Passport selling akin to human trafficking

I find myself unable to fully digest the news of the past couple of weeks, especially revelations that the government of Dominica has allowed what was a well intentioned economic citizenship program to devolve into a naked and unvarnished huckstering of an important piece of our national identity: Passports of the Commonwealth Of Dominica.

The news is disturbing on many levels. It opens an additional window into the moral character of the Skerrit regime. We have known for some time that the regime is incapable of showing any regard to proper ethical and accountability standards when spending the treasury’s resources, as has been documented in the various reported scandals involving garbage bins, and fertilizer, not to mention the prime minister’s own personal behavior with respect to ownership of property relative to his visible income.

It appears that this crisis of moral leadership has entered a new and potentially more dangerous realm.

Dominica may now be ground zero in the battle against “sin activities”. I define sin activities as any human endeavor that commercializes and creates a market for the baser instincts of humankind.The category includes many of the activities which are condemned internationally: human trafficking, child molestation, prostitution, drug trafficking etc. To this list of sleazy activities can be added: the selling of passports. Indeed, the wanton and indiscriminate selling of passports can, and in most instances, are intended to facilitate criminal activities and criminal behavior. Is this where we wish to be heading as a   country?

The revelation of the massive passport scheme of the Skerrit regime should give pause to genuine patriots who are rightly concerned about the image of their country especially in an era where public relations and brand identity are prime determinants of perceptions in the marketplace. To be sure, we are what we are perceived to be. If we go down the low road of navigating the fetid waters of sin activities, in our case, the shameful peddling of passports, we will forever carry the baggage associated with those who participate in the murky underworld of international pariahs. We can do better as a people if we are committed to the notion of contributing to the global economy with the competitive advantages of which we are endowed by nature and history.

Apologists for the passports debacle are quick to advance the argument that the US and Canada also have their passports program. This is a fake argument. Both countries’ passport programmes have the clear intent of job creation in their countries and have certain residency requirements to ensure recipients and holders of their passports deliver something of economic value in exchange for the privilege of holding their passports. Contrast this to the situation we find ourselves in: WE are shamelessly peddling our passports, an important icon of our national identity and national sovereignty as if we were peddling bananas or the hapless victims of human trafficking in the commercial marketplace. We can do better as a people.

It’s easy to understand why the prime minister may want to jettison any semblance of morality as he seeks ways to bring in revenue into the nation’s coffers. The wanton sale of passports seems an easy and effortless way to attract money. But life’s lessons teach us that that the easy path to riches can be extremely pricey in terms of collateral costs and damages to society. The true costs of the passport selling programme in terms of the country’s international image will far outweigh the nominal benefits in the long run. It  is just a matter of time before the UK and other jurisdictions, as has been reported by others, adopt a more hawkish attitude towards our nationals who seek to enter their countries visa free. But more importantly, the focus on selling passports makes us all bedfellows of those who seek to operate on the fringes and the underbelly of the global economy. We are serving notice that we have embraced the morally dubious argument that the end, or the objective of raking in money, is justified by the adoption of sleazy means even if that implies taking hugely costly risks to our international reputation, not to mention legal implications should international courts hold the country liable in the facilitation of crimes.

So the country is definitely at the crossroads. Should it continue to defy common sense and informed advice by continuing along a path that is rooted in folly and a callous disregard for the norms of international behavior, or should it suspend the passport selling programme and conduct a serious analysis and review? I believe we should do the latter. The risks facing the country if we do otherwise are far too severe to even contemplate. Indeed, in a world moving at warp speed aided by technology and globalization, we could easily find ourselves stigmatized as nation of outlaws who facilitate the sin activities of those who operate in the shadows, those who seek cover from countries such as ours who are all too willing to trade their national sovereignty in exchange for a few pieces of silver. The prime minister, in his sober and reflective moments, needs to do some serious soul searching, for this is not  simply a matter that affects his political standing but carries implications for the general population and the reputation of every citizen of the land.

