Portsmouth: Politics, community and development

Ashton Riviere

Of course on deciding on addressing what I see as the state of affairs in my community I gave consideration to the expected fall out. I expected the vitriol to flow considerably in my direction. I expected the political firing squad to align their bayonets as bullets would be too expensive and too humane a punishment for the upstart from Portsmouth who dares to question the Monarchy. I expect that more will come.

What I did not expect is the outpouring of gratitude on the part of many young persons in Portsmouth who share my sentiments but had not taken the time to express them in such forums especially given the overwhelming support for Labour in the last election. But there are deeper issues at play here.

I feel compelled to respond to the claim by the parliamentary representative that my actions are political. I take it that he means that I speak because of political affiliation. This is just ludicrous. I was raised in a family which supported the Dominica Freedom Party.  However I am not a candidate for any political party and I do not speak for any of them. I am a citizen and constituent and as such I have a right to comment. I am spurred on by my desire and passion to see my community move forward. My ideals are founded in fairness and equality.

Mr. Douglas, I will not support your candidacy because you are my friend!  To state that my motives are political implies that I should. It is disrespectful of you to expect that of me, knowing, that I am much more deliberate in thought than that.  That you would say that my motives are political instead of waking up to the reality of my message is indicative of your immature approach to both governance and criticism.

Your campaign was bereft of any plan or vision for Portsmouth. As a matter of fact you did not campaign in Portsmouth as it was a “sure seat”. More disrespect to the constituents of Portsmouth!  In that regard you can say that my call for your resignation is unjustified since you made no promises and as such cannot be held accountable for breaking them.

Note that I could have tried to engineer far more political damage to you and your party during the last election campaign, but then again I am not an engineer. Your pleadings and confessions are fresh in the minds of other individuals and I, to whom you expressed your exasperation with your cabinet, your thoughts on corruption within the party and the lack of respect which you command within the cabinet.

For the persons who think that this is me throwing my hat into the political ring, know that I have never seriously contemplated entry into politics. If I ever have to do so I would want to do it on my own terms and I am too broke for that, especially with the million dollar campaigns that you entertain!

At this time I feel no affinity to any political party and it is my fervent wish that the constitution of this island can be reformed in some way so as to diminish the influence of political parties, partying and rum sharing in our election processes.

In my opinion the DLP, DFP and UWP are one and the same with no real ideological divide. The size of our very small economy and the high levels of unemployment on the island demands that any government in office must employ social programs to alleviate the poverty that pervades our island. The divide of socialist and conservative, left and right are hardly important to domestic affairs.

If I were you Mr. Douglas I would advocate for Lagoon being returned to the Portsmouth Constituency so that comprehensive development plans can be marshaled by its representative in a more holistic manner. I would pursue strongly, policy changes which would allow for labor intensive projects both in terms of construction and operation for the Pointe Ronde to Belle Hall area.

I would advocate training and reinforcement in areas of hospitality and service to providers who serve customers across the spectrum from housekeepers at apartments, guest houses and hotels, to bartenders at the many restaurants in Portsmouth ensuring the highest quality service. Hopefully through these initiatives we create a repeat customer base and most valuable word of mouth advertisement for constituency and country, thereby creating growth and jobs in the community.

I would also advocate for a community tourism-based project in Lagoon which harnesses it’s already widely known value as an entertainment spot, again all in my efforts at alleviating poverty, not to create another fete. We should not discount the value of intra-island tourism and also recognize that tourists usually flock to the local hang out spots when properly marketed. I believe that there is a ready market in Guadeloupe and Les Saintes.

Your catalog of projects and achievements within your constituency reads pathetic. I will quickly deal with that. Three bridges …. Let’s say I allow you one bridge which I know for a fact was not built through your advocacy!  The two others were a matter of necessity! The Indian River Bridge was a hazard to public safety as it was damaged by the earthquake of 2004. The lagoon bridge was also damaged and was quickly becoming a hazard in itself due to the amount of heavy traffic through that area. I am sure Reggie will claim that he had lots to do with that!

The RDPS same thing! The earthquake destroyed the school! Are you saying that you contemplated not replacing it ? I hoped that a more functional building could have been erected with a computer lab, kitchen and auditorium that could have been used to promote sports, culture and arts at the school – something multifunctional that could at least be used as a hurricane shelter if the need arises, but alas such high hopes are only for dreamers and neophytes like me.

Mr. Douglas, during the election campaign I asked you to point to me one sustainable job that your government had created through a matter of policy or program within the boundaries of Pointe Ronde to Capuchin. The boundaries were deliberate to allow you some leeway.

Remember Mr. Douglas you ran away, on your return I insisted on a response to which you bowed your head shamefully and admitted that you could not point to any. I can boldly state this, as I was not the only one present. Mr. Douglas, do you remember? I am certain that you can’t recall. Is your amnesia selective or induced?

Can you remember me imploring you as a friend to unburden yourself of that weight which you carry on your shoulders?  I will not elaborate on those party political matters which you spoke to me in confidence.

Do you remember me imploring that you be more assertive in your approach to attracting government attention to Portsmouth and your response which indicated frustration with the simple matter of securing gratuities for pensioned workers of the council? Can you remember stating that you had to resubmit cabinet papers for the same on several occasions whilst another minister simply presented a list and got his business done? You further went on to elaborate on the disrespect that is meted out to the Portsmouth Constituency by your colleagues.  Am I sounding political now?

Perception is 90% reality Mr. Douglas. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to witness it did the tree fall? If you ask on our behalf and you don’t get let us know so we can deal with it!

Don’t get me wrong , I applaud the projects that have been undertaken. I am just saying that such things as progress, size, depth, are measurable and relative.  An uncared for plant may grow three inches in three months … one which is properly fertilized and watered might grow three feet!

Portsmouth has always been referred to as Dominica’s engine of growth. You must be a bad mechanic because this engine is moving much too slowly, not enough revs.

Back to your ‘development catalog’. I applaud the provision of housing for the poor, but Mr. Douglas, let your government know that giving someone a house does not elevate them from poverty. It will help, but if you do not provide a means for persons to be gainfully employed then these same people that you provide the houses will continue to live in squalor. The only difference will be that they do it in a pink house or a roofless one like the Petrocasas in Chance. Provide persons with opportunity for self development, employment … teach a man to fish Mr. Douglas, that’s what I am talking about. Do you appreciate that concept?

Yes Mr. Douglas, I know Chance, and I know the development that has taken place there. I know of the dilapidated roads and the poverty that still exists there too.

Mr. Douglas, Minister of Tourism, I am happy that you mentioned the development of tourism within our community. The spanking new Welcome Centre at the Indian River with the spectacular backdrop of the rotting steel hulled vessel  and the decimated groin which once served to protect berthing boats. The fantastic view from Fort Shirley of the Prince Rupert’s Bay, dressed in full regalia of rotting ships along the shoreline, are excellent images with which to market Portsmouth and Dominica! What of the Maria and efforts at removing the wrecks in the harbor? Speak to that Mr. Minister!

Yes Mr. Douglas I applaud your achievements, but I am utterly disappointed with our progress after  ten years of your leadership.  Ten years after I approached you and committed myself to your efforts at moving Portsmouth forward. Ten years after you established a commerce development committee to look into the development of commercial activity within the town.  Four years after the Portsmouth Development Proposal initiated by your constituency association was finalized and delivered. Thirteen months after you promised to report to the constituency within six, still waiting!

Am I wrong to insist on better?

I stand unmoved in my prior assessment and demand!

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  1. upstream
    February 5, 2011

    Congratulations to the writer of the article. Honest and clear.
    Ian seems to need help there is no doubt. He must be humble and ask for it. If Ian is smart,
    he will rally his people, and build the support needed in order to deal with the head of the government the way that it is necessary. Possie is a lovely community in many ways, but Possie people are still missing the point of their beauty.

    I dare say, Possie people have short-changed themselves, by allowing politics and politicians to blindfold them. Possie, you hold a strong card, you need to use it to your advantage starting now, Starting Today!

    Don’t vilify Ashton, now is time for you all to open your minds and see the bigger picture. All of you, get together with Ian, Ashton and the rest and plan your action, and deal the government how they deal you. Forgiveness is the key, rise above the pettiness and appreciate that you have people in your midst who can be objective and see beyond the blindfold of biasness.

