JUST DENNIS: Change is not a King Dice invention

Dennis Joseph
Dennis Joseph

Change is a rule of nature and while the Labour Party members and supporters are sick at heart over the Dice song titled ‘Time for Change’ they should note that the politics of Waitikubuli itself keeps on changing. The DLP has changed from its original self to a party that has been reconstructed into a “ new generation” combination of old labourites and added “classical” Freedomites forced ripened from green to red.

It is now the party that finds no problem in appointing one time leader of the Freedom Party Charles Savarin, who just a few short years ago urged the destruction of the very Labour Party, to the exalted position of President of Dominica. The Freedom party has also changed from the once mighty force to a whimpering hope seeking a voice of welcome somewhere, anywhere.

The UWP has changed from its struggling state to a new Team Dominica snuggling contentedly with a new leader. There were a whole range of topics that could have been on the calypso writers agendas this season from Black Sigatoka to white skiers representing Dominica a tropical island in the Sochi winter games but it seemed the focus was mostly on the natural process of wanting a change of government which by the way is the relief democracy allows us.

Now that the tumult and the shouting of the carnival season has died one can reflect on why is the word ‘change’ having an effect never seen before on some of our people who selfishly think that change will bring down their little kingdoms or expose their shenanigans.

Since as is said, “Justice knows everyone’s number” then the time will come when it will not just be your brother calling and even if you are sitting on a Skerrit toilet you must answer to Madame Justice seeking to have a word with you on the phone. No matter what your situation today change lives in the region called, “sooner or later” and is as inevitable as the sound of the last trumpet. The present thrust and pushback all started when the UWP Team Dominica began to use the slogan ‘Change Is A Must’ which highly irritated the ruling party and so when the word ‘change’ was directly the topic of the DICE popular calypso the labour party agents felt the kick in their stomachs and went totally ballistic with single minded savagery.

King Dice’s calypso is not about Red versus Blue but about the meaning of change and “who the cap fit let them wear it.” Change Is not something recently invented by him it is how life has always worked. The world is changing and we must change with it. Change is not just about getting on another victory train or about swapping back and forth from one sweetheart messiah to the next but about a different and innovative approach to the challenges facing Waitikubuli in today’s world. That the UWP Team Dominica in just six months of its creation can so inspire a large section of our population toward a new and uplifting vision exposes the present administration as not being able at this time to excite the imagination of the people like at first.

Dice’s song for this year’s calypso contest is craftily constructed and tailor made for him. The comfortable lyrical expressions of the verse which quickly segues into risky precipitous vocal range extensions of the rapid fire chorus allowed Dice to show his admirable control in rendering the fullness of the song. I knew from the first launching that once he did it well on the night there was no chance for any other to beat him. Government politicians seem only to hear the tie-line of the chorus, “Its time for change” but if they listened more and talked less they would be able to understand the genius in the lyrics.

The easiest part of the calypso is to criticize it. With a basic knowledge of music and writing or even none atall you can give speeches on the flaws, spits and turns, its goings in and goings out. I have heard demolition jobs being done on this or that calypso simply because it was not written as the critic would like. I listen to critics who think that calypso is some sort of university lecture with all the facts and figures properly researched and accurately presented. A calypso like Peter Letang’s ‘Voodoo on the Port’ would be dismissed as too empty and should be developed more yet the critics would miss that its simplicity is its main attraction.

On the other hand I sometimes hear a buildup of the merit of some songs which clearly do not deserve it. Calypso is not a science but an art sometimes even poetical art though not necessarily bathed in beauty and romance and like all such allows itself poetic licence to exaggerate and freely cast innuendos. Each writer has an own concept of any situation and presents them within the parameters of how he or she sees it. What adds up to two in science could add up to whatever figure the calypso writer chooses. There would however be no calypso critics without the composers and the composer’s job is a thousand times more difficult.

When you write and compose a calypso you first must have an idea and concept in your head of what you want to write about and how you want it to be musically presented. You may tweak it and rearrange it even start again until the entire composition fits exactly what you hear in your head. When what you hear in your head is what is presented on the recording or on the stage then you have achieved that elusive thing called perfection. For writers who do not perform their own songs therein lies the rub according to the bard. The task of finding the right artist to perform the song exactly as you hear it in your head is not an easy one and so when you finally find a performer who can deliver the package just as you like it then you have found your Moses deliverer opening up the Red sea. It is on him or her the continuity or death of your work depends.

The combination of Pat Aaron writer and composer and King Dice performer may have reached the peak called perfection evidenced now by the seven wins over ten years in the Calypso Monarch competition. While Pat is a very accomplished writer, yet all his songs may not be great and needs a great artist to close the deal. Dice has the ability to express a myriad of emotions through only the sound of his special calypso voice and do it in a completely believable way. He can take a simple sentence like, “Its time for change,” and stir the emotions of an entire nation. He can challenge, dazzle, charm, entice, urge, tease, criticize and more and make it sound genuine.