When a newspaper as distant as Bangladesh, The Weekly Blitz, but as near to us as a few strokes on a computer keyboard, makes us the focus of its attention with a series of articles all pointing to a culture of sleaze that has engulfed our body politic, it is time to take note and to pay attention. The country does not exist in isolation but is part of a global ecosystem and we would be foolish to ignore the reputation we are gradually accumulating even if the political leadership is asleep or would prefer to ignore the collateral costs that it is imposing on the population at large.

So Mr. Skerrit, there is time to change course. It may not be easy for you to evaluate the danger inherent in your rather loose ethical standards as it relates to your passport selling industry, but you need to know that there are some Dominican patriots who take their citizenship seriously and are alarmed at the prospect of diluting or polluting the image of those of us who are legitimate holders of our national passports, those who acquired them through the right of birth.
History will not be kind to those who commercialize and trivialize our national identity and sovereignty in pursuit of personal riches.

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  1. Truth Seeker
    December 30, 2011

    Using the WeeklyBlitz as a source of information is a big mistake. The publisher has been exposed as an international criminal with ties to terrorists. See this article He does nothing except for his own financial gain and why he has taken an interest in this country, so far from his own, should be explored for his own malfeasance. I’m not saying the allegations against Skerrit are true or false – that is a separate matter. But you won’t find the truth from Shoaib Choudhury.

  2. Country
    December 2, 2011

    Well thank God just when you think Dominica is going to Hell in a hand basket, look someone with a very good point. Thank you for publishing it. U.S.A. and Canada do not charge much money when you go to get a passport. But don’t think for a second that they are easy to come by. You must pass tests and a whole bunch of hoops to jump through. My parents both came to America from another country he got a passport she did not. She was only allowed to live in the States with a border crossing card. All the more reason Americans are very proud. If Dominican passports are for sale they are at risk of being viewed by developed countries as bogus.

  3. ?
    December 1, 2011

    the most disturbing thing is that all those sale of passports incuding diplomatic ones is that there sales are not reflected in the budget…. where are all these monies including the monthly royalties of 25000 u.s dollars from that mafia

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2011

      One must launder dirty money honey. :-| :-|

  4. ....................
    December 1, 2011

    What a brilliant article.Wow!

    • forreal
      December 1, 2011

      brilliant article my foot,this person called an elected government a regime,the labour party did not attain power via a revolution,they were elected,this person has to chose his or her words carefully,he or her is misleading in their ignorance,regimes are in iran and such places,where people don’t have rights to speak or write freely,are you not writing freely.

      • December 2, 2011

        Forreal, I really do not want to get into this because of the politics involved, nonetheless, your definition of the term “regime” seems to be warped, in any event; I thought I would provide you with an abundance of what could be used to define term regime:

        Note, ” regime:”

        Regime can be defined as a regular pattern of occurrence or action,( as of seasonal rainfall), or the characteristic behavior or orderly procedure of a natural phenomenon or process: such as mode of rule or management.

        I think you will be interested in this one: ” a form of government” socialist or any other government in power!

        For your information this crap that you talk about Iran, makes no sense whatsoever, since their is government in Iran, as well as in Dominica, though the system of both government,governing are somewhat different.

        I see why just about all of you use fictitious names to write, because of the garbage you write, if the locals really knew who you were, perhaps you would not be able to walk the streets, because you would be laughed at like toys!

        The author is correct, and you are wrong, leave the politics out, and accept the author wording is appropriate

        I doh can understand English good eh, I doh no linguistics eh, but check de definitions I give you an see if dem meke sens oui!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Blue Blood
        December 2, 2011

        When an elected government conducts itself in a dishonorable fashion and opens a country to ridicule and shame, it is no longer a government deserving of respect but has become a mere regime.
        In a democracy governments must behave responsibly and in keeping with the values and traditions of the people they represent and when the behavior and policies of the elected government violates those values the government becomes illegitimate and not representative of the people but a mere regime.
        Selling passports violates the people’s sense of social and economic righteousness. A government that does this deserves to be labelled a regime.

