JUST DENNIS: Surprise, surprise we forgot the cards

Dennis Joseph
Dennis Joseph

The only way any government in a democracy would try to introduce a new tax a few weeks before a General Election is if the economy is in a very, very bad state.  The introduction of a near secret $27.00 port entry tax on our people and visitors to our island tells the sad tale of an economy in serious crisis.  Party supporters must be wondering why is their party in power making so many missteps lately and seems to be forever playing defence?  Many people will shout that the obvious solution  is to change the managers and that would be easy in a private corporation but is it easy in Waitukubuli politics?

‘Once more to the breach dear friends’ according to the bard in the Shakespeare play Henry V, as we face  General Elections where all anyone has to do is show up, give a name, and be handed a ballot paper to vote.  They may not be of the constituency and the name may not be their own but it does not matter as long as the name is on the voters list it seems OK.  The real name holder may show up an hour later only to be told that according to the record he or she has already  voted.  We have complained about that scenario for years and believe it or not we are complaining still right on the eve of another election campaign.  The thing is this titanic size loophole has been the way in recent times for political parties to skew up elections and win yet it continues and no amount of talk has changed or solved the problem and it seems to deal with this we must like St Paul said in the Scriptures, “Put on the full armour of God.”.

After the elections there is always grumbling and quarrelling on talk shows, a ton of pawol about how this should never happen again but it does happen over and over again and this time it appears that it will be business as usual.  I therefore ask what is the purpose of the Electoral Commission?  Under Election Offences  there are a whole lot of offences that are punishable by fines and imprisonment which should be  respected by all and I recall the days when political parties rushed to remove banners and posters close to polling stations  the night before the polling day so as not to break the law but not so today.  So why have an Electoral Commission supposed to monitor these things just being paid to sleepwalk through the process?

It was always in the cards that there would be no identification cards for the 2014/15 elections.  The government which obviously by holding the purse now controls the Commission made sure that it would not happen. The Finance Minister refused to give the money to secure voter ID cards  and played the game with talk of a national ID card instead.  With distraction tactics he got the conversation mired into long talk comparing the two fully knowing that for  him having none at all was best.

There are existing rules which deal with the period of residency  in order to vote.  There is provision for ID cards as well but the laws seem meaningless in our lovely Waitukubuli. The most important function in our democratic system, that of selecting our own government freely and fairly by secret ballot  is as corrupt as an overused pit latrine.  There is still no policy on use of the national radio station by political parties instead the government just uses it at its convenience.  The cowardly Boards of Directors leaves the staff open to abuse while making no significant decision to advance the democratic process.  Those who hold power know the voters very well. There is not a strong word of protest about this from anybody including those in opposition quite happy it seems with the “I have one private station, you have the other” foolishness thus placing themselves at the mercy of the station owners who could “backfire” at any time. I know that In the matter of running election campaigns there should be no avenue left unprotected or it could come back to haunt you.  Political parties should insist on some sort of ID for the next elections just like the banks do and a set policy as to how the national station operates during the campaign.  With all these lawyers in politics someone should really sit down   “Papa Bon Dieu” according to Monelle Williams and just read and challenge the bleeping thing.

As we approach another anniversary of  Independence Day it is good to be reminded that about 37 years ago in 1977 Patrick John, Dame Eugenia Charles and others travelled to London for the Constitutional Conference.  Lennox Honychurch, Vic Riviere and Leo Austin attended and I was in that conference room as a radio person to report back to Waitukubulians at home on the proceedings  In their discussions they never foresaw a day when the election date would be toyed around like a child’s  phantom saucer and used to keep the entire nation in a constant state of division and tension, or envision a time when the electoral processes would be manipulated by local and outside forces so as to keep the money machine delivering personal wealth to those in power and to protect their own countries’ interest.  The delegates therefore saw no need to include strict laws in our Constitution to protect against wayward rulers. They expected just like the British delegation to the conference that we the people would not tolerate  games and would ensure that the provisions of this noble document be the cornerstone of our free development.

However today we face a situation where  the document is banded about only for convenience and it is all about seeking ways and means to get around it. Clearly the rulers do not take us seriously.  For example they think that they can introduce a new tax just before elections, then delay it for now and later impose the 27.00 entry tax after the elections if they win again. They know our number and they expect a ‘tou cho-tou flam’  response and  “poof,” we forget.  The Chinese, Venezuelans and others have studied us and apparently believe that as a people we do not have the moral fiber to stand for the right which means that they can get away with anything they like and still we call them sweet names like was done with, “Papa Daddy Chavez.”

There are those who with high moral indignation will rush to make blistering comment that they are much better than those nations think, and, “How I can say dat” but are those outsiders wrong?  If they are wrong how come when we wake up on election day  we will just act as usual like we forgot we have a problem and appear to be so surprised that yet again we do not have either National ID or election Voter ID cards?