So when you add to that a gifted writer and composer such as Pat Aaron with his huge experience over decades of doing this, you have a match made in calypso heaven. There are critics that say, “Oh the melody of this or that one sounds in part similar to another one,” but since there are only seven basic notes in the musical scale A>B>C>D>E>F>G otherwise known as Doh>Re>Me>Fa>Soh>La>Ti this is bound to happen in every form of musical melody. While Pat is able to compose it is Dice with his magnetic stage ability and his obvious comfort on stage having been in the winner’s circle so many times that makes it all work and when complemented with the brilliance of his stage support hands led by Randy Aaron well it seems like it will always be “Dice Again.” Right?

While some people may want to change the government after 14 years of the same old rituals and formulas there are a whole lot of calypso fans who pray that the one dominant combination that will not change any time soon is that of Pat Aaron and King Dice. But then again change is a rule of nature which cannot be stopped and since Dice did not invent it standby because Mother Change is always changing itself and everything else so we shall roll the dice and see.


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  1. jil
    March 9, 2014

    I’m not in politics but Dominicans I won’t give full detail but be careful with the change you all are asking, there are changes in many different ways but UWP are not good. That was the words used.

  2. tel
    March 7, 2014

    The only one that can make a change is the Almighty he knows what is best for Dominica.

  3. Anonymous
    March 7, 2014

    Fear not Dominicans the DLP has a very solid and sound plan for development. Open your hearts, minds and eyes and be ready to experience the CHANGE as we take Dominica to the next level of development and prosperity. We have a lot of very exciting projects in the works. I’m excited. Aren’t you?

  4. Anonymous
    March 7, 2014

    Prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit revolutionized Caribbean politics bringing about such dynamic change that the Dominican model of government was copied by various Caribbean leaders. This man was born to lead. Surely Dominicans, we should appreciate what we have. We should not close our eyes and pretend that we are not seeing the Change. We have made great strides forward. You have been surely blessed, and sent by the lord to steer Dominica through hard times and back on the road to prosperity. Who god bless no man curse that is why you shall surely succeed.

    • JoJo
      March 7, 2014

      This kind of crawling attitude is like venerating the golden calf It makes me puke.

      • Emile Zapatos
        March 7, 2014

        They say the truth hurts , but now the truth make you puke . I only hope you can puke in a clean modern toilet and not in a pit latrine , because you may fall in like your puke.

      • Anonymous
        March 8, 2014

        Puke my friend, purge yourself of all the evil within yourself.

  5. De Caribbean Change
    March 7, 2014

    The only change coming will be a clean sweep at the next general elections by the Dominica Labour Party. 21 zip. Dennis is just a deejay and songwriter and nothing else. That’s why he and PJ and company had planned to overthrow MAMO back in 1980 for a change. Wake Up, Wake Up, Dennis.

  6. me
    March 7, 2014

    Breaking news! Uwp supporters are getting desperate they are attacking DLP supporters for no reason. Never in the history of Dominica have we seen this before. Even old women are attacked for supporting their party. I guess this qualifies as change too.Is that the type of change we want?

    • snow flake
      March 7, 2014

      Nobody has attacked me. Are you possessed by your own sparta-demons?

      • Emile Zapatos
        March 8, 2014

        Lucky you. Please watch your back. BE prepared to call the police if you are attacked.

  7. Mac
    March 7, 2014

    well, the change we are speaking of is happening right before our eyes. Change is happening in our improved roads, in our improved education system, our improved healthcare system, our reduction in unemployment and poverty and the many many more improvements and advancements we have seen in Dominica under this Labour administration. We are not blowing our own horn. The IMF and world Bank agree with this assessment. We have governments in the region who have decided to follow the model of our Labour government. Just a few days ago, the United States praised our government for the steps we are taking to combat drug trafficking in Dominica. Yes Dominica is changing for the better. We are now ranked eight wealthiest nation in the Caribbean.

    There are two kinds of changes, change for the better and change for the worst. Which one do we want in Dominica. Do we want an administration that support crooks or do we want an administration that is moving the country forward?

  8. JOKIM
    March 7, 2014

    Dennis you have been singing and playing the same song in you head for the pass few years. People who do this is showing a sign of dementia we hope you are not there yet and wish you well. You know better than most of us what the meaning of CHANGE is if you dear to remember the effects of 1979 which TORPEDO you and the then Patrick JOHN Government that was “CHANGE”

  9. be wiser
    March 7, 2014

    There are two kinds of changes …for the better and for the worse. Remember Jamaica changed after 26 years and we saw what happened, as did Grenada as in St Lucia as in Trinidad now. then they had to run back for the old.