    Possie has power, but possie is blinded to that power. Oh my Possie, wake up, forget color, forget symbol, forget Party-allegiance..All you need to see now is PORTSMOUTH and YOUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE, and take action. Demand what you need – there is strength in unity..but some unity is ridiculous. Use your strength positively. Get stronger by listening to each other, don’t fight each other down – Listen, Learn, Ask Questions, – & Plan wisely. Keep the necessary secrets, and act when necessary in the most civil, but focused and determined manner. Respect the law, but work for your right. Rosie was a radical, – come on Possie, do the radical thing, and get yourself on track as you should.
    I BELIEVE in my Possie – but alas it hurts me when we think since it red – it good. WE CAN DO BETTER for ourselves. Possie, use what you have, to your best potential. Help Ian by demanding meetings, demanding results or actions from meetings and plans, and call him out as a community even if in chambers, when he forming the fool. HELP HIM!

    Do yourselves a favor, and when election come, forget all color and focus on issues, don’t vote family, vote a person who can truly represent you. Possie YOU CAN!

  2. Hello!
    February 4, 2011

    The sad thing about all the melee is that we can jump high or jump low but the masses counts. When the masses are made up of people who prefer a parl rep they can drink rum with, what can the rest of us do? We the people who are dissatisfied with the representation of Ian Douglas are left in the cold because the masses are too illiterate to care. Let the stones roll.

  3. wel said
    February 4, 2011

    mr riviere is not trying to prove himself he wants better 4 possie people,an nothing rong in dat,cuz dey not tlking,iz only wen sumbody take a lead,people will follow,an if who dat dur de dog doenst tlk who will follow him.well done bro be back u 500 %

    • From Possie
      February 4, 2011

      learn to write properly my dear, if you are pushing a point, I want to understand

  4. leroy possie
    February 4, 2011

    I am sick and tired of the labor and the workers nonesense, i am sick of politics in general.political oratory is not what it use to be in dominica.And this is understandable, giving the reoson most people vote in dominica, politicians put mapwi before issues, who they know before general voters or citizens, their accounts before the peoples business, and dont give a damn about economics, foreign policy,constitualism, or the rule of law. It’s because they know that we as dominican prefer a good gossip than serious issues. Ian had already stated that the people of portsmouth are satisfied with the progress’ however it most be mentioned that i haven’t seen it. And like ashton already stated we cannot keep the ship on that coast, we need a commitment not just from ian but from our leader, we the people of portsmouth knows that the hon ian douglas those not have any say in what goes on in the portsmouth constituency, we need to stop pretending that we dont know the reality of power in dominica; and we should not retreat into some sot of sentimetality about our past and so to diminish our own control of our own destiny in the future. my fellow dominicans from every village,city,and town we are only going to achieve greatness when community come together and allow ourselves to come together as family to be fully angaged in our community with confidence, with enthusiasm and and in good faith. if we sit down and rely on our government we will be commiting a serious error. there is a conflict of loyalty within this government,ian the time has come for others in your party or any other political party on the island to come to terms with the conflict of loyaties you have been fighting for perhaps to long and talk about the issues that matters to portsmouth and forget what is popular with your party and stop trying to be loved by your party.

    • Domerican/Possie Massive
      February 4, 2011

      Too wordy Leroy you had my head spinning lol.

    • TheGoodMenDo
      February 4, 2011

      Propa Leroy!! I cannot say it betta!!

    February 4, 2011

    How long has edison been the Parl Rep of Marigot ? Wansn’t he the PM at one point? What has this man done for Marigot..the place looks like a dump

    but because some Riviere guy attached Ian…almost all of a sudden Ian is the worst person

    I will still say, Portsmouth is the most advance region in DA and Ian has to take some praise for that.

  6. Mango Titu
    February 3, 2011

    A long time ago I decided that there is no hope for Portmouth. I rememeber one town council election there were two women one from glanvillia and the other from zicack. They both contested the Town council election on a Labor party ticket. If these two women could write their names that was as much as the pen or pencil could go. Now they ran against competitors who were much more qualified , educated and respectable as compared to the two loud social characters who were Labor Candidates. yet these two women kick their competitors a*** during the Town council election I knew then that Mike Douglas knew deep down inside that these two council women were not just a jioke but an insult but he encouraged the people to vote these two women.
    There was another occasion when a young man also contested the Town council election again a DLP candidate.This young man did not get past 5 grade at Nun School. He came on the platform once and in order to get him to talk the chair person had to ask him to tell the people his name and occupation. That was it . Guess what he won convincingly.

    Catch my drift. I choose not to call names but I’m sure alot of people in Possie will remember that . Once it Labor Portsmouth people will put an X there. Proove me wrong

    • responding
      February 4, 2011

      st john school not nun school

      • Mango Titu
        February 4, 2011

        Wow how did you figure that out- passionately know as Nun school. This is my joy – again Nun School.Sweet Nun School.

  7. concern dominican
    February 3, 2011

    portsmouth should be a better place but they have to entangle their minds free up the one chanel thinking leave that for sheep.Vote people so that porse can get proper representation. WOLF IN SHEEP CLOTHING DO NOT WORK IN THE 20TH CENTUARY.WAKE UP IF U CLAIM SAY U SMART

  8. Kalkin
    February 3, 2011

    Igrew up with Ian and I attest to the fact that Ian is a good person. When ian tells someone ” yah Man” he it is because he wants to be tru to the “YAH MAN”. Ian has never been a true leader. In fact Ian was never interested in this current position. I may also add that Ian at one point preached in favor of the UWP and I also will agree that the UWP took care of him too.

    Ian is just caught in a bad situation. The DLP does not take Portsmouth seriously because Portsmouth is their potatoe field.

  9. follower
    February 3, 2011

    Portsmouth has what it takes to be to Dominica what Point A Pitre is to Guadeloupe. We have a very large portion of flat land that starts from Point Round and goes all the way north to Toucari and then to the north east to one mile. We have Ross University and a large international base. But our problem is, though we have well educated people in Possy, we are politically stupid and DLP has been using that against us. When DFP was in power, they punished Possy just to weaken the DLP base. UWP came and though is not a party I support, yet they tried their best to bring us on board. Infact, during the DFP, the Cruise Ship Birth was all but closed before workers came to give wheels to it. You can go to Possy and see what workers did in their 4 years when everybody in Portsmouth was agaisnt them. DLP took over and 10 years later, I cannot see what they have done for us; yet nobody is more Red than us. In fact Skerrit became Red just because of Rosie. He was Green all along. Yet when you go to his constituency especially Viellcase and see what he has done in a very mountainous area, I cannot help but blame us the people of Possy for not using our Redness to our advantage. Don’t miss understand me because I am very proud of what the man has done in his constituency; that’s how palrep’s should represent their people. My question is, what have they done for us in Possy? Now our Party is in office and if we don’t get things done under them, who will do it for us?
    Ian Douglas should not be used as the yoyo of the DLP and Skerrit to spin whichever direction he feels. If Ian was a leader, Skerrit would not have been the leader of the DLP and to have Savarin as his key man. This is the same Savrin that tried his best to kill DLP base in Possy. We in Possy so red that we even think Savrin, Skerrit, Charles Maynard, Parry Bellot and other top brass of DFP are labourites. Rosie and Michael Douglas must be crying in their graves now because they know how hard these persons fought to destroy our party and to see them use our base to hurt our people is just pathetic. Ian is blind that and lazy that if something were to happen to Skerrit, his name would not even come up as a possible leader. What a shame and disgrace he has brought to possy and the Douglas family! I support Ashton’s call for the man to resign. WE deserve better than that. But on the other hand, even if he resigns nothing will change because the DLP already know that they can win in Possy without even sending a candidate. So they will keep using us to push their agendas and at the end of the day, we will remain in the bottom. It’s time for us to wake up and have them to respect us. We need to let them know that they need us and caanot do without us.

  10. Anthony Ismael
    February 3, 2011

    When a people have been brain washed by those who have only their own self interest at heart, it’s difficult to tell them otherwise. The Milgram experiment as it related to obedience to authority figures saw participants pull an electric lever and shock other participants, if they believe that it came from an authority figure. What’s even more startling with this experiment is that these participants made these decisions even though it conflicted with their personal beliefs.

    I believe we are seeing the same effects in Dominica and Portsmouth to be exact. Even though the few accomplishments that Ian Douglas himself mentioned in the article speaks of the lack of attention and development in Portsmouth, the people still believe that if a dog were to wear a red shirt, they will represent the people of Portsmouth. I wish some of our citizens could read, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View.

