On hearing Dominica’s PM Skerrit and The Ambassador of The Russian Federation To Dominica

Steinberg Henry
Steinberg Henry

(I’ve longed for the announcement touching ‘activation’ of diplomatic relations between Commonwealth of Dominica and Russia. Diplomatic relations were established between the two since 1996 by way of the United Workers Party government. Part of the longing is probably rooted in the 2014 chapter written into “Calypso Drift,” with its uncanny appeal to uncover a flora and fauna symbiosis between Russia and the Nature Isle despite distance. I even had the audacity to call Russia Creole! As Dominica’s 2016 Independence celebrations drew near, the Creole Prime Minister of that 289.5 sq mile island-state, would be welcoming Russia. Russia, at 6.602 million square miles,  is the largest country in the world. Russia “covers 9 time zones, all climate zones except tropical, with land that stretches almost halfway around the planet and a population of 138,082,178” http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/asia/ru.htm. The second reason why I longed for these two special countries to officially be friends is active fire in my memory. While a student at University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada I was appointed to head a Residence at Canterbury College. At the end of my stint I was asked to choose a gift-item at the university’s bookstore and I selected “Land Of The Firebird: The Beauty of Old Russia” by Suzanne Massie. Its communism did not attract me. Its awesome mythology did. What follows was my drift – my sounding – on Russia and its possible influences, as it ran through my consciousness just under three years ago. Its small and precious, light and heavy!).

  • When Reagan and Gorbachev met, like when Pope John Paul and Haiti’s Jean-Claude Duvalier exchanged handshakes in March 1983, evil and good empires would never be the same again. Time for accountability had come upon all nations.

A revolutionary seed began its blossom in tandem with an audacious free-market economy. The two affected even my island state’s Dominica Freedom Party!

By the time Boris Yeltsin became president of the Russian Federation in July 1991, by the time he structured an oligarchy to win a 1996 election in the name of democracy, Dominica’s Creole Day was on fire like a fire bird, a humming bird, a foufou, a zoom-zoom in living color, instinctively gathering its nectary food from a myriad of fruit with speed intractable, speed like the foufou passing by so swiftly you’d think it had a mission. You’d think it had a mission over distance to cohere fragmenting nests, soviets, communities once held together by a politically unsticky substance, a gellylike gelatin losing its mutation DNA and needing another red or black hole copy network, another cosmic alignment blast, another habitat, yes, another eco. Read on. Those scattered soviets needed another safe passage to cultured spaces in bravery, new psychic heights, phenomenal historic traces, ideas to guide their flight into uncertainty, soaring, knowing their individual, natural resources, stamina, value in staying courses over and above formless representation in and off their painful silences. Let’s inscribe Dominica into this fragmented fauna body of those soviets into zones of harmony and concord.

Unlike Venezuela and Cuba, we in the larger Caribbean still do not grasp present-day Russia. Save maybe for those professors at University of the West Indies who work in collaboration with their colleagues at University of Wales at Swansea and Moscow State University, measuring the brain’s magnetic field, we still do not know how to love Russia in the Caribbean. Ha-ha.

It is a magnificent, mystical, naturally amazing country over and above propagated images in western television and film. There, people hurt too, like widows of Georgia and mothers of Beslan. This is a Creole cry entering by way of Russia a Creole land my country people were told the world of evils about.

Twelve countries border Russia. They are: Norway, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, and North Korea. Creole interconnectivities.

Almost similarly, Africa’s Democratic Republic of the Congo, once Zaire, borders with nine countries. So much for Dominica’s range of choices for its beloved World Creole Music Festival and its peoples love for Soukous, also known as Congo, Lingala, and African Rumba!

If in conceptualizing Creole we grant the border countries hypothesis, in the case of Democratic Republic of the Congo, they are Zambia, Central African Republic, Angola, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, and Republic of the Congo. Democratic Republic of the Congo is separated from Tanzania by the Tanganyika River. Creole borders.

Those Congolese, like one-time soviets– not forgetting peoples dwelling along awesome peak lines between Pakistan and China– have always known pleasures in cross-border movements and sharing of cultures. Now that soviets no longer visibly exist, movement of Jah people has intensified in light of sizzling corps of knowledge regarding freedom and the human condition anywhere in this multiverse!

India as neighbor has known this long, just as Moroccans, Algerians, Mauritanians, and Spaniards, who have dished out common tastes and reconciled enduring bloodlines. The same can be said of the people of North Korea and China, Argentina and Chile, Guatemala and Mexico, Louisiana and Mississippi, Haiti and Dominican Republic.