  10. Native
    March 6, 2014

    Dennis , congratulations on yet another well written piece .As I read & perused the article repeatisiously,looking for the contraditions etc,many a person came to mind.Opportunists with human faces.As yu spoke of the phenomenon o change.One particular guy came to mind. A politicl scientist turn lawyerWho went thru various changes left right left rt lt rt maybe he is rt o center now always changing.If that talked about wind o change blows UWP’s way maybe he might get onboard encore.lol
    Almost forgot: you mention the DLP being of grownover b freedom weeds.Didin’t the UWP spring from disaccord with Eugenia by by the medicine man?the current leader of the UWP etc and a few opportunistic former DLP-ites? which ever waythe political wind blows the opportunits mascarades will continue to camoflage selves and seek opportunity.They walk across the part bridge and there’s no more sorrows their sun continue to shine. To steal from the Tiffany fugitive They sparkle & shine.Blue ,Green, Red, colourless.
    Good night Dennis and other critics.DA needs new blood maybe those who are not exposed and sensitized to corruption from any one ,party or times.
    Like the great Sir Alfred Hitchcock would say
    Good night(Dennis et Al)

    March 6, 2014

    It is about change and the DICE again and again but what a beautifully written piece from DENNIS yet again.
    This guy surely knows how to capture and maintain the attention of hopeless readers like RV.
    He has challenged, dazzled, charmed, enticed, urged, teased, criticized and more
    Making it all so real truthful and genuine.

    DICE is a gifted calypsonian, Pat is an excellent composer and Dennis is a superb writer- all three gentlemen gifted in their respective fields.

    While the VAST MAJORITY of Dominicans at home and abroad DEFINITELY want a change of government after 14 years of corruption, acceptance of mediocrity and the same old rituals and formulas, there is a growing majority of us who pray for a several things to remain such as the call for Lennox, the leader of Team Dominica and the next Prime Minister, Thomson as the incoming Parl Rep for Grand fond and Minister of Finance, t-h-e s-a-a-m-me Ro-n-ald Char-les wh-o-o us-ed to-oo work at Is-land Carrrr Ren-tal as the next Parl Rep of the ROSEAU VALLEY –and of course the dynamic combination of Pat Aaron and King Dice.

    We concur (according to Assassin No.3) that it seems like it will be Dice again, again, again, again, again, again, and again in 2015, this time signing praises to the most high for delivering us from all evil and effecting the change in governance that we so desperately deserve in Dominica.

    Roseau Valley (again!)


    • Anonymous
      March 10, 2014

      well, Roseau Valley have your team abandoned the call for good governance, transparency and accountability? I only ask because of the mess your party has found itself in with this Thomson Fontaine Transfergate and Landgate affair. You mean you all can openly face Dominicans and support such lack of accountability, transparency and honesty? Shame on you Roseau valley and the rest of the uwp gang.

  12. Cigatocar
    March 6, 2014

    Beautiful piece, brilliantly written. Who the cap fits, let them wear it.

  13. Anonymous
    March 6, 2014

    Dennis! You, more that anyone else should know how difficult change can be. You have been singing the same song now for how long again?

    • Emile Zapatos
      March 7, 2014

      Anonymous, did you know a man with a master plan who told Dominicans to mind their stinking business. The same man bought a car for the company he was managing and when he was about to be investigated he change the ownership back to the company.

  14. T
    March 6, 2014

    When Humpty Dumpty takes this crashing fall on his face, I WILL INEDEED BE VERY HAPPY.

    • Anonymous
      March 7, 2014

      Change for change sake is a BUST

  15. ....................
    March 6, 2014

    There is no doubt that Skerrit’s popularity as a leader has plummetted downwards. As to whether he makes it at the next election, I DONT KNOW. What i do know is that his arrogance invited Lennox Linton into the ring, and he has been forced on the back foot ever since.

    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2014

      Hahahahahaha. Lennox Linton is no more than the proverbial straw on to which you desperate blues are clinging!

      • >>>>>>>>>>
        March 6, 2014

        @ Anonymous Have respect for the man. Call him our Soon To Be Prime Minister NOT Lennox Linton.

      • JoJo
        March 7, 2014

        Carcon, today I rather clutch to Lennox’ straw than to Roosevelt’s wand, believe me.

  16. JoJo
    March 6, 2014

    i remember teacher telling us about people resisting change. Well, I can see troglodytes alive and well in Dominica.

  17. Diaspora Crave
    March 6, 2014

    Partisanship in politics is always going to fear the word ” Change ” because their comfort zone will no doubt experience some sort of disruption. Defending the status quo is embedded in their hearts and no matter how true the reason for change may be they will be in denial. However there will be some moderates who are able to accept the reason for change and therefore will just accept the fact that it is inevitable. Change is simply part of the natural cycle of life. We have to accept it when it reveals itself no matter how defiant we may be towards it.We all got to live with it.

  18. Anonymous
    March 6, 2014

    The only constant is ‘change’

  19. Watcher
    March 6, 2014

    Denis, one of the change (s) that we are looking for is for people like you to recognize that whilst Dominica has its socio-economic development challenges, and many things could have been done differently, there are a number of good things taking place in Dominica which you constantly and deliberately failed to recognize on account of your partisan “blues”. It cannot be that everything is wrong in Dominica and nothing good is happening. That would be a welcome change for you to talk about the good things that are happening here and by job, also comment as you are so able on the “bad” things that are taking place or the bad you perceive to be taking place. In that way we can all in one accord sing or write about the welcome “change”.

