JUST DENNIS: Should Christians Vote?

Dennis Joseph
Dennis Joseph

It seems the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament.  The God of the OT instructed his people to destroy evil wherever it existed and his chosen servants were given free rein to massacre the enemies of Israel.  He orchestrated the destruction of the city of Jericho and ordered Saul to slaughter all the Amalekites including the children.

He released fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah  because he declared the inhabitants to be evil and was named the Lord of hosts directing the victories of the armies of Israel also aiding David in killing Goliath with a stone.  The God of the OT was indeed a jealous one mercilessly permitting the oppression of  his own people by their enemies for extended periods of time if they offended him.

The God of the NT instructs differently.  He preached repentance and says to love your enemies, do good to them who persecute you and if someone strikes you once then let him strike you seven times.  He further instructs that if a person offends you then forgive seven times seven if necessary and that you confound evil by acts of goodness rather than violent force.

However he used force when he saw the need to make a point stick. This gentle Jesus meek and mild picked  up a heavy stick and smashed tables and shopping trays of the merchants who were killing the holiness of the House of Prayer.  If he were running for elections the righteous would say,  “Do not vote for this violent rascal.”

Yet the God of the OT achieved his purpose of establishing his chosen people, Israel, as a nation and a formidable voice in the affairs of the world.  The God of the NT we are told died suffering the torture of death by crucifixion shedding his blood for the remission of the sins of the world. Two thousand years after Jesus the Christ was crucified there is more sin, corruption and more killings than ever before.  Nations have moved from swords and gunpowder explosions to killer automatic weapons, nuclear bombs that can flatten out cities 100 times the size of Sodom and Gomorrah and chemical weapons that can wipe out whole populations leaving the infrastructure intact.

The God of the OT is called Jehovah and the one of the NT is named Jesus the Christ, but while only a few call on the name of Jehovah , most call on the mercies of Jesus the Christ and have made him their official God.  Since the Bible demands that there shall be only one God then the leaders of the church were ordered by Roman Emperor Constantine to solve this problem.  A ton of Roman Catholic  bishops therefore gathered at  the council of Nicaea in old Turkey and after thirty days of wrangling finally brought out the Nicene Creed and decided that the Jehovah of the OT and the Jesus of the NT are one and the same fused  into a Holy Trinity  by the Holy Spirit.  When the least of us asked how could this be we were cautioned that it is a mystery beyond human understanding.

Under the standard of what we term the man-God Jesus the Christ we now have Christians.  The duty and obligation of Christians is to follow in the footsteps of the Christ and to love their neighbor as ourselves so then how could do they deal with our politics of hate and verbal savagery?  It may be that it is because if we ask Christians whether they believe in the New Testament every hand will go up but if we ask if they follow the teachings of that book very few hands will honestly be raised.

Jesus brought a message about government.  He announced his own government to be a world ruling one that would replace the government of men.  He explained of the New Jerusalem that would descend to earth and its manifesto would be,”No more sorrow, no more pain,” and so I wonder why do Christians hurry to vote for the government of men?

We  live in a democracy which is supposed to mean government by the  will of the people which to me is a bit of a joke if the will of the people only ends up planting rulers  who will then impose their own will.  If Jesus in the spirit of ‘render to Caesar the things of Caesar’ should be moved to vote would he vote for corrupt men and women or would he stand before their temple and announce that it will soon be destroyed?

Would he be part of an electoral process that is free and fair with equal rights and justice or would he say with a dismissive tone that it does not matter  because, “ is so it is let it remain so.”  Would he sit quietly in the shadows observing all the vilifying, spewing of hate, constant division,  instability, promises of better  resulting in worse and the destruction of the very fabric of what he preached?  If  Christians  say no to all these foregoing questions then why is it that Christians accept and even encourage that kind of negative behavior everyday and especially at election time, then vote on Election Day for the very offenders of  Christian principles?  To maintain the teachings of Christ it seems best that Christians should not vote for the government of men and should stay clear of corrupted voter’s lists and vote buying in a marketplace where votes are traded like any other cheap Chinese commodity sold in a basement Chinese store.

Nonetheless there would be few voters at the polls if all Christians should stay home on Election Day. Our democracy requests that we the people place in a government by majority vote and all eligible should participate in the electoral process.  Since the government as in some countries can restrict the worship rights of the people then it is right for the Christians to place on the record their desire to see that the worship of Christ proceed unhindered by the power of men.

They then should vote but therein lies the rub according to the bard.  Voting lays right at their holy feet an obligation to do the right thing and not just anything.  Christians love to chant that whatever they do is done calling on the name of Jesus and so I wonder how many go to the polls  thinking of what he would do in their place?  I dare say not one or just to be diplomatic a few at best.  Christians will tell you that it is God who chooses the winners of elections and if so it means those who voted for the losers voted against the will of God.  I believe that God’s will is expressed in the results of free and just elections.

If he is a just God then any election that is unfair and unjust cannot be favourable to him just as the winners of such processes .  If we pray for a loftier nation and our prayers seem to go unanswered it could be because we pray for one thing and lose our way  thinking  and acting another.

In recent times a local politician made very aggressive remarks wishing death on some people who he thought were deliberately crippling the vital electoral reform movement and the Christian population went up against him calling for his exit from politics,  yet that same Christian population heard the PM say to us in abusive rants  “Go to Hell is none of your damn business” and that no law not even the Constitution can stop him from  doing what he wants and went to the polls in 2009 and gave him a bigger mandate 18-3 in the House to do whatever he wants. We saw this in the matter of the sudden move to change our Constitution and our court procedures just these past few days.

However our liberties are violated when any group places roadblocks in the way of just elections.  When our efforts to be a virtuous people are placed on the execution block by those few who wish to subvert our rights to free and fair elections and if they force themselves upon us so that they can continue to personally prosper then in the name of Christ Christians must stand and condemn this in the fiercest of ways.

If Christians should vote they must adhere to the principles of the Christian faith prominent of which is truth.  At the end of the Election Day truth should prevail and that can only be a result obtained under the banner of fairness and justice which should be the core of the electoral process.  Therefore any move toward frustrating  free and fair elections is un-Christian and if this is allowed to be the way forward  without  the Christian people standing in the breach then a  Christian people have given up on the reason why they follow Jesus and the moral right to vote.

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  1. July 14, 2014

    Should Christians vote :?:

    I was born and raise among a very strict group of evangelical Christians. In the early years of their history they had made the effort to create for themselves certain distinctives that set them apart from other Christian groups with similar beliefs in order to give themselves an identity. The smaller a denomination is the greater their tendency is to do this.