    This will explain some interesting parallel in human behavior. skilled politicians like Ian Douglas know this very well. It’s too bad that some of our people do not understand this dynamic.

  11. Bush tea party
    February 3, 2011

    Massive protest on Borough Square next,after Paix-Bouche,Colihaut

  12. Charmer
    February 3, 2011

    If Mr Douglas is a real man, a true politician, or a parliamentary representative, he will call a town hall meeting, to listen to (through his ears, and not his eyes) the concerns of his constituents

    • ur dog lass
      February 4, 2011


  13. observer
    February 3, 2011

    thats interested this man is callin on ian to resign talking about honesty, in the same breath saying he not in political parties interest, he is talking for the development of portsmouth. correct me mr. revierre if i am wrong are u not that same person during the last election was attending all freedom parties executive meetings? but u forget freedom party stayed in office for a number of terms and did nothing for portsmouth and last election u was on the planning team. so wat the hell u talking about, all u condeming the housing revolution, but the same party u align with in their time poor people couldnt get a house today under ian douglas and labour poor people can sleep well. u are a freedomite and thats wat u are man. stop trying to fool people with your articles, deny u was part of the freedom party planning team last election, lets so who is honest.

    • sad
      February 3, 2011

      OMG, OMG OMG. please just drop offhte face of the earth. this young man truly care about the development of portsmouth. you on the other i’ll jpray for you

    • k
      February 3, 2011

      observer take out your glasses and wipe it and shake some scope or any thing of fresh taste to wash the hate from your mouth and look at all the points ashton bring forth with an open mind. stop trying to bash everybody that dont agree with labour and fit with the ” for or againts ” label try to at least act like you smart at least for this discussion.

    • cock soup
      February 3, 2011

      Stop being ignorant. So what if he went to a freedom party meeting, have you read what he has written? For once deal with a person message and stop trying to assasinate character when all you cannot face the truth. people like you that have those old ship by the bayside.

  14. zuma
    February 3, 2011

    Mr Riviere

    You seems to appear as a very educated man. good for you. However there is a small word call *prinicple* which has a very big meaning.

    Dont you think it would be wise to have had Mr Douglas and yourself to discuss ways in which you could assist him, AFTER ALL YOU SAID HE IS YOUR FRIEND, DONT YOU THINK HE WOULD HAVE LISTENED TO REASON AFTER ALL MR douglas is a humble man from all the comments i have been reading, you yourself know he does not have the POWER TO EXECUTE BUT HE WAS VOTED BY A PEOPLE WHO STILL BELIEVE IN THE LABOUR PARTY HOW ELSE MORE DO YOU WANT TO CONDEMN AN INNOCENT MAN???

    instead of beating your chest and standing victorious in the eyes of the people who see you as the next saviour ( of what i dont know) you have your own agenda::.

    please read this carefully


    Two cockrels fought on a dungheap, One cockrel was the stronger, he vanquished the other and drove him from the dungheap

    All the hens gathered around the cockrel and began to laud him, The cockrel wanted his strength and glory to be known in the next yard

    He flew on top of the barn, flapped his wings and crowed in a loud voice

    Look at me, all of you, I am a victorious cockrel, no other cockrel in the world has such strength as I

    The cockrel had not finished when an eagle killed him, siezed him in his claws and carried him to his nest

    FABLES, LEO 1828-1910

    • Misterman
      February 3, 2011

      Zuma, Please note and Note well, Ashton and a lot of other persons in Portsmouth have talked to, been trying to talk to, Begging Mr Douglas to have a sit down to discuss these issues.
      i know for a fact that Ashton has spoken to Ian on More than one occasion. I myself have spoken to Ian on a number of occasions.

      The problem with Mr DOuglas is that he does not speak back to the Community. I challenge Ian to tell us or to tell the world how many Public discussions he has held since assuming the Role as Parl Rep?

      Right now talking to Ian is a no no.

      February 3, 2011

      Mr Riviere has many pointers to help project the Portsmouth Community. His suggestion that Lagon should be brought back as part of the Constituency is a suggestion in the right direction for that projection. I believe it will be necessary for the entire Council membership to hold regular collective discussions with Mr Douglas as a way forward and insist that any consensus decisions taken by the membership for reference to Central Government or Cabinet must be relayed back to the Community on a regular basis.

      Portsmouth and the Northern Region are the economic future for the Commonwealth of Dominica

  15. de caribbean change
    February 3, 2011

    What became of the grandiose plan that Lennox Honneychurch had drawn up for the way forward for the second city a couple years ago? Did Skerro dump that ambitious plan in the trash can by mistake? Nothing more has been said of that plan ever since. What about the investors that Skerro had promised to bring into Portsmouth?

  16. hearing
    February 3, 2011


  17. Anonymous
    February 3, 2011

    Ahh haaa!!!! Just when I though we ran out of erudite young persons who challenge the status quo and use their abilities to draw attention to the issues of critical importance to development in Dominica, I am greeted with this masterpiece by MR. Riviere.

    Oh my God!!!!! all is not lost for the young people of this country. And despite the ruction that this article may cause in some circles, I would like to make it fundamentally clear that it is well received by other young intellectuals who have echoed the similar sentiments but have been engulfed by a hostile political environment which permeates our society in Dominica.

    This article brings out the fantod atmosphere which up until this point had not been expressed so vividly and accurately by the constituents of Portsmouth. Having said that I turn my attention now to the constituencies around Portsmouth and hastily point out that the people of Portsmouth are usually criticized for their inaction for effective representation by their neighbors; all the while forgetting that their situations are similar, if not worse and that the development of Portsmouth does not only affect residents of Portsmouth but the entire north.

    The economic activities in Portsmouth sustain all of us and from my vintage point if development in Portsmouth is stagnated or regressing for that matter, the entire north has a problem. So simple reasoning and arithmetic (Dollars and Cents) would dictate that attention should not only be focused on the inability of the individual who represents Portsmouth, to bring development projects to what we loosely refer to as the engine of growth.

    In essence, the attitude of all the other constituents of the north and most importantly representatives at the constituency and local government level should be examined; Because it seems like it is ok for the kettle to call the pot black with respect to representation and in addition it is ok for us to complain about the development of Portsmouth forgetting that all our economic livelihoods are linked to or based there.

    Wake up people !!!!!!!! It’s not a Portsmouth problem it’s a northern problem and by extension Dominican’s problem which if neglected will bring suffering to us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well said Mr. Riviere!!!!!! ……and I would like to inform you that you have the full support of other young intellectuals who like you are prepared to challenge the status quo!!!!.

    February 3, 2011

    I am not a politition, neither am i into politics, but it pleasuresmy heart reading such well written articles from my fellow Dominicans. Take time my people and educate yourselves. This Article is simply LOVELY… my advise to DNO is that the not be dropped.. refuse publication of articles which make us look like a nation of iliterates: poor grammar, spelling, sentence construction etc. This will no doubt send a positive message.. Once again, paying no attention to the politics that may be in this article, i applaud the writer.. WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. S.A.M.
    February 3, 2011

    Mister is a Blue….nothing he says can change my mind.

    I know he is a Blue…being positioned for a run.

    A dog in a red shirt in Possie will win against any and all comers.

    • responding
      February 3, 2011

      aint tht sad

    • Charmer
      February 3, 2011

      You must be mad. Smart people don’t support blue.

    • k
      February 3, 2011

      u need roller skates man >>> you sound like u never pass summer school

  20. Under Wayas mango Tree
    February 3, 2011

    Let me just say to Ashton that your presentation is historic and unprecedented. I say so because of the political History of Portsmouth. Born and raised in Portsmouth I can attest to the pride and arrogance of Portsmouth. We always feel that the future and prosperity of Dominica can only be found in Portsmouth. In fact we had this aura that Portsmouth could secede and operate successfully as a separate state with it’s own system of government. Yes I know that sounds like arrogance and foolishness but the intent here is to highlight the great potential that exist within the Portsmouth area.