    • ____________________
      March 6, 2014

      @Watcher THE GOOD CONSTITUTE insults from Skerrit, no jobs,people cannot pay basic utility bills, and have to depend upon Skerrit’s Red Clinic to do so.You have already been seen there. Do you know anything about our Diplomatic Passports? Do you know about Mr chen’s $EC 54 000 000.00?
      IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE!!!!!!!!!

    • Views Expressed
      March 6, 2014

      WATCHER….,please open your eyes and look 8-O well, you will see.
      1.Are dem toilets development….you
      2. you as a government killing your native hoteliers and you call that development…tell me what you watching Mr. Watcher……
      he issue is NOT Dennis, his articles are brilliant, we have to save Dominica…
      Now tell me, you have Hunter, Ghost, Pickie etc…you mean they cannot make one good song for Skerrit about the good he has done. Start by singing about his riches and the Bin Bobol and who benefited.

  20. dissident
    March 6, 2014

    I remember a song ” viva mamma eugenia” from de old days when i was younger…..and there was “shiloh” by mighty spider….talk about politically motivated calypso.

    Boss we really need a change!!!!!!!

    no politician nor political party was named in Dice song….but just because of de consciousness of de nation itself, de UNANSWERED CRIES of de people..de ruling government know they have been ignoring de genuine cries of de people…
    red clinic has proven to NOT be able to handle de social welfare of de citizens, unemployment crisis, importation of foreign labor to destabilize social security and de treasury

    change will mean abandonment of de red clinic…we already have a welfare dept. we should buff it up
    change will mean jobs that will support social security ( our pension) and de Treasury
    change will mean real jobs, people earning their OWN money

    what about that is so negative….what is so scary about that

  21. let justice live
    March 6, 2014

    well change is happening and it so exiciting. Road developments, hospital and police station upgrade. government who care for the poor and needy affected and all dominicans. what do you all wnt us to change to curuption under fountaine and lennox if they can,t manage a small position as treasurer what you think will happen to the ministry of finance.
    we keeping the labour party vin government still
    no time for midiocras in government hold strong dominicans labour is staying in Government still cause is a working party in favor of its citizens

    • White Oak
      March 6, 2014

      Amen to this, love to see positive people speaking the truth

    • ()
      March 6, 2014

      @let justice live I never knew that this man Dennis Joseph had such excellent writing skills. I think that this song has touched the already fine nerve in their system, which is clearly Skerrit fatigued. The pulse on the ground is that most Dominicans cannot wait for election to dump Skerrit and his gang of greedies into political oblivion. According to a good friend of mine, this Skerrit cabal is the worst government that has ever governed this country. THEIR FOCUS IS on ME, MYSELF AND I.

      • Anonymous
        March 6, 2014

        who fooled you sir??? Keep on dreaming.

    • March 7, 2014

      in your dreams the changes have already began open your eyes your hand outs are comming to an end because their are other person who truely need the help not you.

  22. Watcher
    March 6, 2014

    Change has come Denis. In classic Dominican style, and in furtherance of our partisan agenda we can forget the principles of “accountability”, “good governance”, “transparency in public affairs”, “democracy”, “high moral and ethical values” and sing a “changed”, “he did not personally benefit from the DAAS finds”, “he did not misappropriate the DASS funds” even when he transferred US $27,000.00 to a personal account that he and he alone controlled without the knowledge of the DASS President or the Board. Today the DASS land in the southeast is titled in his name, by what process? Was it open and transparent? But Denis et all find nothing wrong with such “changed principles”. But then again, Denis promotes and support a candidate who is devoid of any formal education for the position of CEO of Dominica. So much for our changing attitudes. His right, Dice did not invent “change”. He is simply mouthing, exceptionally well, what was given to him by a “change agent”

    • Too Late
      March 6, 2014

      @ watcher. It doesn’t seem that the education of your pm has helped him much. You should take time out to listen to lennox speak versus your pm. Further you need to question your pm about the country’s purse and his own finances before you address DAAS’s transactions. Oh, also ask your pm to present his certificates please.

      • Anonymous
        March 6, 2014

        What is Lennox saying now that is new? Nothing he keep rehashing the same things over and over and it is taking serious toll on the man. Lennox is aging in front of our eyes and election date is not called yet. Can you imagine what an actual campaign will do to the man. Lennox weary already.

      • Anonymous
        March 7, 2014

        Lennox cannot speak without a script! Viz his embarrassing interview with CANA’s Julius Gittens.
        If mister was so secure about his spontaneous eloquence, and seeing how change is such a must, you know how long he would take out one of those senators and put himself in Parliament to show off on those others he and you deem illiterate?? He fraid, he fraid and allu so, more fraid for him. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • ??????????????
      March 6, 2014

      @Watcher Why don’t you take this filth to The Animal Show? I am certain that you will find your friends there who will entertain it.
      I don’t believe this high class garbage has a place in this brilliant article. Are you one of the greedies who are taking from the needy? Are you one of the Red Clinic grovellers? Why can’t Skerrit give you a job?
      Well my friend the esteemed Doctor Fontain, and our soon to be eloquent Prime Minister LENNOX LINTON will give you a job.

