Political Miscreants of the Caribbean

CommentaryWith two recent general elections in the OECS (Dominica and St. Kitts), boldly put it, political miscreants are those who behave criminally or viciously in state office. These are people who do wrong, know they do wrong and enjoy doing wrong. These are the political miscreants in authority and with their devious aides and powers openly behave in a deliberate, dishonest, malicious or otherwise contemptible way and will continue doing so in 2015.  In the days of past these people were referred to as infidels in that they openly spread their wrath on the poor people, cripple the nation and these so called “Good Citizens”, “use the riches of the poor to enrich themselves, make a mockery of the law and pray to God to protect them at the same time” (Mighty Sparrow).

“We have never before seen a Prime minister in the news everyday receive a barrage of allegations of wrong doing….” and in every way aided by unscrupulous legal minds, protect the indefensible and in the most artful way get away with it while Dominica`s poor youth are sent to prison for long sentences for stealing potatoes, shop lifting and other related petty street crimes. Of course wrong doing should be punished and at all levels.

These miscreants are like stalactites, a conical (cone-shaped like) hanging pillar of individuals creeping the walls of the Financial Centre and other structures of government that has gradually built up as political cesspits from the dirty political waste water seeping through these political corridors seeking prominence and recognition for their selfish ends. It’s the plantocracy in operation and bought for $1.00 and involving a chain of cause and effect or action and reaction in which things will get progressively worse.

We just observed how State crimes, specifically to Election Code, and St. Kitts` recently held elections has become an art well protected by so called “honourable good citizens”, senior counsels and blessed and protected in churches by those who profess to be the guardians of God`s poor and vulnerable people who continue to beg and honour the power of these miscreants for bread, money, toilets, clothing, housing materials as the poor continue to live in squalor and these good citizens enjoy their political power continue to live in villa style bungalows on top of the hills as public servants await their long overdue pay rise are now insulted with offered crumbs of 3% -5% pay increase in fear just because Team Dominica`s UWP`s leader Lennox Linton pronounced a guarantee of same. These political miscreants openly accumulate their wealth from the restricted and limited duty-free resources of the state through heavy perks, claim hefty travel allowances and are unable to account to the people of Dominica and the Caribbean the benefits and returns of these travels.

This cacophonous gang of politicians, businessmen, historians, religious and legal minds operate a well designed and protected plutocracy and demonstrate unpleasant noise, insult and injustice of the political system and profession they suppose to uphold and respect but continue to use their mucous secretion for support of innocent loyal citizens who do not know better. They stifle the growth and development of our citizens and country while over 50% of our youth are incarcerated and their poor, vulnerable and deprived parents and elderly people reduced to vagrancy continue to walk and parade the streets of Roseau everyday with begging hands and seen as a nuisance by the office of the Mayor while prayers are being said every Sunday by professed blessed men in gowns of deceitfulness and blindness for the protection and upkeep of these good citizens. Prof. Beckles said in his paper “Role of intellectuals” – “It is also not rare to encounter intellectuals who in private do not believe what they proclaim with great fanfare in public”.

Our Morne Diablotin and Morne Au diable are the not the devils of the country. These mountains have towered in peace for centuries, blown tranquil cool and soothing breeze, dropped heavenly holy water and blessed the land with holy showers from above and with some arrogance and the demonstrated historical ignorance of one evangelist and friends operate behind the church door in the dark of night. These diables – just like that penned the name change of two of Dominica’s most famous and historical land marks. What ignorance – what sin. In return they get the limited goodies from the state and a supremo to repair THEIR CHURCHES and then turn a blind eye on God`s poor, deprived people. And We remember GON Emanuel and his wife!

My dear people, corrupt political leaders have created failed states and at some point God’s people will rise up. Rather than elevating the working class people of Dominica and the Caribbean to the level of nobility and democratic awareness, these so called political leaders, good citizens and elites representing the plantocracy, have systematically perverted their thinking and judgment and reduced vulnerable Kittitians and Dominicans to mediocrity, begging, handouts and false allegiance, come what may.

