My response to Mr. J. J.  Joseph article – Diaspora in Motion

CommentaryDominicans have a false sense of invincibility, arrogance, false bravado, and an inferiority complex: we all think we are Masas. I say this because of a recent article I read on DNO – by Mr. J. J. Joseph. In reviewing this article, one has to sit back and smile, and realize that this writing is that of a beginner; someone taking Core Language Arts 101 in pursuit of an Associate degree – the first phase.

I am going to use my response as a practice in keeping my writing skills sharpened. I will try to encourage the readers to understand my response/reasoning in response to Mr. J.J. Joseph’s, by using psychology strategies.      Firstly, let me begin by stating that we have a lot of generational baggage and demonic behaviors that we’ve been taught from generation to generation. For example, parents would spit on the ground and send their child on an errand, and if the spittle dried before they got back, they would receive a flogging/beating/whipping close to near death. Most of the beatings we would receive would be across our backs and on our bottom/buttocks. Do you know that our bottom/bottom is one of our erogenous zones, and that beating a child from a very early age on their lower extremities can lead to an association of pain with erotic pleasure; which can lead to sexual difficulties in adulthood? Do you remember that we would pee ourselves after a severe beating?

I raise this example just to demonstrate the abuse that we encounter while growing up, forget about how the family was raised, the neighborhood/environment that we grew up in, and our religious preferences. This naturally brings me to the start of my discussion: our thinking. As I mentioned above, we have been carrying a lot of “generational baggage” – so to speak, and that has had a lot of influence on how we make life decisions. It is up to us to break that cycle by treating/teaching/raising our kids differently than how we were raised.

When we examine clinically how we develop our attitudes/ambitions & interaction with society, most of us basically just recycle the old environment that we were raised in (that generational baggage.) In order for us to change our thinking, our thought process, the way we examine, interpretation of factual events, we must look clinically at the five behavioral states.

  • The Natural Child: This is a person who was born into this world with no baggage in that person has the potential to be anything/anybody, unhampered, free.
  • Adult Maturity* (Adolescence): This is the stage that 90% of the world is stuck at; our adolescence. And it is because of the generational baggage that we recycle our behavior. We never grow up to become adults, because it was never taught to us… we never learnt it. So we criticize and condemn, develop envy, jealousy, and unforgiving hatred towards each other with no remorse.
  • The Nurturing Parents: This is the ultimate; the most beneficial state to achieve. This state will nurture that natural child, and it will develop that child to become whatever they want to be, because of the freedom to think and act with proper guidance. That child will, in turn, raise his or her family that way, thereby breaking that “generational baggage” behavior that keeps us ruminating toxic stuff, over and over. * This is true Adult Maturity.
  • The Critical Parent: This stage is where most of us are stuck (remember the adult stage, the stage that most of us never get past). At this stage, all we do is criticize, admonish, beat, whip, scold, and denigrate our children and others. So, it is at this stage we raise children to be adaptive instead of free-thinkers.
  • The final stage is called the Adaptive Child: At this stage, the child who has the potential to become whatever they wanted to be (if raised by a nurturing parent), unfortunately has become an adaptive child, simply because they are raised by a critical parent, a parent who constantly wagged his or her finger in your face, criticizing authority, cursing, drinking in public, single parent. In other words, dysfunctional parenting. This characteristic produces children-in-adult bodies like we had in the Salisbury “peaceful protest”.

Let us analyze the facts. You have a lone constituency: i.e. from the southwest to the northwest, this is the only constituency that voted UWP, making them a minority constituency. Yet this constituency was able to create a road blockage (which they defended with unlawful force) that prevented the rest of the northwest communities from going about their daily chores. The protestors claimed that they did this to gain the attention of the PM who had promised to repair its farmer feeder roads. Now, mark you, this is one of the most prosperous farming communities in the entire country. Ask Mr. Hillary Shillingford.

As a result, there were two unlawful incidents at Salisbury. You had those who agreed with the protest versus those against, and the back and forth between both sides. Consequently, the Parliamentary Representative of the Salisbury constituency was the guest speaker at a protest rally in solidarity with the residents of Salisbury, in the vicinity of the United Nations, on a weekend when there is no activity at the UN, other than tourism. If the organizers were serious about representation and bringing the plight of the Salisbury people to the world stage, why not demonstrate when the UN is in session?