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  1. Anonymous
    October 6, 2014

    Dennis i’m eagerly awaiting your piece on transfergate and landgate. You are a fair minded person, are you not?

  2. Just Observing
    October 6, 2014

    Thanks, but no thanks DNO for leaving my comments out. I do not know if it is the season, but more often than not in recent times, my comments are withheld, never to see the light of day. I cannot understand why Denis should simply write what he wrote in as eloquent a manner as he can and not be challenged and indeed be reminded of his role in stifling DBS Radio for example. Calypsonians of the 1970’s will know how many of their calypso’s were banned not be cause of the possibility of slander, but because it criticized the government. kelly the Ghostwill remember when he protested outside DBS Radio seeking access tot he satttion as a duly nominated candidate for parliament. Who was manager? Dominica Freedom Party knew of the treatment he gavethem as managerof DBS Radio.

  3. October 5, 2014

    The Govt. can play a cat and mouse game if it wants to with the election date but there is a date either now or the house will be automatically dissolved then it will be a time of reckoning in this regard the D L P. is taking the dominican people for granted.

  4. DAMAN
    October 5, 2014

    Layba working! 8)

  5. Anonymous555
    October 4, 2014

    but what it is about national ID ner we can use our Social Security for an ID, Can’t We?

  6. Anonymous555
    October 4, 2014

    Denis Ma Boy…UWP Lost elections since 15yrs ago get over it man u still vex u nt d manager of DBS….do sumting more constructive with ur time rather than writin all this gabbage man….grow up its time that you let go n come to grips …we are in the future…if it’s works time then u’ll get a chance again but in the meantime do sumting more constructive….get a job man…

  7. October 4, 2014

    First and foremost we are Dominican before we belong to any political party. Second right and wrong is usually and clearly black and white no in between no grey area. Third no nation steeped in party politics and we vs them is ultimately successful. Nor is corruption anything but a cancer in national development. Dominica Dominicans are a historically corrupt people and we need to change our constitution to something closer to the US and enact a strong judiciary while reducing the cost of legal services.

      October 4, 2014

      Number one we are an independent country and we can write our laws………………..and say “The eyes have it” we do not need to follow any out country laws such as the US. that’s why we don’t sing the Spar Spangle Banner.

      October 4, 2014

      Correction Star Spangle Banner

  8. Poison
    October 3, 2014

    Look who is talking..is it not that same Dennis and the late Ferdinand in the time of Patrick John..Dominicans if u know your history u will know where I’m coming from..don’t do it let me do it..

  9. Willie
    October 3, 2014

    We must not forget that the cornerstone of Democracy is the selection of a representative on the basis of what the candidates have to offer. This means that we make our selection after we hear all sides.
    Now when a decision is made (as in the last general election) to close both the National radio station and the other radio station with national coverage to the opposition, (and the voters are TOLD not to listen to the other station) then the whole democratic process is seriously compromised and the election cannot be said to be democratic. Election Monitors beware!

  10. Anonymous
    October 3, 2014

    Here we go again singing the same tune it doesn’t make a difference Dennis the young people of Dominica are the core voters and the don’t know who you are. Your past, present and future have no impact on Dominica’s politic. You said if Labour win you got it wrong when we win PM Skerrit is going to continue the development that he started. Instead of writing all these political misunderstanding……… offer your services to help develop your country

  11. .
    October 3, 2014

    A whole lot of blah blah. It is getting ridiculous and just boring. Talking loud but saying nothing.

  12. Lapo Layza
    October 3, 2014

    I am not a U.W.P. supporter nor have I ever supported Mr. Joseph on the many topics which he has written. However, with reference to the national ID/ voters’ ID cards. At this stage almost all registered voters SHOULD have had their cards safely in their hands. I have been a labour supporter from the 1980’s when it was not a popular thing to be BUT I am convinced that this lack of movement on the issuance of the national ID/ voters’ ID card is a deliberate move on the part of the government to move to the next election using the same old, bloated voters registration list. I detest this move by the ruling party and I am honestly having second thoughts about supporting them at the next elections. SADLY, I do not trust the U.W.P. Mr. Linton what you did to us at DCP cannot be forgotten nor forgiven.

    • Lapo Layza
      October 3, 2014

      My statement should read “with reference to the national ID/ voters’ cards you rare right”

  13. Just Observing
    October 3, 2014

    I believe this is one of the most blatant by a gentleman who knows better and on two occasions before (under Patrick John and Edison James) splurged in the enjoyment of being part of or highly supportive of the ruling party. Denis’s superior writing skills has come into effect to not only detract form the truth but indeed to spew his long-held venom of the government. In his second patragraph he referenced a quotation. I hope his leader recognized that. That is the way to go. Once it is not yours, you must give due recognition to the originator.