When the 1990s glimmered, those soviets could not resist Walter Rodney’s move factor. Ha-ha. They were quitting, seeking to purchase new Wobs, new cuts, shades in batik from their borderlines, border countries, and Dominica. Dominica had discovered in this political and ideological era a geologic, a Creole identity clause. Drifting.

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    June 5, 2017

    :?: All that writing like bla-bla without presenting or saying nothing!!! This man never seems to coment,open his mouth and show concerns to the detriment this island rock called Dominica is faced with under rogues posing as government !!! Sometimes I wonder if these black supposed to be intellectual educated men care about their homeland because all is well with them wherever they are :?: Is he trying to promote Putin’s Russia while living in a free western democracy :?: Anyway, the rogue prime mistake is trying to attach himself to Putin and Russia at the wrong time in history, the people of Russia are fed up with Putin and ready to remove him while he tries to impose himself!!! Be careful those who opposes the prime mistake, Putin knows how to eradicate his opponent, this is probably one of the reasons for the prime mistake traveling to Russia for some lessons, apart from the sale of you know…. :?:

  2. Joshua for P M #2
    June 5, 2017

    We all have our own opinion, but clearly skerro knows very well that he cannot remain in power much longer and is making plans to secure himself when that day comes, we know his plans for the leadership of the labour party when he decides to move on to the top post, but he too knows that this aint gonna be for too long,if it goes according to plan; so he is now working on plan “B” at what cost and at whose expense he cares not, the only thing he cares for is what he came to do, now that it is done, the next move is to plan the escape route. will he succeed or will he be caught to answer for alledge crimes committed.

  3. Stupesnstupes
    September 19, 2016

    All this while he seatsaid happily in the land of free home of brave…..these people. Care to move then?

  4. charles
    September 19, 2016

    sparts swimming with sharks that what come to my mind

  5. Arte El Labore
    September 19, 2016

    Henry, Dominica is in a much better state today than any other times we have had many men with no visions running this small country and they all fail Uwp under Edison James was a nightmare this man is my relative with very poor quality and no vision for putting a block head trouble maker as leader of the Workers party what a commess……

  6. September 19, 2016

    People let’s not get the author word twisted, let us embrace education for what it is…knowledge is power. when someone takes the time to educate us, we need to take the time to comprehend before we make baseless comments….and for those who think they know and really knows not, despite all the tension between America and Russia, they too have diplomatic relationship, simply meaning , although you are my enemy there are common grounds that we can work towards for the betterment of mankind. too often we allow partisan politics to prevent us from making progress. hats off to you MR Henry, the knowledge you try to impact is most appreciated.

    • Aye
      September 19, 2016

      Rusev not from Russia Na? :roll:

  7. curiorcity
    September 19, 2016

    Welcome to our shores kremlin! You build us factories and we give you food

  8. September 19, 2016

    All that was written to say what? I’m lost :-D

  9. viewsexpressed
    September 19, 2016

    Steinberg forgot to mention Crimea, the neighbour country Putin forced, almost at gunpoint a referendum. Since the fall of the mighty Soviet Union Russia (Putin) has been seeking to place itself as a reputable and prominent force in the world, albeit its region.
    I believe there that there is a place for Russia but to harass and threaten Ukraine, an old member forcefully brought into the USSR, is a big mistake and will continue to see as a world bully. We can and have tolerated USA, we just do not want that style of international power taking from Russia. Go gentle and take a leaf from Germany, they are no bully to any country, let alone their neighbours. Hitler has long gone.
    Putin needs to chill out. Leaders almost forget that one day their exit will come. Citizens have patience.

    • Smutt
      September 19, 2016

      “We can and have tolerated USA, we just do not want that style of international power taking from Russia. ” :mrgreen: Who/What is the “we”? your views? In that case everything is fine. 8)

    • Nous toutes sont comess/mascarades
      September 20, 2016

      The last part /sentence Leaders almost forget that one day their exit will come. Citizens have patience.
      Tell that to our boys in power moreso the real P.M no the shallow dippled son of the former dimpled P.M who the current thinks the plot of land called Da was willed to him lol!
      all fail Uwp under Edison James was a nightmare this man is my relative with very poor quality and no vision for putting a block head trouble maker as leader of the Workers party what a commess……
      I rest my case.

  10. Da
    September 19, 2016

    Very informative .

  11. Mr. Care
    September 19, 2016

    Relations with Russia began with Prime Minister Eugenia Charles. Let’s remember the case of her selling 300 passports to the Russian mob .