In order to make progress, we need to follow the developmental examples that I presented above. We have to untwist our thinking, examine the five behavioral stages, and acknowledge what stages we are at and make a commitment to change. I can list ten ways to do this. This suggestion and my essay is just a tool to help us grow; a tool to help us make a difference, and there are so many other tools available to us, just check the Internet! So here goes:*

  1. Identify the Distortion:
  2. Examine the Evidence:
  3. The Double Standard Method:
  4. The Experimental Technique:
  5. Thinking in Shades of Gray:
  6. The Survey Method:
  7. Define Terms:
  8. The Semantic Method:
  9. Re-Attribution:
  10. Cost-Benefit Analysis:

*I choose not to give examples in the interest of time and writing space, but these ten ways were retrieved from the Book titled “The Feeling Good Handbook”, by David D. Burns, M.D.

In conclusion, my hope is this. As we encounter social situations in life, I want us to really examine what course of action we should implore. Ask ourselves: should it be one for the betterment of mankind, or the continuation of “generational baggage”  that we keep ruminating? This is just food for thought.

P.S. Here are some other articles/books that one can research:

The Three Faces of Victim”, by Lynne Forrest

Letting Go of the Need to Control,” by Ann M.

Happy reading!


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  1. Bigmac
    July 14, 2015

    The author of this article started out by berating the writer of the article he was about to refute. From the onset of this article, the writing was poor, the structure lacking, and the contents did not reflect that of an accomplished writer. I would firmly suggest that if you criticize – in this case inadequately – then you should demonstrate you have the ability to excel in whatever you have choose to write. Your prose is poor, your attempt at making your points were not succinctly done, and the entire article was disjointed suggesting your are not a prolific writer. It may be okay to pontificate about issues in the political or social sphere in a democracy. However, if you choose to do so and you position yourself as a competent and consummate professional writer, then please learn the basics of writing – or maybe you should stick to your current profession which I hope you do it better than writing. I am an English Major and I would grade this article with a D-.

  2. Annoymous Reader
    July 13, 2015

    Elijah Thomas: your article is a poorly slanted, “all over the place” written piece of nonsense. If you want to say the Salisbury Farmers were wrong to block the roads, then say so.

    All that tripe you talked about parents spitting on the ground….honestly! The most I can say is that, whatever neck of the woods you hail from, your people must have been a very backward set of people.

    I say this because i was born in the 60’s to a very strict, disciplinarian father and a mother who, though she was soft-spoken, wouldn’t joke to land a ‘tomp’ on my back if i was out of line. The whole ‘spitting on the ground…” paints a very backward picture of the type of upbringing you must have had.

    I couldn’t even read the rest of your nonsensical ramblings.

  3. SN
    July 13, 2015

    A very poorly written article. Your article started out by saying the author’s language suggested the style of an associate degree seeking individual; phase one you said. You said you would use the article to sharpen your writing skills; it is evident you need a lot of sharpening. A friend’s favorite saying was, “It is better to say nothing and let people think you are ignorant than to say a lot and leave them with no doubt.” You have left us with no doubt……..

  4. sailsbury farmer
    July 13, 2015

    The problems with the people of the former colonies , after 50 yrs are still confused waiting on the British to save them. What have we done and created for our selves.our problems are very simple, if we import 90 percent of what we consume, and export 10 percent, it does not matter who is elected to office. We all are proffesional beggers. Chang the 99 percent mentally and think like the 1 percent and you will succeed. For forty yrs all you do is debate and stay in the opposition and talk about Shakespear. Start talking about feeding your self , learn to create the jobs for your self, family, and country. The Labour Government cannot save you. The U WP cannot save you . Save your self and learn to feed your self.

  5. grell
    July 13, 2015

    Thomas you got paid from the LABOUR PARTY,SO PLEASE YOUR ARTICLE MAKES NO SENSNSE..Take the cash he gave you and go on a vacation.