    • Pose Passe
      March 6, 2014

      @WATCHER: Sometimes I do feel like I am not in Dominica when we citizens of this land standby and look at all work in Dominica is done by chinesse nationals. Should that not hurt you Dominicans? Can you imagine a government has so many wrong doings to their name- Bin Bobol, Fertilizer Bobol, Villas, Payment by a lawyer to citizens over 1 million dollars,GON Emmanuel case. Also can you imagine that a minister is on his third house, one is a man lifetime achievement. Ambrose looking for fake bank in the U.S( Toni saying “He Knew”). A government with most expensive SUV’s on the road.
      Mr/Mrs Watcher are you leaving in Dominica?
      Finally you want to find out about DAAS? Ask skerrit to present his banking information and how was he able to build a house worth 2 million on a 8,000 salary. Let us talk!!!!

      March 6, 2014

      @WATCHER You are such an accomplished buffoon.Lennox being devoid of education is one of the most powerful reasons you should tell Skerrit (Next time you go to the Red clinic for money to buy bread)to debate LINTON. Why are you exposing your ignorance here? Isn’t this a way for Skerrit to score political points?
      It’s Time For Change.
      Something is Happening and it is so Exciting!

    • Nac Vibes
      March 6, 2014

      You guys really believe if you keep the noise up about fountain that sooner rather than later the country will be fooled, guess what it won’t work people fed up and they are now more interested in the other picture, the one which allows them to feed their families by the sweat of their brow.


    • Emile Zapatos
      March 7, 2014

      One must also remember that Denise is one of the most talented Dominican in show business and radio with teaching and managing experience in both the private and public sector. He is in a position to make great contribution to the development of his country. If he could “change” his selfish ways, but he is “just denise”

    • March 7, 2014

      What is it you and others are afraid of dont you want to know what was the MOU etc was all about and all the other so call deals that Skerrit made who is really running our country well I dont know about you but we all want to know and that’s why Skerrit decided to go on the defence against Dr.Fontaine but it back fired and no matter how much he wants Lennox to keep Dr.Fontaine from that position in the new Govt he will take up that position as finance minister and when the shit hit the fan we might have a WATERGATE in D”ica and you will hang your head in shame, we have to clean up not only the drug trade all of Govt departments needs cleaning.
      CHANGE IS MUST if DOMINICA is to move forward.

  23. Anonymous
    March 6, 2014

    In your dreams Dennis and the UWP. Just as Dice songs are effectively dead after the carnival season. So to will be the UWP after the next elections. Dice took seven crowns. The DLP only has three wins, there are still at least four more to come!!!! Go fugure!!!!

    • Emile Zapatos
      March 7, 2014

      Anonymous, I figured a few thoughts. The Dominica Labour Party has over 55 years of existence . It has been split several times . It has been stoned and overthrowned and jailed and no fly by night wanabees is going to replace it.
      The Labour party is responsible for the political, social and economic development of the country. And have done a great job. Many Dominican are enjoying benefits because of the party’s policies. Many of them are just ungrateful. If you do not believe me ask Patrick John, Arnold Active and Arden Shillingford.

      • JoJo
        March 7, 2014

        The original party of EC Loblack and Phyllis Shand Alfrey YES but these imposters NO!!

      • Emile Zapatos
        March 7, 2014

        Oh yes all the technology that we now enjoy is as a result of the labour party initiatives. Let the UWP old and new put that in their pipes.

      • Emile Zapatos
        March 8, 2014

        Alfrey was kicked out of the Labour Party that she help start. The real players were Leblance ,Loblack and Christian and Dudreay. Jojo you can ask Honeychurch.

    • Pose Passe
      March 9, 2014

      @Anonymous:You claim that your Government has reduced poverty and unemployment? Why then do citizens have to go to the RED CLINIC every wednesday to pay their light bills? It that evidence of a reduction in poverty?
      You mention improve infrastructure? What is the economic benefit of the state house(27M) to dominica ? Is that or will it a be revenue generator? The other infrastructures are being built by Dominicans and if not why?
      You mention Coffee plant? how many farmers who are actually producing coffee in Dominica? is that not putting the Cart before the horse?
      You mention Geothermal? Have your Government done a proper EIA study? Can you remember when they decided to build the Petro Carib and Austrie went boosting cheaper fuel and cheaper energy? Have you seen a cheaper Domlec bill or a reducing in gas and Diesel at the pump?
      Should I continue?
      Finally you mention drug and boost by the Americans. Have you seen the number of drug related incidences we have had for the past three years? Stop fooling Dominicns because of your personal benefit………Change must come!!!!

  24. Sylvester Cadette
    March 6, 2014

    What a wonderful column on the Creative and Performing Arts with emphasis on calypso. A fine mosaic, so artistically exploring the intricate interlocking roles of Performer, writer/composer, choreographer with the express purpose of telling a story – social commentary- of immediate societal relevance.

    A fine piece of writing on edutainment undertaken by the writer in his unique signature style. He is not just a writer himself( I remember “Pray for the Blackman” by GayLords released just about the time of my formative years)but he is a musician also – solid foundation for this column.