    Here is a little bit of our political History- In 1980 Portsmouth people voted the Labor Party when the entire country had decided that enough was enough and that we needed a change. As the second city one would think that the people are most inclined to make a more educated judgment and or decision. 1980 was one year after the catastrophic hurricane David and about 16 months after the ominous end of a corrupt and chaotic Patrick John regime. Let us not forget the pillage of the now Minister of Labor Charles Saverin. Having gone through this dramatic period our people in the second city chose to remain with the symbol of the shoe even when the then dynamic freedom Party was considered our only way out. The freedom party remained in power for 15 years and we Portsmouth people complained that we were neglected simply because we did not vote the DFP. As a young and impressionable Porssian I felt those claims meted out by the likes of Mike and Rosie were truthful and well founded. In fact those claims of neglect by the DFP were very instrumental in forming the idea of secession and an exclusive and Independent Portsmouth. Age brought reasoning and I then realize that what I thought true was nothing but an illusion and an attempt to dissuade people. In my reasoning it became clear to me that the very same Mike Douglas who promoted the handout culture was the very same person making tremendous strides and taking opportunity of all programs and incentives created by a government that we hated so much. In fact I know of instances where Mike had discourage Portsmouth people from taking advantage of some development programs in Portsmouth and would you know that Mike’s name was #3 on the list of people who registered for the very same programs. I say this not for political reasons ( Mike is deceased- god Bless his sole). But to show that the problem in Portsmouth is much deeper than politics or Ian.

    For 15 years we went on thinking that the DFP to include Charles Saverin the then Devil now the saint hated Portsmouth people so bad. Yes Mamo made a statement that added fuel to the fire but then again when I looked back at what the Freedom Party did in Portsmouth in ten years I ask my self what would have been if we were smarter enough to play the game and vote the freedom party back in 80 and 85. If someone wants to question my assessment feel free to do so because I will be able to provide solid evidence that the DFP did more for Portsmouth in 6 years the DLP has in 10 years.

    Ashton I recall sometime last year that you wrote DNO and expressed similar concerns and from then on I thought that Ian would buckle up and either put the cards on the cabinet table or tell Portsmouth people the truth. Based on the mentality and methodology of the Portsmouth people the DLP owe us more than they owe anywhere else in Dominica- Note I said based on the rationale of Portsmouth people. It is now ten years of our Labor Government and Portsmouth people are still complaining. It stands to reason that Ian is not the real problem but Portsmouth people themselves. That does not suggest that Ian has done his job. The problem lies within our ability, discipline and mental capacity to make sound and productive political decision. If we allow ourselves to be like paros no one will take us seriously. The question is why should any political party in government or otherwise look at us in Portsmouth with caution. Considering the attitude of the DLP politicians why bother Portsmouth will vote labor no matter who or what the case maybe.. A UWP government will not go the distance for a constituency that show no inclination to voting objectively –why focus on Portsmouth. The DFP would do the same for the very same reason.

    I chose not to focus on Ian – not because I love Ian and that Ian is a good person but to raise the awareness that our mind and the political decisions we make must become our focus. To dwell on Ian is simply not the way forward Ashton. We know that we are the wild card for the future development of Dominica but we are also the constituent that could dramatically change the policies of political parties in Dominica. Ashton your effort to highlight one side of the problem is greatly appreciated. Take not though that when the former Mayor Mr Hill voiced the very same concerned he was lynched by those in Portsmouth who seek to put thrash on the wound instead of providing quality care.

    It is now time for those who know better to take the mantle and change the mentality of Portsmouth people. I’m talking about the educated ones who complain about representation and governmental responses yet come election our political decision is still based solely on a tradition set by our great grand parents- Sey Labor mwen Labor. Pas que pap mwen se te Labor.. Wake Up my people Wake Up !!!!!!!!.

    • TheGoodMenDo
      February 3, 2011

      This is the most delusional piece of drivel I have read in a long time. Were it not for Ross and the distribution of land by Geest to the famers in Picard, Portsmouth and by extension the north, would be in abject poverty. Ask anybody who knows about the fight with Geest to give the famers the land or the fight to force Mamo to put Ross where it is and they will tell you that were it not for Mike none of it would happen. Ross would be in Roseau. That is why Glanvilla people will never forget Mike. DFP neglected Portsmouth for 15 years, and I would like to see you try and argue otherwise. Mike was no saint, neither did he pretend to be, nor was Rosie or Ian for that matter, but Mike was heart and soul GWA ANSE!!! and he made you know it. When it came to opening his mouth and fighting for what he wanted for his people, there was none like him. God bless his soul, May he rest in peace!!!drivle

      • blinded
        February 3, 2011

        excuse me sir but u missed the point. I doh know the writer but the very same thing he just say there i suspect u suffering from it. he said some things about mike but he is saying in a nutshell that we need to stop that ” born in labour die in labour” mentality it has not helped us much for as long as we could remember. We deserve much more and we have alot more power than we know we have. that is all the man was trying to say. I am a young person, i can understand that why can’t you. shait man it is not about labour!! it is about being neglected for years and how we can fix that and move forward get get the red had off your head and lets put all heads together.

        • Anonymous
          February 4, 2011

          Born in Labor die in labor. Man Portsmouth is labor because prior to Ian, Mike and Rosie represented Portsmouth well. If Ian continue to be lack luster he will loose the seat. We not stupid in Portsmouth. Dominica as a whole have been stagnated, but that is a whole different topic. We like to complain, but truth be told, compared to the rest of the country, Portsmouth have seen a lot of growth.

        • TheGoodMenDo
          February 4, 2011

          I not suffering from anything. It is naive to think that Portsmouth is being held back because it have been reliably labor. Roseau was reliably freedom and they got their fair share under every Government. We have been labor for good reason, we had two plus decades of good representation by Mike and Rosie. Maybe we expected Ian to be a next Mike or Rosie and he isn’t. That said Portsmouth is being neglected not because of Party, but because only Portsmouth people and Portsmouth people alone that truly believe Portsmouth is the growth engine for Dominica. We know we are, but the rest of the country just think we fresh!! They think we need to get over our selves, they will not say it out loud but it is what they thinking.. They will come around soon. Possie and the North is the heart of DA. DA cannot grow without a healthy vibrant heart, and that is the sadness about Ian. He can carry that message convincingly, but alas he doh want to.

      • Under Wayas mango Tree
        February 3, 2011

        TheGoodMenDo – Iit is sad that you miss the point but I also notice that you are asking me to support my “drivel “ with facts. It is also obvious that your response is was furnished with emotional Portsmouth politics.. You may have resentment for Mamo and that does not really matter to me and if you think that I have any resentment toward Mike or that I favor Mamo, you are wrong my fellow Dominican. I just call it as I see it. I will therefore not engage in your politics . I used the Mike Douglas example to support my statement and I make no apologies for that – Why? Because what I shared with you di actually happen.

        Did Mamo try to prevent ross from setting up in Portsmouth – I don’t but if that ‘s what you know to be true then I do understand your anger but it behooves me that you would refer to my opinion as drivel. Why would you engage in foolish talk?

        Again it is my opinion that the Freedom Party did more for Portsmouth in 6 years than the labor part has in 10 years. Could or should more have been done – absolutely.

        You ask for it here it is
        From the ravages of Hurricane David and political strife

        Long House Port development with custom warehouse and storage and separate officer quarters

        Portsmouth Jetty reconstruction then destroyed

        Portsmouth government school expansion and reconstruction

        Portsmouth Hospital,
        Para Bridge

        New Water Supply infrasture thus providing water to glanvillia which by the way did not have.

        Cruise ship berth

        Cabrits development

        New roads – Portsmouth to capuchin
        Portsmouth to Harten garden road

        New Police Station

        The beginning of the Chance development.

        These are just some of the projects that I remember . In hind sight much more could have been done and things could have been done much better. But I wont be politically bias. Just for your information sir – I don’t think you hung as much shoes on power lines line I did. I was a staunch supporter of the Portsmouth tradition – Labor I Labor believe it or not. I am glad I moved away from this tradition of ignorance I choose to be objective not subjective. Note that I did not say that the DLP did nothing for Portsmouth.

        • AllPossie
          February 4, 2011

          Are you really from Portsmouth? Freedom was in power for 15 years. I will give them the Police station, the Cruise ship birth and the new water main. BTW, Glanvilla had water before the new main. Ok I will even throw in the Sintra road and Geest did long house but we will count it. That is four things in 15 years, none of which had any growth impact on the town. The rest of the stuff is truly a joke. Hospital? PGS? Jetty? New roads? Chance? Seriously all these things were there before DFP and was literally falling apart when DFP left office. Hey I doh think is DFP fault they neglect us, they did very little for the country as a whole, so we really should not feel bad in Possie, is not us alone that got neglected.

        • TheGoodMenDo
          February 4, 2011

          Under Wayas mango Tree-

          “I used the Mike Douglas example to support my statement and I make no apologies for that – Why? Because what I shared with you di actually happen.”