  6. July 12, 2015

    As someone who has not achieved your Intellectual capacity i’m lost at sea to digest the rational substance of your article EJ. First of all are you privy to the Plight of the Salisbury people and their many pleas for assistance in enhancing their development?. The Blocking of roads is not unique to Salisbury and is’t people; and if i may offer some advise EJ; the other constituencies which have engaged it such according to you (unlawful blocking of roads) are those which did not vote UWP. The actions of our fore-bearers guaranteed the abolition of Slavery, the dismantling of Segregation(USA), and Apartheid(SA); If their actions can be described as “generational baggage and demonic behaviors”, then the people of Salisbury are more than justified in their actions. I would finally implore you EJ to use your super brains and advise the DLP government on how to mediate an address the plight of the TAX paying citizens of Dominica.

  7. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 12, 2015

    As I read this continuous drivel on DNO I sometimes wonder just what is going on in the heads of our so called “Academic Idiots” in Dominica. You have Dr. Etienne sounding the alarm bell about the prevalence of “Chronic Disease” on the island and yet still, the academic nonsense from the Josephs of the world and those who wish to respond to him continues without abatement.

    We have Cuba a few miles up the road with a “Diabetic Wonder Drug” that’s now sold in 26 different countries. Why haven’t we partnered with them and train more persons in bio-medical research who could help develop much needed medicines to aid our people. These academic idiots who continue to infest DNO, needs to be exterminated with some good old fashioned common sense. I have yet to read any tangible solutions that would benefit the suffering Dominican people.

    It’s ok to criticize this present government. But, for God’s sake, where are the tangible solutions for Dominica?

    • winston warrington
      July 13, 2015

      Anthony, you are in great form! In no other country is more attention paid to triviality and hearsay than Dominica.

      • Titiwi
        July 13, 2015

        Winston, unfortunately I have the same observation. Our favourite pastime appears to be the contemplation of our navels and think it is the centre of the universe we are gazing at. We have to widen our scope and start looking at ourselves in a worldwide context because otherwise we will not grow but atrophy.

  8. Maddie
    July 12, 2015

    This is pure garbage—–wow.

    • Anthony Ismael
      July 13, 2015

      I am curious about what solutions you would offer Dominica. The issues facing Dominica are too numerous to mention, yet still all we seem to produce are empty critics with zero ideas. How would you address chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertention in Dominica. Dr. Etienne recently lamented these issues during her visit to Dominica.

  9. sailsbury farmer
    July 12, 2015

    Our Grand parents and parents had very little education, they toil the soil day and night to send us to school to do better than they do 60 yrs latter are we better off. We sold our Bananas toGueest- industries no millionars was created except G ueest. We bought every thing from shillingford in thry early days. Today we control very little , we are the majority we buy goods from other people , the question is after 60 yrs how much progress have we made. Most villages remain the same, do you blame Skerritt for that lark of improvement. The people who left and ran away doing better. After the British left the caribean not very much have changed. As long as you have people going to school quoting shakespear and drinking rum and praying for salvation, nothing will change for Black people.

  10. Ma Moses
    July 12, 2015

    Sorry but I can make little sense of this. It is so garbled and disjointed. As if it is written by someone with deep psychological problems and to be honest I find it disturbing.

  11. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 12, 2015

    I salute my brothers and sisters from the West Coast who had the courage to take action and demand farm access roads, so that they too can earn a living. They’re not begging for handouts. They’re simply asking for access to their farms, so that they can work.

    I urge them to continue with their efforts, until their goal is attained. The inconvenience of a few school children who were on their way to school and employees who were also on their way to work, is miniscule when compared to farmers who for decades have been dealing with poor farm access roads. We are one nation and one people. When one brother and one sister hurts, we all hurt.

  12. sailsbury farmer
    July 12, 2015

    In my opinion we have one of the smartest person in Dominica , who got the right training in College to help build Dominica and its people. His name is Dr Fountain who should not be in Government. He shoul d be a venture capitalist raising money to build canning factories , roads, modern villages in Sailsbury and the rest of Dominica and the Caribean. And we have many more like him. The people of Sailsbury do they pay Taxes , how long have they been in business, we blame the light skinned people , chinese, Arabs in Roseau for controlling every thing . We come here quoting Sigmund Freud, that does not produce any thing. If after 100 yrs we cannot manage and manufacture any thing , all we do is have Riots and talk about Shakespear and jesus. When are we going to take control of our lives.

