Quite a Life!

Star Lestrade (left) confers with Stuart Williams and Eugenia Charles, Leader of the DFP, in 1972. Backing the camera is Annette St. Hilaire. Photo courtesy of Dr. Lennox Honychurch
Star Lestrade (left) confers with Stuart Williams and Eugenia Charles, Leader of the DFP, in 1972. Backing the camera is Annette St. Hilaire. Photo courtesy of Dr. Lennox Honychurch

Persons have been telling me that Star Lestrade must have been quite a character, and they wanted to learn more about him. Not one for panegyrics or eulogies, I thought I would set out a brief appreciation of the life of this giant.

So what was he like? What was his character? The answer depends, of course, on the beholder – but the following snippets may help with an understanding of the man who was Star Lestrade.

His Politics

He had strong political views that he aired fearlessly. He founded and led a political party — the Peasants and Workers Movement. He contested the Federal Election in 1958 and lost to Edward Oliver Leblanc and Phyllis Shand Allfrey.  He served as Mayor of Roseau for six years during which he was responsible for renaming New Street to Kennedy Avenue.  This came right after the assassination of US President J.F. Kennedy.

Star was an early member and activist of the Dominica Freedom Party. He fell out badly with then Prime Minister, the late Dame. Controversially, he contested the Presidency against the late Sir Clarence Seignoret.  He did this in defiance of Miss Charles. He then became associated with the Dominica Labour Party — he was at one time Editor of the DLP newspaper, The Educator. He was also, for a few years, the Editor of the Dominica Herald, (during which time I was the paper’s sports correspondent). He left the Labour Party, (he thought the late Michael Douglas was not serious about unseating Ms. Charles; and of course Roosie was a communist). He settled on the United Workers Party.

People remember Star as a fiery, passionate speaker on the political platform and many looked forward to hearing his fiery oratory.

His Religion

Star was a Roman Catholic for most of his life. An avid reader, he spent a lot of time reading books, including the Bible. You got the impression that he thought there was no more correct interpreter of the Good Book. (Under his influence I became an acolyte at the St Alphonsus Church.) He quit the Catholic Church but being Star, he did not leave quietly — he left in a blaze of newspaper articles criticizing the church. Essentially, I seem to recall, he was convinced that the Church was not adhering strictly enough to the word of the Lord.


Cricket was one of Star’s passions. Not only did he stroke his way to 93, but he was also a bowler, with a best performance of 7 for 64 at the Botanic Gardens, playing for Notre Dame in the first division cricket league.  He was at one time President of the Dominica Amateur Sports Association as well as a cricket commentator. (People remember him saying, on commentary: “that ball crept like a zandolie”.) Cricket was an important bond between us –- we would always discuss cricket, (politics and religion were taboo). Wherever I was in the world, we would talk at the end of a West Indies match. Needless to say he also had strong views on West Indies cricket.

Star Lestrade was responsible for laying down the first cricket wicket at the Windsor Park. He took credit for the excellent drainage that still characterises the ground.

Star played cricket with his sons in our garage — I thought my late brother, Worton, to be a natural leg-spinner and thought he would one day graduate to playing for the island.

Voluntary work

Star had a strong sense of civic responsibility. His record of voluntary service attests to that. He co-founded the Dominica Association for Mental Health and the Visiting Justices Committee of the Princess Margaret Hospital and Her Majesty’s Prisons. However his biggest national contribution was to the credit union movement. He was co-founder both of the Dominica Credit Union League and the Roseau Cooperative Credit Union. It was in his Prefect motor car that he drove Sister Alicia all over the island in their crusade to spread the credit union ethic and establish credit unions in the rural areas.

He was the first President of the St. Alphonsus Credit Union and was Dominica’s delegate to various regional and international conferences.

Not a man for half-measures, he carried out his voluntary service with wonted energy and passion.

A Father

Military-man that he was, as a father, Star was strict, but respectful of the wishes and independent minds of his children. He did not try to impose his wishes. Like fathers of his era he did not “spare the rod”. In the weeks before my various exams while I attended the St Mary’s Academy, his friends told Star I should be home studying rather than “wasting time” at Lindo Park. Star told them to “leave the boy alone”.