    Let us scrutinize some of what Denis wrote about. “They may not be of the constituency and the name may not be their own but it does not matter as long as the name is on the voters list it seems OK. The real name holder may show up an hour later only to be told that according to the record he or she has already voted”. Denis knows that the law is not new. He knows that law existed at every election he was involved in either as a major playmaker, broadcaster or party henchman. To give the no-so subtle inference that the law came into effect recently at Mr. Skerrit’s behest to manipulate the election is simply being dishonest. the law provides for situations such as these. As long as your name is on the voters list and you turn up to vote – nothing can stop you form voting. The law provides for a situation where a person shows up to vote after another one has voted in the same name at the same election. Denis knows that law provides for serious sanctions. Fortunately he cannot cite any example when in arecent election where Pm Skerrit is leader of government where such a situation occurred. I dare him. What he said is just more of blue party political wafflings. I have witnessed attempts by various parties (at least by the one I support last elections) to remove their campaign paraphernalia before the opening of the polls on Polling Day. By the way I have not gotten any reason to change my vote.

    “The government which obviously by holding the purse now controls the Commission made sure that it would not happen” Mr. Joseph when was this situation different? When you supported Patrick John and Edison James, both of whom had an opportunity to lead this country into general elections in their time, the same law concerning the Electoral Commission was in effect. In both instances you were part and parcel of the campaign machinery, did you have any problem with the law then? No you sensed victory and went ahead with the status quo.

    Can you imagine Denis Joseph, the “Man with the Master Plan” talking about “liberating DBS Radio”. I am old enough to remember a time when Denis ruled the broadcast airwaves of Dominica with disdain. He was Patrick John’s ‘Director of Communications” with responsibility for all aspects of government public relations machinery. The Dominica Freedom Party felt his metal. Kelvin Francis, Rupert Lance, Rupert Sorhaindo, Vanoulst Jno. Charles, Johnson Boston are still here with us. They know what metal Denis is made of when it comes to muzzling DBS Radio for the ruling party. In the run up to the 2000 general elections, Kelly Williams, a candidate in the elections for the Roseau central Constituency, where DBS is located stood outside DBS radio protesting the tight controls that Denis had on the radio. Can we ever forget? Can the calypsonians forget the many years of frustration trying to get a calypso that was critical of ruling party to play on the national radio station. I agree with Denis though for a more openness to political talk on DBSRadio outside the narrow confines of the talkshows. But Denis must agree and go public to dmit that when he ruled the national radio with a firm and unrelenting hand it was wrong. He cannot be the one pionting to that wrong unless he admits – publicly that when he did it, it was wrong.

    Hear Denis talk about the date for general election. Boy Denis you have guts wee!! When Edison James called a snap poll in 2000, Denis was among those who jumped for glee that January 1st 2000 perhaps exclaiming that the UWP had caught them (the opposition) with their proverbial “pants down”. For Denis and others, Edison had struck a tactical blow on the opposition by calling general elections six months before it was due. Was there a surprise element in the calling of early elections then, Mr. Joseph. Was it Ok for you? This time around it is the UWP that has been setting elections date time and time again. Every date they have given has gone and gone. It is not the opposition that has to call election. The law provides for the PM to call elections and not the opposition. So if Mr. Denis Joseph is frustrated over his party’s many failed attempts at calling elections he must not pass the frustration on the government. Elections will be called Mr. Joseph.

  14. IJS
    October 3, 2014

    This was not a new tax. It is a passenger facility charge that is implemented by most governments in the world for the upkeep of their airports. We pay this fee in all airports in the United States and Europe. We definitely pay this and various other fees to other Caribbean islands. This fee is not going to be used by the Government of Dominica. It is going to be used by the Dominica Air and Sea Ports for the upkeep of the Melville Hall Airport.

    It is really a shame when those who know better use politics to prey on the ignorance of others. If you are going to write an editorial at least have the decency to try to be partial and make correct statements

  15. tidel
    October 3, 2014

    Mr. Dennis, you’ve seen the writing on the wall and it does not look good to you. So please wheel and come again in 5 years time…….thank you!!

  16. Lougaoo Mem
    October 3, 2014

    Wow!!! Anyone who reads this article cannot say that Mr. Dennis Joseph did not write gospel the truth about our current state of our electoral process as is. Since there’s so much to digest, I read it twice in order to ensure that I understand and concur with my first take

    Who can doubt that the protection against the wayward rulers is not so in Dominica? Go ask the “Talking Lawyers. I totally agree with the writer that the government knows the economy is in a very bad shape, therefore, the introduction of the $27.00EC new tax just before election is an indication of the seriousness of the way things are. The electorate/citizens must understand Skerrit, Blackmore and the gang simply delay the tax measure for now due to the backlash, but will later impose it on the people if they are re-elected after the upcoming election. People!!! Take heed and make sure you do not vote these greedy politicians back in office.