    • Anthony Ismael
      July 13, 2015

      Someone once told me a long time ago that thinking of creative ideas is only a small part of any solution. Selling ideas to individuals who would benefit immensely from these ideas, is the other 90% of problem solving.

      Convincing the average Dominican citizen to approach our problems differently is a major challenge. Always remember that in any system, there are those who beneift tremendously from the status quo. To them, change represents a threat to their wealth, power and control. That being said, there is tremendous resistance to implement anything that cuts them out from the economic pie.

  13. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 12, 2015

    Although I have issues with this present government regarding certain issues, they must be given credit for paying attention to and improving our infrastructure, especially our roads. Every Democracy needs a challenge to ensure that the voices of the inflected are heard and their issues addressed and resolved.

    Unfortunately, our farmers on the West Coast were left with no choice, but to block the main road and bring about attention to their own plight. Anyone who ever got off their high horse and drove through the interior of that village, will understand it. Unfortunately, too many commentators have absolutely no clue about what they write.

    Some are so blinded by political bias, that they become tone-deaf and they ultimately lose the ability to understand the plight and suffering of others. Unfortunately, Mr. Joseph and many others like him fall into that category. I am still amazed that two lengthy articles failed to address the root cause of the problem.

  14. Anthony P. Ismael
    July 12, 2015

    Like Mr. Joseph’s article this one also misses the point about Democracy and the plight of working class individuals. I was fortunate to work on a real farm that produced and sold bananas during my high school years in Dominica.

    On November 3, 2015, Dominica will celebrate its 37th year of “Independence from British Colonial Rule.” During these years, none of the elected governments ever saw it fit to think of, construct and maintain stellar farm access roads. The failure to do so during an almost 40 year time frame culminated in actions taken by villagers on the West Coast of Dominica a few weeks ago.

    To ignore the plight of farmers whose sole desire is to “Remain independent and produce agricultural crops for sale,” is wanting from the various brain-dead writers on DNO. It is mind boggling that we seek to castigate farmers who were unable to feed their families. What could be better than a group of people wanting to work and earn a living the old fashioned way?

  15. Titiwi
    July 12, 2015

    Absolute tripe, drivel, bunkum,, balderdash, garbage, junk and piffle! All these and more. In one simple word nonsense!
    From a dissertation about erotic pleasures derived from posterior smacking to “peeing” one self in fear, to a few word of castigation of the people of Salisbury who dared to challenge authority in order to stand up for their rights. The use of pseudo science is a total disconnect an I believe, indicates more an unhappy, abusive youth by the writer than sound logic. I recommend you see Dr. Benjamin for help with your personal issues. May God help you.

    • %
      July 12, 2015

      Titiwi you making me pee pee on me.

  16. Business Minded (fed up)
    July 12, 2015

    Hello, the lack of you quantifying the word Dominicans with the terminology: some, generalized your qualification and potentially justified attempt at repudiating the unacceptably literal conduct – as demonstrated by JJ both on DNO and in his book – is not acceptable to those of us who are humble, but can demonstrate our skills when the appropriate opportunity becomes necessary. What you may have missed is the negative attacks and responses that were associated with JJ\’s piece by many Dominicans, which kind of makes this response unnecessary.
    But for you to write such a phrase like: \”Dominicans have a false sense of invincibility, arrogance, false bravado, and an inferiority complex: we all think we are Masas\” about your own people seemingly to exempt yourself: Inferiority complex, wow! Oh by the way Mr. Thomas – with the psychological and pee ourselves foolishness you wrote- you should have popped Masas in a word processor.

  17. %
    July 12, 2015

    This piece of garbage is bringing down/degrading the high standard that DNO has maintained over the years!

    • Titiwi
      July 13, 2015

      It is not DNO that wrote this piece and I applaud them for giving room to all, madmen included, provided they stay within the remits of civility and the law, particularly that of slander. We do not always have to agree with other people’s views and that is a good thing too. Variety is the spice of life.

