Portsmouth: Leadership and a wealth of resources

Ashton Riviere

Often times persons associate community leadership with the office of the Parliamentary Representative of the constituency.  Though this position is significant, it is unfair to expect that the development thrust of the community must come from an all seeing eye of a Parl. Rep.  Anyone can be and should strive to be a leader in their community, whether in the undertaking of broader development plans or in a simple project such as keeping your block and community clean.

There is no rocket science to being a leader. The role demands that one, has a vision, has the capacity to energize his followers, communicates effectively his goals, and has the charisma and confidence to inspire support amongst his followers. He must be able to create amongst his followers leaders in their own right. He must be able to marshal the resources necessary and then fight tooth and nail to get the job done.

With effective leadership we might soon find thousands of mini projects in our community being accomplished and surely our communities will awake from their slumber.

Mr. Douglas I welcome your recant of the statement that my motives for my previous pieces on your stewardship were political. Your acknowledgment of my intellectual capacity should lend credence to my synopsis of the current state of affairs in Portsmouth. However your snide reference to my lack of academic credentials and your comment that you do not “pay attention to these kind of people” did not do much to enhance your genuineness.  All constituents should be treated with the same level of respect!

Still, I thank you Mr. Douglas for taking the time out to cachilé on my comments a bit. Whilst your decision to appear in the Kitchen on www.insidepossie.com to address your constituents is commendable, the general consensus amongst viewers based on feedback on the night, was that you were unconvincing, that your vision for our community lacks any real depth and does not address the current needs and priorities  of the youth.

Apparently I am not the only one in or about Portsmouth who feels the way I do about your stewardship.
Three hours of more of the same political rhetoric Mr. Douglas, that is what we got from you. Empty promises such as “the paving of all the streets in Portsmouth by the end of the year cannot fly especially with the impending implementation of the much vaunted water and sewerage project for Portsmouth and West Coast. Has that been put on hold Mr. Douglas? Surely you did not forget such a project which most likely will result in much disruption in the life of your constituents.

I share your vision of Portsmouth as the most modern city in the Caribbean and your mention the construction of the “Moroccan Airport Hotel” at the Cabrits and yacht Marina to follow is encouraging, however it has taken all of two and a half years since I have been on council to get your government to fulfill a promise made years before on a two hundred thousand dollar garbage truck for the Portsmouth Town Council. It forces me to wonder how long it will take to move on these projects and the bay-front promenade. Have you even had concept drawings done? Have you received the results on the feasibility studies conducted in relation to the Marina?

It was at the start of your second term Mr. Douglas you declared yourself the community tourism minister however in your own constituency, after ten years the closest thing to community tourism is still the Indian River tour, established long before your arrival on the scene.

Community-based tourism is a growing market. Travelers worldwide seek more intrinsically valuable experiences from their leisure time. Dominica with its wealth of natural beauty, and culture is well placed to take advantage of this emerging trend.  It is the ideal vehicle to bring the elusive tourist dollar to the average citizen and to aid in poverty alleviation within our communities.

Your reference to the million man markets of Guadeloupe and Martinique in itself is jaw dropping, in the context that you are inviting them to a woefully underdeveloped destination, “Lagoon” to spend their hard earned Euros when it would be so easy to implement in lagoon a community tourism project similar to Gros-Islet in St Lucia  or Oistins fish market in Barbados. It should be so easy for your ministry to initiate the cleaning and rehabilitation of the beach in the Lagoon proper area to enhance the aesthetics of the place.  How about customer service training for persons working in these areas? Is it unreasonable for visiting guests to expect a safe and clean environment whilst they spend their hard earned cash? Similar to your taking ownership of the bridge built in Lagoon you should take ownership of the responsibility to develop the area!

Amazing is how I’d describe your reference to the “immense development” which is taking place behind the veil of rotting ships in our port. A short walk down the beach from your house you will find a decimated sea wall which exposes the properties on Bay street to storm surges during the upcoming hurricane season.  That’s what we’ll see if you remove the rotting ship hiding it, not a highly developed city. Has any representation been made in that regard?