    His is still the best announcer voice I’ve heard in Dominica and the Eastern Caribbean –

    OK maybe I’m still too young but he has such a wonderful Radio voice.

    Young radio announcers should seek his advice (and that of Shermaine, Alvin Knight, Steinburg, Tim Durand) on diction, voice intonation, modulation and inflection and the art of speech. And young writers should ask him a few questions too.

    A lovely piece that reflects the reality!

    • blogg
      March 6, 2014

      @Silvester I fully agree with you here. Why are people attacking the messanger when the message is so true and profound? This is interlectually penned and people that the PM sent to read can start with pieces like this. Leave the messanger alone, he is certainly entitled to support which party he chooses like any one else. Good work Dennis keep it up and turn the screws…the Dominican people are reading and CHANGING.

  25. lavirod
    March 6, 2014

    @ DC : It is all well and good to charge the writer with “contributing to the division that is now plaguing our land; it is however not well and good not to indicate where the article does this division you talk about. The article simply shows that change is permanent ( in politics as well) and the only phenomenon that cannot change is the “TRUTH”. As far I read, every fact highlighted in the article factually/truthfully showed the reality of change and truth cannot change no matter how much you try. Therefore never be afraid of change and the truth because change has been and always will be permanent and we can change lies but cannot change truth no matter how much one tries.

  26. kingman
    March 6, 2014

    some of us want CHANGE in certain areas and not all, well, when we embrace all the CHANGE we will get the change but for now there will be no political change in this country, sorry Dennis you and the opposition have many years to go still before the change you looking for will ever happen.
    I am of a strong opinion that when that change do come around it will not be the likes of you and many of those in the opposition that will be responsible or champion that change

  27. Emile Zapatos
    March 6, 2014

    It is just a calypso with a political massage . It was topical and entertaining, but not entertaining enough to be a road march contender which is a kind of peoples choice. Why use it as a campaign in support of the new UWP. Dice was not campaigning he singing a calypso.
    All change is caused by human activities in its pursuit of progress , success , fame and happyness ,even climate, the most natural change is caused by people on planet earth.
    Change can be positive or negative, progressive or regressive.
    My understanding is that the PM started his politics as a member of the freedom party and then change to the Labour Party. This change was positive for him and negative for the Freedom Party. He gained fame when he became the youngest head of government in the world ,and gained success when he set a record of 18 seats to one in the last election.
    Now he wants to make a positive change in human waste disposal by adopting a policy which calls for modern disposal. This is great progress from the plantation days when people went to the river, the bay front or the bushes ,or use a poe which was emptied in the rivers. For health reasons not following this policy would be regressive and anyone who makes fun of this would be a regressive thinker.

    • sister in Christ
      March 6, 2014

      We have so done full circle back to plantation days Emile can say “he (Skeritt)set a record of 18 to one in the last election”. House Slave talk?? It is not only an error of fact BUT more importantly the only record then was the historic bribery and criminal buying of an election: the first ever like that in our political history. A record number of D/cans living overseas were bribed, paid, traveled, voted, left next day—and still four or five seats barely barely “won” and another four seriously compromised. Do the maths. We can certainly say it was a record piece of systematic mathematical work done by Skeritt’s campaign crew. Surely now we can sh-t healthily, but our democracy was hit by a devastating desease on 18 December 2009.
      Change that pursues progress, success, fame, and happiness is only real if it is across the board, on all fronts,not only in some areas but shocking reversals in others.

  28. Marigotian
    March 6, 2014

    Skerrit and the DLP are on the wrong side of HISTORY!

    Change a must!!

  29. March 6, 2014

    great piece of work mr j/dice will keep on rolling his songs and pat please keep on writing for the dice god bless u all and thanks

    • Vash
      March 6, 2014

      When change comes Pat will have nothing to write about because DA will be the land of milk and honey, ruled by perfect men. Dice might have to change his profession; otherwise he won’t have his annual pay check.

  30. My thoughts
    March 6, 2014

    I believe that this song is a cleverly hidden but not so subtle attack on the government. And despite much denial was written expressedly to be a campaign slogan song for the United Workers Party. The writer went on to give different reasons when he thinks it is time for change. The interesting thing about it is that all the reasons he gives for change are reasons that the opposition United Workers Party are giving Dominicans as to why they think that we should change the Dominica Labour Party and vote them into office instead. The problem is that most of the reasons they are giving are just allegations and downright lies. That is where The Dominica Labour Party and their supporters have the problem. The writer will claim that he is only describing scenarios where change is necessary but the similarities in the situations are too uncanny. It is rather difficult to buy into the reasoning given by the writer.