  18. Business Minded (fed up)
    July 12, 2015

    If I correctly reasoned what you were attempting to communicate, to avoid all these fingers pointing back at you, since JJ apparently made the same mistakes. Your defined bullets (2) Adult Maturity*: We never grow up to become adults. (3) The Nurturing Parents: to become whatever they want to be, because of the freedom to think and act with proper guidance. Man all your bullets seems to contradict each other. When Nissan came out with the Infinity, in their commercial, they showed leaves flying or a waterfall, to demonstrate its power. But Toyota showed the Lexus with people in it. The Infinity a much better car, in my opinion, never sold as well as Lexus. In other words, say what you wanted to say, and not cleverly and surreptitiously inculcating plausible deniability in what you have written. What did you do in contrast to JJ, as usual in our culture, politics on the other side. So tell me, what did you really say any way?

  19. sailsbury farmer
    July 12, 2015

    We as Black people must stop presenting Psychology in its present forms that’s not intelligence . We must Re- examining Psychology in an African form. That’s why in all the British Colonies we are stuck with knowing only Shakespear and cannot feed ourselves. The University of the Westindes did not teach us how to build a bridge. All they teach us is the Law and how to fight hate and burn down our places.

  20. sailsbury farmer
    July 12, 2015

    We are now here debating about who is smarter in writing about Psychology. The method of Dream interpretation. Dreams is a fulfilment of a wish. Every body is quoting from the slave masters books, can any one of us build a car. What happened in Sailsbury was a Riot.

  21. CYRIL Volney
    July 12, 2015

    Indeed food for thought! As one who refused to be ensnared by “generational baggage”, and who nurtured his children to think for themselves (successfully), I appreciate your commentary. I also ” received a flogging/beating/whipping close to near death” as a child on many occasions. As the eldest, no doubt it kept my younger siblings “in line”. That behavior has been set aside!

    My only comment to you, Mr Thomas, is that there is more than one UWP constituency in DA.

  22. William Harper
    July 12, 2015

    I failed to see the relevance in your article. I began to read with keen interest for a succinct rebuttal, however in my view it appeared to be a failed attempt at self-aggrandizement on your part.

    I became bored and lost interest by the 3rd paragraph, to the extent that I attempted to dissect your article, not necessarily on the substance, and so I decided to count the words. Your article has 1147 words, and only 204 of words dealt directly with the Salisbury protest and the UN protest; the remaining 943 words attempted to communicate to the audience how verse you may be in psychological principles/theories.

    I am particularly fascinated where you noted J.J. Josephs’ “writing is that of a beginner; someone taking Core Language Arts 101 in pursuit of an Associate degree – the first phase”. Maybe you can enlighten as to why your 1st paragraph of 104 words did nothing to support your rebuttal, but insult Dominicans resort to a personal attack/character assassination of J.J…

  23. Skereet
    July 12, 2015

    This is what happens when you give a monkey a pen and access to radio program on Kairi. The only thing monkey good at is joining wood and monkey fail now monkey trying to join words. What a cLamity

  24. John Paul
    July 12, 2015

    Nice try ,good effort but like You said we are expert at denegrading others and You have demonstrated it with what appears to be a Political BIAS
    If You were prevented from going to Your job ,Your source of income ,your livelihood what would You do as the best course of action ?
    Let us Use Salisbury as the example what would You have advised them to do besides demonstrating while the UN was in session?
    You refer to the other Citizens who were prevented from moving freely along the Edward Oliver Leblanc Highway .I take it You were not one of them but seem to object to it yet the Salisbury people have been suffering from that condition for several years now and they are demonstrating their frustration
    The solution is for Pee M Skeritt to simply fix their road and stop the politiking.

  25. Tjebe fort
    July 12, 2015

    Pathetic brother Elijah! You are no better than the person you are trying to make look small.. Best you had stayed quiet.

  26. Dangleben
    July 12, 2015

    This is GARBAGE – you want to come on here and try and continue to fool the people with your eloquence? You are part of the machinery that is destroying the country . You are the vulture eating out of the carcass as it sits decaying. Take your long winding words and place it in your dark heart as you look at poverty and unemployment rise in Dominica , as healthcare no longer exist . If you think what is going on in the country is for the betterment of mankind then you are a fool and your words drop in the bin where it belongs – GARBAGE

    • %
      July 12, 2015

      You have said it even better than me!

  27. Caretaker
    July 12, 2015

    You read an article that cause you to smile. OH what a smile can do. you respond with abuse, threats and intimidations,

  28. Blogg
    July 12, 2015

    You have actually said nothing in response to Jj. You seem he’ll bent on suppressing the people of Salisbury.