Alarmed, my reaction to how comfortable you feel as minister of tourism to welcome hundreds of Russian millionaires on luxury yachts to our shores this May with all that garbage and wrecks strewn over the face of your town!

Could the Venezuelan ten million dollars be renegotiated for use on the completion of the petrocasas or maybe injected into the initial phases of the waterfront development or sea wall? Could not the offer to remove the wrecks for free be somehow accommodated without offending our benefactor Hugo?

You did, whilst making the case for the continued dominance of your party in Portsmouth , state that there is a wealth of political and intellectual capital associated with the Labour Party  within the constituency. This I agree with.

According to you the majority of these individuals have the ear of the Prime Minister. You even proceeded to garnish that list with the names of a number of these illustrious individuals, proving that you are well aware of the immense wealth of resources you posses as MP for Portsmouth.  Indeed we are very blessed in Portsmouth to have the likes of :

Mr. Collins Guiste: Climate Change Officer E.C.U, Mr. Alick Lawrence:  Attorney and advisor to the Prime Minister, His Excellency Mr. Lennox Lawrence: Ambassador to Venezuela and Attorney , Mr. Vincent Ettiene: Executive Director, Small Business Support Unit, Ms. Frederica James : Lecturer, Dominica State College, Mr. Minchinton Burton: Director , Forestry & Wildlife, Dr. Steve John  Executive Director , Bureau of Standards, His Excellency Dr. Philbert  Aaron : ALBA ambassador, His Excellency Dr. Stephen Sabin : Ambassador to Chile, His Excellency, Emanuel Nanthan: Ambassador to Lybia and Advisor to the Prime Minister , Hon. Ian Douglas : Attorney, Min of Tourism & Legal Affairs, Mr. Levi Peter : Attorney General, Mr. Micheal Savarin : Senior Investment Officer, Invest Dominica Authority , Hon. Charles Savarin :  Senator & Minister of National Security, Immigration and Labour.

This is a wealth of resourceful influence indeed.

Portsmouth , The Engine of growth of this country, has the potential to generate jobs and serve as social and economic hub to  surrounding the constituencies . It is bordered by the  constituencies of : Reginald Austrie, MP Cottage, Min of Lands and Housing, Roosvelt Skerrit, MP Vielle Case, Prime Minister, Min of Finance  , Mathew Walter, MP Paix Bouche, Minister of Agriculture, Ronald Toulon, MP Colihaut  and as such all these representatives have a vested interest in ensuring that Portsmouth has speedy access to resources and development projects. They should all be working to ensure that Portsmouth receives the attention required to lift their communities

Far from impressing me Mr. Douglas, you managed to raise my eyebrows even further, for there should be no reason why with this much influential persons surrounding you and the ‘party’ in Portsmouth that our ‘city’ should be still  waiting, still patient, after 55 years of loyalty to, and after 10 yrs of your stewardship,  within this Labor Party Regime.

It seems to me a failure on your part as leader to harness these resources and on our part as the people of Portsmouth to utilize these resources towards driving the rapid development of our beloved town into the city that it should be!

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  1. the all seeing eye
    February 13, 2011

    Ian, you should be the very last person to speak about academic qualifications….
    if i were to expound on your many attempts just to pass the bar exam that would be getiing personal and straying away from the message…STAY ON MESSAGE IAN ….

  2. charity begins at home
    February 13, 2011

    Look at the personal lives of the educated men of Portsmouth – Divorced, separated, adulterers, re-married, will not commit – How can men who cannot treat women in their lives well, move a community forward? These men only know how to discuss and argue but cannot implement any plan. Like Ashton, the ordinary men of Portsmouth are the ones who will move Portsmouth forward. Please Ashton, stay ordinary.

  3. Very True
    February 12, 2011

    Well said Leroy Possie. Ponder on this one everyone.