    The group I belonged to took a dogmatic position that Christians should not vote. The reason we were given is because according to Philippians 3:20 the Bible (The King James Version) says OUR CONVERSATION IS IN HEAVEN… We were told the word CONVERSATION means CITIZENSHIP, and other translations say CITIZENSHIP. Since we were citizens of heaven and not a country on earth we had no right to vote in this world!

    I was young at the time and did not know any better. If I challenged the teaching of the elders they would shame me by saying I did not yet see the truth of separation from the world this would hinder me from moving ahead in the Fellowship.

    I remember as a teenager quite smugly explaining to my friends that the people of our church did not vote because we were citizens of heaven and only pilgrims in this world.
    I felt very strongly about it but of course it made no sense to anybody else.

    Then I discovered that apart from the little Assembly I belonged to and the other small groups connected to us Christians did vote. These were people who believed basically the same as us except for a few of our rather strange distinctives . They were every bit as fervent in the faith as us, much happier, and their churches were moving ahead.

    I looked more closely at this citizenship thing. What the elders did not tell us is that the word CONVERSATION or CITIZENSHIP, was translated from a New Testament Greek word that also meant MANNER OF LIFE. I found that some countries allow for dual citizenship. Then I realized that the very people who were saying they are not citizens of Canada because they are citizens of heaven did not hesitate to draw
    various pensions and benefits from the Government of Canada – things they would not be entitled to had they not been Canadian citizens!

    I further discovered that the great Apostle Paul in the New Testament (the Acts of the Apostles) did not hesitate to tell the Roman authorities that he was a Roman citizen when it would be to his advantage.

    As Christians Jesus said we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are to bring His influence to bear upon our society. One of the ways we can do this is at election time. We have a responsibility to find out where our political candidates stand on the current moral issues of the day and vote for the ones whose platform best reflects our values. We have a right to put in office – or return to office –
    those candidates who will honor God by ruling according to His will which He has revealed in the Bible!

    Yes, Christians should vote!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  2. Reggie Harris
    July 12, 2014

    In keeping with the his inalienable right to his opinion he writes his piece. In keeping with mine I will simply say, “what an idiot! ” We are not as gullible and dumb as you think dude.

  3. Anonymous
    July 12, 2014

    What a bitter man!

  4. Francisco Telemaque
    July 11, 2014

    Muslim_Always July 11, 2014
    “How on earth could Jesus (p) be God yet one has to go THROUGH Jesus to get TO God?”

    You see it is not complicated to understand, all you have to do is read The Gospel According to John:

    In 1 John 1:2,3, and 5, we read”

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. and the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

    The key here is the “Word” when you read 1 John you will find in every case the Word is capitalized, and it said in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I am not a theologian, but most, or every theologian agrees that the Word capitalized is Jesus, hence there should be no argument as to the fact that Jesus Christ is God himself!

    Ponder on that for a moment; if you read 1 John 1:10 you will read: “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.”

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  5. Watcher
    July 11, 2014

    Denis Joseph is living 1979 in the now. He remembers very well how his “sweet smelling savor” serving as PJ’s top communications director was swept form under his feet in a moment, in a twinkle of an eye. He will never forget Dominica for that. So any time he get the opportunity to relieve his pain and misery on the Dominican psyche he will never pass it up. All hopes of control public information fell again when in January of 2000, following the general elections, he fell flat on his hate-filled ego again. But give “Jack his jacket and Jacqueline her lipstick” the gentleman writes damn well I dare say. Even I disagree with all that he said in this piece.

    • real possie
      July 11, 2014

      @ Watcher if the man can write I tell him that all the time he’s a damn good writer, to bad it just goes to waste.

  6. July 11, 2014

    Son? Denis? are you possessed! you losing it.

    • July 14, 2014

      The devil does not want Christians – true Christians – born again ones – to vote. Why :?:

      Because the devil knows they will vote for candidates who stand for the truth of the Word of God when it comes to such things as abortion, and same sex marriages. They will return to office or put into office those who will affirm laws that express the will of God that HE has revealed in the New Testament.


      Make no mistake about it. Read Matthew 24 :!: The signs are everywhere. Soon the eastern sky will split open. A blinding light will shine from God’s throne. And men who never prayed before in their lives will be praying in the streets. They will call for the rocks and mountains to fall upon them to protect them from the wrath of God.

      Please don’t be offended by my bluntness. I am a man on fire with a message for these last and closing days of time. Religion is a thing of the past. It is too late to play church.

      Sincerely , Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  7. Gary
    July 11, 2014

    This commentary shows how religion is the most misleading and deceptive concept which has plagued mankind. It’s creeds encourage some of the craziest kinds of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, that’s the reason Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful. People are not Christians first, People are not born into a religion they are indoctrinated in to a religion, it’s all a human invention to rob humanity from knowing their real nature. How foolish and dangerous it is to foster the idea that people should solely use their Christian beliefs or any religious belief to elect a Government to Govern them, no wonder the world is in a mess. Do we have to remind ourselves men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction.

    It is not about should Christians vote. It is a very narrow view looking at a problem.What makes it more ridiculous is Dennis Political partisan and judgement regarding peoples Christian beliefs, very absurd.

  8. Francisco Telemaque
    July 11, 2014

    Browne,C (Rastafari) July 10, 2014
    “…the Father, Son, and the Holy Sprit” That is crap! The family structure is Father, Mother, Son/Daughter! No spirit/ghost can comprise a family structure! You people are brainwashed to infinity! Get your heads out of the tarrish pit! Jesus is the brain-dead Christians’ God, not anyone else’s, OK? You could have Jesus all to your self! Don’t force your ideology on people who don’t believe in your Jesus!

    Now, Brown is such an idiot, it seems to me that he has condemned himself to burn in hell fire because of his stupidity, Brown is the great fool of al fool’s:

    In Matthew 12:31 it is written, and we read “Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin, and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (Sprit) shall not be forgiven unto men. In Matthew 12:32 we also read “And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost (Sprit) it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

    Brown you are an condemned idiot, there is no hope for you in this world, according to the word of God, you are finished! You have condemned your body, soul and sprit using you very own stupidity to condemned yourself.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Long live atheism
      July 11, 2014

      Dodds! Stop referring to Heaven, Hell and fire and brimstone as you do.
      Gary came the closest.
      “Now, Brown is such an idiot, it seems to me that he has condemned himself to burn in hell fire because of his stupidity, Brown is the great fool of al fool’s”
      Dodds there is no Heaven nor Hell it’s a relative thing.
      U talk so much of ur Knowledge of Antigua. The Birds we in Heaven for decades then went to hell.
      Similarly, your once upon a time friends we in Heaven( when they formed the Gov’t 1995-2000)Then they went to hell and are there currently burning figuratively speaking.
      Medard is currently in heaven as opportunists , by-products of poverty and his former associates the Neocons have facilitated. Am not here advocating for the other by-products to be voted in but I trust the messaged gets to idiots like you. Dodds, DA is in a state of flux. It’s cocka doolou -do. Any would do .Lol We can only draw from what there is currently. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is ??????????Skerrit or Starlight. Oops what a choice!
      DA is that the best we can do .
      Lebron went back home . A few positive sons must come home. Give DA a chance a Caribbean political economic and social ring

      • Francisco Telemaque
        July 11, 2014

        That is your opinion, and have every right to your opinion, but I have proved via his words, that God Jehovah, and Jesus Christ does exist, so you can hold on to your foolish opinions, and let me hold on to what I truly believe, and know is correct.