The Electoral and Integrity in Public Office Commissions need to be reviewed.

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  1. Bagaila Bande
    March 23, 2015

    Sorry you’re on the losing side partner; if it was the other way around you would be smiling like the quarter past 3 clock and you would not even bother to ask a question about the less fortunate in our society. People like you scare the hell out of me and the common man on the streets. Clear case of sour grapes!!

    • grell
      March 24, 2015

      The truth always hurt fools like you,this is why you will remain a begger under this regime,but its not your fault,am sure your grandparents instill this in you,The so called bushwas in dominica continue to suck the blood of the poor people,take example of St.Kitts these people got smart and got rid of the cockroach that controlled the island with corrruption for 15 years.Skerrit will be removed if its not by fools like you but by the almighty.I thank god each day that am not under this corrupt government.I feel for you because you dont know better.One day you will wake up from the spell.

  2. Steven Segal
    March 23, 2015

    Sticks and stones are throw in all manner one wonders when will that end. Is this gonna last for 5 more years?

    • Steven Segal
      March 24, 2015

      Sticks and Stones are thrown….

  3. Like it is
    March 23, 2015

    PoKeSa you would not to want to have me as Minister of Crimes Against The State.
    This gov’t likewise the opposition waiting in the wings would collapse upon hearing my name in a race.
    I might even exhume Mamo’s cardava for punishment lol1 hahahahahahaha

  4. Malgraysa
    March 23, 2015

    An excellent article about something that is not excellent at all. Grandstanding and bragging overseas by a leader, who neglects the needs of his people at home. Begging is no longer the prerogative of Roseau but to be found in every village and hamlet. Wherever I go these days I am approached by people, not your common variety vagrants but demure, almost shy and embarrassed humans, who ask for a little pecuniary relief. They tell me that ends can not meet anymore. Where does one start addressing such pain of destitution, suffered by once proud citizens of this country? With a bag of sugar, a drink of rum, a sheet of plywood and galvanised roofing at election time? The citizens of this country have one currency only, their vote and our sovereignty for sale like a common prostitute. The parrot in our flag is talking a lot these days.

    • Buddy 2 Malgraysa
      March 23, 2015

      How’s our buddy Jaime? Does he call occasionally from hell?

      • Buddy 2 Malgraysa
        March 23, 2015

        Good point tohugh!

      • Buddy 2 Malgraysa
        March 23, 2015

        Good point though!

  5. A DOUBTING Thomas
    March 23, 2015


    Remember how quickly the senior counsel move to shut down this article

    • Like it is
      March 23, 2015

      Yes we do! reason why hell would be a vacation.

    • A Doubting Thomas
      March 23, 2015

      That New DOUBTING is a copycat Poster.

      DNO would that be what we call Freedom of Press or Expression on DNO? Many sites would not allow someone else to use a User Name so close to another’s name to confuse the readership or the original poster’s name. On Monday 23 03 2015 at 7:30 PM Imagine my surprise when I saw this name A DOUBTING Thomas and for a minute I was confused because I knew I did not share any Link.

      Yet the Moderator allowed that post knowing fully well, there is another A Doubting Thomas (me) except the copycat Capitalized Doubting and I supposed it slipped by the Moderator as an oversight?

      I mean a poster cannot even think of an original screen name of his or herself to use on a blog? I wonder what is the reason for wanting to confuse the readers. Could it be the same person or persons who wrote the article found that my contribution was right-on in my analysis of those responsible? SMH

  6. jim
    March 23, 2015

    Good commentary, lets keep the pressure on (them).

  7. March 22, 2015

    “These miscreants are like stalactites, a conical (cone-shaped like) hanging pillar of individuals creeping the walls of the Financial Centre and other structures of government that has gradually built up as political cesspits from the dirty political waste water seeping through these political corridors seeking prominence and recognition for their selfish ends.”
    The fact that you as a writer did not do your due diligence before submitting this article, tells a lot about your writing ability. You could not differentiate the difference between Stalactites and Stalagmites: you wanted to use the latter to support your point but fail to understand the difference. A simple google search would have helped you out. Stalactites hang from the ceiling of a cave, while stalagmites grow from the cave floor. You sound like Blessing on Q95: merely stitching together big words, sentences and paragraphs does not make you a critical nor a creative interllectual.