  29. Kord Kapi
    July 11, 2015

    Ok, this is your rebuttal, but what is/are your point(s) again? I just didnt get your rebuttal… was so jumbled in a web of confusing statements and psychological malapropism. Please, rewrite!

  30. mickael
    July 11, 2015

    i started reading but could not go futher after first example about buttom being a erogenous body zone and slaps on that part would cause sexual problems . you need to be a little more modest in your affirmations, because i bet lots of people reading you have had their but wipped and have a fairly happy sexual life. further more, that’s a very reductive aspect of the functions of the buttom; for example would that mean that since the buttom is also the place where defecation happens, one would have problems to shit if they were spanked on their but? i did not continu reading because if you start of with that probably the reste is at the same level

  31. Hartley my brother
    July 11, 2015

    There’s a hole in your pockect, dear Henry, dear Henry. You can fool some of the people sometimes but you can’t fool all the people all the times.

  32. Jonathan st jean
    July 11, 2015

    You want to impress that you have crammed some psychology knowledge,good for you,but how dare you judge Dominicans of all stripes based on the writig of one person.This logic does not hold up.You also criticize Mr Joseph’s writing ability,but you live a lot to be desired with this article.Good for you that you know some psychology but there is a disconnect with the reality of the people is Salisbury not being able to feed themselves,because they can’t access their productive resource,and your book knowledge.

  33. citizen kane
    July 11, 2015

    Lol. :mrgreen:

  34. Oh Yes
    July 11, 2015

    Your use of psychology is counter-productive since you have helped the cause. Use your “writing”to enhance reason and promote education. Resist from attacking J.J.J. or the citizens who have a right to live.

  35. Cyrique
    July 11, 2015

    How can you make such an arrogant & general statement about us like this? :- “Dominicans have a false sense of invincibility, arrogance, false bravado, and an inferiority complex: we all think we are Masas. I say this because of a recent article I read”. No educated person make such generalised comments like this because of an article they read. I did not bother to read this article because I got the hump after reading the first few lines. This certainly does not refer to us !!!! I’m Dominican & very proud!!!

  36. Diva Dee
    July 11, 2015

    It’s a good thing this person used a fake name because it would be totally embarrassing to put a name to this embarrassing piece of dunce cat writing. “False Bravado”.

  37. Anonymous
    July 11, 2015

    You should be careful what you accuse people of. Your essay does not meet the English 101 standard that I am familiar with. Your essay is loaded with ambiguity and can be considered a draft at best. This is not meant to be a criticism of you. It is merely meant to point out that you also need some improvement in your writing skills.

    I agree with you that JJ’s writing is weak, but mainly that he is not sufficiently familiar with the subject matter. He has a tendency to use expressions that, while suitable in his adopted homeland, amount to cliché in the Dominica context. The result is a tendency to be irrelevant in his conclusions. I am not sure that either of you is in a position to be so critical of each other.

  38. Gobbledygook
    July 11, 2015

    Professor Stanley Unwin (1911 – 2002) was a British comedian who developed a form of presentation that became known as “gobbledygook”. In essence, the listener was drawn in with a straight forward opening sentence, but by the second sentence his audience had lost the plot.

    This commentary would have given Professor Unwin a ready-made script!

  39. Educated Too
    July 11, 2015

    Go ahead pappyshow many of us are educated but learn to give information in a different way. Your way of doing so is a turnoff.

    July 11, 2015

    Food for thought. Hope % and Francisco read and digest this article to help them a bit because they are so embedded in this generational baggage.

    • %
      July 12, 2015

      @FAST N IDIOT. I did read the cesspool of garbage, and I recommended to SOLID WASTE CORPORATION,please do not have this dangerously toxic material dumped in the landfill.International permission should be sought for it to be incinerated, and the ash thrown in waters seldomly navigated by mankind.

  41. real possie
    July 11, 2015

    Am not going to sit here and do like these other people who tells Jeffers how good his ranting are, which I know to be more crap than any thing else. I find your blog to be lacking, I expected you to point out where in most part where Jeffers go wrong, like,
    . Stating that he give the people in the diaspora credit for forming the protest at the UN when he knows it was started in his house.
    . The so called peaceful protest was a violent riot.
    . Asking Jeffers, if in the state of NY where he lives could he go out side his house and block his street?
    . If he Jeffers claim the PM is corrupt, why not ask him to bring the evidence to the courts and the same UN.
    Its like you started writing and your mom spit on the ground so you ended rather quickly, guess that childhood memory came back and you just ran, LOLOLOL. This is not how you come at people Bro. I must add though Jeffers does have the old wicked attributes.