        I have a challenge for you, since you are so smart, and have made yourself a god. I challenge you to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and study everything the Bible said would happen, and tell me what you found has not happened! Read the Bible and tell me how many times God said in his Words “I will” and you found what he said he would do has not yet been accomplished.

        If you find anything he said he will do, and it has not happened yet, if you know how to read prophecy, you will find out they are pending; and let me draw to your attention the now European Union is foretold in the Bible, that prophecy we are living through right now. And be prepared it is going to fail, if you live long enough you will remember you heard it from me first. The organization of the European Union is a precursor of what is to come. In Revelation, we read of the woman dressed in Scarlet, what do you find on the European currency, look carefully you will see a woman sitting on an animal side ways, dressed in Scarlet.

        The Bible said that would happen.

        So you and Gray, and that other idiot Brown can keep on working for the devil, at least you and Gary has the opportunity to repent (change your mind), but for Brown it is all over period!

        Here is another, the city of Babylon in Iraq, is now been rebuilt, and mind you Iraq is not the original name of that country, here again in Israel the temple which the Bible spoke about and the resumption of sacrifices is in full motion, every piece of golden vessels (that is plate and chalice) intended to be used in such temples have already been made.

        Yo can remain an idiot and talk crap, I do not have to answer for you to God, I will only be question by him about me, and I hope to make it into his Kingdom and into the New World to came. I am sure you are not as highly academically educated as I am I have been to institutions I dealt with people with many different belief, You would be surprised to learn that the more intelligent scientist alive today has concluded that God does exist. I do not need to listen to such garbage as you presented. Again I’ll say Dominica’s poverty problem could well be cause by the mentality of many of you, any man who believes in himself as lord of his life is destine to fail, and there is a majority of you in Dominica, and that is why Dominica is the poorest nation on earth.

        The fool has said in his heart there is no God, and so there will always be people like you on this earth, even when Jesus walked the face of the earth, there were people like you around, so I am not surprised at all!

        For you to reference someone like Gary to me tells me you are not a person with commonsense, because Gary has proved his ignorance of the Word of God many times over. You and the Gary’s of this world are tools of Satan. No if and, or but. This is a situation where the blind is fallowing after the blind, What do you expect to happen when a blind person follows after another.

        They both will walk over a cliff!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Browne,C (Rastafari)
      July 11, 2014

      That has no bearing on me, i don’t believe in your Christian bible :mrgreen: You are the idiot for not knowing who you are and what you are :-D

      • July 14, 2014

        I invite you to visit my website


        In the left margin click onto ARTICLES.

        Then click onto my article THINGS THAT CANNOT BE SHAKEN.

        Read it!

        In the left margin click onto SERMONS.

        Then click onto my sermon MANY INFALLIBLE PROOFS.

        Listen to it!

        I will share with you the infallible proofs that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. I will actually give you the names of several lawyers who lived in recent times (one I think is still living) who said the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ would stand up in a modern court of law.

        Unbelievers who have heard this evidence have become followers of Jesus Christ.

        If you are sure of what you believe you will not hesitate to read this article and listen to this message. Only those who are afraid it will change their minds will refuse to read and listen!

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • Browne,C (Rastafari)
      July 11, 2014

      Francisco Telemaque, I used to be an idiot like yourself, believing that a ghost is going to some out of the sky and save me. You see, I could never, ever have faith or believe in a god that destroyed all the earth except for a single family, then turns around and said that he loves the world so much that he then kills his own son to save us. :lol: I don’t see any signs of your god saving you from your ignorant brainwashed self. I used to be where you are now, a sheep of the lost fold, no mind of my own, letting others dictate MY life, MY voice, MY freedom MY soul. There’s no hope for people like you, you’re too far gone. If the meek shall inherit the earth, what are the reasons for wanting to go to Heaven? If you are going to Heaven, why bother stay on earth, why not go enjoy the pie in the sky? Because you fear the things you don’t comprehend that are condemning you into believing the bible is the blue print to everlasting life. I hope you wake up and realize you’re living in a matrix of mind control.

    • Gary
      July 12, 2014

      To Francisco Telemaque

      You have just displayed what religion has done to the mind. If someone expressed a belief which is different from yours, why do think he is an idiot, why do you condemn him to burn in hell fire. Why are you throwing your intelligence to the wind, stop making religion hijack your intelligence.

    July 11, 2014

    Her we go again with your slick political commentary……….. there are lots of things that the bible talk about that we don’t practice……… but suddenly you have become a follower of the bible…….. for your own political agenda. Something you must remember the God in the morning is the same God in the night and the bible also said…… Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife………………It is good to know you have become a born again Christian.

  10. @>>>>>>>et AL
    July 11, 2014

    Reading the opinions of my countrymen often allows me to ponder what environment does to the brain.
    The old cliché of Nature and Nurture.
    It is clear that many of our in the knows, pseudo knowledgable, experts ( on everything) on the island of DA regard this latest article by Just Dennis suffers from Diffluence. Writers bloggers call them what you will have yet to comprehend nor offer logical understanding the dilemmas & aspirations that encompases the subject in question nor the individual in contemporary society these are the basics tenets of his thought. Just Denis covers different eras hence like most are caught /locked in the pass present and who know s maybe the future.
    Denis’s views and the bloggers are inherent in our traditions vs the powers shift of our times. Some may agree some may disagree others maybe left in Limbo. in understanding what tradition void of exposure does or can do.
    With so much knowledge available at the click of a mouse. more scholarships available more university grads on island than ever imagined why are we slaves to dogma?
    I often wonder .Look at what we have in Parliament today.
    I often wonder!
    Recommended reading: Being and Nothingness Jean- Paul Sartre

  11. Anonymous
    July 11, 2014

    Keep writing Denis. The more you write the better we get to know you.

