse him because aparently he expected some progress which, I sadly say, is not the realty!!! Yes I agree he was wrong to Ass-Ume!

  41. A Voice
    January 21, 2011

    Man, admin you doh have to try to justify yourself for him, whether he tried to recant the letter or not isn’t the point, the fact that he would write that to a respected friend, is what matters.

    His attempted cover-up and back-tracking here does nothing but shows how immature and politically bitter this guy is. He can try to rationalize it how he wants, but it takes a concious effort and time to put something into writing.

    You can never claim that this was a hoax and that somehow you ‘took’ the readers here. I refuse to believe that a grown man like you have such childish time on your hands to write an insulting letter like that to a friend, and then try to claim that this was somewhat a hoax.

    You can claim whatever context the letter was written to Maynard, the fact is you were telling your friend that he was bought and paid for by Skerrit and you would in turn want to buy him back. Right now its just your ego kicking in because you have realized that you have lost all self-respect in the eyes of the public here and trying some damage control.

    Too late, too late…man you have already lost your credit, you are a joke. With people like you as the leaders in society we know that Dominica is in a lot of trouble….you cannot even stand behind your own statements.

    Oh Dominica….

      January 21, 2011

      i will say AMEN to that…..

      Sampson believe his brains bigger than the rest of us……let him fly his kite they say what goes up must come down

  42. All the sexy girls are with DLP
    January 21, 2011

    Did the prime minister not famously say that “every man has his price”?

    All the sexy boys tooo????

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      I guess your brains are zipped up in your jeans.

  43. Liar, liar, pants on fire!
    January 21, 2011

    Sampson, you are both unbalanced and a joke. How could anyone ever take you seriously! No matter how you word this and what excuse you attempt to make. the damage has been done to Mr. Maynard’s good name. You insulted your ‘friend’. Making these lame excuses is just adding more insult to that damage.

  44. EBEH WEH
    January 21, 2011

    see commess….from all sides…lol

  45. Burrrr
    January 21, 2011

    ‘Whosever diggeth a pit, SHALL FALL IN IT!’


    Oh Lordy help us all in this sweet Dominica.

  46. Too late!
    January 21, 2011

    Mr. Sampson God works in myterious ways. You had to be exposed for the dishonest fraud that you are. You figured if everyone has their price then Maynard has a price too. No matter how you look at it its BRIBERY!!!!!

    sonofagun! they catch you!

    • Me
      January 21, 2011

      You too foolish – Too late

      • More
        January 21, 2011

        Well you are the published fool now Sampson, not me lol

  47. Lady
    January 21, 2011

    I did not comment on that original letter because i really wondered as to why Sampson would publicize a letter that was clearly offering a bribe. But the comments goes to show how so many folks here have double standards! Same ones who condemn your letter are the ones who support Skerrit and his band of bandits in their bribery etc.. Double standards…..

    • Anonymous
      January 21, 2011

      Well DNO should have published this sooner, stupes eh.

    • Just like it is
      January 21, 2011

      You did not comment in the first instance because your comments would have let your side down.

  48. One Love
    January 21, 2011

    :-D YA YOU GOT ‘EN :mrgreen:

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