          Deflamation of a dead man, you should be ashamed of yourself. You lied, you got caught in a lie, just say sorry and move on..

      • cock soup
        February 3, 2011

        they never say mike did not do anything. Just simply stating we should be more wise in our voting. If it is you going to vote one way all the time why put effort? all you don’t see the emphasis that was placed on Castle Bruce because no body knew who would win the seat STOP PUTTING PARTY BEFORE ALL YOUSELF SORT!!!

    • Anonymous
      February 4, 2011

      If you are going to slander a dead man, at very least show proof. Don’t make up stuff to make a fake point. What list was Mike #3 on?

      • Under Wayas Mango Tree
        February 4, 2011

        All Possi now that you ‘ve down played the DFP work then maybe it’s time to tell us what the DLP did in 11 years . Since we are dealing with Portsmouth then let us start and allow me to make my assessment based on your reasoning.

        The RDPS – repaired after earth quake damage

        Bridge – Lagoon Bride after earthquake and structurally unsound.

        Fisheries- according to your reasoning – given by the Japanese so that does not count.

        Pink houses- given by Chavez ( although the pinkies was donated by Chavez- Let me be nice and give you something for consolation)

        Ooooops I ran out of gas. 11 years the Portsmouth Labor Party in Power.

        I lament about the condition in Portsmouth. When I think of Portsmouth 20 years ago and I compare it to what I see now it makes me sad. Really sad – very serious

        • All Possi
          February 4, 2011

          Seriously? Portsmouth of today is way more developed that Portsmouth of 20 years ago. That not even an argument.
          The reason Geest does not count and The fisheries project does is simple. The Fisheries Project is a Government Project, government went out there and find/beg for some funds to do a project. The other is an individual business (Geest) making a purely selfish business decision. For Geest the calculation was if we build a wharf we can use fork lifts and pontoons and cut out all the labor cost of ladies with box on their head and guys on lighter tossing boxes. That change was great for Geest, but bad for Portsmouth, we lost a whole ton of jobs and commerce in the process. The fact that we use the warf is an so so bye product, and I say so so with good reason. Wade and Fostin and almost every other boat owner in Portsmouth pleaded with the DFP to make the birth just a bit longer and wider to be able to accommodate small cargo boats, but they didn’t, hence we have no where in the North that any decent size boat can dock to off load some cargo. But I digress. Back to the issue at hand. What has the DLP done. I am going to reluctantly innumerate, and reluctantly because you have manage to draw me into a DFP vs DLP tit for tat which to me is irrelevant to the development of Portsmouth. Nonetheless here we go.

          New RDPS,
          The fisheries Project,
          Rehab fort Shirley,
          Expand PSS about 2 fold to accommodate pretty much the whole north.
          Rebuilt almost every Bridge in the town, (Para, Cacowell, Indian River, Purple turtle, lagoon),
          Upgrades to the Portsmouth Hospital,
          Forget the pink houses, Chance is a new city ,
          Picard is a whole other world,
          All Zicack roads was paved properly(concrete)for the fist time,
          New fire Station,
          Rebuilt the Market,
          Indian River Tourist Center,
          Turn Benjamin’s Park into park from the swamp.

          You know what let’s stop there I think I made the point. Labor have done stuff. Do we have a long way to go? Yes! Are there many public services and roads that are in serious disrepair? Clearly!! Can our Pal Rep do a better job? Definitely!! So my point is not that we have to sit back and praise any party or put down any party. That is a futile exercise in my view. We always need to be looking at the present and seeing how we can make the future better. We have plenty things in the town that needs fixing.
          My overall point is developing Portsmouth is not about what party we vote for, but about how we are represented and how we come together as a community to effect the change we are looking for. Let us not turn party politics into an excuse for why the things we need to get done are not getting done. It really don’t matter who in power, if we come together as a community as the north, we can advocate for, and effect the changes we need. A good leader helps pave that way and that is why we are pressuring the pal rep, but doh come there with your, Mike said this and did that, and make you think DFP was bad. Let the man rest in peace, he did his part, now do yours!!

  21. Jackeye Boss
    February 3, 2011

    Ashton you mentioned the Pink houses and I smiled in satisfaction. It was about 4 years ago I had the very same discussion with a few friends in Portsmouth. It was about the time the pink houses were being built. If we look at the gesture with sentimental emotions how can one not be happy for the people who got a house free of charge. In my discussion with my beloved friends I also stated that we should not consider an act of charity by the Venezuelan as development. The best measure of development is in the people’s ability to be independent and productive.
    I also take this propaganda of housing revolution as merely propaganda. Whenever people tell me about Housing revolution the first question I ask is – show me the impacts and effect of the housing revolution on the economy and economic livelihood of the people of Dominica.
    The idea of a housing revolution would mean a spark in the economy, jobs , jobs, jobs. A housing revolution would generate new and expansion of material supply businesses, would reduce the migration of trades men to the smaller islands; A housing revolution would force the government would boost government jobs in areas like planning and quality control and enforcement. A housing revolution in it’s true meaning is a force to behold and every country on earth would like the opportunity to boast of a housing revolution.

    If someone can prove to me that with the housing revolution in Dominica we saw a remarkable growth in home and building loans then I am willing to retract my blog and eat the humble pie..Unless otherwise convinced I refuse to jump the “ Housing Revolution Band Wagon” For the last 4 years the world has been in economic recession while a non productive country like Dominica is enjoying a massive Housing Revolution. I love my county but that is really a joke or as I stated earlier a propoganda

    • Ibn Gabrioli
      February 3, 2011

      Jackey Boss, Aye. That’s tickles me till I am laughing my head off. From now on, I’ll be Mawta! Nah, Polkay.

      • Under Wayas mango Tree
        February 3, 2011

        I’m LMAO too. I’ll choose Bram Bram instead

  22. Texas
    February 3, 2011

    There is hope for DA when people have the guts to stand up and call wrong, wrong, and right, right.

    Mr. Riviere, though I appreciate your sentiments of not wanting to be involved in politics, I think that you may well be doing a disservice to your country by not stepping into the ring and using your God given leadership talents! I don’t know you but judging from your words and the support of your fellow constituents, it seems you have what it takes to make a difference. Good men who stand aside and do nothing when they see wrong being done, are just like the men who are doing the wrong. I think you should consider running for office at the next general election – perhaps on an independent ticket since you said all the present parties have the same agendas.

    • Bawaon
      February 3, 2011

      Dude I am from Porssie and i’m not sure about you. Portsmouth people are to darn one track minded to vote anything other than a Douglas parading with a red shoe. Sorry my friend I’m just telling you as it is. It is sad though.

      • TheGoodMenDo
        February 3, 2011

        Nonsense !!!

  23. Bug Ah Buggin
    February 3, 2011

    The writer either had help or he is a well read man. I am going with well read we pal!

    Having said that I see where his concerns are, and they are valid.

    He is not a supporter of Ian or the Government, even if he and Ian are (Were) friends.

    He has had conversations with Ian that were personal in nature, yet he chooses this forum to espouse them. His points would have been stronger without the personal nature of their conversations.

    There is nothing wrong with him plodding/pleading with his Parl Rep to do more.

    The Parl Rep has not done enough in his eyes and and he challenges him to show where he is wrong.

    The fact of the matter is simply this – This guy is part of the Town Council, he is is a member of a group of men who want to better their community. Can the council on its own do this? NO – not with their limited budget.

    By asking for Ian to resign, he is guaranteeing that nothing happens.

    He (The guy) will never win in Portsmouth in yours and my lifetime and the people’s work goes undone.

    The Parl Rep should be doing more…..and the guy should have kept it professional to ensure his message reaches home.

    We are not alone.

    • Labourite
      February 3, 2011

      He is a well read man. Where do you think Ashton Riviere from? Portsmouth ofcourse. Respect to the man!!! Well written and impeccably articulated!!!

  24. Mang Bombers
    February 3, 2011

    I don’t think that Skerrit and the rest of the DLP is disrespecting just Ian. Like Under Wayas Mango tree says Porssie people will vote Labor regardless of who or what. The Douglas representation is a separate issue. If the now hated Washaway Douglas was to run on a Labor Party ticket he would win overwhelmingly. No doubt. The DLP cabal and Ian know that even if Ian resign or is dismissed the people will vote the next labor candidate- most likely another Douglas. For whatever reason. That is beyond me. It is true however that Ian’s lack of BALLS has made him a marshmallow in the Skerrit cabinet.
    Ian has confided in people other than Ashton and it is true that Ian is frustrated with the way by which Skerrit is conducting the cabinet. In fact Ian and other do not even know what is going on.