  12. Hamilton Joseph
    July 11, 2014

    Dennis are you real ,what are you afraid of ,are you afraid that the Christians will vote the ruling Party back into Government?Why is it that you did not and up till now you have not commented and condemned Danny Lugay’s threat to kill people ,,why have you not said to him as your Headline statement says Should Christian Vote Danny Lugay states that because he is a beliver he will not kill ,therefore as a beliver should you not ask him to remove himself from the Party,but the same Christians that you do not want to vote will vote him out and reject him .Come on Dennis have you never said to someone To Hell With You I see nothing wrong in this not because as the P.M. of the country but he is a human being and when people are agravated and being ridiculed especially when truths are not being said anything can be said and trust you have said worst than that .You should not only write when things affect you and your Party there are many good things that have happened and still happening in Dominica and your eyes are closed towards those things ,you are blind to some things and you regain sight to some ,you have quoted some things in the scriptures that suit you but your eyes are closed and your ears are blocked for some things.

  13. Preacher
    July 11, 2014

    Dennis say what your mind tell you, but keep in mind This prime minister will only go when he retire ,the man is the best thing that ever happen to dominica .
    Begin to live with it Dennis that he will be there for long time
    Big up to the PM

    • Herb Doctor
      July 11, 2014

      I will not accept a glass of water from you Preacher. I am 99.9% certain it would be unfit for consumption.
      “The man is the best thing that ever happen to Dominica .”
      I fixed your sentence for you.
      What are you smoking preacher?
      Meessermawee , tabacc Zombie, cocliair, faieh tuweth,
      Gwen abar faieh, glory cider or medical marijuana?
      If you aren’t smoking any of the aforementioned youbetter start so you won’t be falsely accused of smoking any or all of them.
      You know Dr.Benjie? pay him a visit.I can make an appointment for you don’t be afraid you can go as Nichdemus early morning hrs like 2:00 A.M when most D/cans are asleep.

    • just looking
      July 19, 2014

      This is the real idiot

  14. July 11, 2014

    @Browne,C (Rastafari) July 10, 2014“…the Father, Son, and the Holy Sprit” That is crap! The family structure is Father, Mother, Son/Daughter! No spirit/ghost can comprise a family structure!

    Let me take you to Genesis 1: 1-3, it says: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”. Notice the saying: “The Spirit of God”

    But at Genesis 1:14 it says: Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night

    So we read that it is a God of Spirit speaking simply the Word of His mouth to form Creation and everything He spoke came forth.

    However God’s first call was “Let there be Light” and He called for light again at verse 14, which we should understand to be the sun, the moon, and the stars. But what is the Light of verse 3?

    This is the time you people have to learn to be careful, you need the gift of discernment to receive the Word of God, and unless you are sure that you have the Truth you need to be quiet

    You are speaking about the family structure of flesh and bones. but at Genesis 6:3 God said “My Spirit will not dwell with man forever because he is indeed flesh”.

    At Genesis 6 6-7 again: And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

    The “Light” of Genesis1: 3 is Jesus the Son, Himself, God cause His nature Love to reproduce in the first place –the medium by which He continued His work of Creation.

    This means that the Light of Genesis 1: 3 is Life in the Spirit and without this Life man simply exist in his mortal body–the dust of which God formed our fist parents Adam and Eve–mortality means the death condition; that is the state of the family structure which you embrace, but that is just too bad for you in the future.

    In the Gospel of John, he said about Jesus: “In Him there was Life and the Life was the Light of men” Jesus also said: It is the Spirit who gives Life–the flesh profits nothing!

    I could go on and on here, but I would be too long. I just want to let you know that your so-called family structure of father, mother, son and daughter is still a family of dust for it quite obvious that your soul is not awakened to become filled with the Life of Jesus Christ the Light of man with an awakened conscience and a revived soul.

    Also, Jesus told the unbelieving Jewish leaders–“before Abraham was born I AM”

    Abraham past away maybe thousands of years before Jesus walked this Earth–so can you tell me in what form did He exist if not in the Spiritual form–the Father and Son being One God in Essence?

    • Browne,C (Rastafari)
      July 11, 2014

      ‘If you disassociate yourself with your Ancestral heritage, be that Japanese, Chinese, Indian, African, you are lost to your ancestral cultural heritage, because if you’re asleep to that, you’re asleep spiritually and if you’re asleep spiritually you can be oppressed and manipulated.’
      Ade Adelaja – Ancestral Voices

  15. July 11, 2014

    Dennis you have said so much here, and with so much error, if I were to try to correct all of them–with evidence from the Bible–my comment would be much longer than your message, but I would be in trouble with DNO and I don’t want that.

    However I will let you know that there is no such thing as the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament, for the Lord of the OT is the same Lord of the NT. Jehovah God, the I AM THAT I AM in the OT is the Lord Jesus in the NT for He said to the Jewish Leaders who would not believe His claims–“before Abraham was, I AM” John 8: 58

    The apostle Paul is my conviction as well, as he said at Philippians 2: 5-11 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but He made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

    Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    “To the glory of God the Father” means that the Almighty God, Eternal Spirit of Love and Holiness, completely revealed Himself in the flesh–His Person is Jesus, the Christ–the Lord of Heaven and Earth,

    • July 11, 2014

      Also there is nothing mysterious about the Trinity, if indeed a person has the wisdom and understanding of Holy Spirit, who lives in conscience, when God, Eternal Spirit, is connected to him or her.

      When Jesus said to His disciples I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, Philip, who did not understand Him as well as the other disciples, said to Jesus: Lord show us the Father and it will be sufficient for us. Jesus said to Philip: How long have you been with Me Philip and you still say: “Show us the Father? Jesus continued saying: From now on anyone who sees Me has seen the Father–Read all of this at John 14

      And at John 16. as Jesus spoke about Holy Spirit, He said to His disciples: ” It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you”

      “If I don’t go away He cannot come”, would mean that Jesus the Person, is present at the time, therefore His Influence, Holy Spirit cannot play His role now–except for when He is gone–it I the same way we say, I cannot be wit you in the physical or person, but I am with you in Spirit. And another word for Spirit is “influence”

      So Father in Son, Son in Father, and Holy Spirit is the Supernatural Influence–what is mysterious about that?

      On your idea of “Christian” voting, Dominica for example, is a Christian Nation–even if the majority do not act like that. And so have you figured out how would we, and all the other Christian Nations, have Government, whom God appoints as authority over us–if Christians should not vote?

      What you may have left out–for your convenience–is that in the Old Testament God allowed His people to have an earthly King because they asked for one. However He needed a physical medium, to speak to that certain King –such as Samuel with Saul and David.