      • forreal
        December 2, 2011

        @francisco,i do not know were you find your definition of the word regime,but i will have to humble myself and enlighten you on this subject,1-a system of rule or government,[a democratic regime]2-a particular administration or government,under what category does the present leadership of dominica fall under,and by the way thanks for the choice words,you seem to be a very bitter individual,based on your reaction to certain comments people made concerning telemaque in in the st vincent drug incident,there is a saying that says,when you hate people,chances are,the people you hate might not even know it,so you are hurting your own self,and there are some who could not even careless how you feel.

  5. pablo
    December 1, 2011

    ….Very interesting article. To be issueing passport in that way is equivalent to selling Dominica cheap because those it appeals to Mafia bosses an their type. Forget about the Pride, Respect and Dignity that is imbued in us in our daily live home and abroad.

    …….Are Cost/Benefits or Advantages/Disadvantages information available for all to reach their own conclusion or is “FOR THE EYES OF THE PM ONLY”

    • NO NO
      December 1, 2011

      Well I can say I do not own a D/can pasport.

      I will when all this gets rectified.

  6. gee
    December 1, 2011

    Hi get your facts right .

  7. real possie
    December 1, 2011

    Permit me to be devils advocate for a sec for all the passports u guys say that was sold to terrorists so far so good, wich corallo is the only one who tried to use dominican status wich he should have known would not work but he tried.Plz don’t talk about the other guy he was not found with a Da passport and i do think that program should shut down for now till we can revamp it no PM should be able to personaly give out any passports.This editorial was to long with not much facts this was more a rant than factual statements.

  8. The truth
    December 1, 2011

    The thing I do not get with these articles and the skerrit bashing is this… Why is it always only skerrit or label it as his regime? I mean yes, he is the leader but he has many educated people following him in government. I do not only focus in skerrit, because if the other high level officials of his party was to go against him and mention what is wrong then many people would actually believe something is terribly wrong. My point is this, let us not focus on skerrit to get Dominica straight, let’s say the government. Skerrit alone cannot do it, he has power yes, but all who represent the labour party has a moral obligation to stand up and say what is not right. And I am not picking sides because I am a neutral here, but when something is wrong I cannot support it. Just like how I think UWP should be going to parliament

    • pablo
      December 1, 2011

      Whilst there are loyal party paying members who believe everything their party does is always right, an objective view from will be difficult to obtain. What is required the “THIRD WAY” which comprises of people who are progressive thinking, support the measures that are good for DA irrespective of which is putting forward that idea. Some people hate the internet because it is a powerful medium that gets the message to people everywhere and the revelation of stories like this very uncomfortable for them

  9. Anonymous
    December 1, 2011

    It is foolish to conjure up woe where none exist.

    • Loogawoo
      December 1, 2011

      Open your mind
      And look within
      Are you satisfied
      With the life you’re living?
      Bob Marley

    • Malatete
      December 1, 2011

      Your name should be ostrich. Head in the sand and a..e in the air!

  10. 1979
    December 1, 2011

    YUMMY……U FUEL MY FIRE, to treat some Dominicans like the prostitutes that they are,
    I am reading attentively, so that when I am on the dark streets of night, I have NO MERCY for DOMINICANS like me, who are HELL BENT on selling MY IDENTITY to the highest bidder… and so I will dig into the pockets and strip the necks of these “DOMINICANS” with IMPUNITY!!! for they have NO CARE for DOMINICA and do not observe the cost of their practice to the detriment of MY CHILDREN and the future generations of THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA. HOW CAN I LOVE AND CARE FOR A PEOPLE WHO DON’T LOVE AND CARE FOR THEIR OWN????




    • Dominican 2
      December 1, 2011

      Oh 1979 kneel down and pray.

  11. Anonymous
    December 1, 2011

    These Revelations are dealing with facts.

    The “mantra”, bring out the evidence wont work this time.

    Use your intelligence with integrity otherwise, you expose a zombie mentality that is too prevalent in Waitikubli.

    Reconciliation comes with truth.

  12. North
    December 1, 2011

    I am getting really fed up with all these articles allowed on DNO to the World Wide Web about baseless assumptions of what some perceive to be news worthy.

    DNO have to take some responsibility as a media outlet. It’s like anyone who sends an article to you is automatically place on your site???