    • Shockingly Mr. Henry made the claim that the UWP was first to deal with Russia. Even if that is the case, something is wrong, because Eugenia Charles was not a friend of Russia, it was because of Eugenia fear of Russia which caused the war in Grenada. That took place why communism was taking hold of many small nations even Grenada.

      That is another chapter in our nations history, no time to elaborate! All I know not now or even then there should be any relationship with Russia.

    • NUWP
      September 20, 2016

      I know DEPLOMATIC RELATIONSHIP “COMMUNIST COUNTY RUSSIA” under the biggest cr tic of communist (UWP AND EDISON JAMES). Just as Cuba. Mono had wat u call a (relationship with its them one of he op n one eye close. Cus we kno the closeness of she and Raygan at the time. So no is disputing dat. But Diplomatic relationship start d with EDISON CHENFIELD JAMES the biggest critics of communism from 1988-1995 wen they won their first and last election. How convinent it was yea for them. Saying one thing today and another tomorrow on the same idiology.

      • A mascarade with a split mask would know
        September 20, 2016

        We would more than enjoy and to be entertained by the lawyer representing Russian interests on island. A former Rosie,Pierro supporter the one who did the frog leap to the UWP prior to 1995-who was asked about( post their one and only victory as the next one is in their dreams and their dreams will never come true as my buddy use to say back in our school days) what if eddo offered him the AG position. We all recalled his response & consequently his calling Eddo dictator lol. The old adage states if you live long enough we have the opportunity to see impossible things become possible. Like swing back from Socialism to advance Feudalism to post Soviet fall to be legal advisor in DA for Capitalists Russians.
        Do I need to add more?

  12. Steinberg; you seem to have a talent for writing; many of us do, nevertheless, this is the second piece I read that you wrote which I must tell you it is very difficult to make sense out of what you conveyed. You presented an abstract ……………..that is nothing new to many of us. We know Russia extend from Europe to God knows where, finding its way to boarder Alaska which is United States territory; Alaska, formally belong to Russia!

    I can tell you that’s not news, since some of us even from Wesley have family from Marigot living in Russia; yours truly have a daughter who is married to a Russian. When people write long episodes if what is in the contents are not understandable, maybe it is not worth the authors time to write it. The thing that rang a bell to me is where I read something which seem to imply Global economy. If I may ask; what does maintaining Diplomatic relationship with Russia have to do with the global economy; and Dominica’s…

    • Continue:

      If I may ask; what does maintaining Diplomatic relationship with Russia have to do with the global economy; and Dominica’s economy, what are we trading with Russia?

      Trading material goods, “different products manufactured in Dominica” exported to Russia should result this diplomatic relationship.

      Such are the benefits when nations establish relationships. I could care less if it is the UWP or any other government who established such relationship with Russia, they may have made a mistake; I do not believe there are many nations in the world, and in the Western Hemisphere, for that matter besides Cuba, and Nicaragua, having any form of Diplomatic Relationship with Russia. At one time some African nations toyed with the idea by having communists contacts with Russia, all of that perished when the Russians invited some Africans to study in Russia only to find that they were isolated, and discriminated against by Russians. You perhaps do not know that This very…

      • Mr. Whoever you are, what the nonsense you wrote regarding Russia is a member of the United Nations Security Council, smaller nations than Russia are in the United Nations Security Council, so what, Russia does not have any power there that the rest of the world do not have; tell me when last Russia refused to sign a UN Resolution which prevent it from going through, (passing).

        If Russia has so much power the rest of the G 8 refused have Putin attended their meeting, though Russia is a member of the G 8 guy shut your mouth okay, because you are just blowing fart!

        Let me tell you I am not as dumb as you all the nonsense you following have nothing to do with the ramblings of Henry, or my opinions. Don’t want to be like me and because you can’t you have the need to find a fault. If you have something important to contribute do so but do not attack me because I have as much in my head which I can use to make you look worst than a fool!

      • Gary
        September 21, 2016

        Why do you keep your self in perpetual ignorance with your beliefs.

      • just saying
        June 6, 2017

        you must be living in a dark holle underground with no communication with the rest of the world to write such nonsense Francisco. Why you so fool-fool & exposiing you foolery to de world?

    • Continue:

      If I may ask; what does maintaining Diplomatic relationship with Russia have to do with the global economy; and Dominica’s economy, what are we trading with Russia?

      Trading material goods, “different products manufactured in Dominica” exported to Russia should result this diplomatic relationship.