      God guided His people through the prophets, Judges and King, for God is Spirit and a Spirit needs a Body to do the work–that is the main reason for the Son, in Jesus Christ; that is the way I understand that Jesus is the Person of Christ, Almighty God who is Spirit

      Today faith is the channel by which we human beings are able to deal with God. Through our faith God guides us to follow His plan in our Life–He may not have called for every Christian to go to the poles on Election Day, but those who go there are sent by Him–the way He appoints our leaders of Government.

      Not that those men and women are going to do everything, according to God’s plan–you, yourself spoke about Saul and the Amalekites; even at the first command from God to Saul, he did not obey that command completely or to God’s satisfaction

      • July 11, 2014

        By the way I am a Christian with great Spiritual maturity, but I have never voted in my Life and I have no intentions of doing so, for as long as I exist in this world.

        Why? Because I hate politics and I don’t want anything to do with it, That does not mean that I do not have a favorite person in Government–my prayer to God goes out of my mouth on their behalf–that is what God has called me to do, That is all I will do

        As a Nation we all need the authority of Government, because that is what God is training us for, to learn to live by the rules and laws–which will be the Principles of Love.

        Jesus has said: I am a King, but My Kingdom is not of this world. The difference now and times to come is that we don’t have to vote for Jesus, He has already chosen those of us who belong in His Kingdom.

      • FET/liz reader
        July 11, 2014

        There goes a crazy one she took time. Fet friend lol

  16. Oh Come on.....
    July 11, 2014

    Dennis Joseph…You guys are going too far in this election crap. Government was created for social order. There is nothing evil in social order. No nation can survive without some form of government. Democracy was created to give all members of society a voice in the governance of their affairs. In Jesus’ time, there was no such thing as democracy. There was no such thing as voting, so I do not see how you come to find anything to answer your question from the bible. There is no conflict between believing in God and civic engagement. You people are trying to create division in this country and it is pathetic. The republicans claim to be ‘devout Christians’. Christianity vs participation in elections has never been a question of debate anywhere else but in Dominica. Dominica has a majority of Christians. What are you asking, that voting is for the minority atheists that wee have in Dominica? Pathetic I say, just Pathetic. Everyone who is above the age of 18 should vote. No Law, No Constitution can prevent a citizen over 18, in sound mind to vote…..definitely not their Christianity…. Team Dominica members, aren’t they Christians? Then they should not be in Politics then if there is a question. This question is so pathetic, I can’t even find another fitting word to describe it.

    • FET4 P.M
      July 11, 2014

      Everyone who is above the age of 18 should vote. No Law, No Constitution can prevent a citizen over 18, in sound mind to vote…..definitely not their Christianity…. Team Dominica members, aren’t they Christians? Then they should not be in Politics then if there is a question. This question is so pathetic, I can’t even find another fitting word to describe it.

      if they are not allowed an ID card lol then they cannot vote.

  17. socalist
    July 10, 2014

    “Had it not for the blood of Jesus, people would still have to live by the laws of the Old Testament. I doubt any human alive today would have survived.” “Jesus is indeed God himself, the one who created all things, even you!”

    Sir I have lost respect for you You have downgraded your level of intellect.

  18. they
    July 10, 2014

    This article is sickening It take a one to know one. He is not better than luyay they are birds of the feathers flock together.

  19. fil
    July 10, 2014

    Denis God is and honest and good God. we must be very careful of what we say when calling his name. I get the opportunity now to give my message. Domicans please don’t let these guys fool you all I had a dream and was told becareful of the UWPes they are not good. You all are seeing the signs don’t ignore it. The truth is realing slowly. See what lugay said and there is more to come.

    • truth
      July 10, 2014

      your dream was from the devil ,so watch out
      destruction is comming your way

  20. cry baby
    July 10, 2014

    …to quote Mutabaruka.. “Politics and Religion,causing more division” :( :(

  21. Anonymous
    July 10, 2014

    Vengeance is mine said the lord.

    • Anonymous/ seamoss
      July 11, 2014

      There goes noni again with his dogmatism .You guys cannot see the light there is no truth in that BS belief.
      Most of you guys believe just because.
      Most say just incase no conviction. Be like me. Be clear and take ur blows if it ever comes Anonymous no tiene cojones.

  22. realist #1
    July 10, 2014

    your opinion and reasoning is not that of any political party or other individual but yours and you have a right to your opinion … this being said … my first question to you would be.. do you not consider yourself a christian? ps: just because you do what the scripture ask you to do doesn’t mean you are in support of them…
    1 Peter 2:17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

    1 Timothy 2:1-4

    First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    • @
      July 11, 2014

      Timothys are politician and a controversial individuals with no to low morals and ethics biblical on in contemporary life.
      Timothy 2:1-4 even 99.10-99

    • Francisco Telemaque
      July 11, 2014

      You see when people wish to quote scriptures, they need to quote it verbatim, because everybody does not read the Bible, and if we state it in our own words, it can create confusion when others repeat our words.

      In The First Epistle Of Paul The Apostle To Timothy:

      In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, we read “Exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

      For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • July 11, 2014

        however, when you quote from God’s word it is because you have a testimony that applies to that quote–this means that you quoting to emphasize what you have spoken or is about to speak.

        Your contention against the person above is just as empty as his or hers. The simplest thing about God’s Word that a person can do is to quote the Scripture directly from the Book of God.

        Without the wisdom, understanding, and the ability of discernment from Holy Spirit to further speak what you have learned from that Scripture–it is has no fruitfulness in your mind –but that is what it means to practice what you preach.

    • realist#1
      July 11, 2014

      thanks for pointing that out but its different version,,so its not mis quoted

  23. Forever Amber
    July 10, 2014

    “Therefore any move toward frustrating free and fair elections is un-Christian and if this is allowed to be the way forward without the Christian people standing in the breach then a Christian people have given up on the reason why they follow Jesus and the moral right to vote.”

    Very well put, Dennis. Here is the difference between a true Christian and a Hypocrite.

  24. Anonymous
    July 10, 2014

    Mr. Dennis Joseph I am so not impressed with your commentary. The Scriptures must be interpreted within context and not in a manner to suit your whims and fancies. It is every citizen’s right to exercise their democratic right to cast a vote for a candidate of their choice. However, I believe the candidate must be of certain moral and ethical conviction to be favoured with a vote.