    • Views Expressed
      March 23, 2015

      My friends….you wanna play with words or you wanna lose the morale of the story.

      The bigger picture is this, there is a corrupt government in office reducing the Dominica, our country to poverty on a daily basis with no backbone for recovery. You can call this cancer stalactites or stalagmites this cancer is growing from the cave floor, the ceiling, the roof stop being in denial and come up with remedies to get rid of this cancer that is growing and being feed by people in denial and protective of the this carrier disease by the people who are responsible for us being there. The writer, whoever he or she is, is not the issue but fear that this cancer is growing. Tell us you medicine, solution to this political disease eating us Dominicans.

    • Ex Da Law ms
      March 23, 2015

      No matter what spin you try to put on it,it’s the truth.Oviously, you got the point.You can’t dispute the fact that the poor are neglected and are thought less of while the so called leaders are getting richer and richer.We need to stop being political and accept the truth.The poor continues to survive on hand outs while our leaders lives in mansions.The lack of basic services for the less fortunate.Can you honestly say we are on the right path?The Dominica I knew then and the Dominica I know now, are different ones.It should be nation building and not pocket building.Just saying.

  8. Intransigent 1
    March 22, 2015

    I have said the very same in different words over & over but more pungently and DNO kept it in the cave of awaiting approval from who ever this filter happens to be.(I know this filter very well & he knows me too.only to be placed in the dumps.
    Am kind of bewildered this is being printed as a political commentary y an observer. It reminds me of when starlight wrote in the Tropical star before his cover was not blown but to obvious then someone/somefolks asked him to come out of hiding and putt his gloves an get into the arena. He finally did.

  9. Views Expressed
    March 22, 2015

    “It is much safer to be feared than loved,” writes Machiavelli in The Prince, his classic 16th-century treatise advocating manipulation and occasional cruelty as the best means to power. Almost 500 years later, Robert Greene’s national bestseller, The 48 Laws of Power, would have made Machiavelli’s chest swell with pride. Greene’s book, bedside reading of foreign policy analysts and hip-hop stars alike, is pure Machiavelli. Here are a few of his 48 laws:

    Law 3, Conceal Your Intentions.
    Law 6, Court Attention at All Costs.
    Law 12, Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm Your Victims.
    Law 15, Crush Your Enemy Totally.
    Law 18, Keep Others in Suspended Terror.

    You get the picture.

    Guided by centuries of advice like Machiavelli’s and Greene’s, we tend to believe that attaining power requires force, deception, manipulation, and coercion. Indeed, we might even assume that positions of power demand this kind of conduct—that to run smoothly, society needs…

  10. A Doubting Thomas
    March 22, 2015

    Alas UWP win an election to take this person out of his/her misery. I hope that individual is a thirty or forty something and not in their 60’s or 70’s. Because UWP not winning an election in less that 20 years.

    The person sounds like an envious person who wonders if they! why not us? And when will it be my turn again. And since I can not see it happening anytime in the near future, let me attack, that is what we do best. Let others believe I am different; I can be different.

    But the article is hollow; Like Swiss Cheese. From what I read, envy is all over the article. The article should be titled “Can’t Someone See I Want What They Have?” “I am screaming is anyone listening? Hearing?”

  11. an island son
    March 22, 2015

    Political Observer, while I have empathy with your laments, and I share your pain, I have a somewhat different view to the cause of this malaise, and that is the mentality of a large proportion of Dominicans.
    I believe that the sort of behaviour highlighted by your article is flourishing in fertile ground. because the attitude of government supporters is to shoot all messengers down in flames attacking their characters and ignore the message. (As I am sure you will find out)
    The long and the short of it is the elephant in the room is us, the way we think and the way we behave. How many times have you heard a Dominican expressed that they are ashamed to be Dominican? Why?
    I have tried and I cannot square the circle. Take your point about rough justice, the massed are ready to hang drawn and quarter petty thieves yet they don’t want to know about corrupt practices and wrong doings. Here lies the issue. Remember we are a democracy with FREE elections.