      Such are the benefits when nations establish relationships. I could care less if it is the UWP or any other government who established such relationship with Russia, they may have made a mistake; I do not believe there are many nations in the world, and in the Western Hemisphere, for that matter besides Cuba, and Nicaragua, having any form of Diplomatic Relationship with Russia. At one time some African nations toyed with the idea by having communists contacts with Russia, all of that perished when the Russians invited some Africans to study in Russia only to find that they were isolated, and discriminated against by Russians. You perhaps do not know that This…

      • Yung Musician
        September 19, 2016

        Why do you always rush to post comments without proper research? As the world’s largest country, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, regional power in Europe and Asia and the principal successor state to the Soviet Union, The Russian Federation has one of the largest networks of embassies and consulates of any country. (Diplomatic Relations)!
        Africa= 40 countries
        Americas= 20 countries
        Asia= 47
        Europe= 41
        Oceania= 2

      • Yung Musician
        September 19, 2016

        FEDT, you like to play genius but I have a feeling you are going senile.. :) :) :) You claimed that Russia don’t have diplomatic relations with many countries in the world, I simply corrected you. Russia have full diplomatic relations with about a 150 nations. You can’t stand being corrected, too much pride. Talking about using your knowledge to embarrass me. Take you high blood meds my brother and free up your head.

      • Yung Musician
        September 19, 2016

        FEDT, you like to play genius but I have a feeling you are going senile. Hahaha. You claimed that Russia don’t have diplomatic relations with many countries in the world, I simply corrected you. Russia have full diplomatic relations with about a 150 nations. You can’t stand being corrected, too much pride. Take you high blood meds my brother and free up your head.

      • I’ve never pretended to be a genus of any kind, then again maybe I am, and do not know it; what I do know is I am very smart, in addition to using commonsense. Some people called what is written in that piece good information, one man wrote about education; yes, Henry is educated, just like his father before him; I think his mother surname was Charles, I believe died a little over three years ago.

        His late father Fred Henry, his father was a relative of mine, and my mentor when I was a kid. Nevertheless, I found nothing educational in what he stated. As far as the contents are concern that was probably designed to keep the mind occupied, and the brain oscillating.

        I do not see anything educational in his thesis! Now the majority who are dunce, and have no understand of what he wrote; just to me in things and to make themselves appear smart, will indeed commend him, but to me there is nothing educational written in that! I however will credit him with some great writing…

      • The oldest musician
        September 20, 2016

        Take you high blood meds my brother and free up your head.
        FET tell him he has to wait for carnival and Tax season to he knows what.So let him fool self.

    • Titiwi
      September 19, 2016

      Mr. Etienne-Dods Telemaque, I do not know about others but I get the impression that often you shoot off the hip without checking your facts. Russia has diplomatic relationships with most countries in the world, if not all. It has maintained relationships with the U.S.A. for at least 200 years (according to the U.S. State Dept.) and even has full diplomatic ties with the Vatican.

    • This is supposed to be the final paragraph : did not intend to duplicate, any part of my comments.

      You perhaps do not know that This very Putin was the one who said there should be no Black people reading and anchoring Television news in America.

      He may contend you should not write a column on DNO!

      I will conclude, I do not see any benefits to Dominica establishing diplomatic relationship with Russia, and if you claim that UWP established diplomatic relations with Russia in the 1900’s how come we are reading Skerrit has now Established Relationship with Russia, and in the process commending Russia for initiating a cease fire in Syria with the United States? Where lies the truth? Where is the Stein; where lies the truth?

      • forreal
        September 19, 2016

        hmmmm very interesting….I wonder what’s lennox linton and the present day UWP thinks about that…should day call out skerrit…and say… look this what we have done…what have you done????? hahahha

  13. henry
    September 18, 2016

    sometimes too much education isn’t meant for some folks, they get so twisted with their writing is basically goes no where…….

    Dominica is at it’s worst state every in it’s history, nothing exporting to earn foreign exchange to get the economy rolling..after 16 years the old thing the labour party can boast off is creating more folks on a welfare platter…what a joke..

    resorting to the sale of dominica’s passport like hot bread on the world market should be of concern to all, especially those so call folks that speak about black power and being conscious to your roots etc…they’re just a big sellout in my views…it doesn’t surprise me as Bob Marley said if he was educated he would be a dam FOOL!!

    • You are the only one who have the guts to recognize there is nothing to what he conveyed!

      All those other people you read talking about education, and good information, are only pretending they know, I sure maybe Stain himself is confused in the shuffle!

      • Steinberg Henry
        June 3, 2017

        I am surely not confused, neither is my father. I sure you are not. Blesss you!

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