  4. leroy possie
    February 12, 2011

    Ashton while i admire the steps that you’ve taken, I am left with no other choice but to ask the question, is this a personal thing with ian? Cause while alot of your points are well taken you’ve just happen to mention the names of the people who ought to share the responsibility with the honorable Ian Douglas. Cause as you mentioned these are the people who are the eyes and ears of the prime minister what are their cotribution towards the development of portsmouth? And as you and i know they are in a better position to influence the decisions of the prime minister in regards to portsmouth than ian is. So could one conclude that Ian should not be the only one to be held accountable? Collins,Alick,Lennox,Vincent,Frederica,Minchy,Dr.steve’Dr.philsbert,Dr.sabin,Emanuel,Levi,Micheal,Charles,And the names you left out including me and the rest of portsmouth are all responsible for the development of our mind then our community. No hard feeling bro i still love you, But if you are going to share some blame then ian is not the only one to be blamed lets share it the right way.

    • citoyen
      February 12, 2011

      I second that. All of us have the reponsibility of moving forward our community.

      February 12, 2011

      I understand Mr Riviere’s points and I believe they must be taken seriously as it cannot be denied the potential development needed as a major Tourism and Sporting destination of Portsmouth and Dominica by extension especially with the named individuals who can cause that possibility. It can be said with omission of the many media personnel from Portsmouth and the North can give understanding and positive negotiation to any proposed and accepted projects and developments in the area.

      I suggest Council members should be allocated a portfolio e.g Parks, Environment/Refuse collection etc and call regular meeting with the Parl Reps(Portsmouth and Cottage) and air the requirements for the advance of the Area. Do not allow political differences to be an hindrance for the necessary development for our beautiful Portsmouth.

      I ask what programme is in place when these yachting millionaires arrive in Portsmouth in May, let us hope a opportunity will not be lost by not giving proper projection to the Cabrits Area and Environs. The behaviour of the people to the VISITORS must be exemplary at all times

  5. Jayson
    February 11, 2011

    If Ian is starting to talk about academic qualifications (of all things!!) it really appears that Ashton’s articles are cutting to the bone! Ian seems to be clutching at straws in his defense.

    IAN just stop being LAZY, GET UP and DO SOME WORK FOR YOuR CONSTITUENCY! You can’t bluff your way through this, like you did with your so-called ‘education’.

    Work for us and your constituents will be more than happy (Ashton Included) to work with you!

  6. Bigga Blaxx
    February 11, 2011

    well done Ashton, yours is truly constructive criticism and positive and effective opposition. Since u start talking is like i Ian start moving.

    i applaud your efforts. but keep it positive and keep it honest don’t ever get carried away, don’t let the surging attention inflate your ego or blur your vision.

    with minds like yours there is still hope for our community, i know that there are still those who can still keep our leaders in check.

  7. v.g
    February 11, 2011

    i went to pss in the early years, in fact the first batch of students with levi peters ,allick lawrence, hillary joseph etc. iam not from portsmouth. i must say every time i visit,i see something different, some improvement can;t even recognise my own school. there are some communities that haven’t change much but portsmouth has,idon’t know under whose watch but there are some positive development.there is always room for improvement,mr ashton you have alot of brillant ideas if you can’t share them with mr douglas,then share them with your council,don’t let the passion die.t

  8. Ibn Gabrioli
    February 11, 2011

    While Ian should take some responsibility for his failure to inspire, it is mainly the Portsmouth people who should be held responsible for its development or lack thereof.

    Riviere names a lot of people in Portsmouth with all kinds of degrees and qualifications and still Possie is not moving up. Thing is, these guys spend their creative time, if not living or working in, certainly building up Roseau. They come up to Possie drained at the end of a tiring day, with little appetite for anything but a little siwo before bedtime, and to wake up early next morning to repeat the cycle all over again. Not much hard work and ingenuity left for Possie.

    When was the last time you see Mano, Steve, Lennox, Atley, and the rest of them come together to plan and execute a project or program of development in Possie? Except, more often than not, they gather on Saturday or Sunday afternoons in Purple Turtle or by Cocoa Town Cafe talking enetil and salving their throats with alcohol. Eh, when?