    • The truth
      March 23, 2015

      Rubish. I am proud to be Dominican. Are you?

      • Buddy 2 Malgraysa
        March 23, 2015

        NO for mow when the regime 7 attitudes changes to march what is objective.

  12. jury
    March 22, 2015

    in their annual reports to the Parliament of Dominica from 2009 to 2013,which I have read, the Integrity Commission of Dominica has been calling for reform of the Integrity in Public Office Act 2003 to strengthen its investigative and inquiry powers. Nothing has been done .Neither the Government nor the Opposition seems interested in strengthening the legislation.Day just talk nonsense on Q95.1 and Q93.1. Alas pour Dominique!!See :www.integritycdommission.gov.dm; and read it all before you all comment.

  13. Garvey
    March 22, 2015

    This is one of the commentaryt I have read in a Caribbean colum/paper in a very long time .THANK YOU for your courage.

  14. Views Expressed
    March 22, 2015

    Boy……I like this article………..I really like this article………..I really love this article….it nice…its very nice….I must read it twice………..with a nice cup of cocoa tea two salt fish bakes.
    Come again…!!!!!!

  15. never again ........
    March 22, 2015

    For more than 7 years, the Skerritt DLP Gov’t has refused the people of Dominica Electoral Reforms.

    The Electoral Commission itself recommended reforms to the electoral process,, to ensure elections are FREE and FAIR. they requested funds from Gov’t to produce Voter ID Cards, to clean up the bloated Voters’ list through a complete re-registration.

    Up to now nothing. Rien. Nada. Chief elections Officer and Chairman of the Commission boasted, had a blitz on GIS about National ID Cards. The Chairman going against what his own Commission wanted. Forced to turn around and accept Govt. NID cards instead. Total influence. Surely against the Law, BIG TIME. They fooled Dominicans saying those cards would be ready.

    Skerritt and his DLP Gov’t must be pressured for FREE and FAIR elections? Skerro, Dominicans will not go into any other election without those reforms, as well as Campaign reforms and strict obedience to the electoral laws and code of conduct during…

    • an island son
      March 22, 2015

      You cannot ignore the vast numbers of Dominicans who voted for the Labour Party of their own free will, whatever their motives,bribes or otherwise. They are the majority. Granted there may have been a significant number of illegal voters that swung the pendulum in the governments favour, but there should have been 100% of the electorate who went into the election with their eyes wide open.

      • Views Expressed
        March 23, 2015

        Island son , you offering what is termed an Oxymoron argument here. Make up your mind what you want to say. “The majority”……” Granted there may have been a “significant” number of “illegal” voters that “swung the pendulum ” …..”in the governments favour”……”eyes wide open”????????/….and then you referencing “majority”…… I think that you are in denial and caught with your pants down..

        “Granted there may have been a significant number of illegal voters that swung the pendulum in the governments favour, but there should have been 100% of the electorate who went into the election with their eyes wide open”..??????

      • an island son
        March 23, 2015

        @ Views Expressed, there is a popular myth perpetuated by many commentators that the Dominican public are being fooled, misled, hoodwinked or however else you choose to describe it. I beg to differ. I suggest the level of understanding of the current situation in Dominica today is on par between government supporters and UWP supporters, likewise the level of intelligence.
        Therefore everyone should be equally well versed in the choices they had to make at the December 2014 elections and the MAJORITY chose more of the same. So if anyone has any grip with the issues in Dominica, (like me) place the responsibility where it lies, at the feet of the Dominican electorate (the majority vote).