    This leads us to ask the question of the opposition and the songwriter. Why should Dominicans give you all a chance to get into office to continue to do all the things that you all are accusing the government of doing? You all started your campaign by promising to bring accountability, transparency and good governance to Dominica. These are all the things that you claimed that The Dominica Labour Party was lacking.This DLP government was accused of being the most corrupt government that Dominica have ever seen. The great many infrastructural developments and many other achievements made by this DLP government were dismissed by the opposition despite numerous recognition by prestigious organizations like the IMF and The world Bank for restoring Dominica’s crumbling economy and reducing our level of poverty and unemployment and boosting our standings in the Caribbean to the # 8 wealthiest in the region, a position we have never held before. calypsos were written about it. Now it seems that the opposition United Workers Party have abandoned their position on Transparency, good governance and accountability and are just asking for a chance to be in office. They have shown that they are more corrupt than the DLP even before entering office. Transparency, accountability and just plain honesty is lacking. They have employed the services of a man who has shown that is totally incapable of prudent financial management and accountability to be their future Minister of Finance. Surely, anybody who is interested in accountability and transparency would quickly eliminate someone of such questionable character for such an important position. The allegations against Dr Thomson Fontaine are not hearsay. There is enough evidence available to the public to determine that some form of wrongdoing occurred. More evidence keep surfacing on a daily basis. This is why UWP are now just calling for a CHANGE. No longer a change from a policy of corruption, lack of transparency and accountability to a change of accountability and good governance but just a change for a chance to be in government. How is this going to help Dominica? I’m asking you Mr Linton, as the Leader of uwp. I’m asking the Dominican public. What are your thoughts on this Mr Joseph?

    • Graham Chambers
      March 6, 2014

      When change inevitably comes, you will continue to call “her”allegations and lies…bin bobol, land tax refund, Tony admitting the Susan Oldie $400,000, Italian mafia with diplomatic passport, PM’s lawyer and arrest warrant…how much will convince you…jump off, before it’s too late…or probably it is indeed, too late.

    • dissident
      March 6, 2014

      you missing de point
      yeah UWP has a slogan for change…..however is not de POLITICAL PARTY that asking for de change…..de people voice is loud and clear, all ears heard de peoples cry. UWP decided to respond to de peoples cry, and so DLP crying
      is de people dat deciding to change…..whether you like it or not Team Dominica is part of “we de people”
      de ting is there is something real happening in de consciousness of de Dominican people today and de current DLP crop is not responding…they ignoring people, doh want people to ask dem question, lambasting and disrespecting we de voting public, and how you expect us to respond

      change happened in Greece, Egypt, Babylon, Dominica etc.

      Roosevelt Skerrit has squandered my support for him and my Prl. Rep Julius Timothy is a disgrace to de Stock Farm community……..we going to change dat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Brilliant piece Mr. Joseph. Stories like these inspire us young minds


      • Anonymous
        March 7, 2014

        The people are behind the DLP. The few uwp supporters are just more noisy. Some have even resorted to violence. This shows desperation. We, the majority represent the people.

    • Pose Passe
      March 6, 2014

      @My Thoughts: Change is inevitable because:
      The Bin Bobol
      The Fertilizer Bobol
      The Land Transfer deal
      The GON Emmanuel Case
      The Villas
      One Man building three homes in his lifetime( How did he do that?)
      The 2 million dollar house built by Skerrit who says it is a modest 400,000 dollar house.
      The Bank Ambrose went looking for.
      The 18 letters sent to Gov’nt of Dominica to pay from Venezula.
      The biggest cabinet in the caribbean with the worst value for money.
      The chinesse doing all our big capital projects- where are our Engineers, Architects, builders? Are they all dead?
      Should I continue? That is enough to change this government!! Stop being selfish and think of Dominicans future!!

      • T
        March 6, 2014

        @Posee Passe And this is just the tip of the iceburg.

      • March 7, 2014

        And dont forget the CHILDRENS HOSPITAL in D’Ica where is it.

      • Anonymous
        March 7, 2014

        These are allegations. The picture you want to look at is
        1.Improved infrastructure
        2.Reduction in poverty and unemployment
        3.Self sufficiency in poultry and pork which are two of our largest imports, reducing our export bills and also creating employment with potential for revenue.
        4.More opportunities for our farmers with the SOON TO BE OPENED COFFEE PLANT. More foreign revenue
        5. The real game changer. The opening of our GEOTHERMAL PLANT which will cut our citizens electricity bill by up to 50% and create endless opportunities for foreign investments.
        6. Now ranked eight wealthiest nation in the Caribbean.
        For numbers 2 and 6 read reports from the IMF and The World Bank. These are not pie in the sky, they are real. All well on their way. We have also been recently praised by the mighty USA for the steps we have taken to combat drug trafficking thus making you party liars for the false information that they were spreading in the diaspora.

  31. Square Pants
    March 6, 2014

    Great article, “sir” Dennis, as we used to call you at Roseau Boy’s School. One correction though, Dice has had seven Calypso championships in eleven years, not ten. Just remember 7 – 11

    2004 Dice
    2005 Dice
    2006 Dice
    2007 Hunter
    2008 Dice
    2009 Karessa
    2010 Karessa
    2011 Tasha P
    2012 Dice
    2013 Dice
    2014 Dice

  32. lovely
    March 6, 2014

    fantastic piece Mr. Joseph no one could have said this better

  33. PoKeSay
    March 6, 2014

    Actually having a ruling government that listens to its citizens and stays within the confines of the Constitution best defines “It’s Time For Change”.