    Rosie, though, complained painfully in 1997 about how Portsmouth fellas were lazy. He lamented that even after finding and giving them the money to build a little platform in Mang from which to officiate ceremonies launching that season’s football league, he had to retrieve the monies from the committee, go buy the materials himself, bring it in Mang, and start sawing, nailing and putting together the platform all by himself. Such is the industry of us Portsmouth people.

    At the time, Rosie bemoaned the hopelessness gripping this generation of young men of Possie. Today witness glaring examples of the shiftlessness, listlessness and general lack of drive and ambition now gripping and hampering progress in Possie. Witness, too, the number of strapping young men sitting on the block (Boroughs’ Square), on Idle Hall Estate from the dawn of day, right through mid-day!

    The madness is repeated again from dusk creeping on mid-night. Only to be repeated in the same pattern tomorrow, the following day, and to infinity.

    One was looking for Mr. Riviere’s listing of the number of resources, natural and otherwise (yes, including its human capital), which is bountiful in Possie, and is the premised in the topic of his article. Instead, he continues to use his writings to attack the member for Portsmouth, while vaguely alluding to initiatives – government’s mind you, currently being pursued, discussed or implemented.

  9. zuma
    February 11, 2011

    Whats your story ashton??

    you seem to be criticising the efforts of ian douglas, yet still the ruling party has 18 constituencies, and you are not commenting on them at all, eg. Roseau was criticised for being dirty and full of rats. I never saw your comments on this / or raher one of your great article

    is it only portsmouth you are fighting for, to have a brighter and colorful future and the rest of Dominica can rot?? is this your idea of a patriotic Dominican or a PATRIOTIC POSSIE MAN???


    you keep lambasting Ian, i see where you are going. putting pressure on the underdog so that the higher poweres that be, may react great strategical move. ( just see how the hotel idea for marigto/ wesley was strategically changed :-D

    • Charmer
      February 11, 2011

      I don’t understand you. The man is talking about his disappointments in HIS parl rep. This is an issue about HIS constituency.

      February 12, 2011

      I can say with Mr Riviere’s vision, it is important for Mr Douglas and members of the Portsmouth Town Council to determine and decide on PROJECTS. What you have to do now, is to find someone in your Area who has a vision for development in your Area to be positive in thoughts and deeds

      I will even suggest the political representation can change through amendment of the Local Authorities Acts so that a delegation of two from all Local Councils in the Dominica to form a delegation with the Parl Rep at certain periods maybe for a quarterly presentation of Community requirements to the Government Cabinet in administration
      This could be a way forward for local grievances to be heard in the absence of the thought that the Parl Rep is not giving proper representation to GOVT on necessary issues

  10. Portsmouth Resident
    February 11, 2011

    Evertime some one wants attention, they go to the media. Where was this guy all those years? This is a guy who does not say hello to persons in the community especially if you are older than him or an elderly? One who’s vehicle glass is always up? I reember being at a function organized by the Portsmouth Town council and there was a few of us invitees together he came and said hi and shook some of the pairs of hands that were together and not all. There are some issues raised that needs to be addressed but from my little cardboad memory he is trying to pave the way for him to be the Pal. Rep of Portsmouth. If you, are concerned about the town of Portsmouth and has be on the council why, Why don’t you do like the former Mayor Errol Hill and donate your council salary to a needy child or the Home for the Age as Errol did? If Portsmouth has to move forward people like you and others must change the way of thinking. The people themselves dirty and litter the place. It is not always people from outside who litter the areas.
    Sir, you are not a people’s people as your hands are too clean to touch the ground. The employees of the council are too dirty to interact with, because of your proud attitude..

    • Lady
      February 11, 2011

      Ashton does not have to shake your hand or drink rum with you to make a statement about the community he lives in. Ashton has no political interest and even if he does, you are free to vote not to vote him. Even if he does not come out of his house or wears dark shades when he walks the street, he has the right to point out the failings of the parl rep. Concentrate on the message and forget Ashton, he is insignificant compared to what his message.

      Its attitude like yours that cause people to vote for men they can drink rum with.