  16. DC
    March 22, 2015

    As it is, The people of Dominica have given the mandate to the genius of a leader PM Skerrit to continue to lead Dominica to prosperity. Your attempts to distract the masses will be in vain. Empty barrels make the most noise! We will continue to stand by our PM through thick and thin! PM, May the Almighty bless you and family! Continue the amazing work. We love you!

    • Views Expressed
      March 22, 2015

      Dear Dominican, please listen, read carefully – do not be blinded by false hope and false allegiance. Be reminded the following was said of then corrupt, disgusting leaders – now gone, dead in prison or in waiting: (soon come!). IT DOES NOT LAST – IT MUST END
      1. Gairy – Grenada
      2. Mussolini – Italy
      3. Papa Doc – Haiti
      4. Baby Doc – Haiti
      5. Big Dada Idi – Uganda
      6. Chacusco and his wife – Rumania
      7. Pol Pot – Vietnam
      8. Saddam – Iraq
      9. Gadhafi – Libya
      10. Burnham – Guyana
      11. Somoza – El Salvador
      12. President (?) – Argentina
      13. Chavez and Maduro- Venezuela
      14. Skerrit – Dominica
      15. Apartheid South African Presidents.
      16. John – Dominica
      There is more, DC hope you got the message.
      They have and continue to let us down…….make mockery of the law, take poor people for granted and impoverish our countries and islands and people……

      ……….and there are many more waiting to follow: The people will always speak – somehow, sometime
      Absolute power…

      • Tjebe fort
        March 23, 2015

        Skerrit is but a small fish on this list. You forget Kim-Jong-Un & Kim-Jong-Il of N. Korea, Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Joseph Stalin of the U.S.S.R. and not to forget Adolf Hitler of Germany.

      • I am Dominican
        March 23, 2015

        You missed two. Eugenia Charles and Edisson James.

    • March 22, 2015

      Skerrit a genius? I wonder what planet you hail from! So a man can spend 30 million on an election campaign and the main hospital infested with peenez and poupoule; NEP employees cannot get paid; abattoir and coffee plant on stand still; young plp unemployed;yet still #DC crown such a man a genius. The genius spend 27 million on a state palace for one man and still pays the one man 1000 a day to drink Dom perignon with domlec lights operating 24/7. A genia$$ sounds is more like it

      • jim
        March 23, 2015

        How does Charles Savarin sleeps at nights. :wink: :-x

    • faceup
      March 23, 2015

      Amazing work to have a hospital infested with bed bugs and poupowle etc GIVE ME A BREAK 8-O 8-O

    • Like it is
      March 23, 2015

      Are you 4 real? Over the last few yrs we are well aware of all kinds of propositions originating in the western United states of America more so.
      We’ve seen changes in matrimonial law( even if I up hold Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve)Sorry Noma/ Nona boys & girls, him ,she shim whatever rocks ur boats. Freeing up of the herb for medical& recreational purposes etc etc etc. Global warming being targeted at pollution by man to critics saying this phenomenon has always existed check the metrological reports over the last how many yrs etc etc
      We can deal with all these pros 7 cons. but DC my brother/our brother Genius & Skerrit cannot go in the same sentence. am actually laughing my………………..out & really hard. Alick told us that this…………………. was accepted into Harvard and he chose to run the V.C seat instead in 2000 lol! wishful thinking.
      DC you have to be on medical or recrational pot if you are not I recommend Dr. Bejie.

    • grell
      March 24, 2015

      and tomorrow you wake up with nothing to feed your kids,keep on praising your Begging master.

  17. PoKeSa
    March 22, 2015

    Well-written and well-said!

    These individuals (the very types) potrayed in this article will one day, some very day rot in HELL for bleeding my beloved DOMINICA of realising its true potential.

    • Like it is
      March 22, 2015

      hell has to be right here on earth in a public place like the old market when they should be taken care of for crimes against the state. This will be after confiscation of( All) assets. Flogging daily for 52 weeks should be part of the hell before the final part. Only then others who follow will learn.

    • Like it is
      March 23, 2015

      Sending these guys to hell is like they winning a trip to the Bahamas.
      They deserve other rewards lol

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