  34. Lougaoo Mem
    March 6, 2014

    Denis Joseph, only the truth will set you free. And you’ve done that in your article. The message of change cannot be ignored any longer. Those who are against…. will soon realize that as the season of Winter is about to change to Spring, so are the natural human feelings and desires to bring tangible changes for a better life in our country.

    Pat Aaron and King Dice are the best talented messengers to convey the feelings and desires of the masses. We all must give thanks for such talented individuals and pray to God that the messages will come to fruition in the near future. God bless The Commonwealth of Dominica!

  35. March 6, 2014

    it seems there were no government befor skritte, mr joseph always thinks that his article having an inpact on Dominican we all no what you stand for.the the pit a man dig for his friend hi is the first to fall in it. god bles our prime minister.

  36. DA4real
    March 6, 2014

    Well written, however I disagree with the fact you presented that the calypso was not politically motivated. I agree with you that King Dice or Pat Aaron did not coin the term change. The calypso however was definitely a politically motivated calypso. As I have always said change is inevitable and change has been in existence for a long time as evident with the various change in the development of our country’s infrastructure, and people. Infrastructure because of the improvements in our roads, schools, building of the stadium, building of new roads, etc, and the development of our people as a result of the many educational opportunities and skills improvement. It is sad that those with eyes cannot see the changes that have occurred over the past years and is still occurring and allows themselves to be fooled by this new slogan “Change is a must”.

    • real possie
      March 6, 2014

      @ Da4real yes he can write but what good is your writing when u tend to either twist the truth or just ignore it all together, we all know Pat penned the UWP slogan song which I have no problem with that, the thing is when Denis 1st came on here he professed he was going to be even it turned out he was just a blue colored wolf writer in sheep clothing cause to this day just like the so called talk show host turned investigative journalist never see it fit to investigate the alleged going on in the DAAS with monies missing but that directly put their people in a bad light. These guys think when they come and blast people on here that we are blind this internet is the best thing that could happen to the world cause no longer can u say things and don’t think some where out there we wont find out the truth.

      • real possie
        March 6, 2014

        Should have been DAPEX but just the same DAAS is out there now too did the writer not hear or he chose to close his ear.

      • March 7, 2014

        Why a you so bitter is it because they are going to take away your hand outs and give it to someone who really need it, dont worry Skerrit and the Govt will be held responsible for not putting the citizen of DOMINICA before filling their pockets today poverty is one of our biggest problem.
        What happen to all the monies that Skerrit said we have been getting from other Govt’s ( as he calls them friends of D’ica)where all those funds go and why he beleive that the finance minister(himself) is the only person that should hold on to the purse for D’ica..

  37. DC
    March 6, 2014

    Mr. Joseph, you are contributing to the division that is now plaguing our land. I am a supporter of the DLP, and I make no apology about it. The song has had no negative impact on me. My heart is full of love for all people. I listened to the calypso show from afar, and enjoyed all the performances. I danced the night away right in my bedroom. We are all entitled to our political affiliations, however, there is a line that we must draw. Promoting division is wrong, remember, after all is said and done we are all Dominicans.

    • Malgraysa
      March 6, 2014

      Some people see shadows, especially their own where there are none. I do not read any devisiveness in Mr. Josephs article. He merely points out that change is inevitable, the only constant in nature’s progress. Anyone who fails to grasp that is standing still and falling behind. That is the only message I see here. You are free to support any party you like, or none at all but change is ever present.

      • True dat
        March 7, 2014

        You missed the point. This is an addition to the political motivated calypso, where the word change is used for a specific situation; A change in Government. Not a change for a better Dominica. It is selfish and dangerous. We all know that change is a must because I can see it everyday. Just take a look back at our history and see where we are today as a nation.

    • Pose Passe
      March 6, 2014

      @DC: When the now president of Dominica, Charles Savarin said to hunter UWP in Marigot and Salisbury just like Obama hunt down Alkada terrorist was’nt that promoting division and wrong?
      When Reggie told Sir Brain to go hide himself in a toilet was not wrong doing against humanity?
      When Skerrit said to the population ” go to hell,go to hell it is not of your damn business where labor get their money from.” Is that not causing division?
      You see there is a saying when you buy from a thief you too are equally guilty. Stop supporting corruption. Dominica is our own…..protect it from this gang of criminals.
      Finally, what is your take on all capital projects being constructed by Chinesse nationals? what a shame!!! Do you the amount of money lost by social security,laborers, truckers and equipment owners?

  38. Anonymous
    March 6, 2014

    Some of them just listen to the word change, without understanding the real meaning!

  39. Jon Carson
    March 6, 2014

    Excellent article that worth the read.

  40. Oh Yes
    March 6, 2014


  41. sexy
    March 6, 2014

    stupes :cry:

  42. HMMM
    March 6, 2014


  43. true
    March 6, 2014

    Well said!

  44. wondering
    March 6, 2014

    Great piece as usual.. Dice is exceptional at his job there is no doubt. So DICE continuing rolling the dice and lets see..

    • Shim
      March 6, 2014

      Did you even read the article? Doh hang me, i just wondering!

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