    • @Noni
      July 11, 2014

      Noni go for ur communion and stop eat bread hope it full U up ur belly.Dogmatist

  25. Browne,C (Rastafari)
    July 10, 2014

    Here we go again, the truth shall ruffle feathers :mrgreen: The same bible that condemns homos, was written by one! You people are speak from your emotions, not from what is reality! Reality is; the bible was written to keep humanity in check so humanity would NEVER be free, ever again. Dennis is a gentleman and the author of TRUTH as expressed in reality, not what we were taught to believe to be truth! Poor Christians don’t even know their own book of rules was written by a g@y dude. Jesus and Jehovah had their own personal agendas. The bible is NOT anywhere near being the word of any of the Gods, let alone containing the formulas, codes to set us free. How long does it take to be free when you already have the formula to be free? Poor people!

  26. July 10, 2014

    And as usual we forget the message and we kill the messenger. And it seems that we Christians will continue to see call right wrong and wrong right. What the people are doing at the electoral office is wrong and it should be condemned. Denis I think you have hit the nail on its head. but the truth is too glaring they are blinded by it.

  27. Reader
    July 10, 2014

    Well, here goes a few minutes of my life I will not get back! Talk about the rantings of an insane and long winded man! Mr. Joseph, this is by far your worst commentary

  28. real possie
    July 10, 2014

    I showed Kermit this news he sipped on something in his cup then he said hold is this not the same guy that was hired by UWP to run DBS when they kicked out the other guy? then he said they even quoting the Bible now but God will good for but that’s none of my business then he said damn that Meesian coco sure taste good it sure makes a good wahpap.

  29. Mr. Deligent
    July 10, 2014

    Poor Dennis ! he completely lost it. I know one thing for sure Dennis cannot bath in the sea

    • thank
      July 10, 2014

      what is this man really up to?

    • @Non Deligent
      July 11, 2014

      Tickle us lol How you mean he cannot bath in the Sea.
      Back in the day there was talk that gats Batie man/Macos/Gays, could not bath in River nor Sea. That turned out to be a myth as they are everywhere today .
      Don’t know ur context but this is as naïve and illogical/religous as one can get lol

  30. Ronald
    July 10, 2014

    What a thumbs up for wishing people dead. People whose only sin is that they do not agree with your partisan view on a particular subject matter. Denis could not be more openly supportive of Danny Lugay’s heart felt cry that some among us who do no share his views on electoral reform ought to die and but for his “beliefs” he would have “taken them out”. That is what Denis is supporting in direct contrast to what the majority of people in Dominica are saying regarding Danny Lugay’s revelation of what the UWP has been cooking up for Dominica behind closed doors. But then the UWP does not recognize majority rule. They came into government having won the most parliamentary seats (11) in the 1995 election but did not have the majority of the popular vote. Can it be argued that they were in government against the wishes of the majority. The law says that the first party or grouping of elected parliamentarians to have 11 parliamentary seats will form the government of Dominica. So “no constitution, no law” could deprive the UWP following the 1995 election results form forming government. I said “no law, no constitution”. That privilege in the law, the constitution was good for them.

    I want to place on record my utter displeasure with the management of DNO. Like Mr. Joseph, I hold a view (my constitutional right) to Danny Lugay’s cry for “taking out’ and “killing” those who stand in the way of electoral reform according to the UWP. I wrote an opinion and sent it to DNO on the morning of Tuesday July 8th . Danny Lugay published whathe called an apology muchlater in the day after my submission. DNO has flatly refused to publish my piece. How instructive, how balanced it would have been if my piece and Mr. Joseph piece would be published so that the readers could read two different opinions on the matter. What makes Mr. Joseph’s contribution, his opinion, more worthwhile than mine? I did not libel, I did not use foul language. I did not call for a witch hunt of the gentleman. Yes, I was strong in my condemnation and firm in asking Danny to do the honorable thing. I called what Danny said for what it is. In the interest of fair and balanced reporting, I think it reasonable that DNO should publish my piece. We still live in a democracy. That is why Danny could go to Soufriere and remind us of what he said at Fond Cole calling for the “taking out” or “killing” of those who stand in his way when it come to electoral reform as he and his party views electoral reform. the management of DNO should know the following biblical texts “For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” Danny spoke his heart. He spoke on two occasions for and on behalf of the UWP. No amount of media manipulation of the issue will detract from what Danny said, the people his venom was directed at and or what he must do as a clear demonstration of remorse and repentance. Do your thing DNO.

    ADMIN: Ronald, we wrote to you and told you that Lugay had in fact apologized and you should probably re-write the piece from that perspective. The piece was written as if Lugay had not apologized.

    • Anonymous
      July 10, 2014

      Well said. My first comment on the matter never made it. This has become a norm for me now. They only post what they see fit but I always see comments ten times worst than mine

      • @Noni
        July 11, 2014

        First time I concur with you.
        DNO is DNO by/in composition, Philosophy /education of its employees etc .The readers can add theirs if DNO selection of material to be posted have the cojones to post this piece.
        I guess humans are hypocrites and bias(all of us.)

    • July 11, 2014

      As a supporter od the PM two wronge don’t make it right so can you explain to the Dominican people what the PM ment by saying ” WE WILL MASH THEM UP’ you guys have to be carefull when you comment.

    • Ronald
      July 11, 2014

      DNO, I am not convinced. If your editorial policy is to allow certain opinions to receive free and wide coverage on your media so be it. That is your prerogative. Just to say that I am I still awaiting your email message.

      But then, I know how many times my submissions to DNO have never seen the light of day. I am however thankful for the few occasions I have been accorded the privilege of sharing my opinion on DNO

      ADMIN: Ronald, we emailed you days ago. How often do you check you email? We allow the opinions of everyone, as long as they don’t violate our standards. Please check your email inbox.

  31. Anonymous
    July 10, 2014

    Total garbage Dennis!!. Go preach to Danny Lugay!!!

    • Anonymous
      July 10, 2014

      Why not to Petter St Jean?

    • >>>>>>>>>>
      July 10, 2014

      @Anonymous Even more so he must go and preach to the one who needs it most Roosevelt Skerrit!
      Nevertheless Good Article.

      • DANZIGER
        July 13, 2014

        @ unknown, Roosevelt Skerrit is the best LEADER Dominica ever had and will remain in power for a long time. He that is without sin PLEASE cast the first stone.

  32. DA/roots
    July 10, 2014

    Yes Denis, Christians should vote , and I firmly believe also that God’s will is expressed in the results of free and fair elections

  33. Mahaut
    July 10, 2014

    Dennis, the scabs that were over your eyes during the reign of PJ & Co have been removed and you can now see all the ills of the current administration. The PM has never threatended to jail civil servants in the Cabrits. If he said to a heckler “it’s none of your damn business,” do you equate that to what PJ did and try to do? As a former crony of PJ, you should just lie low. By the way, how is he? Do you still talk to him?