    • TheGoodMenDo
      February 3, 2011

      So how do you explain the fact that Washway ran for Mayor of Portsmouth against Eroll Hill and got beaten badly? Mike worked for his People and he represented them well. Rosie did the same, and he made them even more proud by rising to PM, a position Portsmouth people have always coveted. So there is a good track record why Portsmouth like Douglas, it is not without some merit. Rosie’s death was untimely and left a yearning for his replacement, we thought Ian was cut from the same cloth. We still hoping he can find his fiber. Ian is not living up to what we Portsmouth people expect of our Pal rep, that is an open secret. So we will give him some blows and see if he shapes up. If he doesn’t, don’t think that we in Portsmouth are so close minded that we will not look else where. As you can see we are very proud, well read and well bread. We are by no means sad or monotonous. So mine what you saying!! :)

  25. Law_Student
    February 3, 2011

    This is a well written article. I do not know the writer, an excellent piece indeed. I think that Mr. Ian Douglas should accept this constructive criticism, call a public meeting with the people of Portsmouth so that he can critically listen to their concerns so that he can improve. If they want him to resign, he should respect the wishes of the people; if the people accepts them then he needs to implement the crucial needs of the people of Portsmouth.

    When comes to the issue of governance one has to accept constructive criticism. Whenever one decides to represent public interest, this comes with the task.

    Thank you Mr Riviere for speaking out for the people of Portsmouth. It is very important for people to speak out and constructively critique issues with the intention of making progress of a civilized nation.

    Thank you for reading.

  26. TheGoodMenDo
    February 3, 2011

    Ashton a fight never has a winner just two losers. Enjoy the rush but know that the depression and damage will last forever. You could have given a hand up, instead you slapped. That was your choice.

    • for real
      February 3, 2011

      maybe he is in love with ian!!!!!!???????? :lol: but ian doesnt love him back!soooo…slap!!

    • like it man
      February 3, 2011

      Look within yourself and ask whether or not you are making a valid contribution. If you read without prejudice you would realize than Ashton said that he offered himself to help thus the reason he is publically calling out Ian. Ashton is not just writting he is acting the part too. That I can assure you.
      It is people like you who encourage politiicians to behave the way they do right now in Dominica.
      Start using your mind instead of emotions.

      • TheGoodMenDo
        February 3, 2011

        You don’t know me, so I am not sure how you know what people like me do. Nonetheless, my comment was about the tone of Ashton piece not the substance. Honesty is honorable, brutal honesty is just brutal.

        We spend a lot of time in life beating people down instead of building them up. I believe in building up and showing them their mistake and helping them up. But hey, that is just people like me choosing to use my emotions and my mind… :)

    • Hmmmmmm
      February 3, 2011

      Ashton is just stating in public what a lot of us in Portsmouth have been saying for years.

    February 3, 2011

    Thank you and well done Mr. Reviere for an informed and well written article.

    It would be interesting to see an honest approach article written by someone in each village. We would really know “The State of the Country” . I especially call on someone in Grand Bay to write an article addressing “The State of Grand Bay”

    May we hear from you?

    • Grand Bay self
      February 4, 2011

      We not happy about Grand Bay, it is worst than Ports Mouth at least Portsmouth had something done for them Grand Bay has not a lousy thing done as yet. I bet so many other villages can say the same thing. We dying out here in Grand bay.

  28. Azu AzuwAy Shou SHOT JAUN SORT
    February 3, 2011

    well said Mr Ashton,

  29. One Day
    February 3, 2011

    So the bottom line is this, Ian is not respected by the DLP and so he is not a good candidate for the portsmouth people. So we can agree that it is not his faults, so something has to be done about it. SO let’s give Ian the benefit of a doubt, he tried but he is not respected and can’t get any results. So what’s next? Should Mr. Riviere continue to just understand that and let the people of Portsmouth be left in such predicament? What sayest the people of Portsmouth, are you ready for a change or will you continue knowing that your parl rep is not respected enough? it’s your call..

  30. One Day
    February 3, 2011

    Oh Lawd, what a position to be in. very funny.I guess you looking out for your bread. Who can wrong you.. lol.

    • One Day
      February 3, 2011

      This message was in response to this!!!!

      “Ashton, If dee minister remove di reck in the river mouth then what will I catch? I have to remain on cannash to fish because I kia afford to buy a fishing boat and the credit nunion or di bank say I doh have established savings or good credit with dem so i kia get ah loan. So mistah ministah, leave di wreckage where it is yessss, so that I can keep pesheying and providing for a daily meal for my famalee,,, bcuz if u move it, yes the place will look pretteeeeee but I will have to come to RED CLINIC n Stand n Wait in Dat LONNNNNNNGGGG LINE,BY WHICH TIME MY CHILE WILL HAVE TIME DED OF HUNGER!”

  31. One Day
    February 3, 2011

    This is totally awesome. I love the writing, I love the response, I love that he stands firm to what he believes. 10 years of nothing is too much and this is the way that every constituent should demand of their leader. The communities need developments and not be fooled by the little hand-outs which are given. His analogies are fitting and everyone should take note.

    Great Job Mr. Riviere!! Ian and everyone else fully well knows that he was never liked in the cabinet so I do not know why he stuck with them. After he was about to be booted as AG, word got out before it was supposed to so he was strategically replaced as AG, and the cabinet was reshuffled.

  32. Winstn Brown
    February 3, 2011

    Well Written, well said!!!!

  33. Observer
    February 3, 2011

    I agree with PS Passie 100%, Paix Bouche constituency should definitely be brough to the fore. What has Mr. Martin done for the people of Calibishie ?, absolutely nothing, to get our road fixed we had to take to the streets and fight. These people need to be exposed. My fellow constituent’s open your eyes and stop being fooled by these politicians who do not have your interest at heart, Enough is Enough, get them all out.

  34. gwen
    February 3, 2011

    Mr Riviere, can we put our heads and minds together to form a fresh party for the good of Dominica.

    We need a whole different mind set and new ideas like yours. You have the caliber and stats to be a leader for the people. If you respond to my comment openly then I know you are serious I would need your direct contact information

    • Ashton
      February 3, 2011

      if you really do want to get in touch with me you should have no problems …
      Look me up on FB
      Let’s discuss ideas

  35. leroy possie
    February 3, 2011

    ashton well done but all the blame should not fall at IAN,s feet! IAN will never do good for portsmouth and is not that he dont want to, his party wont allow him especially after that famous phone call. so the voters in portsmouth that say i didn’t vote for IAN i voted for skerrit, thats the one thats keeping us down. IAN i blame you for not telling your people what the real issue was.

    • vain23
      February 3, 2011

      you hit the nail right on the head padna, is not Ian that is to be blamed, even though he ask he will never get……

  36. Trevor Tossy Johnson
    February 3, 2011

    I tried to help Ian to talk but guess what he did? He went on a platform and allowed Skerrit to demand him to sing! What an embarrassment to the Douglas Family.


    • Anonymous
      February 3, 2011

      He is not an embarrassment but someone who when he makes a commitment with stick with it to the end regardless of the pain it may cause. He has mor character than anyone I know and for this I give him credit. Skerrit never new the calibar of the Man Ian. He supports the ideal of the DLP because he more that anyone know the toll it took on his family and his youth. He would never give up on the work his father and uncle started for the people of Portsmouth. That sad thing is that he was hindered on every level by the present labour party movers and shakers to move forward because of fair that is potential they he Ian might be a viable contender for leadership of the DLP. The reality is, Ian never ever wanted to be the leader of the party.

      • Hugo Grotius
        February 3, 2011

        Ian your reputation more important than party. No man treating me the way skerro treat u, I don’t care how much debt i have, u hear me, so for u to speak about Ian’s caliber is hogwash.
        They treating the man with no respect, sidelining a lawyer in tourism, Ian u are a Douglas for god sake.
        We all human and make mistakes, but Ian the way skerro treating u, when u sacrificed much more than him with the death of your father and Uncle, i would never let mister do me that.
        Ian u will forever be remembered as a spineless politician for the rest of your days, after politics u finish for the rest of your life.