    • %
      July 12, 2015

      @real possie,,,,,,,the word is not Am, but I am or I’m.

  42. Doubting Thomas
    July 11, 2015

    More embarrassing than Tony , Krazy T and ambassador A

  43. Doubting Thomas
    July 11, 2015

    As alaborite that is extremely embarrassing.

  44. BEB b
    July 11, 2015

    I was happy seeing ur article but reading through it and even to the end, I’m not seeing where u were in agreement in disagreement to Mr. J J Joseph’s article, I’m not seeing anything linking the two
    I’m in agreement with u when u said that the protesters went to protest on a Saturday in front of the UN Building when they knew in fact that the building would be empty. I think that if they wanted their concerns to be recognized , they would go and demonstrate on a normal working day The tourists who were visiting the site would not be able to assist them in their struggle.

  45. Gabby
    July 11, 2015

    1) ‘Demonic behaviour?’ Really? Care to provide some scientific evidence for that claim?

    2) The ‘bottom’ is not an erogenous zone, if you were aware of your science; it is rather that stimulation within the anal cavity can be erogenous due to the prostate in males, while there is no such specific zone in females, though different individual anatomy in women can lead to such stimulation being pleasurable. Your statement was highly imprecise and it is absurd to link beating children’s behinds to sexual pleasure, unless you are talking about masochism, which is a separate psychological state that is not due to ‘erogenous’ zones.

    3) Is attacking a writer as a ‘beginnger’–an ad hominem based on writing style, not substance of writing or claims–really helpful to your case?

    4) What makes you think the protest was not visible because the U. N. ‘was not in session?’ What makes you think future protests are not in order? Protest itself matters. This argument you made lacks…

  46. Lang Mama
    July 11, 2015

    Weh papa bondiuer zor ous la DNO tapais sa la sa. DNO is either you want to embarrass yourself or deliberatelpy embarrassing Elijah Thomas whoever he is.
    Elijah Skerrit supposey have a degree in English and I sure hope he did not proif read this article cause I heard the queen of England fall down fallfwet when she read ” psychology Strategies”.
    “I wi try to encourage the readers to understand my response/ reasoning in response to Mr J.J Joseph’s” -Oh lard oyyy. English gone mad
    ELIJAH simeon Albert oyyy leave English alone and go back and join wood.
    DNO this is Rticle of the year

  47. Marguerite
    July 11, 2015

    Okay so I am finished reading. I must say it is a very good, analytical article. It provides a lot of food for thought. Lets us hope that the masses (that need to), read, analyze and get the message. The actual message of the article, not the hateful one sided one.

  48. Dominican
    July 11, 2015

    Somebody practicing on doing school homework on DNO. Its all good :mrgreen:

  49. Marguerite
    July 11, 2015

    ” It is up to us to break that cycle by treating/teaching/raising our kids differently than how we were raised”.

    Yes! I like that analogy. Note, I did not go any further as yet in my reading but just in case I do not like the rest of the dialogue, I want to commend you on this. If 50% of our parents now, take this one statement into consideration we would go a long way. This is very abusive; and clearly this cycle must be broken. We cannot continue to uphold this physical and mental abuse approach in raising our children.

    Now I am heading back to continue reading.

  50. %
    July 11, 2015

    Well sir your response is empty, hollow, unintelligible and off target. In fact when I compare the two articles you would rank like an elementary school second Grader and JJ Joseph a brilliant university student.If you like psychology,go find a job where you can utilize it best.Apply to Skerrit for a job to counsel Skerrit himself. Your response is so vacuous and lopsided towards this evil and wicked regime,that you deliberately refused to state that the Salisbury people have been heavily dependent on farming, and for 15years,the ruling regime has been on a wicked mission to yank it away from them. Your professor would be seriously impeached and warned if he GAVE YOU an E grade for this piece of nonsense,GARBAGE QUITE FRANKLY!

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