    It is not enough for DNO to say they did not write the article it’s someone opinion. That is not good enough. Ask of your writers to provide facts and research to back up their claims instead of rehashing the same stories in a different context and writing style. Personal opinions are not absolutes that those things a really happening. A half truth travels faster the whole truth.

    This is irresponsible.

    • Referee
      December 1, 2011

      So you wish to advocate sensorship? You want to advocate restriction on press freedom?
      Becareful what you ask for, cause you might just get it like in Venezuela.

    • So Sick & Tired
      December 1, 2011

      WOW! Somebody would like to censor people’s opinions! Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it! All you do North, is present the FACT based opinion you think you have to refute this one! You people need some lessons on democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of thought!

    • ?
      December 1, 2011

      Admin should have started the censorship with you and not post your comment. Ever heard of freedom of speech?

      • Anonymous
        December 1, 2011

        Yes freedom of speech is live and kicking in Dominica this is why we hearing so much crap on individual points of view.

        We Dominicans are suffocating our own development. We have a tendency to just take loose gossip and run with it, especially when it is hurtful to country and people.

        Do you think an American would continuously spread rumours about their country without concrete proof that this is actually happening.

        These person should do investigative journalism, get the facts to prove without a dought that those things really happen and take it to the people.

        We should not continue killing our development just because we are in disagreement with a political view or leadership.

        When whoever get into power after the DLP, they will be left with all this garbage to clean up before they are able to think about Dominica economic development plan.

        What the hell is wrong with us? It’s like when things are getting a bit silent, you see another opinionated article about assumptions of what might be happening and what could happen.

        Enough is enough.

      • ?????
        December 1, 2011

        Are we in a communist state?

  13. jeremy
    December 1, 2011

    Very happy to read this well put article you are right on each point however the ecp programme must be scrapped fully and all pasports both diplomatic and normal must be cancelled, stand by there is more to be revealed the phnatom, spook, none exsitant so called jeremy

  14. D/can to de Bone...
    December 1, 2011

    Read it and it sound very interested. The g/ment should take note and correct if infact that scandal is happening with our passport. I treat this document of identity as a percious and unique one. Some people have not heard of this country in 2011..

  15. real possie
    December 1, 2011

    Permit me to be devils advocate for a sec for all the passports u guys say that was sold to terrorists so far so good, wich corallo is the only one who tried to use dominican status wich he should have known would not work but he tried.Plz don’t talk about the other guy he was not found with a Da passport and i do think that program should shut down for now till we can revamp it no PM should be able to personaly give out any passports.This editorial was to long with not much facts this was more a rant than factual statements.

  16. ineedfree
    December 1, 2011

    Good and thoughtful article… Esprit, thank you.

    one advice to the down thumbs…..


    • Anonymous
      December 1, 2011

      I could not have said it better!

  17. Oh Oh
    December 1, 2011

    “especially revelations that the government of Dominica has allowed what was a well intentioned economic citizenship program to devolve into a naked and unvarnished huckstering of an important piece of our national identity: Passports of the Commonwealth Of Dominica”.

    Revelations are not facts.

    • Anonymous
      December 1, 2011

      These revelations are dealing with facts…

      Dont maintain the mantra of asking for evidence….when evidenc is all in your face.

      Use your intelligence with integrity.

      Express yourself with deeper thoughts,

      otherwise, you expose a kind of Zombie image that is too prevalent on this site.

  18. Mike
    December 1, 2011

    Yes I. Love that commentary. It speaks for itself. Hope the PM reads it.

    • ???
      December 1, 2011

      soo everything in this country has to be the PM????????? eh beh yeh

      • ineedfree
        December 1, 2011

        try to understand the role of PM in nation building…and you will see what all this discussion means

      • Papa Dom
        December 1, 2011

        December 1, 2011 Like or Dislike:

        “?? soo everything in this country has to be the PM????????? eh beh yeh”

        Short answer: YES.

        Long answer: yes, because he has made everything which has the slightest semblance of good about him. If you want a scholarship you have to go to him, if you want assistance of any kind you have to go to him. He overrules decisions made by other ministers in order to give the impression that he cares but most of all he is intimately involved in all the scandals.

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