      • the all seeing eye
        February 13, 2011


    • 305 goon
      February 11, 2011

      Hmm, I’m sure Ashton has donated his council salary to insidepossie.com on several occasions. You people just love to keep yapping out of your mouths without concrete facts.

    • Jepson
      February 11, 2011

      While you are in to mood of advicing, will you please be so kind as to advice the Parliamentary Representative that he needs to pay attention to Ashton’s article as issues pertinent to the development of the community are included therein?

      Thank you ever so much.

    • citizen kane
      February 11, 2011

      dont hate the messenger focus on the message which is pure facts

    • Charmer
      February 11, 2011

      You don’t know anything about Ashton. You speak like a hater.

    • Jayson
      February 11, 2011

      Ashton proud?? That’s news to me!! Must be talking about some other guy…!

  11. Lady
    February 11, 2011

    You know stone cold complained that Ashton was starting to sound like the likes of Lennox and Jerry.. To me thats a good thing, it means more and more level minded individuals are coming to the fore and speaking out. I would like to think that this would mean more and more people would open thier minds and soak in some information with which to make informed decisions. We really and truly need to stop acting like ‘stick break in our ears’ and listen for a change. I challenge the possie people who disagree with what Ashton has to say to come up with a real response – you know with meat on the bones – so that after reading it someone like me out of possie can compare and determine wheather or not Ashton is on point. I have found Ashtons article to be informative and interesting. Ian’s response on the other hand has been weak and empty, he did claim superior intelligence and academic qualifications, but you would never guess that from just reading his responses. Says alot to me….

  12. Change we can believe in LBP
    February 11, 2011

    Well said Ashton, adding anything else will deminish your poignant eloquence that seek to address issues in Possie. Bravo!!!!

  13. Jepson
    February 11, 2011

    Ashton my friend, i must say that with every reading of your articles, they command greater appreciation and respect as through your writing you seem to pour out the the thinking of one with the most genuine of intentions. The medium through which you have constantly chosen to point out to the minister, our desires for the great town of Portsmouth, to me shows that you have adopted a certain strategy that works, since by so doing, the Parliamentary Representative is now somewhat forced to take the necessary steps in ensuring that the desires of the community are attended to accordingly.

    To say that your intentions are selfish and political is in my mind mere silliness and my advice to those persons making such statements is that they grow up and take ownership of the developmental goals of the communities in which they reside. By crying foul on your articles, it only shows the lack of fortitude on their behalves, as they seem not to know how to demand of their representatives the needs of their community just as see them.

    There is no harm in the manner through which you have addressed the needs of your constituency and i would therefore urge you to continue doing that wish you are doing until such time when the minister and constituents vision of Portsmouth as the most modern city in the Caribbean is fulfilled. Even then when such will have been achieved, you ought not stop, as there’s still those amongst us who have the vision of Portsmouth as a world renowned city.

    You have the support of many.

    February 11, 2011

    PETER WICKHAM: As I understand it, in the Dominica instance there are concerns over the nationality of the current leader and the belief that he has run afoul of a technicality regarding the law. Frankly, I think that section of our Constitution is antiquated; I think it is irrelevant; it think it is illogical; I think it is everything that suggests it should not be there in the first place. Nonetheless it is there and it is maintained. There are other Caribbean countries where there are persons with dual citizenship who sit in Parliament quite comfortably. Nobody has ever raised an issue about it. In the case of Dominica, you have a person who clearly Dominicans know and love. This person has been Prime Minister for an extended period of time. This is a person who you know intimately; who you have developed a political relationship… and there are questions raised over a technical issue which to me has no fundamental impact on the way in which he conducts his business in office. And that to me is really what it comes down to fundamentally… I think that no one can challenge Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit’s commitment. Is this not the same person that you elected and re-elected or is this someone who has just dropped out of mars who you have no familiarity with?

    • Jepson
      February 11, 2011

      What does this have to do with the topic of discuss?

  15. DA.stone cold
    February 11, 2011

    Ashton you have already made your point.Now you starting to sound like AFIE,LENNOX,MATT,BRISBANE,ANGELO and the others.Soon you will be talking and no one will listen.