    Dennis is also on point when he stated that the Chinese, Venezuelans and others have studied our people and believe we as a people have no moral fiber to stand up for what is right as in many cases with the behavior of those who run things. Note: In any other Western civilized world, many of these disgraced politicians would be imprisoned for allegations that has been levied against them. That goes back to the protection they get through the manipulation of our judicial system courts. Remember the phrase “Judicial Review?” This article supports every reason why “CHANGE IS A MUST.” Dominica is crying for a change in government.

  17. Doc. Love
    October 3, 2014

    Your head lines appear to be a piece of sarcasm, if not, do you really believe Skeritt has forgotten I.D.Cards for voting. I believe Skeritt is trying his best to remain in office. Can you imagine if Skeritt was to loose the elections the distractive effects many Dominicans would have to endure for the next five years. Does one really believes a political operative would receive $14,000 a month for throwing mepuis left, right and center, whether he has a doctorate or not. A political operative would reside comfortable at her residence in a foreign land and receive thousands of dollars for doing what. The many Ministers, advisors and political blood suckers would be a happy bunch of campers. My friend, the I. D. Cards were conveniently and maliciously forgotten, I am not surprised.

    • Doc. Love
      October 3, 2014

      typo: destructive effects.

  18. October 3, 2014

    I think Domiica needs a new start, get rid of Skerrit them and start with a clean slat

  19. browneyesgirl
    October 3, 2014


  20. Mark Seraphine
    October 3, 2014


    Boring boring.Denis just boring.

    • October 4, 2014

      It’s guys like Mark Seraphine who like it so.
      These spineless creatures make It impossible to achieve any goals of true independence. This Mark is as empty as they come.
      Guys like you should be noted and when/if the gov’t change send him to the Gulag. with his leader et Al.
      It may sound contradictory ( as Cuba has no general elections. But contrary to the notion that why everyday I understand the Cuban revolution a little more.
      Basista must have been a type like Skerrit. Fidel made the human sacrifice to oust him and his hengemen once and for all. Fidel had first turned to the US for help and they ignored him hence he went to the Soviets. We remember the Bay of Pigs invitation attempt. Many were sent to jail some died in there som ea re still there in their 80’s never to see daylight again this is what is need for these guys. Give em the shock of their lives no trial with confiscation of assets .Like those guys who were set free they will go back where they belong and hang out of with these Pirates ,infidels. Jail with no bail or possibility of leaving. A perfect retreat for pirates ,criminals in high places. This current climate establish by these once by-products of absolute poverty is what gives rise to fringe groups like Isis.

      • October 4, 2014

        correct errors they are due to speed typing like the invasion ej close parenthesis etc.
        Thanks, merci, Gracias.

    • Lamat
      October 4, 2014

      History can be said to be boring, however; Dominica has a history and no matter how boring it seems it is ours to learn from. So what have we as a people learn from past, for instance the government in power using the national radio (tax payers radio) as its private propaganda machine. I give a thumps to Denise’s article.
      Thank you

      • Lamat
        October 4, 2014

        Thumps up for Dennis.

    • Plato
      October 6, 2014

      Mark Seraphine, your repetitious use of boring to say nothing, is what I find boring. Now go and read a book to try to extend your vocabulary.

    October 3, 2014

    DENNIS! I just don’t get it!

    • October 4, 2014

      you must have read it to fast lol. read it again.lol

    • Hans
      October 4, 2014

      Badge mouth what is it that you don’t get. For once please show a bit of intelligence if any and stop waiting for Tony to smear nonsense so you can pick it up and become a flag raiser

  22. Andy
    October 3, 2014

    Once again you have penned an article which should provoke a healthy dialogue amongst all right thinking nationals irrespective of party affiliation. It begs the question, what has happened to the other political parties, trade unions, and every citizen of the country in respect to voter I.D. cards since the last election? It would appear that the issue is mostly given attention during election season. Never in the history of Dominica has there been more monetary donations, and projects being started prior to an election. However, we are being told that there is not funding for voter I.D. cards, and this has been accepted by the electorate. It would appear that the people of Dominica are scared of their own shadows. There must come a time when the movement moves from mere talking to action. Unless we as a people are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice and take action which may include non viloent civil disobedience, we are doomed as a country, and have jeopardize our children’s future.

  23. Arbitrator
    October 3, 2014

    Well said Sir, I could not have said it better. The question is how do we fix the that problem? What are we going to do about it?

  24. not in dominica!
    October 3, 2014

    DLP! all the way 5 more years.

    • Anonymous
      October 4, 2014

      five more!

  25. winston warrington
    October 3, 2014

    “But when the blast of war blows in your ears, immitate the actions of the tiger and disguise fair nature with hard favoured rage. Tighten the sinews, summon up the blood……….” Politics is war and DLP will teach UWP how to war.

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