A stickler for “proper English”, he would often call DBS to correct their abuse of the language — something that the radio announcers did not always appreciate.

When I won the Island Scholarship his friends descended on him: “Make the boy do law”. I had already decided on economics, (in part because of the kinds of political and economic discussions that I was overhearing at home), and he respected my decision. He was hoping I would study in Canada because he considered UWI to be “a calypso university”.

Not that he did not like calypso — I grew up on the Mighty Sparrow, in addition to various jazz artists. He would send me Julie mangoes (from the tree in our backyard), while I was in Jamaica. He was chagrined when two mangoes that he had sent with a travelling friend did not make it past Jamaica Customs. By the way, Star handed me my first drink of whisky, (at least my first “official” drink) on my 15th birthday.

I remember vividly how impressed I was at Star’s sheer physical strength as we worked on the roof of our house, stitching back bits of zinc sheeting the day after Hurricane David, a day that must have been the hottest day of the year. There he was working untiringly, his vitiligo patches literally blistering under the might of the scorching sun.

Star lost his wife, Dorothy, in 2000. That was a severe blow to him — as it was to all the family. Dorothy was the glue that held the family together.


In his later years, he felt under-appreciated for his various contributions to the country. Annual independence celebrations brought no joy to him, having never been the recipient of a national award. When I informed him I was being considered for a national award, he promptly shot back at me, vicariously no doubt: “accept nothing short of a knighthood”! (I promptly switched the subject to cricket.)

So what was he like?  Star was brave, fearless, passionate, colourful, combative, feisty even. He was a man of strong feelings; a very religious man, and a man who would exercise initiative. In many ways, he was a man much to be admired. Few would believe that he was “self-educated”, not having attended secondary school. He went on to become an accountant. He did not suffer fools gladly.  He would have nothing to do with persons he considered rude, insolent or disrespectful. In his heyday no one could remain for long in any doubt as to how he felt about certain persons, where he stood on the issues that were important to him: politics, religion and cricket. He was Brother Star to his prayer buddies.

“Our friend Star was a particular blessing to us as part of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship in Dominica in the 80’s. He was a fearless and deeply committed son-of-the –soil and he will be missed”. (Michael White)

Winston Churchill may have had Star in mind when he said: “I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”

Aspects of Star’s life deserve to be documented and I have started working on a biographical memoir of Star Lestrade for publication in book format; for indeed he was quite a character. And his was Quite a Life !

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  1. Sylvester Cadette
    April 15, 2013

    WOW! I notice the varied comments as per the use of “Persons” as opposed to “People” and thought I would comment thus:
    I am certain that Mr. Swinburne Lestrade is well schooled in the use of the English Language having listened to him on occasions speak casually, or comment on varied subjects or in his delivery of speeches in his varied capacities or in his writings on varied subject matter. In fact, to me, every occasion was like a true vintage and an uncompromising expose on “the USE OF ENGLISH” in its spoken and written forms – in short a person versed in “THE ART OF SPEECH”. (NOT THAT ONE CAN’T MAKE ERRORS). I believe that Mr. Swinburne Lestrade, in his opening paragraph, was perhaps emphasizing the individualistic nature of his varied and diverse discussions with persons (AGAIN THE USE HERE!!!) of diverse backgrounds. Where the suggestions come as a chorus, or collective on a single aspect of STAR Lestrade’s life then Boston- Dominican is correct – the use of People would have been most appropriate and the preferred choice of word. But I think he was emphasizing the individualistic nature of his varied discussions.


    • Sylvester Cadette
      April 15, 2013

      I would further add Person derives from persona, which refers to an individual. People, on the other hand, derives from populum, and it refers to a group of persons sharing a culture or social environment.

      Person is a singular form, and its plural is persons. Over the time, however, many writers started to adopt people as the plural form of person, and nowadays it is widely accepted. Notice that legal and very formal texts still use persons as the plural form.