  34. ?
    July 10, 2014

    there are many gods…..i read that somewhere in the Bible
    Roosevelt Skerrit may well be considered a god for many misguided, illiterate, wicked, vengeful Domnicans
    It is my sense that MOST of the religious leaders on island hold the PM in dat regard…….lost, misguided servants of The Most High Creator and King’s true word.
    Whenever you have church leaders openly siding an oppressive leader against its own flock….something is wrong
    The catholic church didn’t HAVE to put itself out there in de political climate for a handout to repair the Cathedral….
    Our ministry of education services all schools on island
    De vatican services its Bishops and priests…and leave de flock to fend for themselves…….i could never go back to that church.
    Teach me some more teacher
    De biggest church in DA now appears to be de church of Roosevelt Skerrit…….the labour christ
    Are we now saved and washed in the blood of labour?
    2000 years ago we corrupted de message of de christ
    Roosevelt Skerrit did not come straight from Zion’s holy temple sitting next to Enoch.
    de only temple de PM has encouraged is a Fortified Heart of Hatred

  35. July 10, 2014

    Dennis stop misleading people with your commentary, the pm said that no law, no constitution can prevent him from being Nominated as the candidate for the Dominica Labour party in the Vieille case constituency. Mr Dennis are you a Christian? we must always speak the truth as christian’s at all times and remove anger from our heart,my friends seek god because he love you.

    • July 11, 2014

      And what about the PM explanation after the people spoke out about the money he gave to the catholic church in Roseau didn’t he told` you don’t blame him didn’t he tell you who to blame

  36. Concern
    July 10, 2014

    Dennis, Out of the heart the mouth speak. To use God, Jesus and Christians as justification and spreading hate over from one wrong to another is most deceitful. i pray for you my brother that deep down in the core of your heart that god will remove is sickness. Just remember even the demons know the scriptures but hate what it signifies. Do not be deceived.

  37. DA love
    July 10, 2014

    Is it not written “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s?”…it is in man’s nature to pick and choose what suits him in the Bible, we will all be confounded every time, but all Christians know that He is the same God yesterday, today and forever more.
    In all things let your conscience be your guide…stop condemning in the absolute, after all we are all humans.

    • Muslim_Always
      July 11, 2014

      When Jesus (p) prayed, who did he pray to? Himself?

      How about a different perspective other than what we were taught as children.


      • July 11, 2014

        He prayed to the Father, The Christ, Eternal Spirit of whom His body is the Temple–Hence Jesus is the Person of Eternal Spirit, God Almighty of Love and Holiness, who does not have flesh and bones.

        I am telling you that Christ is not a surname for Jesus, Christ is Eternal Spirit, God Almighty–who formed His own body of Light–when He said at Genesis 1: 3 “Let there be Light”

        It is the same as us, who are filled by Holy Spirit, as He guides our words of pray–that it is clean and sanctified, so that the Holiness of God Almighty will accept it.

        What you people do not understand is that Jesus thought about Himself as a “human being” the apostle Paul tells us that He did not find it robbery, being equal to God, the Lord, but He put on flesh and bones, that which is the form of man.

        That is the only way Jesus, the Lord, would be able to do the work of Salvation. Without this virtue of humility, in Him, there would be no Salvation for mankind.

        However He did explain this kind of humility to us, when He said: I am in the Father and the Father is in Mel; anyone who sees Me has seen the Father

        And so, your link means nothing to us, who believe; because we already have the faith by God, the Lord, Himself, teaches us to know all about His attribute and His principles of Love–the Life of Spirit and Truth in us.

  38. 767
    July 10, 2014

    lol lol lol…ok then dennis

  39. Francisco Telemaque
    July 10, 2014

    Denis, we need to be very careful how we interpret the word of God written in the Bible, unless we study the Bible in a way to rightly divide the word of truth; what we say may seem as a contradiction, and cause confusion. The Bible however, teaches us that “God is not the author of confusion.”

    You suggest that it seems that the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament. I do not know how you manage to deduce that when the Bible plainly teaches that he is the Alpha, and the Omega, he plainly said in his words that “he is the same today, yesterday, and forever. God Jehovah has not changed!

    Indeed the God of the Old Testament who destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, is the one of the same. I need to make it abundantly clear the main reason, God Jehovah destroyed the two Cities in question was specifically due to their habit, and promiscuous indulgence in homosexuality, and lesbianism. What you need to realize is that there was a time when God spoke directly to people, and directed then what to do, and in every case where God destroyed a city, it was because of some wicked sin, or when certain group of people presented a problem to his chosen people Israel.

    And we prove that in the case of the city of Jericho, remember also that there were times when he instructed Israel when to fight physically; and there were times such as in the case of Jericho, where he instructed them to simply march around the city, and I suspect you know the rest. Now since the time of Moses, Joshua, Abraham and others, Jesus came and lay down his life for those of us who believes in him. Had it not for the blood of Jesus, people would still have to live by the laws of the Old Testament. I doubt any human alive today would have survived.

    When Jesus was nailed to the cross, and crucified, the curtains in the temple rented, torn from the top to the bottom, abolishing the law, grace set in. That is why when we realize that we as humans sinned, we can go directed to God through Jesus Christ, and ask forgiveness for our sins, without going through another human, as in the Old Testament, presenting blood sacrifices of animals for our sins.

    The blood of Jesus has taken care of all the sins of every human alive, that however, does not give us a license to lie, become thieves, murders, and scamps; although that is the way many humans live to day, the beauty of it all Jesus took our punishment, and as long as we recognized to have done something wrong, if we ask forgiveness, of someone on earth whom we hurt, whom we lied to or steal from, and that person forgives us, it said in the Bible what we loose on earth, is also loose in heaven.

    You see all those people and politicians in Dominica, who like to lie to people, if we still exist under the law of the old Testament, not one of them would be alive this day, as a matter of fact plenty of us would not have lived perhaps after we told our first lie!

    Indeed Denis, God has not Changed, he is the same yesterday, today, and shall be forever. The only difference is at the moment we survive at his mercy, give him thanks and glory for sending Jesus Christ into this world to die so that we can live to three scores and ten (70) years, and by reason of our personal health, and strength some of us live longer than seventy years old.

    My grandmother got 103 years! I doh know, I doh remember if you were the same guy who Went to Wesley and interview her, but I heard the interview on DBS more than forty years ago. If you worked at DBS, it might be you.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • July 11, 2014

      @Francisco Telemaque July 10, 2014 “When Jesus was nailed to the cross, and crucified, the curtains in the temple rented, torn from the top to the bottom, abolishing the law, grace set in

      Well I still don’t like you, but that piece of yours above is a good one–number 8 thumbs up is mine to you–for no plagiarizing.