    • Anonymous
      February 11, 2011

      i agree with u

  16. Young
    February 11, 2011

    Another thoughtful and deliberate piece Ashton. From the list of names paraded most people will notice the self-enrichment and elevation. What have these guys done for the town with all their titles and influence??????

    • Vibes
      February 11, 2011

      Are you one of the haters of ‘Sons of the soil’ who have made progress? Typical blackman (Dominican) mentality.

      Look to upgrade and develop yourself, Bro and stop grudging other people progress

      • What dat!
        February 11, 2011

        Typical African mentality

      • Anonymous
        February 11, 2011

        NOT a hater at all. Very successful myself. Unfortunately or fortunately am not Roosie’s buddy, I don’t have his ear. I have done my part anonymously for the town. Not a hater at all. I applaud our successful and productive sons of Possie and wish all great success. Al I’m saying is if you get a position that gives you the ear of the leaders, I would hope you’d think of others and not just yourself!

  17. Reon
    February 11, 2011

    Ian taking snides at your academic achievements??? Boss you sound hundred times smarter than Ian. Ian cant even speak proper english let alone write proper english. During his PSS days everbody thought of Ian as a joker and not the sharpest tool in the box. So Ian if today you manage to get a law degree dont look down on the guy.

    Do you know that Bill Gates droped out of school, but now employs people with PHD?

    Ashton do what you doing Boss??

  18. kenny j
    February 11, 2011

    well said mr Riviere could not b put in a better contexs we neet tha minister to open their eye to what matter in the country and not what matter to their personal up liftement or a few extra $ in their pocket For exmaple the extraction of the three monument on the bayfront at portsmouth most of the local companies in and around portsmouth would benefit from the extraction that truck dirvers, excavator operators ,crane operator welder would deemed to benefit from the venture which would b of no cost to dominica but yet still it was stoped for no apprent reason come on ppl stop thinking of ur pocket and start thinking of the ppl

  19. timbok 2
    February 11, 2011

    ashton just keep comming up with facts..how does eh do it lol… :-D

  20. Brit
    February 11, 2011

    He can only speak for where he lives, speak for your area, you are welcome :-P

  21. launching a political career
    February 11, 2011

    Why is it that DNO waste so much space on these petty quarrels but refuses to publish critically important information like:
    1. The French law on dual citizenship? The need to have permission/ acting as an agent of the French Government in order to keep dual citizenship while serving as a civil servant or member of the military of a foreign power.
    2. Far reaching Consequences of having illegal French agents holding posts as Prime minister, minister of education, minister of foreign affairs, minister of finance, minister of national security…
    3. Regional security, economic, and social consequences of having secret agreements with China and Venezuela. Especially in light of the building military and nuclear tensions.
    4. Regional and local Implications/losses of Dominica allowing Venezuela and France to encroach on and exploit the resources of Dominica’s and oecs territorial seas. Especially being the CARICOM chairman during EU/ caricom trade negotiations.

    Admin: we publish basically anything that is sent to us (as long as it is not libel)….so why don’t you write couple commentaries on what you mentioned above and send them to us. We will gladly publish them. You appear smart, we hope, so write something and show us you can really do some work instead of sitting there and criticizing.

  22. Possie
    February 11, 2011

    I agree with you 100% on that Ashton. We have all these wealth and nothing is being done to develop the place. All what you said it true. :(

  23. mouth of the south
    February 11, 2011

    hhhhhmmm though ashton have good intentions n plans,,,,, it leads me to wonder if is possie alone that in d.a,,,, ashton leave some for us nah lol

      February 11, 2011

      Just think of what the man is saying, the same goes for other communities in Dominica. There is potential for other PM to bring their constituencies into the 21st century. As someone who has traveled extensively, it is surprising how much tourist dollars a renovation old water mill with a bar and a restaurant can generate. Plant some beautiful flowers keep the place clean and money can be made whether it is Mahaut, Marigot, Belles or Bense,

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