  2. Views Expressed
    April 14, 2013

    Good article….good reading,. Thanks…Only one observation, what is this Persons talk about all of a sudden. I concur with Boston-Dominican…there has been an over used of the word persons recently. It sounds and read awful..

  3. Tempi
    April 14, 2013

    Well said Swinburne.

  4. Anonymous
    April 14, 2013

    Oh, Boy!Star really put his passion into his politics and as cricket commentator. As a little boy I can still recall some of his fiery speeches from the steps of the Trade Union building in Lagoon.
    I recall the weekend leading up to the the protest against the Sedition and Libel Act, the headline of the Herald Newspaper, of which he was the editor, read, ‘BLOOD AHOY’
    RIP Star.

  5. Justicia
    April 14, 2013

    Thanks for this comprehensive overview of Star’s life and contributions although I missed having something on his war and veteran service.

  6. Don't get it
    April 14, 2013

    I agree with Boston-Dominican. I just cannot understand why Dominicans continually use the word “PERSONS” in almost every facet of their conversation, discussion and writing. Whatever happen to “PEOPLE”. I agree that there are times the word persons must be used (according to Boston-Dominican – in legal and formal context), but if we take a closer look or listen more closely, more often than not, it is a blatant misuse of the word. You hear it on the radio, casual conversations, discussions, on the news, even on DNO (once DNO depicted a picture of a grown man and a young boy on the beach and to my astonishment their description of the picture was “Persons enjoying a day at the beach”). Now, this may not have been the exact verbiage used but nonetheless, my point is the continuous misuse of the word “PERSONS” in the everyday communication of any and everything in Dominica.

    • say sa meme
      April 14, 2013

      You are so right, and I have thought and commented on this use myself. This is a new trend, in the 70’s and 80’s I don’t think Dominicans used the word “persons” in every sentence instead of “people”. It is wrong and everyone is using it, I can’t figure it out.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 16, 2013

      It is as using the word “peoples” – of different countries. People is already plural. I can never comprehend why the word “peoples”; the ‘s’ is added to it.

  7. S J Cadette
    April 14, 2013

    Thanks for this insight into a great Dominican, who was, quite frankly, an enigma to me by virtue of my lack of knowledge on his life and service. Thanks for the enlightenment on the person behind the persona. A formidable trailblazer – I am the wiser because of your article.

  8. Rigid
    April 13, 2013

    but swinburne you never say anything about his boyhood in la plaine where he was born, grew up and chose his wife.

    • Justice and Truth
      April 16, 2013

      Residing in Goodwill, I knew the family very well and occasionally visited their home. I would visit them whenever I visited Dominica. Very nice people. Stafford’s wife was a wonderful lady. I was also saddened when I heard she passed on in N.Y., a few years ago.
      I saw Sorrel, his daughter in Toronto last summer, Caribana 2012 at a BBQ. We spoke about those days and reminisced about them. I enquired about her father. She told me he was doing alright. It was sad hearing of his passing. That is life. He lived a full, busy and interesting life.

  9. Deb
    April 13, 2013

    Swinburne it would be fitting as well to mention that Star came from a stong family in La Plaine where he formidable days were spent before he left that village. His father -your grandfater Ned Lestrade was a village leader and no nonsense man. Maybe some of that rubbed off Stafford as the older LaPlaine called him. Maybe that aspect of Star’s life is not known to you. But all in all a very fitting tribute to your dad and the self made man.

  10. Boston-Dominican
    April 13, 2013

    Persons? Ummm you mean people, right? “Persons” is still appropriate in legal and formal contexts, and when referring to the human body, but not here boo. Edit and come again!

    • Humility
      April 14, 2013

      What are you saying? There are people who are not smart. I am one of those, so please explain what you are really trying to say.

    • Derryck
      April 14, 2013

      Common!! give it a rest.

  11. Thinking
    April 13, 2013

    Star was a great man! You have told it as we know it. Never hesitated to take sides. You always know where you stood with Star.
    May his soul RIP

  12. April 13, 2013

    :-| :-| :cry: this was a great man and one of dominica’s hero rest in peace :( :( :( :cry:

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