  37. giso
    February 3, 2011

    And the CONSTITUENCY ADVOCATE AWARD goes to Mr. Ashton Riviere. “For having the testicular fortitude to put the concerns of his community in the proper perspective and speak truth to power.”
    My Riviere you are part of the remaining remnant that God will use to elevate His people so His name can be glorified.
    As you quite wisely stated you are ready for the assaults and insults that have been flung and continue to be flung towards you. Keep your resolve and stand up for what you believe to be in the best interest of your community and by extension the Commonwealth of Dominica. I like the “agree to disagree and not be disagreeable” slant of your missives.
    When all is said and done your conscience will be clear because you understood it is never about YOU but the community and “friendship” should not cloud your objectivity as you aspire to keep our elected representatives accountable and hold their feet to the fire.
    My prayers are constantly with you and those of like mind no matter what their political persuasion is. IT’S ABOUT THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA.!!

  38. Raggae music
    February 3, 2011

    Well written article and everything you mentioned need scrutiny.

    Hon Ian Douglas took all those concerns you mentioned to cabinet. He has advocated tirelessly for the development of Portsmouth. He insisted that all the government facilities in Roseau should be duplicated in Portsmouth to serve the residents of the North and North East. He is constantly frustrated by the lark of response from cabinet with the progress of Portsmouth. In spite of his difficulties he is one of the most committed people and has to learn to talk more instead of internalizing everything.

    I personally believe that the constant neglect Ian has received from the Government and Cabinet they has actually achieved what the leadership of the DLP wanted immediately following the 2005 General election; to destabilize Ian. They are successful in undermining all Hon Douglas efforts for development in the second city. Bravo to them, they have destroyed the man and are probably laughing. Hon Douglas never stops fighting for Portsmouth the powers that be are we totally against his success for fear that he would be viewed as leadership material.

    Ian you have sacrificed allot personally, financially and emotionally. It’s time that you make a decision that would be better for Ian. You gave so much and I know all you really wanted to do was make a difference because of your love for Portsmouth and her people goes deeper than the depths of ocean outside your balcony. Hold strong it might just be the time to say enough is enough and don’t let us loss another Douglas Politician due political pressure. Speak your mind and let Portsmouth, Dominica and the world know the struggles you face in the DLP Cabinet. It is about time.

    Don’t blame it all on Ian the Dominica Labour Party has allot to with the present state of the Second City Portsmouth.

    • bb
      February 3, 2011

      ok…well then lets hear it all! Ian should bring it on the table now…lets deal with it and place pressure where pressure needs to be placed!!!

    • Nadz
      February 3, 2011

      I second that!!!!!!!

    • Amazed
      February 3, 2011

      So what you are infact saying is that Ian is indeed selfish. For if he is facing such huge problems in Cabinet to get through with any request on behalf of the people of Portsmouth, this means that he is plain ineffective and should not have presented himself for re-election in December 2009.

      I think he keeps giving persons he thinks that are his friends the excuse of his bills that have to be paid, hence my reason for saying this guy is just plain selfish. He rather the rest of Portsmouth suffer while he continues to pay his bills comfortable.

      This cannot be fair and Portsmouth needs to demand that he packs up.

    • Reader
      February 3, 2011

      Like wise! I really believe Ian cares about Portsmouth. Unfortunately, he has conducted himself in such a way that people see him as weak and without purpose! Ian, this is your defining moment!

      • TheGoodMenDo
        February 3, 2011


  39. Bojangles
    February 3, 2011

    Very well said Mr Riviere, I can hardly wait to see Mr Douglas’s response. This is without a doubt, one of the most insightful and honest articles I’ve read on DNO for a while.It not only highlights the state of affairs in Portsmouth, but in the entire Island.
    We need more Dominicans like yourself to speak up on behalf of our Country and it’s development and not try to vilify those who dare to speak the truth.
    Dominica is at a crossroads, and until we stand together as the Tunisians have done, and like Egyptians are currently doing, it will be too late for Dominica.

  40. follower
    February 3, 2011

    Portsmouth has the potential to become a modern city which is able to provide employment for many on the island. Possy has a lot of highly educated and qualified persons, yet it continues to look like a city in the dark. If the people would put party politics on a side and seek to bring development to Possy, we would have a far better city. But alas! Possy has voted DLP for years and what have they got to show? In fact before an election is even called we all know that Possy is going to heavily vote DLP. Right now, DLP is taking Portsmouth as a joke because they know the people must vote for them. We are blaminig Ian Douglas and he deserves to be blamed. This man is not a politician and I have seen no sign of development or leadership in him. Without a doubt, Ian is the worse failure possy has produced. He has openly criticized Skerrit but when it was time to stand to Mr. Skerrit, he quickly wagged his tail back. So Skerrit has no respect for him now. Ashton has given hope to us in Possy because he sounds like a leader, sounds like a leader and he is a leader. I do hope that Ian does the honorable thing and give possy a chance

  41. Thanks
    February 3, 2011

    @Lougawoo and AC – This is exactly what I thought while reading this article, if only there was someone of the same caliber in each village who was not afraid to come out and do what Mr. Riviere is doing here.

    Mr. Riviere, I want to applaude you on your effort to effect change in Portsmouth first and Dominica as a whole. I will not comment on Ian because he has proven time and time again just how incompetent he is. Sir, by the content of your article, I know that you gave it much thought before writing and it is really a great piece from your very heart and soul.

    It is high time to move beyond politics, now is time for change! Not the same ‘ole, same ‘ole “BS” bottle of rum and a small so called house, it is time to teach folks how to fish. Time to take our youth and young adults back from the other islands that they have run to for rescue and allow them back in DA where they can be properous and effective citizens. Time the citizenry of Dominica cry, ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Time that Dominicans catch the vision and realize that politics (red, blue or green) will not do but as a people, as a nation, we can and should bring about the change that will allow our children and grand children a better future.

    Time that all those in power answer to the people for their lack of representation, lack or integrity and the blatant lack of respect for the very people who elected them into power. It is time for accountability. Time for answers!

    Mr. Riviere, keep the fire burning. It is a new time, a new season, the status quo will no longer work. The Middle East is crying out, let us cry out in Dominica for change. Young people so full of potential are falling by the wayside, lives are being destroyed, lives are being ruined because no one have been listening. This has gone on for too long! We need more like you in Dominica to bring about the change. Step up to the challenge…you have the support! – Be blessed sir

  42. PSS Passie
    February 3, 2011

    Wow….this is some food for thought! At first I had a hard time placing the face with the name, but thanks to DNO, this has been solved.

    Now you have ignited in Portsmouth…..stand firm, it ain’t going to be easy for you…..who is going to take the flames and run with it……….??????????????????

    Those parl reps needs to be exposed one by one….Paix Bouche constituency needs to be also brought to the fore…….and many many more.

    I can’t see young people supporting these characters so blindly and after election these people enjoy their big salaries and perks and could not care a damn for about these same young people.

    We better address this thing now before we get to an Egyptian state.

    • bb
      February 3, 2011

      and it seems like all those labour party holes are the ones not moving forward! SMH!!!

  43. negre marwon
    February 3, 2011

    Well said Mr.Reviere.Grand Bay is in the same predicament as Portsmouth.Dynastic representation
    a La Charles. The only difference in Grand Bay there is no one with the cajones in the Grand Bay
    Village Council to stand up and tell us how it is.

    • Houston
      February 3, 2011

      You think you know about G/bay? The Grand Bay people has supported who they wanted to support and not party. Pierro would win even if he ran for labour, freedom or workers.
      Now lets look at G/bay politics:
      Just some food for thought

      • Reader
        February 4, 2011


  44. My two cents
    February 3, 2011

    This is what Dominicans need to use DNO for!!! to promote constructive discussion in an effort to move DA Forward. Keep the healthy discussion going fellow Dominicans.

    I support share Ashton’s sentiments on the issues at hand and sincerely hope that the minister will objectively look into the suggestion made therein.

    Lets keep those good ideas alive and flowing….Let the politicians hear from the people who put them there to execute on our behalf!!!

  45. Lougawoo Mem
    February 3, 2011

    Ashton Riviere, there’s a lot you can teach Skerrit and his cabal. Not one in his cabinet can fit in your shoes. Soldierman supports you all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. 305 goon
    February 3, 2011

    Riviere only wants good for his country and community. Why in the world did Ian have to come out and say that Riviere’s moves are politically influenced? Ian has a problem because trust me Ashton Riviere only wants good!!!!