      Except that passage of your here is a bit overspoken–for the Law has never been abolished–especially not by the blood of Jesus, for He, Himself tells us: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled” Matthew 5 17-18

      “I came to fulfill means that man cannot obey to the perfection that God Almighty desires–even today they choose whatever is fitting to their personal desire and the ignored what they did not want obey. The commandments of God Almighty still stands today, just as it was spoken at the time from God through Moses.

      And so, disobedient called for the punishment of death both physically and spiritually–in the days of ancient Israel. The difference today is that man does not actually suffer physical death for the disobedience to God–but the continue in existence through spiritual death, as their mind is carnal–their reproduction as they continue is exist in the body is nothing but futility–the things of death

      Also the God who is made of the Spirit Love, that Primary attribute of His, which is full of mercy and compassion–this Supernatural Power motivated Him to put on flesh and bones, to reveal His Person in Love– Christ Jesus, who would suffer the penalty of death, which is due to mankind because of his disobedience.

      That is why today–it is not because the Law is abolished, but because the Love of God, through His Person, the Man whom we know as Jesus, is now the shield of protection between man and His Holiness; man is able to survive his days on earth–but the judgment is yet to come.

      The reaping of the curtain at the Temple, when Jesus died on the cross, was a sign to show that Jesus was the High priest Himself, who entered the Holy of Holies–the room with the Ark of God- with His own blood–the sin atonement on behalf of the world—not just the people of Israel–God chosen people at the time..

      Before this the High Priest needed a lot of protection to enter that Room with the blood of the animals on behalf of the people -without those kinds of protection, that High priest could drop dead–the moment he stepped into that room–that is what the Power of God’s Holiness is like.

    • Muslim_Always
      July 11, 2014

      How on earth could Jesus (p) be God yet one has to go THROUGH Jesus to get TO God?

      How on earth could Jesus (p) be the son of God and God at the same time, the only “logical” explanation to this is the idea that we must simply believe out of faith and it is a mystery?

      Mr. Telemaque your passion is greatly admired, how about looking at a different perspective. Thank you.



      • July 11, 2014

        @Muslim_Always July 11, 2014

        You cannot understand and will not be able to understand for as long as you continue with the sole control of you human senses–which feeds the mind with seeds of the flesh for fleshly gratification.

        I do not have to ask any of those question which you are asking here, because I have the wisdom and understanding of Holy Spirit, He also enriches my ability of discernment, so to accept the things of the Spirit of God almighty, who is the Lord–the Christ in His body, His Person, who is the Man Jesus.

        Here is what the apostle Paul cautions us to take heed of:1 Corinthians 2
        Christ Crucified

        2 Spiritual Wisdom

        6 However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.

        7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,

        8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

        9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
        Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

        10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

        11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

        12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

        13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

        14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

        Take note that I do not use those Scriptures if I do not have the personal experience and there is nothing about God’s Word that I have never experience–I know that many people do.

        That is what Jesus means when He tells us “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free John 8 31-32

        Also we know that Jesus’ disciples are Christians as it is written at Act 11: 26 “And the disciples we called Christians at Antioch–those people were the combination of Jews and Gentiles

  40. CT
    July 10, 2014

    Why should they be subject to representation that does not represent their core values? Very shameful question.

  41. DCA Next Opposition
    July 10, 2014

    Danny Lugay please pay Dennis Joseph a visit

    • >>>>>>>>>>
      July 10, 2014

      I think that Skerrit would do a better job in visiting him. Remember Skerrit is the record holder.

  42. Anonymous
    July 10, 2014

    Well, look a long apology! But anyway as my nenen used to say: Sorry paca jaywee bos.

  43. CT
    July 10, 2014

    What? Are they not citizens? Are they not part of their community? damn right they should vote. Are you kidding me? what the heck kind of question is that?

  44. Anonymous
    July 10, 2014

    did he just call jesus GOD? the one of the NT is named Jesus the Christ

    • Francisco Telemaque
      July 10, 2014

      If he did, Jesus is indeed God himself, the one who created all things, even you!

      “If you seen me you have seen the father also” that quote is the spoken word of Jesus; read you Bible, and try to understand it. No priest, parson, so called reverent, pope bishop, whatever they call themselves can reveal the truth of God to you, as God himself can reveal himself to you.

      If you believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son, and the Holy Sprit, then you must accept that Jesus Christ id indeed God.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Browne,C (Rastafari)
        July 10, 2014

        “…the Father, Son, and the Holy Sprit” That is crap! The family structure is Father, Mother, Son/Daughter! No spirit/ghost can comprise a family structure! You people are brainwashed to infinity! Get your heads out of the tarrish pit! Jesus is the brain-dead Christians’ God, not anyone else’s, OK? You could have Jesus all to your self! Don’t force your ideology on people who don’t believe in your Jesus!

  45. @TD
    July 10, 2014

    See what this colossal lie has done to mankind?
    TD you and Dennis may be belivers or not in this BS
    However, just seeing the contradictions support the fact that this is a plan to keep us in subjection.
    Continue being fooled.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      July 10, 2014

      The fool said in his heart there is no God!

      If you were not an idiot, your thoughts would have been different: a colossal lie has done to mankind? Are you in a right frame of mind?

      You see sometimes the belief, and thinking of people can prevent and obstruct the blessings of God to fall on a nation. Lots of people in Dominica like to talk about pray when some idiot goes out and murder someone. Such behavior are usually rampant in places where God withholds his blessings.

      It would appear as if Dominica is cursed, that is why so much poverty exists in our country, and the nonsense which comes from the mouth, and mind of people like your kind helps to block the blessing of God on the country; combined with the wicked, vicious deeds of the politicians.

      Some of you need to simply shut your mouth, and not say anything! All you have done here is display your stupidity, and lack of commonsense, never mind knowledge. Even modern day science has proved, and concluded that God exists. If you are an idiot, I can direct you to a passage in scriptures, and suggest you compile certain material, put them together, according to how the Bible stated, and remain in the a room and see what happen to you.

      I assure you fool; you would not walk out of there alive!

      That which I am relating to you was tried in a certain University here in the 1970’s I am certain the people involved were skeptic professors, and students of science who may have also believed that there is no God, what they experienced that day, they will never forget, they ran for their life!

      And that’s all I will say to you!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • To FEDT
        July 11, 2014

        BS not a science like the four degrees somebody has lol FEDT.
        ah doh calling names here FEDT

  46. July 10, 2014

    here we go again, dennis you all just trying every thing possible just to get rid of one man. but let me tell you the same god of yesterday is the same one of today and will never change. so your long writing hold no weight

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