  47. On cannash pesheying
    February 3, 2011

    Ashton, If dee minister remove di reck in the river mouth then what will I catch? I have to remain on cannash to fish because I kia afford to buy a fishing boat and the credit nunion or di bank say I doh have established savings or good credit with dem so i kia get ah loan. So mistah ministah, leave di wreckage where it is yessss, so that I can keep pesheying and providing for a daily meal for my famalee,,, bcuz if u move it, yes the place will look pretteeeeee but I will have to come to RED CLINIC n Stand n Wait in Dat LONNNNNNNGGGG LINE,BY WHICH TIME MY CHILE WILL HAVE TIME DED OF HUNGER!

  48. Rolle
    February 3, 2011

    What a response! Mr. Riviere I support you 100%. I am not from Portsmouth, but I love Portsmouth, I am one of those who would support making Portsmouth our capital if this ever comes up in the future. Ian Douglass does not deserve the people of Portsmouth, your call for his resignation is totally justified. If Ian had any dignity he would have resigned long before you called for it.

    Be strong and know that there are many like you in this country who wants to see development in our communities and decent represention by our leaders.

  49. Anthony Ismael
    February 3, 2011

    Before we delve any further into the question of leadership, there are a few derelict ships that has been an eye sore for years, and nothing has been done about it. How can a leader who understands the importance of tourism to Dominica, allow blight to become part of the community?

    Nothing more should be said, until this environmental scourge is vanquished! Start by cleaning this beautiful part of Dominica, then continue with the leadership discussion.

  50. nat
    February 3, 2011

    Well well !!

    I am impress with both aticles but an i too think that its time that i have my say in this matter for its too long that ports mouth have been left in the cold

  51. ---------
    February 3, 2011

    I think at this point Dominica is in need of a new politial party with fresh faces, and fresh ideas like this young man. I know we can do better on island, remember the power for change lies in the hands of the people, never in the hands of gov’t or a political party.

  52. Nadz
    February 3, 2011

    And to think that you are a better person than he is is far fetching. People make mistakes like you did in this epistle of yours. If someone confides in you about something why do you think you can throw it to their face in a public forum? Where is your integrity?

    Food for thought!!!! Two wrongs can never make it right!!!!!

    • Jayson
      February 3, 2011

      I didn’t see anything confidential being ‘thrown back’ in anybody’s face. You trying to make us miss the point?!

      • Nadz
        February 3, 2011

        Your pleadings and confessions are fresh in the minds of other individuals and I, to whom you expressed your exasperation with your cabinet, your thoughts on corruption within the party and the lack of respect which you command within the cabinet.

        Need I say more!!!!! Don’t be bias!!! I am not the one to mislead.

    • bb
      February 3, 2011

      in this article he clearly states that somethings he will not talk about…those were those confidential matters…so stop trying to make trouble and read properly!!

      • Nadz
        February 3, 2011

        I am not making any trouble. If he did not want to discuss confidential matters why mention that;

        “Your pleadings and confessions are fresh in the minds of other individuals and I, to whom you expressed your exasperation with your cabinet, your thoughts on corruption within the party and the lack of respect which you command within the cabinet.”

        Tell me?

    • One Day
      February 3, 2011

      Ian has been confessing all over the place. Remember he was caught on tape by an infamous James Moe Green? So it is apparent that this is a common practice by the parl rep, wont you agree? I guess Mr. Riviere mentioned it to remind Ian because he appears to have forgotten before he responded to Mr. Riviere’s last article. Only fair.. Why is Ian saying that it is politically motivated, rather than saying something more dignified as a concerned citizen.

      • From Possie
        February 3, 2011

        Give you response Nadz….. Because i know Ian goes around saying the same thing to people so if it was confidential he would keep it to himself…That is just the excuse he uses i guess…He was already caught on tape as i recall….

    • cock soup
      February 3, 2011

      BUT NADZ thats a followup from his first article, Ian accuse the man of being political so he had to answer

  53. chatting
    February 3, 2011


  54. Domerican/Possie Massive
    February 3, 2011

    Continue keeping it real Ashton. It might take you to open the eyes of my fellow Portsmouth people.

  55. Madness
    February 3, 2011


    We need more people like you in this country. Well written article. I hope that Mr Douglas take the time out to read this.. Mr Douglas will be looking for a speech writer to respond to this article. Big Up to you SIR….

  56. Lougawoo Mem
    February 3, 2011

    OMG! Sir, I do not know you. But after reading both articles, your constituency should applaud and consider you a man of great intestinal fortitude. They ought to hold you in the highest esteem and support you for the passion and sentiment that you’ve demonstrated. Ian, Skerrit and all those who try to attack you will not prevail; they are doomed and will fail.
    No doubt, there’s a few of your type who can stand for what is just and right for the country. Unfor- tunately, the majority of the people can still be bought for petty cash, bottle of rum etc.
    How I wish we had someone of your caliber in Berrikoa Grandbay, and in each and every village in Dominica? Maybe the island would be far better that what it is today. What a shame!
    I strongly support your ideals, and believe that if more people like you come out and say it as it is, the stronger the the country will be.

  57. AC
    February 3, 2011


    You make me proud.

    Whatever you do, don’t get arrested or charged that you can be silenced. Don’t partake in the planning of any demonstrations without a permit!! :lol: :lol:

    If, and only if each constituency could have a similar voice that is void of the political none sense that has so tainted our country. Someone needs to effectively speak for the people who cannot do it for themselves. Someone with the right intentions; someone who is not always looking for a vote in return. Someone who the populace will respect because he/she sees a bigger picture for his community, regardless of the party in power.

    I applaud you!!

  58. timbok 2
    February 3, 2011


  59. possie
    February 3, 2011

    brother i know u personally,i think the prime minister must get a copy of this cause he comes from the north…well aware of the potential of possie .ashton are u aware that villecsae man don’t like possie man…anywayz brother u are a young man,the chance may just approach u to lead …best of luck..

  60. charmed
    February 3, 2011

    this is a very interesting, great, fantastic article i enjoyed reading the both of your article Mr Riviere well said well written to the point Mr Douglas we are awaitng your response!!!!!!! please do’t keep us waiting to long ok….

    boy boy boy what an intelligent man wish all the politicians were like that our Dominics would be further…
    love that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  61. Hugo Grotius
    February 3, 2011

    When u all ready for Egypt in DA, I comingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

  62. Chance
    February 3, 2011

    Mr. Riviere, your pieces were great. However, i must note that all of this is our fault. Portsmouth people have allowed governments to neglect and ignore them time and time again. Portsmouth is a sure labour seat so they don’t think they should do anything there. Further, when last election we were saying if they not campaigning in possie, those same labourites were saying there is no need. Dress a dog in red and possie people will vote for it. Thank God for Ross because i don’t know where we would be.

  63. Lady
    February 3, 2011

    Very interesting, revealing, well written piece.

  64. A Voice
    February 3, 2011

    Very well articulated. I hope your points reach the right people and action is undertaken to develop the town.

    Is who in the kitchen that feels the heat….

  65. Mister man
    February 3, 2011

    Ashton, I support you 200% in your deliberation on this matter. I have been trying to call u to personally commend you…. I dont have to put my name, we saw each other this morning. As you said i too am overwhelmed by the level of support given to you by young persons of this community.. a lot of us want to say this things, but are not able to..
    Thank you my Brother for bringing it to the light… You lead we shall follow.

    Just look at what is happening in Egypt now.

    • bb
      February 3, 2011

      this article is great! but not you “you lead we shall follow” part…stand up and take front too!!

      • Misterman
        February 3, 2011

        Sorry bb, I meant that if he leads the “fight” in openly tackling the situation, then the other young people may follow suit in openly discussing the issues. It was not meant as to follow politically.

        • Anonymous
          February 4, 2011

          LOL!! chicken!!!

  66. closeby
    February 3, 2011


  67. yout
    February 3, 2011

    50 years of non representation….If one imagines portsmouth with ross as a guava field then the unimaginable would be represented …….Portsmouth has had no development for about 37 years…

  68. Interesting...
    February 3, 2011

    Good defense Mr. Riviere. And a very well written commentary… The country needs more persons like you who are not intimidated by the “powers that be” and not afraid to publicly stand up for what they believe in! As a young person, I’m very impressed. Its high time we start holding authorities accountable for their performance (or lack thereof)

    February 3, 2011

    Very well said, I appreciate the NO POLITICS involved. Brother I just like this

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